Exemplo n.º 1
def wait_for_operation(conn, options, zone, operation):
    if 'name' not in operation:
        logging.warning('Cannot wait for operation to complete, the'
                        ' requested operation will continue asynchronously')
        return False

    wait_time = 0
    project = options["--project"]
    while True:
        result = retry_api_execute(
        if result['status'] == 'DONE':
            if 'error' in result:
                raise_fence_agent(options, result['error'])
            return True

        if "--errortimeout" in options and wait_time > int(
                options, "Operation did not complete before the timeout.")

        if "--warntimeout" in options and wait_time > int(
            logging.warning("Operation did not complete before the timeout.")
            if "--runonwarn" in options:
                run_command(options, options["--runonwarn"])
            return False

        wait_time = wait_time + 1
Exemplo n.º 2
def ironic_run_command(options, action, timeout=None):
    cmd = options["--openstack-path"] + " baremetal"
    env = os.environ.copy()
    # --username / -l
    if "--username" in options and len(options["--username"]) != 0:
        env["OS_USERNAME"] = options["--username"]

    # --password / -p
    if "--password" in options:
        env["OS_PASSWORD"] = options["--password"]

    # --tenant-name -t
    if "--tenant-name" in options:
        env["OS_TENANT_NAME"] = options["--tenant-name"]

    #  --auth-url
    if "--auth-url" in options:
        env["OS_AUTH_URL"] = options["--auth-url"]

    # --action / -o
    if action == "status":
        cmd += " show %s -c power_state --format value" % (
    elif action in ["on", "off"]:
        cmd += " power %s %s" % (action, get_name_or_uuid(options))
    elif action == "list":
        cmd += " list -c 'Instance UUID' -c Name -c 'Power State' --format csv --quote minimal"

    logging.debug("cmd -> %s" % cmd)
    return run_command(options, cmd, timeout, env)
Exemplo n.º 3
def ironic_run_command(options, action, timeout=None):
    cmd = options["--openstack-path"] + " baremetal"
    env = os.environ.copy()
    # --username / -l
    if "--username" in options and len(options["--username"]) != 0:
        env["OS_USERNAME"] = options["--username"]

    # --password / -p
    if "--password" in options:
        env["OS_PASSWORD"] = options["--password"]

    # --tenant-name -t
    if "--tenant-name" in options:
        env["OS_TENANT_NAME"] = options["--tenant-name"]

    #  --auth-url
    if "--auth-url" in options:
        env["OS_AUTH_URL"] = options["--auth-url"]

    # --action / -o
    if action == "status":
        cmd += " show %s -c power_state --format value" % (get_name_or_uuid(options))
    elif action in ["on", "off"]:
        cmd += " power %s %s" % (action, get_name_or_uuid(options))
    elif action == "list":
        cmd += " list -c 'Instance UUID' -c Name -c 'Power State' --format csv --quote minimal"

    logging.debug("cmd -> %s" % cmd)
    return run_command(options, cmd, timeout, env)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_msg_timeout(options):
    """Reads the configured sbd message timeout from each device.

    Key arguments:
    options -- options dictionary

    Return Value:
    msg_timeout (integer, seconds)

    # get the defined msg_timeout
    msg_timeout = -1 # default sbd msg timeout

    cmd = generate_sbd_command(options, "dump")

    (return_code, out, err) = run_command(options, cmd)

    for line in out.split("\n"):
        if len(line) == 0:

        if "msgwait" in line:
            tmp_msg_timeout = int(line.split(':')[1])
            if -1 != msg_timeout and tmp_msg_timeout != msg_timeout:
                        "sbd message timeouts differ in different devices")
            # we only save the highest timeout
            if tmp_msg_timeout > msg_timeout:
                msg_timeout = tmp_msg_timeout

    return msg_timeout
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_attrd_status(host, options):
	(status, pipe_stdout, pipe_stderr) = run_command(options, "attrd_updater -p -n evacuate -Q -N %s" % (host))
	fields = pipe_stdout.split('"')
	if len(fields) > 6:
		return fields[5]
	logging.debug("Got %s: o:%s e:%s n:%d" % (status, pipe_stdout, pipe_stderr, len(fields)))
	return ""
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_node_list(conn, options):
    """Returns a list of hostnames, registerd on the sbd device.

    Key arguments:
    conn -- connection options
    options -- options

    Return Value:
    nodelist -- dictionary wich contains all node names and there status

    del conn

    nodelist = {}

    cmd = generate_sbd_command(options, "list")

    (return_code, out, err) = run_command(options, cmd)

    for line in out.split("\n"):
        if len(line) == 0:

        # if we read "unreadable" something went wrong
        if "NOT dumped" in line:
            return nodelist

        words = line.split()
        port = words[1]
        sbd_status = words[2]
        nodelist[port] = (port, translate_status(sbd_status))

    return nodelist
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_attrd_status(host, options):
	(status, pipe_stdout, pipe_stderr) = run_command(options, "attrd_updater -p -n evacuate -Q -N %s" % (host))
	fields = pipe_stdout.split('"')
	if len(fields) > 6:
		return fields[5]
	logging.debug("Got %s: o:%s e:%s n:%d" % (status, pipe_stdout, pipe_stderr, len(fields)))
	return ""
Exemplo n.º 8
def amt_run_command(options, command, timeout=None):
    env = os.environ.copy()

    x = quote(options["--password"])
    x = x[:-1] if x.endswith("'") else x
    x = x[1:] if x.startswith("'") else x
    env["AMT_PASSWORD"] = x

    return run_command(options, command, timeout, env)
Exemplo n.º 9
def amt_run_command(options, command, timeout=None):
	env = os.environ.copy()

	x = quote(options["--password"])
	x = x[:-1] if x.endswith("'") else x
	x = x[1:] if x.startswith("'") else x
	env["AMT_PASSWORD"] = x

	return run_command(options, command, timeout, env)
Exemplo n.º 10
def run_cmd(options, cmd):
	ret = {}

	if options.has_key("--use-sudo"):
		prefix = options["--sudo-path"] + " "
		prefix = ""

	(ret["err"], ret["out"], _) = run_command(options, prefix + cmd)
	ret["out"] = "".join([i for i in ret["out"] if i is not None])
	return ret
Exemplo n.º 11
def run_cmd(options, cmd):
    ret = {}

    if options.has_key("--use-sudo"):
        prefix = options["--sudo-path"] + " "
        prefix = ""

    (ret["err"], ret["out"], _) = run_command(options, prefix + cmd)
    ret["out"] = "".join([i for i in ret["out"] if i is not None])
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_power_status(conn, options):
    logger.debug("get_power_status(): %s" % options)
    ip = options['--crosscableip']
    timeout = options['--timeout']
    # This returns 'off' if not a single ICMP packet gets answered during the
    # whole timeout window. (the ping executable will return 1 in such case and
    # 0 if even a single packet gets replied to)
    (status, stdout, stderr) = run_command(options, "ping -w%s -n %s" %
                                           (timeout, ip))
    logger.debug("get_power_status(): %s - Stdout: %s - Stderr: %s" %
                 (status, stdout, stderr))
    if status == 0:
        return "on"
        return "off"
Exemplo n.º 13
def amt_run_command(options, command, timeout=None):
    env = os.environ.copy()

    x = quote(options["--password"])
    x = x[:-1] if x.endswith("'") else x
    x = x[1:] if x.startswith("'") else x
    env["AMT_PASSWORD"] = x

    # This is needed because setting the AMT_PASSWORD env
    # variable only works when no pipe is involved. E.g.:
    # - Broken:
    # $ AMT_PASSWORD='******' echo 'y' |  /usr/bin/amttool nuc2 powerdown
    # 401 Unauthorized at /usr/bin/amttool line 129.
    # - Working:
    # $ AMT_PASSWORD='******' sh -c "(echo 'y' | /usr/bin/amttool nuc2 powerdown)"
    # execute: powerdown
    # result: pt_status: success
    newcommand = "sh -c \"(%s)\"" % command
    return run_command(options, newcommand, timeout, env)
Exemplo n.º 14
def amt_run_command(options, command, timeout=None):
	env = os.environ.copy()

	x = quote(options["--password"])
	x = x[:-1] if x.endswith("'") else x
	x = x[1:] if x.startswith("'") else x
	env["AMT_PASSWORD"] = x

	# This is needed because setting the AMT_PASSWORD env
	# variable only works when no pipe is involved. E.g.:
	# - Broken:
	# $ AMT_PASSWORD='******' echo 'y' |  /usr/bin/amttool nuc2 powerdown
	# 401 Unauthorized at /usr/bin/amttool line 129.
	# - Working:
	# $ AMT_PASSWORD='******' sh -c "(echo 'y' | /usr/bin/amttool nuc2 powerdown)"
	# execute: powerdown
	# result: pt_status: success
	newcommand = "sh -c \"(%s)\"" % command
	return run_command(options, newcommand, timeout, env)
Exemplo n.º 15
def check_sbd_device(options, device_path):
    """checks that a given sbd device exists and is initialized

    Key arguments:
    options -- options dictionary
    device_path -- device path to check

    Return Codes:
    1 / DEVICE_INIT if the device exists and is initialized
    -1 / PATH_NOT_EXISTS if the path does not exists
    -2 / PATH_NOT_BLOCK if the path exists but is not a valid block device
    -3 / DEVICE_NOT_INIT if the sbd device is not initialized

    # First of all we need to check if the device is valid
    if not os.path.exists(device_path):
        return PATH_NOT_EXISTS

    # We need to check if device path is a symbolic link. If so we resolve that
    # link.
    if is_link(device_path):
        link_target = os.readlink(device_path)
        device_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(device_path), link_target)

    # As second step we make sure it's a valid block device
    if not is_block_device(device_path):
        return PATH_NOT_BLOCK

    cmd = "%s -d %s dump" % (options["--sbd-path"], device_path)

    (return_code, out, err) = run_command(options, cmd)

    for line in out.split("\n"):
        if len(line) == 0:

        # If we read "NOT dumped" something went wrong, e.g. the device is not
        # initialized.
        if "NOT dumped" in line:
            return DEVICE_NOT_INIT

    return DEVICE_INIT
Exemplo n.º 16
def send_sbd_message(conn, options, plug, message):
    """Sends a message to all sbd devices.

    Key arguments:
    conn -- connection structure
    options -- options dictionary
    plug -- plug to sent the message to
    message -- message to send

    Return Value:
    (return_code, out, err) Tuple containing the error code,

    del conn

    arguments = "%s %s" % (plug, message)
    cmd = generate_sbd_command(options, "message", arguments)

    (return_code, out, err) = run_command(options, cmd)

    return (return_code, out, err)
Exemplo n.º 17
def amt_run_command(options, command, timeout = None):
	env = os.environ.copy()
	env["AMT_PASSWORD"] = quote(options["--password"])
	return run_command(options, command, timeout, env)
Exemplo n.º 18
def reboot_cycle(_, options):
	(status, _, _) = run_command(options, create_command(options, "cycle"))
	return not bool(status)
Exemplo n.º 19
def run_cmd(options, cmd):
	ret = {}
	(ret["err"], ret["out"], _) = run_command(options, cmd)
	ret["out"] = "".join([i for i in ret["out"] if i is not None])
	return ret
Exemplo n.º 20
def _run_command(options, action):
    cmd, log_cmd = create_command(options, action)
    return run_command(options, cmd, log_command=log_cmd)
Exemplo n.º 21
def reboot_diag(_, options):
    output = run_command(options, create_command(options, "diag"))
    return bool(re.search("chassis power control: diag", str(output).lower()))
Exemplo n.º 22
def reboot_cycle(_, options):
    output = run_command(options, create_command(options, "cycle"))
    return bool(re.search("chassis power control: cycle", str(output).lower()))
Exemplo n.º 23
def set_attrd_status(host, status, options):
	logging.debug("Setting fencing status for %s to %s" % (host, status))
	run_command(options, "attrd_updater -p -n evacuate -Q -N %s -U %s" % (host, status))
Exemplo n.º 24
def reboot_cycle(_, options):
    output = run_command(options, create_command(options, "cycle"))
    return bool(re.search('chassis power control: cycle', str(output).lower()))
Exemplo n.º 25
def set_power_status(_, options):
    run_command(options, create_command(options, options["--action"]))
Exemplo n.º 26
def get_power_status(_, options):
    output = run_command(options, create_command(options, "status"))
    match = re.search('[Cc]hassis [Pp]ower is [\\s]*([a-zA-Z]{2,3})',
    status = match.group(1) if match else None
    return status
Exemplo n.º 27
def reboot_diag(_, options):
    output = run_command(options, create_command(options, "diag"))
    return bool(re.search('chassis power control: diag', str(output).lower()))
Exemplo n.º 28
def set_power_status(_, options):
    run_command(options, create_command(options, options["--action"]))
Exemplo n.º 29
def reboot_cycle(_, options):
    (status, _, _) = run_command(options, create_command(options, "cycle"))
    return not bool(status)
Exemplo n.º 30
def run_on_fail(options):
    if "--runonfail" in options:
        run_command(options, options["--runonfail"])
Exemplo n.º 31
def set_attrd_status(host, status, options):
    logging.debug("Setting fencing status for %s to %s" % (host, status))
                "attrd_updater -p -n evacuate -Q -N %s -U %s" % (host, status))
Exemplo n.º 32
def get_power_status(_, options):
    output = run_command(options, create_command(options, "status"))
    match = re.search("[Cc]hassis [Pp]ower is [\\s]*([a-zA-Z]{2,3})", str(output))
    status = match.group(1) if match else None
    return status
Exemplo n.º 33
def run_cmd(options, cmd):
	ret = {}
	(ret["err"], ret["out"], _) = run_command(options, cmd)
	ret["out"] = "".join([i for i in ret["out"] if i is not None])
	return ret
Exemplo n.º 34
def _run_command(options, action):
	cmd, log_cmd = create_command(options, action)
	return run_command(options, cmd, log_command=log_cmd)