def __init__(self, state, linear=False): self.state = state g = state.parameters.g f = state.f Vu = state.V[0] W = state.W self.x0 = Function(W) # copy x to here u0, D0 = split(self.x0) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) un = 0.5 * (dot(u0, n) + abs(dot(u0, n))) F = TrialFunction(Vu) w = TestFunction(Vu) self.uF = Function(Vu) outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh) perp = lambda u: cross(outward_normals, u) a = inner(w, F) * dx L = (-f * inner(w, perp(u0)) + g * div(w) * D0) * dx - g * inner( jump(w, n), un("+") * D0("+") - un("-") * D0("-") ) * dS if not linear: L -= 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF) self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state H = state.parameters.H g = state.parameters.g beta = state.timestepping.dt*state.timestepping.alpha # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, D_in = split(state.xrhs) W = state.W w, phi = TestFunctions(W) u, D = TrialFunctions(W) eqn = ( inner(w, u) - beta*g*div(w)*D - inner(w, u_in) + phi*D + beta*H*phi*div(u) - phi*D_in )*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u rho solver self.uD = Function(W) # Solver for u, D uD_problem = LinearVariationalProblem( aeqn, Leqn, self.state.dy) self.uD_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(uD_problem, solver_parameters=self.params, options_prefix='SWimplicit')
def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear): """ Only put forcing terms into the u equation. """ state = self.state self.scaling = Constant(1.0) Vu = state.V[0] W = state.W self.x0 = Function(W) # copy x to here u0, p0, b0 = split(self.x0) F = TrialFunction(Vu) w = TestFunction(Vu) self.uF = Function(Vu) Omega = state.Omega mu = a = inner(w, F) * dx L = ( self.scaling * div(w) * p0 * dx # pressure gradient + self.scaling * b0 * inner(w, state.k) * dx # gravity term ) if not linear: L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx if Omega is not None: L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx # Coriolis term if mu is not None: self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0) L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")] u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs) self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem) Vp = state.V[1] p = TrialFunction(Vp) q = TestFunction(Vp) self.divu = Function(Vp) a = p * q * dx L = q * div(u0) * dx divergence_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.divu) self.divergence_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(divergence_problem)
def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear): """ Only put forcing terms into the u equation. """ state = self.state self.scaling = Constant(1.0) Vu = state.V[0] W = state.W self.x0 = Function(W) # copy x to here u0, rho0, theta0 = split(self.x0) F = TrialFunction(Vu) w = TestFunction(Vu) self.uF = Function(Vu) Omega = state.Omega cp = state.parameters.cp mu = n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) pi = exner(theta0, rho0, state) a = inner(w, F) * dx L = self.scaling * ( +cp * div(theta0 * w) * pi * dx # pressure gradient [volume] - cp * jump(w * theta0, n) * avg(pi) * dS_v # pressure gradient [surface] ) if state.parameters.geopotential: Phi = state.Phi L += self.scaling * div(w) * Phi * dx # gravity term else: g = state.parameters.g L -= self.scaling * g * inner(w, state.k) * dx # gravity term if not linear: L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx if Omega is not None: L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx # Coriolis term if mu is not None: self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0) L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")] u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs) self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)
def _build_forcing_solvers(self): super(CompressibleForcing, self)._build_forcing_solvers() # build forcing for theta equation if self.moisture is not None: _, _, theta0 = split(self.x0) Vt = self.state.spaces("HDiv_v") p = TrialFunction(Vt) q = TestFunction(Vt) self.thetaF = Function(Vt) a = p * q * dx L = self.theta_forcing() L = q * L * dx theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.thetaF) solver_parameters = {} if self.state.output.log_level == DEBUG: solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = True self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( theta_problem, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, option_prefix="ThetaForcingSolver")
def moist_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta_e, water_t, pi_boundary=Constant(1.0)): """ Given a wet equivalent potential temperature, theta_e, and the total moisture content, water_t, compute a hydrostatically balance virtual potential temperature, dry density and water vapour profile. :arg state: The :class:`State` object. :arg theta_e: The initial wet equivalent potential temperature profile. :arg water_t: The total water pseudo-mixing ratio profile. :arg pi_boundary: the value of pi on the lower boundary of the domain. """ theta0 = state.fields('theta') rho0 = state.fields('rho') water_v0 = state.fields('water_v') # Calculate hydrostatic Pi Vt = theta0.function_space() Vr = rho0.function_space() Vv = state.fields('u').function_space() n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) g = state.parameters.g cp = state.parameters.cp R_d = state.parameters.R_d p_0 = state.parameters.p_0 VDG = state.spaces("DG") if any(deg > 2 for deg in VDG.ufl_element().degree()): state.logger.warning("default quadrature degree most likely not sufficient for this degree element") quadrature_degree = (5, 5) params = {'ksp_type': 'preonly', 'ksp_monitor_true_residual': True, 'ksp_converged_reason': True, 'snes_converged_reason': True, 'ksp_max_it': 100, 'mat_type': 'aij', 'pc_type': 'lu', 'pc_factor_mat_solver_type': 'mumps'} theta0.interpolate(theta_e) water_v0.interpolate(water_t) Pi = Function(Vr) epsilon = 0.9 # relaxation constant # set up mixed space Z = MixedFunctionSpace((Vt, Vt)) z = Function(Z) gamma, phi = TestFunctions(Z) theta_v, w_v = z.split() # give first guesses for trial functions theta_v.assign(theta0) w_v.assign(water_v0) theta_v, w_v = split(z) # define variables T = thermodynamics.T(state.parameters, theta_v, Pi, r_v=w_v) p = thermodynamics.p(state.parameters, Pi) w_sat = thermodynamics.r_sat(state.parameters, T, p) dxp = dx(degree=(quadrature_degree)) # set up weak form of theta_e and w_sat equations F = (-gamma * theta_e * dxp + gamma * thermodynamics.theta_e(state.parameters, T, p, w_v, water_t) * dxp - phi * w_v * dxp + phi * w_sat * dxp) problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, z) solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=params) theta_v, w_v = z.split() Pi_h = Function(Vr).interpolate((p / p_0) ** (R_d / cp)) # solve for Pi with theta_v and w_v constant # then solve for theta_v and w_v with Pi constant for i in range(5): compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, pi0=Pi_h, water_t=water_t) Pi.assign(Pi * (1 - epsilon) + epsilon * Pi_h) solver.solve() theta0.assign(theta0 * (1 - epsilon) + epsilon * theta_v) water_v0.assign(water_v0 * (1 - epsilon) + epsilon * w_v) # now begin on Newton solver, setup up new mixed space Z = MixedFunctionSpace((Vt, Vt, Vr, Vv)) z = Function(Z) gamma, phi, psi, w = TestFunctions(Z) theta_v, w_v, pi, v = z.split() # use previous values as first guesses for newton solver theta_v.assign(theta0) w_v.assign(water_v0) pi.assign(Pi) theta_v, w_v, pi, v = split(z) # define variables T = thermodynamics.T(state.parameters, theta_v, pi, r_v=w_v) p = thermodynamics.p(state.parameters, pi) w_sat = thermodynamics.r_sat(state.parameters, T, p) F = (-gamma * theta_e * dxp + gamma * thermodynamics.theta_e(state.parameters, T, p, w_v, water_t) * dxp - phi * w_v * dxp + phi * w_sat * dxp + cp * inner(v, w) * dxp - cp * div(w * theta_v / (1.0 + water_t)) * pi * dxp + psi * div(theta_v * v / (1.0 + water_t)) * dxp + cp * inner(w, n) * pi_boundary * theta_v / (1.0 + water_t) * ds_b + g * inner(w, state.k) * dxp) bcs = [DirichletBC(Z.sub(3), 0.0, "top")] problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, z, bcs=bcs) solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=params) solver.solve() theta_v, w_v, pi, v = z.split() # assign final values theta0.assign(theta_v) water_v0.assign(w_v) # find rho compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, water_t=water_t, solve_for_rho=True)
def __init__(self, prognostic_variables, simulation_parameters): mesh = simulation_parameters['mesh'][-1] self.scheme = simulation_parameters['scheme'][-1] self.timestepping = simulation_parameters['timestepping'][-1] alphasq = simulation_parameters['alphasq'][-1] c0 = simulation_parameters['c0'][-1] gamma = simulation_parameters['gamma'][-1] Dt = Constant(simulation_parameters['dt'][-1]) self.solvers = [] if alphasq.values()[0] > 0.0 and gamma.values()[0] == 0.0: self.setup = 'ch' if self.scheme == 'upwind' and self.timestepping == 'ssprk3': Vm = prognostic_variables.Vm Vu = prognostic_variables.Vu self.m = prognostic_variables.m self.u = prognostic_variables.u self.Xi = prognostic_variables.dXi self.m0 = Function(Vm).assign(self.m) # now make problem for the actual problem psi = TestFunction(Vm) self.m_trial = Function(Vm) = Function( Vm ) # introduce this as the advection operator for a single step us = Dt * self.u + self.Xi nhat = FacetNormal(mesh) un = 0.5 * (dot(us, nhat) + abs(dot(us, nhat))) ones = Function(Vu).project(as_vector([Constant(1.)])) Lm = (psi * * dx - psi.dx(0) * self.m_trial * dot(ones, us) * dx + psi * self.m_trial * dot(ones, us.dx(0)) * dx + jump(psi) * (un('+') * self.m_trial('+') - un('-') * self.m_trial('-')) * dS) mprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(Lm, self.msolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(mprob, solver_parameters={ 'ksp_type': 'preonly', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu' }) phi = TestFunction(Vu) Lu = (dot(phi, ones) * self.m * dx - dot(phi, self.u) * dx - alphasq * dot(self.u.dx(0), phi.dx(0)) * dx) uprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(Lu, self.u) self.usolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(uprob, solver_parameters={ 'ksp_type': 'preonly', 'pc_type': 'lu' }) elif self.scheme == 'hydrodynamic' and self.timestepping == 'midpoint': Vu = prognostic_variables.Vu self.u = prognostic_variables.u W = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, ) * 3) psi, phi, zeta = TestFunctions(W) w1 = Function(W) self.u1, dFh, dGh = split(w1) uh = (self.u1 + self.u) / 2 dXi = prognostic_variables.dXi dXi_x = prognostic_variables.dXi_x dXi_xx = prognostic_variables.dXi_xx dvh = Dt * uh + dXi Lu = (psi * (self.u1 - self.u) * dx + psi * uh.dx(0) * dvh * dx - psi.dx(0) * dFh * dx + psi * dGh * dx + phi * dFh * dx + alphasq * phi.dx(0) * dFh.dx(0) * dx - phi * uh * uh * Dt * dx - 0.5 * alphasq * phi * uh.dx(0) * uh.dx(0) * Dt * dx + zeta * dGh * dx + alphasq * zeta.dx(0) * dGh.dx(0) * dx - 2 * zeta * uh * dXi_x * dx - alphasq * zeta * uh.dx(0) * dXi_xx * dx) self.u1, dFh, dGh = w1.split() uprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(Lu, w1) self.usolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(uprob, solver_parameters={ 'mat_type': 'aij', 'ksp_type': 'preonly', 'pc_type': 'lu' }) elif self.scheme == 'no_gradient' and self.timestepping == 'midpoint': # a version of the hydrodynamic form but without exploiting the gradient Vu = prognostic_variables.Vu self.u = prognostic_variables.u W = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, ) * 3) psi, phi, zeta = TestFunctions(W) w1 = Function(W) self.u1, dFh, dGh = split(w1) uh = (self.u1 + self.u) / 2 dXi = prognostic_variables.dXi dXi_x = prognostic_variables.dXi_x dXi_xx = prognostic_variables.dXi_xx dvh = Dt * uh + dXi Lu = (psi * (self.u1 - self.u) * dx + psi * uh.dx(0) * dvh * dx + psi * dFh.dx(0) * dx + psi * dGh * dx + phi * dFh * dx + alphasq * phi.dx(0) * dFh.dx(0) * dx - phi * uh * uh * Dt * dx - 0.5 * alphasq * phi * uh.dx(0) * uh.dx(0) * Dt * dx + zeta * dGh * dx + alphasq * zeta.dx(0) * dGh.dx(0) * dx - 2 * zeta * uh * dXi_x * dx - alphasq * zeta * uh.dx(0) * dXi_xx * dx) self.u1, dFh, dGh = w1.split() uprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(Lu, w1) self.usolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(uprob, solver_parameters={ 'mat_type': 'aij', 'ksp_type': 'preonly', 'pc_type': 'lu' }) elif self.scheme == 'test' and self.timestepping == 'midpoint': self.u = prognostic_variables.u Vu = prognostic_variables.Vu psi = TestFunction(Vu) self.u1 = Function(Vu) uh = (self.u1 + self.u) / 2 dvh = Dt * uh + prognostic_variables.dXi eqn = (psi * (self.u1 - self.u) * dx - psi * uh * dvh.dx(0) * dx) prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, self.u1) self.usolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob, solver_parameters={ 'mat_type': 'aij', 'ksp_type': 'preonly', 'pc_type': 'lu' }) else: raise ValueError( 'Scheme %s and timestepping %s either not compatible or not recognised.' % (self.scheme, self.timestepping)) elif alphasq.values()[0] == 0.0 and gamma.values()[0] > 0.0: self.setup = 'kdv' if self.scheme == 'upwind' and self.timestepping == 'ssprk3': raise NotImplementedError( 'Scheme %s and timestepping %s not yet implemented.' % (self.scheme, self.timestepping)) elif self.scheme == 'upwind' and self.timestepping == 'midpoint': raise NotImplementedError( 'Scheme %s and timestepping %s not yet implemented.' % (self.scheme, self.timestepping)) elif self.scheme == 'hydrodynamic' and self.timestepping == 'midpoint': raise NotImplementedError( 'Scheme %s and timestepping %s not yet implemented.' % (self.scheme, self.timestepping)) else: raise ValueError( 'Scheme %s and timestepping %s either not compatible or not recognised.' % (self.scheme, self.timestepping)) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Schemes for your values of alpha squared %.3f and gamma %.3f are not yet implemented.' % (alphasq, gamma))
def __init__(self, solution: fe.Function, time: float = 0., time_stencil_size: int = 2, timestep_size: float = 1., quadrature_degree: int = None, solver_parameters: dict = { "snes_type": "newtonls", "snes_monitor": None, "ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu", "mat_type": "aij", "pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps"}, output_directory_path: str = "output/", fieldnames: typing.Iterable[str] = None): """ Instantiating this class requires enough information to fully specify the FE spatial discretization and weak form residual. boundary conditions, and initial values. All of these required arguments are Firedrake objects used according to Firedrake conventions. Backward Difference Formula time discretizations are automatically implemented. To use a different time discretization, inherit this class and redefine `time_discrete_terms`. Args: solution: Solution for a single time step. As a `fe.Function`, this also defines the mesh, element, and solution function space. time: The initial time. time_stencil_size: The number of solutions at discrete times used for approximating time derivatives. This also determines the number of stored solutions. Must be greater than zero. Defaults to 2. Set to 1 for steady state problems. Increase for higher-order time accuracy. timestep_size: The size of discrete time steps. Defaults to 1. Higher order time discretizations are assumed to use a constant time step size. quadrature_degree: The quadrature degree used for numerical integration. Defaults to `None`, in which case Firedrake will automatically choose a suitable quadrature degree. solver_parameters: The solver parameters dictionary which Firedrake uses to configure PETSc. output_directory_path: String that will be converted to a Path where output files will be written. Defaults to "output/". fieldnames: A list of names for the components of `solution`. Defaults to `None`. These names can be used when indexing solutions that are split either by `firedrake.split` or `firedrake.Function.split`. If not `None`, then the `dict` `self.solution_fields` will be created. The `dict` will have two items for each field, containing the results of either splitting method. The results of `firedrake.split` will be suffixed with "_ufl". """ assert(time_stencil_size > 0) self.fieldcount = len(solution.split()) if fieldnames is None: fieldnames = ["w_{}" for i in range(self.fieldcount)] assert(len(fieldnames) == self.fieldcount) self.fieldnames = fieldnames self.solution = solution self.time = fe.Constant(time) self.solution_space = self.solution.function_space() self.mesh = self.solution_space.mesh() self.unit_vectors = unit_vectors(self.mesh) self.element = self.solution_space.ufl_element() self.timestep_size = fe.Constant(timestep_size) self.quadrature_degree = quadrature_degree self.dx = fe.dx(degree = self.quadrature_degree) self.solver_parameters = solver_parameters initial_values = self.initial_values() if initial_values is not None: self.solution = self.solution.assign(initial_values) # States for time dependent simulation and checkpointing = [self.solution,] self.times = [self.time,] self.state = { "solution": self.solution, "time": self.time, "index": 0} self.states = [self.state,] for i in range(1, time_stencil_size): self.times.append(fe.Constant(self.time - i*timestep_size)) self.states.append({ "solution":[i], "time": self.times[i], "index": -i}) # Continuation helpers self.backup_solution = fe.Function(self.solution) # Mixed solution indexing helpers self.solution_fields = {} self.solution_subfunctions = {} self.test_functions = {} self.time_discrete_terms = {} self.solution_subspaces = {} for name, field, field_pp, testfun, timeterm in zip( fieldnames, fe.split(self.solution), self.solution.split(), fe.TestFunctions(self.solution_space), time_discrete_terms( solutions =, timestep_size = self.timestep_size)): self.solution_fields[name] = field self.solution_subfunctions[name] = field_pp self.test_functions[name] = testfun self.time_discrete_terms[name] = timeterm self.solution_subspaces[name] = self.solution_space.sub( fieldnames.index(name)) # Output controls self.output_directory_path = pathlib.Path(output_directory_path) self.output_directory_path.mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True) self.vtk_solution_file = None self.plotvars = None self.snes_iteration_count = 0
def heat_exchanger_optimization(mu=0.03, n_iters=1000): output_dir = "2D/" path = os.path.abspath(__file__) dir_path = os.path.dirname(path) mesh = fd.Mesh(f"{dir_path}/2D_mesh.msh") # Perturb the mesh coordinates. Necessary to calculate shape derivatives S = fd.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) s = fd.Function(S, name="deform") mesh.coordinates.assign(mesh.coordinates + s) # Initial level set function x, y = fd.SpatialCoordinate(mesh) PHI = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) phi_expr = sin(y * pi / 0.2) * cos(x * pi / 0.2) - fd.Constant(0.8) # Avoid recording the operation interpolate into the tape. # Otherwise, the shape derivatives will not be correct with fda.stop_annotating(): phi = fd.interpolate(phi_expr, PHI) phi.rename("LevelSet") fd.File(output_dir + "phi_initial.pvd").write(phi) # Physics mu = fd.Constant(mu) # viscosity alphamin = 1e-12 alphamax = 2.5 / (2e-4) parameters = { "mat_type": "aij", "ksp_type": "preonly", "ksp_converged_reason": None, "pc_type": "lu", "pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps", } stokes_parameters = parameters temperature_parameters = parameters u_inflow = 2e-3 tin1 = fd.Constant(10.0) tin2 = fd.Constant(100.0) P2 = fd.VectorElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 2) P1 = fd.FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) TH = P2 * P1 W = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh, TH) U = fd.TrialFunction(W) u, p = fd.split(U) V = fd.TestFunction(W) v, q = fd.split(V) epsilon = fd.Constant(10000.0) def hs(phi, epsilon): return fd.Constant(alphamax) * fd.Constant(1.0) / ( fd.Constant(1.0) + exp(-epsilon * phi)) + fd.Constant(alphamin) def stokes(phi, BLOCK_INLET_MOUTH, BLOCK_OUTLET_MOUTH): a_fluid = mu * inner(grad(u), grad(v)) - div(v) * p - q * div(u) darcy_term = inner(u, v) return (a_fluid * dx + hs(phi, epsilon) * darcy_term * dx(0) + alphamax * darcy_term * (dx(BLOCK_INLET_MOUTH) + dx(BLOCK_OUTLET_MOUTH))) # Dirichlet boundary conditions inflow1 = fd.as_vector([ u_inflow * sin( ((y - (line_sep - (dist_center + inlet_width))) * pi) / inlet_width), 0.0, ]) inflow2 = fd.as_vector([ u_inflow * sin(((y - (line_sep + dist_center)) * pi) / inlet_width), 0.0, ]) noslip = fd.Constant((0.0, 0.0)) # Stokes 1 bcs1_1 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), noslip, WALLS) bcs1_2 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), inflow1, INLET1) bcs1_3 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(1), fd.Constant(0.0), OUTLET1) bcs1_4 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), noslip, INLET2) bcs1_5 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), noslip, OUTLET2) bcs1 = [bcs1_1, bcs1_2, bcs1_3, bcs1_4, bcs1_5] # Stokes 2 bcs2_1 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), noslip, WALLS) bcs2_2 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), inflow2, INLET2) bcs2_3 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(1), fd.Constant(0.0), OUTLET2) bcs2_4 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), noslip, INLET1) bcs2_5 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), noslip, OUTLET1) bcs2 = [bcs2_1, bcs2_2, bcs2_3, bcs2_4, bcs2_5] # Forward problems U1, U2 = fd.Function(W), fd.Function(W) L = inner(fd.Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), V) * dx problem = fd.LinearVariationalProblem(stokes(-phi, INMOUTH2, OUTMOUTH2), L, U1, bcs=bcs1) solver_stokes1 = fd.LinearVariationalSolver( problem, solver_parameters=stokes_parameters, options_prefix="stokes_1") solver_stokes1.solve() problem = fd.LinearVariationalProblem(stokes(phi, INMOUTH1, OUTMOUTH1), L, U2, bcs=bcs2) solver_stokes2 = fd.LinearVariationalSolver( problem, solver_parameters=stokes_parameters, options_prefix="stokes_2") solver_stokes2.solve() # Convection difussion equation ks = fd.Constant(1e0) cp_value = 5.0e5 cp = fd.Constant(cp_value) T = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1) t = fd.Function(T, name="Temperature") w = fd.TestFunction(T) # Mesh-related functions n = fd.FacetNormal(mesh) h = fd.CellDiameter(mesh) u1, p1 = fd.split(U1) u2, p2 = fd.split(U2) def upwind(u): return (dot(u, n) + abs(dot(u, n))) / 2.0 u1n = upwind(u1) u2n = upwind(u2) # Penalty term alpha = fd.Constant(500.0) # Bilinear form a_int = dot(grad(w), ks * grad(t) - cp * (u1 + u2) * t) * dx a_fac = (fd.Constant(-1.0) * ks * dot(avg(grad(w)), jump(t, n)) * dS + fd.Constant(-1.0) * ks * dot(jump(w, n), avg(grad(t))) * dS + ks("+") * (alpha("+") / avg(h)) * dot(jump(w, n), jump(t, n)) * dS) a_vel = (dot( jump(w), cp * (u1n("+") + u2n("+")) * t("+") - cp * (u1n("-") + u2n("-")) * t("-"), ) * dS + dot(w, cp * (u1n + u2n) * t) * ds) a_bnd = (dot(w, cp * dot(u1 + u2, n) * t) * (ds(INLET1) + ds(INLET2)) + w * t * (ds(INLET1) + ds(INLET2)) - w * tin1 * ds(INLET1) - w * tin2 * ds(INLET2) + alpha / h * ks * w * t * (ds(INLET1) + ds(INLET2)) - ks * dot(grad(w), t * n) * (ds(INLET1) + ds(INLET2)) - ks * dot(grad(t), w * n) * (ds(INLET1) + ds(INLET2))) aT = a_int + a_fac + a_vel + a_bnd LT_bnd = (alpha / h * ks * tin1 * w * ds(INLET1) + alpha / h * ks * tin2 * w * ds(INLET2) - tin1 * ks * dot(grad(w), n) * ds(INLET1) - tin2 * ks * dot(grad(w), n) * ds(INLET2)) problem = fd.LinearVariationalProblem(derivative(aT, t), LT_bnd, t) solver_temp = fd.LinearVariationalSolver( problem, solver_parameters=temperature_parameters, options_prefix="temperature", ) solver_temp.solve() # fd.solve(eT == 0, t, solver_parameters=temperature_parameters) # Cost function: Flux at the cold outlet scale_factor = 4e-4 Jform = fd.assemble( fd.Constant(-scale_factor * cp_value) * inner(t * u1, n) * ds(OUTLET1)) # Constraints: Pressure drop on each fluid power_drop = 1e-2 Power1 = fd.assemble(p1 / power_drop * ds(INLET1)) Power2 = fd.assemble(p2 / power_drop * ds(INLET2)) phi_pvd = fd.File("phi_evolution.pvd") def deriv_cb(phi): with stop_annotating(): phi_pvd.write(phi[0]) c = fda.Control(s) # Reduced Functionals Jhat = LevelSetFunctional(Jform, c, phi, derivative_cb_pre=deriv_cb) P1hat = LevelSetFunctional(Power1, c, phi) P1control = fda.Control(Power1) P2hat = LevelSetFunctional(Power2, c, phi) P2control = fda.Control(Power2) Jhat_v = Jhat(phi) print("Initial cost function value {:.5f}".format(Jhat_v), flush=True) print("Power drop 1 {:.5f}".format(Power1), flush=True) print("Power drop 2 {:.5f}".format(Power2), flush=True) beta_param = 0.08 # Regularize the shape derivatives only in the domain marked with 0 reg_solver = RegularizationSolver(S, mesh, beta=beta_param, gamma=1e5, dx=dx, design_domain=0) tol = 1e-5 dt = 0.05 params = { "alphaC": 1.0, "debug": 5, "alphaJ": 1.0, "dt": dt, "K": 1e-3, "maxit": n_iters, "maxtrials": 5, "itnormalisation": 10, "tol_merit": 5e-3, # new merit can be within 0.5% of the previous merit # "normalize_tol" : -1, "tol": tol, } solver_parameters = { "reinit_solver": { "h_factor": 2.0, } } # Optimization problem problem = InfDimProblem( Jhat, reg_solver, ineqconstraints=[ Constraint(P1hat, 1.0, P1control), Constraint(P2hat, 1.0, P2control), ], solver_parameters=solver_parameters, ) results = nlspace_solve(problem, params) return results
DG0 = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DQ", 0) vDG = fd.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DQ", 1) else: DG1 = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", order) vDG1 = fd.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", order) Mh = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh, "HDiv Trace", order) DG0 = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) vDG = fd.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1) W = DG1 * vDG1 * Mh # 3.1) Define trial and test functions w = fd.Function(W) w.assign(0.0) ch, qh, lmbd_h = fd.split(w) wh, vh, mu_h = fd.TestFunctions(W) # 3.2) Set initial conditions # ---- previous solution # concentrations c0 = fd.Function(DG1, name="c0") c0.assign(0.0) # ---------------------- # 3.4) Variational Form # ---------------------- # coefficients dt = np.sqrt(tol) dtc = fd.Constant(dt) n = fd.FacetNormal(mesh)
def initialize(self, pc): from firedrake import TrialFunction, TestFunction, dx, \ assemble, inner, grad, split, Constant, parameters from firedrake.assemble import allocate_matrix, create_assembly_callable if pc.getType() != "python": raise ValueError("Expecting PC type python") prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "pcd_" # we assume P has things stuffed inside of it _, P = pc.getOperators() context = P.getPythonContext() test, trial = context.a.arguments() if test.function_space() != trial.function_space(): raise ValueError("Pressure space test and trial space differ") Q = test.function_space() p = TrialFunction(Q) q = TestFunction(Q) mass = p * q * dx # Regularisation to avoid having to think about nullspaces. stiffness = inner(grad(p), grad(q)) * dx + Constant(1e-6) * p * q * dx opts = PETSc.Options() # we're inverting Mp and Kp, so default them to assembled. # Fp only needs its action, so default it to mat-free. # These can of course be overridden. # only Fp is referred to in update, so that's the only # one we stash. default = parameters["default_matrix_type"] Mp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix + "Mp_mat_type", default) Kp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix + "Kp_mat_type", default) self.Fp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix + "Fp_mat_type", "matfree") Mp = assemble(mass, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=Mp_mat_type, options_prefix=prefix + "Mp_") Kp = assemble(stiffness, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=Kp_mat_type, options_prefix=prefix + "Kp_") Mp.force_evaluation() Kp.force_evaluation() # FIXME: Should we transfer nullspaces over. I think not. Mksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm) Mksp.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc) Mksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix + "Mp_") Mksp.setOperators(Mp.petscmat) Mksp.setUp() Mksp.setFromOptions() self.Mksp = Mksp Kksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm) Kksp.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc) Kksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix + "Kp_") Kksp.setOperators(Kp.petscmat) Kksp.setUp() Kksp.setFromOptions() self.Kksp = Kksp state = context.appctx["state"] Re = context.appctx.get("Re", 1.0) velid = context.appctx["velocity_space"] u0 = split(state)[velid] fp = 1.0 / Re * inner(grad(p), grad(q)) * dx + inner(u0, grad(p)) * q * dx self.Re = Re self.Fp = allocate_matrix(fp, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=self.Fp_mat_type, options_prefix=prefix + "Fp_") self._assemble_Fp = create_assembly_callable( fp, tensor=self.Fp, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=self.Fp_mat_type) self._assemble_Fp() self.Fp.force_evaluation() Fpmat = self.Fp.petscmat self.workspace = [Fpmat.createVecLeft() for i in (0, 1)]
def value_form(self): """Evaluate misfit functional.""" u = fd.split(self.pde_solver.solution)[0] nu = return 0.5 * nu * fd.inner(fd.grad(u), fd.grad(u)) * fd.dx
def lmbdainv(s): # Total mobility return mu_rel * mu_w / (mu_rel * s**2 + (1.0 - s)**2) def Fw(s): # Fractional flow function return mu_rel * s**2 / (mu_rel * s**2 + (1.0 - s)**2) # --- # 3.3) initial cond. U0 = fd.Function(W) u0, p0, s0 = fd.split(U0) U = fd.Function(W) u, p, s = fd.split(U) # ---- # set boundary conditions # The strongly enforced boundary conditions on the BDM space on the top and # bottom of the domain are declared as: :: bc0 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), fd.Constant(qbar), inlet) bc1 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), fd.Constant(q0bar), noflow) bc3 = fd.DirichletBC(W.sub(2), fd.Constant(sbar), inlet, method='geometric') # ------- # 3.4) Variational Form # Time step
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit Dt = state.timestepping.dt beta_ = Dt*state.timestepping.alpha mu = Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vb = state.spaces("HDiv_v") Vp = state.spaces("DG") # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants dt = Constant(Dt) beta = Constant(beta_) # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, p_in, b_in = split(state.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,p M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vp)) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, p = TrialFunctions(M) # Get background fields bbar = state.fields("bbar") # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector b = -dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(bbar))*beta + b_in # vertical projection def V(u): return k*inner(u, k) eqn = ( inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx - beta*div(w)*p*dx - beta*inner(w, k)*b*dx + phi*div(u)*dx ) if mu is not None: eqn += dt*mu*inner(w, k)*inner(u, k)*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u p solver self.up = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) bcs = None if len(self.state.bcs) == 0 else self.state.bcs # Solver for u, p up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs) # Provide callback for the nullspace of the trace system def trace_nullsp(T): return VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True) appctx = {"trace_nullspace": trace_nullsp} self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(up_problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, appctx=appctx) # Reconstruction of b b = TrialFunction(Vb) gamma = TestFunction(Vb) u, p = self.up.split() self.b = Function(Vb) b_eqn = gamma*(b - b_in + dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(bbar))*beta)*dx b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn), rhs(b_eqn), self.b) self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)
def compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, exner0=None, top=False, exner_boundary=Constant(1.0), mr_t=None, solve_for_rho=False, params=None): """ Compute a hydrostatically balanced density given a potential temperature profile. By default, this uses a vertically-oriented hybridization procedure for solving the resulting discrete systems. :arg state: The :class:`State` object. :arg theta0: :class:`.Function`containing the potential temperature. :arg rho0: :class:`.Function` to write the initial density into. :arg top: If True, set a boundary condition at the top. Otherwise, set it at the bottom. :arg exner_boundary: a field or expression to use as boundary data for exner on the top or bottom as specified. :arg mr_t: the initial total water mixing ratio field. """ # Calculate hydrostatic Pi VDG = state.spaces("DG") Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vv = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, Vu.ufl_element()._elements[-1]) W = MixedFunctionSpace((Vv, VDG)) v, exner = TrialFunctions(W) dv, dexner = TestFunctions(W) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) cp = state.parameters.cp # add effect of density of water upon theta theta = theta0 if mr_t is not None: theta = theta0 / (1 + mr_t) alhs = ((cp * inner(v, dv) - cp * div(dv * theta) * exner) * dx + dexner * div(theta * v) * dx) if top: bmeasure = ds_t bstring = "bottom" else: bmeasure = ds_b bstring = "top" arhs = -cp * inner(dv, n) * theta * exner_boundary * bmeasure # Possibly make g vary with spatial coordinates? g = state.parameters.g arhs -= g * inner(dv, state.k) * dx bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), zero(), bstring)] w = Function(W) exner_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(alhs, arhs, w, bcs=bcs) if params is None: params = { 'ksp_type': 'preonly', 'pc_type': 'python', 'mat_type': 'matfree', 'pc_python_type': 'gusto.VerticalHybridizationPC', # Vertical trace system is only coupled vertically in columns # block ILU is a direct solver! 'vert_hybridization': { 'ksp_type': 'preonly', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu' } } exner_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(exner_problem, solver_parameters=params, options_prefix="exner_solver") exner_solver.solve() v, exner = w.split() if exner0 is not None: exner0.assign(exner) if solve_for_rho: w1 = Function(W) v, rho = w1.split() rho.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(state.parameters, theta0, exner)) v, rho = split(w1) dv, dexner = TestFunctions(W) exner = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(state.parameters, rho, theta0) F = ((cp * inner(v, dv) - cp * div(dv * theta) * exner) * dx + dexner * div(theta0 * v) * dx + cp * inner(dv, n) * theta * exner_boundary * bmeasure) F += g * inner(dv, state.k) * dx rhoproblem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, w1, bcs=bcs) rhosolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(rhoproblem, solver_parameters=params, options_prefix="rhosolver") rhosolver.solve() v, rho_ = w1.split() rho0.assign(rho_) else: rho0.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(state.parameters, theta0, exner))
def initialize(self, pc): from firedrake import TrialFunction, TestFunction, dx, \ assemble, inner, grad, split, Constant, parameters from firedrake.assemble import allocate_matrix, create_assembly_callable prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "pcd_" # we assume P has things stuffed inside of it _, P = pc.getOperators() context = P.getPythonContext() test, trial = context.a.arguments() if test.function_space() != trial.function_space(): raise ValueError("Pressure space test and trial space differ") Q = test.function_space() p = TrialFunction(Q) q = TestFunction(Q) mass = p*q*dx # Regularisation to avoid having to think about nullspaces. stiffness = inner(grad(p), grad(q))*dx + Constant(1e-6)*p*q*dx opts = PETSc.Options() # we're inverting Mp and Kp, so default them to assembled. # Fp only needs its action, so default it to mat-free. # These can of course be overridden. # only Fp is referred to in update, so that's the only # one we stash. default = parameters["default_matrix_type"] Mp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix+"Mp_mat_type", default) Kp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix+"Kp_mat_type", default) self.Fp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix+"Fp_mat_type", "matfree") Mp = assemble(mass, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=Mp_mat_type) Kp = assemble(stiffness, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=Kp_mat_type) Mp.force_evaluation() Kp.force_evaluation() # FIXME: Should we transfer nullspaces over. I think not. Mksp = PETSc.KSP().create() Mksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix + "Mp_") Mksp.setOperators(Mp.petscmat) Mksp.setUp() Mksp.setFromOptions() self.Mksp = Mksp Kksp = PETSc.KSP().create() Kksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix + "Kp_") Kksp.setOperators(Kp.petscmat) Kksp.setUp() Kksp.setFromOptions() self.Kksp = Kksp state = context.appctx["state"] Re = context.appctx.get("Re", 1.0) velid = context.appctx["velocity_space"] u0 = split(state)[velid] fp = 1.0/Re * inner(grad(p), grad(q))*dx + inner(u0, grad(p))*q*dx self.Re = Re self.Fp = allocate_matrix(fp, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=self.Fp_mat_type) self._assemble_Fp = create_assembly_callable(fp, tensor=self.Fp, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=self.Fp_mat_type) self._assemble_Fp() self.Fp.force_evaluation() Fpmat = self.Fp.petscmat self.workspace = [Fpmat.createVecLeft() for i in (0, 1)]
else: innerp = fs.UflInnerProductFromForm(extension, Q, fixed_bids=fixed_bids, direct_solve=True) # import IPython; IPython.embed() res = [0, 1, 10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 499, 625, 750, 875, 999] res = [r for r in res if r <= optre - 1] if res[-1] != optre - 1: res.append(optre - 1) results = run_solver(solver, res, args) # import sys; sys.exit() u, _ = fd.split(solver.z) nu = objective_form = nu * fd.inner(fd.sym(fd.grad(u)), fd.sym(fd.grad(u))) * fd.dx solver.setup_adjoint(objective_form) solver.solver_adjoint.solve() # import sys; sys.exit() class Constraint(fs.PdeConstraint): def solve(self): super().solve() solver.solve(optre) class Objective(fs.ShapeObjective):
def getForm(F, butch, t, dt, u0, bcs=None, bc_type="DAE", splitting=AI, nullspace=None): """Given a time-dependent variational form and a :class:`ButcherTableau`, produce UFL for the s-stage RK method. :arg F: UFL form for the semidiscrete ODE/DAE :arg butch: the :class:`ButcherTableau` for the RK method being used to advance in time. :arg t: a :class:`Constant` referring to the current time level. Any explicit time-dependence in F is included :arg dt: a :class:`Constant` referring to the size of the current time step. :arg splitting: a callable that maps the (floating point) Butcher matrix a to a pair of matrices `A1, A2` such that `butch.A = A1 A2`. This is used to vary between the classical RK formulation and Butcher's reformulation that leads to a denser mass matrix with block-diagonal stiffness. Some choices of function will assume that `butch.A` is invertible. :arg u0: a :class:`Function` referring to the state of the PDE system at time `t` :arg bcs: optionally, a :class:`DirichletBC` object (or iterable thereof) containing (possible time-dependent) boundary conditions imposed on the system. :arg bc_type: How to manipulate the strongly-enforced boundary conditions to derive the stage boundary conditions. Should be a string, either "DAE", which implements BCs as constraints in the style of a differential-algebraic equation, or "ODE", which takes the time derivative of the boundary data and evaluates this for the stage values :arg nullspace: A list of tuples of the form (index, VSB) where index is an index into the function space associated with `u` and VSB is a :class: `firedrake.VectorSpaceBasis` instance to be passed to a `firedrake.MixedVectorSpaceBasis` over the larger space associated with the Runge-Kutta method On output, we return a tuple consisting of four parts: - Fnew, the :class:`Form` - k, the :class:`firedrake.Function` holding all the stages. It lives in a :class:`firedrake.FunctionSpace` corresponding to the s-way tensor product of the space on which the semidiscrete form lives. - `bcnew`, a list of :class:`firedrake.DirichletBC` objects to be posed on the stages, - 'nspnew', the :class:`firedrake.MixedVectorSpaceBasis` object that represents the nullspace of the coupled system - `gblah`, a list of tuples of the form (f, expr, method), where f is a :class:`firedrake.Function` and expr is a :class:`ufl.Expr`. At each time step, each expr needs to be re-interpolated/projected onto the corresponding f in order for Firedrake to pick up that time-dependent boundary conditions need to be re-applied. The interpolation/projection is encoded in method, which is either `f.interpolate(expr-c*u0)` or `f.project(expr-c*u0)`, depending on whether the function space for f supports interpolation or not. """ v = F.arguments()[0] V = v.function_space() assert V == u0.function_space() c = numpy.array([Constant(ci) for ci in butch.c], dtype=object) bA1, bA2 = splitting(butch.A) try: bA1inv = numpy.linalg.inv(bA1) except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: bA1inv = None try: bA2inv = numpy.linalg.inv(bA2) A2inv = numpy.array([[ConstantOrZero(aa) for aa in arow] for arow in bA2inv], dtype=object) except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: raise NotImplementedError("We require A = A1 A2 with A2 invertible") A1 = numpy.array([[ConstantOrZero(aa) for aa in arow] for arow in bA1], dtype=object) if bA1inv is not None: A1inv = numpy.array([[ConstantOrZero(aa) for aa in arow] for arow in bA1inv], dtype=object) else: A1inv = None num_stages = butch.num_stages num_fields = len(V) Vbig = reduce(mul, (V for _ in range(num_stages))) vnew = TestFunction(Vbig) w = Function(Vbig) if len(V) == 1: u0bits = [u0] vbits = [v] if num_stages == 1: vbigbits = [vnew] wbits = [w] else: vbigbits = split(vnew) wbits = split(w) else: u0bits = split(u0) vbits = split(v) vbigbits = split(vnew) wbits = split(w) wbits_np = numpy.zeros((num_stages, num_fields), dtype=object) for i in range(num_stages): for j in range(num_fields): wbits_np[i, j] = wbits[i * num_fields + j] A1w = A1 @ wbits_np A2invw = A2inv @ wbits_np Fnew = Zero() for i in range(num_stages): repl = {t: t + c[i] * dt} for j, (ubit, vbit) in enumerate(zip(u0bits, vbits)): repl[ubit] = ubit + dt * A1w[i, j] repl[vbit] = vbigbits[num_fields * i + j] repl[TimeDerivative(ubit)] = A2invw[i, j] if (len(ubit.ufl_shape) == 1): for kk in range(len(A1w[i, j])): repl[TimeDerivative(ubit[kk])] = A2invw[i, j][kk] repl[ubit[kk]] = repl[ubit][kk] repl[vbit[kk]] = repl[vbit][kk] Fnew += replace(F, repl) bcnew = [] gblah = [] if bcs is None: bcs = [] if bc_type == "ODE": assert splitting == AI, "ODE-type BC aren't implemented for this splitting strategy" u0_mult_np = numpy.divide(1.0, butch.c, out=numpy.zeros_like(butch.c), where=butch.c != 0) u0_mult = numpy.array([ConstantOrZero(mi) / dt for mi in u0_mult_np], dtype=object) def bc2gcur(bc, i): gorig = bc._original_arg gfoo = expand_derivatives(diff(gorig, t)) return replace(gfoo, {t: t + c[i] * dt}) + u0_mult[i] * gorig elif bc_type == "DAE": if bA1inv is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot have DAE BCs for this Butcher Tableau/splitting") u0_mult_np = A1inv @ numpy.ones_like(butch.c) u0_mult = numpy.array([ConstantOrZero(mi) / dt for mi in u0_mult_np], dtype=object) def bc2gcur(bc, i): gorig = as_ufl(bc._original_arg) gcur = 0 for j in range(num_stages): gcur += ConstantOrZero(bA1inv[i, j]) / dt * replace( gorig, {t: t + c[j] * dt}) return gcur else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised bc_type: %s", bc_type) # This logic uses information set up in the previous section to # set up the new BCs for either method for bc in bcs: if num_fields == 1: # not mixed space comp = bc.function_space().component if comp is not None: # check for sub-piece of vector-valued Vsp = V.sub(comp) Vbigi = lambda i: Vbig[i].sub(comp) else: Vsp = V Vbigi = lambda i: Vbig[i] else: # mixed space sub = bc.function_space_index() comp = bc.function_space().component if comp is not None: # check for sub-piece of vector-valued Vsp = V.sub(sub).sub(comp) Vbigi = lambda i: Vbig[sub + num_fields * i].sub(comp) else: Vsp = V.sub(sub) Vbigi = lambda i: Vbig[sub + num_fields * i] for i in range(num_stages): gcur = bc2gcur(bc, i) blah = BCStageData(Vsp, gcur, u0, u0_mult, i, t, dt) gdat, gcr, gmethod = blah.gstuff gblah.append((gdat, gcr, gmethod)) bcnew.append(DirichletBC(Vbigi(i), gdat, bc.sub_domain)) nspnew = getNullspace(V, Vbig, butch, nullspace) return Fnew, w, bcnew, nspnew, gblah
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit Dt = state.timestepping.dt beta_ = Dt*state.timestepping.alpha cp = state.parameters.cp mu = Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vtheta = state.spaces("HDiv_v") Vrho = state.spaces("DG") # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants dt = Constant(Dt) beta = Constant(beta_) beta_cp = Constant(beta_ * cp) # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(state.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,rho M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vrho)) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, rho = TrialFunctions(M) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) # Get background fields thetabar = state.fields("thetabar") rhobar = state.fields("rhobar") pibar = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) pibar_rho = thermodynamics.pi_rho(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) pibar_theta = thermodynamics.pi_theta(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector theta = -dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(thetabar))*beta + theta_in # Only include theta' (rather than pi') in the vertical # component of the gradient # the pi prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are # for linear perturbations) pi = pibar_theta*theta + pibar_rho*rho # vertical projection def V(u): return k*inner(u, k) # specify degree for some terms as estimated degree is too large dxp = dx(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) dS_vp = dS_v(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) # add effect of density of water upon theta if self.moisture is not None: water_t = Function(Vtheta).assign(0.0) for water in self.moisture: water_t += self.state.fields(water) theta_w = theta / (1 + water_t) thetabar_w = thetabar / (1 + water_t) else: theta_w = theta thetabar_w = thetabar eqn = ( inner(w, (state.h_project(u) - u_in))*dx - beta_cp*div(theta_w*V(w))*pibar*dxp # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical). # + beta_cp*jump(theta*V(w), n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v - beta_cp*div(thetabar_w*w)*pi*dxp + beta_cp*jump(thetabar_w*w, n)*avg(pi)*dS_vp + (phi*(rho - rho_in) - beta*inner(grad(phi), u)*rhobar)*dx + beta*jump(phi*u, n)*avg(rhobar)*(dS_v + dS_h) ) if mu is not None: eqn += dt*mu*inner(w, k)*inner(u, k)*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u rho solver self.urho = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(M.sub(0), 0.0, "top")] # Solver for u, rho urho_problem = LinearVariationalProblem( aeqn, Leqn, self.urho, bcs=bcs) self.urho_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(urho_problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix='ImplicitSolver') # Reconstruction of theta theta = TrialFunction(Vtheta) gamma = TestFunction(Vtheta) u, rho = self.urho.split() self.theta = Function(Vtheta) theta_eqn = gamma*(theta - theta_in + dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(thetabar))*beta)*dx theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn), rhs(theta_eqn), self.theta) self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(theta_problem, options_prefix='thetabacksubstitution')
def compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, pi0=None, top=False, pi_boundary=Constant(1.0), water_t=None, solve_for_rho=False, params=None): """ Compute a hydrostatically balanced density given a potential temperature profile. :arg state: The :class:`State` object. :arg theta0: :class:`.Function`containing the potential temperature. :arg rho0: :class:`.Function` to write the initial density into. :arg top: If True, set a boundary condition at the top. Otherwise, set it at the bottom. :arg pi_boundary: a field or expression to use as boundary data for pi on the top or bottom as specified. :arg water_t: the initial total water mixing ratio field. """ # Calculate hydrostatic Pi VDG = state.spaces("DG") Vv = state.spaces("Vv") W = MixedFunctionSpace((Vv, VDG)) v, pi = TrialFunctions(W) dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) cp = state.parameters.cp # add effect of density of water upon theta theta = theta0 if water_t is not None: theta = theta0 / (1 + water_t) alhs = ( (cp*inner(v, dv) - cp*div(dv*theta)*pi)*dx + dpi*div(theta*v)*dx ) if top: bmeasure = ds_t bstring = "bottom" else: bmeasure = ds_b bstring = "top" arhs = -cp*inner(dv, n)*theta*pi_boundary*bmeasure g = state.parameters.g arhs -= g*inner(dv, state.k)*dx bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), 0.0, bstring)] w = Function(W) PiProblem = LinearVariationalProblem(alhs, arhs, w, bcs=bcs) if params is None: params = {'pc_type': 'fieldsplit', 'pc_fieldsplit_type': 'schur', 'ksp_type': 'gmres', 'ksp_monitor_true_residual': True, 'ksp_max_it': 100, 'ksp_gmres_restart': 50, 'pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type': 'FULL', 'pc_fieldsplit_schur_precondition': 'selfp', 'fieldsplit_0_ksp_type': 'richardson', 'fieldsplit_0_ksp_max_it': 5, 'fieldsplit_0_pc_type': 'gamg', 'fieldsplit_1_pc_gamg_sym_graph': True, 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_type': 'chebyshev', 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_esteig': True, 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_max_it': 5, 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} PiSolver = LinearVariationalSolver(PiProblem, solver_parameters=params) PiSolver.solve() v, Pi = w.split() if pi0 is not None: pi0.assign(Pi) if solve_for_rho: w1 = Function(W) v, rho = w1.split() rho.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(state.parameters, theta0, Pi)) v, rho = split(w1) dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W) pi = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rho, theta0) F = ( (cp*inner(v, dv) - cp*div(dv*theta)*pi)*dx + dpi*div(theta0*v)*dx + cp*inner(dv, n)*theta*pi_boundary*bmeasure ) F += g*inner(dv, state.k)*dx rhoproblem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, w1, bcs=bcs) rhosolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(rhoproblem, solver_parameters=params) rhosolver.solve() v, rho_ = w1.split() rho0.assign(rho_) else: rho0.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(state.parameters, theta0, Pi))
def split(self, fields): from firedrake import replace, as_vector, split from firedrake_ts.ts_solver import DAEProblem from firedrake.bcs import DirichletBC, EquationBC fields = tuple(tuple(f) for f in fields) splits = self._splits.get(tuple(fields)) if splits is not None: return splits splits = [] problem = self._problem splitter = ExtractSubBlock() for field in fields: F = splitter.split(problem.F, argument_indices=(field, )) J = splitter.split(problem.J, argument_indices=(field, field)) us = problem.u.split() V = F.arguments()[0].function_space() # Exposition: # We are going to make a new solution Function on the sub # mixed space defined by the relevant fields. # But the form may refer to the rest of the solution # anyway. # So we pull it apart and will make a new function on the # subspace that shares data. pieces = [us[i].dat for i in field] if len(pieces) == 1: (val, ) = pieces subu = function.Function(V, val=val) subsplit = (subu, ) else: val = op2.MixedDat(pieces) subu = function.Function(V, val=val) # Split it apart to shove in the form. subsplit = split(subu) # Permutation from field indexing to indexing of pieces field_renumbering = dict([f, i] for i, f in enumerate(field)) vec = [] for i, u in enumerate(us): if i in field: # If this is a field we're keeping, get it from # the new function. Otherwise just point to the # old data. u = subsplit[field_renumbering[i]] if u.ufl_shape == (): vec.append(u) else: for idx in numpy.ndindex(u.ufl_shape): vec.append(u[idx]) # So now we have a new representation for the solution # vector in the old problem. For the fields we're going # to solve for, it points to a new Function (which wraps # the original pieces). For the rest, it points to the # pieces from the original Function. # IOW, we've reinterpreted our original mixed solution # function as being made up of some spaces we're still # solving for, and some spaces that have just become # coefficients in the new form. u = as_vector(vec) F = replace(F, {problem.u: u}) J = replace(J, {problem.u: u}) if problem.Jp is not None: Jp = splitter.split(problem.Jp, argument_indices=(field, field)) Jp = replace(Jp, {problem.u: u}) else: Jp = None bcs = [] for bc in problem.bcs: if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC): bc_temp = bc.reconstruct( field=field, V=V, g=bc.function_arg, sub_domain=bc.sub_domain, method=bc.method, ) elif isinstance(bc, EquationBC): bc_temp = bc.reconstruct(field, V, subu, u) if bc_temp is not None: bcs.append(bc_temp) new_problem = DAEProblem( F, subu, problem.udot, problem.tspan, bcs=bcs, J=J, Jp=Jp, form_compiler_parameters=problem.form_compiler_parameters, ) new_problem._constant_jacobian = problem._constant_jacobian splits.append( type(self)( new_problem, mat_type=self.mat_type, pmat_type=self.pmat_type, appctx=self.appctx, transfer_manager=self.transfer_manager, )) return self._splits.setdefault(tuple(fields), splits)
def gravity_term(self): _, _, b0 = split(self.x0) L = b0 * inner(self.test, self.state.k) * dx return L
def repl(t): """ Function returned by replace_subject to return a new :class:`Term` with the subject replaced by the variable `new`. It is built around the ufl replace routine. Returns a new :class:`Term`. :arg t: the original :class:`Term`. """ subj = t.get(subject) # Build a dictionary to pass to the ufl.replace routine # The dictionary matches variables in the old term with those in the new replace_dict = {} # Consider cases that subj is normal Function or MixedFunction # vs cases of new being Function vs MixedFunction vs tuple # Ideally catch all cases or fail gracefully if type(subj.ufl_element()) is MixedElement: if type(new) == tuple: assert len(new) == len(subj.function_space()) for k, v in zip(split(subj), new): replace_dict[k] = v elif type(new) == ufl.algebra.Sum: replace_dict[subj] = new # Otherwise fail if new is not a function elif not isinstance(new, Function): raise ValueError( f'new must be a tuple or Function, not type {type(new)}') # Now handle MixedElements separately as these need indexing elif type(new.ufl_element()) is MixedElement: assert len(new.function_space()) == len(subj.function_space()) # If idx specified, replace only that component if idx is not None: replace_dict[split(subj)[idx]] = split(new)[idx] # Otherwise replace all components else: for k, v in zip(split(subj), split(new)): replace_dict[k] = v # Otherwise 'new' is a normal Function else: replace_dict[split(subj)[idx]] = new # subj is a normal Function else: if type(new) is tuple: if idx is None: raise ValueError( 'idx must be specified to replace_subject' + ' when new is a tuple') replace_dict[subj] = new[idx] elif not isinstance(new, Function): raise ValueError( f'new must be a Function, not type {type(new)}') elif type(new.ufl_element()) == MixedElement: if idx is None: raise ValueError( 'idx must be specified to replace_subject' + ' when new is a tuple') replace_dict[subj] = split(new)[idx] else: replace_dict[subj] = new new_form = ufl.replace(t.form, replace_dict) return Term(new_form, t.labels)
def coriolis_term(self): u0 = split(self.x0)[0] return -inner(self.test, cross(2 * self.state.Omega, u0)) * dx
def split(self, fields): from firedrake import replace, as_vector, split from firedrake import NonlinearVariationalProblem as NLVP fields = tuple(tuple(f) for f in fields) splits = self._splits.get(tuple(fields)) if splits is not None: return splits splits = [] problem = self._problem splitter = ExtractSubBlock() for field in fields: F = splitter.split(problem.F, argument_indices=(field, )) J = splitter.split(problem.J, argument_indices=(field, field)) us = problem.u.split() V = F.arguments()[0].function_space() # Exposition: # We are going to make a new solution Function on the sub # mixed space defined by the relevant fields. # But the form may refer to the rest of the solution # anyway. # So we pull it apart and will make a new function on the # subspace that shares data. pieces = [us[i].dat for i in field] if len(pieces) == 1: val, = pieces subu = function.Function(V, val=val) subsplit = (subu, ) else: val = op2.MixedDat(pieces) subu = function.Function(V, val=val) # Split it apart to shove in the form. subsplit = split(subu) # Permutation from field indexing to indexing of pieces field_renumbering = dict([f, i] for i, f in enumerate(field)) vec = [] for i, u in enumerate(us): if i in field: # If this is a field we're keeping, get it from # the new function. Otherwise just point to the # old data. u = subsplit[field_renumbering[i]] if u.ufl_shape == (): vec.append(u) else: for idx in numpy.ndindex(u.ufl_shape): vec.append(u[idx]) # So now we have a new representation for the solution # vector in the old problem. For the fields we're going # to solve for, it points to a new Function (which wraps # the original pieces). For the rest, it points to the # pieces from the original Function. # IOW, we've reinterpreted our original mixed solution # function as being made up of some spaces we're still # solving for, and some spaces that have just become # coefficients in the new form. u = as_vector(vec) F = replace(F, {problem.u: u}) J = replace(J, {problem.u: u}) if problem.Jp is not None: Jp = splitter.split(problem.Jp, argument_indices=(field, field)) Jp = replace(Jp, {problem.u: u}) else: Jp = None bcs = [] for bc in problem.bcs: Vbc = bc.function_space() if Vbc.parent is not None and isinstance(Vbc.parent.ufl_element(), VectorElement): index = Vbc.parent.index else: index = Vbc.index cmpt = Vbc.component # TODO: need to test this logic if index in field: if len(field) == 1: W = V else: W = V.sub(field_renumbering[index]) if cmpt is not None: W = W.sub(cmpt) bcs.append(type(bc)(W, bc.function_arg, bc.sub_domain, method=bc.method)) new_problem = NLVP(F, subu, bcs=bcs, J=J, Jp=Jp, form_compiler_parameters=problem.form_compiler_parameters) new_problem._constant_jacobian = problem._constant_jacobian splits.append(type(self)(new_problem, mat_type=self.mat_type, pmat_type=self.pmat_type, appctx=self.appctx)) return self._splits.setdefault(tuple(fields), splits)
def euler_poincare_term(self): u0 = split(self.x0)[0] return -0.5 * div(self.test) * inner(self.state.h_project(u0), u0) * dx
def pressure_gradient_term(self): _, p0, _ = split(self.x0) L = div(self.test) * p0 * dx return L
def initialize(self, pc): from firedrake import TrialFunction, TestFunction, Function, DirichletBC, dx, \ Mesh, inner, grad, split, Constant, parameters from firedrake.assemble import allocate_matrix, create_assembly_callable prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "pcd_" _, P = pc.getOperators() context = P.getPythonContext() test, trial = context.a.arguments() Q = test.function_space() self.Q = Q p = TrialFunction(Q) q = TestFunction(Q) nu = context.appctx.get("nu", 1.0) = nu mass = Constant(1.0 / * p * q * dx stiffness = inner(grad(p), grad(q)) * dx state = context.appctx["state"] velid = context.appctx["velocity_space"] opts = PETSc.Options() default = parameters["default_matrix_type"] Mp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix + "Mp_mat_type", default) Kp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix + "Kp_mat_type", default) self.Fp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix + "Fp_mat_type", "matfree") Mp = assemble(mass, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=Mp_mat_type, options_prefix=prefix + "Mp_") Kp = assemble(stiffness, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=Kp_mat_type, options_prefix=prefix + "Kp_") Mksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm) Mksp.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc) Mksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix + "Mp_") Mksp.setOperators(Mp.petscmat) Mksp.setUp() Mksp.setFromOptions() self.Mksp = Mksp Kksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm) Kksp.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc) Kksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix + "Kp_") Kksp.setOperators(Kp.petscmat) Kksp.setUp() Kksp.setFromOptions() self.Kksp = Kksp u0 = split(state)[velid] fp = Constant( * inner(grad(p), grad(q)) * dx + inner( u0, grad(p)) * q * dx self.Fp = allocate_matrix(fp, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=self.Fp_mat_type, options_prefix=prefix + "Fp_") self._assemble_Fp = create_assembly_callable( fp, tensor=self.Fp, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=self.Fp_mat_type) self._assemble_Fp() Fpmat = self.Fp.petscmat self.workspace = [Fpmat.createVecLeft() for i in (0, 1)] self.tmp = Function(self.Q)
def coriolis_term(self): f = self.state.fields("coriolis") u0, _ = split(self.x0) L = -f * inner(self.test, self.state.perp(u0)) * dx return L
def getFormStage(F, butch, u0, t, dt, bcs=None, splitting=None, nullspace=None): """Given a time-dependent variational form and a :class:`ButcherTableau`, produce UFL for the s-stage RK method. :arg F: UFL form for the semidiscrete ODE/DAE :arg butch: the :class:`ButcherTableau` for the RK method being used to advance in time. :arg u0: a :class:`Function` referring to the state of the PDE system at time `t` :arg t: a :class:`Constant` referring to the current time level. Any explicit time-dependence in F is included :arg dt: a :class:`Constant` referring to the size of the current time step. :arg splitting: a callable that maps the (floating point) Butcher matrix a to a pair of matrices `A1, A2` such that `butch.A = A1 A2`. This is used to vary between the classical RK formulation and Butcher's reformulation that leads to a denser mass matrix with block-diagonal stiffness. Only `AI` and `IA` are currently supported. :arg bcs: optionally, a :class:`DirichletBC` object (or iterable thereof) containing (possible time-dependent) boundary conditions imposed on the system. :arg nullspace: A list of tuples of the form (index, VSB) where index is an index into the function space associated with `u` and VSB is a :class: `firedrake.VectorSpaceBasis` instance to be passed to a `firedrake.MixedVectorSpaceBasis` over the larger space associated with the Runge-Kutta method On output, we return a tuple consisting of several parts: - Fnew, the :class:`Form` - possibly a 4-tuple containing information needed to solve a mass matrix to update the solution (this is empty for RadauIIA methods for which there is a trivial update function. - UU, the :class:`firedrake.Function` holding all the stage time values. It lives in a :class:`firedrake.FunctionSpace` corresponding to the s-way tensor product of the space on which the semidiscrete form lives. - `bcnew`, a list of :class:`firedrake.DirichletBC` objects to be posed on the stages, - 'nspnew', the :class:`firedrake.MixedVectorSpaceBasis` object that represents the nullspace of the coupled system - `gblah`, a list of tuples of the form (f, expr, method), where f is a :class:`firedrake.Function` and expr is a :class:`ufl.Expr`. At each time step, each expr needs to be re-interpolated/projected onto the corresponding f in order for Firedrake to pick up that time-dependent boundary conditions need to be re-applied. The interpolation/projection is encoded in method, which is either `f.interpolate(expr-c*u0)` or `f.project(expr-c*u0)`, depending on whether the function space for f supports interpolation or not. """ v = F.arguments()[0] V = v.function_space() assert V == u0.function_space() num_stages = butch.num_stages num_fields = len(V) # s-way product space for the stage variables Vbig = reduce(mul, (V for _ in range(num_stages))) VV = TestFunction(Vbig) UU = Function(Vbig) vecconst = np.vectorize(Constant) C = vecconst(butch.c) A = vecconst(butch.A) # set up the pieces we need to work with to do our substitutions nsxnf = (num_stages, num_fields) if num_fields == 1: u0bits = np.array([u0], dtype="O") vbits = np.array([v], dtype="O") if num_stages == 1: # single-stage method VVbits = np.array([[VV]], dtype="O") UUbits = np.array([[UU]], dtype="O") else: # multi-stage methods VVbits = np.reshape(split(VV), nsxnf) UUbits = np.reshape(split(UU), nsxnf) else: u0bits = np.array(list(split(u0)), dtype="O") vbits = np.array(list(split(v)), dtype="O") VVbits = np.reshape(split(VV), nsxnf) UUbits = np.reshape(split(UU), nsxnf) split_form = extract_terms(F) Fnew = Zero() # first, process terms with a time derivative. I'm # assuming we have something of the form inner(Dt(g(u0)), v)*dx # For each stage i, this gets replaced with # inner((g(stages[i]) - g(u0))/dt, v)*dx # but we have to carefully handle the cases where g indexes into # pieces of u dtless = strip_dt_form(split_form.time) if splitting is None or splitting == AI: for i in range(num_stages): repl = {t: t + C[i] * dt} for j in range(num_fields): repl[u0bits[j]] = UUbits[i][j] - u0bits[j] repl[vbits[j]] = VVbits[i][j] # Also get replacements right for indexing. for j in range(num_fields): for ii in np.ndindex(u0bits[j].ufl_shape): repl[u0bits[j][ii]] = UUbits[i][j][ii] - u0bits[j][ii] repl[vbits[j][ii]] = VVbits[i][j][ii] Fnew += replace(dtless, repl) # Now for the non-time derivative parts for i in range(num_stages): # replace test function repl = {} for k in range(num_fields): repl[vbits[k]] = VVbits[i][k] for ii in np.ndindex(vbits[k].ufl_shape): repl[vbits[k][ii]] = VVbits[i][k][ii] Ftmp = replace(split_form.remainder, repl) # replace the solution with stage values for j in range(num_stages): repl = {t: t + C[j] * dt} for k in range(num_fields): repl[u0bits[k]] = UUbits[j][k] for ii in np.ndindex(u0bits[k].ufl_shape): repl[u0bits[k][ii]] = UUbits[j][k][ii] # and sum the contribution Fnew += A[i, j] * dt * replace(Ftmp, repl) elif splitting == IA: Ainv = np.vectorize(Constant)(np.linalg.inv(butch.A)) # time derivative part gets inverse of Butcher matrix. for i in range(num_stages): repl = {} for k in range(num_fields): repl[vbits[k]] = VVbits[i][k] for ii in np.ndindex(vbits[k].ufl_shape): repl[vbits[k][ii]] = VVbits[i][k][ii] Ftmp = replace(dtless, repl) for j in range(num_stages): repl = {t: t + C[j] * dt} for k in range(num_fields): repl[u0bits[k]] = (UUbits[j][k] - u0bits[k]) for ii in np.ndindex(u0bits[k].ufl_shape): repl[u0bits[k][ii]] = UUbits[j][k][ii] - u0bits[k][ii] Fnew += Ainv[i, j] * replace(Ftmp, repl) # rest of the operator: just diagonal! for i in range(num_stages): repl = {t: t + C[i] * dt} for j in range(num_fields): repl[u0bits[j]] = UUbits[i][j] repl[vbits[j]] = VVbits[i][j] # Also get replacements right for indexing. for j in range(num_fields): for ii in np.ndindex(u0bits[j].ufl_shape): repl[u0bits[j][ii]] = UUbits[i][j][ii] repl[vbits[j][ii]] = VVbits[i][j][ii] Fnew += dt * replace(split_form.remainder, repl) else: raise NotImplementedError("Can't handle that splitting type") if bcs is None: bcs = [] bcsnew = [] gblah = [] # For each BC, we need a new BC for each stage # so we need to figure out how the function is indexed (mixed + vec) # and then set it to have the value of the original argument at # time t+C[i]*dt. for bc in bcs: if num_fields == 1: # not mixed space comp = bc.function_space().component if comp is not None: # check for sub-piece of vector-valued Vsp = V.sub(comp) Vbigi = lambda i: Vbig[i].sub(comp) else: Vsp = V Vbigi = lambda i: Vbig[i] else: # mixed space sub = bc.function_space_index() comp = bc.function_space().component if comp is not None: # check for sub-piece of vector-valued Vsp = V.sub(sub).sub(comp) Vbigi = lambda i: Vbig[sub + num_fields * i].sub(comp) else: Vsp = V.sub(sub) Vbigi = lambda i: Vbig[sub + num_fields * i] bcarg = bc._original_arg for i in range(num_stages): try: gdat = interpolate(bcarg, Vsp) gmethod = lambda gd, gc: gd.interpolate(gc) except: # noqa: E722 gdat = project(bcarg, Vsp) gmethod = lambda gd, gc: gd.project(gc) gcur = replace(bcarg, {t: t + C[i] * dt}) bcsnew.append(DirichletBC(Vbigi(i), gdat, bc.sub_domain)) gblah.append((gdat, gcur, gmethod)) nspacenew = getNullspace(V, Vbig, butch, nullspace) # For RIIA, we have an optimized update rule and don't need to # build the variational form for doing updates. # But something's broken with null spaces, so that's a TO-DO. unew = Function(V) Fupdate = inner(unew - u0, v) * dx B = vectorize(Constant)(butch.b) C = vectorize(Constant)(butch.c) for i in range(num_stages): repl = {t: t + C[i] * dt} for k in range(num_fields): repl[u0bits[k]] = UUbits[i][k] for ii in np.ndindex(u0bits[k].ufl_shape): repl[u0bits[k][ii]] = UUbits[i][k][ii] eFFi = replace(split_form.remainder, repl) Fupdate += dt * B[i] * eFFi # And the BC's for the update -- just the original BC at t+dt update_bcs = [] update_bcs_gblah = [] for bc in bcs: if num_fields == 1: # not mixed space comp = bc.function_space().component if comp is not None: # check for sub-piece of vector-valued Vsp = V.sub(comp) else: Vsp = V else: # mixed space sub = bc.function_space_index() comp = bc.function_space().component if comp is not None: # check for sub-piece of vector-valued Vsp = V.sub(sub).sub(comp) else: Vsp = V.sub(sub) bcarg = bc._original_arg try: gdat = interpolate(bcarg, Vsp) gmethod = lambda gd, gc: gd.interpolate(gc) except: # noqa: E722 gdat = project(bcarg, Vsp) gmethod = lambda gd, gc: gd.project(gc) gcur = replace(bcarg, {t: t + dt}) update_bcs.append(DirichletBC(Vsp, gdat, bc.sub_domain)) update_bcs_gblah.append((gdat, gcur, gmethod)) return (Fnew, (unew, Fupdate, update_bcs, update_bcs_gblah), UU, bcsnew, gblah, nspacenew)
def sponge_term(self): u0 = split(self.x0)[0] return * inner(self.test, self.state.k) * inner( u0, self.state.k) * dx
def sdhm_form(self, problem, mesh, bcs_p, bcs_u): rho = problem.rho mu = k = problem.k f = problem.f q, p, lambda_h = fire.split(self.solution) w, v, mu_h = fire.TestFunctions(self._W) n = fire.FacetNormal(mesh) h = fire.CellDiameter(mesh) # Stabilizing parameters has_mesh_characteristic_length = True beta_0 = fire.Constant(1e-15) delta_0 = fire.Constant(1) delta_1 = fire.Constant(-1 / 2) delta_2 = fire.Constant(1 / 2) delta_3 = fire.Constant(1 / 2) # h_avg = (h('+') + h('-')) / 2. beta = beta_0 / h beta_avg = beta_0 / h("+") if has_mesh_characteristic_length: delta_2 = delta_2 * h * h delta_3 = delta_3 * h * h kappa = rho * k / mu inv_kappa = 1.0 / kappa # Classical mixed terms a = (dot(inv_kappa * q, w) - div(w) * p - delta_0 * v * div(q)) * dx L = -delta_0 * f * v * dx # Hybridization terms a += lambda_h("+") * dot(w, n)("+") * dS + mu_h("+") * dot(q, n)("+") * dS a += beta_avg * kappa("+") * (lambda_h("+") - p("+")) * (mu_h("+") - v("+")) * dS # Add the contributions of the pressure boundary conditions to L primal_bc_markers = list(mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers) for pboundary, iboundary in bcs_p: primal_bc_markers.remove(iboundary) a += (pboundary * dot(w, n) + mu_h * dot(q, n)) * ds(iboundary) a += beta * kappa * (lambda_h - pboundary) * mu_h * ds(iboundary) unprescribed_primal_bc = primal_bc_markers for bc_marker in unprescribed_primal_bc: a += (lambda_h * dot(w, n) + mu_h * dot(q, n)) * ds(bc_marker) a += beta * kappa * lambda_h * mu_h * ds(bc_marker) # Add the (weak) contributions of the velocity boundary conditions to L for uboundary, iboundary, component in bcs_u: if component is not None: dim = mesh.geometric_dimension() bc_array = [] for _ in range(dim): bc_array.append(0.0) bc_array[component] = uboundary bc_as_vector = fire.Constant(bc_array) L += mu_h * dot(bc_as_vector, n) * ds(iboundary) else: L += mu_h * dot(uboundary, n) * ds(iboundary) # Stabilizing terms a += (delta_1 * inner(kappa * (inv_kappa * q + grad(p)), delta_0 * inv_kappa * w + grad(v)) * dx) a += delta_2 * inv_kappa * div(q) * div(w) * dx a += delta_3 * inner(kappa * curl(inv_kappa * q), curl( inv_kappa * w)) * dx L += delta_2 * inv_kappa * f * div(w) * dx return a, L
def hydrostatic_term(self): u0 = split(self.x0)[0] return inner(u0, self.state.k) * inner(self.test, self.state.k) * dx
def _setup_solver(self): import numpy as np state = self.state dt = state.dt beta_ = dt * self.alpha cp = state.parameters.cp Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vu_broken = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, BrokenElement(Vu.ufl_element())) Vtheta = state.spaces("theta") Vrho = state.spaces("DG") # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants beta = Constant(beta_) beta_cp = Constant(beta_ * cp) h_deg = Vrho.ufl_element().degree()[0] v_deg = Vrho.ufl_element().degree()[1] Vtrace = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, "HDiv Trace", degree=(h_deg, v_deg)) # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) self.xrhs = Function(self.equations.function_space) u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(self.xrhs)[0:3] # Build the function space for "broken" u, rho, and pressure trace M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu_broken, Vrho, Vtrace)) w, phi, dl = TestFunctions(M) u, rho, l0 = TrialFunctions(M) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) # Get background fields thetabar = state.fields("thetabar") rhobar = state.fields("rhobar") exnerbar = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) exnerbar_rho = thermodynamics.dexner_drho(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) exnerbar_theta = thermodynamics.dexner_dtheta(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector theta = -dot(k, u) * dot(k, grad(thetabar)) * beta + theta_in # Only include theta' (rather than exner') in the vertical # component of the gradient # The exner prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are # for linear perturbations) exner = exnerbar_theta * theta + exnerbar_rho * rho # Vertical projection def V(u): return k * inner(u, k) # hydrostatic projection h_project = lambda u: u - k * inner(u, k) # Specify degree for some terms as estimated degree is too large dxp = dx(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) dS_vp = dS_v(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) dS_hp = dS_h(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) ds_vp = ds_v(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) ds_tbp = (ds_t(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) + ds_b(degree=(self.quadrature_degree))) # Add effect of density of water upon theta if self.moisture is not None: water_t = Function(Vtheta).assign(0.0) for water in self.moisture: water_t += self.state.fields(water) theta_w = theta / (1 + water_t) thetabar_w = thetabar / (1 + water_t) else: theta_w = theta thetabar_w = thetabar _l0 = TrialFunction(Vtrace) _dl = TestFunction(Vtrace) a_tr = _dl('+') * _l0('+') * ( dS_vp + dS_hp) + _dl * _l0 * ds_vp + _dl * _l0 * ds_tbp def L_tr(f): return _dl('+') * avg(f) * ( dS_vp + dS_hp) + _dl * f * ds_vp + _dl * f * ds_tbp cg_ilu_parameters = { 'ksp_type': 'cg', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu' } # Project field averages into functions on the trace space rhobar_avg = Function(Vtrace) exnerbar_avg = Function(Vtrace) rho_avg_prb = LinearVariationalProblem(a_tr, L_tr(rhobar), rhobar_avg) exner_avg_prb = LinearVariationalProblem(a_tr, L_tr(exnerbar), exnerbar_avg) rho_avg_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( rho_avg_prb, solver_parameters=cg_ilu_parameters, options_prefix='rhobar_avg_solver') exner_avg_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( exner_avg_prb, solver_parameters=cg_ilu_parameters, options_prefix='exnerbar_avg_solver') with timed_region("Gusto:HybridProjectRhobar"): rho_avg_solver.solve() with timed_region("Gusto:HybridProjectExnerbar"): exner_avg_solver.solve() # "broken" u, rho, and trace system # NOTE: no ds_v integrals since equations are defined on # a periodic (or sphere) base mesh. if any([t.has_label(hydrostatic) for t in self.equations.residual]): u_mass = inner(w, (h_project(u) - u_in)) * dx else: u_mass = inner(w, (u - u_in)) * dx eqn = ( # momentum equation u_mass - beta_cp * div(theta_w * V(w)) * exnerbar * dxp # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical). # + beta_cp*jump(theta_w*V(w), n=n)*exnerbar_avg('+')*dS_vp + beta_cp * jump(theta_w * V(w), n=n) * exnerbar_avg('+') * dS_hp + beta_cp * dot(theta_w * V(w), n) * exnerbar_avg * ds_tbp - beta_cp * div(thetabar_w * w) * exner * dxp # trace terms appearing after integrating momentum equation + beta_cp * jump(thetabar_w * w, n=n) * l0('+') * (dS_vp + dS_hp) + beta_cp * dot(thetabar_w * w, n) * l0 * (ds_tbp + ds_vp) # mass continuity equation + (phi * (rho - rho_in) - beta * inner(grad(phi), u) * rhobar) * dx + beta * jump(phi * u, n=n) * rhobar_avg('+') * (dS_v + dS_h) # term added because u.n=0 is enforced weakly via the traces + beta * phi * dot(u, n) * rhobar_avg * (ds_tb + ds_v) # constraint equation to enforce continuity of the velocity # through the interior facets and weakly impose the no-slip # condition + dl('+') * jump(u, n=n) * (dS_vp + dS_hp) + dl * dot(u, n) * (ds_tbp + ds_vp)) # contribution of the sponge term if hasattr(self.equations, "mu"): eqn += dt * * inner(w, k) * inner(u, k) * dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Function for the hybridized solutions self.urhol0 = Function(M) hybridized_prb = LinearVariationalProblem(aeqn, Leqn, self.urhol0) hybridized_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( hybridized_prb, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix='ImplicitSolver') self.hybridized_solver = hybridized_solver # Project broken u into the HDiv space using facet averaging. # Weight function counting the dofs of the HDiv element: shapes = { "i": Vu.finat_element.space_dimension(), "j":, dtype=int) } weight_kernel = """ for (int i=0; i<{i}; ++i) for (int j=0; j<{j}; ++j) w[i*{j} + j] += 1.0; """.format(**shapes) self._weight = Function(Vu) par_loop(weight_kernel, dx, {"w": (self._weight, INC)}) # Averaging kernel self._average_kernel = """ for (int i=0; i<{i}; ++i) for (int j=0; j<{j}; ++j) vec_out[i*{j} + j] += vec_in[i*{j} + j]/w[i*{j} + j]; """.format(**shapes) # HDiv-conforming velocity self.u_hdiv = Function(Vu) # Reconstruction of theta theta = TrialFunction(Vtheta) gamma = TestFunction(Vtheta) self.theta = Function(Vtheta) theta_eqn = gamma * (theta - theta_in + dot(k, self.u_hdiv) * dot(k, grad(thetabar)) * beta) * dx theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn), rhs(theta_eqn), self.theta) self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( theta_problem, solver_parameters=cg_ilu_parameters, options_prefix='thetabacksubstitution') # Store boundary conditions for the div-conforming velocity to apply # post-solve self.bcs = self.equations.bcs['u']
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit dt = state.timestepping.dt beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha mu = # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, p_in, b_in = split(state.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,p M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1])) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, p = TrialFunctions(M) # Get background fields bbar = state.bbar # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector b = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(bbar))*beta + b_in # vertical projection def V(u): return k*inner(u,k) eqn = ( inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx - beta*div(w)*p*dx - beta*inner(w,k)*b*dx + phi*div(u)*dx ) if mu is not None: eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u p solver self.up = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0] bc = ("0.0",)*dim bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"), DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")] # preconditioner equation L = self.L Ap = ( inner(w,u) + L*L*div(w)*div(u) + phi*p/L/L )*dx # Solver for u, p up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem( aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs, aP=Ap) nullspace = MixedVectorSpaceBasis(M, [M.sub(0), VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True)]) self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(up_problem, solver_parameters=self.params, nullspace=nullspace) # Reconstruction of b b = TrialFunction(state.V[2]) gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2]) u, p = self.up.split() self.b = Function(state.V[2]) b_eqn = gamma*(b - b_in + dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(bbar))*beta)*dx b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn), rhs(b_eqn), self.b) self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit dt = state.dt beta_ = dt * self.alpha Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vb = state.spaces("theta") Vp = state.spaces("DG") # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants beta = Constant(beta_) # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) self.xrhs = Function(self.equations.function_space) u_in, p_in, b_in = split(self.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,p M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vp)) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, p = TrialFunctions(M) # Get background fields bbar = state.fields("bbar") # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector b = -dot(k, u) * dot(k, grad(bbar)) * beta + b_in # vertical projection def V(u): return k * inner(u, k) eqn = (inner(w, (u - u_in)) * dx - beta * div(w) * p * dx - beta * inner(w, k) * b * dx + phi * div(u) * dx) if hasattr(self.equations, "mu"): eqn += dt * * inner(w, k) * inner(u, k) * dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u p solver self.up = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) # BCs are declared for the plain velocity space. As we need them in # a mixed problem, we replicate the BCs but for subspace of M bcs = [ DirichletBC(M.sub(0), bc.function_arg, bc.sub_domain) for bc in self.equations.bcs['u'] ] # Solver for u, p up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs) # Provide callback for the nullspace of the trace system def trace_nullsp(T): return VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True) appctx = {"trace_nullspace": trace_nullsp} self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( up_problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, appctx=appctx) # Reconstruction of b b = TrialFunction(Vb) gamma = TestFunction(Vb) u, p = self.up.split() self.b = Function(Vb) b_eqn = gamma * (b - b_in + dot(k, u) * dot(k, grad(bbar)) * beta) * dx b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn), rhs(b_eqn), self.b) self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit dt = state.timestepping.dt beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha cp = state.parameters.cp mu = # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(state.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,rho M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1])) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, rho = TrialFunctions(M) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) # Get background fields thetabar = state.thetabar rhobar = state.rhobar pibar = exner(thetabar, rhobar, state) pibar_rho = exner_rho(thetabar, rhobar, state) pibar_theta = exner_theta(thetabar, rhobar, state) # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector theta = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(thetabar))*beta + theta_in # Only include theta' (rather than pi') in the vertical # component of the gradient # the pi prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are # for linear perturbations) pi = pibar_theta*theta + pibar_rho*rho # vertical projection def V(u): return k*inner(u,k) eqn = ( inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx - beta*cp*div(theta*V(w))*pibar*dx # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical. # + beta*cp*jump(theta*V(w),n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v - beta*cp*div(thetabar*w)*pi*dx + beta*cp*jump(thetabar*w,n)*avg(pi)*dS_v + (phi*(rho - rho_in) - beta*inner(grad(phi), u)*rhobar)*dx + beta*jump(phi*u, n)*avg(rhobar)*(dS_v + dS_h) ) if mu is not None: eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u rho solver self.urho = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0] bc = ("0.0",)*dim bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"), DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")] # Solver for u, rho urho_problem = LinearVariationalProblem( aeqn, Leqn, self.urho, bcs=bcs) self.urho_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(urho_problem, solver_parameters=self.params, options_prefix='ImplicitSolver') # Reconstruction of theta theta = TrialFunction(state.V[2]) gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2]) u, rho = self.urho.split() self.theta = Function(state.V[2]) theta_eqn = gamma*(theta - theta_in + dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(thetabar))*beta)*dx theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn), rhs(theta_eqn), self.theta) self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(theta_problem, options_prefix='thetabacksubstitution')
def compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, pi0=None, top=False, pi_boundary=Constant(1.0), solve_for_rho=False, params=None): """ Compute a hydrostatically balanced density given a potential temperature profile. :arg state: The :class:`State` object. :arg theta0: :class:`.Function`containing the potential temperature. :arg rho0: :class:`.Function` to write the initial density into. :arg top: If True, set a boundary condition at the top. Otherwise, set it at the bottom. :arg pi_boundary: a field or expression to use as boundary data for pi on the top or bottom as specified. """ # Calculate hydrostatic Pi W = MixedFunctionSpace((state.Vv,state.V[1])) v, pi = TrialFunctions(W) dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) cp = state.parameters.cp alhs = ( (cp*inner(v,dv) - cp*div(dv*theta0)*pi)*dx + dpi*div(theta0*v)*dx ) if top: bmeasure = ds_t bstring = "bottom" else: bmeasure = ds_b bstring = "top" arhs = -cp*inner(dv,n)*theta0*pi_boundary*bmeasure if state.parameters.geopotential: Phi = state.Phi arhs += div(dv)*Phi*dx - inner(dv,n)*Phi*bmeasure else: g = state.parameters.g arhs -= g*inner(dv,state.k)*dx if(state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2): bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Expression(("0.", "0.")), bstring)] elif(state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3): bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Expression(("0.", "0.", "0.")), bstring)] w = Function(W) PiProblem = LinearVariationalProblem(alhs, arhs, w, bcs=bcs) if(params is None): params = {'pc_type': 'fieldsplit', 'pc_fieldsplit_type': 'schur', 'ksp_type': 'gmres', 'ksp_monitor_true_residual': True, 'ksp_max_it': 100, 'ksp_gmres_restart': 50, 'pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type': 'FULL', 'pc_fieldsplit_schur_precondition': 'selfp', 'fieldsplit_0_ksp_type': 'richardson', 'fieldsplit_0_ksp_max_it': 5, 'fieldsplit_0_pc_type': 'gamg', 'fieldsplit_1_pc_gamg_sym_graph': True, 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_type': 'chebyshev', 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues': True, 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues_random': True, 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_max_it': 5, 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} PiSolver = LinearVariationalSolver(PiProblem, solver_parameters=params) PiSolver.solve() v, Pi = w.split() if pi0 is not None: pi0.assign(Pi) kappa = state.parameters.kappa R_d = state.parameters.R_d p_0 = state.parameters.p_0 if solve_for_rho: w1 = Function(W) v, rho = w1.split() rho.interpolate(p_0*(Pi**((1-kappa)/kappa))/R_d/theta0) v, rho = split(w1) dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W) pi = ((R_d/p_0)*rho*theta0)**(kappa/(1.-kappa)) F = ( (cp*inner(v,dv) - cp*div(dv*theta0)*pi)*dx + dpi*div(theta0*v)*dx + cp*inner(dv,n)*theta0*pi_boundary*bmeasure ) if state.parameters.geopotential: F += - div(dv)*Phi*dx + inner(dv,n)*Phi*bmeasure else: F += g*inner(dv,state.k)*dx rhoproblem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, w1, bcs=bcs) rhosolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(rhoproblem, solver_parameters=params) rhosolver.solve() v, rho_ = w1.split() rho0.assign(rho_) else: rho0.interpolate(p_0*(Pi**((1-kappa)/kappa))/R_d/theta0)