Exemplo n.º 1
def CollectLogs(all_machines, gws_log_dir, log_collect_dir):
  # We only run this on oneway or master node of cluster.
  master = find_master.FindMaster(2100, all_machines)
  crt_machine = E.getCrtHostName()
  if len(all_machines) != 1 and (len(master) != 1 or master[0] != crt_machine):
    logging.info('Not a oneway or cluster master node. Return!')

  lockfile = '%s/lock' % log_collect_dir
  # waiting up to 5 minutes for the lock.
  lock = E.acquire_lock(lockfile, 30, breakLockAfterGracePeriod = 0)
  if lock == None:
    logging.info('Cannot grab the lock. Return!')

    for machine in all_machines:
      src_pattern = '%s/partnerlog.*' % gws_log_dir
      dest_dir = '%s/%s' % (log_collect_dir, machine)

      # If it's a oneway or master node, we make a symlink to gws_log_dir instead
      # of rsync to log_collect directory
      if machine == crt_machine:
        # To make it backward compatible, we need to remove old dest_dir if it's
        # already an existing directory from previous version because in previous
        # versions we created a dir and rsynced files even on the master node and
        # one-ways.
        if os.path.exists(dest_dir) and not os.path.islink(dest_dir):
          if not E.rm(master, '%s/*' % dest_dir) or not E.rmdir(master, dest_dir):
            logging.error('Directory %s exists and cannot be cleaned.', dest_dir)
          logging.info('Cleaned existing directory %s.', dest_dir)

        if E.ln(master, gws_log_dir, dest_dir):
          logging.info('Symlink %s to directory %s:%s for logs' %
                       (dest_dir, machine, gws_log_dir))
          logging.error('Cannot make a symlink from %s to %s' %
                        (dest_dir, gws_log_dir))

      # For non-master nodes on cluster, we need to rsync those files to master node
      logging.info('Collecting logs from %s:%s into %s' % (
        machine, src_pattern, dest_dir))

      # make log directories if needed

      # rsync all files from one remote machine in one command.
      rsync_cmd = 'rsync --timeout=60 --size-only -vau ' \
                  ' -e ssh %s:%s %s/' % (machine, src_pattern, dest_dir)

      # rsync the logs
      (status, output) = liblog.DoCommand(rsync_cmd)
      if status != 0:
        logging.error('Failed to collect logs from %s: %s' % (
          machine, output))