Exemplo n.º 1
def convert_length(value, units):
    """Convert length into basic SI units

    >>> convert_length(1, 'km')
    >>> convert_length(2.0, 'km')
    >>> convert_length(123, 'm')
    >>> convert_length(123.0, 'm')
    >>> convert_length(42.1, 'km')
    >>> convert_length(666, 'yards')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    gnpy.core.exceptions.ConfigurationError: Cannot convert length in "yards" into meters
    if units == 'm':
        return value * 1e0
    elif units == 'km':
        return value * 1e3
        raise ConfigurationError(
            f'Cannot convert length in "{units}" into meters')
Exemplo n.º 2
def _cls_for(equipment_type):
    if equipment_type == 'Edfa':
        return elements.Edfa
    if equipment_type == 'Fused':
        return elements.Fused
    elif equipment_type == 'Roadm':
        return elements.Roadm
    elif equipment_type == 'Transceiver':
        return elements.Transceiver
    elif equipment_type == 'Fiber':
        return elements.Fiber
    elif equipment_type == 'RamanFiber':
        return elements.RamanFiber
        raise ConfigurationError(f'Unknown network equipment "{equipment_type}"')
Exemplo n.º 3
def target_power(network, node, equipment):  # get_fiber_dp
    if isinstance(node, elements.Roadm):
        return 0

    SPAN_LOSS_REF = 20
    POWER_SLOPE = 0.3
    dp_range = list(equipment['Span']['default'].delta_power_range_db)
    node_loss = span_loss(network, node)

        dp = round2float((node_loss - SPAN_LOSS_REF) * POWER_SLOPE, dp_range[2])
        dp = max(dp_range[0], dp)
        dp = min(dp_range[1], dp)
    except IndexError:
        raise ConfigurationError(f'invalid delta_power_range_db definition in eqpt_config[Span]'
                                 f'delta_power_range_db: [lower_bound, upper_bound, step]')

    return dp
Exemplo n.º 4
def network_from_json(json_data, equipment):
    # NOTE|dutc: we could use the following, but it would tie our data format
    #            too closely to the graph library
    # from networkx import node_link_graph
    g = DiGraph()
    for el_config in json_data['elements']:
        typ = el_config.pop('type')
        variety = el_config.pop('type_variety', 'default')
        cls = _cls_for(typ)
        if typ == 'Fused':
            # well, there's no variety for the 'Fused' node type
        elif variety in equipment[typ]:
            extra_params = equipment[typ][variety]
            temp = el_config.setdefault('params', {})
            temp = merge_amplifier_restrictions(temp, extra_params.__dict__)
            el_config['params'] = temp
            el_config['type_variety'] = variety
        elif (typ in ['Fiber', 'RamanFiber'
                      ]) or (typ == 'Edfa' and variety not in ['default', '']):
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f'The {typ} of variety type {variety} was not recognized:'
                '\nplease check it is properly defined in the eqpt_config json file'
        el = cls(**el_config)

    nodes = {k.uid: k for k in g.nodes()}

    for cx in json_data['connections']:
        from_node, to_node = cx['from_node'], cx['to_node']
            if isinstance(nodes[from_node], elements.Fiber):
                edge_length = nodes[from_node].params.length
                edge_length = 0.01
            g.add_edge(nodes[from_node], nodes[to_node], weight=edge_length)
        except KeyError:
            raise NetworkTopologyError(
                f'can not find {from_node} or {to_node} defined in {cx}')

    return g
Exemplo n.º 5
def select_edfa(raman_allowed,
    """amplifer selection algorithm
    @Orange Jean-Luc Augé
    Edfa_list = namedtuple('Edfa_list', 'variety power gain_min nf')
    TARGET_EXTENDED_GAIN = equipment['Span']['default'].target_extended_gain

    # for roadm restriction only: create a dict including not allowed for design amps
    # because main use case is to have specific radm amp which are not allowed for ILA
    # with the auto design
    edfa_dict = {
        name: amp
        for (name, amp) in equipment['Edfa'].items()
        if restrictions is None or name in restrictions

    pin = power_target - gain_target

    # create 2 list of available amplifiers with relevant attributes for their selection

    # edfa list with:
    # extended gain min allowance of 3dB: could be parametrized, but a bit complex
    # extended gain max allowance TARGET_EXTENDED_GAIN is coming from eqpt_config.json
    # power attribut include power AND gain limitations
    edfa_list = [
                  power=min(pin + edfa.gain_flatmax + TARGET_EXTENDED_GAIN,
                            edfa.p_max) - power_target,
                  gain_min=gain_target + 3 - edfa.gain_min,
                  nf=edfa_nf(gain_target, edfa_variety, equipment))
        for edfa_variety, edfa in edfa_dict.items()
        if ((edfa.allowed_for_design or restrictions is not None)
            and not edfa.raman)

    # consider a Raman list because of different gain_min requirement:
    # do not allow extended gain min for Raman
    raman_list = [Edfa_list(
            + edfa.gain_flatmax
        - power_target,
        - edfa.gain_min,
        nf=edfa_nf(gain_target, edfa_variety, equipment))
        for edfa_variety, edfa in edfa_dict.items()
        if (edfa.allowed_for_design and edfa.raman)] \
        if raman_allowed else []

    # merge raman and edfa lists
    amp_list = edfa_list + raman_list

    # filter on min gain limitation:
    acceptable_gain_min_list = [x for x in amp_list if x.gain_min > 0]

    if len(acceptable_gain_min_list) < 1:
        # do not take this empty list into account for the rest of the code
        # but issue a warning to the user and do not consider Raman
        # Raman below min gain should not be allowed because i is meant to be a design requirement
        # and raman padding at the amplifier input is impossible!

        if len(edfa_list) < 1:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f'auto_design could not find any amplifier \
                    to satisfy min gain requirement in node {uid} \
                    please increase span fiber padding')
            # TODO: convert to logging
                f'{ansi_escapes.red}WARNING:{ansi_escapes.reset} target gain in node {uid} is below all available amplifiers min gain: \
                  amplifier input padding will be assumed, consider increase span fiber padding instead'
            acceptable_gain_min_list = edfa_list

    # filter on gain+power limitation:
    # this list checks both the gain and the power requirement
    # because of the way .power is calculated in the list
    acceptable_power_list = [
        x for x in acceptable_gain_min_list if x.power > 0
    if len(acceptable_power_list) < 1:
        # no amplifier satisfies the required power, so pick the highest power(s):
        power_max = max(acceptable_gain_min_list,
        # check and pick if other amplifiers may have a similar gain/power
        # allow a 0.3dB power range
        # this allows to chose an amplifier with a better NF subsequentely
        acceptable_power_list = [
            x for x in acceptable_gain_min_list if x.power - power_max > -0.3

    # gain and power requirements are resolved,
    #       =>chose the amp with the best NF among the acceptable ones:
    selected_edfa = min(acceptable_power_list,
                        key=attrgetter('nf'))  # filter on NF
    # check what are the gain and power limitations of this amp
    power_reduction = round(min(selected_edfa.power, 0), 2)
    if power_reduction < -0.5:
            f'{ansi_escapes.red}WARNING:{ansi_escapes.reset} target gain and power in node {uid}\n \
    is beyond all available amplifiers capabilities and/or extended_gain_range:\n\
    a power reduction of {power_reduction} is applied\n')

    return selected_edfa.variety, power_reduction