Exemplo n.º 1
    def getWR(self, O):
        self.l = self.getL(self.l, self.wWriteList[-1], self.p)

        _w = self.wReadList[-1]
        assert helper.check(_w, [self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.length],

        f = tf.matmul(_w, self.l)
        b = tf.matmul(_w, self.l, transpose_b=True)
        assert helper.check(f, [self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.length],
        assert helper.check(b, [self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.length],

        kR = tf.reshape(
            helper.map("map_kR", O,
                       self.amountReadHeads * self.memory.bitDepth),
            [-1, self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.bitDepth])
        bR = tf.nn.softplus(helper.map("map_bR", O, self.amountReadHeads)) + 1
        c = self.getCosSimSoftMaxExtra(kR, bR, self.amountReadHeads)

        pi = tf.nn.softmax(
            tf.reshape(helper.map("map_pi", O, self.amountReadHeads * 3),
                       [-1, self.amountReadHeads, 3]))
        w = tf.expand_dims(pi[:, :, 0], axis=-1) * b + tf.expand_dims(
            pi[:, :, 1], axis=-1) * c + tf.expand_dims(pi[:, :, 2],
                                                       axis=-1) * f
        assert helper.check(w, [self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.length],

        self.p = self.getP(self.p, self.wWriteList[-1])

        return w
Exemplo n.º 2
    def buildTimeLayer(self, input, first=False):
        with tf.variable_scope(self.name):
            if first:
                if (len(input.get_shape()) == 2):
                    batchSize = tf.shape(input)[0]
                    batchSize = None

                self.prevState = helper.getTrainableConstant(
                    "startState", self.stateSize, batchSize)
                self.prevOutput = tf.tanh(self.prevState)

            cc = tf.concat([input, self.prevOutput], axis=-1)

            forgetGate = tf.sigmoid(
                helper.map("forgetGate", cc, self.stateSize))
            saveGate = tf.sigmoid(helper.map("saveGate", cc, self.stateSize))
            outputGate = tf.sigmoid(
                helper.map("outputGate", cc, self.stateSize))
            update = tf.tanh(helper.map("update", cc, self.stateSize))

            self.prevState = (self.prevState * forgetGate) + (saveGate *
            self.prevOutput = outputGate * tf.tanh(self.prevState)
            return self.prevOutput
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getWR(self, O):
        k = tf.nn.softplus(helper.map("map_k", O, self.memory.bitDepth))
        b = tf.nn.softplus(helper.map("map_b", O, 1))

        w = self.getCosSimSoftMax(k, b)

        assert helper.check(w, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)
        return w
Exemplo n.º 4
    def updateForce(self, rsy_val, lsx_val):
        """ Updates locally stored thruster force values and direction.

        joystickAngle -- angle that the coordinate of steering joystick make with the x-axis
        rsy_val -- y value of right joystick
        ltrig_val -- value of left trigger (must be modified for Windows, because on win both triggers are read as single variable)
        rtrig_val -- value of right trigger (also must be modified for Windows)
        self.force[0] = helper.map(rsy_val, -100, 100, 1140, 1850)
        self.force[1] = helper.map(lsx_val, -100, 100, 1140, 1850)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def getWW(self, O):
        g = tf.sigmoid(helper.map("map_g", O, 1))
        b = tf.nn.softplus(helper.map("map_b", O, 1))

        #differentiable approximation of lu
        lu = tf.nn.softmax((1 - tf.sigmoid(self.u)) * b)
        w = g * self.wReadList[-1] + (1 - g) * lu
        self.u = 0.95 * self.u + self.wReadList[-1] + w

        assert helper.check(w, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)
        return w
Exemplo n.º 6
    def updateForce(self, rsy_val, lsx_val):
        """ Updates locally stored thruster force values and direction.

        joystickAngle -- angle that the coordinate of steering joystick make with the x-axis
        rsy_val -- y value of right joystick
        ltrig_val -- value of left trigger (must be modified for Windows, because on win both triggers are read as single variable)
        rtrig_val -- value of right trigger (also must be modified for Windows)
        self.force[0] = helper.map(rsy_val, -100, 100, 1140, 1850)
        self.force[1] = helper.map(lsx_val, -100, 100, 1140, 1850)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def getWR(self, O):
        mapping = [
            self.amountReadHeads * self.memory.bitDepth, self.amountReadHeads,
            self.amountReadHeads * 3, self.amountReadHeads
        o = helper.map("map_wro", O, np.sum(mapping))
        o1, o2, o3, o4 = tf.split(o, mapping, -1)

        self.l = self.getL(self.l, self.wWriteList[-1], self.p)

        _w = self.wReadList[-1]
        assert helper.check(_w, [self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.length],

        f = tf.matmul(_w, self.l)
        b = tf.matmul(_w, self.l, transpose_b=True)
        assert helper.check(f, [self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.length],
        assert helper.check(b, [self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.length],

        kR = tf.nn.softplus(
            tf.reshape(o1, [-1, self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.bitDepth]))
        bR = tf.nn.softplus(o2) + 1
        c = self.getCosSimSoftMaxExtra(kR, bR, self.amountReadHeads)

        if self.cosSimMask:
            mask = tf.reshape(
                    helper.map("map_wr_mask", O,
                               self.amountReadHeads * self.memory.bitDepth)),
                [-1, self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.bitDepth])
            c = self.getCosSimSoftMaxExtraMasked(kR, bR, self.amountReadHeads,
            c = self.getCosSimSoftMaxExtra(kR, bR, self.amountReadHeads)

        pi = tf.nn.softmax(tf.reshape(o3, [-1, self.amountReadHeads, 3]))
        w = tf.expand_dims(pi[:, :, 0], axis=-1) * b + tf.expand_dims(
            pi[:, :, 1], axis=-1) * c + tf.expand_dims(pi[:, :, 2],
                                                       axis=-1) * f
        assert helper.check(w, [self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.length],

        self.p = self.getP(self.p, self.wWriteList[-1])

        f = tf.sigmoid(o4)
        self.memory.queueForget(1 - (tf.expand_dims(f, axis=-1) * w))

        return w
Exemplo n.º 8
    def buildWriteHead(self, O):
            Build the write head: get the W from the child class and add the operation to the memory queue
            This queue is nececairy if there are multiple write operations/heads. Otherwise the second write is based on the first write 

        with tf.variable_scope(self.name):
            with tf.variable_scope("write"):

                erase = tf.sigmoid(
                    helper.map("map_erase", O, self.memory.bitDepth))
                write = helper.map("map_write", O, self.memory.bitDepth)

                self.memory.queueWrite(self.wWriteList[-1], erase, write)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def getWW(self, O):
        self.u = self.getU(O, self.u, self.wWriteList[-1], self.wReadList[-1])
        a = self.getA(self.u)

        kW = helper.map("map_kW", O, self.memory.bitDepth)
        bW = tf.nn.softplus(helper.map("map_bW", O, 1)) + 1
        c = self.getCosSimSoftMax(kW, bW)

        gw = tf.sigmoid(helper.map("map_gw", O, 1))
        ga = tf.sigmoid(helper.map("map_ga", O, 1))

        w = gw * (ga * a + (1 - ga) * c)
        assert helper.check(w, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)

        return w
Exemplo n.º 10
    def build(self, x, outputMask=None, outputSize=None):
            Builds the unit.
            outputMask: array (of size of the amount of time steps and consisting of 0 and 1). If 1, output is of that time step is returned
            outputSize: if not None, do a linear map to that dimention

        output = []

        #TODO: Check if unrolling can be optimized using unstack and stack

        #Loop over all the timesteps
        for i in range(0,x.get_shape()[-2]):
            print("Building step: "+str(i+1))

            #Get slice of input, and build network for this time step
            input = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(x, [0,i,0], [-1,1,-1]),[1])
            O = self.buildTimeLayer(input, bool(i==0))
            #Process output as defined by parameters
                if(outputSize is not None):
                    with tf.variable_scope(self.name):
                        O = helper.map("outputMap", O, outputSize)
                output.append(tf.expand_dims(O, -2))
        #Return concated output of all time steps
        return tf.concat(output, axis=-2)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def getW(self, O, w_):
        assert helper.check(w_, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)

        k = tf.nn.softplus(helper.map("map_k", O, self.memory.bitDepth))
        b = tf.nn.softplus(helper.map("map_b", O, 1))
        g = tf.sigmoid(helper.map("map_g", O, 1))
        s = tf.nn.softmax(tf.sigmoid(helper.map("map_s", O, 5))) #Added sigmoid
        y = tf.nn.softplus(helper.map("map_y", O, 1)) + 1

        wc = self.getCosSimSoftMax(k, b)
        wg = self.getWg(wc, g, w_)
        wm = self.getWmFast(wg, s)

        #wm can be negtive -> power will push it into the complex domain
        pow = tf.pow(wm, y)
        w =  pow / (tf.reduce_sum(pow, axis=-1, keep_dims=True)+0.001)

        assert helper.check(w, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)
        return w
Exemplo n.º 12
    def buildTimeLayer(self, input, first=False):
        with tf.variable_scope(self.name):
            if first:
                if (len(input.get_shape()) == 2):
                    batchSize = tf.shape(input)[0]
                    batchSize = None

                self.output = helper.getTrainableConstant(
                    "startOuput", self.stateSize, batchSize)

            cc = tf.concat([input, self.output], axis=-1)

            z = tf.sigmoid(helper.map("updateGate", cc, self.stateSize))
            r = tf.sigmoid(helper.map("resetGate", cc, self.stateSize))
            h = tf.tanh(
                           tf.concat([input, r * self.output], axis=-1),
            self.output = (1 - z) * self.output + z * h

            return self.output
Exemplo n.º 13
    def getWW(self, O):
        mapping = [self.memory.bitDepth, 1, 1, 1]
        o = helper.map("map_wwo", O, np.sum(mapping))
        o1, o2, o3, o4 = tf.split(o, mapping, -1)

        u = self.memory.getU()
        a = self.getA(u)

        kW = tf.nn.softplus(o1)
        bW = tf.nn.softplus(o2) + 1
        if self.cosSimMask:
            mask = tf.sigmoid(
                helper.map("map_ww_mask", O, self.memory.bitDepth))
            c = self.getCosSimSoftMax(kW, bW, mask)
            c = self.getCosSimSoftMax(kW, bW)

        gw = tf.sigmoid(o3)
        ga = tf.sigmoid(o4)

        w = gw * (ga * a + (1 - ga) * c)
        assert helper.check(w, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)

        return w
Exemplo n.º 14
    def getU(self, O, _u, _wW, _wR):
        assert helper.check(_u, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)
        assert helper.check(_wW, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)
        assert helper.check(_wR, [self.amountReadHeads, self.memory.length],
        f = tf.sigmoid(helper.map("map_f", O, self.amountReadHeads))

        #If a reading head reads a memory adress in t-1, and the free gate is activated, release the memory
        v = tf.reduce_prod(1 - (tf.expand_dims(f, axis=-1) * _wR), axis=-2)
        assert helper.check(v, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)

        #If you write to a memory adress, reserve it
        u = (_u + _wW - (_u * _wW)) * v
        assert helper.check(u, [self.memory.length], self.batchSize)

        return u
Exemplo n.º 15
    cam.pos.x = max(movement_speed, min(cam.pos.x, map.width - movement_speed))
    cam.pos.y = max(movement_speed, min(cam.pos.y,
                                        map.height - movement_speed))

    # Reset window
    pygame.draw.rect(window, map.floor,
                     (0, (scr_height / 2) - viewpitch, scr_width, scr_height))
    scene = cam.look(window, map.walls, show_map, offset=scr_width)

    # First Person View
    for i, item in enumerate(scene):
        if item[0] > scr_height:
            item[0] = scr_height
        sq = item[0]**2
        col_r = hl.map(sq, 0, map.r_distance, item[1][0], map.r_color[0])
        col_g = hl.map(sq, 0, map.r_distance, item[1][1], map.r_color[1])
        col_b = hl.map(sq, 0, map.r_distance, item[1][2], map.r_color[2])
        h = tbuih / item[0]
        to_draw = pygame.Rect(0, 0, w + 1, h)
        to_draw.center = ((i * w), half - viewpitch)

        col_r = min(255, max(round(col_r), 0))
        col_g = min(255, max(round(col_g), 0))
        col_b = min(255, max(round(col_b), 0))

        pygame.draw.rect(window, (col_r, col_g, col_b), to_draw)

    if show_map:
        pygame.draw.rect(window, (0, 0, 0),
                         (scr_width, 0, scr_height, mapview_width))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def buildTimeLayer(self, input, first=False):
     with tf.variable_scope(self.name):
         if self.AF == None:
             return helper.map("forward", input, self.outputSize)
             return self.AF(helper.map("forward", input, self.outputSize))