Exemplo n.º 1
def test_while():
    cnt = count()
    out = glom(cnt, Iter().takewhile(lambda x: x < 3))
    assert list(out) == [0, 1, 2]
    assert next(cnt) == 4
    assert repr(Iter().takewhile(T.a) == 'Iter().takewhile(T.a)')

    range_iter = iter(range(7))
    out = glom(range_iter, Iter().dropwhile(lambda x: x < 3 or x > 5))
    assert list(out) == [3, 4, 5, 6]  # 6 still here despite the x>5 above

    out = glom(range(10), Iter().dropwhile(lambda x: x >= 0).limit(10))
    assert list(out) == []

    out = glom(range(8), Iter().dropwhile((T.bit_length(), lambda x: x < 3)))
    assert list(out) == [4, 5, 6, 7]
    assert repr(Iter().dropwhile(T.a) == 'Iter().dropwhile(T.a)')
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_corner_cases():
    target = range(5)

    # immediate stop dict
    assert glom(target, Group({(lambda t: STOP): [T]})) == {}

    # immediate stop list
    assert glom(target, Group([lambda t: STOP])) == []

    # dict key SKIP
    assert glom(target, Group({(lambda t: SKIP if t < 3 else t): T})) == {
                                   3: 3,
                                   4: 4

    # dict val SKIP
    assert glom(target, Group({T: lambda t: t if t % 2 else SKIP})) == {
        3: 3,
        1: 1

    # list val SKIP
    assert glom(target, Group([lambda t: t if t % 2 else SKIP])) == [1, 3]

    # embedded auto spec (lol @ 0 being 0 bit length)
    assert glom(target, Group({Auto(('bit_length', T())): [T]})) == {
                                   0: [0],
                                   1: [1],
                                   2: [2, 3],
                                   3: [4]

    # no dicts inside lists in Group mode
    with raises(BadSpec):
        assert glom(target, Group([{T: T}]))

    # check only supported types
    with raises(BadSpec):
        assert glom(target, Group('no string support yet'))

    # bucket ints by their bit length and then odd/even, limited to 3 per bucket
    spec = Group({T.bit_length(): {lambda t: t % 2: Limit(3)}})
    res = glom(range(20), spec)
    assert res == {
        0: {
            0: [0]
        1: {
            1: [1]
        2: {
            0: [2],
            1: [3]
        3: {
            0: [4, 6],
            1: [5, 7]
        4: {
            0: [8, 10, 12],
            1: [9, 11, 13]
