Exemplo n.º 1
def add_server_to_nginx(nginx_host, user, key_file, new_server):

    login = '******' % (user, nginx_host)
    with settings(host_string=login, key_filename=key_file):
        if contains("/etc/nginx/conf.d/backends", new_server, exact=False):
            print "Error: Server already exists in nginx backends!"
            print "Server does not exist in nginx backends!"
            sed("/etc/nginx/conf.d/backends", before="}", after="    server %s max_fails=1 fail_timeout=15s;\\n}" % (new_server,), use_sudo=False)

        remote_run("/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload")
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_server_to_nginx(nginx_host, user, key_file, new_server):

    login = '******' % (user, nginx_host)
    with settings(host_string=login, key_filename=key_file):
        if contains("/etc/nginx/conf.d/backends", new_server, exact=False):
            print "Error: Server already exists in nginx backends!"
            print "Server does not exist in nginx backends!"
                after="    server %s max_fails=1 fail_timeout=15s;\\n}" %
                (new_server, ),

        remote_run("/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload")
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: CIRB/rpm-fab
def run(*args, **kwargs):
    if env.hosts:
        if 'capture' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['capture'] # default behavior
        return remote_run(*args, **kwargs)
        return local(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
    $ fab local deploy
    $ fab prod deploy

TODO: Give time for this code to mature, then submit it to fabric/contrib.

Copyright (C) 2011 by Denis Ryzhkov <*****@*****.**>
MIT License, see http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

__all__ = 'run sudo cd'.split()

from fabric.api import env
env.is_local = False # default

#### run

from fabric.api import run as remote_run, local as local_run
run = lambda command, capture=False: local_run(command, capture=capture) if env.is_local else remote_run(command)

#### sudo

from fabric.api import sudo as remote_sudo
local_sudo = lambda command, capture=False: local_run('sudo ' + command, capture=capture)
sudo = lambda command, capture=False: local_sudo(command, capture=capture) if env.is_local else remote_sudo(command)

#### cd

from fabric.api import cd as remote_cd, lcd as local_cd
from contextlib import contextmanager
cd = lambda path: (local_cd if env.is_local else remote_cd)(path)
Exemplo n.º 5
def update_remote():
	for dir in REMOTE_DIRS:
		with cd(dir):
			remote_run('git pull origin master')