Exemplo n.º 1
def test_pnp():
    # Test that facepose can be estimated properly using landmarks + pnp algorithm
    detector = Detector(face_model="RetinaFace",
    bboxes = detector.detect_faces(frame=img01)
    lms = detector.detect_landmarks(frame=img01, detected_faces=bboxes)
    poses = detector.detect_facepose(frame=img01, landmarks=lms)
    pose_to_test = poses[0][0]  # first image and first face
    pitch, roll, yaw = pose_to_test.reshape(-1)
    assert -10 < pitch < 10
    assert -5 < roll < 5
    assert -10 < yaw < 10
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_img2pose():
    # Test that both face detection and facepose estimation work
    detector = Detector(face_model="img2pose", facepose_model="img2pose")
    # Face detection
    faces = detector.detect_faces(img01)[0]
    bbox_x = faces[0][0]
    assert bbox_x is not None
    assert len(faces[0]) == 5
    assert 180 < bbox_x < 200

    # Pose estimation
    poses = detector.detect_facepose(img01)[0]
    pose_to_test = poses[0][0]  # first image and first face
    pitch, roll, yaw = pose_to_test.reshape(-1)
    assert -10 < pitch < 10
    assert -5 < roll < 5
    assert -10 < yaw < 10