Exemplo n.º 1
    def update(self, image):
        Given current image, returns target box.
        image = np.array(image)
        if image.ndim == 2:
            image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
        # crop current and previous image at previous box location
        prev_sample, opts_prev = crop_sample({
            'image': self.prev_img,
            'bb': self.prev_box
        curr_sample, opts_curr = crop_sample({
            'image': image,
            'bb': self.prev_box
        self.opts = opts_curr
        self.curr_img = image
        curr_img = self.scale(curr_sample, opts_curr)['image']
        prev_img = self.scale(prev_sample, opts_prev)['image']
        sample = {'previmg': prev_img, 'currimg': curr_img}
        sample = self.transform_tensor(sample)

        # do forward pass to get box
        box = np.array(self._get_rect(sample))

        # update previous box and image
        self.prev_img = image
        self.prev_box = np.copy(box)

        # convert [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] box to [xmin, ymin, width, height]
        # for correct evaluation by got10k toolkit
        box[2] = box[2] - box[0]
        box[3] = box[3] - box[1]
        return box
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_sample(self, idx):
        Returns sample without transformation for visualization.

        Sample consists of resized previous and current frame with target
        which is passed to the network. Bounding box values are normalized
        between 0 and 1 with respect to the target frame and then scaled by
        factor of 10.
        opts_curr = {}
        curr_sample = {}
        curr_img = self.get_orig_sample(idx, 1)['image']
        currbb = self.get_orig_sample(idx, 1)['bb']
        prevbb = self.get_orig_sample(idx, 0)['bb']
        bbox_curr_shift = BoundingBox(prevbb[0], prevbb[1], prevbb[2],
        (rand_search_region, rand_search_location, edge_spacing_x,
         edge_spacing_y) = cropPadImage(bbox_curr_shift, curr_img)
        bbox_curr_gt = BoundingBox(currbb[0], currbb[1], currbb[2], currbb[3])
        bbox_gt_recentered = BoundingBox(0, 0, 0, 0)
        bbox_gt_recentered = bbox_curr_gt.recenter(rand_search_location,

        # get larger context
        bbox_curr_shift.kContextFactor = 4
        (rand_search_region_x2, rand_search_location_x2, edge_spacing_x_x2,
         edge_spacing_y_x2) = cropPadImage(bbox_curr_shift, curr_img)

        curr_sample['image'] = rand_search_region
        curr_sample['image_x2'] = rand_search_region_x2
        curr_sample['bb'] = bbox_gt_recentered.get_bb_list()

        # additional options for visualization
        opts_curr['edge_spacing_x'] = edge_spacing_x
        opts_curr['edge_spacing_y'] = edge_spacing_y
        opts_curr['search_location'] = rand_search_location
        opts_curr['search_region'] = rand_search_region

        # build prev sample
        prev_sample = self.get_orig_sample(idx, 0)
        prev_sample_x2 = self.get_orig_sample(idx, 0)
        prev_sample, opts_prev = crop_sample(prev_sample)
        prev_sample_x2, opts_prev_x2 = crop_sample(prev_sample_x2, 4)
        prev_sample['image_x2'] = prev_sample_x2['image']

        # scale
        scale = Rescale((self.input_size, self.input_size))
        scaled_curr_obj = scale(curr_sample, opts_curr)
        scaled_prev_obj = scale(prev_sample, opts_prev)
        training_sample = {
            'previmg': scaled_prev_obj['image'],
            'currimg': scaled_curr_obj['image'],
            'previmg_x2': scaled_prev_obj['image_x2'],
            'currimg_x2': scaled_curr_obj['image_x2'],
            'currbb': scaled_curr_obj['bb']

        return training_sample, opts_curr
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_transformed_samples(dataset, args):
    Given a dataset, it picks a random sample from it and returns a batch
    of (kGeneratedExamplesPerImage+1) samples. The batch contains true sample
    from dataset and kGeneratedExamplesPerImage samples, which are created
    artifically with augmentation by GOTURN smooth motion model.
    idx = np.random.randint(dataset.len, size=1)[0]
    # unscaled original sample (single image and bb)
    orig_sample = dataset.get_orig_sample(idx)
    # cropped scaled sample (two frames and bb)
    true_sample, _ = dataset.get_sample(idx)
    true_tensor = transform(true_sample)
    x1_batch = torch.Tensor(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage + 1, 3, input_size,
    x2_batch = torch.Tensor(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage + 1, 3, input_size,
    x1_batch_x2 = torch.Tensor(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage + 1, 3,
                               input_size * 2, input_size * 2)
    x2_batch_x2 = torch.Tensor(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage + 1, 3,
                               input_size * 2, input_size * 2)
    y_batch = torch.Tensor(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage + 1, 4)

    # initialize batch with the true sample
    x1_batch[0] = true_tensor['previmg']
    x2_batch[0] = true_tensor['currimg']
    x1_batch_x2[0] = true_tensor['previmg_x2']
    x2_batch_x2[0] = true_tensor['currimg_x2']
    y_batch[0] = true_tensor['currbb']

    scale = Rescale((input_size, input_size))
    for i in range(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage):
        sample = orig_sample
        # unscaled current image crop with box
        curr_sample, opts_curr = shift_crop_training_sample(sample, bb_params)
        # unscaled previous image crop with box
        prev_sample, opts_prev = crop_sample(sample)
        prev_sample_x2, opts_prev_x2 = crop_sample(sample, contextFactor=4)
        prev_sample['image_x2'] = prev_sample_x2['image']
        scaled_curr_obj = scale(curr_sample, opts_curr)
        scaled_prev_obj = scale(prev_sample, opts_prev)
        training_sample = {
            'previmg': scaled_prev_obj['image'],
            'currimg': scaled_curr_obj['image'],
            'previmg_x2': scaled_prev_obj['image_x2'],
            'currimg_x2': scaled_curr_obj['image_x2'],
            'currbb': scaled_curr_obj['bb']
        sample = transform(training_sample)
        x1_batch[i + 1] = sample['previmg']
        x2_batch[i + 1] = sample['currimg']
        x1_batch_x2[i + 1] = sample['previmg_x2']
        x2_batch_x2[i + 1] = sample['currimg_x2']
        y_batch[i + 1] = sample['currbb']

    return x1_batch, x2_batch, x1_batch_x2, x2_batch_x2, y_batch
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _get_sample(self, idx):
     Returns cropped previous and current frame at the previous predicted
     location. Note that the images are scaled to (224,224,3).
     prev = self.img[idx][0]
     curr = self.img[idx][1]
     prevbb = self.prev_rect
     prev_sample, opts_prev = crop_sample({'image': prev, 'bb': prevbb})
     curr_sample, opts_curr = crop_sample({'image': curr, 'bb': prevbb})
     curr_img = self.scale(curr_sample, opts_curr)['image']
     prev_img = self.scale(prev_sample, opts_prev)['image']
     sample = {'previmg': prev_img, 'currimg': curr_img}
     self.curr_img = curr
     self.opts = opts_curr
     return sample
 def _get_sample(self):
     Returns cropped previous and current frame at the previous predicted
     location. Note that the images are scaled to (224,224,3).
     prev = self.prev_img
     curr = self.curr_img
     prevbb = self._last_bbox
     prev_sample, opts_prev = crop_sample({'image': prev, 'bb': prevbb})
     curr_sample, opts_curr = crop_sample({'image': curr, 'bb': prevbb})
     prev_img = bgr2rgb(self.scale(prev_sample, opts_prev)['image'])
     curr_img = bgr2rgb(self.scale(curr_sample, opts_curr)['image'])
     sample = {'previmg': prev_img, 'currimg': curr_img}
     self.curr_img = curr
     self.opts = opts_curr
     return sample
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_transformed_samples(dataset, args):

    idx = np.random.randint(dataset.len, size=1)[0]
    # unscaled original sample (single image and bb)
    orig_sample = dataset.get_orig_sample(idx)
    # cropped scaled sample (two frames and bb)
    true_sample, _ = dataset.get_sample(idx)
    true_tensor = transform(true_sample)
    x1_batch = torch.Tensor(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage + 1, 3, input_size,
    x2_batch = torch.Tensor(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage + 1, 3, input_size,
    y_batch = torch.Tensor(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage + 1, 4)

    # initialize batch with the true sample
    x1_batch[0, :, :, :] = true_tensor['previmg']
    x2_batch[0, :, :, :] = true_tensor['currimg']
    y_batch[0, :] = true_tensor['currbb']

    scale = Rescale((input_size, input_size))
    for i in range(kGeneratedExamplesPerImage):
        sample = orig_sample
        # unscaled current image crop with box
        curr_sample, opts_curr = shift_crop_training_sample(sample, bb_params)
        # unscaled previous image crop with box
        prev_sample, opts_prev = crop_sample(sample)
        scaled_curr_obj = scale(curr_sample, opts_curr)
        scaled_prev_obj = scale(prev_sample, opts_prev)
        training_sample = {
            'previmg': scaled_prev_obj['image'],
            'currimg': scaled_curr_obj['image'],
            'currbb': scaled_curr_obj['bb']
        sample = transform(training_sample)
        x1_batch[i + 1, :, :, :] = sample['previmg']
        x2_batch[i + 1, :, :, :] = sample['currimg']
        y_batch[i + 1, :] = sample['currbb']

    return x1_batch, x2_batch, y_batch
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_sample(self, idx):
        Returns sample without transformation for visualization.

        Sample consists of resized previous and current frame with target
        which is passed to the network. Bounding box values are normalized
        between 0 and 1 with respect to the target frame and then scaled by
        factor of 10.
        sample = self.get_orig_sample(idx)
        # unscaled current image crop with box
        curr_sample, opts_curr = shift_crop_training_sample(
            sample, self.bb_params)
        # unscaled previous image crop with box
        prev_sample, opts_prev = crop_sample(sample)
        scale = Rescale((self.sz, self.sz))
        scaled_curr_obj = scale(curr_sample, opts_curr)
        scaled_prev_obj = scale(prev_sample, opts_prev)
        training_sample = {
            'previmg': scaled_prev_obj['image'],
            'currimg': scaled_curr_obj['image'],
            'currbb': scaled_curr_obj['bb']
        return training_sample, opts_curr