Exemplo n.º 1
    def ABSTRACTS(self):
        result = self._abstracts
        if result is None:
            result = sliceDict(loadDataset('abstracts'), config.SUBSET)

        if config.CACHEUNPROCESSEDINRAM and config.CACHE:
            self._abstracts = result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 2
    def KEYWORDS(self):
        result = self._keywords
        if result is None:
            result = sliceDict(loadDataset('keywords'), config.SUBSET)

        if config.CACHEUNPROCESSEDINRAM and config.CACHE:
            self._keywords = result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 3
    def KEYWORDS(self):
        result = self._keywords
        if result is None:
            result = sliceDict(loadDataset('keywords'), config.SUBSET)

        if config.CACHEUNPROCESSEDINRAM and config.CACHE:
            self._keywords = result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 4
    def CITATIONS(self):
        result = self._citations
        if result is None:
            result = sliceDict(loadDataset('citations'), config.SUBSET)

        if config.CACHEUNPROCESSEDINRAM and config.CACHE:
            self._citations = result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 5
    def ABSTRACTS(self):
        result = self._abstracts
        if result is None:
            result = sliceDict(loadDataset('abstracts'), config.SUBSET)
        if config.CACHEUNPROCESSEDINRAM and config.CACHE:
            self._abstracts = result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 6
    def CITATIONS(self):
        result = self._citations
        if result is None:
            result = sliceDict(loadDataset('citations'), config.SUBSET)
        if config.CACHEUNPROCESSEDINRAM and config.CACHE:
            self._citations = result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 7
    def SUMMARIES(self):
        result = self._summaries
        if result is None:
            result = sliceDict(loadDataset('summaries'), config.SUBSET)
            paper = namedtuple('paper', ['title', 'authors', 'year', 'doi'])
            for (pmid, paper_info) in result.iteritems():
                result[pmid] = paper(*paper_info)

        if config.CACHEUNPROCESSEDINRAM and config.CACHE:
            self._summaries = result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 8
    def SUMMARIES(self):
        result = self._summaries
        if result is None:
            result = sliceDict(loadDataset('summaries'), config.SUBSET)
            paper = namedtuple('paper', ['title', 'authors', 'year', 'doi'])
            for (pmid, paper_info) in result.iteritems():
                result[pmid] = paper( *paper_info )

        if config.CACHEUNPROCESSEDINRAM and config.CACHE:
            self._summaries = result

        return result
Exemplo n.º 9
def queryPageRank(query, subSet, independentRun=False, topN=None):
    """Generic function to set up the datasets, and create normalized scoring (0 to 1) for a specific module technique.
    Also used when independent running of the module technique (no preprocessing of query) is wanted. 
    Keyword arguments:
    query -- (list/str) the processed query word list (pass a string if independentRun = True)
    subSet -- (str) supply a subset (based on globalsubset please) to the function, this is also used in retrieving/saving datasets.
    independentRun -- (bool) if a independentRun is desired this allows a string query (default False)
    topN -- (int) return the highest N results

    Returns -- sorted list: [pmid: score] of topN results (highest first).
    citations = sliceDict(datasets.CITATIONS, subSet)
    # Debug
    # citations = {1:[2,3,4,5],2:[],3:[],4:[], 5:[]}

    citedby = dataloader.loadProcessed("citedby", "citations", subSet)
    if citedby is None:
        citedby = collections.defaultdict(list)
        print "PageRank is generating the inverse subset of citations"
        for ref, papersCitingRef in citations.iteritems():
            for pmid in papersCitingRef:
        dataloader.saveProcessed(citedby, "citedby", "citations", subSet, saveBZ2=True)

    if independentRun:
        query = searches.prepareQuery(query)
        print "Querying PageRank with: %r" % query

    results = dataloader.loadProcessed("resultsPageRank", "citations-citedby", subSet)
    if results is None:
        results = pageRank(citations, citedby)
        dataloader.saveProcessed(results, "resultsPageRank", "citations-citedby", subSet, saveBZ2=True)


    if independentRun:
        results = sorted(results.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:topN]

    return results
Exemplo n.º 10
def queryTFIDF(query, subSet, independentRun=False, topN=None):
    """Generic function to set up the datasets, and create normalized scoring (0 to 1) for a specific module technique.
    Also used when independent running of the module technique (no preprocessing of query) is wanted. 
    Keyword arguments:
    query -- (list/str) the processed query word list (pass a string if independentRun = True)
    subSet -- (str) supply a subset (based on globalsubset please) to the function, this is also used in retrieving/saving datasets.
    independentRun -- (bool) if a independentRun is desired this allows a string query (default False)
    topN -- (int) return the highest N results

    Returns -- sorted list: [pmid: score] of topN results (highest first).
    abstracts = {}
    titles = {}
    merged = {}

    titles = dataloader.loadProcessed("normalized", "titles", subSet)
    if titles is None:
        print "TFIDF is generating the processed subset of SUMMARIES"
        titles = {pmid: paper_info.title for pmid, paper_info in datasets.SUMMARIES.iteritems()}
        titles = sliceDict(titles, subSet)
        titles = normalizeDocuments(titles, datasets.STOPWORDS, lemmatization)
        dataloader.saveProcessed(titles, "normalized", "titles", subSet, saveBZ2=True)

    abstracts = dataloader.loadProcessed("normalized", "abstracts", subSet)
    if abstracts is None:
        print "TFIDF is generating the processed subset of ABSTRACTS"
        abstracts = sliceDict(datasets.ABSTRACTS, subSet)
        abstracts = normalizeDocuments(abstracts, datasets.STOPWORDS, lemmatization)
        dataloader.saveProcessed(abstracts, "normalized", "abstracts", subSet, saveBZ2=True)

    if independentRun:
        query = searches.prepareQuery(query)
        print "Querying TFIDF with: %r" % query

    merged = dataloader.loadProcessed("mergedTFIDF", "titles-abstracts", subSet)
    if merged is None:
        merged = {}
        for pmid, doc in titles.iteritems():
            merged[pmid] = doc + abstracts[pmid]
        # Finally run tfidf
        merged = TFIDF(merged)
        dataloader.saveProcessed(merged, "mergedTFIDF", "titles-abstracts", subSet, saveBZ2=True)

    results = {}
    for pmid, tfidfscores in merged.iteritems():
        score = 0.0
        for term, termscore in tfidfscores.iteritems():
            for qword in query:
                if qword in term:
                    score += termscore
        results[pmid] = score


    if independentRun:
        results = sorted(results.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:topN]

    return results
Exemplo n.º 11
def queryTFIDF(query, subSet, independentRun=False, topN=None):
    """Generic function to set up the datasets, and create normalized scoring (0 to 1) for a specific module technique.
    Also used when independent running of the module technique (no preprocessing of query) is wanted. 
    Keyword arguments:
    query -- (list/str) the processed query word list (pass a string if independentRun = True)
    subSet -- (str) supply a subset (based on globalsubset please) to the function, this is also used in retrieving/saving datasets.
    independentRun -- (bool) if a independentRun is desired this allows a string query (default False)
    topN -- (int) return the highest N results

    Returns -- sorted list: [pmid: score] of topN results (highest first).
    abstracts = {}
    titles = {}
    merged = {}

    titles = dataloader.loadProcessed("normalized", "titles", subSet)
    if titles is None:
        print "TFIDF is generating the processed subset of SUMMARIES"
        titles = {
            pmid: paper_info.title
            for pmid, paper_info in datasets.SUMMARIES.iteritems()
        titles = sliceDict(titles, subSet)
        titles = normalizeDocuments(titles, datasets.STOPWORDS, lemmatization)

    abstracts = dataloader.loadProcessed("normalized", "abstracts", subSet)
    if abstracts is None:
        print "TFIDF is generating the processed subset of ABSTRACTS"
        abstracts = sliceDict(datasets.ABSTRACTS, subSet)
        abstracts = normalizeDocuments(abstracts, datasets.STOPWORDS,

    if independentRun:
        query = searches.prepareQuery(query)
        print "Querying TFIDF with: %r" % query

    merged = dataloader.loadProcessed("mergedTFIDF", "titles-abstracts",
    if merged is None:
        merged = {}
        for pmid, doc in titles.iteritems():
            merged[pmid] = doc + abstracts[pmid]
        # Finally run tfidf
        merged = TFIDF(merged)

    results = {}
    for pmid, tfidfscores in merged.iteritems():
        score = 0.0
        for term, termscore in tfidfscores.iteritems():
            for qword in query:
                if qword in term:
                    score += termscore

        results[pmid] = score


    if independentRun:
        results = sorted(results.items(),

    return results