Exemplo n.º 1
class CfdeClient():
    """The CfdeClient enables easily using the CFDE tools to ingest data."""
    client_id = "417301b1-5101-456a-8a27-423e71a2ae26"
    app_name = "CfdeClient"
    archive_format = "tgz"

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Create a CfdeClient.

        Keyword Arguments:
            no_browser (bool): Do not automatically open the browser for the Globus Auth URL.
                    Display the URL instead and let the user navigate to that location manually.
                    **Default**: ``False``.
            refresh_tokens (bool): Use Globus Refresh Tokens to extend login time.
                    **Default**: ``True``.
            force (bool): Force a login flow, even if loaded tokens are valid.
                    **Default**: ``False``.
            service_instance (str): The instance of the Globus Automate Flow
                    and/or the DERIVA ingest Action Provider to use. Unless directed otherwise,
                    this should be left to the default. **Default**: ``prod``.
        self.__native_client = NativeClient(client_id=self.client_id,
            no_browser=kwargs.get("no_browser", False),
            no_local_server=kwargs.get("no_browser", False),
            refresh_tokens=kwargs.get("refresh_tokens", True),
            force=kwargs.get("force", False))
        tokens = self.__native_client.load_tokens_by_scope()
        flows_token_map = {
            scope: token["access_token"]
            for scope, token in tokens.items()
        automate_authorizer = self.__native_client.get_authorizer(
        self.__https_authorizer = self.__native_client.get_authorizer(
        self.flow_client = globus_automate_client.FlowsClient(
        self.last_flow_run = {}
        # Fetch dynamic config info
        self.service_instance = kwargs.get("service_instance") or "prod"
            dconf_res = requests.get(
            if dconf_res.status_code >= 300:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unable to download required configuration: Error {}: {}".
                    format(dconf_res.status_code, dconf_res.content))
            dconf = dconf_res.json()
            self.catalogs = dconf["CATALOGS"]
            self.flow_info = dconf["FLOWS"][self.service_instance]
        except KeyError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                "Flow configuration for service_instance '{}' not found".
                format(self.service_instance)) from e
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            if b"<!DOCTYPE html>" in dconf_res.content:
                raise ValueError("Unable to authenticate with Globus: "
                                 "HTML authentication flow detected")
                raise ValueError("Flow configuration not JSON: \n{}".format(
        except Exception:
            # TODO: Are there other exceptions that need to be handled/translated?
        # Verify client version is compatible with service
        if parse_version(dconf["MIN_VERSION"]) > parse_version(VERSION):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "This CFDE Client is not up to date and can no longer make "
                "submissions. Please update the client and try again.")
        # Verify user has permission to view Flow
        except globus_sdk.GlobusAPIError as e:
            if e.http_status == 404:
                raise PermissionError(
                    "Unable to view ingest Flow. Are you in the CFDE DERIVA "
                    "Demo Globus Group? Check your membership or apply for access "
                    "here: https://app.globus.org/groups/a437abe3-c9a4-11e9-b441-"

    def version(self):
        return VERSION

    def logout(self):
        """Log out and revoke this client's tokens. This object will no longer
        be usable; to submit additional data or check the status of previous submissions,
        you must create a new CfdeClient.

    def start_deriva_flow(self,
        """Start the Globus Automate Flow to ingest CFDE data into DERIVA.

            data_path (str): The path to the data to ingest into DERIVA. The path can be:
                    1) A directory to be formatted into a BDBag
                    2) A Git repository to be copied into a BDBag
                    3) A premade BDBag directory
                    4) A premade BDBag in an archive file
            dcc_id (str): The CFDE-recognized DCC ID for this submission.
            catalog_id (int or str): The ID of the DERIVA catalog to ingest into.
                    Default None, to create a new catalog.
            schema (str): The named schema or schema file link to validate data against.
                    Default None, to only validate against the declared TableSchema.
            server (str): The DERIVA server to ingest to.
                    Default None, to use the Action Provider-set default.
            dataset_acls (dict): The DERIVA ACL(s) to set on the final dataset.
                    Default None, to use the CFDE default ACLs.
            output_dir (str): The path to create an output directory in. The resulting
                    BDBag archive will be named after this directory.
                    If not set, the directory will be turned into a BDBag in-place.
                    For Git repositories, this is automatically set, but can be overridden.
                    If data_path is a file, this has no effect.
                    This dir MUST NOT be in the `data_path` directory or any subdirectories.
                    Default None.
            delete_dir (bool): Should the output_dir be deleted after submission?
                    Has no effect if output_dir is not specified.
                    For Git repositories, this is always True.
                    Default False.
            handle_git_repos (bool): Should Git repositories be detected and handled?
                    When this is False, Git repositories are handled as simple directories
                    instead of Git repositories.
                    Default True.
            dry_run (bool): Should the data be validated and bagged without starting the Flow?
                    When True, does not ingest into DERIVA or start the Globus Automate Flow,
                    and the return value will not have valid DERIVA Flow information.
                    Default False.
            test_sub (bool): Should the submission be run in "test mode" where
                    the submission will be inegsted into DERIVA and immediately deleted?
                    When True, the data wil not remain in DERIVA to be viewed and the
                    Flow will terminate before any curation step.
            verbose (bool): Should intermediate status messages be printed out?
                    Default False.

        Keyword Arguments:
            force_http (bool): Should the data be sent using HTTP instead of Globus Transfer,
                    even if Globus Transfer is available? Because Globus Transfer is more
                    robust than HTTP, it is highly recommended to leave this False.
                    Default False.

        Other keyword arguments are passed directly to the ``make_bag()`` function of the
        BDBag API (see https://github.com/fair-research/bdbag for details).
        if verbose:
            print("Startup: Validating input")
        data_path = os.path.abspath(data_path)
        if not os.path.exists(data_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                "Path '{}' does not exist".format(data_path))

        if catalog_id in self.catalogs.keys():
            if schema:
                raise ValueError(
                    "You may not specify a schema ('{}') when ingesting to "
                    "a named catalog ('{}'). Retry without specifying "
                    "a schema.".format(schema, catalog_id))
            schema = self.catalogs[catalog_id]
        # Pull out known kwargs
        force_http = kwargs.pop("force_http", False)

        if handle_git_repos:
            if verbose:
                print("Checking for a Git repository")
            # If Git repo, set output_dir appropriately
                repo = git.Repo(data_path, search_parent_directories=True)
            # Not Git repo
            except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError:
                if verbose:
                    print("Not a Git repo")
            # Path not found, turn into standard FileNotFoundError
            except git.NoSuchPathError:
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    "Path '{}' does not exist".format(data_path))
            # Is Git repo
                if verbose:
                    print("Git repo found, collecting metadata")
                # Needs to not have slash at end - is known Git repo already, slash
                # interferes with os.path.basename/dirname
                if data_path.endswith("/"):
                    data_path = data_path[:-1]
                # Set output_dir to new dir named with HEAD commit hash
                new_dir_name = "{}_{}".format(os.path.basename(data_path),
                output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data_path),
                # Delete temp dir after archival
                delete_dir = True

        # If dir and not already BDBag, make BDBag
        if os.path.isdir(data_path) and not bdbag_api.is_bag(data_path):
            if verbose:
                print("Creating BDBag out of directory '{}'".format(data_path))
            # If output_dir specified, copy data to output dir first
            if output_dir:
                if verbose:
                    print("Copying data to '{}' before creating BDBag".format(
                output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir)
                # If shutil.copytree is called when the destination dir is inside the source dir
                # by more than one layer, it will recurse infinitely.
                # (e.g. /source => /source/dir/dest)
                # Exactly one layer is technically okay (e.g. /source => /source/dest),
                # but it's easier to forbid all parent/child dir cases.
                # Check for this error condition by determining if output_dir is a child
                # of data_path.
                if os.path.commonpath([data_path]) == os.path.commonpath(
                    [data_path, output_dir]):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The output_dir ('{}') must not be in data_path ('{}')"
                        .format(output_dir, data_path))
                    shutil.copytree(data_path, output_dir)
                except FileExistsError:
                    raise FileExistsError(
                        ("The output directory must not exist. "
                         "Delete '{}' to submit.\nYou can set delete_dir=True "
                         "to avoid this issue in the future."
                # Process new dir instead of old path
                data_path = output_dir
            # If output_dir not specified, never delete data dir
                delete_dir = False
            # Make bag
            bdbag_api.make_bag(data_path, **kwargs)
            if not bdbag_api.is_bag(data_path):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Failed to create BDBag from {}".format(data_path))
            elif verbose:
                print("BDBag created at '{}'".format(data_path))

        # If dir (must be BDBag at this point), archive
        if os.path.isdir(data_path):
            if verbose:
                print("Archiving BDBag at '{}' using '{}'".format(
                    data_path, CONFIG["ARCHIVE_FORMAT"]))
            new_data_path = bdbag_api.archive_bag(data_path,
            if verbose:
                print("BDBag archived to file '{}'".format(new_data_path))
            # If requested (e.g. Git repo copied dir), delete data dir
            if delete_dir:
                if verbose:
                    print("Removing old directory '{}'".format(data_path))
            # Overwrite data_path - don't care about dir for uploading
            data_path = new_data_path

        # Validate TableSchema in BDBag
        if verbose:
            print("Validating TableSchema in BDBag '{}'".format(data_path))
        validation_res = ts_validate(data_path, schema=schema)
        if not validation_res["is_valid"]:
            return {
                ("TableSchema invalid due to the following errors: \n{}\n".
        elif verbose:
            print("Validation successful")

        # Now BDBag is archived file
        # Set path on destination
        dest_path = "{}{}".format(self.flow_info["cfde_ep_path"],

        # If doing dry run, stop here before making Flow input
        if dry_run:
            return {
                "Dry run validated successfully. No data was transferred."

        # Set up Flow
        if verbose:
            print("Creating input for Flow")
        # If local EP exists (and not force_http), can use Transfer
        # Local EP fetched now in case GCP started after Client creation
        local_endpoint = globus_sdk.LocalGlobusConnectPersonal().endpoint_id
        if local_endpoint and not force_http:
            if verbose:
                    "Using local Globus Connect Personal Endpoint '{}'".format(
            # Populate Transfer fields in Flow
            flow_id = self.flow_info["flow_id"]
            flow_input = {
                "source_endpoint_id": local_endpoint,
                "source_path": data_path,
                "cfde_ep_id": self.flow_info["cfde_ep_id"],
                "cfde_ep_path": dest_path,
                "cfde_ep_url": self.flow_info["cfde_ep_url"],
                "is_directory": False,
                "test_sub": test_sub,
                "dcc_id": dcc_id
            if catalog_id:
                flow_input["catalog_id"] = str(catalog_id)
            if server:
                flow_input["server"] = server
        # Otherwise, we must PUT the BDBag on the server
            if verbose:
                print("No Globus Endpoint detected; using HTTP upload instead")
            headers = {}
            data_url = "{}{}".format(self.flow_info["cfde_ep_url"], dest_path)

            with open(data_path, 'rb') as bag_file:
                bag_data = bag_file.read()

            put_res = requests.put(data_url, data=bag_data, headers=headers)

            # Regenerate headers on 401
            if put_res.status_code == 401:
                put_res = requests.put(data_url,

            # Error message on failed PUT or any unexpected response
            if put_res.status_code >= 300:
                return {
                    ("Could not upload BDBag to server (error {}):\n{}".format(
                        put_res.status_code, put_res.content))
            elif put_res.status_code != 200:
                    "Warning: HTTP upload returned status code {}, which was unexpected."

            if verbose:
                print("Upload successful to '{}': {} {}".format(
                    data_url, put_res.status_code, put_res.content))

            flow_id = self.flow_info["flow_id"]
            flow_input = {
                "source_endpoint_id": False,
                "data_url": data_url,
                "test_sub": test_sub,
                "dcc_id": dcc_id
            if catalog_id:
                flow_input["catalog_id"] = str(catalog_id)
            if server:
                flow_input["server"] = server

        if verbose:
            print("Flow input populated:\n{}".format(
                json.dumps(flow_input, indent=4, sort_keys=True)))
        # Get Flow scope
        flow_def = self.flow_client.get_flow(flow_id)
        flow_scope = flow_def["globus_auth_scope"]
        # Start Flow
        if verbose:
            print("Starting Flow - Submitting data")
            flow_res = self.flow_client.run_flow(flow_id, flow_scope,
        except globus_sdk.GlobusAPIError as e:
            if e.http_status == 404:
                return {
                    ("Could not access ingest Flow. Are you in the CFDE DERIVA "
                     "Demo Globus Group? Check your membership or apply for access "
                     "here: https://app.globus.org/groups/a437abe3-c9a4-11e9-b441-"
        self.last_flow_run = {
            "flow_id": flow_id,
            "flow_instance_id": flow_res["action_id"]
        if verbose:
            print("Flow started successfully.")

        return {
            ("Started DERIVA ingest Flow\nFlow ID: {}\nFlow Instance ID: {}".
             format(flow_id, flow_res["action_id"])),
            "{}{}".format(self.flow_info["cfde_ep_url"], dest_path),
             format(self.flow_info["cfde_ep_id"], os.path.dirname(dest_path)))

    def check_status(self, flow_id=None, flow_instance_id=None, raw=False):
        """Check the status of a Flow. By default, check the status of the last
        Flow run with this instantiation of the client.

            flow_id (str): The ID of the Flow run. Default: The last run Flow ID.
            flow_instance_id (str): The ID of the Flow to check.
                    Default: The last Flow instance run with this client.
            raw (bool): Should the status results be returned?
                    Default: False, to print the results instead.
        if not flow_id:
            flow_id = self.last_flow_run.get("flow_id")
        if not flow_instance_id:
            flow_instance_id = self.last_flow_run.get("flow_instance_id")
        if not flow_id or not flow_instance_id:
            raise ValueError("Flow not started and IDs not specified.")

        # Get Flow scope and status
        flow_def = self.flow_client.get_flow(flow_id)
        flow_status = self.flow_client.flow_action_status(
            flow_id, flow_def["globus_auth_scope"], flow_instance_id).data

        clean_status = (
            "\nStatus of {} (Flow ID {})\nThis instance ID: {}\n\n".format(
                flow_def["title"], flow_id, flow_instance_id))
        # Flow overall status
        # NOTE: Automate Flows do NOT fail automatically if an Action fails.
        #       Any "FAILED" Flow has an error in the Flow itself.
        #       Therefore, "SUCCEEDED" Flows are not guaranteed to have actually succeeded.
        if flow_status["status"] == "ACTIVE":
            clean_status += "This Flow is still in progress.\n"
        elif flow_status["status"] == "INACTIVE":
            clean_status += "This Flow has stalled, and may need help to resume.\n"
        elif flow_status["status"] == "SUCCEEDED":
            clean_status += "This Flow has completed.\n"
        elif flow_status["status"] == "FAILED":
            clean_status += "This Flow has failed.\n"
        # "Details"
        if flow_status["details"].get("details"):
            if flow_status["details"]["details"].get("state_name"):
                clean_status += ("Current Flow Step: {}".format(
            # "cause" indicates a failure mode
            if flow_status["details"]["details"].get("cause"):
                cause = flow_status["details"]["details"]["cause"]
                # Try to pretty-print massive blob of state
                    str_cause, dict_cause = cause.split(" '{")
                    dict_cause = "{" + dict_cause.strip("'")
                    dict_cause = json.loads(dict_cause)["UserState"]
                    dict_cause.pop("prevars", None)
                    dict_cause.pop("vars", None)
                    dict_cause = json.dumps(dict_cause,
                    cause = str_cause + "\n" + dict_cause
                except Exception:
                clean_status += "Error: {}\n".format(cause)
        # Too onerous to pull out results of each step (when even available),
        # also would defeat dynamic config and tie client to Flow.
        # Instead, print out whatever is provided in `details` if Flow FAILED,
        # or print out the appropriate field(s) for the "SUCCEEDED" Flow.
        if flow_status["status"] == "SUCCEEDED":
            flow_output = flow_status["details"]["output"]
            # Each Step is only present in exactly one "SUCCEEDED" Flow result,
            # and they are mutually exclusive
            success_step = self.flow_info["success_step"]
            failure_step = self.flow_info["failure_step"]
            error_step = self.flow_info["error_step"]
            if success_step in flow_output.keys():
                clean_status += flow_output[success_step]["details"]["message"]
            elif failure_step in flow_output.keys():
                clean_status += flow_output[failure_step]["details"]["error"]
            elif error_step in flow_output.keys():
                clean_status += flow_output[error_step]["details"]["error"]
                clean_status += (
                    "Submission errored: The Flow has finished, but no final "
                    "details are available.")
        elif flow_status["status"] == "FAILED":
            # Every Flow step can supply failure messages differently, so unfortunately
            # printing out the entire details block is the only way to actually get
            # the error message out.
            # "cause" is printed earlier when available, so avoid double-printing it
            if flow_status["details"].get("details", {}).get("cause"):
                clean_status += "Submission Flow failed."
                details = flow_status.get("details", "No details available")
                # Try to pretty-print JSON blob
                    details = json.dumps(details, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
                except Exception:
                clean_status += "Submission Flow failed: {}".format(details)

        # Extra newline for cleanliness
        clean_status += "\n"
        # Return or print status
        if raw:
            return {
                "success": True,
                "status": flow_status,
                "clean_status": clean_status
Exemplo n.º 2

# Set this to True if you're running this on a remote
# system via SSH. The login URL will be shown, 

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print('Usage: ./gettoken.py <scope>')
        print('Example: ./gettoken.py openid')

    scope = sys.argv[1]
    cli = NativeClient(client_id=CLIENT_ID,
        tokens = cli.load_tokens_by_scope(requested_scopes=[scope,])
        if HEADLESS:
        tokens = cli.load_tokens_by_scope(requested_scopes=[scope,])

Exemplo n.º 3
    # refresh tokens are fully supported, but optional

# Calling login() twice will load tokens instead of initiating an oauth flow,
# as long as the requested scopes match and the tokens have not expired.
assert tokens == client.login(requested_scopes=['openid', 'profile'])

# You can also load tokens explicitly. This will also load tokens if you have
# done other logins
assert tokens == client.load_tokens()
# If you want to disregard other saved tokens
assert tokens == client.load_tokens(requested_scopes=['openid', 'profile'])

# Loading by scope is also supported
tokens_by_scope = client.load_tokens_by_scope()
assert set(tokens_by_scope.keys()) == {'openid', 'profile'}

# Authorizers automatically choose a refresh token authorizer if possible,
# and will automatically save new refreshed tokens when they expire.
ac_authorizer = client.get_authorizers()['auth.globus.org']
# Also supported
ac_authorizer = client.get_authorizers_by_scope()['openid']

# Example client usage:
auth_cli = AuthClient(authorizer=ac_authorizer)
user_info = auth_cli.oauth2_userinfo()
print('Hello {}! How are you today?'.format(user_info['name']))

# Revoke tokens now that we're done