class Backup(object):
    """ Class object for normal-based backup network model.

    nodes: set of nodes
    links: set of links
    capacity: capacities per link based based on random failures 
    mean: mean for failure random variable
    std: standard deviation for failure random variable
    invstd: inverse of Phi-normal distribution for (1-epsilon)

    solution: set of capacity assigned per backup link. 
    # Private model object
    __model = []
    # Private model variables
    __BackupCapacity = {}
    __bBackupLink = {}
    __ValidLink = {}
    # Private model parameters
    __links = []
    __nodes = []
    __capacity = []
    __mean = []
    __std = []
    __invstd = 1
    def __init__(self,nodes,links,capacity,mean,std,invstd):
        self.__links = links
        self.__nodes = nodes
        self.__capacity = capacity
        self.__mean = mean
        self.__std = std
        self.__invstd = invstd
    def __loadModel(self):
        # Create optimization model
        self.__model = Model('Backup')
        # Auxiliary variables for SOCP reformulation
        U = {}
        R = {}
        # Create variables
        for i,j in self.__links:
            self.__BackupCapacity[i,j] = self.__model.addVar(lb=0, obj=1, name='Backup_Capacity[%s,%s]' % (i, j))
        for i,j in self.__links:
            for s,d in self.__links:
                self.__bBackupLink[i,j,s,d] = self.__model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,obj=1,name='Backup_Link[%s,%s,%s,%s]' % (i, j, s, d))
        for i,j in self.__links:
            U[i,j] = self.__model.addVar(obj=1,name='U[%s,%s]' % (i, j))
        for i,j in self.__links:
            for s,d in self.__links:
                R[i,j,s,d] = self.__model.addVar(obj=1,name='R[%s,%s,%s,%s]' % (i,j,s,d))
        self.__model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
        #m.setObjective(quicksum([fixedCosts[p]*open[p] for p in plants]))
        self.__model.setObjective(quicksum(self.__BackupCapacity[i,j] for i,j in self.__links))
        #                    Constraints definition                              #
        #                                                                        #
        #                                                                        #
        # Link capacity constraints
        for i,j in self.__links:
            self.__model.addConstr(self.__BackupCapacity[i,j] >= quicksum(self.__mean[s,d]*self.__bBackupLink[i,j,s,d] for (s,d) in self.__links) + U[i,j]*self.__invstd,'[CONST]Link_Cap_%s_%s' % (i, j))
        # SCOP Reformulation Constraints
        for i,j in self.__links:
            self.__model.addConstr(quicksum(R[i,j,s,d]*R[i,j,s,d] for (s,d) in self.__links) <= U[i,j]*U[i,j],'[CONST]SCOP1[%s][%s]' % (i, j))
        # SCOP Reformulation Constraints    
        for i,j in self.__links:
            for s,d in self.__links:
                self.__model.addConstr(self.__std[s,d]*self.__bBackupLink[i,j,s,d] == R[i,j,s,d],'[CONST]SCOP2[%s][%s][%s][%s]' % (i, j,s,d))
        for i in self.__nodes:
            for s,d in self.__links:
                # Flow conservation constraints
                if i == s:
                    self.__model.addConstr(quicksum(self.__bBackupLink[i,j,s,d] for i,j in,'*')) - 
                                           quicksum(self.__bBackupLink[j,i,s,d] for j,i in'*',i)) == 1,'Flow1[%s,%s,%s,%s]' % (i,j,s, d))
                # Flow conservation constraints
                elif i == d:
                    self.__model.addConstr(quicksum(self.__bBackupLink[i,j,s,d] for i,j in,'*')) - 
                                           quicksum(self.__bBackupLink[j,i,s,d] for j,i in'*',i)) == -1,'Flow2[%s,%s,%s,%s]' % (i,j,s, d))
                # Flow conservation constraints
                    self.__model.addConstr(quicksum(self.__bBackupLink[i,j,s,d] for i,j in,'*')) - 
                                           quicksum(self.__bBackupLink[j,i,s,d] for j,i in'*',i)) == 0,'Flow3[%s,%s,%s,%s]' % (i,j,s, d))
    def optimize(self,MipGap, TimeLimit):
        if MipGap != None:
            self.__model.params.timeLimit = TimeLimit
        if TimeLimit != None:
            self.__model.params.MIPGap = MipGap
        # Compute optimal solution
        # Print solution
        if self.__model.status == GRB.Status.OPTIMAL:
            solution = self.__model.getAttr('x', self.__BackupCapacity)
            for i,j in self.__links:
                if solution[i,j] > 0:
                    print('%s -> %s: %g' % (i, j, solution[i,j]))
            print('Optimal value not found!\n')
            solution = []
        return solution;    
    def reset(self):
        Reset model solution
Exemplo n.º 2
def solve_lp_knapsack_gurobi(scores, costs, budget):
    from gurobipy import Model, LinExpr, GRB

    n = len(scores)

    # Create a new model.
    m = Model("lp_knapsack")

    # Create variables.
    for i in range(n):
        m.addVar(lb=0.0, ub=1.0)
    vars = m.getVars()

    # Set objective.
    obj = LinExpr()
    for i in range(n):
        obj += scores[i] * vars[i]
    m.setObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE)

    # Add constraint.
    expr = LinExpr()
    for i in range(n):
        expr += costs[i] * vars[i]
    m.addConstr(expr, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, budget)

    # Optimize.
    assert m.status == GRB.OPTIMAL
    x = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(n):
        x[i] = vars[i].x

    return x
Exemplo n.º 3
def build_model(plants, warehouses, capacity, demand, fixed_costs, trans_costs):
    # decision variables
    m = Model("facility")
    is_open = []
    for p in plants:
    trans_qty = []
    for w in warehouses:
        for p in plants:
                                         name="trans_qty[{}.{}]".format(p, w),
    # objective function
    m.setObjective(quicksum(fixed_costs[p] * is_open[p]
                            for p in plants) +
                   quicksum(trans_costs[w][p] * trans_qty[w][p]
                            for w in warehouses
                            for p in plants),
    # constraints
    for p in plants:
        m.addConstr(quicksum(trans_qty[w][p] for w in warehouses) <= capacity[p] * is_open[p],
    for w in warehouses:
        m.addConstr(quicksum(trans_qty[w][p] for p in plants) == demand[w],
    return m
Exemplo n.º 4
def create_problem(cobra_model, quadratic_component=None, **kwargs):
    """Solver-specific method for constructing a solver problem from
    a cobra.Model.  This can be tuned for performance using kwargs

    lp = Model("")

    the_parameters = parameter_defaults
    if kwargs:
        the_parameters = parameter_defaults.copy()

    # Set verbosity first to quiet infos on parameter changes
    if "verbose" in the_parameters:
        set_parameter(lp, "verbose", the_parameters["verbose"])
    for k, v in iteritems(the_parameters):
        set_parameter(lp, k, v)

    # Create variables
    #TODO:  Speed this up
    variable_list = [lp.addVar(_float(x.lower_bound),
                     for i, x in enumerate(cobra_model.reactions)]
    reaction_to_variable = dict(zip(cobra_model.reactions,
    # Integrate new variables

    #Constraints are based on mass balance
    #Construct the lin expression lists and then add
    #TODO: Speed this up as it takes about .18 seconds
    for i, the_metabolite in enumerate(cobra_model.metabolites):
        constraint_coefficients = []
        constraint_variables = []
        for the_reaction in the_metabolite._reaction:
        #Add the metabolite to the problem
        lp.addConstr(LinExpr(constraint_coefficients, constraint_variables),

    # Set objective to quadratic program
    if quadratic_component is not None:
        set_quadratic_objective(lp, quadratic_component)

def check_feasability_ILP(exams_to_schedule, period, data, verbose=False):
    # More precise but by far to slow compared to heuristic
    r = data['r']
    T = data['T']
    s = data['s']
    z = {}

    model = Model("RoomFeasability")

    # z[i,k] = if exam i is written in room k
    for k in range(r):
        # print k, period
        if T[k][period] == 1:
            for i in exams_to_schedule:
                z[i, k] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="z_%s_%s" % (i, k))


    # Building constraints...

    # c1: seats for all students
    for i in exams_to_schedule:
        expr = LinExpr()
        for k in range(r):
            if T[k][period] == 1:
                expr.addTerms(1, z[i, k])
        model.addConstr(expr >= s[i], "c1")

    # c2: only one exam per room
    for k in range(r):
        if T[k][period] == 1:
            expr = LinExpr()
            for i in exams_to_schedule:
                expr.addTerms(1, z[i, k])
            model.addConstr(expr <= 1, "c2")

    model.setObjective(0, GRB.MINIMIZE)
    if not verbose:
        model.params.OutputFlag = 0

    model.params.heuristics = 0
    model.params.PrePasses = 1


    # return best room schedule
        return model.objval
    except GurobiError:
        logging.warning('check_feasability_ILP: model has no objVal')
        return None
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_problem(cobra_model, objective_sense="maximize"):
    lp = Model("cobra")
    lp.Params.OutputFlag = 0

    if objective_sense == "maximize":
        objective_sign = -1.0
    elif objective_sense == "minimize":
        objective_sign = 1.0
        raise ValueError("objective_sense must be 'maximize' or 'minimize'")

    # create metabolites/constraints
    metabolite_constraints = {}
    for metabolite in cobra_model.metabolites:
        metabolite_constraints[metabolite] = lp.addConstr(
            0.0, sense_dict[metabolite._constraint_sense], metabolite._bound,

    # create reactions/variables along with S matrix
    for j, reaction in enumerate(cobra_model.reactions):
        constraints = [metabolite_constraints[i] for i in reaction._metabolites]
        stoichiometry = reaction._metabolites.values()
            obj=objective_sign * reaction.objective_coefficient,
            column=Column(stoichiometry, constraints),
    return lp
    def _cut(self, model, val_func, cut_func):
        '''Returns true if a cut was added to the master'''
        problem = self.problem
        theta = self.theta
        x = self.x

        # Create subproblem.
        sub = Model()

        # y[ip,iq,s,c] = 1 if images ip & iq have a shared path through stage
        #                s by running command c during s, 0 otherwise
        y = {}
        for (ip, iq), cmds in problem.shared_cmds.items():
            for s, c in product(problem.shared_stages[ip, iq], cmds):
                y[ip,iq,s,c] = sub.addVar(name='y[%s,%s,%s,%s]' % (ip,iq,s,c))


        # Find shared paths among image pairs.
        constraints = defaultdict(list)
        for (ip, iq), cmds in problem.shared_cmds.items():
            for s in problem.shared_stages[ip,iq]:
                for c in cmds:
                    constraints[ip,s,c].append(sub.addConstr(y[ip,iq,s,c] <= val_func(model, x[ip,s,c])))
                    constraints[iq,s,c].append(sub.addConstr(y[ip,iq,s,c] <= val_func(model, x[iq,s,c])))
                if s > 1:
                    sub.addConstr(sum(y[ip,iq,s,c] for c in cmds) <= sum(y[ip,iq,s-1,c] for c in cmds))

            -sum(problem.commands[c] * y[ip,iq,s,c] for ip,iq,s,c in y),

        # Add the dual prices for each variable
        pi = defaultdict(float)
        for isp, cons in constraints.iteritems():
            for c in cons:
                pi[isp] += c.pi

        # Detect optimality
        if val_func(model, theta) >= sub.objVal:
            return False # no cuts to add

        # Optimality cut
        cut_func(model, theta >= sum(pi[isp]*x[isp] for isp in pi if pi[isp]))
        return True
Exemplo n.º 8
def two_cycle(A, C, gap):
    Solve high-vertex dense graphs by reduction to
    weighted matching ILP.
    _ = '*'
    m = Model()
    m.modelsense = GRB.MAXIMIZE
    m.params.mipgap = gap
    m.params.timelimit = 60 * 60

    n = A.shape[0]
    vars = {}
    edges = tuplelist()

    # model as undirected graph
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(i+1, n):
            if A[i, j] == 1 and A[j, i] == 1:
                e = (i, j)
                w_i = 2 if i in C else 1
                w_j = 2 if j in C else 1
                w = w_i + w_j
                var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, obj=w)
                vars[e] = var


    # 2 cycle constraint <=> undirected flow <= 1
    for i in range(n):
        lhs = LinExpr()
        lhs_vars = [vars[e] for e in chain(, _),, i))]
        ones = [1.0]*len(lhs_vars)
        lhs.addTerms(ones, lhs_vars)

        m.addConstr(lhs <= 1)


    cycles = [list(e) for e in edges if vars[e].x == 1.0]
    return cycles, m.objval
Exemplo n.º 9
    def generateInstance(self):

        def euc_dist(bor, sh):
            dx = bor["x_coord"] - sh["x_coord"]
            dy = bor["y_coord"] - sh["y_coord"]
            return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

        model = Model('FireSolver')

        # Generate variables
        x = {}
        for bor in self.boroughs:
            # New firehouses
            for fh in self.new_firehouses + self.old_firehouses:
                name = "x_" + fh["loc_id"] + "_" + bor["loc_id"]
                x[bor["loc_id"], fh["loc_id"]] = model.addVar(name=name, vtype ="b", obj=self.cost_coef * euc_dist(bor, fh))

        # Open variables
        openfh = {}
        for fh in self.new_firehouses:
            openfh[fh["loc_id"]] = model.addVar(name = "open_" + fh["loc_id"], vtype ="b", obj=fh["construction_cost"])

        # Close variables
        closefh = {}
        for fh in self.old_firehouses:
            closefh[fh["loc_id"]] = model.addVar(name = "close_" + fh["loc_id"], vtype ="b", obj=fh["destruction_cost"])

        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

        # Constraints: one firehouse / borough
        for bor in self.boroughs:
            model.addConstr(quicksum(x[key] for key in x if key[0] == bor["loc_id"]) == 1)

        # capacity of firehouses
        for fh in self.new_firehouses:
            model.addConstr(quicksum(x[key] for key in x if key[1] == fh["loc_id"]) <= self.capacity * openfh[fh["loc_id"]])

        # If it is not removed, the initial assignment needs to be respected
        for fh in self.old_firehouses:
            for bor in self.boroughs:
                if bor["currently_protected_by"] == fh["loc_id"]:
                    model.addConstr(x[bor["loc_id"], fh["loc_id"]] == 1 - closefh[fh["loc_id"]])
                    model.addConstr(x[bor["loc_id"], fh["loc_id"]] == 0)
        # solve it

        self.model = model
Exemplo n.º 10
def ilp(costMatrix):

    #Invalid_Connections : -1
    if costMatrix.shape==(0,0):
        return []


    size_x   = dist_mat.shape[0]
    size_y   = dist_mat.shape[1]
    size_min = int(numpy.amin([size_x,size_y]))
    from gurobipy import Model, quicksum, GRB


    for i in range(size_x):
        x_cos, x_var = [],[]
        for j in range(size_y):

    # Set objective
    m.setObjective( quicksum(\
            for x in range(size_x) \
            for y in range(size_y) \

    # Constrains HORIZONTAL
    for i in range(size_x):
        m.addConstr( quicksum\
                (VAR[i,y] for y in range(size_y)) <= 1)

    # Constrains VERTICAL
    for i in range(size_y):
        m.addConstr( quicksum\
                (VAR[x,i] for x in range(size_x)) <= 1)

            VAR[x,y] for x in range(size_x) for y in range(size_y)) == int(size_min))

    for i in range(size_x):
        for j in range(size_y):

    binMatrix = numpy.zeros( costMatrix.shape,dtype=bool )
    return binMatrix
def solve(budget, buses, lines, u, c, b, S, D):
    m = Model('inhibit')
    w, v, y = {}, {}, {}
    for i in buses:
        w[i] = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="w_%s" % i)
    for i, j in lines:
        v[i, j] = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='v_%s_%s' % (i, j))
        y[i, j] = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='y_%s_%s' % (i, j))

    for i, j in lines:
        m.addConstr(w[i]-w[j] <= v[i, j] + y[i, j], 'balance1_%s_%s' % (i, j))
        m.addConstr(w[j]-w[i] <= v[i, j] + y[i, j], 'balance2_%s_%s' % (i, j))
    m.addConstr(quicksum(c[i, j]*y[i, j] for i, j in lines) <= budget, 'budget')
    m.setObjective(quicksum(u[i, j]*v[i, j] for i, j in lines) +
                   quicksum(b[i]*(1-w[i]) for i in S) -
                   quicksum(b[i]*w[i] for i in D))
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    return w, v, y, m
Exemplo n.º 12
def build_gurobi_model(case):
    G, B = case.G, case.B
    P = real(case.demands)
    Q = imag(case.demands)
    branches = case.branch_list
    n = len(case.demands)
    vhat = case.vhat
    s2 = 2**.5
    gens = {bus: gen.v for bus, gen in case.gens.items()}
    del gens[0]

    m = GurobiModel("jabr")
    u = [m.addVar(name='u_%d'%i) for i in range(n)]
    R = {(i, j): m.addVar(name='R_%d_%d' % (i, j)) for i, j in branches}
    I = {(i, j): m.addVar(lb=-GRB.INFINITY, name='I_%d_%d' % (i, j)) for i, j in branches}
    for i, j in branches:
        R[j, i] = R[i, j]
        I[j, i] = I[i, j]
    m.addConstr(u[0] == vhat*vhat/s2, 'u0')
    for gen, v in gens.iteritems():
        m.addConstr(u[gen] == v*v/s2, 'u%d' % gen)
    for i, j in branches:
        m.addQConstr(2*u[i]*u[j] >= R[i,j]*R[i,j] + I[i,j]*I[i,j], 'cone_%d_%d' % (i, j))
    k = lambda i: (j for j in B[i, :].nonzero()[1])
    s = lambda i, j: 1 if i < j else -1
    for i in range(1, n):
        m.addConstr(-s2*u[i]*G[i, :].sum() + quicksum(G[i,j]*R[i,j] + B[i,j]*s(i,j)*I[i,j] for j in k(i)) == P[i],
                    'real_flow_%d_%d' % (i, j))
        if i in gens:
        m.addConstr(s2*u[i]*B[i, :].sum() + quicksum(-B[i,j]*R[i,j] + G[i,j]*s(i,j)*I[i,j] for j in k(i)) == Q[i],
                    'reac_flow_%d_%d' % (i, j))
    m.setObjective(quicksum(R[i,j] for i, j in branches), sense=GRB.MAXIMIZE)
    m.params.outputFlag = 0
    #m.params.barQCPConvTol = 5e-10
    if m.status != 2:
        raise ValueError("gurobi failed to converge: %s (check log)" % m.status)
    u_opt = [x.getAttr('x') for x in u]
    R_opt = {(i, j): x.getAttr('x') for (i, j), x in R.items()}
    I_opt = {(i, j): x.getAttr('x') for (i, j), x in I.items()}
    return u_opt, R_opt, I_opt
Exemplo n.º 13
def find_feasible_start(n_colors, h, statespace, conflicts, verbose=False):
    model = Model("TimeFeasibility")
    p = len(h)
    y = {}
    # y[i,k] = if color i gets slot l
    for i in range(n_colors):
        for l in range(p):
            y[i,l] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y_%s_%s" % (i,l))


    # Building constraints...    
    # c1: all get one
    for i in range(n_colors):
        model.addConstr( quicksum([ y[i, l] for l in range(p) ]) == 1, "c1")

    # c2: each slot needs to be used tops once
    for l in range(p):
        model.addConstr( quicksum([ y[i, l] for i in range(n_colors) ]) <= 1, "c2")    

    ### c3: statespace constraints
    for i in range(n_colors):
        #print l, h[l], i, [s for s in statespace]
        model.addConstr( quicksum([ y[i, l] for l in range(p) if h[l] not in statespace[i] ]) == 0, "c3")    
    # objective: minimize conflicts
    #obj = quicksum([ y[i,l] * y[j,l] for l in range(p) for i in range(n_colors) for j in range(i+1, n_colors) ]) 
    obj = quicksum([ sum(y[i,l] for i in range(n_colors)) for l in range(p)  ]) 
    #obj = 0
    model.setObjective(obj, GRB.MINIMIZE)
    if not verbose:
        model.params.OutputFlag = 0

    # return best room schedule
    color_schedule = []
    if model.status == GRB.INFEASIBLE:
        return color_schedule
    for i in range(n_colors):
        for l in range(p):
            v = model.getVarByName("y_%s_%s" % (i,l)) 
            if v.x == 1:
    return color_schedule
Exemplo n.º 14
    def global_model(N, k_choices, distance_matrix):

        if k_choices >= N:
            raise ValueError("k_choices must be less than N")

        model = Model("distance1")
        trajectories = range(N)

        distance_matrix = np.array(
            distance_matrix / distance_matrix.max(), dtype=np.float64)

        dm = distance_matrix ** 2

        y, x = {}, {}
        for i in trajectories:
            y[i] = model.addVar(vtype="B", obj=0, name="y[%s]" % i)
            for j in range(i + 1, N):
                x[i, j] = model.addVar(
                    vtype="B", obj=1.0, name="x[%s,%s]" % (i, j))

        model.setObjective(quicksum([x[i, j] * dm[j][i]
                                     for i in trajectories
                                     for j in range(i + 1, N)]))

        # Add constraints to the model
                                  for i in trajectories]) <= k_choices, "27")

        for i in trajectories:
            for j in range(i + 1, N):
                model.addConstr(x[i, j] <= y[i], "28-%s-%s" % (i, j))
                model.addConstr(x[i, j] <= y[j], "29-%s-%s" % (i, j))
                model.addConstr(y[i] + y[j] <= 1 + x[i, j],
                                "30-%s-%s" % (i, j))

        model.addConstr(quicksum([x[i, j] for i in trajectories
                                  for j in range(i + 1, N)])
                        <= nchoosek(k_choices, 2), "Cut_1")
        return model
Exemplo n.º 15
def point_trajectory_sPWA(system,x0,list_of_goals,T,eps=0,optimize_controls_indices=[]):
    Description: point Trajectory Optimization
        system: control system in the form of sPWA
        x_0: initial point
        T= trajectory length
        list_of_goals: reaching one of the goals is enough. Each goal is a zonotope
        eps= vector, box for how much freedom is given to deviate from x_0 in each direction
        Uses convexhull formulation
    model=Model("Point Trajectory Optimization")
    x_PWA=model.addVars([(t,n,i,j) for t in range(T+1) for n in system.list_of_sum_indices \
                         for i in system.list_of_modes[n] for j in range(system.n)],lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="x_pwa")
    u_PWA=model.addVars([(t,n,i,j) for t in range(T) for n in system.list_of_sum_indices \
                         for i in system.list_of_modes[n] for j in range(system.m)],lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="u_pwa")
    delta_PWA=model.addVars([(t,n,i) for t in range(T) for n in system.list_of_sum_indices \
                             for i in system.list_of_modes[n]],vtype=GRB.BINARY,name="delta_pwa")
    # Initial Condition    
    print "inside function epsilon is",eps,"initial",x0.T
    for j in range(system.n):
#        model.addConstr(x[0,j]<=x0[j,0]+eps*system.scale[j])
#        model.addConstr(x[0,j]>=x0[j,0]-eps*system.scale[j])
    # Convexhull Dynamics
    model.addConstrs(x[t,j]==x_PWA.sum(t,n,"*",j) for t in range(T+1) for j in range(system.n)\
                     for n in system.list_of_sum_indices)
    model.addConstrs(u[t,j]==u_PWA.sum(t,n,"*",j) for t in range(T) for j in range(system.m)\
                     for n in system.list_of_sum_indices)
    for t in range(T):
        for n in system.list_of_sum_indices:
            for i in system.list_of_modes[n]:
                for j in range(system.C[n,i].H.shape[0]):
                    expr.add(LinExpr([(system.C[n,i].H[j,k],x_PWA[t,n,i,k]) for k in range(system.n)]))
                    expr.add(LinExpr([(system.C[n,i].H[j,k+system.n],u_PWA[t,n,i,k]) for k in range(system.m)])) 
    # Dynamics
    for t in range(T):
        for j in range(system.n):
            for n in system.list_of_sum_indices:
                expr.add(LinExpr([(system.c[n,i][j,0],delta_PWA[t,n,i]) for i in system.list_of_modes[n]]))
                expr.add(LinExpr([(system.A[n,i][j,k],x_PWA[t,n,i,k]) for k in range(system.n) \
                    for i in system.list_of_modes[n]]))
                expr.add(LinExpr([(system.B[n,i][j,k],u_PWA[t,n,i,k]) for k in range(system.m) \
                    for i in system.list_of_modes[n]]))
    # Integer Variables
    for t in range(T):
        for n in system.list_of_sum_indices:
            expr=LinExpr([(1.0,delta_PWA[t,n,i]) for i in system.list_of_modes[n]])
    # Final Goal Constraints
    _p=model.addVars(tuplelist([(goal,j) for goal in list_of_goals for j in range(goal.G.shape[1])]),lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="p")
    for j in range(system.n):
        L.add(LinExpr([(goal.G[j,k],_p[goal,k]) for goal in list_of_goals for k in range(goal.G.shape[1])]))
        L.add(LinExpr([(goal.x[j,0],mu[goal]) for goal in list_of_goals]))
    for goal in list_of_goals:
        for j in range(goal.G.shape[1]):
    # Cost Engineering
    print "model built in",time.time()-t_start," seconds"
    # Optimize
    J=QuadExpr(sum([u[t,j]*u[t,j] for j in optimize_controls_indices for t in range(T)]))
    model.setParam('TimeLimit', 60)
    if model.Status==9 and model.SolCount>=1:
        flag=True # Some Solution
        print "time limit reached but %d solutions exist"%model.SolCount
    elif model.Status==9 and model.SolCount==0:
        flag=False # No solution
        print "time limit reached and no solution exists"
    elif model.Status not in [2,11]:
    if flag==False:
        print "Infeasible or time limit reached"
        return (x,u,delta_PWA,mu,False)
        for t in range(T+1):
            x_num[t]=np.array([x[t,i].X for i in range(system.n)]).reshape(system.n,1)
        for t in range(T):
            u_num[t]=np.array([u[t,i].X for i in range(system.m)]).reshape(system.m,1)
        for t in range(T):
            for n in system.list_of_sum_indices:
                for i in system.list_of_modes[n]:
        for goal in list_of_goals:
        return (x_num,u_num,delta_PWA_num,mu_num,True)
    def _create_model(self, job_ids, r_times, p_intervals, m_availabe):
        ## prepare the index for decision variables
        # start time of process
        jobs = tuple(job_ids)
        machines = tuple(range(len(machine_properties)))
        # define BigM
        BigM = np.sum(r_times) + np.sum(p_intervals) + np.sum(m_availabe)
        # BigM = np.max(r_times) + np.max(p_intervals)
        # define possible largest time duration
        TIME = range(int(BigM))

        ## parameters model (dictionary)
        # 1. release time
        release_time = dict(zip(jobs, tuple(r_times)))
        # 2. process time
        process_time = dict(zip(jobs, tuple(p_intervals)))
        # 3. machiane available time
        machine_time = dict(zip(machines, tuple(m_availabe)))

        ## create model
        m = Model('PMSP')

        # job machine time
        m._MachineJobTime = [(k, j, t) for k in machines for j in jobs
                             for t in TIME]

        ## create decision variables
        m._max_complete = m.addVar(1, name='max_complete_time')
        # 1. Chi: job j is processed on Machine i and processed at time t
        m._CHI = m.addVars(m._MachineJobTime, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='order')
        # 2. complete time of executing each job
        m._completeTime = m.addVars(jobs, name='completeTime')

        ## create objective
        m.setObjective(quicksum(m._completeTime), GRB.MINIMIZE)  # TOTRY
        # m.setObjective(m._max_complete, GRB.MINIMIZE) # TOTRY
        ## create constraints
        # 1. Each job starts processing on only one machine at only one point in time
        for j in jobs:
            expr = 0
            for k in machines:
                for t in TIME:
                    expr += m._CHI[k, j, t]
            m.addConstr((expr == 1), 'time nonsplitting')
        # m.addConstrs((quicksum([m._CHI[k,i,t] for k in machines for t in TIME])==1 for i in jobs),'job machine match')
        # 2. At most one job is processed at any time on any machine
        for i in machines:
            for t in TIME[1:]:
                expr = 0
                for j_id in jobs:
                    h = max(0, t - process_time[j_id])
                    for t_id in range(h, t):
                        expr += m._CHI[i, j_id, t_id]
                m.addConstr(expr <= 1)
        # 3. Completion time requirement
        # m.addConstrs((quicksum([(t+process_time[j]+machine_time[i])*m._CHI[i,j,t] for i in machines for t in TIME]) <= m._completeTime[j] for j in jobs), "CT")
        for j in jobs:
            expr = 0
            for i in machines:
                for t in TIME:
                    expr += (t + process_time[j] +
                             machine_time[i]) * m._CHI[i, j, t]
            m.addConstr(expr == m._completeTime[j])
        # 4. release time constraint
        # m.addConstrs((quicksum([m._CHI[i,j_id,t] for i in machines for t in range(release_time[j_id])])==0 for j_id in jobs if release_time[j_id]>0),'release')
        for j in jobs:
            if release_time[j] > 0:
                expr = 0
                for i in machines:
                    for t in range(release_time[j]):
                        expr += m._CHI[i, j, t]
                m.addConstr(expr == 0)
        # 5. machine available time
        # m.addConstrs((quicksum([m._CHI[m_id,j,t] for j in jobs for t in range(machine_time[m_id])])==0 for m_id in machines if machine_time[m_id]>0),'available')
        for i in machines:
            if machine_time[i] > 0:
                expr = 0
                for j in jobs:
                    for t in range(machine_time[i]):
                        expr += m._CHI[i, j, t]
                m.addConstr(expr == 0)
        # 6. for minimax
        m.addConstrs((m._max_complete >= m._completeTime[j] for j in jobs),

        return m, BigM
Exemplo n.º 17
def point_trajectory_tishcom_time_varying(system,list_of_environemnts,x0,list_of_goals,T,eps=0,optimize_controls_indices=[],cost=2,time_limit=120):
    Description: point Trajectory Optimization
        system: control system from hard contact time-stepping with convex hull method
        x_0: initial point
        T= trajectory length
        list_of_goals: reaching one of the goals is enough. Each goal is an AH_polytope
        eps= vector, box for how much freedom is given to deviate from x_0 in each direction
        Uses convexhull formulation
    model=Model("Point Trajectory Optimization using TISHCOM Formulation")
    _p=model.addVars(tuplelist([(goal,j) for goal in list_of_goals for j in range(goal.G.shape[1])]),lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="p")
    ## tau, T Variables
#    x_time=model.addVars(range(T+1),system.Eta,range(system.n),lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="x_t")
#    u_time=model.addVars(range(T),system.Eta,range(system.m_u),lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="u_t")
#    u_lambda_time=model.addVars(range(T),system.Eta,range(system.m_lambda),lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="lambda_t")
#    delta_time=model.addVars(range(T),system.Eta,vtype=GRB.BINARY,name="delta_t")    
    ## TISCHOM Variables
    x_TISHCOM=model.addVars([(t,i,sigma,j) for t in range(T) for i in system.list_of_contact_points \
                         for sigma in i.Sigma for j in range(system.n)],lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="x_TISHCOM")
    u_TISHCOM=model.addVars([(t,i,sigma,j) for t in range(T) for i in system.list_of_contact_points \
                         for sigma in i.Sigma for j in range(system.m_u)],lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="u_TISHCOM")
    lambda_TISHCOM=model.addVars([(t,i,sigma,j) for t in range(T) for i in system.list_of_contact_points \
                         for sigma in i.Sigma for j in range(system.m_lambda)],lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="lambda_TISCHOM")
    delta_TISHCOM=model.addVars([(t,i,sigma) for t in range(T) for i in system.list_of_contact_points \
                         for sigma in i.Sigma],vtype=GRB.BINARY,name="delta_TISHCOM")
    # Initial Condition    
    print "epsilon is",eps,"initial condition:",x0.T
    for j in range(system.n):
#         model.addConstr(x[0,j]==x0[j,0])
    # Equation a: Mode Constaints
    for t in range(T):
        for i in system.list_of_contact_points:
            for sigma in i.Sigma:
                for row in range(system.E[tau][i][sigma].shape[0]):
                    a_x=LinExpr([(system.E[tau][i][sigma][row,k],x_TISHCOM[t,i,sigma,k]) for k in range(system.n)])
                    a_u=LinExpr([(system.E[tau][i][sigma][row,k+system.n],u_TISHCOM[t,i,sigma,k])  for k in range(system.m_u)])
                    a_lambda=LinExpr([(system.E[tau][i][sigma][row,k+system.n+system.m_u],lambda_TISHCOM[t,i,sigma,k]) for k in range(system.m_lambda)])
                    model.addConstr(a_x+a_u+a_lambda <= system.e[tau][i][sigma][row,0]*delta_TISHCOM[t,i,sigma])
    # Equation b: Convexhull Dynamics
    model.addConstrs(x[t,j]==x_TISHCOM.sum(t,i,"*",j) for t in range(T) \
                                         for i in  system.list_of_contact_points for j in range(system.n))
    model.addConstrs(u[t,j]==u_TISHCOM.sum(t,i,"*",j) for t in range(T) \
                                         for i in  system.list_of_contact_points for j in range(system.m_u))
    model.addConstrs(u_lambda[t,j]==lambda_TISHCOM.sum(t,i,"*",j) for t in range(T) \
                                         for i in  system.list_of_contact_points for j in range(system.m_lambda))
    model.addConstrs(1==delta_TISHCOM.sum(t,i,"*") for t in range(T) \
                                         for i in  system.list_of_contact_points)
    # Equation c: Evolution
    for t in range(T):
        for row in range(system.n):
            a_x=LinExpr([(system.A[tau][row,k],x[t,k]) for k in range(system.n)])
            a_u=LinExpr([(system.B_u[tau][row,k],u[t,k]) for k in range(system.m_u)])
            a_lambda=LinExpr([(system.B_lambda[tau][row,k],u_lambda[t,k]) for k in range(system.m_lambda)])
    # Goal Constraints
    for j in range(system.n):
        L.add(LinExpr([(goal.G[j,k],_p[goal,k]) for goal in list_of_goals for k in range(goal.G.shape[1])]))
        L.add(LinExpr([(goal.x[j,0],mu[goal]) for goal in list_of_goals]))
    for goal in list_of_goals:
        for j in range(goal.G.shape[1]):
    # Cost Engineering
    print "model built in",time.time()-t_start," seconds"
    # Optimize
    model.setParam('TimeLimit', 6)
    if cost==2:
        J=QuadExpr(sum([u[t,j]*u[t,j] for j in optimize_controls_indices for t in range(T)]))
        model.setParam('TimeLimit', time_limit)
    elif cost==1:
        model.addConstrs(u[t,j]<=u_abs[t,j] for t in range(T) for j in optimize_controls_indices)
        model.addConstrs(-u[t,j]<=u_abs[t,j] for t in range(T) for j in optimize_controls_indices)
    x_n={t:np.array([x[t,i].X for i in range(system.n)]) for t in range(T+1)}
    u_n={t:np.array([u[t,i].X for i in range(system.m_u)]) for t in range(T)}
    lambda_n={t:np.array([u_lambda[t,i].X for i in range(system.m_lambda)]) for t in range(T)}
    for t in range(T):
        for tau in system.Eta:
            for i in system.list_of_contact_points:
                for sigma in i.Sigma:
                    if np.linalg.norm(delta_TISHCOM[t,i,sigma].X-1)<=10**-1:
    print "*"*80
    return x_n,u_n,lambda_n,mode_n
Exemplo n.º 18
def polytopic_trajectory_given_modes(x0,list_of_cells,goal,eps=0,order=1,scale=[]):
        Polytopic Trajectory Optimization with the ordered list of polytopes given
        This is a convex program as mode sequence is already given
        list_of_cells: each cell has the following attributes: A,B,c, and polytope(H,h)
    if len(scale)==0:
    model=Model("Fixed Mode Polytopic Trajectory")
    print "inside function epsilon is",eps
    for j in range(n):

    for t in range(T):
        print "adding constraints of t",t
        for j in range(n):
            expr_x=LinExpr([(A[j,k],x[t,k]) for k in range(n)])
            expr_u=LinExpr([(B[j,k],u[t,k]) for k in range(m)])
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(q):
                expr_x=LinExpr([(A[i,k],G[t,k,j]) for k in range(n)])
                expr_u=LinExpr([(B[i,k],theta[t,k,j]) for k in range(m)])
        x_t=np.array([x[t,j] for j in range(n)]).reshape(n,1)
        u_t=np.array([u[t,j] for j in range(m)]).reshape(m,1)
        G_t=np.array([G[t,i,j] for i in range(n) for j in range(q)]).reshape(n,q)
        theta_t=np.array([theta[t,i,j] for i in range(m) for j in range(q)]).reshape(m,q)
    x_T=np.array([x[T,j] for j in range(n)]).reshape(n,1)
    G_T=np.array([G[T,i,j] for i in range(n) for j in range(q)]).reshape(n,q)
    # Cost function
    J=LinExpr([(1.0/scale[i]*(1/(t+1.5)),G[t,i,i]) for i in range(n) for t in range(T) if t%5==0])
    model.setParam('TimeLimit', 150)
    for t in range(T+1):
        x_num[t]=np.array([[x[t,j].X] for j in range(n)]).reshape(n,1)
        G_num[t]=np.array([[G[t,i,j].X] for i in range(n) for j in range(q)]).reshape(n,q)
    for t in range(T):
        theta_num[t]=np.array([[theta[t,i,j].X] for i in range(m) for j in range(q)]).reshape(m,q)
        u_num[t]=np.array([[u[t,i].X] for i in range(m) ]).reshape(m,1)
    return (x_num,u_num,G_num,theta_num)
Exemplo n.º 19
def optimize_portfolio(portfolio,
    """Optimize a given stock portfolio to minimize risk.

    This model assumes no short salesself.
    Risk free asset has assumed symbol: 'RISK-FREE'.

        portfolio (dict): stock symbol and balance key-value pairs.
        hist_data (DataFrame): historical stock returns
        cost (float): % cost of transactions (default=0)
        risk_free (float): risk free rate (default no risk free assset)
        growth (float): minimum daily return required (default=None)
        verbose (bool): whether to print results (default=False)
        a dictionary of the new portfolio and risk statistics.

    # Initialize model
    model = Model('portfolio')

    # Decision Variables
    # Variables for amount to invest in each stock (continuous with lb=0)
    xvars = pd.Series(model.addVars(hist_data.columns.tolist(), name='x'),
    # Variables for amount to buy and sell of each stock
    bvars = pd.Series(model.addVars(hist_data.columns.tolist(), name='b'),
    svars = pd.Series(model.addVars(hist_data.columns.tolist(), name='s'),

    # Objective - Minimize portfolio risk
    portfolio_risk = hist_data.cov().dot(xvars).dot(xvars)
    model.setObjective(portfolio_risk, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    # Calculated Variables
    # Budget is sum of current holdings
    budg = sum(portfolio.values())
    # Amount in risk free investments is the budget less commission and stocks
    amt_risk_free = budg - cost * (bvars.sum() + svars.sum()) - xvars.sum()

    # Constraints
    # Enforce being at or under current holdings
    model.addConstr(xvars.sum() + cost * (bvars.sum() + svars.sum()) <= budg,
    # Enforce that transactions balance and no short sales
    for i, stock in enumerate(hist_data.columns.tolist()):
        stock_budget = portfolio[hist_data.columns.tolist()[i]]
        model.addConstr(xvars[i] - bvars[i] + svars[i] == stock_budget,
                        f"budget {stock}")
        model.addConstr(svars[i] <= stock_budget, f"no short {stock}")
    # Optionally require no risk free assets
    portfolio_return =, xvars)
    if risk_free is not None:
        portfolio_return += risk_free * amt_risk_free
            xvars.sum() == (budg - cost * (bvars.sum() + svars.sum())),
            "no rf")
    # Optionally require a minimum return
    if growth is not None:
        model.addConstr(portfolio_return == growth * budg, "return")

    # Run the model
    model.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)

    # Save xvars to new portfolio
    new_portfolio = {}
    for i, stock in enumerate(hist_data.columns.tolist()):
        if verbose:
            print(f"{stock}: {xvars[i].x:0.2f}, "
                  f"Return: {100*hist_data.mean()[i]:0.4f}%, "
                  f"Buy: {bvars[i].x:0.2f}, "
                  f"Sell: {svars[i].x:0.2f}")
        new_portfolio[stock] = np.round(xvars[i].x, 2)
    minrisk_volatility = np.sqrt(portfolio_risk.getValue()) / budg
    minrisk_return = portfolio_return.getValue() / budg

        amt_rf_change = amt_risk_free.getValue() - portfolio['RISK-FREE']
    except KeyError:
        amt_rf_change = amt_risk_free.getValue()
    if verbose:
        if amt_rf_change == 0:
            print(f"RISK-FREE: {amt_risk_free.getValue():0.2f}, "
                  f"Buy: {0:0.2f}, "
                  f"Sell: {0:0.2f}")
        elif amt_rf_change < 0:
            print(f"RISK-FREE: {amt_risk_free.getValue():0.2f}, "
                  f"Buy: {0:0.2f}, "
                  f"Sell: {-amt_rf_change:0.2f}")
            print(f"RISK-FREE: {amt_risk_free.getValue():0.2f}, "
                  f"Buy: {amt_rf_change:0.2f}, "
                  f"Sell: {0:0.2f}")
    new_portfolio['RISK-FREE'] = np.round(amt_risk_free.getValue(), 2)
    if verbose:
        print(f"Minimum Daily Volatility = {100*minrisk_volatility:0.4f}%")
        print(f"Expected Daily Return = {100*minrisk_return:0.4f}%")

    # Save model statistics for output
    model_stats = {
        'stock_return': hist_data.mean(),
        'stock_volatility': hist_data.std(),
        'minrisk_volatility': minrisk_volatility,
        'minrisk_return': minrisk_return

    return new_portfolio, model_stats
Exemplo n.º 20
def point_trajectory(system,x0,list_of_goals,T,eps=[None]):
    Description: point Trajectory Optimization
        system: control system in the form of sPWA
        x_0: initial point
        T= trajectory length
        list_of_goals: reaching one of the goals is enough. Each goal is a zonotope
        eps= vector, box for how much freedom is given to deviate from x_0 in each direction
        Uses convexhull formulation
    model=Model("Point Trajectory Optimization")
    x_PWA=model.addVars([(t,n,i,j) for t in range(T+1) for n in system.list_of_sum_indices \
                         for i in system.list_of_modes[n] for j in range(system.n)],lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="x_pwa")
    u_PWA=model.addVars([(t,n,i,j) for t in range(T) for n in system.list_of_sum_indices \
                         for i in system.list_of_modes[n] for j in range(system.m)],lb=-GRB.INFINITY,ub=GRB.INFINITY,name="u_pwa")
    delta_PWA=model.addVars([(t,n,i) for t in range(T) for n in system.list_of_sum_indices \
                             for i in system.list_of_modes[n]],vtype=GRB.BINARY,name="delta_pwa")
    # Initial Condition
    # Convexhull Dynamics
    model.addConstrs(x[t,j]==x_PWA.sum(t,n,"*",j) for t in range(T+1) for j in range(system.n)\
                     for n in system.list_of_sum_indices)
    model.addConstrs(u[t,j]==u_PWA.sum(t,n,"*",j) for t in range(T) for j in range(system.m)\
                     for n in system.list_of_sum_indices)
    for t in range(T):
        for n in system.list_of_sum_indices:
            for i in system.list_of_modes[n]:
                for j in range(system.C[n,i].H.shape[0]):
                    expr.add(LinExpr([(system.C[n,i].H[j,k],x_PWA[t,n,i,k]) for k in range(system.n)]))
                    expr.add(LinExpr([(system.C[n,i].H[j,k+system.n],u_PWA[t,n,i,k]) for k in range(system.m)])) 
    # Dynamics
    for t in range(T):
        for j in range(system.n):
            for n in system.list_of_sum_indices:
                expr.add(LinExpr([(system.c[n,i][j,0],delta_PWA[t,n,i]) for i in system.list_of_modes[n]]))
                expr.add(LinExpr([(system.A[n,i][j,k],x_PWA[t,n,i,k]) for k in range(system.n) \
                    for i in system.list_of_modes[n]]))
                expr.add(LinExpr([(system.B[n,i][j,k],u_PWA[t,n,i,k]) for k in range(system.m) \
                    for i in system.list_of_modes[n]]))
    # Integer Variables
    for t in range(T):
        for n in system.list_of_sum_indices:
            expr=LinExpr([(1.0,delta_PWA[t,n,i]) for i in system.list_of_modes[n]])
    # Final Goal Constraints
    for j in range(system.n):
        L.add(LinExpr([(goal.G[j,k],_p[goal,k]) for goal in list_of_goals for k in range(goal.G.shape[1])]))
        L.add(LinExpr([(goal.x[j,0],mu[goal]) for goal in list_of_goals]))
    # Cost Engineering
    print "model built in",time.time()-t_start," seconds"
    # Optimize
    for t in range(T+1):
        x_num[t]=np.array([x[t,i].X for i in range(system.n)]).reshape(system.n,1)
    for t in range(T):
        u_num[t]=np.array([u[t,i].X for i in range(system.m)]).reshape(system.m,1)
    for t in range(T):
        for n in system.list_of_sum_indices:
            for i in system.list_of_modes[n]:
    for goal in list_of_goals:
#    for key,val in x_PWA.items():
#        print key,val.X
#    for key,val in u_PWA.items():
#        print key,val.X        
    return (x_num,u_num,delta_PWA_num,mu_num)
Exemplo n.º 21
class SubProblem:
    def __init__(self, cfg: Config):
        self.model = Model("benders_sub_porblem")
        self.cfg = cfg

        self.x_1 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0, name="x_1")
        self.x_2 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0, name="x_2")
        self.x_3 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0, name="x_3")

        self.objective = LinExpr()

        probability = 1 / len(self.cfg.scenarios)
        for index, scenario in enumerate(self.cfg.scenarios):
            self._wheat_variables_constraint(index, scenario, probability)
            self._corn_variables_constraint(index, scenario, probability)
            self._beet_variables_constraints(index, scenario, probability)

        self.model.setObjective(self.objective, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    def solve(self, x_1, x_2, x_3):
        Solve the sub problem with given values for xs.
        x_hat_1 = self.model.addConstr(self.x_1 == x_1, name="x_hat_1")
        x_hat_2 = self.model.addConstr(self.x_2 == x_2, name="x_hat_2")
        x_hat_3 = self.model.addConstr(self.x_3 == x_3, name="x_hat_3")


        return (

    def _wheat_variables_constraint(self, index, scenario, probability):
        y_11 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,
        y_12 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,
        v_1 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,

            self.cfg.wheat.requirement <=
            self.x_1 * self.cfg.wheat.produce_rate *
            (1 + scenario) + y_11 - y_12 + v_1,

        self.objective.add(y_11 * self.cfg.wheat.buy_price * probability)
        self.objective.add(y_12 * -self.cfg.wheat.sell_price * probability)
        self.objective.add(v_1 * BIG_M)

    def _corn_variables_constraint(self, index, scenario, probability):
        y_21 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,
        y_22 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,
        v_2 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,

            self.cfg.corn.requirement <=
            self.x_2 * self.cfg.corn.produce_rate *
            (1 + scenario) + y_21 - y_22 + v_2,

        self.objective.add(y_21 * self.cfg.corn.buy_price * probability)
        self.objective.add(y_22 * -self.cfg.corn.sell_price * probability)
        self.objective.add(v_2 * BIG_M)

    def _beet_variables_constraints(self, index, scenario, probability):
        y_32 = self.model.addVar(
        y_33 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,
        v_3 = self.model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,

            self.x_3 * self.cfg.beet.produce_rate *
            (1 + scenario) - y_32 - y_33 + v_3 >= 0,

        self.objective.add(y_32 * -self.cfg.beet.sell_price_high * probability)
        self.objective.add(y_33 * -self.cfg.beet.sell_price_low * probability)
        self.objective.add(v_3 * BIG_M)
Exemplo n.º 22
x4 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name='x4')

#variables for fixed set-up
y1 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='y1')
y2 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='y2')
y3 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='y3')
y4 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='y4')

#variables for fixed inventory level at the end of the period
I1 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name='I1')
I2 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name='I2')
I3 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name='I3')
I4 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name='I4')

#constraints for stock control and demand satisfaction
m.addConstr(x1 == demand[1] + I1)
m.addConstr(I1 + x2 == demand[2] + I2)
m.addConstr(I2 + x3 == demand[3] + I3)
m.addConstr(I3 + x4 == demand[4] + I4)

#constraints to determine how to handle the fixed cost
m.addConstr(x1 <= 400 * y1)
m.addConstr(x2 <= 400 * y2)
m.addConstr(x3 <= 400 * y3)
m.addConstr(x4 <= 400 * y4)

    p * (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4) + f * (y1 + y2 + y3 + y4) + h *
    (I1 + I2 + I3 + I4), GRB.MINIMIZE)

Exemplo n.º 23
def optimize(inputfile, outputfile):

    # import packages
    import pandas as pd
    from gurobipy import Model, GRB

    # read input data
    df_norm = pd.read_excel(inputfile, sheet_name='Product', index_col=0)
    df2 = pd.read_excel(inputfile, sheet_name='Product_Category', index_col=0)
    df3 = pd.read_excel(inputfile,
    score_weight = pd.read_excel(inputfile,
    category_req = pd.read_excel(inputfile,
    subcategory_req = pd.read_excel(inputfile,
    inno_req = pd.read_excel(inputfile, sheet_name='inno_req')

    # calculate product quality score based on the weight assigned by user
    df_norm['score'] = score_weight.loc['sales (base)','weight']*df_norm["sales"]\
                          -score_weight.loc['returns (-)','weight']*df_norm['returns']\
                          -score_weight.loc['distribution cost (-)','weight']*df_norm['total_distribution_cost']\
                          +score_weight.loc['margin (+)','weight']*df_norm['margin']\
                          -score_weight.loc['manufacturing capacity (-)','weight']*df_norm['pc0.95']

    # gurobi optimization
    mod = Model()

    I = df_norm.index
    J = df2.columns
    K = df3.columns

    # decision variable: whether to select product i
    x = mod.addVars(I, vtype=GRB.BINARY)

    # maximize product quality score
    mod.setObjective(sum(x[i]*df_norm.loc[i,'score'] for i in I),\
                     sense = GRB.MAXIMIZE)

    # small format quantity constraint
    mod.addConstr(sum(x[i] for i in I) <= 250)

    # innovation constraint
    # include at least #(decided by user) of 2018-innovation products
        sum(df_norm.loc[i, 'innovation_2018'] * x[i]
            for i in I) >= inno_req.loc[0, 'Innovation Requirement'])

    # category constraint
    # include at least #(decided by user) of products for each category
    for j in J:
            sum(df2.loc[i, j] * x[i]
                for i in I) >= category_req.loc[j, 'Minimum Requirement'])

    # subcategory constraint
    # include at least #(decided by user) of products for each subcategory
    for k in K:
            sum(df3.loc[i, k] * x[i]
                for i in I) >= subcategory_req.loc[k, 'Minimum Requirement'])


    # generate a list of selected product BDC for output
    SKU = []
    for i in I:
        if x[i].x != 0:

    choice = pd.DataFrame(SKU, columns=['BDC'])

    choice.to_excel(outputfile, index=False)
Exemplo n.º 24
def gurobi_solve_qp(P, q, G=None, h=None, A=None, b=None, initvals=None):
    Solve a Quadratic Program defined as:

            (1/2) * x.T * P * x + q.T * x

        subject to
            G * x <= h
            A * x == b

    using Gurobi <>.

    P : array, shape=(n, n)
        Primal quadratic cost matrix.
    q : array, shape=(n,)
        Primal quadratic cost vector.
    G : array, shape=(m, n)
        Linear inequality constraint matrix.
    h : array, shape=(m,)
        Linear inequality constraint vector.
    A : array, shape=(meq, n), optional
        Linear equality constraint matrix.
    b : array, shape=(meq,), optional
        Linear equality constraint vector.
    initvals : array, shape=(n,), optional
        Warm-start guess vector (not used).

    x : array, shape=(n,)
        Solution to the QP, if found, otherwise ``None``.
    if initvals is not None:
        print("Gurobi: note that warm-start values are ignored by wrapper")
    n = P.shape[1]
    model = Model()
    x = {
        i: model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS,
                        name='x_%d' % i,
        for i in xrange(n)
    model.update()  # integrate new variables

    # minimize
    #     1/2 x.T * P * x + q * x
    obj = QuadExpr()
    rows, cols = P.nonzero()
    for i, j in zip(rows, cols):
        obj += 0.5 * x[i] * P[i, j] * x[j]
    for i in xrange(n):
        obj += q[i] * x[i]
    model.setObjective(obj, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    # subject to
    #     G * x <= h
    if G is not None:
        G_nonzero_rows = get_nonzero_rows(G)
        for i, row in G_nonzero_rows.iteritems():
            model.addConstr(quicksum(G[i, j] * x[j] for j in row) <= h[i])

    # subject to
    #     A * x == b
    if A is not None:
        A_nonzero_rows = get_nonzero_rows(A)
        for i, row in A_nonzero_rows.iteritems():
            model.addConstr(quicksum(A[i, j] * x[j] for j in row) == b[i])


    a = empty(n)
    for i in xrange(n):
        a[i] = model.getVarByName('x_%d' % i).x
    return a
Exemplo n.º 25
                  for i in N for t in T))

# R3:
model.addConstrs((quicksum(x[i, a, t] for t in T) <= tt_a[a] for i in N
                  for a in tipos_de_proyectos))

# R4:
model.addConstrs((tt_a[a] * Y[i, a, t] <= quicksum(
    X[i, a, m] for m in range(t + 5, t + 4 + tt_a[a] + 1))
                  for a in tipos_de_proyectos for t in T[:-4 - tt_a[a]]
                  for i in N if S[i][t] == 1))

# R5:
    quicksum(Y[i, a, t] for a in tipos_de_proyectos[:12] for t in T
             for i in N) <= (p / 100) * quicksum(Y[i, a, t]
                                                 for a in tipos_de_proyectos
                                                 for t in T for i in N))

# R6:
model.addConstrs((quicksum(LK[i, k, t]
                           for k in K) + quicksum(LH[i, h, t]
                                                  for h in H) <= M * S[i, t]
                  for i in N for t in T))

# R7:
model.addConstrs((quicksum(LH[i, h, t]
                           for h in H) + quicksum(LK[i, k, t]
                                                  for k in K) >= S[i][t]
                  for i in N for t in T))
import sys
from gurobipy import Model


N = int(sys.argv[1])  # Locations
M = N  # Customers
P = int(sys.argv[2])  # Facilities

d = {(n, m): 1.0 + 1.0 / (n + m + 1) for n in range(N) for m in range(M)}

model = Model("pmedian")

x = model.addVars(d.keys(), lb=0.0, ub=1.0, vtype='C')

y = model.addVars(N, lb=0.0, ub=1.0, vtype='C')

# obj

# single_x
model.addConstrs((x.sum('*', m) == 1 for m in range(M)))

# bound_y
model.addConstrs((x[n, m] - y[n] <= 0 for n in range(N) for m in range(M)))

# num_facilities
model.addConstr(y.sum('*') == P)

model.Params.TimeLimit = 0
Exemplo n.º 27
from gurobipy import GRB, Model

m = Model()


x = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x")
y = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y")
z = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="z")


m.setObjective(x + y + 2 * z, GRB.MAXIMIZE)

m.addConstr(x + 2 * y + 3 * z <= 6, name="c0")
m.addConstr(x + y >= 1, name="c1")



for constr in m.getConstrs():
    print(constr, constr.getAttr("slack"))
# x[i][j] = 1 if i is assigned to j
x = []
for i in range(len(c)):
    x_i = []
    for j in c[i]:
# As stated, the GAP has these following constraints. We dualize these into
# penalties instead, using variables so we can easily extract their values.
penalties = [model.addVar() for _ in x]
# Dualized constraints: sum j: x_ij <= 1 for all i
for p, x_i in zip(penalties, x):
    model.addConstr(p == 1 - sum(x_i))
# sum i: a_ij * x_ij <= b[j] for all j
for j in range(len(b)):
    model.addConstr(sum(a[i][j] * x[i][j] for i in range(len(x))) <= b[j])
# u[i] = Lagrangian Multiplier for the set packing contraint i
u = [2.0] * len(x)
# Re-optimize until either we have run a certain number of iterations
# or complementary slackness conditions apply.
for k in range(1, 101):
    # max sum i,j: c_ij * x_ij
            # Original objective function
class BFPBackupNetwork_Continuous(object):
    """ Class object for buffered failure probability-based model.

    Gamma: importance sampling vector
    Nodes: set of nodes
    Links: set of links
    Capacity: capacities per link based based on random failures 
    Survivability: desired survivabiliy factor (epsilon)
    K: number of random scenarios
    BackupCapacity: set of capacity per backup link. 
    BackupRoutes: set of backup links

    # Private model object
    model = []

    # Private model variables
    BackupCapacity = {}
    bBackupLink = {}
    z0 = {}
    z = {}

    def __init__(self):

    def LoadModel(self, Gamma, Nodes, Links, Capacity, Survivability, NumSamples):
        """ Load model.
        Gamma : importance sampling vector
        self.Links = tuplelist(Links)
        self.Capacity = Capacity

        # Create optimization model
        self.model = Model("Backup")

        # Create variables
        for i, j in self.Links:
            self.BackupCapacity[i, j] = self.model.addVar(
                vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0, name="Backup_Capacity[%s,%s]" % (i, j)
            # self.BackupCapacity[i,j] = self.model.addVar(lb=0, name='Backup_Capacity[%s,%s]' % (i, j))

        for i, j in self.Links:
            for s, d in self.Links:
                self.bBackupLink[i, j, s, d] = self.model.addVar(
                    vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="Backup_Link[%s,%s,%s,%s]" % (i, j, s, d)

        for i, j in self.Links:
            for k in range(NumSamples):
                self.z[k, i, j] = self.model.addVar(lb=0, name="z[%s][%s][%s]" % (k, i, j))

        for i, j in self.Links:
            self.z0[i, j] = self.model.addVar(lb=-GRB.INFINITY, name="z0[%s][%s]" % (i, j))

        self.model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

        self.model.setObjective(quicksum(self.BackupCapacity[i, j] for i, j in self.Links))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
        #                    Constraints definition                              #
        #                                                                        #
        #                                                                        #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#

        # Buffer probability I
        for i, j in self.Links:
                self.z0[i, j]
                + 1 / (NumSamples * Survivability) * quicksum(self.z[k, i, j] for (k) in range(NumSamples))
                <= 0,
                "[CONST]Buffer_Prob_I[%s][%s]" % (i, j),

        # Link capacity constraints
        for i, j in self.Links:
            for k in range(NumSamples):
                if Gamma == None:
                            quicksum(self.bBackupLink[i, j, s, d] * Capacity[k, s, d] for s, d in self.Links)
                            - self.BackupCapacity[i, j]
                            - self.z0[i, j]
                        <= self.z[k, i, j],
                        "[CONST]Buffer_Prob_II[%s][%s][%s]" % (k, i, j),
                            quicksum(self.bBackupLink[i, j, s, d] * Capacity[k, s, d] for s, d in self.Links)
                            - self.BackupCapacity[i, j]
                            - self.z0[i, j]
                        * Gamma[k]
                        <= self.z[k, i, j],
                        "[CONST]Buffer_Prob_II[%s][%s][%s]" % (k, i, j),

        # Link capacity constraints
        for i, j in self.Links:
            for k in range(NumSamples):
                self.model.addConstr(self.z[k, i, j] >= 0, "[CONST]Buffer_Prob_III[%s][%s][%s]" % (k, i, j))

        for i in Nodes:
            for s, d in self.Links:
                # Flow conservation constraints
                if i == s:
                        quicksum(self.bBackupLink[i, j, s, d] for i, j in, "*"))
                        - quicksum(self.bBackupLink[j, i, s, d] for j, i in"*", i))
                        == 1,
                        "Flow1[%s,%s,%s]" % (i, s, d),
                # Flow conservation constraints
                elif i == d:
                        quicksum(self.bBackupLink[i, j, s, d] for i, j in, "*"))
                        - quicksum(self.bBackupLink[j, i, s, d] for j, i in"*", i))
                        == -1,
                        "Flow2[%s,%s,%s]" % (i, s, d),
                # Flow conservation constraints
                        quicksum(self.bBackupLink[i, j, s, d] for i, j in, "*"))
                        - quicksum(self.bBackupLink[j, i, s, d] for j, i in"*", i))
                        == 0,
                        "Flow3[%s,%s,%s]" % (i, s, d),

    def Optimize(self, MipGap=None, TimeLimit=None, LogLevel=None):
        """ Optimize the defined  model.
        MipGap : desired gap
        TimeLimit : time limit
        LogLevel: log level 1 for printing all optimal variables and None otherwise
        BackupCapacity: The total capacity assigned per backup link
        BackupRoutes: The set of selected backup links 
           A tuple list with all paths for edge (s,d) that uses (i,j).

        if MipGap != None:
            self.model.params.MIPGap = MipGap
        if TimeLimit != None:
            self.model.params.timeLimit = TimeLimit
        # Compute optimal solution

        # Print solution
        if self.model.status == GRB.Status.OPTIMAL:

            if LogLevel == 1:
                for v in self.model.getVars():
                    print("%s %g" % (v.varName, v.x))

            self.BackupCapacitySolution = self.model.getAttr("x", self.BackupCapacity)
            self.BackupRoutesSolution = self.model.getAttr("x", self.bBackupLink)

            self.BackupLinksSolution = {}
            self.HatBackupCapacity = {}
            for link in self.BackupCapacitySolution:
                if self.BackupCapacitySolution[link] < 1 and self.BackupCapacitySolution[link] > 0.001:
                    self.HatBackupCapacity[link] = math.ceil(self.BackupCapacitySolution[link])
                    self.HatBackupCapacity[link] = math.floor(self.BackupCapacitySolution[link])
                if self.HatBackupCapacity[link] > 0:
                    if len(self.BackupLinksSolution) == 0:
                        self.BackupLinksSolution = [link]
                        self.BackupLinksSolution = self.BackupLinksSolution + [link]
            print("Optimal value not found!\n")
            self.BackupCapacitySolution = []
            self.BackupRoutesSolution = {}
            self.BackupLinksSolution = {}

        return self.BackupCapacitySolution, self.BackupRoutesSolution, self.BackupLinksSolution, self.HatBackupCapacity

    def SaveBakupNetwork(self, file_name):
        """Save the optimal backup network to the file ``file_name``."""

        data = {
            "links": [i for i in self.BackupCapacitySolution],
            "capacities": [self.BackupCapacitySolution[i] for i in self.BackupCapacitySolution],
            "routes": [i for i in self.BackupRoutesSolution],
            "status": [self.BackupRoutesSolution[i] for i in self.BackupRoutesSolution],
        f = open(file_name, "w")
        json.dump(data, f)

    def LoadBackupNetwork(self, file_name):
        """Load a backup network from the file ``file_name``.  
        Returns the backup network solution saved in the file. 
        f = open(file_name, "r")
        data = json.load(f)

        self.BackupCapacitySolution = {}
        self.BackupRoutesSolution = {}
        self.BackupLinksSolution = {}

        links = [i for i in data["links"]]
        capacities = [i for i in data["capacities"]]
        routes = [i for i in data["routes"]]
        status = [i for i in data["status"]]

        IndexAux = 0
        for i, j in links:
            self.BackupCapacitySolution[i, j] = capacities[IndexAux]
            IndexAux = IndexAux + 1

        self.HatBackupCapacity = {}
        for link in self.BackupCapacitySolution:
            if self.BackupCapacitySolution[link] < 1 and self.BackupCapacitySolution[link] > 0.001:
                self.HatBackupCapacity[link] = math.ceil(self.BackupCapacitySolution[link])
                self.HatBackupCapacity[link] = math.floor(self.BackupCapacitySolution[link])
            if self.HatBackupCapacity[link] > 0:
                if len(self.BackupLinksSolution) == 0:
                    self.BackupLinksSolution = [link]
                    self.BackupLinksSolution = self.BackupLinksSolution + [link]

        IndexAux = 0
        for i, j, s, d in routes:
            self.BackupRoutesSolution[i, j, s, d] = status[IndexAux]
            IndexAux = IndexAux + 1

        return self.BackupCapacitySolution, self.BackupRoutesSolution, self.BackupLinksSolution, self.HatBackupCapacity

    def ResetModel(self):
        Reset model solution.
        self.BackupCapacity = {}
        self.bBackupLink = {}
        self.z0 = {}
        self.z = {}
        if self.model:
Exemplo n.º 30
class GurobiSolver(Solver):
    """ Implements the solver interface using gurobipy. """

    def __init__(self, model=None):
        self.problem = GurobiModel()
        if model:

    def add_variable(self, var_id, lb=None, ub=None, vartype=VarType.CONTINUOUS, persistent=True, update_problem=True):
        """ Add a variable to the current problem.

            var_id (str): variable identifier
            lb (float): lower bound
            ub (float): upper bound
            vartype (VarType): variable type (default: CONTINUOUS)
            persistent (bool): if the variable should be reused for multiple calls (default: true)
            update_problem (bool): update problem immediately (default: True)

        lb = lb if lb is not None else -GRB.INFINITY
        ub = ub if ub is not None else GRB.INFINITY

        if var_id in self.var_ids:
            var = self.problem.getVarByName(var_id)
            var.setAttr('lb', lb)
            var.setAttr('ub', ub)
            var.setAttr('vtype', vartype_mapping[vartype])
            self.problem.addVar(name=var_id, lb=lb, ub=ub, vtype=vartype_mapping[vartype])
        if not persistent:
        if update_problem:

    def add_constraint(self, constr_id, lhs, sense='=', rhs=0, persistent=True, update_problem=True):
        """ Add a constraint to the current problem.

            constr_id (str): constraint identifier
            lhs (dict): variables and respective coefficients
            sense (str): constraint sense (any of: '<', '=', '>'; default '=')
            rhs (float): right-hand side of equation (default: 0)
            persistent (bool): if the variable should be reused for multiple calls (default: True)
            update_problem (bool): update problem immediately (default: True)

        grb_sense = {'=': GRB.EQUAL,
                     '<': GRB.LESS_EQUAL,
                     '>': GRB.GREATER_EQUAL}

        if constr_id in self.constr_ids:
            constr = self.problem.getConstrByName(constr_id)

        expr = quicksum(coeff * self.problem.getVarByName(r_id) for r_id, coeff in lhs.items() if coeff)

        self.problem.addConstr(expr, grb_sense[sense], rhs, constr_id)
        if not persistent:

        if update_problem:
    def remove_variable(self, var_id):
        """ Remove a variable from the current problem.

            var_id (str): variable identifier

    def remove_variables(self, var_ids):
        """ Remove variables from the current problem.

            var_ids (list): variable identifiers

        for var_id in var_ids:
            if var_id in self.var_ids:

    def remove_constraint(self, constr_id):
        """ Remove a constraint from the current problem.

            constr_id (str): constraint identifier

    def remove_constraints(self, constr_ids):
        """ Remove constraints from the current problem.

            constr_ids (list): constraint identifiers

        for constr_id in constr_ids:
            if constr_id in self.constr_ids:

    def update(self):
        """ Update internal structure. Used for efficient lazy updating. """

    def set_objective(self, linear=None, quadratic=None, minimize=True):
        """ Set a predefined objective for this problem.

            linear (dict): linear coefficients (optional)
            quadratic (dict): quadratic coefficients (optional)
            minimize (bool): solve a minimization problem (default: True)

            Setting the objective is optional. It can also be passed directly when calling **solve**.


        lin_obj = []
        quad_obj = []

        if linear:
            lin_obj = [f * self.problem.getVarByName(r_id) for r_id, f in linear.items() if f]

        if quadratic:
            quad_obj = [q * self.problem.getVarByName(r_id1) * self.problem.getVarByName(r_id2)
                        for (r_id1, r_id2), q in quadratic.items() if q]

        obj_expr = quicksum(quad_obj + lin_obj)
        sense = GRB.MINIMIZE if minimize else GRB.MAXIMIZE

        self.problem.setObjective(obj_expr, sense)

    def solve(self, linear=None, quadratic=None, minimize=None, model=None, constraints=None, get_values=True,
              get_shadow_prices=False, get_reduced_costs=False, pool_size=0, pool_gap=None):
        """ Solve the optimization problem.

            linear (dict): linear objective (optional)
            quadratic (dict): quadratic objective (optional)
            minimize (bool): solve a minimization problem (default: True)
            model (CBModel): model (optional, leave blank to reuse previous model structure)
            constraints (dict): additional constraints (optional)
            get_values (bool or list): set to false for speedup if you only care about the objective value (default: True)
            get_shadow_prices (bool): return shadow prices if available (default: False)
            get_reduced_costs (bool): return reduced costs if available (default: False)
            pool_size (int): calculate solution pool of given size (only for MILP problems)
            pool_gap (float): maximum relative gap for solutions in pool (optional)

            Solution: solution

        if model:

        problem = self.problem

        if constraints:
            old_constraints = {}
            for r_id, x in constraints.items():
                lb, ub = x if isinstance(x, tuple) else (x, x)
                if r_id in self.var_ids:
                    lpvar = problem.getVarByName(r_id)
                    old_constraints[r_id] = (, lpvar.ub)
           = lb if lb is not None else -GRB.INFINITY
                    lpvar.ub = ub if ub is not None else GRB.INFINITY
                    warnings.warn("Constrained variable '{}' not previously declared".format(r_id), RuntimeWarning)

        self.set_objective(linear, quadratic, minimize)

        #run the optimization
        if pool_size == 0:


            status = status_mapping.get(problem.status, Status.UNKNOWN)
            message = str(problem.status)

            if status == Status.OPTIMAL:
                fobj = problem.ObjVal
                values, shadow_prices, reduced_costs = None, None, None

                if get_values:
                    if isinstance(get_values, Iterable):
                        get_values = list(get_values)
                        values = OrderedDict([(r_id, problem.getVarByName(r_id).X) for r_id in get_values])
                        values = OrderedDict([(r_id, problem.getVarByName(r_id).X) for r_id in self.var_ids])

                if get_shadow_prices:
                    shadow_prices = OrderedDict([(m_id, problem.getConstrByName(m_id).Pi) for m_id in self.constr_ids])

                if get_reduced_costs:
                    reduced_costs = OrderedDict([(r_id, problem.getVarByName(r_id).RC) for r_id in self.var_ids])

                solution = Solution(status, message, fobj, values, shadow_prices, reduced_costs)
                solution = Solution(status, message)


            problem.setParam(GRB.Param.PoolSearchMode, 2)
            self.set_parameter(Parameter.POOL_SIZE, pool_size)

            if pool_gap:
                self.set_parameter(Parameter.POOL_GAP, pool_gap)


            status = status_mapping.get(problem.status, Status.UNKNOWN)

            if status == Status.OPTIMAL or status == Status.UNKNOWN:
                solution = self.get_solution_pool()
                solution = []

        #reset old constraints because temporary constraints should not be persistent
        if constraints:
            for r_id, (lb, ub) in old_constraints.items():
                lpvar = problem.getVarByName(r_id)
      , lpvar.ub = lb, ub

        return solution

    def get_solution_pool(self, get_values=True):
        """ Return a solution pool for MILP problems.
        Must be called after using solve with pool_size argument > 0.

            get_values (bool or list): set to false for speedup if you only care about the objective value (default: True)

            list: list of Solution objects

        solutions = []

        for i in range(self.problem.SolCount):
            self.problem.setParam(GRB.param.SolutionNumber, i)
            obj = self.problem.PoolObjVal
            # TODO: remove all OrderedDicts when migrating to python 3.7
#            values = OrderedDict([(r_id, self.problem.getVarByName(r_id).Xn) for r_id in self.var_ids])

            if get_values:
                if isinstance(get_values, Iterable):
                    get_values = list(get_values)
                    values = {r_id: self.problem.getVarByName(r_id).Xn for r_id in get_values}
                    values = {r_id: self.problem.getVarByName(r_id).Xn for r_id in self.var_ids}
                values = None
            sol = Solution(fobj=obj, values=values)

        return solutions

    def set_lower_bounds(self, bounds_dict):
        for var_id, lb in bounds_dict.iteritems():
            lpvar = self.problem.getVarByName(var_id)
   = lb if lb is not None else GRB.INFINITY

    def set_upper_bounds(self, bounds_dict):
        for var_id, ub in bounds_dict.iteritems():
            lpvar = self.problem.getVarByName(var_id)
            lpvar.ub = ub if ub is not None else GRB.INFINITY

    def set_bounds(self, bounds_dict):
        for var_id, bounds in bounds_dict.iteritems():
            lpvar = self.problem.getVarByName(var_id)
   = bounds[0] if bounds[0] is not None else GRB.INFINITY
            lpvar.ub = bounds[1] if bounds[1] is not None else GRB.INFINITY

    def set_parameter(self, parameter, value):
        """ Set a parameter value for this optimization problem

            parameter (Parameter): parameter type
            value (float): parameter value

        if parameter in parameter_mapping:
            grb_param = parameter_mapping[parameter]
            self.problem.setParam(grb_param, value)
            raise Exception('Parameter unknown (or not yet supported).')

    def set_logging(self, enabled=False):
        """ Enable or disable log output:

            enabled (bool): turn logging on (default: False)

        self.problem.setParam('OutputFlag', 1 if enabled else 0)

    def write_to_file(self, filename):
        """ Write problem to file:

            filename (str): file path

Exemplo n.º 31
#combine lists of arcs and nodes
vars = arcs + nodes  #+ a (add fairness metric to list of vars)

#addvars arcs and nodes in list vars
v = m.addVars(vars, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=-999, name=vars)
bolts = m.addVars(vars, vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="bolts")
fixed = m.addVars(vars, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="fixed")

# Add constraints------------------------------------

#make list of arcs max caps
for i in arcs:
    if i[0] == 'x' and i != 'x0x1':
            v[i] <=
            d[int(i.split("x")[1])][int(i.split("x")[2])][0] + bolts[i],
#     print(i)

#make list of arcs min caps
for i in arcs:
    if i[0] == 'x' and i != 'x0x1':
            v[i] >=
            -d[int(i.split("x")[1])][int(i.split("x")[2])][0] + bolts[i],

#make list of arcs caps with bolts fixed and maximp
for i in arcs:
    if i[0] == 'x' and i != 'x0x1':
Exemplo n.º 32
def populate_dual_subproblem(data, upper_cost=None, flow_cost=None):
    Function that populates the Benders Dual Subproblem, as suggested by the
    paper "Minimal Infeasible Subsystems and Bender's cuts" by Fischetti,
    Salvagnin and Zanette.
    :param data:        Problem data structure
    :param upper_cost:  Link setup decisions fixed in the master
    :param flow_cost:   This is the cost of the continuous variables of the
                        master problem, as explained in the paper
    :return:            Numpy array of Gurobi model objects

    # Gurobi model objects
    subproblems = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.commodities),
    subproblems_po = np.empty_like(subproblems)

    # Construct model for period/commodity 0.
    # Then, copy this and change the coefficients
    dual_subproblem = Model('dual_subproblem_(0,0)')

    # Ranges we are going to need
    arcs, periods, commodities = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(
        data.periods), xrange(data.commodities)

    # Origins and destinations of commodities
    origins, destinations =, data.destinations

    # We use arrays to store variable indexes and variable objects. Why use
    # both? Gurobi wont let us get the values of individual variables
    # within a callback.. We just get the values of a large array of
    # variables, in the order they were initially defined. To separate them
    # in variable categories, we will have to use index arrays
    flow_index = np.zeros(shape=data.nodes, dtype=int)
    flow_duals = np.empty_like(flow_index, dtype=object)
    ubounds_index = np.zeros(shape=len(arcs), dtype=int)
    ubounds_duals = np.empty_like(ubounds_index, dtype=object)

    # Makes sure we don't add variables more than once
    flow_duals_names = set()

    if upper_cost is None:
        upper_cost = np.zeros(shape=(len(periods), len(arcs)), dtype=float)
    if flow_cost is None:
        flow_cost = np.zeros(shape=(len(periods), len(commodities)),

    # Populate all variables in one loop, keep track of their indexes
    # Data for period = 0, com = 0
    count = 0
    for arc in arcs:
        ubounds_duals[arc] = dual_subproblem.addVar(
            obj=-upper_cost[0, arc], lb=0., name='ubound_dual_a{}'.format(arc))
        ubounds_index[arc] = count
        count += 1
        start_node, end_node = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc], data.nodes)
        start_node, end_node = start_node - 1, end_node - 1
        for node in (start_node, end_node):
            var_name = 'flow_dual_n{}'.format(node)
            if var_name not in flow_duals_names:
                obj = 0.
                if origins[0] == node:
                    obj = 1.
                if destinations[0] == node:
                    obj = -1.
                flow_duals[node] = \
                        obj=obj, lb=-GRB.INFINITY, name=var_name)
                flow_index[node] = count
                count += 1
    opt_var = dual_subproblem.addVar(obj=-flow_cost[0, 0],
    dual_subproblem.params.threads = 2
    dual_subproblem.params.LogFile = ""

    # Add constraints
    demand = data.demand[0, 0]
    for arc in arcs:
        start_node, end_node = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc], data.nodes)
        start_node, end_node = start_node - 1, end_node - 1
        lhs = flow_duals[start_node] - flow_duals[end_node] \
              - ubounds_duals[arc] - \
              opt_var * data.variable_cost[arc] * demand
        dual_subproblem.addConstr(lhs <= 0., name='flow_a{}'.format(arc))

    # Original Benders model
    lhs = opt_var
    dual_subproblem.addConstr(lhs == 1, name='normalization_constraint')

    # Store variable indices
    dual_subproblem._ubounds_index = ubounds_index
    dual_subproblem._flow_index = flow_index
    dual_subproblem._all_variables = np.array(dual_subproblem.getVars())
    dual_subproblem._flow_duals = np.take(dual_subproblem._all_variables,
    dual_subproblem._ubound_duals = np.take(dual_subproblem._all_variables,

    dual_subproblem.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    dual_subproblem.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE
    dual_subproblem.params.InfUnbdInfo = 1

    subproblems[0, 0] = dual_subproblem

    # PO Subproblem
    dual_subproblem_po = dual_subproblem.copy()
    dual_subproblem_po.ModelName = 'dual_subproblem_po({},{})'.format(0, 0)
    all_vars = np.array(dual_subproblem_po.getVars())
    ubounds_duals_po = all_vars.take(ubounds_index)
    flow_duals_po = all_vars.take(flow_index)
    obj = LinExpr(flow_duals_po[origins[0]] - flow_duals_po[destinations[0]])
    obj.addTerms([-0.99] * len(arcs), ubounds_duals_po.tolist())
    dual_subproblem_po.setObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE)
    dual_subproblem_po._all_variables = all_vars
    subproblems_po[0, 0] = dual_subproblem_po

    for period, com in product(periods, commodities):
        if (period, com) != (0, 0):
            model = dual_subproblem.copy()
            model.ModelName = 'dual_subproblem_({},{})'.format(period, com)
            optimality_var = model.getVarByName('optimality_var')
            optimality_var.Obj = -flow_cost[period, com]
            demand = data.demand[period, com]
            for node in xrange(data.nodes):
                variable = model.getVarByName('flow_dual_n{}'.format(node))
                if origins[com] == node:
                    obj = 1.
                elif destinations[com] == node:
                    obj = -1.
                    obj = 0.
                variable.obj = obj
            for arc in arcs:
                variable = model.getVarByName('ubound_dual_a{}'.format(arc))
                variable.Obj = -np.sum(upper_cost[:period + 1, arc])
                constraint = model.getConstrByName('flow_a{}'.format(arc))
                model.chgCoeff(constraint, optimality_var,
                               -demand * data.variable_cost[arc])
            model._all_variables = np.array(model.getVars())
            subproblems[period, com] = model
            # PO subproblem
            dual_subproblem_po = model.copy()
            dual_subproblem_po.ModelName = 'dual_subproblem_po({},{})'.format(
                period, com)
            all_vars = np.array(dual_subproblem_po.getVars())
            ubounds_duals_po = all_vars.take(ubounds_index)
            flow_duals_po = all_vars.take(flow_index)
            obj = LinExpr(flow_duals_po[origins[com]] -
            obj.addTerms([-0.99] * len(arcs), ubounds_duals_po.tolist())
            dual_subproblem_po.setObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE)
            dual_subproblem_po._all_variables = all_vars
            subproblems_po[period, com] = dual_subproblem_po
            subproblems_po[period, com].update()
    return subproblems, subproblems_po
Exemplo n.º 33
def buildMILPModel(GEM, dG0data):

    model = Model('TFA_model')
    GEM_rxn_ids = [ for rxn in GEM.reactions]
    S = cobra.util.array.create_stoichiometric_matrix(GEM, array_type='dense')

    # Add variables
    variables = {'x': {}, 'logx': {}, 'v': {}, 'dG0': {}, 'y': {}}

    #     for met in GEM.metabolites:
    #         var_id = f'x_{}'
    #         x = model.addVar(lb=0, ub=2 * par.x_max,
    #                          obj=0.0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name=var_id)
    #         variables['x'][var_id] = x

    for met in GEM.metabolites:
        var_id = f'logx_{}'
        x = model.addVar(lb=np.log(par.x_min),
        variables['logx'][var_id] = x

    for rxn in GEM.reactions:
        var_id = f'v_{}'
        x = model.addVar(lb=rxn.lower_bound,
        variables['v'][var_id] = x

    for rxn_id in dG0data.keys():
        var_id = f'dG0_{rxn_id}'
        lb = dG0data[rxn_id][
            'dG0'] - par.dG0_error_fraction * dG0data[rxn_id]['error']
        ub = dG0data[rxn_id][
            'dG0'] + par.dG0_error_fraction * dG0data[rxn_id]['error']
        x = model.addVar(lb=lb,
        variables['dG0'][var_id] = x

    for rxn_id in dG0data.keys():
        var_id = f'y_{rxn_id}'
        x = model.addVar(lb=0, ub=1, obj=0.0, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name=var_id)
        variables['y'][var_id] = x

    # Add constraints
    for i, row in enumerate(S):
        c = ''
        for j, coeff in enumerate(row):
            rxn_id = GEM_rxn_ids[j]
            if coeff != 0:
                c += f'{coeff} * variables["v"]["v_{rxn_id}"] +'
        c = c[:-1]
        c += '== 0'
        model.addConstr(eval(c), f'mass_balance_{GEM.metabolites[i].id}')

    for rxn_id in dG0data.keys():
        sum_str = ''
        rxn = GEM.reactions.get_by_id(rxn_id)
        for met in rxn.metabolites.keys():
            coeff = rxn.metabolites[met]
            sum_str += f'{coeff} * variables["logx"]["logx_{}"] +'
        sum_str = sum_str[:-1]

        c = (
            f'variables["dG0"]["dG0_{rxn_id}"] + par.R * par.T * ({sum_str})' +
            f' - (1 - variables["y"]["y_{rxn_id}"]) * par.M <= -par.dG0_eps')
        model.addConstr(eval(c), f'dG0_{rxn_id}')

    for rxn_id in dG0data.keys():
        c_max = f'variables["v"]["v_{rxn_id}"] - variables["y"]["y_{rxn_id}"] * 1000 <= 0'
        model.addConstr(eval(c_max), f'force_max_flux_{rxn_id}')

    for rxn_id in dG0data.keys():
        if isReversible(rxn_id):
            opposite_rxn_id = getOppositeDirection(rxn_id)
            c = f'variables["y"]["y_{rxn_id}"] + variables["y"]["y_{opposite_rxn_id}"] <= 1'
            model.addConstr(eval(c), f'y_XOR_{rxn_id}')

    # Adding log constraint logx = log(x), only available in Gurobi 9

#     for met in GEM.metabolites:
#         logx = variables['logx'][f'logx_{}']
#         x = variables['x'][f'x_{}']
#         model.addGenConstrLog(x, logx, name=f'logx_{} = log(x_{})')

#     # Adding total concentration sum constraint
#     sum_str = ''
#     for met in GEM.metabolites:
#         sum_str += f'variables["x"]["x_{}"] +'
#     sum_str = sum_str[:-1]
#     c_min = f'{sum_str} >= {par.min_sum_x}'
#     c_max = f'{sum_str} <= {par.max_sum_x}'
#     model.addConstr(eval(c_min), 'min concentration sum')
#     model.addConstr(eval(c_max), 'max concentration sum')

    model.setParam('OutputFlag', False)
    return (model, variables)
Exemplo n.º 34
If we create more than 100 unit of an specific product then market will
raise its price and people will buy it at a higher price.
Write a maximization problem if we can only make 1000 units.

# pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
from gurobipy import Model, GRB

U = 1000

m = Model("sell-in-market")

x_1 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="sell_with_base_price")
x_2 = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="sell_with_high_price")
phi = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="phi")

m.addConstr(x_1 >= 100 * phi)
m.addConstr(x_2 <= U * phi)
m.addConstr(x_2 + x_1 <= U)

m.setObjective(10 * x_1 + 100 * x_2, GRB.MAXIMIZE)


for v in m.getVars():
    print(v.varName, v.x)
Exemplo n.º 35
def disturbed_polytopic_trajectory_given_regions(x0,list_of_cells,goal,eps=0,order=1,scale=[]):
        Polytopic Trajectory Optimization with the ordered list of polytopes given
        This is a convex program as mode sequence is already given
        list_of_cells: each cell has the following attributes: A,B,c,W and an AH-polytope
    if len(scale)==0:
    model=Model("Fixed Mode Polytopic Trajectory")
    print list_of_q
    for t in range(T):
    print "inside function epsilon is",eps
    for j in range(n):

    for t in range(T):
        print "adding constraints of t",t
        for j in range(n):
            expr_x=LinExpr([(A[j,k],x[t,k]) for k in range(n)])
            expr_u=LinExpr([(B[j,k],u[t,k]) for k in range(m)])
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(_q):
                expr_x=LinExpr([(A[i,k],G[t][k,j]) for k in range(n)])
                expr_u=LinExpr([(B[i,k],theta[t][k,j]) for k in range(m)])
            for j in range(_q,_q+n_w):
        x_t=np.array([x[t,j] for j in range(n)]).reshape(n,1)
        u_t=np.array([u[t,j] for j in range(m)]).reshape(m,1)
        G_t=np.array([G[t][i,j] for i in range(n) for j in range(_q)]).reshape(n,_q)
        theta_t=np.array([theta[t][i,j] for i in range(m) for j in range(_q)]).reshape(m,_q)

    x_T=np.array([x[T,j] for j in range(n)]).reshape(n,1)
    G_T=np.array([G[T][i,j] for i in range(n) for j in range(_q)]).reshape(n,_q)
    # Cost function
    J=LinExpr([(1.0/scale[i],G[t][i,i]) for t in range(T+1) for i in range(n)])
    model.setParam('TimeLimit', 150)
    for t in range(T):
        x_num[t]=np.array([[x[t,j].X] for j in range(n)]).reshape(n,1)
        G_num[t]=np.array([[G[t][i,j].X] for i in range(n) for j in range(_q)]).reshape(n,_q)
    x_num[T]=np.array([[x[T,j].X] for j in range(n)]).reshape(n,1)
    G_num[T]=np.array([[G[T][i,j].X] for i in range(n) for j in range(_q)]).reshape(n,_q)
    for t in range(T):
        theta_num[t]=np.array([[theta[t][i,j].X] for i in range(m) for j in range(_q)]).reshape(m,_q)
        u_num[t]=np.array([[u[t,i].X] for i in range(m) ]).reshape(m,1)
    return (x_num,u_num,G_num,theta_num)
def build_model(data, n_cliques = 0, verbose = True):
    # Load Data Format
    n = data['n']
    r = data['r']
    p = data['p']
    s = data['s']
    c = data['c']
    h = data['h']
    w = data['w']
    location = data['location']
    conflicts = data['conflicts']
    locking_times = data['locking_times']
    T = data['T']
    similarp = data['similarp']
    model = Model("ExaminationScheduling")
    if verbose:
        print("Building variables...")
    # x[i,k,l] = 1 if exam i is at time l in room k
    x = {}
    for k in range(r):
        for l in range(p):
            if T[k][l] == 1:
                for i in range(n):
                    if location[k] in w[i]:
                        x[i,k,l] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x_%s_%s_%s" % (i,k,l))
    # y[i,l] = 1 if exam i is at time l
    y = {}
    for i in range(n):
        for l in range(p):
            y[i, l] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y_%s_%s" % (i,l))    

    # integrate new variables

    # for i in range(p+5):
    #     for l in range(i-5):
    #         y[i, l].setAttr("BranchPriority", s[i])

    # model.update() 

    start = timeit.default_timer()

    # not very readable but same constraints as in GurbiLinear_v_10: speeded up model building by 2 for small problems (~400 exams) and more for huger problem ~1500 exams
    if verbose:
        print("Building constraints...")    
    s_sorted = sorted(range(len(c)), key = lambda k: c[k])
    obj = LinExpr()
    sumconflicts = {}
    maxrooms = {}
    for i in range(n):
        sumconflicts[i] = sum(conflicts[i])
        if s[i] <= 50:
            maxrooms[i] = 1
        elif s[i] <= 100:
            maxrooms[i] = 2
        elif s[i] <= 400:
            maxrooms[i] = 7
        elif s[i] <= 700:
            maxrooms[i] = 9
            maxrooms[i] = 12
        c2 = LinExpr()
        c4 = LinExpr()
        for l in range(p):
            c1 = LinExpr()
            c1 = LinExpr()
            c3 = LinExpr()
            for k in range(r):
                if T[k][l] == 1 and location[k] in w[i]:
                    # print k, c[k], 1-(1/(pow(2,s_sorted.index(k))))
                    obj.addTerms( 1-(1/(pow(2,s_sorted.index(k)))) , x[i, k, l])
                    c1.addTerms(1, x[i,k,l])
            model.addConstr(c1 <= maxrooms[i]* y[i,l], "c1a")
            model.addConstr(c1 >= y[i,l], "C1b")

            for j in conflicts[i]:
            model.addConstr(c3 <= (1 - y[i,l])*sumconflicts[i], "c3")

        model.addConstr( c2 == 1 , "c2")
        model.addConstr(c4 >= s[i], "c4")

    sumrooms = {}
    for l in range(p):
        sumrooms[l] = 0
        cover_inequalities = LinExpr()
        for k in range(r):   
            if T[k][l] == 1:
                sumrooms[l] += 1
                c5 = LinExpr()
                for i in range(n):
                    if location[k] in w[i]:
                model.addConstr( c5 <= 1, "c5")  
                cover_inequalities += c5
        model.addConstr(cover_inequalities <= sumrooms[l], "cover_inequalities")

    # Break Symmetry
    # First only use small rooms in a period if all bigger rooms are already used
    # TODO Do for every location 

    if similarp[0] >= 0:
        for i in range(i-1):
            for l in range(p):
                model.addConstr(y[i,l] <= quicksum( y[i+1,sim] for sim in similarp), "s1")

    # for l in range(p):
    #     for index, k in enumerate(s_sorted):
    #         #print k, index
    #         s1 = LinExpr()
    #         if index < len(s_sorted)-1:
    #             if T[k][l] == 1:
    #                 for k2 in range(r-index):
    #                     if T[s_sorted[index+k2]][l] == 1:
    #                         for i in range(n):
    #                         #    if location[k] in w[i]:
    #                             s1.addTerms([1,-1], [x[i,k,l], x[i,s_sorted[index+k2],l]])
    #                         break
    #         model.addConstr( s1 <= 0 , "s1")

    #if p <= n:
    #    for l in range(p):
    #        model.addConstr( quicksum(y[l,i] for i in range(l)) >= 1, "s1")

    # for l in range(p-1):
    #     for i in range(n):
    #         model.addConstr( y[i,l] - quicksum(y[i,l+1] for i in range(l,n)) <= 0, "l1")

    model.setObjective( obj, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    print timeit.default_timer()-start

    if verbose:
        print("All constrained and objective built - OK")


    if not verbose:
        model.params.OutputFlag = 0
    # Set Parameters
    #print("Setting Parameters...")
    # max presolve agressivity
    #model.params.presolve = 2
    # Choosing root method 3= concurrent = run barrier and dual simplex in parallel
    model.params.method = 3
    #model.params.MIPFocus = 1

    model.params.OutputFlag = 1
    #model.params.MIPFocus = 1

    # cuts
    #model.params.cuts = 0
    #model.params.coverCuts = 2
    #model.params.CutPasses = 4

    # heuristics
    #model.params.heuristics = 0

    #model.params.symmetry = 2

    # # Tune the model
    # model.tune()

    # if model.tuneResultCount > 0:

    #     # Load the best tuned parameters into the model
    #     model.getTuneResult(0)

    #     # Write tuned parameters to a file
    #     model.write('tune1.prm')

    # return
Exemplo n.º 37
def gurobi(wanted_parts, available_parts, stores, shipping_cost=10.0):
  from gurobipy import Model, GRB, LinExpr

  kf1 = lambda x: (x['item_id'], x['wanted_color_id'])
  kf2 = lambda x: (x['ItemID'], x['ColorID'])

  available_by_store = utils.groupby(available_parts, lambda x: x['store_id'])
  store_by_id = dict( (s['store_id'], s) for s in stores )

  m = Model()

  store_variables     = {}  # store id to variable indicating store is used
  quantity_variables  = []  # list of all lot variables + metadata

  # for every store
  for (store_id, inventory) in available_by_store.iteritems():

    # a variable for if anything was bought from this store. if 1, then pay
    # shipping cost and all store inventory is available; if 0, then don't pay
    # for shipping and every lot in it has 0 quantity available
    store_variables[store_id] = m.addVar(0.0, 1.0, shipping_cost, GRB.BINARY,
                                         "use-store=%s" % (store_id,))

    for lot in inventory:
      store_id = lot['store_id']
      quantity = lot['quantity_available']
      unit_cost= lot['cost_per_unit']
      item_id  = lot['item_id']
      color_id = lot['color_id']

      # a variable for how much to buy of this lot
      v = m.addVar(0.0, quantity, unit_cost, GRB.CONTINUOUS,
                   "quantity-store=%s-item=%s-color=%s" % (store_id, item_id, color_id))

      # keep a list of all lots
        'store_id': store_id,
        'item_id': lot['item_id'],
        'wanted_color_id': lot['wanted_color_id'],
        'color_id': lot['color_id'],
        'variable': v,
        'quantity_available': quantity,
        'cost_per_unit': unit_cost

  # actually put the variables into the model

  # for every lot in every store
  for lot in quantity_variables:
    use_store = store_variables[lot['store_id']]
    quantity  = lot['quantity_available']
    unit_cost = lot['cost_per_unit']
    v         = lot['variable']

    # a constraint for how much can be bought
    m.addConstr(LinExpr([1.0, -1 * quantity], [v, use_store]),
                GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 0.0,
                "maxquantity-store=%s-item=%s-color-%d" % (lot['store_id'], lot['item_id'], lot['color_id']))

  # for every wanted lot
  variables_by_id = utils.groupby(quantity_variables, kf1)
  for lot in wanted_parts:
    # a constraint saying amount bought >= wanted amount
    variables = map(lambda x: x['variable'], variables_by_id[kf2(lot)])
    constants = len(variables) * [1.0]
    m.addConstr(LinExpr(constants, variables),
                GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, lot['Qty'],
                "wantedamount-item=%s-color=%s" % (lot['ItemID'], lot['ColorID']))

  # for every store
  variables_by_store = utils.groupby(quantity_variables, lambda x: x['store_id'])
  for (store_id, variables) in variables_by_store.iteritems():
    use_store         = store_variables[store_id]
    minimum_purchase  = store_by_id[store_id]['minimum_buy']

    # a constraint saying "if I purchased from this store, I bought the minimum amount or more"
    constants = [v['cost_per_unit'] for v in variables] + [-1 * minimum_purchase]
    variables = [v['variable'] for v in variables] + [use_store]
    m.addConstr(LinExpr(constants, variables),
                GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, 0.0,
                "minbuy-store=%d" % (store_id,))

  # minimize sum of costs of items bought + shipping costs
  m.setParam(GRB.param.MIPGap, 0.01)  # stop when duality gap <= 1%

  # get results
  if m.ObjVal < float('inf'):
    result = []
    for lot in quantity_variables:
      # get variable out
      v = lot['variable']
      del lot['variable']

      # lot variables are continuous, so they might not actually be integral.
      # If they're not, check that they're "almost" integral, so we can just
      # round. Otherwise, print this warning.  According to theory the optimal
      # solution is for all continuous variables to be integral.
      if v.X != int(v.X) and abs(v.X - round(v.X)) > 1e-3:
        print 'Uh oh. Variable %s has value %f. This is a little close for comfort.' % (v.VarName, v.X)

      # save quantity to buy if it's > 0
      lot['quantity'] = int(round(v.X))
      if lot['quantity'] > 0:

    cost = sum(e['quantity'] * e['cost_per_unit'] for e in result)
    store_ids = list(set(e['store_id'] for e in result))
    return [{
      'cost': cost,
      'allocation': result,
      'store_ids': store_ids
    print 'No solution :('
    return []
Exemplo n.º 38
    def __optmize_single_project(self, x, j):
        Given the generated x for single project, try to optimize the tardiness of the project.
        :param x: the assignment of resource supplier to project
        :param j: index of project
        m = Model("SingleProject_%d" % j)

        #### Create variables ####
        project = self.project_list[j]

        ## Project complete data,Project Tadeness,construction completion time
        CT = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="(CT%d)" % j)

        ## Activity start time
        ST = {}
        project_activities = self.project_activity[project]
        # print(project_activities.nodes())
        for row in project_activities.nodes():
            ST[row] = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="(ST%d,%s)" % (j, row))

        ## Review sequence z_ij
        ## move to annealing objective function

        # y
        y = {}
        for activity_i in project_activities.nodes():
            for activity_j in project_activities.nodes():
                # print(project_activities.node[activity_i])
                # print(dir(project_activities.node[activity_i]))
                if activity_i != activity_j and len(list(
                            project_activities.node[activity_j]['rk_resources']))) > 0:
                    y[activity_i, activity_j] = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.BINARY,
                                                         name="(y%d,%s,%s)" % (j, activity_i, activity_j))

        #### Create constrains ####
        ## Constrain 2: project complete data>due data
        ## move to annealing objective function

        ## Constrain 3: supplier capacity limit
        ## move to annealing neighbor & random generator

        ## Constrain 4,6: project demand require; each project receive from one supplier for each resource
        ## move to annealing neighbor & random generator

        ## constrain 5: shipping constrain
        ## move to annealing neighbor & random generator

        ## Constrain 7:budget limit
        ## move to annealing constraint valid

        ## Constrain 8: activity starting constrain
        for a in project_activities.nodes():
            for r in project_activities.node[a]['resources']:
                resource_delivered_days = 0
                for s in self.resource_supplier_list[r]:
                    resource_delivered_days += x.get((r, s, project), 0) * \
                                               (self.resource_supplier_release_time[r, s] +
                                                    r, s, project])
                m.addConstr(resource_delivered_days, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, ST[a],
                            name="constraint_8_project_%d_activity_%s_resource_%s" % (j, a, r))

        ## Constrain 9 activity sequence constrain
        for row1, row2 in project_activities.edges():
            # print(row1, '#', row2, '#', j)
            # print(ST)
            m.addConstr(ST[row1] + project_activities.node[row1]['duration'], GRB.LESS_EQUAL,
                        ST[row2], name="constraint_9_project_%d_activity_%s_activity_%s" % (j, row1, row2))

        ## Constrain 10,11
        for row1 in project_activities.nodes():
            for row2 in project_activities.nodes():
                if row1 != row2 and len(list(
                            project_activities.node[row2]['rk_resources']))) > 0:
                    m.addConstr(ST[row1] + project_activities.node[row1]['duration'] - self.M * (
                        1 - y[row1, row2]), GRB.LESS_EQUAL, ST[row2],
                                name="constraint_10_project_%d_activity_%s_activity_%s" % (j, row1, row2))
                        ST[row2] + project_activities.node[row2]['duration'] - self.M * (y[row1, row2]),
                        GRB.LESS_EQUAL, ST[row1],
                        name="constraint_11_project_%d_activity_%s_activity_%s" % (j, row1, row2))
                    # m.addConstr(y[j,row1,row2]+y[j,row2,row1],GRB.LESS_EQUAL,1)

        ## Constrain 12
        for row in project_activities.nodes():
            # print(project_activities.node[row]['duration'])
            m.addConstr(CT, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, ST[row] + project_activities.node[row]['duration'],
                        name="constraint_12_project_%d_activity_%s" % (j, row))

        ## Constrain 13
        ## move to anealing objective function

        ## Constrain 14
        ## move to anealing objective function

        ## Constrain 15
        ## move to anealing objective function

        ## Constrain 16
        ## move to anealing objective function

        ## Constrain 17
        ## move to anealing objective function


        # Set optimization objective - minimize completion time
        expr = LinExpr()
        m.setObjective(expr, GRB.MINIMIZE)
        m.params.presolve = 1
        # Solve
        # m.params.presolve=0
        m.write(join(self.output_dir, "heuristic_%d.lp" % j))
        m.write(join(self.output_dir, "heuristic_%d.sol" % j))
        return m.objVal
Exemplo n.º 39
    def __init__(self,
        self.check_graph(n_vertices, edges)
        self.n_vertices = n_vertices
        self.k = k
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.timeout = timeout

        model = Model('graph_clustering')

        mvars = []
        for i in range(k):
            cvars = []
            for j in range(n_vertices):
                v = model.addVar(lb=0.0, ub=1.0, vtype=GRB.BINARY)

        ineq_sense = GRB.GREATER_EQUAL if overlap else GRB.EQUAL
        # constraint: each vertex in exactly/at least one cluster
        for v in range(n_vertices):
            model.addConstr(quicksum([mvars[i][v] for i in range(k)]),
                            ineq_sense, 1)

        # symmetry-breaking constraints
        if symmetry_breaking:
            model.addConstr(mvars[0][0], GRB.EQUAL, 1)
            for i in range(2, k):
                    quicksum([mvars[i - 1][j] for j in range(n_vertices)]) <=
                    quicksum([mvars[i][j] for j in range(n_vertices)]))

        obj_expr = LinExpr()
        wsum = sum(w for (_, _, w) in constraints)
        gamma = gamma / wsum
        # indicators for violation of cl constraints
        for (u, v, w) in constraints:
            for i in range(k):
                y = model.addVar(lb=0.0, ub=1.0, vtype=GRB.BINARY)
                model.addConstr(y >= mvars[i][u] + mvars[i][v] - 1)
                obj_expr.add(y, -w * gamma)

        # size of smallest cluster
        s = model.addVar(lb=0.0, ub=n_vertices, vtype=GRB.INTEGER)
        for i in range(k):
                s <= quicksum([mvars[i][v] for v in range(n_vertices)]))

        s_coef = 1 / n_vertices if overlap else k / n_vertices
        obj_expr.add(s_coef * s)

        model.setObjective(obj_expr, GRB.MAXIMIZE)
        model.params.OutputFlag = self.verbosity
        model.Params.PreCrush = 1
        model.Params.LazyConstraints = 1

        model._cutfinder = Cut_Finder(n_vertices, edges)
        model._vars = mvars
        model._k = k
        model._relobj = None
        model._impcounter = 0
        model._single_cut = single_cut

        # runtime information
        model._root_cuttime = 0
        model._tree_cuttime = 0

        self.model = model
Exemplo n.º 40
                      for s in range(S)])
    expect_discounted_cash = sum([(discounted_cash[s]) / S for s in range(S)])

    # Add constraints
    #    for s in range(S):
    #        for n in range(N):
    #            for t in range(T):
    #                m.addConstr(Q0 == 0)
    # inventory flow
    for s in range(S):
        for n in range(N):
            for t in range(T):
                demand = samples[t][n][scenario_permulations[s]
                                       [t]]  # be careful
                if t == 0:
                    m.addConstr(I[t][n][s] <= ini_I[n] + Q[t][n][s] - demand +
                                (1 - delta[t][n][s]) * M)
                    m.addConstr(I[t][n][s] >= ini_I[n] + Q[t][n][s] - demand -
                                (1 - delta[t][n][s]) * M)
                    m.addConstr(ini_I[n] + Q[t][n][s] -
                                demand <= delta[t][n][s] * M - 0.1)
                        m.addConstr(I[t][n][s] <= I[t - 1][n][s] + Q[t][n][s] -
                                    demand + (1 - delta[t][n][s]) * M)
                        m.addConstr(I[t][n][s] >= I[t - 1][n][s] + Q[t][n][s] -
                                    demand - (1 - delta[t][n][s]) * M)
                        m.addConstr(I[t - 1][n][s] + Q[t][n][s] -
                                    demand <= delta[t][n][s] * M - 0.1)
                m.addConstr(I[t][n][s] <= delta[t][n][s] * M)
Exemplo n.º 41
def _optimize_gurobi(cobra_model, new_objective=None, objective_sense='maximize',
                    min_norm=0, the_problem=None,
                    tolerance_optimality=1e-6, tolerance_feasibility=1e-6,
                    tolerance_barrier=None, tolerance_integer=1e-9, error_reporting=None,
                    print_solver_time=False, copy_problem=False, lp_method=0,
                    relax_b=None, quad_precision=False, quadratic_component=None,
                    reuse_basis=True, lp_parallel=None, update_problem_reaction_bounds=True):
    """Uses the gurobi ( optimizer to perform an optimization on cobra_model
    for the objective_coefficients in cobra_model._objective_coefficients based
    on objective sense.

    cobra_model: A cobra.Model object

    new_objective: Reaction, String, or Integer referring to a reaction in
    cobra_model.reactions to set as the objective.  Currently, only supports single
    objective coeffients.  Will expand to include mixed objectives.

    objective_sense: 'maximize' or 'minimize'

    min_norm: not implemented

    the_problem: None or a problem object for the specific solver that can be used to hot
    start the next solution.

    tolerance_optimality: Solver tolerance for optimality.

    tolerance_feasibility: Solver tolerance for feasibility.

    quad_precision: Boolean.  Whether or not to used quad precision in calculations

    error_reporting: None or True to disable or enable printing errors encountered
    when trying to find the optimal solution.
    print_solver_time: False or True.  Indicates if the time to calculate the solution
    should be displayed.

    quadratic_component: None or 
          scipy.sparse.dok of dim(len(cobra_model.reactions),len(cobra_model.reactions))
         If not None:
          Solves quadratic programming problems for cobra_models of the form:
          minimize: 0.5 * x' * quadratic_component * x + cobra_model._objective_coefficients' * x
          such that,
            cobra_model._lower_bounds <= x <= cobra_model._upper_bounds
            cobra_model._S * x (cobra_model._constraint_sense) cobra_model._b

            NOTE: When solving quadratic problems it may be necessary to disable quad_precision
            and use lp_method = 0 for gurobi.

    reuse_basis: Boolean.  If True and the_problem is a model object for the solver,
    attempt to hot start the solution.

    update_problem_reaction_bounds: Boolean.  Set to True if you're providing the_problem
    and you've modified reaction bounds on your cobra_model since creating the_problem.  Only
    necessary for CPLEX
    lp_parallel: Not implemented

    lp.optimize() with Salmonella model:
         cold start: 0.063 seconds
         hot start: 0.057 seconds (Slow due to copying the LP)

    if relax_b is not None:
        raise Exception('Need to reimplement constraint relaxation')
    from numpy import array, nan, zeros
    #TODO: speed this up
    if objective_sense == 'maximize':
        objective_sense = -1
        objective_sense = 1
    from gurobipy import Model, LinExpr, GRB, QuadExpr
    sense_dict = {'E': GRB.EQUAL,
                  'L': GRB.LESS_EQUAL,
                  'G': GRB.GREATER_EQUAL}
    from cobra.flux_analysis.objective import update_objective
    from cobra.solvers.legacy import status_dict, variable_kind_dict

    variable_kind_dict = eval(variable_kind_dict['gurobi'])
    status_dict = eval(status_dict['gurobi'])

    #Update objectives if they are new.
    if new_objective and new_objective != 'update problem':
       update_objective(cobra_model, new_objective)
    #Create a new problem
    if not the_problem or the_problem in ['return', 'setup'] or \
           not isinstance(the_problem, Model):
        lp = Model("cobra")
        lp.Params.OutputFlag = 0
        lp.Params.LogFile = ''
        # Create variables
        #TODO:  Speed this up 
        variable_list = [lp.addVar(lb=float(x.lower_bound),
                         for x in cobra_model.reactions]
        reaction_to_variable = dict(zip(cobra_model.reactions,
        # Integrate new variables
        #Set objective to quadratic program
        if quadratic_component is not None:
            if not hasattr(quadratic_component, 'todok'):
                raise Exception('quadratic component must be a scipy.sparse type array')

            quadratic_objective = QuadExpr()
            for (index_0, index_1), the_value in quadratic_component.todok().items():
            lp.setObjective(quadratic_objective, sense=objective_sense)
        #Constraints are based on mass balance
        #Construct the lin expression lists and then add
        #TODO: Speed this up as it takes about .18 seconds
        for the_metabolite in cobra_model.metabolites:
            constraint_coefficients = []
            constraint_variables = []
            for the_reaction in the_metabolite._reaction:
            #Add the metabolite to the problem
            lp.addConstr(LinExpr(constraint_coefficients, constraint_variables),
        #When reusing the basis only assume that the objective coefficients or bounds can change
        if copy_problem:
            lp = the_problem.copy()
            lp = the_problem
        if not reuse_basis:
        for the_variable, the_reaction in zip(lp.getVars(),
   = float(the_reaction.lower_bound)
            the_variable.ub = float(the_reaction.upper_bound)
            the_variable.obj = float(objective_sense*the_reaction.objective_coefficient)

    if the_problem == 'setup':
        return lp
    if print_solver_time:
        start_time = time()
    lp.setParam("FeasibilityTol", tolerance_feasibility)
    lp.setParam("OptimalityTol", tolerance_optimality) 
    if tolerance_barrier:
        lp.setParam("BarConvTol", tolerance_barrier)

    if quad_precision:
            lp.setParam("Quad", 1)
    lp.setParam("Method", lp_method)

    #Different methods to try if lp_method fails
    the_methods = [0, 2, 1]
    if lp_method in the_methods:
    if not isinstance(the_problem, Model):
        if lp.status in status_dict:
            status = status_dict[lp.status]
            status = 'failed'
        if status != 'optimal':
            #Try to find a solution using a different method
            lp.setParam("MarkowitzTol", 1e-2)
            for lp_method in the_methods:
                lp.setParam("Method", lp_method)
                if status_dict[lp.status] == 'optimal':
        lp.setParam("TimeLimit", 0.6)
        lp.setParam("TimeLimit", "default")
        if lp.status in status_dict:
            status = status_dict[lp.status]
            status = 'failed'
        if status != 'optimal':
            lp.setParam("MarkowitzTol", 1e-2)
            #Try to find a solution using a different method
            for lp_method in the_methods:
                lp.setParam("Method", lp_method)
                if status_dict[lp.status] == 'optimal':
            if status_dict[lp.status] != 'optimal':
                lp = optimize_gurobi(cobra_model, new_objective=new_objective, objective_sense=objective_sense,
                                     min_norm=min_norm, the_problem=None, 

    if print_solver_time:
        print 'optimize time: %f'%(time() - start_time)
    x_dict = {}
    y_dict = {}
    y = None
    if lp.status in status_dict:
        status = status_dict[lp.status]
        status = 'failed'
    if status == 'optimal':
        objective_value = objective_sense*lp.ObjVal
        [x_dict.update({v.VarName: v.X}) for v in lp.getVars()]
        x = array([x_dict[] for v in cobra_model.reactions])
        if lp.isMIP:
            y = y_dict = None #MIP's don't have duals
            [y_dict.update({c.ConstrName: c.Pi})
             for c in lp.getConstrs()]
            y = array([y_dict[] for v in cobra_model.metabolites])
        y = y_dict = x = x_dict = None
        objective_value = None
        if error_reporting:
            print 'gurobi failed: %s'%lp.status  
    the_solution = Solution(objective_value, x=x, x_dict=x_dict,
                            y=y, y_dict=y_dict,
    solution = {'the_problem': lp, 'the_solution': the_solution}
    return solution
Exemplo n.º 42

# R2
m.addConstrs((quicksum(x[n, f] for f in F) == 1 for n in N), name="R2")

# R3
m.addConstrs((quicksum(x[n, f] for n in N if EL[i][n] + EV[i][n] == 1) == 1
              for i in I for f in F),

# R4
for i in I:
    m.addConstr((quicksum(y[i][s] for s in S[i]) == 1), name="R4")

# R6
for i in I:
    m.addConstrs((quicksum(x[n, f] for n in N if EL[i][n] == 1) == quicksum(
        y[i][s] for s in S[i] if L[s][f] == 1) for f in F),

# R7
for i in I:
    m.addConstrs((quicksum(x[n, f] for n in N if EV[i][n] == 1) == quicksum(
        y[i][s] for s in S[i] if L[s][f] == 0) for f in F),

# R8
m.addConstrs((quicksum(p[i, t, f] for t in T) == 1 for i in I for f in F),
Exemplo n.º 43
    def __objective_function(self, x, q):
        m = Model("Overall_Model")

        CT = {}
        DT = {}
        TD = {}

        #### Add Variable ####

        for j in range(self.project_n):
            ## solve individual model get Project complete date
            CT[j] = self.__optmize_single_project(x, j)

            ## Project Tadeness,construction completion time
            DT[j] = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="(DT%d)" % j)
            TD[j] = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="(TD%d)" % j)

        DT[-1] = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="(DT-1)")

        ## Review Sequence z_ij
        z = {}
        for i in range(self.project_n):
            for j in range(self.project_n):
                if i != j:
                    z[i, j] = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="(z%d,%d)" % (i, j))

        for j in range(self.project_n):
            z[-1, j] = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="(z%d,%d)" % (-1, j))

        #### Add Constraint ####
        ## Constrain 2: project complete data>due data ##
        for j in range(self.project_n):
            m.addConstr(DT[j] - TD[j], GRB.LESS_EQUAL, self.DD[j], name="constraint_2_project_%d" % j)

        ## Constraint 13
        for j in range(self.project_n):
            m.addConstr(DT[j], GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, CT[j] + self.review_duration[j], name="constraint_13_project_%d" % j)

        ## Constraint 14
        for i in range(-1, self.project_n):
            for j in range(self.project_n):
                if i != j:
                    m.addConstr(DT[j], GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, DT[i] - self.M * (1 - z[i, j]) + self.review_duration[j],
                                name="constraint_14_project_%d_project_%d" % (i, j))

        ## Constrain 15
        for j in range(self.project_n):
            m.addConstr(quicksum(z[i, j] for i in range(-1, self.project_n) if i != j), GRB.EQUAL, 1,
                        name="constraint_15_project_%d" % j)

        ## Constrain 16
        m.addConstr(quicksum(z[-1, j] for j in range(self.project_n)), GRB.EQUAL, 1, name="constraint_16")

        ## Constrain 17
        for i in range(self.project_n):
            m.addConstr(quicksum(z[i, j] for j in range(self.project_n) if j != i), GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 1,
                        name="constraint_17_project_%d" % i)

        # Set optimization objective - minimize sum of
        expr = LinExpr()
        for j in range(self.project_n):
            expr.add(self.w[j] * TD[j])
        m.setObjective(expr, GRB.MINIMIZE)

        m.params.presolve = 1

        m.write(join(self.output_dir, "heuristic_whole.lp"))
        m.write(join(self.output_dir, "heuristic_whole.sol"))
        print([self.w[j] * TD[j].X for j in range(self.project_n)])
        return m.objVal, argmax([self.w[j] * TD[j].X for j in range(self.project_n)])
Exemplo n.º 44
def optimize(hp, Rt, bp, slopes, theta):
    :param R:       Returns at time t (Gross)
    :param hp:      Post-decision variable (pre-return) at time t-1
    :param bp:      Breakpoints at time t
    :param slopes:  Slopes at time t
    :return:        Post-decision variable at time t + DeltaV

    grad = []  # gradient deltaV_(t-1)

    h = Rt * hp  # element wise multiplication
    x, y = getcoord(bp, slopes)

    # print(x)
    # print(y)

    N = len(bp) - 1  # no of holdings, excluding cash

    m = Model()
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', False)
    """Add Variables"""
    # add x_i, y_i as variables (all x first, then all y)
    # 2N variables
    xv = array([m.addVar() for _ in range(N)])  # Buys   at time t
    yv = array([m.addVar() for _ in range(N)])  # Sales  at time t
    # also add hpv for convenience (we'll have equality const relating to xv,yv)
    hpv = array([m.addVar(lb=0) for _ in range(N + 1)])  # h_plus at time t
    """Add Objective Function"""
    outputCashFlow = (1 + theta) * quicksum(xv) - (1 - theta) * quicksum(yv)
    m.setPWLObj(hpv[0], x[0], y[0])
    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        m.setPWLObj(hpv[i], x[i], y[i])
    """Add Constraints"""
    eqCstrs = [
        m.addConstr(hpv[i] - h[i] == xv[i - 1] - yv[i - 1])
        for i in range(1, N + 1)
    eqCstrs.append(m.addConstr(hpv[0] - h[0] == -1 * outputCashFlow))
    holdingCstrs = [
        m.addConstr(-xv[i - 1] + yv[i - 1] <= h[i]) for i in range(1, N + 1)
    budgetCstr = m.addConstr(outputCashFlow <= h[0])

    m.ModelSense = -1  # maximize

    except GurobiError as e:

    # print(m.Status)

    # optimal variables
    # print([(v.varName, v.X) for v in m.getVars()])

    # optimal h vector
    hopt = []
    for i in range(N + 1):

    # get optimal function value
    Vold = m.ObjVal

    # solve N+1 times, incrementing hp component wise

    for i in range(N + 1):

        hp1 = np.copy(hp)
        hp1[i] = hp[i] + 1
        h = Rt * hp1  # element wise multiplication
        x, y = getcoord(bp, slopes)

        N = len(bp) - 1  # no of holdings, excluding cash

        m = Model()
        m.setParam('OutputFlag', False)
        """Add Variables"""
        # add x_i, y_i as variables (all x first, then all y)
        # 2N variables
        xv = array([m.addVar() for _ in range(N)])  # Buys   at time t
        yv = array([m.addVar() for _ in range(N)])  # Sales  at time t
        # also add hpv for convenience (we'll have equality const relating to xv,yv)
        hpv = array([m.addVar(lb=0) for _ in range(N + 1)])  # h_plus at time t
        """Add Objective Function"""
        outputCashFlow = (1 + theta) * quicksum(xv) - (1 -
                                                       theta) * quicksum(yv)
        m.setPWLObj(hpv[0], x[0], y[0])
        for i in range(1, N + 1):
            m.setPWLObj(hpv[i], x[i], y[i])
        """Add Constraints"""
        eqCstrs = [
            m.addConstr(hpv[i] - h[i] == xv[i - 1] - yv[i - 1])
            for i in range(1, N + 1)
        eqCstrs.append(m.addConstr(hpv[0] - h[0] == -1 * outputCashFlow))
        holdingCstrs = [
            m.addConstr(-xv[i - 1] + yv[i - 1] <= h[i])
            for i in range(1, N + 1)
        budgetCstr = m.addConstr(outputCashFlow <= h[0])

        m.ModelSense = -1  # maximize

        except GurobiError as e:

        # get optimal function value
        Vnew = m.ObjVal
        grad.append(Vnew - Vold)

    return (np.asarray(hopt), np.asarray(grad))
Exemplo n.º 45
class GurobiSolver(Solver):
    """ Implements the solver interface using gurobipy. """

    def __init__(self):
        self.problem = GurobiModel()

    def __getstate__(self):
        tmp_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".lp")
        cplex_form = open(tmp_file).read()
        repr_dict = {'var_ids': self.var_ids, 'constr_ids': self.constr_ids, 'cplex_form': cplex_form}
        return repr_dict

    def __setstate__(self, repr_dict):
        tmp_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".lp")
        open(tmp_file, 'w').write(repr_dict['cplex_form'])
        self.problem = read(tmp_file)
        self.var_ids = repr_dict['var_ids']
        self.constr_ids = repr_dict['constr_ids']

    def add_variable(self, var_id, lb=None, ub=None, vartype=VarType.CONTINUOUS, persistent=True, update_problem=True):
        """ Add a variable to the current problem.
            var_id : str -- variable identifier
            lb : float -- lower bound
            ub : float -- upper bound
            vartype : VarType -- variable type (default: CONTINUOUS)
            persistent : bool -- if the variable should be reused for multiple calls (default: true)
            update_problem : bool -- update problem immediately (default: True)
        lb = lb if lb is not None else -GRB.INFINITY
        ub = ub if ub is not None else GRB.INFINITY
        map_types = {VarType.BINARY: GRB.BINARY,
                     VarType.INTEGER: GRB.INTEGER,
                     VarType.CONTINUOUS: GRB.CONTINUOUS}

        if var_id in self.var_ids:
            var = self.problem.getVarByName(var_id)
            var.setAttr('lb', lb)
            var.setAttr('ub', ub)
            var.setAttr('vtype', map_types[vartype])
            self.problem.addVar(name=var_id, lb=lb, ub=ub, vtype=map_types[vartype])
        if not persistent:
        if update_problem:

    def add_constraint(self, constr_id, lhs, sense='=', rhs=0, persistent=True, update_problem=True):
        """ Add a variable to the current problem.
            constr_id : str -- constraint identifier
            lhs : list [of (str, float)] -- variables and respective coefficients
            sense : {'<', '=', '>'} -- default '='
            rhs : float -- right-hand side of equation (default: 0)
            persistent : bool -- if the variable should be reused for multiple calls (default: True)
            update_problem : bool -- update problem immediately (default: True)

        grb_sense = {'=': GRB.EQUAL,
                     '<': GRB.LESS_EQUAL,
                     '>': GRB.GREATER_EQUAL}

        if constr_id in self.constr_ids:
            constr = self.problem.getConstrByName(constr_id)

        expr = quicksum([coeff * self.problem.getVarByName(r_id) for r_id, coeff in lhs if coeff])
        self.problem.addConstr(expr, grb_sense[sense], rhs, constr_id)
        if not persistent:

        if update_problem:
    def remove_variable(self, var_id):
        """ Remove a variable from the current problem.
            var_id : str -- variable identifier
        if var_id in self.var_ids:
    def remove_constraint(self, constr_id):
        """ Remove a constraint from the current problem.
            constr_id : str -- constraint identifier
        if constr_id in self.constr_ids:
    def update(self):
        """ Update internal structure. Used for efficient lazy updating. """

    def solve_lp(self, objective, model=None, constraints=None, get_shadow_prices=False, get_reduced_costs=False):
        """ Solve an LP optimization problem.

            objective : dict (of str to float) -- reaction ids in the objective function and respective
                        coefficients, the sense is maximization by default
            model : ConstraintBasedModel -- model (optional, leave blank to reuse previous model structure)
            constraints : dict (of str to (float, float)) -- environmental or additional constraints (optional)
            get_shadow_prices : bool -- return shadow price information if available (optional, default: False)
            get_reduced_costs : bool -- return reduced costs information if available (optional, default: False)

        return self._generic_solve(None, objective, GRB.MAXIMIZE, model, constraints, get_shadow_prices,

    def solve_qp(self, quad_obj, lin_obj, model=None, constraints=None, get_shadow_prices=False,
        """ Solve an LP optimization problem.

            quad_obj : dict (of (str, str) to float) -- map reaction pairs to respective coefficients
            lin_obj : dict (of str to float) -- map single reaction ids to respective linear coefficients
            model : ConstraintBasedModel -- model (optional, leave blank to reuse previous model structure)
            constraints : dict (of str to (float, float)) -- overriding constraints (optional)
            get_shadow_prices : bool -- return shadow price information if available (default: False)
            get_reduced_costs : bool -- return reduced costs information if available (default: False)


        return self._generic_solve(quad_obj, lin_obj, GRB.MINIMIZE, model, constraints, get_shadow_prices,

    def _generic_solve(self, quad_obj, lin_obj, sense, model=None, constraints=None, get_shadow_prices=False,

        if model:

        problem = self.problem

        if constraints:
            old_constraints = {}
            for r_id, (lb, ub) in constraints.items():
                lpvar = problem.getVarByName(r_id)
                old_constraints[r_id] = (, lpvar.ub)
       = lb if lb is not None else -GRB.INFINITY
                lpvar.ub = ub if ub is not None else GRB.INFINITY

        #create objective function
        quad_obj_expr = [q * problem.getVarByName(r_id1) * problem.getVarByName(r_id2)
                         for (r_id1, r_id2), q in quad_obj.items() if q] if quad_obj else []

        lin_obj_expr = [f * problem.getVarByName(r_id)
                        for r_id, f in lin_obj.items() if f] if lin_obj else []

        obj_expr = quicksum(quad_obj_expr + lin_obj_expr)

        problem.setObjective(obj_expr, sense)

#        from datetime import datetime
#        self.problem.write("problem_{}.lp".format(str(
        #run the optimization

        status = status_mapping[problem.status] if problem.status in status_mapping else Status.UNKNOWN
        message = str(problem.status)

        if status == Status.OPTIMAL:
            fobj = problem.ObjVal
            values = OrderedDict([(r_id, problem.getVarByName(r_id).X) for r_id in self.var_ids])

            #if metabolite is disconnected no constraint will exist
            shadow_prices = OrderedDict([(m_id, problem.getConstrByName(m_id).Pi)
                                         for m_id in self.constr_ids
                                         if problem.getConstrByName(m_id)]) if get_shadow_prices else None

            reduced_costs = OrderedDict([(r_id, problem.getVarByName(r_id).RC)
                                         for r_id in self.var_ids]) if get_reduced_costs else None

            solution = Solution(status, message, fobj, values, shadow_prices, reduced_costs)
            solution = Solution(status, message)

        #reset old constraints because temporary constraints should not be persistent
        if constraints:
            for r_id, (lb, ub) in old_constraints.items():
                lpvar = problem.getVarByName(r_id)
      , lpvar.ub = lb, ub

        return solution
Exemplo n.º 46
def lazy_cycle_constraint(A, C, k, gap):
    Lazily generate cycle constraints as potential feasible solutions
    are generated.
    _ = '*'
    m = Model()
    m.modelsense = GRB.MAXIMIZE
    m.params.mipgap = gap
    m.params.timelimit = 5 * 60 * 60
    m.params.lazyconstraints = 1

    n = A.shape[0]
    edges = tuplelist()
    vars = {}

    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if A[i, j] == 1:
                e = (i, j)
                w = 2 if j in C else 1
                var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, obj=w)
                vars[e] = var


    # flow constraints
    for i in range(n):
        out_vars = [vars[e] for e in, _)]
        out_ones = [1.0]*len(out_vars)
        out_expr = LinExpr()
        out_expr.addTerms(out_ones, out_vars)

        in_vars = [vars[e] for e in, i)]
        in_ones = [1.0]*len(in_vars)
        in_expr = LinExpr()
        in_expr.addTerms(in_ones, in_vars)

        m.addConstr(in_expr <= 1)
        m.addConstr(out_expr == in_expr)


    ith_cycle = 0

    def callback(model, where):
        if where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL:
            sols = model.cbGetSolution([vars[e] for e in edges])
            c_edges = [edges[i] for i in range(len(edges)) if sols[i] > 0.5]
            cycles = cycles_from_edges(c_edges)
            for cycle in cycles:
                len_cycle = len(cycle)
                if len_cycle > k:
                    cycle_vars = [vars[(cycle[i], cycle[(i+1) % len_cycle])] for i in range(len_cycle)]
                    ones = [1.0]*len(cycle_vars)
                    expr = LinExpr()
                    expr.addTerms(ones, cycle_vars)
                    model.cbLazy(expr <= len_cycle - 1)


    c_edges = [e for e in edges if vars[e].x == 1.0]
    cycles = cycles_from_edges(c_edges)

    return cycles, m.objval
Exemplo n.º 47
    def run_algorithm(self):

        old_M = self.M
        old_items = [i.copy() for i in self.items]
        map_name_to_old_item = dict()
        for i in old_items:
            map_name_to_old_item[] = i

        from gurobipy import Model, GRB
        model = Model("NP-Hard")

        print("Setting Model Parameters")
        # set timeout
        model.setParam('TimeLimit', 1600)
        model.setParam('MIPFocus', 3)
        model.setParam('PrePasses', 1)
        model.setParam('Heuristics', 0.01)
        model.setParam('Method', 0)

        map_name_to_item = dict()
        map_name_to_cost = dict()
        map_name_to_weight = dict()
        map_name_to_profit = dict()
        map_class_to_name = dict()
        item_names = list()

        print("Preprocessing data for model...")

        for item in self.items:
            map_name_to_item[] = item
            map_name_to_cost[] = item.cost
            map_name_to_weight[] = item.weight
            map_name_to_profit[] = item.profit
            if item.classNumber not in map_class_to_name:
                map_class_to_name[item.classNumber] = list()

        class_numbers = list(map_class_to_name.keys())

        print("Setting model variables...")
        # binary variables =1, if use>0
        items = model.addVars(item_names, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="items")
        classes = model.addVars(class_numbers, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="class numbers")

        print("Setting model objective...")
        # maximize profit
        objective =
        model.setObjective(objective, GRB.MAXIMIZE)

        # constraints
        print("Setting model constraints")
        model.addConstr( <= self.P,"weight capacity")
        model.addConstr( <= self.M,"cost capacity")
        # if any item from a class is chosen, that class variable has to be a binary of 1
        for num in class_numbers:
            model.addGenConstrOr(classes[num], [items[x] for x in map_class_to_name[num]] ,name="class count")

        for c in self.raw_constraints:
            count = model.addVar()
            for n in c:
                if n in classes:
                    count += classes[n]
            model.addConstr(count <= 1, name="constraint")

        print("Start optimizing...")
        print("Done! ")

        # Status checking
        status = model.Status
        if status == GRB.Status.INF_OR_UNBD or \
           status == GRB.Status.INFEASIBLE  or \
           status == GRB.Status.UNBOUNDED:
            print('The model cannot be solved because it is infeasible or unbounded')

        if status != GRB.Status.OPTIMAL:
            print('Optimization was stopped with status ' + str(status))
            Problem = True

            model.write("mps_model/" + self.filename + ".sol")
        except Exception as e:

        print("Generating solution file...")
        # Display solution
        solution_names = list()
        for i, v in enumerate(items):
                if items[v].X > 0.9:
            except Exception as e:

        self.M = old_M
        self.items = old_items
        solution = [map_name_to_old_item[i] for i in solution_names]
        return solution
Exemplo n.º 48
def cycle_milp(A, C, k, gap):
    n = A.shape[0]
    t_0 = time.clock()
    _ = '*'
    m = Model()
    m.modelsense = GRB.MAXIMIZE
    m.params.mipgap = gap

    cycles = []
    vars = []
    cycles_grouped = [[] for i in range(n)]
    vars_grouped = [[] for i in range(n)]

    print('[%.1f] Generating variables...' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    print('i = ', end='')
    for i in range(n):
        for cycle in dfs_cycles(i, A, k):
            w = sum([2 if j in C else 1 for j in cycle])
            var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, obj=w)
            for j in cycle:
                if j > i:
        if (i + 1) % 10 == 0:
            print(i + 1)


    print('[%.1f] Generated variables...' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    print('[%.1f] Generating constraints...' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    for i in range(n):
        vars_i = vars_grouped[i]
        lhs = LinExpr()
        ones = [1.0]*len(vars_i)
        lhs.addTerms(ones, vars_i)
        m.addConstr(lhs <= 1.0)

    print('[%.1f] Generated constraints...' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    print('[%.1f] Begin Optimizing %d vertex %d cycle model' % (time.clock() - t_0, n, len(cycles)))


    print('[%.1f] Finished Optimizing' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    print('[%.1f] Building cycles...' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    final_cycles = []

    for i in range(len(vars)):
        var = vars[i]
        if var.x == 1.0:
            cycle = cycles[i]

    print('[%.1f] Finished building cycles' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    return final_cycles, m.objval
Exemplo n.º 49
class SolveSC1GuMIP:
    Solve the initial marking problem optimally using Guroby (it must be install).
    The computation time can be quite long for big instances.

    def __init__(self, dataflow, verbose, lp_filename):
        self.dataflow = dataflow
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.lp_filename = lp_filename

        self.col_v = {}  # dict use for storing gamma's variable column
        self.col_m0 = {}  # dict use for storing bds's variable column
        self.col_fm0 = {}  # dict use for storing FM0's variable column
    def compute_initial_marking(self):
        """launch the computation. This function return the objective value of the MILP problem
        The initial marking of the graph in parameter is modify.
        self.__init_prob()  # Modify parameters
        self.__create_col()  # Add Col on prob
        self.__create_row()  # Add Row (constraint) on prob
        self.__create_obj()  # Add objectif function
        self.__solve_prob()  # Launch the solver and set preload of the graph
        del self.prob  # Del prob
        return self.Z  # Return the total amount find by the solver

    def __init_prob(self):  # Modify parameters"Generating initial marking problem")
        self.prob = Model("SC1_MIP")

        # Gurobi parameters:
        if not self.verbose:
            self.prob.params.OutputFlag = 0
            except OSError:
        self.prob.params.Threads = 2
        self.prob.params.intfeastol = 0.000001

    def __create_col(self):  # Add Col on prob
        # Create column bds (M0)
        for arc in self.dataflow.get_arc_list():

        # Create column bds (FM0)
        for arc in self.dataflow.get_arc_list():

        # Create column lambda (v)
        for task in self.dataflow.get_task_list():
            phase_count = self.__get_range_phases(task)
            for i in xrange(phase_count):
                self.__add_col_v(str(task) + "/" + str(i))

        # Integrate new variables

    def __create_row(self):  # Add Row (constraint) on prob
        #                       Constraint FM0*step - M0 = 0                   #
        for arc in self.dataflow.get_arc_list():
            if not self.dataflow.is_arc_reentrant(arc):
                arc_gcd = self.dataflow.get_gcd(arc)
                self.__add_frow(arc, arc_gcd)

        #                       Constraint u-u'+M0 >= W1+1                     #
        for arc in self.dataflow.get_arc_list():
            source = self.dataflow.get_source(arc)
            target = self.dataflow.get_target(arc)
            if not self.dataflow.is_arc_reentrant(arc):
                range_source = self.__get_range_phases(source)
                range_target = self.__get_range_phases(target)
                prod_list = self.__get_prod_rate_list(arc)
                cons_list = self.__get_cons_rate_list(arc)
                if self.dataflow.is_pcg:
                    threshold_list = self.__get_threshold_list(arc)
                arc_gcd = self.dataflow.get_gcd(arc)

                pred_prod = 0
                for sourcePhase in xrange(range_source):  # source/prod/out normaux
                    if sourcePhase > 0:
                        pred_prod += prod_list[sourcePhase - 1]

                    pred_cons = 0
                    cons = 0
                    for targetPhase in xrange(range_target):  # target/cons/in normaux
                        cons += cons_list[targetPhase]
                        if targetPhase > 0:
                            pred_cons += cons_list[targetPhase - 1]

                        w = cons - pred_prod - arc_gcd
                        if self.dataflow.is_pcg:
                            w += pred_cons + threshold_list[targetPhase] - cons

                        str_v1 = str(source) + "/" + str(sourcePhase)
                        str_v2 = str(target) + "/" + str(targetPhase)

                        self.__add_row(str_v1, str_v2, arc, w)
        # END FILL ROW

    def __create_obj(self):
        obj = QuadExpr()

        for arc in self.dataflow.get_arc_list():
            obj += self.col_m0[arc]
        self.prob.setObjective(obj, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    def __solve_prob(self):  # Launch the solver and set preload of the graph"loading matrix ...")

        if self.lp_filename is not None:
            problem_location = str(self.prob.write(self.lp_filename))
  "Writing problem: " + str(problem_location))"solving problem ...")
        self.prob.optimize()"Integer solving done !")

        self.Z = self.prob.objVal

        for arc in self.dataflow.get_arc_list():
            if not self.dataflow.is_arc_reentrant(arc):
                self.dataflow.set_initial_marking(arc, int(self.col_m0[arc].x))"SC1 MIP Mem tot (no reentrant): " + str(self.Z))

    # Add a variable lamda
    def __add_col_v(self, name):
        var = self.prob.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name=name)
        self.col_v[name] = var

    # Add a variable M0
    def __add_col_m0(self, arc):
        var = self.prob.addVar(lb=0, vtype=GRB.INTEGER)
        self.col_m0[arc] = var

    # Add a variable FM0
    def __add_col_fm0(self, arc):
        var = self.prob.addVar(lb=0, vtype=GRB.INTEGER)
        self.col_fm0[arc] = var

    # Add a constraint: lambda1 - lambda2 + M0 > W1
    def __add_row(self, str_v1, str_v2, arc, w):
        expr = LinExpr()
        if not self.dataflow.is_arc_reentrant(arc):
            expr += self.col_v[str_v1]
            expr -= self.col_v[str_v2]
        expr += self.col_m0[arc]

        self.prob.addConstr(expr, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, w + 0.00001)

    # Add a constraint: FM0*step = M0
    def __add_frow(self, arc, step):
        expr = LinExpr()
        expr += self.col_fm0[arc]*float(step)
        expr -= self.col_m0[arc]
        self.prob.addConstr(expr, GRB.EQUAL, 0)

    def __get_range_phases(self, task):
        if self.dataflow.is_sdf:
            return 1
        range_task = self.dataflow.get_phase_count(task)
        if self.dataflow.is_pcg:
            range_task += self.dataflow.get_ini_phase_count(task)
        return range_task

    def __get_prod_rate_list(self, arc):
        if self.dataflow.is_sdf:
            return [self.dataflow.get_prod_rate(arc)]
        prod_list = self.dataflow.get_prod_rate_list(arc)
        if self.dataflow.is_pcg:
            prod_list = self.dataflow.get_ini_prod_rate_list(arc) + prod_list
        return prod_list

    def __get_cons_rate_list(self, arc):
        if self.dataflow.is_sdf:
            return [self.dataflow.get_cons_rate(arc)]
        cons_list = self.dataflow.get_cons_rate_list(arc)
        if self.dataflow.is_pcg:
            cons_list = self.dataflow.get_ini_cons_rate_list(arc) + cons_list
        return cons_list

    def __get_threshold_list(self, arc):
        return self.dataflow.get_ini_threshold_list(arc) + self.dataflow.get_threshold_list(arc)
def build_model(data, n_cliques = 0, verbose = True):
    # Load Data Format
    n = data['n']
    r = data['r']
    p = data['p']
    s = data['s']
    c = data['c']
    h = data['h']
    w = data['w']
    location = data['location']
    conflicts = data['conflicts']
    locking_times = data['locking_times']
    T = data['T']
    model = Model("ExaminationScheduling")
    if verbose:
        print("Building variables...")
    # x[i,k,l] = 1 if exam i is at time l in room k
    x = {}
    for k in range(r):
        for l in range(p):
            if T[k][l] == 1:
                for i in range(n):
                    if location[k] in w[i]:
                        x[i,k,l] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x_%s_%s_%s" % (i,k,l))
    # y[i,l] = 1 if exam i is at time l
    y = {}
    for i in range(n):
        for l in range(p):
            y[i, l] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y_%s_%s" % (i,l))

    # integrate new variables

    start = timeit.default_timer()

    # not very readable but same constraints as in GurbiLinear_v_10: speeded up model building by 2 for small problems (~400 exams) and more for huger problem ~1500 exams
    if verbose:
        print("Building constraints...")    
    obj = LinExpr()
    sumconflicts = {}
    maxrooms = {}
    for i in range(n):
        sumconflicts[i] = sum(conflicts[i])
        if s[i] <= 50:
            maxrooms[i] = 1
        elif s[i] <= 100:
            maxrooms[i] = 2
        elif s[i] <= 400:
            maxrooms[i] = 7
        elif s[i] <= 700:
            maxrooms[i] = 9
            maxrooms[i] = 12
        c2 = LinExpr()
        c4 = LinExpr()
        for l in range(p):
            c1 = LinExpr()
            c1 = LinExpr()
            c3 = LinExpr()
            for k in range(r):
                if T[k][l] == 1 and location[k] in w[i]:
                    c1.addTerms(1, x[i, k, l])
            obj += c1
            model.addConstr(c1 <= maxrooms[i]* y[i,l], "c1a")
            model.addConstr(c1 >= y[i,l], "C1b")

            for j in conflicts[i]:
            model.addConstr(c3 <= (1 - y[i,l])*sumconflicts[i], "c3")

        model.addConstr( c2 == 1 , "c2")
        model.addConstr(c4 >= s[i], "c4")

    sumrooms = {}
    for l in range(p):
        sumrooms[l] = 0
        cover_inequalities = LinExpr()
        for k in range(r):   
            if T[k][l] == 1:
                sumrooms[l] += 1
                c5 = LinExpr()
                for i in range(n):
                    if location[k] in w[i]:
                model.addConstr( c5 <= 1, "c5")  
                cover_inequalities += c5
        model.addConstr(cover_inequalities <= sumrooms[l], "cover_inequalities")

    model.setObjective( obj, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    print timeit.default_timer()-start

    if verbose:
        print("All constrained and objective built - OK")


    if not verbose:
        model.params.OutputFlag = 0
    # Set Parameters
    #print("Setting Parameters...")
    # max presolve agressivity
    #model.params.presolve = 2
    # Choosing root method 3= concurrent = run barrier and dual simplex in parallel
    #model.params.method = 1
    #model.params.MIPFocus = 1

    model.params.OutputFlag = 1
    model.params.Method = 3

    # cuts
    model.params.cuts = 0
    model.params.cliqueCuts = 0
    model.params.coverCuts = 0
    model.params.flowCoverCuts = 0
    model.params.FlowPathcuts = 0
    model.params.GUBCoverCuts = 0
    model.params.impliedCuts = 0
    model.params.MIPSepCuts = 0
    model.params.MIRCuts = 0
    model.params.ModKCuts = 0
    model.params.NetworkCuts = 2
    model.params.SUBMIPCuts = 0
    model.params.ZeroHalfCuts = 0

    model.params.TimeLimit = 30

    # # Tune the model
    # model.tune()

    # if model.tuneResultCount > 0:

    #     # Load the best tuned parameters into the model
    #     model.getTuneResult(0)

    #     # Write tuned parameters to a file
    #     model.write('tune1.prm')

    # return
Exemplo n.º 51
    def generateInstance(self):
        # Check that store has been intialized correctly
        if not all([x in for x in ["Timehorizon", "h", "K", "a", "d", "s", "st"]]):
            logging.error('Store is not initialized correctly. Check for completeness of input-file.')
            return None

        model = Model("LotSolver")

        tHor =["Timehorizon"]
        nPr =["nProducts"]

        timeRange = range(1, tHor + 1)
        prodRange = range(1, nPr + 1)

        # Assume that production of products costs at least 1h, so a max of K products can be produced per period
        bigM = max(["K"])

        # generate Variables
        # boolean production
        bx = {}
        # lager
        l = {}
        # production
        x = {}
        for t in timeRange:
            for p in prodRange:
                x[p, t] = model.addVar(name="x_%d_%d" % (p, t), vtype="i")
                bx[p, t] = model.addVar(name="bx_%d_%d" % (p, t), vtype="b")
        for t in range(0, tHor + 1):
            for p in prodRange:
                l[p, t] = model.addVar(name="l_%d_%d" % (p, t), vtype="i", obj=float(["h"][p-1]))

        # switch costs
        s = {}
        for t in range(0, tHor+1):
            for p1 in prodRange:
                for p2 in prodRange:
                    # Switching to the same product does not cost anything - even if the file may say otherwise
                    objective = float(["s"][p1-1][p2-1]) if p1 != p2 else 0
                    s[p1, p2, t] = model.addVar(name="s_%d_%d_%d" % (p1, p2, t), vtype="b", obj=objective)

        model.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

        for y in model.getVars():
            logging.debug("%s obj %s", y.varName, y.obj)

        # Constraints

        # Initially only allow a single product
        logging.debug("%s == 1", [s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == 0])
        model.addConstr(quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == 0) == 1, name="single_switch_" + str(t))

        # Only allow products in each period that actually has been switched to
        for t in timeRange:
            for p in prodRange:
                logging.debug("(%s) == %s", [s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == t and (key[1] == p or key[0] == p)], bx[p, t].varName)
                model.addConstr(quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == t and (key[1] == p or key[0] == p)) >= bx[p,t], name="single_switch_" + str(t))

                # Force bx = 1 iff x != 0
                model.addConstr(x[p,t] >= bx[p,t])
                model.addConstr(x[p,t] <= bigM * bx[p,t])

        for t in timeRange:
            # Allow only a single switch each period
            logging.debug('Single switch constraint for ' + str([s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == t]))
            model.addConstr(quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == t) == 1, name="single_switch_" + str(t))

            # Only allow connected switches between t-1 and t
            for p in prodRange:
                logging.debug('valid_switch for ' + str([s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == (t-1) and key[1] == p]) + " and " + str([s[key].varName for key in s if key[2] == t and key[0] == p]))
                model.addConstr(quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == (t-1) and key[1] == p) == quicksum(s[key] for key in s if key[2] == t and key[0] == p), 
                    name="valid_switch_%d_%d" % (p, t))

        # Machine can't be occupied for more then K hours / period
        for t in timeRange:
            logging.debug("sum {} + sum {} <= {}".format([x[key].varName + "*" + str(["a"][key[0]-1]) for key in x if key[1] == t],
                [s[key].varName + "*" + str(["st"][key[0]-1][key[1]-1]) for key in s if key[2] == t],["K"][t-1]))
            model.addConstr(quicksum(x[key]*["a"][key[0]-1] for key in x if key[1] == t) + quicksum(s[key]*["st"][key[0]-1][key[1]-1] for key in s if key[2] == t) <=["K"][t-1])

        # Initial warehouse stock
        for p in prodRange:
            logging.debug("%s == %s", l[p, 0].varName,["l"][p-1])
            model.addConstr(l[p, 0] ==["l"][p-1])
        # Update warehouse stock inbetween periods + enforce demand to be met
        for t in range(1, tHor+1):
            for p in prodRange:
                logging.debug("{} = {} + {} - {}".format(l[p, t].varName, l[p, t-1].varName, x[p, t].varName,["d"][p-1][t-1]))
                model.addConstr(l[p, t] == l[p, t-1] + x[p, t] -["d"][p-1][t-1])

        # solve it

        # Debugging printouts
        for y in model.getVars():
            if y.x >= 0.001:
                logging.debug("%s = %s cost %d", y.varName, y.x, y.x*y.obj)

        for t in timeRange:
            logging.debug("%s + %s", (["{}[{}] * {}".format(x[key].x, x[key].varName,["a"][key[0]-1]) for key in x if key[1] == t]), ([str(s[key].varName) + "*" + str(["st"][key[0]-1][key[1]-1]) for key in s if key[2] == t and s[key].x >= 0.001]))           

        self.model = model
Exemplo n.º 52
def optimize(dpuv, lam, lam_triple, s, P, V, p_v_to_next_v, p_v_to_pre_v, p_list):
    model = Model("bus-flow")

    xv = {}
    for v in V:
        xv[v] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='xv[%s]' % (v), lb=0)

    xpuv = {}
    for u in V:
        for v in V:
            for p in P:
                xpuv[p, u, v] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='xpuv[%s, %s, %s]' % (p, u, v), lb=0)

    fpuv = {}
    for u in V:
        for v in V:
            for p in P:
                fpuv[p, u, v] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name='fpuv[%s, %s, %s]' % (p, u, v), lb=0)

    fpuvw = {}
    for u in V:
        for v in V:
            for w in V:
                for p in P:
                    fpuvw[p, u, v, w] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name='fpuvw[%s, %s, %s, %s]' % (p, u, v, w),

    # bound 1
    for u in V:
        for v in V:
            for p in P:
                if u in p_list[p] and v in p_list[p] and p_list[p].index(u) == 0 and u != v:
                    model.addConstr(fpuv[p, u, v] <= dpuv[p, u, v] * s)
    # bound 2
    for u in V:
        for v in V:
            for p in P:
                if u in p_list[p] and v in p_list[p] and p_list[p].index(u) == 0 and u != v:
                    model.addConstr(fpuv[p, u, v] >= dpuv[p, u, v] * s * (1 - xpuv[p, u, v]))

    # bound 3
    for u in V:
        for v in V:
            for p in P:
                for w in p_v_to_next_v[p, v]:
                    if u != w and w != v and u in p_list[p] and v in p_list[p] and p_list[p].index(u) == 0:
                        model.addConstr(fpuvw[p, u, v, w] <= s * lam_triple[p, u, v, w])

    # bound 4
    for u in V:
        for v in V:
            for p in P:
                for w in p_v_to_next_v[p, v]:
                    if u != w and w != v and u in p_list[p] and v in p_list[p] and p_list[p].index(u) == 0:
                        model.addConstr(fpuvw[p, u, v, w] >= s * lam_triple[p, u, v, w] * (1 - xpuv[p, u, v]))

    # bound 5
    for u in V:
        for p in P:
            if u in p_list[p] and p_list[p].index(u) == 0:
                model.addConstr(lam[p, u] * s * (1 - xv[u]) == quicksum(
                    fpuvw[p, u, u, w] for w in p_v_to_next_v[p, u] if u != w))

    # bound 6
    for u in V:
        for v in V:
            for p in P:
                if u in p_list[p] and v in p_list[p] and p_list[p].index(u) == 0 and u != v:
                        quicksum(fpuvw[p, u, x, v] * (1 - xv[v]) for x in p_v_to_pre_v[p, v]) ==
                        fpuv[p, u, v] + quicksum(fpuvw[p, u, v, w] for w in p_v_to_next_v[p, v])

    # bound 7
    for u in V:
        for v in V:
            for p in P:
                if u in p_list[p] and v in p_list[p] and p_list[p].index(u) == 0 and u != v:
                        quicksum(xv[n] for n in p_list[p] if p_list[p].index(n) <= p_list[p].index(v)) * 9999 >= xpuv[p, u, v]

                        quicksum(xv[n] for n in p_list[p] if p_list[p].index(n) <= p_list[p].index(v)) <= xpuv[p, u, v] * 9999

    xv <= 2
    model.addConstr(quicksum(xv[v] for v in V) <= 2)

    # object
    # for u in V:
    #     for v in V:
    #         for p in P:
    #             if u in p_list[p] and v in p_list[p] and p_list[p].index(u) == 0 and u != v and p_list[p].index(v) == len(p_list[p]) - 1:
    model.setObjective(quicksum(xpuv[p, u, v] * dpuv[p, u, v] for u in V for v in V for p in P if u in p_list[p] and v in p_list[p] and p_list[p].index(u) == 0 and u != v and p_list[p].index(v) == len(p_list[p]) - 1), GRB.MAXIMIZE)

    model.params.OutputFlag = 0

    if model.status == GRB.status.OPTIMAL:
        print("Opt.value = ", model.ObjVal)
        res = model.getVars()
        for i in res:
            if i.x > 0:
                print(i.varName, i.x)
Exemplo n.º 53
def create_model():
  Funcion que crea modelo de optimizacion de multiples posiciones sin descomposicion
  start_date = args.start_date
  filepath = args.filepath
  time_limit = args.time_limit
  mip_focus = args.mip_focus
  mip_gap = args.mip_gap

  m = Model("SSTPA V3")

  m.setParam('TimeLimit', time_limit)
  m.setParam('MIPFocus', mip_focus)
  m.setParam('MIPGap', mip_gap)

  # Parse params dict to variables
  params = parse_params(filepath, start_date)

  N = params['N']
  F = params['F']
  S = params['S']
  I = params['I']
  R = params['R']
  L = params['L']
  M = 10 ** 10
  EL = params['EL']
  EV = params['EV']
  PI = params['PI']

  # * VARIABLES * #

  # x_nf: x[partido, fecha]
  # 1 si el partido n se programa finalmente
  # en la fecha f
  # 0 en otro caso.
  x = m.addVars(N, F, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x")

  # y_is: y[equipo][patron_localias]
  # 1 si al equipo i se le asigna el patron
  # de localias s
  # 0 en otro caso
  y = {i: m.addVars(S[i], vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y") for i in I}

  # p_jilf: P[equipo, equipo, fecha, fecha]
  # discreta, cant de puntos del equipo j al finalizar la fecha f
  # con la info de los resultados hasta la fecha l inclusive
  # en el MEJOR conjunto de resultados futuros para el equipo i
  p_m = m.addVars(I, I, F, F, vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="p_m")

  # p_jilf: P[equipo, equipo, fecha, fecha]
  # discreta, cant de puntos del equipo j al finalizar la fecha f
  # con la info de los resultados hasta la fecha l inclusive
  # en el PEOR conjunto de resultados futuros para el equipo i
  p_p = m.addVars(I, I, F, F, vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="p_p")

  # v_nilf : v[partido, equipo, fecha, fecha]
  # binaria,  1 si el equipo local gana el partido n
  # de la fecha f teniendo informacion finalizada la fecha l
  # en el MEJOR conjunto de resultados futuros para el equipo i
  v_m = m.addVars(N, I, F, F, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="v_m")

  # v_nilf : v[partido, equipo, fecha, fecha]
  # binaria,  1 si el equipo local gana el partido n
  # de la fecha f teniendo informacion finalizada la fecha l
  # en el MEJOR conjunto de resultados futuros para el equipo i
  v_p = m.addVars(N, I, F, F, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="v_p")

  # a_nilf: a[partido,equipo,fecha,fecha]
  # 1 si el equipo visitante gana el partido n de la fecha f
  # teniendo información finalizada la fecha l
  # en el MEJOR conjunto de resultados para el equipo i
  a_m = m.addVars(N, I, F, F, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="a_m")

  # a_nilf: a[partido,equipo,fecha,fecha]
  # 1 si el equipo visitante gana el partido n de la fecha f
  # teniendo información finalizada la fecha l
  # en el PEOR conjunto de resultados para el equipo i
  a_p = m.addVars(N, I, F, F, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="a_p")

  # e_nilf: e[partido,equipo,fecha,fecha]
  # binaria, toma el valor 1 si se empata el
  # partido n de la fecha f, con la info
  # de los resultados hasta la fecha l inclusive
  # en el MEJOR conjunto de resultados futuros para el euqipo i
  e_m = m.addVars(N, I, F, F, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="e_m")

  # e_nilf: e[partido,equipo,fecha,fecha]
  # binaria, toma el valor 1 si se empata el
  # partido n de la fecha f, con la info
  # de los resultados hasta la fecha l inclusive
  # en el PEOR- conjunto de resultados futuros para el euqipo i
  e_p = m.addVars(N, I, F, F, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="e_p")

  # alfa_jil : alfa[equipo,equipo,fecha]
  # binaria, toma el valor 1 si el equipo j termina con menos puntos
  # que el equipo i en el
  # MEJOR conjunto de
  # resultados futuros para el equipo i considerando que
  # se está en la fecha l
  alfa_m = m.addVars(I, I, F, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="alfa_m")

  # alfa_jil : alfa[equipo,equipo,fecha]
  # binaria, toma el valor 1 si el equipo j tiene termina
  # con menos puntos que el equipo i, en el PEOR conjunto de
  # resultados futuros para el equipo i considerando que
  # se está en la fecha l
  alfa_p = m.addVars(I, I, F, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="alfa_p")

  # beta_il: beta[equipo,fecha]
  # discreta, indica la mejor posicion
  # que puede alcanzar el equipo i al final del 
  # torneo, mirando desde la fecha l en el MEJOR
  # conjunto de resultados futuros para el equipo i
  beta_m = m.addVars(I, F, vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="beta_m")

  # beta_il: beta[equipo, fecha]
  # discreta, indica la mejor posicion
  # que puede alcanzar el equipo i al final del 
  # torneo, mirando desde la fecha l en el PEOR
  # conjunto de resultados futuros para el equipo i
  beta_p = m.addVars(I, F, vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="beta_p")


  # R2
  for n in N:
    m.addConstr((quicksum(x[n, f] for f in F) == 1), name=f"R2-{n}")

  # R3
  for i in I:
    for f in F:
      _exp = LinExpr(quicksum(x[n, f] for n in N if EL[i][n] + EV[i][n] == 1))
      m.addConstr(_exp == 1, name=f"R3-{i}-{f}")

  # R4
  m.addConstrs((quicksum(y[i][s] for s in S[i]) == 1 for i in I), name="R4")

  # R6
  for f in F:
    for i in I:
      _exp1 = LinExpr(quicksum(x[n, f] for n in N if EL[i][n] == 1))
      _exp2 = LinExpr(quicksum(y[i][s] for s in S[i] if L[s][f] == 1))
      m.addConstr(_exp1 == _exp2, name=f"R6-{f}-{i}")

  # R7
  for f in F:
    for i in I:
      _exp1 = LinExpr(quicksum(x[n, f] for n in N if EV[i][n] == 1))
      _exp2 = LinExpr(quicksum(y[i][s] for s in S[i] if L[s][f] == 0))
      m.addConstr(_exp1 == _exp2, name=f"R7-{f}-{i}")

  # R8
  for n in N:
    for i in I:
      for f in F:
        for l in F:
          if f > l:
            _exp = LinExpr(v_m[n, i, l, f] + e_m[n, i, l, f] + a_m[n, i, l, f])
            m.addConstr(x[n, f] == _exp, name=f"R8-{n}-{i}-{f}-{l}")

  # R8
  for n in N:
    for i in I:
      for f in F:
        for l in F:
          if f > l:
            _exp = LinExpr(v_p[n, i, l, f] + e_p[n, i, l, f] + a_p[n, i, l, f])
            m.addConstr(x[n, f] == _exp, name=f"R9-{n}-{i}-{f}-{l}")

  # R10
  for j in I:
    for i in I:
      for f in F:
        for l in F:
          _exp1 = LinExpr(quicksum(quicksum(R[j][n] * x[n, theta]
                                   for n in N if EL[j][n] + EV[j][n] == 1)
                          for theta in F if theta <= l))
          _exp2 = LinExpr(quicksum(quicksum(3 * v_m[n, i, l, theta]
                                   for theta in F if theta > l and theta <= f)
                          for n in N if EL[j][n] == 1))
          _exp3 = LinExpr(quicksum(quicksum(3 * a_m[n, i, l, theta]
                                   for theta in F if theta > l and theta <= f)
                          for n in N if EV[j][n] == 1))
          _exp4 = LinExpr(quicksum(quicksum(e_m[n, i, l, theta]
                                   for theta in F if theta > l and theta <= f)
                          for n in N if EL[j][n] + EV[j][n] == 1))
          m.addConstr(p_m[j, i, l, f] == PI[j] + _exp1 + _exp2 + _exp3 + _exp4,

  # R10
  for j in I:
    for i in I:
      for f in F:
        for l in F:
          _exp1 = LinExpr(quicksum(quicksum(R[j][n] * x[n, theta]
                                   for n in N if EL[j][n] + EV[j][n] == 1)
                          for theta in F if theta <= l))
          _exp2 = LinExpr(quicksum(quicksum(3 * v_p[n, i, l, theta]
                                   for theta in F if theta > l and theta <= f)
                          for n in N if EL[j][n] == 1))
          _exp3 = LinExpr(quicksum(quicksum(3 * a_p[n, i, l, theta]
                                   for theta in F if theta > l and theta <= f)
                          for n in N if EV[j][n] == 1))
          _exp4 = LinExpr(quicksum(quicksum(e_p[n, i, l, theta]
                                   for theta in F if theta > l and theta <= f)
                          for n in N if EL[j][n] + EV[j][n] == 1))
          m.addConstr(p_p[j, i, l, f] == PI[j] + _exp1 + _exp2 + _exp3 + _exp4,

  # R12
  for l in F:
    for i in I:
      for j in I:
        if j != i:
          m.addConstr(M - M * alfa_m[j, i, l] >= 1 + p_m[j, i, l, F[-1]] - p_m[i, i, l, F[-1]],

  # R13
  for l in F:
    for i in I:
      for j in I:
        if j != i:
          m.addConstr(M * alfa_p[j, i, l] >= 1 + p_p[j, i, l, F[-1]] - p_p[i, i, l, F[-1]],

  # R14
  for i in I:
    for l in F:
      _exp = LinExpr(quicksum(alfa_m[j, i, l] for j in I if i != j))
      m.addConstr(beta_m[i, l] == len(I) - _exp, name=f"R14-{i}-{l}")

  # R15
  for i in I:
    for l in F:
      _exp = LinExpr(quicksum(alfa_p[j, i, l] for j in I if i != j))
      m.addConstr(beta_p[i, l] == len(I) - _exp, name=f"R15-{i}-{l}")


  _obj = quicksum(quicksum(beta_p[i, l] - beta_m[i, l] for i in I) for l in F)
  m.setObjective(_obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE)

  return m
Exemplo n.º 54
                  name="Empleado trabaja ")  # W_k_d en el modelo
O = model.addVars(I, E, D, Hs, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="Realiza proceso ")
L = model.addVars(I, D, vtype=GRB.INTEGER,
                  name="Cantidad extra vendida ", lb=0)

# Llama a update para agregar las variables al modelo

# Restricciones

# 1. No superar presupuesto
model.addConstr((quicksum(quicksum(Y[m, d] * theta[m]
                                   for m in M) for d in D) + quicksum(quicksum(S[k, d] * t[k]['sueldo'] for k in K)for d in D) +
                 quicksum(Z[d] * xi for d in D) + gamma +
                 quicksum(quicksum(quicksum(mu[p][j] * F[j, p, d]
                                            for p in P)for j in J)for d in D)) <= PR)

# 2. Satisfaccion demanda y conservacion de flujo
# Primer dia

model.addConstrs((X[i, d] + H[i, d] >= quicksum(delta[c, i, d] for c in C if (c, i, d) in delta)
                  for d in D
                  for i in I
                  ), name="demanda")

model.addConstrs((X["regulador", d] + H["regulador", d] == quicksum(delta[c, "regulador", d] for c in C if (c, i, d) in delta)
                  for d in D
                  ), name="demanda")
Exemplo n.º 55
def constantino(A, C, k, gap):
    Polynomial-sized CCMcP Edge-Extended Model
    See Constantino et al. (2013)
    t_0 = time.clock()
    _ = '*'
    m = Model()
    m.modelsense = GRB.MAXIMIZE
    m.params.mipgap = gap
    # m.params.timelimit = 60 * 60
    # m.params.nodefilestart = 1.0
    # m.params.nodefiledir = './.nodefiledir'
    # m.params.presparsify = 0
    # m.params.presolve = 0

    n = A.shape[0]
    vars = {}
    edges = tuplelist()

    print('[%.1f] Generating variables...' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    # Variables
    for l in range(n):
        for i in range(l, n):
            for j in range(l, n):
                if A[i, j] == 1:
                    e = (l, i, j)
                    w = 2 if j in C else 1
                    var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, obj=w)
                    vars[e] = var

        if l % 100 == 0 and l != 0:
            print('[%.1f] l = %d' % (time.clock() - t_0, l))


    print('[%.1f] Generated variables' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    print('[%.1f] Adding flow constraints...' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    # Constraint (2): Flow in = Flow out
    for l in range(n):
        for i in range(l, n):
            # Flow in
            lhs_vars = [vars[e] for e in, _, i)]
            ones = [1.0]*len(lhs_vars)
            lhs = LinExpr()
            lhs.addTerms(ones, lhs_vars)

            # Flow out
            rhs_vars = [vars[e] for e in, i, _)]
            ones = [1.0]*len(rhs_vars)
            rhs = LinExpr()
            rhs.addTerms(ones, rhs_vars)

            # Flow in = Flow out
            m.addConstr(lhs == rhs)

        if l % 100 == 0 and l != 0:
            print('[%.1f] l = %d' % (time.clock() - t_0, l))

    print('[%.1f] Added flow constraints' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    print('[%.1f] Adding cycle vertex constraints...' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    # Constraint (3): Use a vertex only once per cycle
    for i in range(n):
        c_vars = [vars[e] for e in, i, _)]
        ones = [1.0]*len(c_vars)
        expr = LinExpr()
        expr.addTerms(ones, c_vars)
        m.addConstr(expr <= 1.0)

        if i % 100 == 0 and i != 0:
            print('[%.1f] V_i = %d' % (time.clock() - t_0, i))

    print('[%.1f] Added cycle vertex constraints' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    print('[%.1f] Adding cycle cardinality constraints...' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    # Constraint (4): Limit cardinality of cycles to k
    for l in range(n):
        c_vars = [vars[e] for e in, _, _)]
        ones = [1.0]*len(c_vars)
        expr = LinExpr()
        expr.addTerms(ones, c_vars)
        m.addConstr(expr <= k)

        if l % 100 == 0 and l != 0:
            print('[%.1f] l = %d' % (time.clock() - t_0, l))

    print('[%.1f] Added cycle cardinality constraints' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    print('[%.1f] Adding cycle index constraints...' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    # Constraint (5): Cycle index is smallest vertex-index
    for l in range(n):
        rhs_vars = [vars[e] for e in, l, _)]
        ones = [1.0]*len(rhs_vars)
        rhs = LinExpr()
        rhs.addTerms(ones, rhs_vars)

        for i in range(l+1, n):
            lhs_vars = [vars[e] for e in, i, _)]
            if len(lhs_vars) > 0:
                ones = [1.0]*len(lhs_vars)
                lhs = LinExpr()
                lhs.addTerms(ones, lhs_vars)

                m.addConstr(lhs <= rhs)

        if l % 100 == 0 and l != 0:
            print('[%.1f] l = %d' % (time.clock() - t_0, l))

    print('[%.1f] Added cycle index constraints...' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    print('[%.1f] Begin Optimizing %d vertex model' % (time.clock() - t_0, n))


    print('[%.1f] Finished Optimizing' % (time.clock() - t_0))
    print('[%.1f] Building cycles...' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    cycles = []
    for l in range(n):
        c_edges = [(e[1], e[2]) for e in, _, _) if vars[e].x == 1.0]

    print('[%.1f] Finished building cycles' % (time.clock() - t_0))

    return cycles, m.objval
Exemplo n.º 56
def populate_dual_subproblem(data):
    Function that populates the Benders Dual Subproblem, as suggested by the
    paper "Minimal Infeasible Subsystems and Bender's cuts" by Fischetti,
    Salvagnin and Zanette.
    :param data:        Problem data structure
    :param upper_cost:  Link setup decisions fixed in the master
    :param flow_cost:   This is the cost of the continuous variables of the
                        master problem, as explained in the paper
    :return:            Numpy array of Gurobi model objects

    # Gurobi model objects
    subproblems = np.empty(
        shape=(data.periods, data.commodities), dtype=object)

    # Construct model for period/commodity 0.
    # Then, copy this and change the coefficients
    subproblem = Model('subproblem_(0,0)')

    # Ranges we are going to need
    arcs, periods, commodities, nodes = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(
        data.periods), xrange(data.commodities), xrange(data.nodes)

    # Other data
    demand, var_cost = data.demand, data.variable_cost

    # Origins and destinations of commodities
    origins, destinations =, data.destinations

    # We use arrays to store variable indexes and variable objects. Why use
    # both? Gurobi wont let us get the values of individual variables
    # within a callback.. We just get the values of a large array of
    # variables, in the order they were initially defined. To separate them
    # in variable categories, we will have to use index arrays
    flow_vars = np.empty_like(arcs, dtype=object)

    # Populate all variables in one loop, keep track of their indexes
    # Data for period = 0, com = 0
    for arc in arcs:
        flow_vars[arc] = subproblem.addVar(
            obj=demand[0, 0]*var_cost[arc], lb=0., ub=1., name='flow_a{}'.format(arc))

    # Add constraints
    for node in nodes:
        out_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[0] == node + 1
        in_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[1] == node + 1
        lhs = quicksum(flow_vars[out_arcs]) - quicksum(flow_vars[in_arcs])
        subproblem.addConstr(lhs == 0., name='flow_bal{}'.format(node))

    # Store variables
    subproblem._all_variables = flow_vars.tolist()

    # Set parameters
    subproblem.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    subproblem.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
    subproblem.params.threads = 2
    subproblem.params.LogFile = ""

    subproblems[0, 0] = subproblem

    for period, com in product(periods, commodities):
        if (period, com) != (0, 0):
            model = subproblem.copy()
            model.ModelName = 'subproblem_({},{})'.format(period, com)
            flow_cost = data.demand[period, com] * var_cost
            model.setObjective(LinExpr(flow_cost.tolist(), model.getVars()))
            model.setAttr('rhs', model.getConstrs(), [0.0] * data.nodes)

            model._all_variables = model.getVars()
            subproblems[period, com] = model

    return subproblems
def build_model(data, n_cliques = 0, verbose = True):
    # Load Data Format
    n = data['n']
    r = data['r']
    p = data['p']
    s = data['s']
    c = data['c']
    h = data['h']
    w = data['w']
    location = data['location']
    conflicts = data['conflicts']
    locking_times = data['locking_times']
    T = data['T']
    model = Model("ExaminationScheduling")
    if verbose:
        print("Building variables...")
    # x[i,k,l] = 1 if exam i is at time l in room k
    x = {}
    for k in range(r):
        for l in range(p):
            if T[k][l] == 1:
                for i in range(n):
                    if location[k] in w[i]:
                        x[i,k,l] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x_%s_%s_%s" % (i,k,l))
    # y[i,l] = 1 if exam i is at time l
    y = {}
    for i in range(n):
        for l in range(p):
            y[i, l] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y_%s_%s" % (i,l))

    # integrate new variables

    start = timeit.default_timer()
    # adding constraints as found in MidTerm.pdf
    if verbose:
        print("Building constraints...")    
    if verbose:
        print("c1: connecting variables x and y")
    for i in range(n):
        for l in range(p):
            model.addConstr( quicksum([ x[i, k, l] for k in range(r) if T[k][l] == 1 and location[k] in w[i] ]) <= 12 * y[i, l], "c1a")
            model.addConstr( quicksum([ x[i, k, l] for k in range(r) if T[k][l] == 1 and location[k] in w[i] ]) >= y[i, l], "c1b")
    if verbose:
        print("c2: each exam at exactly one time")
    for i in range(n):
        model.addConstr( quicksum([ y[i, l] for l in range(p) ]) == 1 , "c2")

    Idea:   -instead of saving a conflict Matrix, save Cliques of exams that cannot be written at the same time
            -then instead of saying of one exam is written in a given period all conflicts cannot be written in the same period we could say
            -for all exams in a given clique only one can be written
    if verbose:
        print("c3: avoid conflicts")
    for i in range(n):
        for l in range(p):
            # careful!! Big M changed!
            model.addConstr(quicksum([ y[j,l] for j in conflicts[i] ]) <= (1 - y[i, l]) * sum(conflicts[i]), "c3")
    if verbose:
        print("c4: seats for all students")
    for i in range(n):
        model.addConstr( quicksum([ x[i, k, l] * c[k] for k in range(r) for l in range(p) if T[k][l] == 1 and location[k] in w[i] ]) >= s[i], "c4")
    if verbose:
        print("c5: only one exam per room per period")
    for k in range(r):
        for l in range(p):
            if T[k][l] == 1:
                model.addConstr( quicksum([ x[i, k, l] for i in range(n) if location[k] in w[i] ]) <= 1, "c5")    

    if verbose:
        print("All constrained built - OK")


    # objective: minimize number of used rooms
    if verbose:
        print("Building Objective...")
    obj1 = quicksum([ x[i,k,l] for i,k,l in itertools.product(range(n), range(r), range(p)) if T[k][l] == 1 and location[k] in w[i]]) 

    model.setObjective( obj1, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    print timeit.default_timer()-start

    if not verbose:
        model.params.OutputFlag = 0
    # Set Parameters
    #print("Setting Parameters...")
    # max presolve agressivity
    #model.params.presolve = 2
    # Choosing root method 3= concurrent = run barrier and dual simplex in parallel
    #model.params.method = 1
    #model.params.MIPFocus = 1
    #model.params.cuts = 0
    model.params.OutputFlag = 1

    # # Tune the model
    # model.tune()

    # if model.tuneResultCount > 0:

    #     # Load the best tuned parameters into the model
    #     model.getTuneResult(0)

    #     # Write tuned parameters to a file
    #     model.write('tune1.prm')

    # return
Exemplo n.º 58
def populate_master(data, open_arcs=None):
    Function that populates the Benders Master problem
    :param data:   Problem data structure
    :param open_arcs: If given, it is a MIP start feasible solution
    :rtype:        Gurobi model object
    master = Model('master-model')
    arcs, periods = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(data.periods)
    commodities = xrange(data.commodities)
    graph, origins, destinations = data.graph,, data.destinations
    variables = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.arcs.size), dtype=object)
    bin_vars_idx = np.empty_like(variables, dtype=int)
    continuous_variables = np.empty(
        shape=(len(periods), len(commodities)), dtype=object)
    cont_vars_idx = np.empty_like(continuous_variables, dtype=int)

    start_given = open_arcs is not None
    count = 0

    # length of shortest path, shortest path itself
    arc_com, arc_obj = [], []
    lbs = [shortest_path_length(
        graph, origins[com], destinations[com], 'weight') for com in commodities]
    sps = [shortest_path(
        graph, origins[com], destinations[com], 'weight') for com in commodities]
    # resolve sp by removing one arc, check the increase in value
    for com in commodities:
        incr, best_arc = 0., 0
        for n1, n2 in zip(sps[com], sps[com][1:]):
            weight = graph[n1][n2]['weight']
            graph[n1][n2]['weight'] = 10000. * weight
            spl = shortest_path_length(
                graph, origins[com], destinations[com], 'weight')
            if spl > incr:
                 incr = spl
                 best_arc = graph[n1][n2]['arc_id']
            graph[n1][n2]['weight'] = weight

    # Add variables
    for period in periods:
        for arc in arcs:
            # Binary arc variables
            variables[period, arc] = master.addVar(
                vtype=GRB.BINARY, obj=data.fixed_cost[period, arc],
                name='arc_open{}_{}'.format(period, arc))
            bin_vars_idx[period, arc] = count
            count += 1
        for com in commodities:
            lb = lbs[com] * data.demand[period, com]
            # Continuous flow_cost variables (eta)
            continuous_variables[period, com] = master.addVar(
                lb=lb, obj=1., vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name='flow_cost{}'.format(
                    (period, com)))
            cont_vars_idx[period, com] = count
            count += 1

    # If feasible solution is given, use it as a start
    if start_given:
        for period in periods:
            for arc in arcs:
                # variables[period, arc].start = open_arcs[period, arc]
                variables[period, arc].VarHintVal = open_arcs[period, arc]
                variables[period, arc].VarHintPri = 1

    # Add constraints
    # Add Origin - Destination Cuts for each Commodity
    cuts_org, cuts_dest = set(), set()
    for commodity in commodities:
        arc_origin =[commodity]
        arc_destination = data.destinations[commodity]
        if arc_origin not in cuts_org:
            out_origin = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[0] - 1 == arc_origin
                lhs=np.sum(variables[0, out_origin]), rhs=1.,
                sense=GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, name='origins_c{}'.format(commodity))
        if arc_destination not in cuts_dest:
            in_dest = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[1] - 1 == arc_destination
                lhs=np.sum(variables[0, in_dest]), rhs=1.,

    # Add that an arc can open at most once
    for arc in arcs:
            GRB.SOS_TYPE1, variables[:, arc].tolist(), list(periods)[::-1])

    # Add extra constraints for lower bound improvement
    for com in commodities:
        arc = arc_com[com]
        base_coeffs = lbs[com] - arc_obj[com]
        for period in periods:
            lhs = LinExpr()
            coeffs = [cf * data.demand[period, com]
                      for cf in [base_coeffs] * (period + 1)]
            lhs.addTerms(coeffs, variables[:period+1, arc].tolist())
            lhs.add(-continuous_variables[period, com])
            lhs.addConstant(arc_obj[com] * data.demand[period, com])
                lhs, sense=GRB.LESS_EQUAL, rhs=0,
                name='strengthening_{}{}'.format(period, com))

    master.params.LazyConstraints = 1
    # Find feasible solutions quickly, works better
    master.params.TimeLimit = 7200
    master.params.threads = 2
    master.params.BranchDir = 1
    # Store the variables inside the model, we cannot access them later!
    master._variables = np.array(master.getVars())
    master._cont_vars_idx = cont_vars_idx
    master._bin_vars_idx = bin_vars_idx
    return master
Exemplo n.º 59
def tsp_gurobi(edges):
    Modeled using GUROBI python example.
    from gurobipy import Model, GRB, quicksum

    edges = populate_edge_weights(edges)
    incoming, outgoing, nodes = node_to_edge(edges)
    idx = dict((n, i) for i, n in enumerate(nodes))
    nedges = len(edges)
    n = len(nodes)

    m = Model()

    step = lambda x: "u_{0}".format(x)
    # Create variables
    vars = {}
    for i, (a, b, w) in enumerate(edges):
        vars[i] = m.addVar(obj=w, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name=str(i))
    for u in nodes[1:]:
        u = step(u)
        vars[u] = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name=u)

    # Bounds for step variables
    for u in nodes[1:]:
        u = step(u)
        vars[u].lb = 1
        vars[u].ub = n - 1

    # Add degree constraint
    for v in nodes:
        incoming_edges = incoming[v]
        outgoing_edges = outgoing[v]
        m.addConstr(quicksum(vars[x] for x in incoming_edges) == 1)
        m.addConstr(quicksum(vars[x] for x in outgoing_edges) == 1)

    # Subtour elimination
    edge_store = dict(((idx[a], idx[b]), i) for i, (a, b, w) in enumerate(edges))

    # Given a list of edges, finds the shortest subtour
    def subtour(s_edges):
        visited = [False] * n
        cycles = []
        lengths = []
        selected = [[] for i in range(n)]
        for x, y in s_edges:
        while True:
            current = visited.index(False)
            thiscycle = [current]
            while True:
                visited[current] = True
                neighbors = [x for x in selected[current] if not visited[x]]
                if len(neighbors) == 0:
                current = neighbors[0]
            if sum(lengths) == n:
        return cycles[lengths.index(min(lengths))]

    def subtourelim(model, where):
        if where != GRB.callback.MIPSOL:
        selected = []
        # make a list of edges selected in the solution
        sol = model.cbGetSolution([model._vars[i] for i in range(nedges)])
        selected = [edges[i] for i, x in enumerate(sol) if x > .5]
        selected = [(idx[a], idx[b]) for a, b, w in selected]
        # find the shortest cycle in the selected edge list
        tour = subtour(selected)
        if len(tour) == n:
        # add a subtour elimination constraint
        c = tour
        incident = [edge_store[a, b] for a, b in pairwise(c + [c[0]])]
        model.cbLazy(quicksum(model._vars[x] for x in incident) <= len(tour) - 1)


    m._vars = vars
    m.params.LazyConstraints = 1

    selected = [v.varName for v in m.getVars() if v.x > .5]
    selected = [int(x) for x in selected if x[:2] != "u_"]
    results = sorted(x for i, x in enumerate(edges) if i in selected) \
                    if selected else None
    return results
Exemplo n.º 60
def BarycenterLinf(images):
    """ Compute the Kantorovich Wasserstein Barycenter of order 1 with Linf as ground distance """
    K = len(images)
    n = len(images[0])
    s = int(np.sqrt(n))

    def ID(x, y):
        return x * s + y

    # Build model
    m = Model()
    m.setParam(GRB.Param.Method, 2)
    m.setParam(GRB.Param.Crossover, 0)
    m.setParam(GRB.Param.NumericFocus, 1)
    m.setParam(GRB.Param.OutputFlag, 0)
    m.setAttr(GRB.Attr.ModelSense, 1)

    # Create variables
    Z = {}
    for i in range(n):
        Z[i] = m.addVar(obj=0)

    X = {}
    for k in range(K):
        for i in range(s):
            for j in range(s):
                X[k, ID(i, j)] = {}
    X[k, n] = {}

    A = []
    for k in range(K):
        for i in range(s):
            for j in range(s - 1):
                X[k, ID(i, j)][k, ID(i, j + 1)] = m.addVar(obj=1)
                X[k, ID(i, j + 1)][k, ID(i, j)] = m.addVar(obj=1)

                if k == 0:
                    A.append((ID(i, j), ID(i, j + 1)))
                    A.append((ID(i, j + 1), ID(i, j)))

        for i in range(s - 1):
            for j in range(s):
                X[k, ID(i, j)][k, ID(i + 1, j)] = m.addVar(obj=1)
                X[k, ID(i + 1, j)][k, ID(i, j)] = m.addVar(obj=1)

                if k == 0:
                    A.append((ID(i, j), ID(i + 1, j)))
                    A.append((ID(i + 1, j), ID(i, j)))

        for i in range(s - 1):
            for j in range(s - 1):
                X[k, ID(i, j)][k, ID(i + 1, j + 1)] = m.addVar(obj=1)
                X[k, ID(i + 1, j + 1)][k, ID(i, j)] = m.addVar(obj=1)
                X[k, ID(i, j + 1)][k, ID(i + 1, j)] = m.addVar(obj=1)
                X[k, ID(i + 1, j)][k, ID(i, j + 1)] = m.addVar(obj=1)

                if k == 0:
                    A.append((ID(i, j), ID(i + 1, j + 1)))
                    A.append((ID(i + 1, j + 1), ID(i, j)))
                    A.append((ID(i, j + 1), ID(i + 1, j)))
                    A.append((ID(i + 1, j), ID(i, j + 1)))

    A = tuplelist(A)


    # Flow variables
    for i in range(n):
        Fs =, '*')
        Bs ='*', i)
        for k in range(K):
                quicksum(X[k, i][k, j] for _, j in Fs) -
                quicksum(X[k, j][k, i] for j, _ in Bs) == images[k][i] - Z[i])

    m.addConstr(quicksum(Z[i] for i in range(n)) == 1.0)
    # Solve the model

    return m.getAttr(GRB.Attr.ObjVal), [Z[i].X for i in range(n)]