Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: B-Rich/h5py
 def selection(self, ref):
     """ Get the shape of the target dataspace selection referred to by *ref*
     with phil:
         from . import selections
         sid = h5r.get_region(ref, self.id)
         return selections.guess_shape(sid)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def selection(self, ref):
     """ Get the shape of the target dataspace selection referred to by *ref*
     with phil:
         from . import selections
         sid = h5r.get_region(ref, self.id)
         return selections.guess_shape(sid)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __getitem__(self, args):
        """ Read a slice from the HDF5 dataset.

        Takes slices and recarray-style field names (more than one is
        allowed!) in any order.  Obeys basic NumPy rules, including

        Also supports:

        * Boolean "mask" array indexing
        args = args if isinstance(args, tuple) else (args, )

        # Sort field indices from the rest of the args.
        names = tuple(x for x in args if isinstance(x, str))
        args = tuple(x for x in args if not isinstance(x, str))

        def strip_fields(basetype):
            """ Strip extra dtype information from special types """
            if basetype.kind == 'O':
                return numpy.dtype('O')
            if basetype.fields is not None:
                if basetype.kind in ('i', 'u'):
                    return basetype.fields['enum'][0]
                fields = []
                for name in basetype.names:
                    fff = basetype.fields[name]
                    if len(fff) == 3:
                        (subtype, offset, meta) = fff
                        subtype, meta = fff
                        offset = 0
                    subtype = strip_fields(subtype)
                    fields.append((name, subtype))
                return numpy.dtype(fields)
            return basetype

        def readtime_dtype(basetype, names):
            """ Make a NumPy dtype appropriate for reading """

            basetype = strip_fields(basetype)

            if len(names) == 0:  # Not compound, or we want all fields
                return basetype

            if basetype.names is None:  # Names provided, but not compound
                raise ValueError("Field names only allowed for compound types")

            for name in names:  # Check all names are legal
                if not name in basetype.names:
                    raise ValueError("Field %s does not appear in this type." %

            return numpy.dtype([(name, basetype.fields[name][0])
                                for name in names])

        if self._local.astype is not None:
            new_dtype = readtime_dtype(self._local.astype, names)
            # This is necessary because in the case of array types, NumPy
            # discards the array information at the top level.
            new_dtype = readtime_dtype(self.id.dtype, names)
        mtype = h5t.py_create(new_dtype)

        # === Special-case region references ====

        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], h5r.RegionReference):

            obj = h5r.dereference(args[0], self.id)
            if obj != self.id:
                raise ValueError("Region reference must point to this dataset")

            sid = h5r.get_region(args[0], self.id)
            mshape = sel.guess_shape(sid)
            if mshape is None:
                return numpy.array((0, ), dtype=new_dtype)
            if numpy.product(mshape) == 0:
                return numpy.array(mshape, dtype=new_dtype)
            out = numpy.empty(mshape, dtype=new_dtype)
            sid_out = h5s.create_simple(mshape)
            self.id.read(sid_out, sid, out, mtype)
            return out

        # === Check for zero-sized datasets =====

        if numpy.product(self.shape) == 0:
            # These are the only access methods NumPy allows for such objects
            if args == (Ellipsis, ) or args == tuple():
                return numpy.empty(self.shape, dtype=new_dtype)

        # === Scalar dataspaces =================

        if self.shape == ():
            fspace = self.id.get_space()
            selection = sel2.select_read(fspace, args)
            arr = numpy.ndarray(selection.mshape, dtype=new_dtype)
            for mspace, fspace in selection:
                self.id.read(mspace, fspace, arr, mtype)
            if len(names) == 1:
                arr = arr[names[0]]
            if selection.mshape is None:
                return arr[()]
            return arr

        # === Everything else ===================

        # Perform the dataspace selection.
        selection = sel.select(self.shape, args, dsid=self.id)

        if selection.nselect == 0:
            return numpy.ndarray(selection.mshape, dtype=new_dtype)

        # Up-converting to (1,) so that numpy.ndarray correctly creates
        # np.void rows in case of multi-field dtype. (issue 135)
        single_element = selection.mshape == ()
        mshape = (1, ) if single_element else selection.mshape
        arr = numpy.ndarray(mshape, new_dtype, order='C')

        # HDF5 has a bug where if the memory shape has a different rank
        # than the dataset, the read is very slow
        if len(mshape) < len(self.shape):
            # pad with ones
            mshape = (1, ) * (len(self.shape) - len(mshape)) + mshape

        # Perfom the actual read
        mspace = h5s.create_simple(mshape)
        fspace = selection._id
        self.id.read(mspace, fspace, arr, mtype)

        # Patch up the output for NumPy
        if len(names) == 1:
            arr = arr[names[0]]  # Single-field recarray convention
        if arr.shape == ():
            arr = numpy.asscalar(arr)
        if single_element:
            arr = arr[0]
        return arr
Exemplo n.º 4
def select(shape, args, dsid):
    """ High-level routine to generate a selection from arbitrary arguments
    to __getitem__.  The arguments should be the following:

        Shape of the "source" dataspace.

        Either a single argument or a tuple of arguments.  See below for
        supported classes of argument.
        A h5py.h5d.DatasetID instance representing the source dataset.

    Argument classes:

    Single Selection instance
        Returns the argument.

        Must be a boolean mask.  Returns a PointSelection instance.

        Returns a Selection instance.

    Indices, slices, ellipses only
        Returns a SimpleSelection instance

    Indices, slices, ellipses, lists or boolean index arrays
        Returns a FancySelection instance.
    if not isinstance(args, tuple):
        args = (args, )

    # "Special" indexing objects
    if len(args) == 1:

        arg = args[0]
        if isinstance(arg, Selection):
            if arg.shape != shape:
                raise TypeError("Mismatched selection shape")
            return arg

        elif isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
            sel = PointSelection(shape)
            return sel

        elif isinstance(arg, h5r.RegionReference):
            sid = h5r.get_region(arg, dsid)
            if shape != sid.shape:
                raise TypeError("Reference shape does not match dataset shape")

            return Selection(shape, spaceid=sid)

    for a in args:
        if not isinstance(a, slice) and a is not Ellipsis:
            except Exception:
                sel = FancySelection(shape)
                return sel

    sel = SimpleSelection(shape)
    return sel
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __getitem__(self, args):
        """ Read a slice from the HDF5 dataset.

        Takes slices and recarray-style field names (more than one is
        allowed!) in any order.  Obeys basic NumPy rules, including

        Also supports:

        * Boolean "mask" array indexing
        args = args if isinstance(args, tuple) else (args,)

        # Sort field indices from the rest of the args.
        names = tuple(x for x in args if isinstance(x, str))
        args = tuple(x for x in args if not isinstance(x, str))

        def strip_fields(basetype):
            """ Strip extra dtype information from special types """
            if basetype.kind == 'O':
                return numpy.dtype('O')
            if basetype.fields is not None:
                if basetype.kind in ('i','u'):
                    return basetype.fields['enum'][0]
                fields = []
                for name in basetype.names:
                    fff = basetype.fields[name]
                    if len(fff) == 3:
                        (subtype, offset, meta) = fff
                        subtype, meta = fff
                        offset = 0
                    subtype = strip_fields(subtype)
                    fields.append((name, subtype))
                return numpy.dtype(fields)
            return basetype

        def readtime_dtype(basetype, names):
            """ Make a NumPy dtype appropriate for reading """

            basetype = strip_fields(basetype)

            if len(names) == 0:  # Not compound, or we want all fields
                return basetype

            if basetype.names is None:  # Names provided, but not compound
                raise ValueError("Field names only allowed for compound types")

            for name in names:  # Check all names are legal
                if not name in basetype.names:
                    raise ValueError("Field %s does not appear in this type." % name)

            return numpy.dtype([(name, basetype.fields[name][0]) for name in names])

        if self._local.astype is not None:
            new_dtype = readtime_dtype(self._local.astype, names)
            # This is necessary because in the case of array types, NumPy
            # discards the array information at the top level.
            new_dtype = readtime_dtype(self.id.dtype, names)
        mtype = h5t.py_create(new_dtype)

        # === Special-case region references ====

        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], h5r.RegionReference):

            obj = h5r.dereference(args[0], self.id)
            if obj != self.id:
                raise ValueError("Region reference must point to this dataset")

            sid = h5r.get_region(args[0], self.id)
            mshape = sel.guess_shape(sid)
            if mshape is None:
                return np.array((0,), dtype=new_dtype)
            if numpy.product(mshape) == 0:
                return np.array(mshape, dtype=new_dtype)
            out = numpy.empty(mshape, dtype=new_dtype)
            sid_out = h5s.create_simple(mshape)
            self.id.read(sid_out, sid, out, mtype)
            return out

        # === Check for zero-sized datasets =====

        if numpy.product(self.shape) == 0:
            # These are the only access methods NumPy allows for such objects
            if args == (Ellipsis,) or args == tuple():
                return numpy.empty(self.shape, dtype=new_dtype)
        # === Scalar dataspaces =================

        if self.shape == ():
            fspace = self.id.get_space()
            selection = sel2.select_read(fspace, args)
            arr = numpy.ndarray(selection.mshape, dtype=new_dtype)
            for mspace, fspace in selection:
                self.id.read(mspace, fspace, arr, mtype)
            if len(names) == 1:
                arr = arr[names[0]]
            if selection.mshape is None:
                return arr[()]
            return arr

        # === Everything else ===================

        # Perform the dataspace selection.
        selection = sel.select(self.shape, args, dsid=self.id)

        if selection.nselect == 0:
            return numpy.ndarray(selection.mshape, dtype=new_dtype)

        # Up-converting to (1,) so that numpy.ndarray correctly creates
        # np.void rows in case of multi-field dtype. (issue 135)
        single_element = selection.mshape == ()
        mshape = (1,) if single_element else selection.mshape
        arr = numpy.ndarray(mshape, new_dtype, order='C')

        # HDF5 has a bug where if the memory shape has a different rank
        # than the dataset, the read is very slow
        if len(mshape) < len(self.shape):
            # pad with ones
            mshape = (1,)*(len(self.shape)-len(mshape)) + mshape

        # Perfom the actual read
        mspace = h5s.create_simple(mshape)
        fspace = selection._id
        self.id.read(mspace, fspace, arr, mtype)

        # Patch up the output for NumPy
        if len(names) == 1:
            arr = arr[names[0]]     # Single-field recarray convention
        if arr.shape == ():
            arr = numpy.asscalar(arr)
        if single_element:
            arr = arr[0]
        return arr
Exemplo n.º 6
def select(shape, args, dsid):
    """ High-level routine to generate a selection from arbitrary arguments
    to __getitem__.  The arguments should be the following:

        Shape of the "source" dataspace.

        Either a single argument or a tuple of arguments.  See below for
        supported classes of argument.
        A h5py.h5d.DatasetID instance representing the source dataset.

    Argument classes:

    Single Selection instance
        Returns the argument.

        Must be a boolean mask.  Returns a PointSelection instance.

        Returns a Selection instance.

    Indices, slices, ellipses only
        Returns a SimpleSelection instance

    Indices, slices, ellipses, lists or boolean index arrays
        Returns a FancySelection instance.
    if not isinstance(args, tuple):
        args = (args,)

    # "Special" indexing objects
    if len(args) == 1:

        arg = args[0]
        if isinstance(arg, Selection):
            if arg.shape != shape:
                raise TypeError("Mismatched selection shape")
            return arg

        elif isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
            sel = PointSelection(shape)
            return sel

        elif isinstance(arg, h5r.RegionReference):
            sid = h5r.get_region(arg, dsid)
            if shape != sid.shape:
                raise TypeError("Reference shape does not match dataset shape")
            return Selection(shape, spaceid=sid)

    for a in args:
        if not isinstance(a, slice) and a is not Ellipsis:
            except Exception:
                sel = FancySelection(shape)
                return sel
    sel = SimpleSelection(shape)
    return sel
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __getitem__(self, args, new_dtype=None):
        """ Read a slice from the HDF5 dataset.

        Takes slices and recarray-style field names (more than one is
        allowed!) in any order.  Obeys basic NumPy rules, including

        # This boilerplate code is based on h5py.Dataset.__getitem__
        args = args if isinstance(args, tuple) else (args, )

        if new_dtype is None:
            new_dtype = getattr(self._local, 'astype', None)

        # Sort field names from the rest of the args.
        names = tuple(x for x in args if isinstance(x, str))

        if names:
            # Read a subset of the fields in this structured dtype
            if len(names) == 1:
                names = names[0]  # Read with simpler dtype of this field
            args = tuple(x for x in args if not isinstance(x, str))
            return self.fields(names, _prior_dtype=new_dtype)[args]

        if new_dtype is None:
            new_dtype = self.dtype
        mtype = h5t.py_create(new_dtype)

        # === Special-case region references ====

        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], h5r.RegionReference):

            obj = h5r.dereference(args[0], self.id)
            if obj != self.id:
                raise ValueError("Region reference must point to this dataset")

            sid = h5r.get_region(args[0], self.id)
            mshape = guess_shape(sid)
            if mshape is None:
                # 0D with no data (NULL or deselected SCALAR)
                return Empty(new_dtype)
            out = np.empty(mshape, dtype=new_dtype)
            if out.size == 0:
                return out

            sid_out = h5s.create_simple(mshape)
            self.id.read(sid_out, sid, out, mtype)
            return out

        # === END CODE FROM h5py.Dataset.__getitem__ ===

        idx = ndindex(args).reduce(self.shape)

        arr = np.ndarray(idx.newshape(self.shape), new_dtype, order='C')

        for c, index in as_subchunks(idx, self.shape, self.chunks):
            if isinstance(self.id.data_dict[c], (slice, Slice, tuple, Tuple)):
                raw_idx = Tuple(self.id.data_dict[c],
                                *[slice(0, len(i)) for i in c.args[1:]]).raw
                a = self.id._read_chunk(raw_idx)
                self.id.data_dict[c] = a

            if self.id.data_dict[c].size != 0:
                arr_idx = c.as_subindex(idx)
                arr[arr_idx.raw] = self.id.data_dict[c][index.raw]

        return arr
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: B-Rich/h5py
 def shape(self, ref):
     """ Get the shape of the target dataspace referred to by *ref*. """
     with phil:
         sid = h5r.get_region(ref, self.id)
         return sid.shape
Exemplo n.º 9
 def shape(self, ref):
     """ Get the shape of the target dataspace referred to by *ref*. """
     sid = h5r.get_region(ref, self.id)
     return sid.shape