Exemplo n.º 1
def check_config():             # check configures
    # Ensure mandatory configures are available
    for _, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items():
        assert HibenchConf.get(prop_name, None) is not None, "Mandatory configure missing: %s" % prop_name
    # Ensure all ref values in configure has been expanded
    for _, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items() + HiBenchEnvPropMapping.items():
        assert "${" not in HibenchConf.get(prop_name, ""), "Unsolved ref key: %s. \n    Defined at %s:\n    Unsolved value:%s\n" % (prop_name,
                                                                                                                              HibenchConfRef.get(prop_name, "unknown"),
                                                                                                                              HibenchConf.get(prop_name, "unknown"))
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_config():             # check configures
    # Ensure mandatory configures are available
    for _, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items():
        assert HibenchConf.get(
            prop_name, None) is not None, "Mandatory configure missing: %s" % prop_name
    # Ensure all ref values in configure has been expanded
    for _, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items() + HiBenchEnvPropMapping.items():
        assert "${" not in HibenchConf.get(prop_name, ""), "Unsolved ref key: %s. \n    Defined at %s:\n    Unsolved value:%s\n" % (
            prop_name, HibenchConfRef.get(prop_name, "unknown"), HibenchConf.get(prop_name, "unknown"))
Exemplo n.º 3
def export_config(workload_name, framework_name):
    join = os.path.join
    report_dir = HibenchConf['hibench.report.dir']
    conf_dir = join(report_dir, workload_name, framework_name, 'conf')
    conf_filename = join(conf_dir, "%s.conf" % workload_name)

    spark_conf_dir = join(conf_dir, "sparkbench")
    spark_prop_conf_filename = join(spark_conf_dir, "spark.conf")
    sparkbench_prop_conf_filename = join(spark_conf_dir, "sparkbench.conf")

    if not os.path.exists(spark_conf_dir):
    if not os.path.exists(conf_dir):

    # generate configure for hibench
    sources = defaultdict(list)
    for env_name, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items() + HiBenchEnvPropMapping.items():
        source = HibenchConfRef.get(prop_name, 'None')
        sources[source].append('%s=%s' % (env_name, HibenchConf.get(prop_name, '')))

    with open(conf_filename, 'w') as f:
        for source in sorted(sources.keys()):
            f.write("# Source: %s\n" % source)
        f.write("#Source: add for internal usage\n")
        f.write("SPARKBENCH_PROPERTIES_FILES=%s\n" % sparkbench_prop_conf_filename)
        f.write("SPARK_PROP_CONF=%s\n" % spark_prop_conf_filename)
        f.write("WORKLOAD_RESULT_FOLDER=%s\n" % join(conf_dir, ".."))
        f.write("HIBENCH_WORKLOAD_CONF=%s\n" % conf_filename)
        f.write("export HADOOP_EXECUTABLE\n")
        f.write("export HADOOP_CONF_DIR\n")

    # generate properties for spark & sparkbench
    sources = defaultdict(list)
    for prop_name, prop_value in HibenchConf.items():
        source = HibenchConfRef.get(prop_name, 'None')
        sources[source].append('%s\t%s' % (prop_name, prop_value))
    # generate configure for sparkbench
    with open(spark_prop_conf_filename, 'w') as f:
        for source in sorted(sources.keys()):
            items = [x for x in sources[source] if x.startswith("spark.")]
            if items:
                f.write("# Source: %s\n" % source)
    # generate configure for spark
    with open(sparkbench_prop_conf_filename, 'w') as f:
        for source in sorted(sources.keys()):
            items = [x for x in sources[source] if x.startswith(
                "sparkbench.") or x.startswith("hibench.")]
            if items:
                f.write("# Source: %s\n" % source)

    return conf_filename
Exemplo n.º 4
def export_config(workload_name, framework_name):
    join = os.path.join
    report_dir = HibenchConf['hibench.report.dir']
    conf_dir = join(report_dir, workload_name, framework_name, 'conf')
    conf_filename = join(conf_dir, "%s.conf" % workload_name)

    spark_conf_dir = join(conf_dir, "sparkbench")
    spark_prop_conf_filename = join(spark_conf_dir, "spark.conf")
    sparkbench_prop_conf_filename = join(spark_conf_dir, "sparkbench.conf")

    if not os.path.exists(spark_conf_dir):
    if not os.path.exists(conf_dir):

    # generate configure for hibench
    sources = defaultdict(list)
    for env_name, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items() + HiBenchEnvPropMapping.items():
        source = HibenchConfRef.get(prop_name, 'None')
        sources[source].append('%s=%s' % (env_name, HibenchConf.get(prop_name, '')))

    with open(conf_filename, 'w') as f:
        for source in sorted(sources.keys()):
            f.write("# Source: %s\n" % source)
        f.write("#Source: add for internal usage\n")
        f.write("SPARKBENCH_PROPERTIES_FILES=%s\n" % sparkbench_prop_conf_filename)
        f.write("SPARK_PROP_CONF=%s\n" % spark_prop_conf_filename)
        f.write("WORKLOAD_RESULT_FOLDER=%s\n" % join(conf_dir, ".."))
        f.write("HIBENCH_WORKLOAD_CONF=%s\n" % conf_filename)
        f.write("export HADOOP_EXECUTABLE\n")
        f.write("export HADOOP_CONF_DIR\n")

    # generate properties for spark & sparkbench
    sources = defaultdict(list)
    for prop_name, prop_value in HibenchConf.items():
        source = HibenchConfRef.get(prop_name, 'None')
        sources[source].append('%s\t%s' % (prop_name, prop_value))
    # generate configure for sparkbench
    with open(spark_prop_conf_filename, 'w') as f:
        for source in sorted(sources.keys()):
            items = [x for x in sources[source] if x.startswith("spark.")]
            if items:
                f.write("# Source: %s\n" % source)
    # generate configure for spark
    with open(sparkbench_prop_conf_filename, 'w') as f:
        for source in sorted(sources.keys()):
            items = [x for x in sources[source] if x.startswith(
                "sparkbench.") or x.startswith("hibench.")]
            if items:
                f.write("# Source: %s\n" % source)

    return conf_filename
Exemplo n.º 5
def load_config(conf_root, workload_root, workload_folder, patching_config=""):
    abspath = os.path.abspath
    conf_root = abspath(conf_root)
    workload_root = abspath(workload_root)
    workload_folder = abspath(workload_folder)
    workload_tail = workload_folder[len(workload_root) :][1:]
    workload_api = os.path.dirname(workload_tail) if os.path.dirname(workload_tail) else workload_tail
    workload_name = os.path.basename(workload_root)

    conf_files = (
        sorted(glob.glob(conf_root + "/*.conf"))
        + sorted(glob.glob("%s/conf/*.conf" % (workload_root,)))
        + sorted(glob.glob("%s/%s/*.conf" % (workload_root, workload_api)))

    # load values from conf files
    for filename in conf_files:
        log("Parsing conf: %s" % filename)
        with open(filename) as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                line = line.strip()
                if not line:
                    continue  # skip empty lines
                if line[0] == "#":
                    continue  # skip comments
                    key, value = re.split("\s", line, 1)
                except ValueError:
                    key = line.strip()
                    value = ""
                HibenchConf[key] = value.strip()
                HibenchConfRef[key] = filename

    # override values from os environment variable settings
    for env_name, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items() + HiBenchEnvPropMapping.items():
        if env_name in os.environ:
            env_value = os.getenv(env_name)
            HibenchConf[prop_name] = env_value
            HibenchConfRef[prop_name] = "OS environment variable:%s" % env_name

    # override values by patching config
    for item in [x for x in patching_config.split(",") if x]:
        key, value = re.split("=", item, 1)
        HibenchConf[key] = value.strip()
        HibenchConfRef[key] = "Overrided by parent script during calling: " + item

    # generate ref values
    # generate auto probe values
    # generate ref values again to ensure all values can be found
    # check
    # Export config to file, let bash script to import as local variables.
    print export_config(workload_name, workload_api)
Exemplo n.º 6
def load_config(conf_root, workload_root, workload_folder, patching_config=""):
    abspath = os.path.abspath
    conf_root = abspath(conf_root)
    workload_root = abspath(workload_root)
    workload_folder = abspath(workload_folder)
    workload_tail = workload_folder[len(workload_root):][1:]
    workload_api = os.path.dirname(workload_tail) if os.path.dirname(
        workload_tail) else workload_tail
    workload_name = os.path.basename(workload_root)

    conf_files = sorted(glob.glob(conf_root+"/*.conf")) + \
        sorted(glob.glob("%s/conf/*.conf" % (workload_root,))) + \
        sorted(glob.glob("%s/%s/*.conf" % (workload_root, workload_api)))

    # load values from conf files
    for filename in conf_files:
        log("Parsing conf: %s" % filename)
        with open(filename) as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                line = line.strip()
                if not line: continue  # skip empty lines
                if line[0] == '#': continue  # skip comments
                    key, value = re.split("\s", line, 1)
                except ValueError:
                    key = line.strip()
                    value = ""
                HibenchConf[key] = value.strip()
                HibenchConfRef[key] = filename

    # override values from os environment variable settings
    for env_name, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items(
    ) + HiBenchEnvPropMapping.items():
        if env_name in os.environ:
            env_value = os.getenv(env_name)
            HibenchConf[prop_name] = env_value
            HibenchConfRef[prop_name] = "OS environment variable:%s" % env_name

    # override values by patching config
    for item in [x for x in patching_config.split(',') if x]:
        key, value = re.split('=', item, 1)
        HibenchConf[key] = value.strip()
            key] = "Overrided by parent script during calling: " + item

    # generate ref values
    # generate auto probe values
    # generate ref values again to ensure all values can be found
    # check
    # Export config to file, let bash script to import as local variables.
    print export_config(workload_name, workload_api)
Exemplo n.º 7
def override_conf_from_environment():
    # override values from os environment variable settings
    for env_name, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items() + HiBenchEnvPropMapping.items():
        # The overrides from environments has 2 premises, the second one is either
        # the prop_name is not set in advance by config files or the conf line
        # itself set an env variable to a hibench conf
        if env_name in os.environ and (not HibenchConf.get(
                prop_name) or HibenchConf.get(prop_name) == "$" + env_name):
            env_value = os.getenv(env_name)
            HibenchConf[prop_name] = env_value
            HibenchConfRef[prop_name] = "OS environment variable:%s" % env_name
Exemplo n.º 8
def override_conf_from_environment():
    # override values from os environment variable settings
    for env_name, prop_name in HiBenchEnvPropMappingMandatory.items() + HiBenchEnvPropMapping.items():
        # The overrides from environments has 2 premises, the second one is either
        # the prop_name is not set in advance by config files or the conf line
        # itself set an env variable to a hibench conf
        if env_name in os.environ and (not HibenchConf.get(
                prop_name) or HibenchConf.get(prop_name) == "$" + env_name):
            env_value = os.getenv(env_name)
            HibenchConf[prop_name] = env_value
            HibenchConfRef[prop_name] = "OS environment variable:%s" % env_name