Exemplo n.º 1
    def _parse_json(self, resources, exactly_one=True):
        Parse display name, latitude, and longitude from an JSON response.
        if resources.get('info').get('statuscode') == 403:
            raise exc.GeocoderAuthenticationFailure()

        resources = resources.get('results')[0].get('locations', [])
        if not len(resources):
            return None

        def parse_resource(resource):
            city = resource['adminArea5']
            county = resource['adminArea4']
            state = resource['adminArea3']
            country = resource['adminArea1']
            latLng = resource['latLng']
            latitude, longitude = latLng.get('lat'), latLng.get('lng')

            location = join_filter(", ", [city, county, state, country])
            if latitude and longitude:
                latitude = float(latitude)
                longitude = float(longitude)

            return (location, (latitude, longitude))

        if exactly_one:
            return parse_resource(resources[0])
            return [parse_resource(resource) for resource in resources]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _parse_json(self, resources, exactly_one=True):
        Parse type, words, latitude, and longitude and language from a
        JSON response.
        if resources.get('error') == "X1":
            raise exc.GeocoderAuthenticationFailure()

        if resources.get('error') == "11":
            raise exc.GeocoderQueryError(
                "Address (Word(s)) not recognised by What3Words.")

        def parse_resource(resource):
            Parse record.

            if resource['type'] == '3 words':
                words = resource['words']
                words = join_filter(".", [words[0], words[1], words[2]])
                position = resource['position']
                latitude, longitude = position[0], position[1]

                if latitude and longitude:
                    latitude = float(latitude)
                    longitude = float(longitude)

                return Location(words, (latitude, longitude), resource)
            elif resource['type'] == 'OneWord':
                # TODO this branch probably needs to be removed, as OneWord
                # addresses have been canceled.
                words = resource['words']
                words = join_filter(".", [words[0], words[1], words[2]])
                oneword = resource['oneword']
                info = resource['info']

                address = join_filter(", ", [
                    oneword, words, info['name'], info['address1'],
                    info['address2'], info['address3'], info['city'],
                    info['county'], info['postcode'], info['country_id']

                position = resource['position']
                latitude, longitude = position[0], position[1]

                if latitude and longitude:
                    latitude = float(latitude)
                    longitude = float(longitude)

                return Location(address, (latitude, longitude), resource)
                raise exc.GeocoderParseError('Error parsing result.')

        location = parse_resource(resources)
        if exactly_one:
            return location
            return [location]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _parse_json(self, resources, exactly_one=True):
        Parse type, words, latitude, and longitude and language from a
        JSON response.

        error = resources.get('error')

        if error is not None:
            # https://developer.what3words.com/public-api/docs#error-handling
            exc_msg = "Error returned by What3Words: %s" % resources["error"][
            exc_code = error.get('code')
            if exc_code in ['MissingKey', 'InvalidKey']:
                raise exc.GeocoderAuthenticationFailure(exc_msg)

            raise exc.GeocoderQueryError(exc_msg)

        def parse_resource(resource):
            Parse record.

            if 'coordinates' in resource:
                words = resource['words']
                position = resource['coordinates']
                latitude, longitude = position['lat'], position['lng']
                if latitude and longitude:
                    latitude = float(latitude)
                    longitude = float(longitude)

                return Location(words, (latitude, longitude), resource)
                raise exc.GeocoderParseError('Error parsing result.')

        location = parse_resource(resources)
        if exactly_one:
            return location
            return [location]
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _parse_json(self, resources, exactly_one=True):
        Parse type, words, latitude, and longitude and language from a
        JSON response.

        code = resources['status'].get('code')

        if code:
            # https://docs.what3words.com/api/v2/#errors
            exc_msg = "Error returned by What3Words: %s" % resources['status'][
            if code == 401:
                raise exc.GeocoderAuthenticationFailure(exc_msg)

            raise exc.GeocoderQueryError(exc_msg)

        def parse_resource(resource):
            Parse record.

            if 'geometry' in resource:
                words = resource['words']
                position = resource['geometry']
                latitude, longitude = position['lat'], position['lng']
                if latitude and longitude:
                    latitude = float(latitude)
                    longitude = float(longitude)

                return Location(words, (latitude, longitude), resource)
                raise exc.GeocoderParseError('Error parsing result.')

        location = parse_resource(resources)
        if exactly_one:
            return location
            return [location]