Exemplo n.º 1
def load_recording(rec):
    # print "Rec.trip type:",type(rec.trip)
    path = decode_flightpath(str(rec.trip), rec.version)
    dynamic_id = md5(rec.trip).hexdigest()
    out = Track()
    out.points = []
    maxlat = -1000
    maxlon = -1000
    minlat = 1000
    minlon = 1000
    laststamp = None
    numpoints = path["path"]
    le = len(numpoints)
    cutoff = le / 2
    for idx, (pos, stamp, altitude) in enumerate(path["path"]):
        lat, lon = mapper.merc2latlon(pos, 17)
        maxlat = max(maxlat, lat)
        minlat = min(minlat, lat)
        maxlon = max(maxlon, lon)
        minlon = min(minlon, lon)
        if laststamp == None or stamp - laststamp > cutoff or idx == le - 1:
            out.points.append(((lat, lon), altitude * 0.3048, datetime.utcfromtimestamp(stamp / 1000.0)))
            laststamp = stamp
    print "Took %d points" % (len(out.points),)
    out.bb1 = (maxlat, minlon)
    out.bb2 = (minlat, maxlon)
    out.dynamic_id = dynamic_id
    return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def load_recording(rec):
    #print "Rec.trip type:",type(rec.trip)
    path = decode_flightpath(str(rec.trip), rec.version)
    dynamic_id = md5(rec.trip).hexdigest()
    out = Track()
    out.points = []
    maxlat = -1000
    maxlon = -1000
    minlat = 1000
    minlon = 1000
    laststamp = None
    numpoints = path['path']
    le = len(numpoints)
    cutoff = le / 2
    for idx, (pos, stamp, altitude) in enumerate(path['path']):
        lat, lon = mapper.merc2latlon(pos, 17)
        maxlat = max(maxlat, lat)
        minlat = min(minlat, lat)
        maxlon = max(maxlon, lon)
        minlon = min(minlon, lon)
        if laststamp == None or stamp - laststamp > cutoff or idx == le - 1:
            out.points.append(((lat, lon), altitude * 0.3048,
                               datetime.utcfromtimestamp(stamp / 1000.0)))
            laststamp = stamp
    print "Took %d points" % (len(out.points), )
    out.bb1 = (maxlat, minlon)
    out.bb2 = (minlat, maxlon)
    out.dynamic_id = dynamic_id
    return out
Exemplo n.º 3
def parseRecordedTrip(user, inp, headers_only=False):
    def readShort():
        return struct.unpack(">H", inp.read(2))[0]

    def readInt():
        return struct.unpack(">I", inp.read(4))[0]

    def readLong():
        return struct.unpack(">Q", inp.read(8))[0]

    def readUTF():
        len = readShort()
        #print "Read string of length %d"%(len,)
        data = inp.read(len)
        return unicode(data, "utf8")

    magic = readInt()
    #print "magic",magic
    #print "magic:",hex(magic)
    if magic != 0xfafafa01:
        raise Exception("Bad magic in uploaded file")
    version = readInt()
    if version < 2 or version > 3:
        raise Exception("Version not even supported by server: %d" %
                        (version, ))
    departure = readUTF()
    destination = readUTF()
    buf = inp.read()
    #print "Read %d bytes to parse using c++ optimized triplog decoding routine"%(len(buf),)
    path = decode_flightpath(buf, version)
    startstamp = path['startstamp']
    endstamp = path['endstamp']
    startpos = path['startpos']
    endpos = path['endpos']
    distance = path['distance']
    path = path['path']
    #print "uploaded stamp:",startstamp
    rec = Recording(user, datetime.utcfromtimestamp(startstamp // 1000))
    rec.end = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(endstamp // 1000)
    rec.duration = float(endstamp - startstamp)
    rec.distance = distance
    rec.depdescr = departure[:99]
    rec.destdescr = destination[:99]
    rec.trip = buf
    rec.version = version

    return rec
Exemplo n.º 4
def parseRecordedTrip(user, inp, headers_only=False):
    def readShort():
        return struct.unpack(">H", inp.read(2))[0]

    def readInt():
        return struct.unpack(">I", inp.read(4))[0]

    def readLong():
        return struct.unpack(">Q", inp.read(8))[0]

    def readUTF():
        len = readShort()
        # print "Read string of length %d"%(len,)
        data = inp.read(len)
        return unicode(data, "utf8")

    magic = readInt()
    # print "magic",magic
    # print "magic:",hex(magic)
    if magic != 0xFAFAFA01:
        raise Exception("Bad magic in uploaded file")
    version = readInt()
    if version < 2 or version > 3:
        raise Exception("Version not even supported by server: %d" % (version,))
    departure = readUTF()
    destination = readUTF()
    buf = inp.read()
    # print "Read %d bytes to parse using c++ optimized triplog decoding routine"%(len(buf),)
    path = decode_flightpath(buf, version)
    startstamp = path["startstamp"]
    endstamp = path["endstamp"]
    startpos = path["startpos"]
    endpos = path["endpos"]
    distance = path["distance"]
    path = path["path"]
    # print "uploaded stamp:",startstamp
    rec = Recording(user, datetime.utcfromtimestamp(startstamp // 1000))
    rec.end = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(endstamp // 1000)
    rec.duration = float(endstamp - startstamp)
    rec.distance = distance
    rec.depdescr = departure[:99]
    rec.destdescr = destination[:99]
    rec.trip = buf
    rec.version = version

    return rec