Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_b(self, theano_f):
        Two layers a bit curvy, drift degree 1
        data_interp = theano_f[0]
        compiled_f = theano_f[1]

        # Importing the data from csv files and settign extent and resolution
        geo_data = gempy.import_data([0, 10, 0, 10, -10, 0], [50, 50, 50],

        # DEP
        # rescaled_data = gempy.rescale_data(geo_data)
        # data_interp.interpolator._data_scaled = rescaled_data
        # data_interp.interpolator._grid_scaled = rescaled_data.grid
        # data_interp.interpolator.order_table()
        # data_interp.interpolator.set_theano_shared_parameteres()
        # # Prepare the input data (interfaces, foliations data) to call the theano function.
        # # Also set a few theano shared variables with the len of formations series and so on
        # input_data_P = data_interp.interpolator.data_prep(u_grade=[3])
        # sol = compiled_f(input_data_P[0], input_data_P[1], input_data_P[2], input_data_P[3], input_data_P[4],
        #                  input_data_P[5])


        i = data_interp.get_input_data(u_grade=[3])
        sol = compiled_f(*i)

        real_sol = np.load('test_b_sol.npy')
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sol[:, :2, :], real_sol, decimal=3)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def theano_f(self):
        # Importing the data from csv files and settign extent and resolution
        geo_data = gempy.import_data([0, 10, 0, 10, -10, 0], [50, 50, 50],

       # data_interp = gempy.set_interpolator(geo_data,
       #                                      dtype="float64",
       #                                      verbose=['solve_kriging'])

        # Set all the theano shared parameters and return the symbolic variables (the input of the theano function)
        #input_data_T =   data_interp.interpolator.tg.input_parameters_list()

        # Prepare the input data (interfaces, foliations data) to call the theano function.
        # Also set a few theano shared variables with the len of formations series and so on
       # input_data_P =   data_interp.interpolator.data_prep(u_grade=[3])

        # Compile the theano function.
       # compiled_f = theano.function(input_data_T,   data_interp.interpolator.tg.whole_block_model(),
       #                              allow_input_downcast=True, profile=True)

        data_interp = gempy.InterpolatorInput(geo_data, dtype='float64')
        compiled_f = data_interp.compile_th_fn()

        return data_interp, compiled_f
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_a(self, theano_f):
        2 Horizontal layers with drift one

        data_interp = theano_f[0]
        compiled_f = theano_f[1]

        # Importing the data from csv files and settign extent and resolution
        geo_data = gempy.import_data([0, 10, 0, 10, -10, 0], [50, 50, 50],

        # rescaled_data = gempy.rescale_data(geo_data)
        # data_interp.interpolator._data_scaled = rescaled_data
        # data_interp.interpolator._grid_scaled = rescaled_data.grid
        # data_interp.interpolator.order_table()
        # data_interp.interpolator.set_theano_shared_parameteres()
        # # Prepare the input data (interfaces, foliations data) to call the theano function.
        # # Also set a few theano shared variables with the len of formations series and so on
        # input_data_P = data_interp.interpolator.data_prep(u_grade=[3])
        # # Compile the theano function.


        i = data_interp.get_input_data(u_grade=[3])
        sol = compiled_f(*i)

        real_sol = np.load('test_a_sol.npy')
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sol[:, :2, :], real_sol, decimal=3)

        gempy.plot_section(geo_data, 25, block=sol[0, 0, :], direction='y', plot_data=True)
        gempy.plot_potential_field(geo_data, sol[0, 1, :], 25)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_e(self, theano_f_1f):
        Two layers a bit curvy, 1 fault
        data_interp = theano_f_1f[0]
        compiled_f = theano_f_1f[1]

        # Importing the data from csv files and settign extent and resolution
        geo_data = gempy.import_data([0, 10, 0, 10, -10, 0], [50, 50, 50],

        gempy.set_series(geo_data, {'series': ('A', 'B'),
                                        'fault1': 'f1'}, order_series=['fault1', 'series'])

        geo_data.n_faults = 1


        i = data_interp.get_input_data(u_grade=[3, 3])
        sol = compiled_f(*i)

        # print(data_interp.rescale_factor, 'rescale')
        real_sol = np.load('test_e_sol.npy')
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sol[:, :2, :], real_sol, decimal=3)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_f(self, theano_f_1f):
        Two layers a bit curvy, 1 fault
        data_interp = theano_f_1f[0]
        compiled_f = theano_f_1f[1]

        # Importing the data from csv files and settign extent and resolution
        geo_data = gempy.import_data(
            [0, 2000, 0, 2000, -2000, 0], [50, 50, 50],

        geo_data.set_formation_number(geo_data.formations[[3, 2, 1, 0, 4]])

        gempy.set_data_series(geo_data, {
            ('Reservoir', 'Seal', 'SecondaryReservoir', 'NonReservoirDeep'),
                              order_series=['fault1', 'series'])

        #  rescaled_data = gempy.rescale_data(geo_data)
        # # data_interp = gempy.set_interpolator(geo_data, dtype="float64", )
        #  data_interp.interpolator._data_scaled = rescaled_data
        #  data_interp.interpolator._grid_scaled = rescaled_data.grid
        #  data_interp.interpolator.order_table()
        #  data_interp.interpolator.set_theano_shared_parameteres()
        #  # Prepare the input data (interfaces, foliations data) to call the theano function.
        #  # Also set a few theano shared variables with the len of formations series and so on
        #  input_data_P = data_interp.interpolator.data_prep(u_grade=[3, 3])
        #  data_interp.interpolator.get_kriging_parameters()
        #  sol = compiled_f(input_data_P[0], input_data_P[1], input_data_P[2], input_data_P[3], input_data_P[4],
        #                   input_data_P[5])
        # # print(data_interp.rescale_factor, 'rescale')

        geo_data.n_faults = 1


        i = data_interp.get_input_data(u_grade=[3, 3])
        sol = compiled_f(*i)

        real_sol = np.load('test_f_sol.npy')
        # np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sol[:, :2, :], real_sol, decimal=2)
        mismatch = ~np.isclose(sol[:, :2, :], real_sol,
                               rtol=0.01).sum() / np.product(sol.shape)
        assert mismatch * 100 < 1
        GeoMod_sol = geo_data.read_vox('./GeoModeller/test_f/test_f.vox')
        similarity = (
            (GeoMod_sol - sol[0, 0, :]) != 0).sum() / sol[0, 0].shape[0]

        print('The mismatch geomodeller-gempy is ', similarity * 100, '%')
        assert similarity < 0.05, 'The mismatch with geomodeller is too high'
Exemplo n.º 6
    def interpolator(self):
        # Importing the data from csv files and settign extent and resolution
        geo_data = gempy.import_data([0, 10, 0, 10, -10, 0], [50, 50, 50],

        data_interp = gempy.set_interpolator(geo_data,
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_e(self, theano_f_1f):
        Two layers a bit curvy, 1 fault
        data_interp = theano_f_1f[0]
        compiled_f = theano_f_1f[1]

        # Importing the data from csv files and settign extent and resolution
        geo_data = gempy.import_data(
            [0, 10, 0, 10, -10, 0], [50, 50, 50],

        gempy.set_data_series(geo_data, {
            'series': ('A', 'B'),
            'fault1': 'f1'
                              order_series=['fault1', 'series'])

        #  rescaled_data = gempy.rescale_data(geo_data)
        # # data_interp = gempy.set_interpolator(geo_data, dtype="float64", )
        #  data_interp.interpolator._data_scaled = rescaled_data
        #  data_interp.interpolator._grid_scaled = rescaled_data.grid
        #  data_interp.interpolator.order_table()
        #  data_interp.interpolator.set_theano_shared_parameteres()
        #  # Prepare the input data (interfaces, foliations data) to call the theano function.
        #  # Also set a few theano shared variables with the len of formations series and so on
        #  input_data_P = data_interp.interpolator.data_prep(u_grade=[3, 3])
        #  data_interp.interpolator.get_kriging_parameters()
        #  sol = compiled_f(input_data_P[0], input_data_P[1], input_data_P[2], input_data_P[3], input_data_P[4],
        #                   input_data_P[5])

        geo_data.n_faults = 1


        i = data_interp.get_input_data(u_grade=[3, 3])
        sol = compiled_f(*i)

        # print(data_interp.rescale_factor, 'rescale')
        real_sol = np.load('test_e_sol.npy')
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sol[:, :2, :],
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_f(self, theano_f_1f):
        Two layers a bit curvy, 1 fault
        data_interp = theano_f_1f[0]
        compiled_f = theano_f_1f[1]

        # Importing the data from csv files and settign extent and resolution
        geo_data = gempy.import_data([0, 2000, 0, 2000, -2000, 0], [50, 50, 50],

        geo_data.set_formation_number(geo_data.formations[[3, 2, 1, 0, 4]])

        gempy.set_series(geo_data, {'series': ('Reservoir'
                                                    , 'Seal',
                                         'fault1': 'MainFault'},
                         order_series=['fault1', 'series'])

        geo_data.n_faults = 1


        i = data_interp.get_input_data(u_grade=[3, 3])
        sol = compiled_f(*i)

        real_sol = np.load('test_f_sol.npy')
       # np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sol[:, :2, :], real_sol, decimal=2)
        mismatch = ~np.isclose(sol[:, :2, :], real_sol, rtol=0.01).sum()/np.product(sol.shape)
        assert mismatch * 100 < 1
        GeoMod_sol = geo_data.read_vox('./GeoModeller/test_f/test_f.vox')
        similarity = ((GeoMod_sol - sol[0, 0, :]) != 0).sum() / sol[0, 0].shape[0]

        print('The mismatch geomodeller-gempy is ', similarity*100, '%')
        assert similarity < 0.05, 'The mismatch with geomodeller is too high'