Exemplo n.º 1
def add_album(album_name, tags_dicts, source=str(datetime.date.today()),
              gordonDir=DEF_GORDON_DIR, prompt_aname=False, import_md=False, fast_import=False):
    """Add an album from a list of metadata in <tags_dicts> v "1.0 CSV"
    log.debug('Adding album "%s"', album_name)
    # create set of artists from tag_dicts
    artists = set()
    for track in tags_dicts.itervalues():
    if len(artists) == 0:
        log.debug('Nothing to add')
        return # no songs
        log.debug('Found %d artists in directory: %s', len(artists), artists)
    #add album to Album table
    log.debug('Album has %d tracks', len(tags_dicts))
    albumrec = Album(name = album_name, trackcount = len(tags_dicts))

    #if we have an *exact* string match we will use the existing artist
    artist_dict = dict()
    for artist in artists:
        match = Artist.query.filter_by(name=artist)
        if match.count() == 1 :
            log.debug('Matched %s to %s in database', artist, match[0])
            artist_dict[artist] = match[0]
            #todo: (eckdoug) what happens if match.count()>1? This means we have multiple artists in db with same 
            # name. Do we try harder to resolve which one? Or just add a new one.  I added a new one (existing code)
            # but it seems risky.. like we will generate lots of new artists. 
            # Anyway, we resolve this in the musicbrainz resolver....
        else :
            # add our Artist to artist table
            newartist = Artist(name = artist)
            artist_dict[artist] = newartist

        #add artist to album (album_artist table)

    # Commit these changes in order to have access to this album
    # record when adding tracks.

    # Now add our tracks to album.
    for filename in sorted(tags_dicts.keys()):
        add_track(filename, source=source, gordonDir=gordonDir, tag_dict=tags_dicts[filename],
                  artist=artist_dict[tags_dicts[filename][u'artist']], album=albumrec,
                  fast_import=fast_import, import_md=import_md)
        log.debug('Added "%s"', filename)

    #now update our track counts
    for aname, artist in artist_dict.iteritems() :
        log.debug('Updated trackcount for artist %s', artist)
    log.debug('Updated trackcount for album %s', albumrec)
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_album(album_name,
    """Add an album from a list of metadata in <tags_dicts> v "1.0 CSV"
    log.debug('Adding album "%s"', album_name)

    # create set of artists from tag_dicts

    artists = set()
    for track in tags_dicts.itervalues():

    if len(artists) == 0:
        log.debug('Nothing to add')
        return  # no songs
        log.debug('Found %d artists in directory: %s', len(artists), artists)

    #add album to Album table
    log.debug('Album has %d tracks', len(tags_dicts))
    albumrec = Album(name=album_name, trackcount=len(tags_dicts))

    #if we have an *exact* string match we will use the existing artist
    artist_dict = dict()
    for artist in artists:
        match = Artist.query.filter_by(name=artist)
        if match.count() == 1:
            log.debug('Matched %s to %s in database', artist, match[0])
            artist_dict[artist] = match[0]
            #todo: (eckdoug) what happens if match.count()>1? This means we have multiple artists in db with same
            # name. Do we try harder to resolve which one? Or just add a new one.  I added a new one (existing code)
            # but it seems risky.. like we will generate lots of new artists.
            # Anyway, we resolve this in the musicbrainz resolver....
            # add our Artist to artist table
            newartist = Artist(name=artist)
            artist_dict[artist] = newartist

        #add artist to album (album_artist table)

    # Commit these changes in order to have access to this album
    # record when adding tracks.

    # Now add our tracks to album.
    for filename in sorted(tags_dicts.keys()):
        log.debug('Added "%s"', filename)

    #now update our track counts
    for aname, artist in artist_dict.iteritems():
        log.debug('Updated trackcount for artist %s', artist)
    log.debug('Updated trackcount for album %s', albumrec)
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_album(albumDir, source = str(datetime.date.today()), gordonDir = DEF_GORDON_DIR, prompt_aname = False, fast_import = False, import_md=False):
    """Add a directory with audio files v 1.2
        * when we do an album we need to read all files in before trying anything
        * we can't just add each track individually. We have to make Artist ids for all artists
        * we will presume that 2 songs by same artist string are indeed same artist
    log.debug('  Adding album "%s" - add_album()', albumDir)
    tags_dicts = dict()
    albums = set()
    artists = set()
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    for filename in os.listdir('.') :
        (xxx, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, filename)) :
            log.debug('  Checking "%s" ...', filename)
            csvtags = False
#            if ext.lower() == '.mp3' : # gets ID3 tags from mp3s
            if id3.isValidMP3(os.path.join(cwd, filename)):
                log.debug('  %s is MP3', filename)
                tags_dicts[filename] = _get_id3_dict(filename)
                if not tags_dicts[filename]['empty']: # non empty tags obtained :)
                    log.debug('  .. w/ ID3 tags', tags_dicts[filename])
                tags_dicts[filename]['func'] = 'add_mp3'
            elif ext.lower() in ['.wav', '.aif', '.aiff']: # since this is wav/aif, use possible csv tags file
            #todo: check for file binary content to determine wether it is wav/aiff instead of extension check...
                if not csvtags : csvtags = _read_csv_tags(os.getcwd(), 'tags.csv')
                log.debug('  %s is %s', filename, ext)
                try: # if csvtags[filename] is not empty:
                    if csvtags[filename] : log.debug('  .. w/ CSV tags (tags.csv)', csvtags[filename])
                    tags_dicts[filename] = csvtags[filename]
                except: # make empty tags on the fly
                    tags_dicts[filename] = _empty_tags()
                tags_dicts[filename]['func'] = 'add_uncomp'
                log.debug('  %s is not a supported audio file format', filename)
            #todo: work with other non-mp3 audio files/tags!
    albums = list(albums)
    if len(artists) == 0 :
        log.debug('  Nothing to add')
        return # no songs
        log.debug('  %d artists in directory: %s', len(artists), artists)
    if len(albums) <> 1 :  # if more than 1 album found found in ID3 tags
        if prompt_aname :
            # prompt user to choose an album
            album_name = _prompt_aname(albumDir, tags_dicts, albums, cwd)
            if album_name == False : return # why? see _prompt_aname() -- return
        else :
            log.debug('  Not adding %d album names in album %s %s', len(albums), albumDir, str(albums))
            return # more than one album in directory
    else : # there's only one album in the directory (as should be)
        album_name = albums[0]
    #add our album to Album table
    log.debug('  Album has %d recordings', len(tags_dicts))
    albumrec = Album(name = unicode(album_name), trackcount = len(tags_dicts))
#    collection = None
    source = unicode(source)
    match = Collection.query.filter_by(name = source)
    if match.count() == 1:
        log.debug('  Matched source %s in database', match[0])
#        collection = match[0]
#    else:
#        collection = Collection(name=unicode(source))
#    albumrec.collections.append(collection)

    #if we have an *exact* string match we will use the existing artist
    artist_dict = dict()
    for artist in set(artists) :
        match = Artist.query.filter_by(name = artist)
        if match.count() == 1 :
            log.debug('  Matched %s %s in database', artist, match[0])
            artist_dict[artist] = match[0]
            #todo: (eckdoug) what happens if match.count()>1? This means we have multiple artists in db with same 
            # name. Do we try harder to resolve which one? Or just add a new one.  I added a new one (existing code)
            # but it seems risky.. like we will generate lots of new artists. 
            # Anyway, we resolve this in the musicbrainz resolver....
        else :
            # add our Artist to artist table
            newartist = Artist(name = unicode(artist))
#            newartist.collections.append(collection)
            artist_dict[artist] = newartist

        #add artist to album (album_artist table)

    commit() #commit these changes in order to have access to this album record when adding tracks

    #now add our tracks to album
    for file in tags_dicts.keys() :
        # calls add_mp3(), add_uncomp(), or other...
        addfunction = tags_dicts[file].pop('func')
        eval(addfunction + "(file, source, gordonDir, tags_dicts[file], artist_dict[tags_dicts[file]['artist']], albumrec, fast_import, import_md)")
        log.debug('  Added "%s"!', file)

    #now update our track counts
    for aname, artist in artist_dict.iteritems() :
        log.debug('  * Updated trackcount for artist %s', artist)
    log.debug('  * Updated trackcount for album %s', albumrec) 

    os.chdir(cwd) # and return to original working dir