Exemplo n.º 1
    def _handle_response(self, resp):
        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.debug("Request returned failure status %s." % resp.status_code)
            raise exc.from_response(resp, resp.content)
        elif (resp.status_code == requests.codes.MULTIPLE_CHOICES and
              resp.request.path_url != '/versions'):
            # NOTE(flaper87): Eventually, we'll remove the check on `versions`
            # which is a bug (1491350) on the server.
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type')

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if content_type == 'application/octet-stream':
            # Do not read all response in memory when downloading an image.
            body_iter = _close_after_stream(resp, CHUNKSIZE)
            content = resp.text
            if content_type and content_type.startswith('application/json'):
                # Let's use requests json method, it should take care of
                # response encoding
                body_iter = resp.json()
                body_iter = six.StringIO(content)
                    body_iter = json.loads(''.join([c for c in body_iter]))
                except ValueError:
                    body_iter = None

        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _handle_response(self, resp):
        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.debug("Request returned failure status %s." % resp.status_code)
            raise exc.from_response(resp, resp.content)
        elif (resp.status_code == requests.codes.MULTIPLE_CHOICES
              and resp.request.path_url != '/versions'):
            # NOTE(flaper87): Eventually, we'll remove the check on `versions`
            # which is a bug (1491350) on the server.
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type')

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if content_type == 'application/octet-stream':
            # Do not read all response in memory when downloading an image.
            body_iter = _close_after_stream(resp, CHUNKSIZE)
            content = resp.text
            if content_type and content_type.startswith('application/json'):
                # Let's use requests json method, it should take care of
                # response encoding
                body_iter = resp.json()
                body_iter = six.StringIO(content)
                    body_iter = json.loads(''.join([c for c in body_iter]))
                except ValueError:
                    body_iter = None

        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: http.py Projeto: hbkqh/patch
    def _handle_response(self, resp):
        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.debug("Request returned failure status %s." % resp.status_code)
            raise exc.from_response(resp, resp.content)
        elif resp.status_code == requests.codes.MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        content_type = resp.headers.get("Content-Type")

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if content_type == "application/octet-stream":
            # Do not read all response in memory when downloading an image.
            body_iter = _close_after_stream(resp, CHUNKSIZE)
            content = resp.text
            if content_type and content_type.startswith("application/json"):
                # Let's use requests json method, it should take care of
                # response encoding
                body_iter = resp.json()
                body_iter = six.StringIO(content)
                    body_iter = json.loads("".join([c for c in body_iter]))
                except ValueError:
                    body_iter = None

        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 4
    def request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
        content_type = headers.get('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')

        data = kwargs.pop("data", None)
        if data is not None and not isinstance(data, six.string_types):
                data = json.dumps(data)
                content_type = 'application/json'
            except TypeError:
                # Here we assume it's a file-like object and we'll chunk it
                data = chunk_body(data)

        headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        kwargs['data'] = data
        kwargs['raise_exc'] = False
        kwargs['stream'] = content_type == 'application/octet-stream'

            resp = super(SessionClient, self).request(url, method, **kwargs)
        except ksc_exc.RequestTimeout as e:
            message = ("Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" %
                       dict(url=conn_url, e=e))
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except ksc_exc.ConnectionRefused as e:
            conn_url = self.get_endpoint(auth=kwargs.get('auth'))
            message = ("Error finding address for %(url)s: %(e)s" %
                       dict(url=conn_url, e=e))
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)

        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.debug("Request returned failure status %s." % resp.status_code)
            raise exc.from_response(resp, resp.content)
        elif resp.status_code == requests.codes.MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type')

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if content_type == 'application/octet-stream':
            # Do not read all response in memory when downloading an image.
            body_iter = _close_after_stream(resp, CHUNKSIZE)
            content = resp.content
            if content_type and content_type.startswith('application/json'):
                # Let's use requests json method, it should take care of
                # response encoding
                body_iter = resp.json()
                body_iter = six.StringIO(content)
                    body_iter = json.loads(''.join([c for c in body_iter]))
                except ValueError:
                    body_iter = None
        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_format_no_content_type(self):
     mock_resp = mock.Mock()
     mock_resp.status_code = 400
     mock_resp.headers = {'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'}
     body = b'Error \n\n'
     err = exc.from_response(mock_resp, body)
     self.assertEqual('Error \n', err.details)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_format_no_content_type(self):
     mock_resp = mock.Mock()
     mock_resp.status_code = 400
     mock_resp.headers = {'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'}
     body = b'Error \n\n'
     err = exc.from_response(mock_resp, body)
     self.assertEqual('Error \n', err.details)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _http_request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        """ Send an http request with the specified characteristics.

        Wrapper around httplib.HTTP(S)Connection.request to handle tasks such
        as setting headers and error handling.
        # Copy the kwargs so we can reuse the original in case of redirects
        kwargs['headers'] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        kwargs['headers'].setdefault('User-Agent', USER_AGENT)
        if self.auth_token:
            kwargs['headers'].setdefault('X-Auth-Token', self.auth_token)

        self.log_curl_request(method, url, kwargs)
        conn = self.get_connection()

            conn_url = os.path.normpath('%s/%s' % (self.endpoint_path, url))
            conn.request(method, conn_url, **kwargs)
            resp = conn.getresponse()
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            message = "Error finding address for %(url)s: %(e)s" % locals()
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            endpoint = self.endpoint
            message = "Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" % locals()
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)

        body_iter = ResponseBodyIterator(resp)

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if resp.getheader('content-type', None) != 'application/octet-stream':
            body_str = ''.join([chunk for chunk in body_iter])
            self.log_http_response(resp, body_str)
            body_iter = StringIO.StringIO(body_str)

        if 400 <= resp.status < 600:
            LOG.error("Request returned failure status.")
            raise exc.from_response(resp)
        elif resp.status in (301, 302, 305):
            # Redirected. Reissue the request to the new location.
            return self._http_request(resp['location'], method, **kwargs)
        elif resp.status == 300:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_handles_html(self):
     """exc.from_response should not print HTML."""
     mock_resp = mock.Mock()
     mock_resp.status_code = 404
     mock_resp.text = HTML_MSG
     mock_resp.headers = {"content-type": "text/html"}
     err = exc.from_response(mock_resp, HTML_MSG)
     self.assertIsInstance(err, exc.HTTPNotFound)
     self.assertEqual("404 Entity Not Found: Entity could not be found",
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_handles_html(self):
     """exc.from_response should not print HTML."""
     mock_resp = mock.Mock()
     mock_resp.status_code = 404
     mock_resp.text = HTML_MSG
     mock_resp.headers = {
         "content-type": "text/html"
     err = exc.from_response(mock_resp, HTML_MSG)
     self.assertIsInstance(err, exc.HTTPNotFound)
     self.assertEqual("404 Entity Not Found: Entity could not be found",
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_handles_json(self):
     """exc.from_response should not print JSON."""
     mock_resp = mock.Mock()
     mock_resp.status_code = 413
     mock_resp.json.return_value = {
         "overLimit": {
             "code": 413,
             "message": "OverLimit Retry...",
             "details": "Error Details...",
             "retryAt": "2014-12-03T13:33:06Z"
     mock_resp.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
     err = exc.from_response(mock_resp, "Non-empty body")
     self.assertIsInstance(err, exc.HTTPOverLimit)
     self.assertEqual("OverLimit Retry...", err.details)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_handles_json(self):
     """exc.from_response should not print JSON."""
     mock_resp = mock.Mock()
     mock_resp.status_code = 413
     mock_resp.json.return_value = {
         "overLimit": {
             "code": 413,
             "message": "OverLimit Retry...",
             "details": "Error Details...",
             "retryAt": "2014-12-03T13:33:06Z"
     mock_resp.headers = {
         "content-type": "application/json"
     err = exc.from_response(mock_resp, "Non-empty body")
     self.assertIsInstance(err, exc.HTTPOverLimit)
     self.assertEqual("OverLimit Retry...", err.details)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_from_response(self):
     """exc.from_response should return instance of an HTTP exception."""
     mock_resp = mock.Mock()
     mock_resp.status_code = 400
     out = exc.from_response(mock_resp)
     self.assertIsInstance(out, exc.HTTPBadRequest)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        """Send an http request with the specified characteristics.
        Wrapper around httplib.HTTP(S)Connection.request to handle tasks such
        as setting headers and error handling.
        # Copy the kwargs so we can reuse the original in case of redirects
        headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {})
        headers = headers and copy.deepcopy(headers) or {}

        # Default Content-Type is octet-stream
        content_type = headers.get('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')

        def chunk_body(body):
            chunk = body
            while chunk:
                chunk = body.read(CHUNKSIZE)
                yield chunk

        data = kwargs.pop("data", None)
        if data is not None and not isinstance(data, six.string_types):
                data = json.dumps(data)
                content_type = 'application/json'
            except TypeError:
                # Here we assume it's
                # a file-like object
                # and we'll chunk it
                data = chunk_body(data)

        headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

        # Note(flaper87): Before letting headers / url fly,
        # they should be encoded otherwise httplib will
        # complain.
        headers = self.encode_headers(headers)

            conn_url = "%s/%s" % (self.endpoint, url)
            self.log_curl_request(method, conn_url, headers, data, kwargs)
            resp = self.session.request(method,
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
            message = ("Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" %
                       dict(url=conn_url, e=e))
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
            message = ("Error finding address for %(url)s: %(e)s" %
                       dict(url=conn_url, e=e))
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            message = "Error finding address for %s: %s" % (
                self.endpoint_hostname, e)
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            endpoint = self.endpoint
            message = ("Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" % {
                'endpoint': endpoint,
                'e': e
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)

        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.error("Request returned failure status %s." % resp.status_code)
            raise exc.from_response(resp, resp.content)
        elif resp.status_code == requests.codes.MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type')

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if content_type == 'application/octet-stream':
            # Do not read all response in memory when
            # downloading an image.
            body_iter = resp.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNKSIZE)
            content = resp.content
            self.log_http_response(resp, content)
            if content_type and content_type.startswith('application/json'):
                # Let's use requests json method,
                # it should take care of response
                # encoding
                body_iter = resp.json()
                body_iter = six.StringIO(content)
        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _http_request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        """Send an http request with the specified characteristics.

        Wrapper around httplib.HTTP(S)Connection.request to handle tasks such
        as setting headers and error handling.
        # Copy the kwargs so we can reuse the original in case of redirects
        kwargs["headers"] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get("headers", {}))
        kwargs["headers"].setdefault("User-Agent", USER_AGENT)
        if self.auth_token:
            kwargs["headers"].setdefault("X-Auth-Token", self.auth_token)

        if self.identity_headers:
            for k, v in self.identity_headers.iteritems():
                kwargs["headers"].setdefault(k, v)

        self.log_curl_request(method, url, kwargs)
        conn = self.get_connection()

        # Note(flaper87): Before letting headers / url fly,
        # they should be encoded otherwise httplib will
        # complain. If we decide to rely on python-request
        # this wont be necessary anymore.
        kwargs["headers"] = self.encode_headers(kwargs["headers"])

            if self.endpoint_path:
                url = "%s/%s" % (self.endpoint_path, url)
            conn_url = posixpath.normpath(url)
            # Note(flaper87): Ditto, headers / url
            # encoding to make httplib happy.
            conn_url = strutils.safe_encode(conn_url)
            if kwargs["headers"].get("Transfer-Encoding") == "chunked":
                conn.putrequest(method, conn_url)
                for header, value in kwargs["headers"].items():
                    conn.putheader(header, value)
                chunk = kwargs["body"].read(CHUNKSIZE)
                # Chunk it, baby...
                while chunk:
                    conn.send("%x\r\n%s\r\n" % (len(chunk), chunk))
                    chunk = kwargs["body"].read(CHUNKSIZE)
                conn.request(method, conn_url, **kwargs)
            resp = conn.getresponse()
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            message = "Error finding address for %s: %s" % (self.endpoint_hostname, e)
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            endpoint = self.endpoint
            message = "Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" % locals()
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)

        body_iter = ResponseBodyIterator(resp)

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if resp.getheader("content-type", None) != "application/octet-stream":
            body_str = "".join([chunk for chunk in body_iter])
            self.log_http_response(resp, body_str)
            body_iter = StringIO.StringIO(body_str)

        if 400 <= resp.status < 600:
            LOG.error("Request returned failure status.")
            raise exc.from_response(resp, body_str)
        elif resp.status in (301, 302, 305):
            # Redirected. Reissue the request to the new location.
            return self._http_request(resp["location"], method, **kwargs)
        elif resp.status == 300:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        """Send an http request with the specified characteristics.
        Wrapper around httplib.HTTP(S)Connection.request to handle tasks such
        as setting headers and error handling.
        # Copy the kwargs so we can reuse the original in case of redirects
        headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {})
        headers = headers and copy.deepcopy(headers) or {}

        if self.identity_headers:
            for k, v in six.iteritems(self.identity_headers):
                headers.setdefault(k, v)

        # Default Content-Type is octet-stream
        content_type = headers.get("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")

        def chunk_body(body):
            chunk = body
            while chunk:
                chunk = body.read(CHUNKSIZE)
                if chunk == "":
                yield chunk

        data = kwargs.pop("data", None)
        if data is not None and not isinstance(data, six.string_types):
                data = json.dumps(data)
                content_type = "application/json"
            except TypeError:
                # Here we assume it's
                # a file-like object
                # and we'll chunk it
                data = chunk_body(data)

        headers["Content-Type"] = content_type
        stream = True if content_type == "application/octet-stream" else False

        if osprofiler_web:

        # Note(flaper87): Before letting headers / url fly,
        # they should be encoded otherwise httplib will
        # complain.
        headers = self.encode_headers(headers)

            if self.endpoint.endswith("/") or url.startswith("/"):
                conn_url = "%s%s" % (self.endpoint, url)
                conn_url = "%s/%s" % (self.endpoint, url)
            self.log_curl_request(method, conn_url, headers, data, kwargs)
            resp = self.session.request(method, conn_url, data=data, stream=stream, headers=headers, **kwargs)
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
            message = "Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" % dict(url=conn_url, e=e)
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ProtocolError) as e:
            message = "Error finding address for %(url)s: %(e)s" % dict(url=conn_url, e=e)
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            message = "Error finding address for %s: %s" % (self.endpoint_hostname, e)
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            endpoint = self.endpoint
            message = "Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" % {"endpoint": endpoint, "e": e}
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)

        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.debug("Request returned failure status %s." % resp.status_code)
            raise exc.from_response(resp, resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == requests.codes.MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        content_type = resp.headers.get("Content-Type")

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if content_type == "application/octet-stream":
            # Do not read all response in memory when
            # downloading an image.
            body_iter = _close_after_stream(resp, CHUNKSIZE)
            content = resp.text
            self.log_http_response(resp, content)
            if content_type and content_type.startswith("application/json"):
                # Let's use requests json method,
                # it should take care of response
                # encoding
                body_iter = resp.json()
                body_iter = six.StringIO(content)
                    body_iter = json.loads("".join([c for c in body_iter]))
                except ValueError:
                    body_iter = None
        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _http_request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        """Send an http request with the specified characteristics.

        Wrapper around httplib.HTTP(S)Connection.request to handle tasks such
        as setting headers and error handling.
        # Copy the kwargs so we can reuse the original in case of redirects
        kwargs['headers'] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        kwargs['headers'].setdefault('User-Agent', USER_AGENT)
        if self.auth_token:
            kwargs['headers'].setdefault('X-Auth-Token', self.auth_token)

        self.log_curl_request(method, url, kwargs)
        conn = self.get_connection()

        # Note(flaper87): Before letting headers / url fly,
        # they should be encoded otherwise httplib will
        # complain. If we decide to rely on python-request
        # this wont be necessary anymore.
        kwargs['headers'] = self.encode_headers(kwargs['headers'])

            if self.endpoint_path:
                url = '%s/%s' % (self.endpoint_path, url)
            conn_url = posixpath.normpath(url)
            # Note(flaper87): Ditto, headers / url
            # encoding to make httplib happy.
            conn_url = strutils.safe_encode(conn_url)
            if kwargs['headers'].get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked':
                conn.putrequest(method, conn_url)
                for header, value in kwargs['headers'].items():
                    conn.putheader(header, value)
                chunk = kwargs['body'].read(CHUNKSIZE)
                # Chunk it, baby...
                while chunk:
                    conn.send('%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(chunk), chunk))
                    chunk = kwargs['body'].read(CHUNKSIZE)
                conn.request(method, conn_url, **kwargs)
            resp = conn.getresponse()
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            message = "Error finding address for %s: %s" % (
                self.endpoint_hostname, e)
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            endpoint = self.endpoint
            message = "Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" % locals()
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)

        body_iter = ResponseBodyIterator(resp)

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if resp.getheader('content-type', None) != 'application/octet-stream':
            body_str = ''.join([chunk for chunk in body_iter])
            self.log_http_response(resp, body_str)
            body_iter = StringIO.StringIO(body_str)

        if 400 <= resp.status < 600:
            LOG.error("Request returned failure status.")
            raise exc.from_response(resp, body_str)
        elif resp.status in (301, 302, 305):
            # Redirected. Reissue the request to the new location.
            return self._http_request(resp['location'], method, **kwargs)
        elif resp.status == 300:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _http_request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        """Send an http request with the specified characteristics.

        Wrapper around httplib.HTTP(S)Connection.request to handle tasks such
        as setting headers and error handling.
        # Copy the kwargs so we can reuse the original in case of redirects
        kwargs["headers"] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get("headers", {}))
        kwargs["headers"].setdefault("User-Agent", USER_AGENT)
        if self.auth_token:
            kwargs["headers"].setdefault("X-Auth-Token", self.auth_token)

        if self.identity_headers:
            for k, v in six.iteritems(self.identity_headers):
                kwargs["headers"].setdefault(k, v)

        self.log_curl_request(method, url, kwargs)
        conn = self.get_connection()

        # Note(flaper87): Before letting headers / url fly,
        # they should be encoded otherwise httplib will
        # complain. If we decide to rely on python-request
        # this wont be necessary anymore.
        kwargs["headers"] = self.encode_headers(kwargs["headers"])

            if self.endpoint_path:
                # NOTE(yuyangbj): this method _http_request could either be
                # called by API layer, or be called recursively with
                # redirection. For example, url would be '/v1/images/detail'
                # from API layer, but url would be 'https://example.com:92/
                # v1/images/detail'  from recursion.
                # See bug #1230032 and bug #1208618.
                if url is not None:
                    all_parts = parse.urlparse(url)
                    if not (all_parts.scheme and all_parts.netloc):
                        norm_parse = posixpath.normpath
                        url = norm_parse("/".join([self.endpoint_path, url]))
                    url = self.endpoint_path

            conn_url = parse.urlsplit(url).geturl()
            # Note(flaper87): Ditto, headers / url
            # encoding to make httplib happy.
            conn_url = strutils.safe_encode(conn_url)
            if kwargs["headers"].get("Transfer-Encoding") == "chunked":
                conn.putrequest(method, conn_url)
                for header, value in kwargs["headers"].items():
                    conn.putheader(header, value)
                chunk = kwargs["body"].read(CHUNKSIZE)
                # Chunk it, baby...
                while chunk:
                    conn.send("%x\r\n%s\r\n" % (len(chunk), chunk))
                    chunk = kwargs["body"].read(CHUNKSIZE)
                conn.request(method, conn_url, **kwargs)
            resp = conn.getresponse()
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            message = "Error finding address for %s: %s" % (self.endpoint_hostname, e)
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            endpoint = self.endpoint
            message = "Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" % {"endpoint": endpoint, "e": e}
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)

        body_iter = ResponseBodyIterator(resp)

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if resp.getheader("content-type", None) != "application/octet-stream":
            body_str = b"".join([to_bytes(chunk) for chunk in body_iter])
            self.log_http_response(resp, body_str)
            body_iter = six.BytesIO(body_str)

        if 400 <= resp.status < 600:
            LOG.debug("Request returned failure status: %d" % resp.status)
            raise exc.from_response(resp, body_str)
        elif resp.status in (301, 302, 305):
            # Redirected. Reissue the request to the new location.
            return self._http_request(resp.getheader("location", None), method, **kwargs)
        elif resp.status == 300:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_from_response(self):
     """exc.from_response should return instance of an HTTP exception."""
     out = exc.from_response(FakeResponse(400))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(out, exc.HTTPBadRequest))
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_from_response(self):
     """exc.from_response should return instance of an HTTP exception."""
     out = exc.from_response(FakeResponse(400))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(out, exc.HTTPBadRequest))
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_from_response(self):
     """exc.from_response should return instance of an HTTP exception."""
     mock_resp = mock.Mock()
     mock_resp.status_code = 400
     out = exc.from_response(mock_resp)
     self.assertIsInstance(out, exc.HTTPBadRequest)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _http_request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        """Send an http request with the specified characteristics.

        Wrapper around httplib.HTTP(S)Connection.request to handle tasks such
        as setting headers and error handling.
        # Copy the kwargs so we can reuse the original in case of redirects
        kwargs['headers'] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        kwargs['headers'].setdefault('User-Agent', USER_AGENT)
        if self.auth_token:
            kwargs['headers'].setdefault('X-Auth-Token', self.auth_token)

        if self.identity_headers:
            for k, v in self.identity_headers.iteritems():
                kwargs['headers'].setdefault(k, v)

        self.log_curl_request(method, url, kwargs)
        conn = self.get_connection()

        # Note(flaper87): Before letting headers / url fly,
        # they should be encoded otherwise httplib will
        # complain. If we decide to rely on python-request
        # this wont be necessary anymore.
        kwargs['headers'] = self.encode_headers(kwargs['headers'])

            if self.endpoint_path:
                # NOTE(yuyangbj): this method _http_request could either be
                # called by API layer, or be called recursively with
                # redirection. For example, url would be '/v1/images/detail'
                # from API layer, but url would be 'https://example.com:92/
                # v1/images/detail'  from recursion.
                # See bug #1230032 and bug #1208618.
                if url is not None:
                    all_parts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
                    if not (all_parts.scheme and all_parts.netloc):
                        norm_parse = posixpath.normpath
                        url = norm_parse('/'.join([self.endpoint_path, url]))
                    url = self.endpoint_path

            conn_url = urlparse.urlsplit(url).geturl()
            # Note(flaper87): Ditto, headers / url
            # encoding to make httplib happy.
            conn_url = strutils.safe_encode(conn_url)
            if kwargs['headers'].get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked':
                conn.putrequest(method, conn_url)
                for header, value in kwargs['headers'].items():
                    conn.putheader(header, value)
                chunk = kwargs['body'].read(CHUNKSIZE)
                # Chunk it, baby...
                while chunk:
                    conn.send('%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(chunk), chunk))
                    chunk = kwargs['body'].read(CHUNKSIZE)
                conn.request(method, conn_url, **kwargs)
            resp = conn.getresponse()
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            message = "Error finding address for %s: %s" % (
                self.endpoint_hostname, e)
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            endpoint = self.endpoint
            message = ("Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" % {
                'endpoint': endpoint,
                'e': e
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)

        body_iter = ResponseBodyIterator(resp)

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if resp.getheader('content-type', None) != 'application/octet-stream':
            body_str = ''.join([chunk for chunk in body_iter])
            self.log_http_response(resp, body_str)
            body_iter = StringIO.StringIO(body_str)

        if 400 <= resp.status < 600:
            LOG.error("Request returned failure status.")
            raise exc.from_response(resp, body_str)
        elif resp.status in (301, 302, 305):
            # Redirected. Reissue the request to the new location.
            return self._http_request(resp.getheader('location', None), method,
        elif resp.status == 300:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        return resp, body_iter
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        """Send an http request with the specified characteristics.
        Wrapper around httplib.HTTP(S)Connection.request to handle tasks such
        as setting headers and error handling.
        # Copy the kwargs so we can reuse the original in case of redirects
        headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {})
        headers = headers and copy.deepcopy(headers) or {}

        # Default Content-Type is octet-stream
        content_type = headers.get('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')

        def chunk_body(body):
            chunk = body
            while chunk:
                chunk = body.read(CHUNKSIZE)
                yield chunk

        data = kwargs.pop("data", None)
        if data is not None and not isinstance(data, six.string_types):
                data = json.dumps(data)
                content_type = 'application/json'
            except TypeError:
                # Here we assume it's
                # a file-like object
                # and we'll chunk it
                data = chunk_body(data)

        headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

        # Note(flaper87): Before letting headers / url fly,
        # they should be encoded otherwise httplib will
        # complain.
        headers = self.encode_headers(headers)

            conn_url = "%s/%s" % (self.endpoint, url)
            self.log_curl_request(method, conn_url, headers, data, kwargs)
            resp = self.session.request(method,
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
            message = ("Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" %
                       dict(url=conn_url, e=e))
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
            message = ("Error finding address for %(url)s: %(e)s" %
                       dict(url=conn_url, e=e))
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)
        except socket.gaierror as e:
            message = "Error finding address for %s: %s" % (
                self.endpoint_hostname, e)
            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
        except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
            endpoint = self.endpoint
            message = ("Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" %
                       {'endpoint': endpoint, 'e': e})
            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)

        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.error("Request returned failure status %s." % resp.status_code)
            raise exc.from_response(resp, resp.content)
        elif resp.status_code == requests.codes.MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
            raise exc.from_response(resp)

        content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type')

        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
        if content_type == 'application/octet-stream':
            # Do not read all response in memory when
            # downloading an image.
            body_iter = resp.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNKSIZE)
            content = resp.content
            self.log_http_response(resp, content)
            if content_type and content_type.startswith('application/json'):
                # Let's use requests json method,
                # it should take care of response
                # encoding
                body_iter = resp.json()
                body_iter = six.StringIO(content)
        return resp, body_iter