Exemplo n.º 1
def wait_for_operation(operation: compute_v1.Operation,
                       project_id: str) -> compute_v1.Operation:
    This method waits for an operation to be completed. Calling this function
    will block until the operation is finished.

        operation: The Operation object representing the operation you want to
            wait on.
        project_id: ID or number of the project owning the operation.

        Finished Operation object.
    kwargs = {"project": project_id, "operation": operation.name}
    if operation.zone:
        client = compute_v1.ZoneOperationsClient()
        # Operation.zone is a full URL address of a zone, so we need to extract just the name
        kwargs["zone"] = operation.zone.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[1]
    elif operation.region:
        client = compute_v1.RegionOperationsClient()
        # Operation.region is a full URL address of a zone, so we need to extract just the name
        kwargs["region"] = operation.region.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[1]
        client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    return client.wait(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
def set_usage_export_bucket(project_id: str,
                            bucket_name: str,
                            report_name_prefix: str = "") -> None:
    Set Compute Engine usage export bucket for the Cloud project.
    This sample presents how to interpret the default value for the
    report name prefix parameter.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the project to update.
        bucket_name: Google Cloud Storage bucket used to store Compute Engine
            usage reports. An existing Google Cloud Storage bucket is required.
        report_name_prefix: Prefix of the usage report name which defaults to an empty string
            to showcase default values behaviour.
    usage_export_location = compute_v1.UsageExportLocation(
        bucket_name=bucket_name, report_name_prefix=report_name_prefix)

    if not report_name_prefix:
        # Sending an empty value for report_name_prefix results in the
        # next usage report being generated with the default prefix value
        # "usage_gce". (ref: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects/setUsageExportBucket)
        print("Setting report_name_prefix to empty value causes the report "
              "to have the default prefix of `usage_gce`.")

    projects_client = compute_v1.ProjectsClient()
    operation = projects_client.set_usage_export_bucket(

    op_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()

    while operation.status != compute_v1.Operation.Status.DONE:
        operation = op_client.wait(operation=operation.name,
def firewall_rule():
    firewall_rule = compute_v1.Firewall()
    firewall_rule.name = "firewall-sample-test" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:10]
    firewall_rule.direction = "INGRESS"
    allowed_ports = compute_v1.Allowed()
    allowed_ports.I_p_protocol = "tcp"
    allowed_ports.ports = ["80"]
    firewall_rule.allowed = [allowed_ports]
    firewall_rule.source_ranges = [""]
    firewall_rule.network = "global/networks/default"
    firewall_rule.description = "Rule generated by Python sample test fixture."
    firewall_rule.target_tags = ["web"]

    firewall_client = compute_v1.FirewallsClient()
    op = firewall_client.insert_unary(project=PROJECT, firewall_resource=firewall_rule)

    op_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op_client.wait(project=PROJECT, operation=op.name)

    yield firewall_client.get(project=PROJECT, firewall=firewall_rule.name)

        op = firewall_client.delete_unary(project=PROJECT, firewall=firewall_rule.name)
        op_client.wait(project=PROJECT, operation=op.name)
    except google.api_core.exceptions.BadRequest as err:
        if err.code == 400 and "is not ready" in err.message:
            # This means GCE enforcer has already deleted that rule.
            raise err
def instance_template():
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 25
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True

    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface()
    network_interface.name = "global/networks/default"

    template = compute_v1.InstanceTemplate()
    template.name = "test-template-" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:10]
    template.properties.disks = [disk]
    template.properties.machine_type = "e2-standard-4"
    template.properties.network_interfaces = [network_interface]

    template_client = compute_v1.InstanceTemplatesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op = template_client.insert_unary(project=PROJECT,
    operation_client.wait(project=PROJECT, operation=op.name)

    template = template_client.get(project=PROJECT,

    yield template

    op = template_client.delete_unary(project=PROJECT,
    operation_client.wait(project=PROJECT, operation=op.name)
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_template(project_id: str,
                    template_name: str) -> compute_v1.InstanceTemplate:
    Create a new instance template with the provided name and a specific
    instance configuration.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you use.
        template_name: name of the new template to create.

        InstanceTemplate object that represents the new instance template.
    # The template describes the size and source image of the boot disk
    # to attach to the instance.
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 250
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True

    # The template connects the instance to the `default` network,
    # without specifying a subnetwork.
    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface()
    network_interface.name = "global/networks/default"

    # The template lets the instance use an external IP address.
    access_config = compute_v1.AccessConfig()
    access_config.name = "External NAT"
    access_config.type_ = "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
    access_config.network_tier = "PREMIUM"
    network_interface.access_configs = [access_config]

    template = compute_v1.InstanceTemplate()
    template.name = template_name
    template.properties.disks = [disk]
    template.properties.machine_type = "e2-standard-4"
    template.properties.network_interfaces = [network_interface]

    template_client = compute_v1.InstanceTemplatesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op = template_client.insert_unary(project=project_id,
    operation_client.wait(project=project_id, operation=op.name)

    return template_client.get(project=project_id,
Exemplo n.º 6
def delete_instance_template(project_id: str, template_name: str):
    Delete an instance template.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you use.
        template_name: name of the template to delete.
    template_client = compute_v1.InstanceTemplatesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op = template_client.delete_unary(project=project_id,
    operation_client.wait(project=project_id, operation=op.name)
Exemplo n.º 7
def delete_firewall_rule(project_id: str, firewall_rule_name: str):
    Deleted a firewall rule from the project.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        firewall_rule_name: name of the firewall rule you want to delete.
    firewall_client = compute_v1.FirewallsClient()
    operation = firewall_client.delete_unary(project=project_id,

    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    operation_client.wait(project=project_id, operation=operation.name)
Exemplo n.º 8
def create_template_with_subnet(
        project_id: str, network: str, subnetwork: str,
        template_name: str) -> compute_v1.InstanceTemplate:
    Create an instance template that uses a provided subnet.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you use.
        network: the network to be used in the new template. This value uses
            the following format: "projects/{project}/global/networks/{network}"
        subnetwork: the subnetwork to be used in the new template. This value
            uses the following format: "projects/{project}/regions/{region}/subnetworks/{subnetwork}"
        template_name: name of the new template to create.

        InstanceTemplate object that represents the new instance template.
    # The template describes the size and source image of the book disk to
    # attach to the instance.
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 250
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True

    template = compute_v1.InstanceTemplate()
    template.name = template_name
    template.properties = compute_v1.InstanceProperties()
    template.properties.disks = [disk]
    template.properties.machine_type = "e2-standard-4"

    # The template connects the instance to the specified network and subnetwork.
    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface()
    network_interface.network = network
    network_interface.subnetwork = subnetwork
    template.properties.network_interfaces = [network_interface]

    template_client = compute_v1.InstanceTemplatesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op = template_client.insert_unary(project=project_id,
    operation_client.wait(project=project_id, operation=op.name)

    return template_client.get(project=project_id,
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, infra_spec, options):
     super().__init__(infra_spec, options)
     self.project = 'couchbase-qe'
     self.credentials, _ = google.auth.default()
     self.storage_client = storage.Client(project=self.project,
     self.instance_client = compute.InstancesClient()
     self.network_client = compute.NetworksClient()
     self.subnet_client = compute.SubnetworksClient()
     self.firewall_client = compute.FirewallsClient()
     self.zone_ops_client = compute.ZoneOperationsClient()
     self.region_ops_client = compute.RegionOperationsClient()
     self.global_ops_client = compute.GlobalOperationsClient()
     with open(self.generated_cloud_config_path) as f:
         self.deployed_infra = json.load(f)
     self.zone = self.deployed_infra['zone']
     self.region = self.zone.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
Exemplo n.º 10
def create_firewall_rule(project_id: str,
                         firewall_rule_name: str,
                         network: str = "global/networks/default"):
    Creates a simple firewall rule allowing for incoming HTTP and HTTPS access from the entire Internet.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        firewall_rule_name: name of the rule that is created.
        network: name of the network the rule will be applied to. Available name formats:
            * https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network}
            * projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network}
            * global/networks/{network}
    firewall_rule = compute_v1.Firewall()
    firewall_rule.name = firewall_rule_name
    firewall_rule.direction = "INGRESS"

    allowed_ports = compute_v1.Allowed()
    allowed_ports.I_p_protocol = "tcp"
    allowed_ports.ports = ["80", "443"]

    firewall_rule.allowed = [allowed_ports]
    firewall_rule.source_ranges = [""]
    firewall_rule.network = network
    firewall_rule.description = "Allowing TCP traffic on port 80 and 443 from Internet."

    firewall_rule.target_tags = ["web"]

    # Note that the default value of priority for the firewall API is 1000.
    # If you check the value of `firewall_rule.priority` at this point it
    # will be equal to 0, however it is not treated as "set" by the library and thus
    # the default will be applied to the new rule. If you want to create a rule that
    # has priority == 0, you need to explicitly set it so:

    # firewall_rule.priority = 0

    firewall_client = compute_v1.FirewallsClient()
    op = firewall_client.insert_unary(project=project_id,

    op_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op_client.wait(project=project_id, operation=op.name)

Exemplo n.º 11
def disable_usage_export(project_id: str) -> None:
    Disable Compute Engine usage export bucket for the Cloud Project.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the project to update.
    projects_client = compute_v1.ProjectsClient()

    # Updating the setting with None will disable the
    # usage report generation.
    operation = projects_client.set_usage_export_bucket(
        project=project_id, usage_export_location_resource=None)

    op_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()

    while operation.status != compute_v1.Operation.Status.DONE:
        operation = op_client.wait(operation=operation.name,
Exemplo n.º 12
def create_template_from_instance(
        project_id: str, instance: str,
        template_name: str) -> compute_v1.InstanceTemplate:
    Create a new instance template based on an existing instance.
    This new template specifies a different boot disk.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you use.
        instance: the instance to base the new template on. This value uses
            the following format: "projects/{project}/zones/{zone}/instances/{instance_name}"
        template_name: name of the new template to create.

        InstanceTemplate object that represents the new instance template.
    disk = compute_v1.DiskInstantiationConfig()
    # Device name must match the name of a disk attached to the instance you are
    # basing your template on.
    disk.device_name = "disk-1"
    # Replace the original boot disk image used in your instance with a Rocky Linux image.
    disk.instantiate_from = "CUSTOM_IMAGE"
    disk.custom_image = "projects/rocky-linux-cloud/global/images/family/rocky-linux-8"
    # Override the auto_delete setting.
    disk.auto_delete = True

    template = compute_v1.InstanceTemplate()
    template.name = template_name
    template.source_instance = instance
    template.source_instance_params = compute_v1.SourceInstanceParams()
    template.source_instance_params.disk_configs = [disk]

    template_client = compute_v1.InstanceTemplatesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op = template_client.insert_unary(project=project_id,
    operation_client.wait(project=project_id, operation=op.name)

    return template_client.get(project=project_id,
Exemplo n.º 13
def patch_firewall_priority(project_id: str, firewall_rule_name: str,
                            priority: int):
    Modifies the priority of a given firewall rule.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        firewall_rule_name: name of the rule you want to modify.
        priority: the new priority to be set for the rule.
    firewall_rule = compute_v1.Firewall()
    firewall_rule.priority = priority

    # The patch operation doesn't require the full definition of a Firewall object. It will only update
    # the values that were set in it, in this case it will only change the priority.
    firewall_client = compute_v1.FirewallsClient()
    operation = firewall_client.patch_unary(project=project_id,

    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    operation_client.wait(project=project_id, operation=operation.name)