Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, vars, title=None, dpi=75, **kwlimits):
        Create a `_GistViewer` object.
            a `CellVariable` or tuple of `CellVariable` objects to plot
            displayed at the top of the `Viewer` window
            the dot-per-inch resolution of the display
          xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, datamin, datamax
            displayed range of data. A 1D `Viewer` will only use `xmin` and
            `xmax`, a 2D viewer will also use `ymin` and `ymax`. All
            viewers will use `datamin` and `datamax`. Any limit set to a
            (default) value of `None` will autoscale.
        if self.__class__ is _GistViewer:
            raise NotImplementedError, "can't instantiate abstract base class"
        _Viewer.__init__(self, vars=vars, title=title, **kwlimits)
        self.mesh = self.vars[0].getMesh()

        self.id = _GistViewer._id 
        _GistViewer._id += 1
        import gist
        gist.window(self.id, wait = 1, dpi = dpi, display = '')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, vars, title=None, limits={}, **kwlimits):
        """Creates a VTKViewer

            a `_MeshVariable` or a tuple of them
            displayed at the top of the `Viewer` window
          limits : dict
            a (deprecated) alternative to limit keyword arguments
          xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, datamin, datamax
            displayed range of data. Any limit set to 
            a (default) value of `None` will autoscale.
        _Viewer.__init__(self, vars=vars, title=title, **kwlimits)

        mesh = self.vars[0].getMesh()
        self.dataset = self._makeDataSet(mesh)
        data = self._getData()
        for var in self.vars:
            name, rank, value = self._nameRankValue(var)

            i = data.add_array(value)
            data.get_array(i).name = name

            if rank == 0:
            elif rank == 1:
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, vars, title=None, figaspect=1.0, **kwlimits):
        Create a `_MatplotlibViewer`.
            a `CellVariable` or tuple of `CellVariable` objects to plot
            displayed at the top of the `Viewer` window
            desired aspect ratio of figure. If arg is a number, use that aspect
            ratio. If arg is an array, figaspect will determine the width and
            height for a figure that would fit array preserving aspect ratio.
          xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, datamin, datamax
            displayed range of data. A 1D `Viewer` will only use `xmin` and
            `xmax`, a 2D viewer will also use `ymin` and `ymax`. All
            viewers will use `datamin` and `datamax`. Any limit set to a
            (default) value of `None` will autoscale.
        if self.__class__ is _MatplotlibViewer:
            raise NotImplementedError, "can't instantiate abstract base class"
        _Viewer.__init__(self, vars=vars, title=title, **kwlimits)

        import pylab


        w, h = pylab.figaspect(figaspect)
        fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(w, h))
        self.id = fig.number
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, vars, title=None, limits={}, **kwlimits):
        Creates a `TSVViewer`.

        Any cell centers that lie outside the limits provided will not be included.
        Any values that lie outside the *datamin* or *datamax* will be 
        replaced with `nan`.
        All variables must have the same mesh.
        It tries to do something reasonable with rank-1 `CellVariable` and `FaceVariable` objects.

            a `CellVariable`, a `FaceVariable`, a tuple of `CellVariable`
            objects, or a tuple of `FaceVariable` objects to plot
            displayed at the top of the `Viewer` window
          limits : dict
            a (deprecated) alternative to limit keyword arguments
          xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, datamin, datamax
            displayed range of data. Any limit set to 
            a (default) value of `None` will autoscale.
        _Viewer.__init__(self, vars=vars, title=title, **kwlimits)
        mesh = self.vars[0].getMesh()
        for var in self.vars:
            assert mesh is var.getMesh()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, vars, title=None, figaspect=1.0, cmap=None, colorbar=None, axes=None, **kwlimits):
        Create a `_MatplotlibViewer`.
            a `CellVariable` or tuple of `CellVariable` objects to plot
            displayed at the top of the `Viewer` window
            desired aspect ratio of figure. If arg is a number, use that aspect
            ratio. If arg is an array, figaspect will determine the width and
            height for a figure that would fit array preserving aspect ratio.
          xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, datamin, datamax
            displayed range of data. A 1D `Viewer` will only use `xmin` and
            `xmax`, a 2D viewer will also use `ymin` and `ymax`. All
            viewers will use `datamin` and `datamax`. Any limit set to a
            (default) value of `None` will autoscale.
            the colormap. Defaults to `matplotlib.cm.jet`
            plot a colorbar in specified orientation if not `None`
            if not `None`, `vars` will be plotted into this Matplotlib `Axes` object
        if self.__class__ is _MatplotlibViewer:
            raise NotImplementedError, "can't instantiate abstract base class"
        _Viewer.__init__(self, vars=vars, title=title, **kwlimits)

        import pylab


        if axes is None:
            w, h = pylab.figaspect(figaspect)
            fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(w, h))
            self.axes = pylab.gca()
            self.axes = axes
            fig = axes.get_figure()
        self.id = fig.number
        import matplotlib
        # Set the colormap and norm to correspond to the data for which
        # the colorbar will be used.
        if cmap is None:
            self.cmap = matplotlib.cm.jet
            self.cmap = cmap

        if colorbar:
            self.colorbar = _ColorBar(viewer=self)
            self.colorbar = None
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, vars, title=None, **kwlimits):
     The `_GnuplotViewer` should not be called directly only `Gnuplot1DViewer`
     and `Gnuplot2DViewer` should be called.
         a `CellVariable` or tuple of `CellVariable` objects to plot
         displayed at the top of the `Viewer` window
       xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, datamin, datamax
         displayed range of data. A 1D `Viewer` will only use `xmin` and
         `xmax`, a 2D viewer will also use `ymin` and `ymax`. All
         viewers will use `datamin` and `datamax`. Any limit set to a
         (default) value of `None` will autoscale.
     if self.__class__ is _GnuplotViewer:
         raise NotImplementedError, "can't instantiate abstract base class"
     _Viewer.__init__(self, vars=vars, title=title, **kwlimits)
     import Gnuplot
     self.g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
     self.g('set title "' + self.title + '"')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, vars, title=None, daemon_file=None, fps=1.0, **kwlimits):
        Create a `MayaviClient`.
            a `CellVariable` or tuple of `CellVariable` objects to plot
            displayed at the top of the `Viewer` window
          xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, datamin, datamax
            displayed range of data. A 1D `Viewer` will only use `xmin` and
            `xmax`, a 2D viewer will also use `ymin` and `ymax`, and so on. All
            viewers will use `datamin` and `datamax`. Any limit set to a
            (default) value of `None` will autoscale.
            the path to the script to run the separate MayaVi viewer process.
            Defaults to "fipy/viewers/mayaviViewer/mayaviDaemon.py"
            frames per second to attempt to display
        self.fps = fps
        self.vtkdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.vtkcellfname = os.path.join(self.vtkdir, "cell.vtk")
        self.vtkfacefname = os.path.join(self.vtkdir, "face.vtk")
        self.vtklockfname = os.path.join(self.vtkdir, "lock")

        from fipy.viewers.vtkViewer import VTKCellViewer, VTKFaceViewer

            self.vtkCellViewer = VTKCellViewer(vars=vars)
            cell_vars = self.vtkCellViewer.getVars()
        except TypeError:
            self.vtkCellViewer = None
            cell_vars = []

            self.vtkFaceViewer = VTKFaceViewer(vars=vars)
            face_vars = self.vtkFaceViewer.getVars()
        except TypeError:
            self.vtkFaceViewer = None
            face_vars = []

        _Viewer.__init__(self, vars=cell_vars + face_vars, title=title, **kwlimits)

        from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename
        daemon_file = (daemon_file 
                       or resource_filename(Requirement.parse("FiPy"), 
        cmd = ["python", 

        if self.vtkCellViewer is not None:
            cmd += ["--cell", self.vtkcellfname]
        if self.vtkFaceViewer is not None:
            cmd += ["--face", self.vtkfacefname]
        cmd += self._getLimit('xmin')
        cmd += self._getLimit('xmax')
        cmd += self._getLimit('ymin')
        cmd += self._getLimit('ymax')
        cmd += self._getLimit('zmin')
        cmd += self._getLimit('zmax')
        cmd += self._getLimit('datamin')
        cmd += self._getLimit('datamax')

        self.daemon = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, distanceVar, surfactantVar=None, levelSetValue=0., title=None, smooth=0, zoomFactor=1., animate=False, limits={}, **kwlimits):
        Create a `MayaviSurfactantViewer`.
            >>> from fipy import *
            >>> dx = 1.
            >>> dy = 1.
            >>> nx = 11
            >>> ny = 11
            >>> Lx = ny * dy
            >>> Ly = nx * dx
            >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = dx, dy = dy, nx = nx, ny = ny)
            >>> # from fipy.models.levelSet.distanceFunction.distanceVariable import DistanceVariable
            >>> var = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, value = -1)
            >>> x, y = mesh.getCellCenters()

            >>> var.setValue(1, where=(x - Lx / 2.)**2 + (y - Ly / 2.)**2 < (Lx / 4.)**2)
            >>> var.calcDistanceFunction()
            >>> viewer = MayaviSurfactantViewer(var, smooth = 2)
            >>> viewer.plot()
            >>> viewer._promptForOpinion()
            >>> del viewer

            >>> var = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, value = -1)

            >>> var.setValue(1, where=(y > 2. * Ly / 3.) | ((x > Lx / 2.) & (y > Ly / 3.)) | ((y < Ly / 6.) & (x > Lx / 2)))
            >>> var.calcDistanceFunction()
            >>> viewer = MayaviSurfactantViewer(var)
            >>> viewer.plot()
            >>> viewer._promptForOpinion()
            >>> del viewer

            >>> viewer = MayaviSurfactantViewer(var, smooth = 2)
            >>> viewer.plot()
            >>> viewer._promptForOpinion()
            >>> del viewer

          - `distanceVar`: a `DistanceVariable` object.
          - `levelSetValue`: the value of the contour to be displayed
          - `title`: displayed at the top of the `Viewer` window
          - `animate`: whether to show only the initial condition and the 
          - `limits`: a dictionary with possible keys `xmin`, `xmax`,
            `ymin`, `ymax`, `zmin`, `zmax`, `datamin`, `datamax`.  A 1D
            `Viewer` will only use `xmin` and `xmax`, a 2D viewer will also
            use `ymin` and `ymax`, and so on.  All viewers will use
            `datamin` and `datamax`.  Any limit set to a (default) value of
            `None` will autoscale.
            moving top boundary or to show all contours (Default)

        _Viewer.__init__(self, vars=[], title=title, **kwlimits)
        import mayavi
        self._viewer = mayavi.mayavi()
        self.distanceVar = distanceVar
        if surfactantVar is None:
            self.surfactantVar = numerix.zeros(len(self.distanceVar), 'd')
            self.surfactantVar = surfactantVar
        self.smooth = smooth
        self.zoomFactor = zoomFactor

        self.animate = animate
        if animate:
            self._initialCondition = None

        if distanceVar.getMesh().getDim() != 2:
            raise 'The MayaviIsoViewer only works for 2D meshes.'