Exemplo n.º 1
def perfect_power(n, candidates=None, recursive=True):
    Return ``(a, b)`` such that ``n`` == ``a**b`` if ``n`` is a
    perfect power; otherwise return ``None``.

    By default, attempts to determine the largest possible ``b``.
    With ``recursive=False``, the smallest possible ``b`` will
    be chosen (this will be a prime number).
    if n < 3:
        return None
    logn = math.log(n,2)
    max_possible = int(logn)+2
    if not candidates:
        candidates = primerange(2, max_possible)
    for b in candidates:
        if b > max_possible:
        # Weed out downright impossible candidates
        if logn/b < 40:
            a = 2.0**(logn/b)
            if abs(int(a+0.5)-a) > 0.01:
        # print b
        r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, b)
        if exact:
            if recursive:
                m = perfect_power(r)
                if m:
                    return m[0], b*m[1]
            return r, b
Exemplo n.º 2
def perfect_power(n, candidates=None, recursive=True):
    Return ``(a, b)`` such that ``n`` == ``a**b`` if ``n`` is a
    perfect power; otherwise return ``None``.

    By default, attempts to determine the largest possible ``b``.
    With ``recursive=False``, the smallest possible ``b`` will
    be chosen (this will be a prime number).
    if n < 3:
        return None
    logn = math.log(n, 2)
    max_possible = int(logn) + 2
    if not candidates:
        candidates = primerange(2, max_possible)
    for b in candidates:
        if b > max_possible:
        # Weed out downright impossible candidates
        if logn / b < 40:
            a = 2.0**(logn / b)
            if abs(int(a + 0.5) - a) > 0.01:
        # print b
        r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, b)
        if exact:
            if recursive:
                m = perfect_power(r)
                if m:
                    return m[0], b * m[1]
            return r, b
Exemplo n.º 3
def perfect_power(n, candidates=None, big=True, factor=True):
    Return ``(b, e)`` such that ``n`` == ``b**e`` if ``n`` is a
    perfect power; otherwise return ``False``.

    By default, the base is recursively decomposed and the exponents
    collected so the largest possible ``e`` is sought. If ``big=False``
    then the smallest possible ``e`` (thus prime) will be chosen.

    If ``candidates`` for exponents are given, they are assumed to be sorted
    and the first one that is larger than the computed maximum will signal
    failure for the routine.

    If ``factor=True`` then simultaneous factorization of n is attempted
    since finding a factor indicates the only possible root for n. This
    is True by default since only a few small factors will be tested in
    the course of searching for the perfect power.


    >>> from sympy import perfect_power
    >>> perfect_power(16)
    (2, 4)
    >>> perfect_power(16, big = False)
    (4, 2)
    n = int(n)
    if n < 3:
        return False
    logn = math.log(n, 2)
    max_possible = int(logn) + 2  # only check values less than this
    not_square = n % 10 in [2, 3, 7, 8]  # squares cannot end in 2, 3, 7, 8
    if not candidates:
        candidates = primerange(2 + not_square, max_possible)

    afactor = 2 + n % 2
    for e in candidates:
        if e < 3:
            if e == 1 or e == 2 and not_square:
        if e > max_possible:
            return False

        # see if there is a factor present
        if factor:
            if n % afactor == 0:
                # find what the potential power is
                if afactor == 2:
                    e = trailing(n)
                    e = multiplicity(afactor, n)
                # if it's a trivial power we are done
                if e == 1:
                    return False

                # maybe the bth root of n is exact
                r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, e)
                if not exact:
                    # then remove this factor and check to see if
                    # any of e's factors are a common exponent; if
                    # not then it's not a perfect power
                    n //= afactor**e
                    m = perfect_power(n, candidates=primefactors(e), big=big)
                    if m is False:
                        return False
                        r, m = m
                        # adjust the two exponents so the bases can
                        # be combined
                        g = igcd(m, e)
                        if g == 1:
                            return False
                        m //= g
                        e //= g
                        r, e = r**m*afactor**e, g
                if not big:
                    e0 = primefactors(e)
                    if len(e0) > 1 or e0[0] != e:
                        e0 = e0[0]
                        r, e = r**(e//e0), e0
                return r, e
                # get the next factor ready for the next pass through the loop
                afactor = nextprime(afactor)

        # Weed out downright impossible candidates
        if logn/e < 40:
            b = 2.0**(logn/e)
            if abs(int(b + 0.5) - b) > 0.01:

        # now see if the plausible e makes a perfect power
        r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, e)
        if exact:
            if big:
                m = perfect_power(r, big=big, factor=factor)
                if m is not False:
                    r, e = m[0], e*m[1]
            return int(r), e
        return False
Exemplo n.º 4
def perfect_power(n, candidates=None, big=True, factor=True):
    Return ``(b, e)`` such that ``n`` == ``b**e`` if ``n`` is a
    perfect power; otherwise return ``False``.

    By default, the base is recursively decomposed and the exponents
    collected so the largest possible ``e`` is sought. If ``big=False``
    then the smallest possible ``e`` (thus prime) will be chosen.

    If ``candidates`` for exponents are given, they are assumed to be sorted
    and the first one that is larger than the computed maximum will signal
    failure for the routine.

    If ``factor=True`` then simultaneous factorization of n is attempted
    since finding a factor indicates the only possible root for n. This
    is True by default since only a few small factors will be tested in
    the course of searching for the perfect power.


    >>> from sympy import perfect_power
    >>> perfect_power(16)
    (2, 4)
    >>> perfect_power(16, big = False)
    (4, 2)
    n = int(n)
    if n < 3:
        return False
    logn = math.log(n, 2)
    max_possible = int(logn) + 2  # only check values less than this
    not_square = n % 10 in [2, 3, 7, 8]  # squares cannot end in 2, 3, 7, 8
    if not candidates:
        candidates = primerange(2 + not_square, max_possible)

    afactor = 2 + n % 2
    for e in candidates:
        if e < 3:
            if e == 1 or e == 2 and not_square:
        if e > max_possible:
            return False

        # see if there is a factor present
        if factor:
            if n % afactor == 0:
                # find what the potential power is
                if afactor == 2:
                    e = trailing(n)
                    e = multiplicity(afactor, n)
                # if it's a trivial power we are done
                if e == 1:
                    return False

                # maybe the bth root of n is exact
                r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, e)
                if not exact:
                    # then remove this factor and check to see if
                    # any of e's factors are a common exponent; if
                    # not then it's not a perfect power
                    n //= afactor**e
                    m = perfect_power(n, candidates=primefactors(e), big=big)
                    if m is False:
                        return False
                        r, m = m
                        # adjust the two exponents so the bases can
                        # be combined
                        g = igcd(m, e)
                        if g == 1:
                            return False
                        m //= g
                        e //= g
                        r, e = r**m*afactor**e, g
                if not big:
                    e0 = primefactors(e)
                    if len(e0) > 1 or e0[0] != e:
                        e0 = e0[0]
                        r, e = r**(e//e0), e0
                return r, e
                # get the next factor ready for the next pass through the loop
                afactor = nextprime(afactor)

        # Weed out downright impossible candidates
        if logn/e < 40:
            b = 2.0**(logn/e)
            if abs(int(b + 0.5) - b) > 0.01:

        # now see if the plausible e makes a perfect power
        r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, e)
        if exact:
            if big:
                m = perfect_power(r, big=big, factor=factor)
                if m is not False:
                    r, e = m[0], e*m[1]
            return int(r), e
        return False
Exemplo n.º 5
def perfect_power(n, candidates=None, big=True, factor=True):
    Return ``(a, b)`` such that ``n`` == ``a**b`` if ``n`` is a
    perfect power; otherwise return ``None``.

    By default, the base is recursively decomposed and the exponents
    collected so the largest possible ``b`` is sought. If ``big=False``
    then the smallest possible ``b`` (thus prime) will  be chosen.

    If ``candidates`` are given, they are assumed to be sorted and
    the first one that is larger than the computed maximum will signal
    failure for the routine.

    If ``factor=True`` then simultaneous factorization of n is attempted
    since finding a factor indicates the only possible root for n.

    n = int(n)
    if n < 3:
        return None
    logn = math.log(n, 2)
    max_possible = int(logn) + 2 # only check values less than this
    not_square = n % 10 in [2, 3, 7, 8] # squares cannot end in 2, 3, 7, 8
    if not candidates:
        candidates = primerange(2 + not_square, max_possible)

    afactor = 2 + n % 2
    for b in candidates:
        if b < 3:
            if b == 1 or b == 2 and not_square:
        if b > max_possible:

        # see if there is a factor present
        if factor:
            if n % afactor == 0:
                # find what the potential power is
                if afactor == 2:
                    b = trailing(n)
                    b = multiplicity(afactor, n)
                # if it's a trivial power we are done
                if b == 1:

                # maybe the bth root of n is exact
                r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, b)
                if not exact:
                    # then remove this factor and check to see if
                    # any of b's factors are a common exponent; if
                    # not then it's not a perfect power
                    n //= afactor**b
                    m = perfect_power(n, candidates=primefactors(b), big=big)
                    if not m:
                        r, m = m
                        # adjust the two exponents so the bases can
                        # be combined
                        g = igcd(m, b)
                        m //= g
                        b //= g
                        r, b = r**m*afactor**b, g
                if not big:
                    b0 = primefactors(b)
                    if len(b0) > 1 or b0[0] != b:
                        b0 = b0[0]
                        r, b = r**(b//b0), b0
                return r, b
                # get the next factor ready for the next pass through the loop
                afactor = nextprime(afactor)

        # Weed out downright impossible candidates
        if logn/b < 40:
            a = 2.0**(logn/b)
            if abs(int(a + 0.5) - a) > 0.01:

        # now see if the plausible b makes a perfect power
        r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, b)
        if exact:
            if big:
                m = perfect_power(r, big=big, factor=factor)
                if m:
                    r, b = m[0], b*m[1]
            return int(r), b
Exemplo n.º 6
def perfect_power(n, candidates=None, big=True, factor=True):
    Return ``(a, b)`` such that ``n`` == ``a**b`` if ``n`` is a
    perfect power; otherwise return ``None``.

    By default, the base is recursively decomposed and the exponents
    collected so the largest possible ``b`` is sought. If ``big=False``
    then the smallest possible ``b`` (thus prime) will  be chosen.

    If ``candidates`` are given, they are assumed to be sorted and
    the first one that is larger than the computed maximum will signal
    failure for the routine.

    If ``factor=True`` then simultaneous factorization of n is attempted
    since finding a factor indicates the only possible root for n.

    n = int(n)
    if n < 3:
        return None
    logn = math.log(n, 2)
    max_possible = int(logn) + 2  # only check values less than this
    not_square = n % 10 in [2, 3, 7, 8]  # squares cannot end in 2, 3, 7, 8
    if not candidates:
        candidates = primerange(2 + not_square, max_possible)

    afactor = 2 + n % 2
    for b in candidates:
        if b < 3:
            if b == 1 or b == 2 and not_square:
        if b > max_possible:

        # see if there is a factor present
        if factor:
            if n % afactor == 0:
                # find what the potential power is
                if afactor == 2:
                    b = trailing(n)
                    b = multiplicity(afactor, n)
                # if it's a trivial power we are done
                if b == 1:

                # maybe the bth root of n is exact
                r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, b)
                if not exact:
                    # then remove this factor and check to see if
                    # any of b's factors are a common exponent; if
                    # not then it's not a perfect power
                    n //= afactor**b
                    m = perfect_power(n, candidates=primefactors(b), big=big)
                    if not m:
                        r, m = m
                        # adjust the two exponents so the bases can
                        # be combined
                        g = igcd(m, b)
                        m //= g
                        b //= g
                        r, b = r**m * afactor**b, g
                if not big:
                    b0 = primefactors(b)
                    if len(b0) > 1 or b0[0] != b:
                        b0 = b0[0]
                        r, b = r**(b // b0), b0
                return r, b
                # get the next factor ready for the next pass through the loop
                afactor = nextprime(afactor)

        # Weed out downright impossible candidates
        if logn / b < 40:
            a = 2.0**(logn / b)
            if abs(int(a + 0.5) - a) > 0.01:

        # now see if the plausible b makes a perfect power
        r, exact = integer_nthroot(n, b)
        if exact:
            if big:
                m = perfect_power(r, big=big, factor=factor)
                if m:
                    r, b = m[0], b * m[1]
            return int(r), b