Exemplo n.º 1
def edgetors(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns the torsional angle based on the vector difference of the
    two external atoms (1-2 and 5-6) to the central 3-4 bond."""
    e1 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[2]])
    e2 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[1]] - xyz[inds[2]])
    e3 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[3]] - xyz[inds[2]])
    e4 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[4]] - xyz[inds[3]])
    e5 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[5]] - xyz[inds[3]])

    # take the difference between unit vectors of external bonds
    e2 -= e1
    e5 -= e4

    # get cross products of difference vectors and the central bond
    cp1 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e2, e3))
    cp2 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e3, e5))

    if absv:
        coord = np.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))
        # get cross product of vectors for signed dihedral angle
        cp3 = np.cross(cp1, cp2)
        coord = np.sign(np.dot(cp3, e3)) * np.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))

    return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 2
def read_xyz(infile, units='ang', hasvec=False, hascom=False):
    """Reads input file in XYZ format.

    XYZ files are in the format:
    A X1 Y1 Z1 [Vx1 Vy1 Vz1]
    B X2 Y2 Z2 [Vx2 Vy2 Vz2]
    where natm is the number of atoms, comment is a comment line, A and B
    are atomic labels and X, Y and Z are cartesian coordinates (in
    Angstroms). The vectors Vx, Vy and Vz are optional and will only be
    read if hasvec = True.

    Due to the preceding number of atoms, multiple XYZ format geometries
    can easily be read from a single file.
        natm = int(infile.readline())
    except ValueError:
        raise IOError('geometry not in XYZ format.')
    if hascom:
        comment = infile.readline().strip()
        comment = ''
    data = np.array([infile.readline().split() for i in range(natm)])
    elem = data[:, 0]
    xyz = data[:, 1:4].astype(float) * con.conv(units, 'ang')
    if hasvec:
        vec = data[:, 4:7].astype(float)
        vec = None
    return elem, xyz, vec, comment
Exemplo n.º 3
def translate(xyz, amp, axis, ind=None, units='ang'):
    """Translates a set of atoms along a given vector.

    xyz : (N, 3) array_like
        The atomic cartesian coordinates.
    amp : float
        The distance for translation.
    axis : array_like or str
        The axis of translation, parsed by :class:`VectorParser`.
    ind : array_like, optional
        List of atomic indices to specify which atoms are displaced. If
        ind is None (default) then all atoms are displaced.
    units : str, optional
        The units of length for displacement. Default is angstroms.

    (N, 3) ndarray
        The atomic cartesian coordinates of the displaced molecule.
    if ind is None:
        ind = range(len(xyz))
    vp = VectorParser(xyz)
    u = vp(axis, unit=True)
    amp *= con.conv(units, 'ang')

    newxyz = np.copy(xyz)
    newxyz[ind] += amp * u
    return newxyz
Exemplo n.º 4
def bend(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns bending angle for 3 atoms in a chain based on index."""
    e1 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[1]])
    e2 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[2]] - xyz[inds[1]])

    coord = np.arccos(np.dot(e1, e2))
    return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 5
def read_gdat(infile, units='bohr', hasvec=False, hascom=False):
    """Reads input file in FMS90 Geometry.dat format.

    Geometry.dat files are in the format:
    A X1 Y1 Z1
    B X2 Y2 Z2
    Vx1 Vy1 Vz1
    Vx2 Vy2 Vz2
    where comment is a comment line, natm is the number of atoms, A and B
    are atomic labels, X, Y and Z are cartesian coordinates and Vq are
    vectors for cartesian coordinates q. The vectors are only read if
    hasvec = True.
    if hascom:
        comment = infile.readline().strip()
        comment = ''
        natm = int(infile.readline())
    except ValueError:
        raise IOError('geometry not in Geometry.dat format')
    data = np.array([infile.readline().split() for i in range(natm)])
    elem = data[:, 0]
    xyz = data[:, 1:].astype(float) * con.conv(units, 'ang')
    if hasvec:
        vec = np.array([infile.readline().split() for i in range(natm)],
        vec = None
    return elem, xyz, vec, comment
Exemplo n.º 6
def tors(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns dihedral angle for 4 atoms in a chain based on index.

    xyz : (N, 3) array_like
        The atomic cartesian coordinates.
    inds : list
        The indices for which the dihedral angle is measured.
    units : str, optional
        The units of angle for the output. Default is radians.
    absv : bool, optional
        Specifies if the absolute value is returned.

        The dihedral angle.
    e1 = xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[1]]
    e2 = xyz[inds[2]] - xyz[inds[1]]
    e3 = xyz[inds[2]] - xyz[inds[3]]

    # get normals to 3-atom planes
    cp1 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e1, e2))
    cp2 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e2, e3))

    if absv:
        coord = con.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))
        # get cross product of plane normals for signed dihedral angle
        cp3 = np.cross(cp1, cp2)
        coord = np.sign(np.dot(cp3, e2)) * con.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))

    return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 7
def angax(rotmat, units='rad'):
    """Returns the angle, axis of rotation and determinant of a
    rotational matrix.

    Based on the form of R, it can be separated into symmetric
    and antisymmetric components with (r_ij + r_ji)/2 and
    (r_ij - r_ji)/2, respectively. Then,

    r_ii = cos(a) + u_i^2 (det(R) - cos(a)),
    cos(a) = (-det(R) + sum_j r_jj) / 2 = (tr(R) - det(R)) / 2.

    From the expression for r_ii, the magnitude of u_i can be found

    |u_i| = sqrt((1 + det(R) [2 r_ii - tr(R)]) / 2),

    which satisfies u.u = 1. Note that if det(R) tr(R) = 3, the axis
    is arbitrary (identity or inversion). Otherwise, the sign can be found
    from the antisymmetric component of R

    u_i sin(a) = (r_jk - r_kj) / 2, i != j != k,
    sign(u_i) = sign(r_jk - r_kj),

    since sin(a) is positive in the range 0 to pi. i, j and k obey the
    cyclic relation 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 3 -> ...

    This fails when det(R) tr(R) = -1, in which case the symmetric
    component of R is used

    u_i u_j (det(R) - cos(a)) = (r_ij + r_ji) / 2,
    sign(u_i) sign(u_j) = det(R) sign(r_ij + r_ji).

    The signs can then be found by letting sign(u_3) = +1, since a rotation
    of pi or a reflection are equivalent for antiparallel axes. See
    det = np.linalg.det(rotmat)
    if not np.isclose(np.abs(det), 1):
        raise ValueError('Determinant of a rotational matrix must be +/- 1')

    tr = np.trace(rotmat)
    ang = np.arccos((tr - det) / 2) * con.conv('rad', units)
    if np.isclose(det*tr, 3):
        u = np.array([0, 0, 1])
        u = np.sqrt((1 + det*(2*np.diag(rotmat) - tr)) / (3 - det*tr))
        if np.isclose(det*tr, -1):
            sgn = np.ones(3)
            sgn[1] = det * _nonzero_sign(rotmat[1,2] + rotmat[2,1])
            sgn[0] = det * sgn[1] * _nonzero_sign(rotmat[0,1] + rotmat[1,0])
            u *= sgn
            u[0] *= _nonzero_sign(rotmat[1,2] - rotmat[2,1])
            u[1] *= _nonzero_sign(rotmat[2,0] - rotmat[0,2])
            u[2] *= _nonzero_sign(rotmat[0,1] - rotmat[1,0])

    return ang, u, det
Exemplo n.º 8
def oop(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns out-of-plane angle of atom 1 connected to atom 4 in the
    2-3-4 plane.

    Contains an additional sign convention such that rotation of the
    out-of-plane atom over (under) the central plane atom gives an angle
    greater than pi/2 (less than -pi/2).
    e1 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[3]])
    e2 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[1]] - xyz[inds[3]])
    e3 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[2]] - xyz[inds[3]])

    sintau = np.dot(np.cross(e2, e3) / np.sqrt(1 - np.dot(e2, e3) ** 2), e1)
    coord = np.sign(np.dot(e2+e3, e1)) * np.arccos(sintau) + np.pi/2
    # sign convention to keep |oop| < pi
    if coord > np.pi:
        coord -= 2 * np.pi
    if absv:
        return abs(coord) * con.conv('rad', units)
        return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 9
def write_xyz(outfile, elem, xyz, vec=None, comment='', units='ang'):
    """Writes geometry to an output file in XYZ format."""
    natm = len(elem)
    write_xyz = xyz * con.conv('ang', units)
    outfile.write(' {}\n{}\n'.format(natm, comment))
    if vec is None:
        for atm, xyzi in zip(elem, write_xyz):
            outfile.write('{:4s}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}\n'.format(atm, *xyzi))
        for atm, xyzi, pxyzi in zip(elem, write_xyz, vec):
            outfile.write('{:4s}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}'.format(atm, *xyzi) +
Exemplo n.º 10
def write_gdat(outfile, elem, xyz, vec=None, comment='', units='bohr'):
    """Writes geometry to an output file in Geometry.dat format."""
    natm = len(elem)
    write_xyz = xyz * con.conv('ang', units)
    outfile.write('{}\n{}\n'.format(comment, natm))
    for atm, xyzi in zip(elem, write_xyz):
        outfile.write('{:<2s}{:18.8E}{:18.8E}{:18.8E}\n'.format(atm, *xyzi))
    if vec is None:
        for line in range(natm):
            outfile.write(' {:18.8E}{:18.8E}{:18.8E}\n'.format(0, 0, 0))
        for pxyzi in vec:
            outfile.write(' {:18.8E}{:18.8E}{:18.8E}\n'.format(*pxyzi))
Exemplo n.º 11
def write_col(outfile, elem, xyz, vec=None, comment='', units='bohr'):
    """Writes geometry to an output file in COLUMBUS format.

    For the time being, vector output is not supported for the
    COLUMBUS file format.
    write_xyz = xyz * con.conv('ang', units)
    if comment != '':
        outfile.write(comment + '\n')
    for atm, (x, y, z) in zip(elem, write_xyz):
        outfile.write(' {:<2s}{:7.1f}{:14.8f}{:14.8f}{:14.8f}{:14.8f}'
                      '\n'.format(atm, con.get_num(atm), x, y, z,
Exemplo n.º 12
def translate(xyz, amp, axis, ind=None, origin=np.zeros(3), units='ang'):
    """Translates a set of atoms along a given vector.

    If no indices are specified, all atoms are displaced.
    if ind is None:
        ind = range(len(xyz))
    u = _parse_axis(axis)
    amp *= con.conv(units, 'ang')

    newxyz = np.copy(xyz)
    newxyz[ind] += amp * u
    return newxyz
Exemplo n.º 13
def rotmat(ang, u, det=1, units='rad', xyz=None):
    r"""Returns the rotational matrix based on an angle and axis.

    A general rotational matrix in 3D can be formed given an angle and
    an axis by

    .. math::

        \mathbf{R} = \cos(a) \mathbf{I} + (\det(\mathbf{R}) -
        \cos(a)) \mathbf{u} \otimes \mathbf{u} + \sin(a) [\mathbf{u}]_\times

    for identity matrix **I**, angle *a*, axis **u**,
    outer product :math:`\otimes` and cross-product matrix
    :math:`[\mathbf{u}]_\times`.  Determinants of +1 and -1 give proper and
    improper rotation, respectively. Thus, :math:`\det(\mathbf{R}) = -1` and
    :math:`a = 0` is a reflection along the axis. Action of the rotational
    matrix occurs about the origin. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
    and http://scipp.ucsc.edu/~haber/ph251/rotreflect_17.pdf

    ang : float
        The angle of rotation.
    u : array_like or str
        The axis of rotation, converted to a unit vector.
    det : int, optional
        The determinant of the matrix (1 or -1) used to specify proper
        and improper rotations. Default is 1.
    units : str, optional
        The units of angle for the rotation. Default is radians.
    xyz : (N, 3) array_like, optional
        The cartesian coordinates used in axis specification.

    (3, 3) ndarray
        The rotational matrix of the given angle and axis.

        When the absolute value of the determinant is not equal to 1.
    if not np.isclose(np.abs(det), 1):
        raise ValueError('Determinant of a rotational matrix must be +/- 1')

    u /= np.linalg.norm(u)
    amp = ang * con.conv(units, 'rad')
    ucross = np.array([[0, u[2], -u[1]], [-u[2], 0, u[0]], [u[1], -u[0], 0]])
    return (np.cos(amp) * np.eye(3) + np.sin(amp) * ucross +
            (det - np.cos(amp)) * np.outer(u, u))
Exemplo n.º 14
def oop(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns out-of-plane angle of atom 1 connected to atom 4 in the
    2-3-4 plane.

    Contains an additional sign convention such that rotation of the
    out-of-plane atom over (under) the central plane atom gives an angle
    greater than :math:`\pi/2` (less than :math:`-\pi/2`).

    xyz : (N, 3) array_like
        The atomic cartesian coordinates.
    inds : list
        The indices for which the out-of-plane angle is measured.
    units : str, optional
        The units of angle for the output. Default is radians.
    absv : bool, optional
        Specifies if the absolute value is returned.

        The out-of-plane angle.
    e1 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[3]])
    e2 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[1]] - xyz[inds[3]])
    e3 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[2]] - xyz[inds[3]])

    sintau = np.dot(np.cross(e2, e3) / np.sqrt(1 - np.dot(e2, e3)**2), e1)
    coord = np.sign(np.dot(e2 + e3, e1)) * con.arccos(sintau) + np.pi / 2
    # sign convention to keep |oop| < pi
    if coord > np.pi:
        coord -= 2 * np.pi
    if absv:
        return abs(coord) * con.conv('rad', units)
        return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 15
def write_traj(outfile, elem, xyz, vec=None, comment='', units='bohr',
               time=0., phase=0., ramp=0., iamp=0., state=0.):
    """Writes geometry to an output file in FMS/nomad trajectory format."""
    natm = len(elem)
    write_xyz = xyz.flatten() * con.conv('ang', units)
    if comment != '':
        outfile.write(comment + '\n')
    if vec is None:
        write_vec = np.zeros_like(write_xyz)
        write_vec = vec.flatten()
    namp = ramp**2 + iamp**2
    args = np.hstack((write_xyz, write_vec, phase, ramp, iamp, namp, state))
    fmt = '{:10.2f}' + (6*natm + 5)*'{:10.4f}' + '\n'
    outfile.write(fmt.format(time, *args))
Exemplo n.º 16
def read_traj(infile, units='bohr', hasvec=False, hascom=False,
              elem=None, time=None, autocom=False):
    """Reads input file in FMS/nomad trajectory format

    trajectory files are in the format:
    T1 X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 ... Vx1 Vy1 Vz1 Vx2 Vy2 ... G Re(A) Im(A) |A| S
    T2 X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 ... Vx1 Vy1 Vz1 Vx2 Vy2 ... G Re(A) Im(A) |A| S
    where T is the time, Vq are the vectors (momenta) for cartesian
    coordinates q, G is the phase, A is the amplitude and S is the state
    label. The vectors are only read if hasvec = True.

    Trajectory files do not contain atomic labels. If not provided, they are
    set to dummy atoms which may affect calculations involving atomic
    properties. A time should be provided, otherwise the first geometry
    in the file is used.
    if hascom:
        comment = infile.readline().strip()
        comment = ''
    if time is None:
        rawline = infile.readline().split()
        if rawline == []:
            raise IOError('empty line provided')
        elif 'Time' in rawline:
            line = np.array(infile.readline().split(), dtype=float)
            line = np.array(rawline, dtype=float)
        alldata = np.array([line.split() for line in infile.readlines()
                            if 'Time' not in line], dtype=float)
        line = alldata[np.isclose(alldata[:,0], time)][0]
    natm = len(line) // 6 - 1
    if natm < 1 or len(line) % 6 != 0:
        raise IOError('geometry not in trajectory format.')
    if elem is None:
        elem = np.array(['X'] * natm)
    xyz = line[1:3*natm+1].reshape(natm, 3) * con.conv(units,'ang')
    if hasvec:
        vec = line[3*natm+1:6*natm+1].reshape(natm, 3)
        vec = None
    if autocom:
        fmt = 't={:8.2f}, state={:4d}, a^2={:10.4f}'
        comment += fmt.format(line[0], int(line[-1]), line[-2])
    return elem, xyz, vec, comment
Exemplo n.º 17
def tors(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns dihedral angle for 4 atoms in a chain based on index."""
    e1 = xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[1]]
    e2 = xyz[inds[2]] - xyz[inds[1]]
    e3 = xyz[inds[2]] - xyz[inds[3]]

    # get normals to 3-atom planes
    cp1 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e1, e2))
    cp2 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e2, e3))

    if absv:
        coord = np.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))
        # get cross product of plane normals for signed dihedral angle
        cp3 = np.cross(cp1, cp2)
        coord = np.sign(np.dot(cp3, e2)) * np.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))

    return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 18
def read_col(infile, units='bohr', hasvec=False, hascom=False):
    """Reads input file in COLUMBUS format.

    COLUMBUS geometry files are in the format:
    A nA X1 Y1 Z1 mA
    B nB X2 Y2 Z2 mB
    where A and B are atomic labels, nA and nB are corresponding atomic
    numbers, mA and mB are corresponding atomic masses and X, Y and Z
    are cartesian coordinates (in Bohrs).

    COLUMBUS geometry files do not provide the number of atoms in each
    geometry. A comment line (or blank line) must be used to separate

    For the time being, vector input is not supported for the
    COLUMBUS file format.
    if hascom:
        comment = infile.readline().strip()
        comment = ''
    data = np.empty((0, 6), dtype=str)
    while True:
        pos = infile.tell()
        line = np.array(infile.readline().split())
            # catch comment line or end-of-file
            data = np.vstack((data, line))
        except (ValueError, IndexError):
            if len(data) < 1:
                raise IOError('geometry not in COLUMBUS format.')
                # roll back one line before break
    elem = data[:, 0]
    xyz = data[:, 2:5].astype(float) * con.conv(units, 'ang')
    if hasvec:
        vec = np.zeros_like(xyz)
        vec = None
    return elem, xyz, vec, comment
Exemplo n.º 19
def stre(xyz, *inds, units='ang'):
    """Returns bond length based on index.

    xyz : (N, 3) array_like
        The atomic cartesian coordinates.
    inds : list
        The indices for which the bond distance is measured.
    units : str, optional
        The units of length for the output. Default is Angstroms.

        The bond length.
    coord = np.linalg.norm(xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[1]])
    return coord * con.conv('ang', units)
Exemplo n.º 20
def edgetors(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns the torsional angle based on the vector difference of the
    two external atoms (1-2 and 5-6) to the central 3-4 bond.

    xyz : (N, 3) array_like
        The atomic cartesian coordinates.
    inds : list
        The indices for which the edge dihedral angle is measured.
    units : str, optional
        The units of angle for the output. Default is radians.
    absv : bool, optional
        Specifies if the absolute value is returned.

        The edge dihedral angle.
    e1 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[2]])
    e2 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[1]] - xyz[inds[2]])
    e3 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[3]] - xyz[inds[2]])
    e4 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[4]] - xyz[inds[3]])
    e5 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[5]] - xyz[inds[3]])

    # take the difference between unit vectors of external bonds
    e2 -= e1
    e5 -= e4

    # get cross products of difference vectors and the central bond
    cp1 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e2, e3))
    cp2 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e3, e5))

    if absv:
        coord = con.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))
        # get cross product of vectors for signed dihedral angle
        cp3 = np.cross(cp1, cp2)
        coord = np.sign(np.dot(cp3, e3)) * con.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))

    return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 21
def planeang(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns the angle between the 1-2-3 and 4-5-6 planes."""
    e1 = xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[2]]
    e2 = xyz[inds[1]] - xyz[inds[2]]
    e3 = xyz[inds[3]] - xyz[inds[2]]
    e4 = xyz[inds[4]] - xyz[inds[3]]
    e5 = xyz[inds[5]] - xyz[inds[3]]

    # get normals to 3-atom planes
    cp1 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e1, e2))
    cp2 = con.unit_vec(np.cross(e4, e5))

    if absv:
        coord = np.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))
        # get cross product of plane norms for signed dihedral angle
        cp3 = np.cross(cp1, cp2)
        coord = np.sign(np.dot(cp3, e3)) * np.arccos(np.dot(cp1, cp2))

    return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 22
def planetors(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns the plane angle with the central bond projected out.

    xyz : (N, 3) array_like
        The atomic cartesian coordinates.
    inds : list
        The indices for which the plane dihedral angle is measured.
    units : str, optional
        The units of angle for the output. Default is radians.
    absv : bool, optional
        Specifies if the absolute value is returned.

        The plane dihedral angle.
    e1 = xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[2]]
    e2 = xyz[inds[1]] - xyz[inds[2]]
    e3 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[3]] - xyz[inds[2]])
    e4 = xyz[inds[4]] - xyz[inds[3]]
    e5 = xyz[inds[5]] - xyz[inds[3]]

    # get normals to 3-atom planes
    cp1 = np.cross(e1, e2)
    cp2 = np.cross(e4, e5)

    # project out component along central bond
    pj1 = con.unit_vec(cp1 - np.dot(cp1, e3) * e3)
    pj2 = con.unit_vec(cp2 - np.dot(cp2, e3) * e3)

    if absv:
        coord = con.arccos(np.dot(pj1, pj2))
        # get cross product of vectors for signed dihedral angle
        cp3 = np.cross(pj1, pj2)
        coord = np.sign(np.dot(cp3, e3)) * con.arccos(np.dot(pj1, pj2))

    return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 23
def bend(xyz, *inds, units='rad'):
    """Returns bending angle for 3 atoms in a chain based on index.

    xyz : (N, 3) array_like
        The atomic cartesian coordinates.
    inds : list
        The indices for which the bond angle is measured.
    units : str, optional
        The units of angle for the output. Default is radians.

        The bond angle.
    e1 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[1]])
    e2 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[2]] - xyz[inds[1]])

    coord = con.arccos(np.dot(e1, e2))
    return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 24
def rotmat(ang, ax, det=1, units='rad'):
    """Returns the rotational matrix based on an angle and axis.

    A general rotational matrix in 3D can be formed given an angle and
    an axis by

    R = cos(a) I + (det(R) - cos(a)) u (x) u + sin(a) [u]_x

    for identity matrix I, angle a, axis u, outer product (x) and
    cross-product matrix [u]_x. Determinants of +1 and -1 give proper
    and improper rotation, respectively. Thus, det(R) = -1 and a = 0
    is a reflection along the axis. Action of the rotational matrix occurs
    about the origin. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
    and http://scipp.ucsc.edu/~haber/ph251/rotreflect_17.pdf
    if not np.isclose(np.abs(det), 1):
        raise ValueError('Determinant of a rotational matrix must be +/- 1')

    u = _parse_axis(ax)
    amp = ang * con.conv(units, 'rad')
    ucross = np.array([[0, u[2], -u[1]], [-u[2], 0, u[0]], [u[1], -u[0], 0]])
    return (np.cos(amp) * np.eye(3) + np.sin(amp) * ucross +
            (det - np.cos(amp)) * np.outer(u, u))
Exemplo n.º 25
def planetors(xyz, *inds, units='rad', absv=False):
    """Returns the plane angle with the central bond projected out."""
    e1 = xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[2]]
    e2 = xyz[inds[1]] - xyz[inds[2]]
    e3 = con.unit_vec(xyz[inds[3]] - xyz[inds[2]])
    e4 = xyz[inds[4]] - xyz[inds[3]]
    e5 = xyz[inds[5]] - xyz[inds[3]]

    # get normals to 3-atom planes
    cp1 = np.cross(e1, e2)
    cp2 = np.cross(e4, e5)

    # project out component along central bond
    pj1 = con.unit_vec(cp1 - np.dot(cp1, e3) * e3)
    pj2 = con.unit_vec(cp2 - np.dot(cp2, e3) * e3)

    if absv:
        coord = np.arccos(np.dot(pj1, pj2))
        # get cross product of vectors for signed dihedral angle
        cp3 = np.cross(pj1, pj2)
        coord = np.sign(np.dot(cp3, e3)) * np.arccos(np.dot(pj1, pj2))

    return coord * con.conv('rad', units)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_conv_ang():
    assert np.isclose(con.conv('deg', 'rad'), np.pi/180.)
Exemplo n.º 27
def stre(xyz, *inds, units='ang', absv=False):
    """Returns bond length based on index."""
    coord = np.linalg.norm(xyz[inds[0]] - xyz[inds[1]])
    return coord * con.conv('ang', units)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_conv_mas():
    assert np.isclose(con.conv('mp', 'me'), 1836.15267981)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_conv_ene():
    assert np.isclose(con.conv('har', 'ev'), 27.21138505)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_conv_fails():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r'.* not of same unit type'):
        con.conv('ev', 'fs')
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_conv_unit():
    assert np.isclose(con.conv('auto', 'auto'), 1.)
Exemplo n.º 32
def angax(rotmat, units='rad'):
    r"""Returns the angle, axis of rotation and determinant of a
    rotational matrix.

    Based on the form of **R**, it can be separated into symmetric
    and antisymmetric components with :math:`(r_{ij} + r_{ji})/2` and
    :math:`(r_{ij} - r_{ji})/2`, respectively. Then,

    .. math::

        r_{ii} = \cos(a) + u_i^2 (\det(\mathbf{R}) - \cos(a)),

        \cos(a) = (-\det(\mathbf{R}) + \sum_j r_{jj}) / 2 = 
        (\mathrm{tr}(\mathbf{R}) - \det(\mathbf{R})) / 2.

    From the expression for :math:`r_{ii}`, the magnitude of :math:`u_i`
    can be found

    .. math::

        |u_i| = \sqrt{\frac{1 + \det(\mathbf{R}) [2 r_{ii} -
        \mathrm{tr}(\mathbf{R})])}{3 - \det(\mathbf{R}) \mathrm{tr}(\mathbf{R})}},

    which satisfies :math:`u \cdot u = 1`. Note that if
    :math:`\det(\mathbf{R}) \mathrm{tr}(\mathbf{R}) = 3`, the axis is arbitrary
    (identity or inversion). Otherwise, the sign can be found from the
    antisymmetric component of **R**.

    .. math::

        u_i \sin(a) = (r_{jk} - r_{kj}) / 2, \quad i \neq j \neq k,

        \mathrm{sign}(u_i) = \mathrm{sign}(r_{jk} - r_{kj}),

    since :math:`\sin(a)` is positive in the range 0 to :math:`\pi`. :math:`i`,
    :math:`j` and :math:`k` obey the cyclic relation 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 3 -> ...

    This fails when :math:`det(\mathbf{R}) \mathrm{tr}(\mathbf{R}) = -1`, in
    which case the symmetric component of **R** is used

    .. math::

        u_i u_j (\det(\mathbf{R}) - \cos(a)) = (r_{ij} + r_{ji}) / 2,

        \mathrm{sign}(u_i) \mathrm{sign}(u_j) = \det(\mathbf{R}) \mathrm{sign}(r_{ij} + r_{ji}).

    The signs can then be found by letting :math:`\mathrm{sign}(u_3) = +1`,
    since a rotation of :math:`pi` or a reflection are equivalent for
    antiparallel axes. See

    rotmat : (3, 3) array_like
        The rotational matrix.
    units : str, optional
        The output units for the angle. Default is radians.

    ang : float
        The angle of rotation.
    u : (3,) ndarray
        The axis of rotation as a 3D vector.
    det : int
        The determinant of the rotation matrix.

        When the absolute value of the determinant is not equal to 1.
    det = np.linalg.det(rotmat)
    if not np.isclose(np.abs(det), 1):
        raise ValueError('Determinant of a rotational matrix must be +/- 1')

    tr = np.trace(rotmat)
    ang = con.arccos((tr - det) / 2) * con.conv('rad', units)
    if np.isclose(det * tr, 3):
        u = np.array([0, 0, 1])
        u = np.sqrt((1 + det * (2 * np.diag(rotmat) - tr)) / (3 - det * tr))
        if np.isclose(det * tr, -1):
            sgn = np.ones(3)
            sgn[1] = det * _nonzero_sign(rotmat[1, 2] + rotmat[2, 1])
            sgn[0] = det * sgn[1] * _nonzero_sign(rotmat[0, 1] + rotmat[1, 0])
            u *= sgn
            u[0] *= _nonzero_sign(rotmat[1, 2] - rotmat[2, 1])
            u[1] *= _nonzero_sign(rotmat[2, 0] - rotmat[0, 2])
            u[2] *= _nonzero_sign(rotmat[0, 1] - rotmat[1, 0])

    return ang, u, det
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_conv_len():
    assert np.isclose(con.conv('ang', 'pm'), 100.)
Exemplo n.º 34
def read_zmt(infile, units='ang', hasvec=False, hascom=False):
    """Reads input file in Z-matrix format.

    Z-matrix files are in the format:
    B 1 R1
    C indR2 R2 indA2 A2
    D indR3 R3 indA3 A3 indT3 T3
    E indR4 R4 indA4 A4 indT4 T4
    where A, B, C, D, E are atomic labels, indR, indA, indT are reference
    atom indices, R are bond lengths (in Angstroms), A are bond angles (in
    degrees) and T are dihedral angles (in degrees). For example, E is a
    distance R from atom indR with an E-indR-indA angle of A and an
    E-indR-indA-indT dihedral angle of T. Alternatively, values can be
    assigned to a list of variables after the Z-matrix (preceded by a blank

    Although the number of atoms is not provided, the unique format of the
    first atom allows multiple geometries to be read without separation
    by a comment line.

    For the time being, vector input is not supported for the
    Z-matrix file format.
    if hascom:
        comment = infile.readline().strip()
        comment = ''
    data = []
    vlist = dict()
    while True:
        pos = infile.tell()
        line = infile.readline()
        split = line.split()
        if line == '':
            # end-of-file
        elif len(split) == 1 and len(data) > 0:
            # roll back one line before break
        elif split == []:
            # blank line before variable assignment
        elif split[0] in con.sym:
        elif split[1] == '=' and len(split) == 3:
            vlist[split[0]] = float(split[2])
            # assume it's a comment line and roll back

    natm = len(data)
    if natm < 1:
        raise IOError('geometry not in Z-matrix format.')
    elem = np.array([line[0] for line in data])
    xyz = np.zeros((natm, 3))
    for i in range(natm):
        if i == 0:
            # leave first molecule at origin
        elif i == 1:
            # move along z-axis by R
            xyz = displace.translate(xyz, _valvar(data[1][2], vlist),
                                     [0, 0, 1], ind=1)
        elif i == 2:
            indR = int(data[2][1]) - 1
            indA = int(data[2][3]) - 1
            xyz[2] = xyz[indR]
            # move from indR towards indA by R
            xyz = displace.translate(xyz, _valvar(data[2][2], vlist),
                                     xyz[indA]-xyz[indR], ind=2)
            # rotate into xz-plane by A
            xyz = displace.rotate(xyz, _valvar(data[2][4], vlist), [0, 1, 0],
                                  ind=2, origin=xyz[indR], units='deg')
            indR = int(data[i][1]) - 1
            indA = int(data[i][3]) - 1
            indT = int(data[i][5]) - 1
            xyz[i] = xyz[indR]
            # move from indR towards indA by R
            xyz = displace.translate(xyz, _valvar(data[i][2], vlist),
                                     xyz[indA]-xyz[indR], ind=i)
            # rotate about (indT-indA)x(indR-indA) by A
            xyz = displace.rotate(xyz, _valvar(data[i][4], vlist),
                                  ind=i, origin=xyz[indR], units='deg')
            # rotate about indR-indA by T
            xyz = displace.rotate(xyz, _valvar(data[i][6], vlist),
                                  ind=i, origin=xyz[indR], units='deg')

    xyz = displace.centre_mass(elem, xyz) * con.conv(units, 'ang')
    if hasvec:
        vec = np.zeros_like(xyz)
        vec = None
    return elem, xyz, vec, comment
Exemplo n.º 35
def test_conv_tim():
    assert np.isclose(con.conv('ps', 'fs'), 1e3)