Exemplo n.º 1
def test_composite_validator(validators_for_app):
    validator = CompositeValidator(validators_for_app['A'])
    assert ([type(item) for item in validator._validators] ==
        [SchemaValidator, RSASignatureValidator])

    assert ([type(item) for item in validator._validators] ==
        [SchemaValidator, RSASignatureValidator])
    assert len(validator._validators[0]._schemas) == 2

    local_public_key = validators_for_app['A'][0].local_public_key
    record = DHTRecord(key=DHTID.generate(source='field_b').to_bytes(),
                       expiration_time=hivemind.get_dht_time() + 10)

    signed_record = dataclasses.replace(record, value=validator.sign_value(record))
    # Expect only one signature since two RSASignatureValidatos have been merged
    assert signed_record.value.count(b'[signature:') == 1
    # Expect successful validation since the second SchemaValidator has been merged to the first
    assert validator.validate(signed_record)
    assert validator.strip_value(signed_record) == record.value

    record = DHTRecord(key=DHTID.generate(source='unknown_key').to_bytes(),
                       expiration_time=hivemind.get_dht_time() + 10)

    signed_record = dataclasses.replace(record, value=validator.sign_value(record))
    assert signed_record.value.count(b'[signature:') == 0
    # Expect failed validation since `unknown_key` is not a part of any schema
    assert not validator.validate(signed_record)
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def call_find(self, peer: Endpoint, keys: Collection[DHTID]) -> Optional[Dict[
        DHTID, Tuple[Optional[ValueWithExpiration[Union[BinaryDHTValue, DictionaryDHTValue]]], Dict[DHTID, Endpoint]]]]:
        Request keys from a peer. For each key, look for its (value, expiration time) locally and
         k additional peers that are most likely to have this key (ranked by XOR distance)

        :returns: A dict key => Tuple[optional value, optional expiration time, nearest neighbors]
         value: value stored by the recipient with that key, or None if peer doesn't have this value
         expiration time: expiration time of the returned value, None if no value was found
         neighbors: a dictionary[node_id : endpoint] containing nearest neighbors from peer's routing table
         If peer didn't respond, returns None
        keys = list(keys)
        find_request = dht_pb2.FindRequest(keys=list(map(DHTID.to_bytes, keys)), peer=self.node_info)
            async with self.rpc_semaphore:
                response = await self._get_dht_stub(peer).rpc_find(find_request, timeout=self.wait_timeout)
            if response.peer and response.peer.node_id:
                peer_id = DHTID.from_bytes(response.peer.node_id)
                asyncio.create_task(self.update_routing_table(peer_id, peer, responded=True))
            assert len(keys) == len(response.results), "DHTProtocol: response is not aligned with keys"

            output = {}  # unpack data depending on its type
            for key, result in zip(keys, response.results):
                key_bytes = DHTID.to_bytes(key)
                nearest = dict(zip(map(DHTID.from_bytes, result.nearest_node_ids), result.nearest_endpoints))

                if result.type == dht_pb2.NOT_FOUND:
                    output[key] = None, nearest
                elif result.type == dht_pb2.FOUND_REGULAR:
                    if not self._validate_record(
                            key_bytes, self.IS_REGULAR_VALUE, result.value, result.expiration_time):
                        output[key] = None, nearest

                    output[key] = ValueWithExpiration(result.value, result.expiration_time), nearest
                elif result.type == dht_pb2.FOUND_DICTIONARY:
                    value_dictionary = self.serializer.loads(result.value)
                    if not self._validate_dictionary(key_bytes, value_dictionary):
                        output[key] = None, nearest

                    output[key] = ValueWithExpiration(value_dictionary, result.expiration_time), nearest
                    logger.error(f"Unknown result type: {result.type}")

            return output
        except grpc.aio.AioRpcError as error:
            logger.debug(f"DHTProtocol failed to find at {peer}: {error.code()}")
            asyncio.create_task(self.update_routing_table(self.routing_table.get(endpoint=peer), peer, responded=False))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
                 schema: pydantic.BaseModel,
                 allow_extra_keys: bool = True,
                 prefix: Optional[str] = None):
        :param schema: The Pydantic model (a subclass of pydantic.BaseModel).

            You must always use strict types for the number fields
            (e.g. ``StrictInt`` instead of ``int``,
            ``confloat(strict=True, ge=0.0)`` instead of ``confloat(ge=0.0)``, etc.).
            See the validate() docstring for details.

            The model will be patched to adjust it for the schema validation.

        :param allow_extra_keys: Whether to allow keys that are not defined in the schema.

            If a SchemaValidator is merged with another SchemaValidator, this option applies to
            keys that are not defined in each of the schemas.

        :param prefix: (optional) Add ``prefix + '_'`` to the names of all schema fields.

        self._schemas = [schema]

        self._key_id_to_field_name = {}
        for field in schema.__fields__.values():
            raw_key = f'{prefix}_{field.name}' if prefix is not None else field.name
                source=raw_key).to_bytes()] = field.name
        self._allow_extra_keys = allow_extra_keys
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def get_many(
        keys: Collection[DHTKey],
        sufficient_expiration_time: Optional[DHTExpiration] = None,
    ) -> Dict[DHTKey,
        Traverse DHT to find a list of keys. For each key, return latest (value, expiration) or None if not found.

        :param keys: traverse the DHT and find the value for each of these keys (or (None, None) if not key found)
        :param sufficient_expiration_time: if the search finds a value that expires after this time,
            default = time of call, find any value that did not expire by the time of call
            If min_expiration_time=float('inf'), this method will find a value with _latest_ expiration
        :param kwargs: for full list of parameters, see DHTNode.get_many_by_id
        :returns: for each key: value and its expiration time. If nothing is found, returns (None, None) for that key
        :note: in order to check if get returned a value, please check if (expiration_time is None)
        keys = tuple(keys)
        key_ids = [DHTID.generate(key) for key in keys]
        id_to_original_key = dict(zip(key_ids, keys))
        results_by_id = await self.get_many_by_id(key_ids,
        return {
            id_to_original_key[key]: result_or_future
            for key, result_or_future in results_by_id.items()
Exemplo n.º 5
    async def rpc_ping(self, request: dht_pb2.PingRequest,
                       context: grpc.ServicerContext):
        """ Some node wants us to add it to our routing table. """
        response = dht_pb2.PingResponse(peer=self.node_info,

        if request.peer and request.peer.node_id and request.peer.rpc_port:
            sender_id = DHTID.from_bytes(request.peer.node_id)
            if request.peer.endpoint != dht_pb2.NodeInfo.endpoint.DESCRIPTOR.default_value:
                sender_endpoint = request.peer.endpoint  # if peer has preferred endpoint, use it
                sender_endpoint = replace_port(context.peer(),

            response.sender_endpoint = sender_endpoint
            if request.validate:
                response.available = await self.call_ping(
                    response.sender_endpoint, validate=False) == sender_id

                                          or not request.validate))

        return response
Exemplo n.º 6
    async def create(cls,
                     node_id: DHTID,
                     bucket_size: int,
                     depth_modulo: int,
                     num_replicas: int,
                     wait_timeout: float,
                     parallel_rpc: Optional[int] = None,
                     cache_size: Optional[int] = None,
                     endpoint: Optional[Endpoint] = None,
                     channel_options: Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]] = (),
                     **kwargs) -> DHTProtocol:
        A protocol that allows DHT nodes to request keys/neighbors from other DHT nodes.
        As a side-effect, DHTProtocol also maintains a routing table as described in

        See DHTNode (node.py) for a more detailed description.

        :note: the rpc_* methods defined in this class will be automatically exposed to other DHT nodes,
         for instance, def rpc_ping can be called as protocol.call_ping(endpoint, dht_id) from a remote machine
         Only the call_* methods are meant to be called publicly, e.g. from DHTNode
         Read more: https://github.com/bmuller/rpcudp/tree/master/rpcudp
        self = cls(_initialized_with_create=True)
        self.node_id, self.bucket_size, self.num_replicas = node_id, bucket_size, num_replicas
        self.wait_timeout, self.channel_options = wait_timeout, tuple(
        self.storage, self.cache = DHTLocalStorage(), DHTLocalStorage(
        self.routing_table = RoutingTable(node_id, bucket_size, depth_modulo)
        self.rpc_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(
            parallel_rpc if parallel_rpc is not None else float('inf'))

        if listen:  # set up server to process incoming rpc requests
            self.server = grpc.aio.server(**kwargs,
            dht_grpc.add_DHTServicer_to_server(self, self.server)

            self.port = self.server.add_insecure_port(listen_on)
            assert self.port != 0, f"Failed to listen to {listen_on}"
            if endpoint is not None and endpoint.endswith('*'):
                endpoint = replace_port(endpoint, self.port)
            self.node_info = dht_pb2.NodeInfo(
                or dht_pb2.NodeInfo.endpoint.DESCRIPTOR.default_value)
            await self.server.start()
        else:  # not listening to incoming requests, client-only mode
            # note: use empty node_info so peers won't add you to their routing tables
            self.node_info, self.server, self.port = dht_pb2.NodeInfo(
            ), None, None
            if listen_on != '*' or len(kwargs) != 0:
                    f"DHTProtocol has no server (due to listen=False), listen_on"
                    f"and kwargs have no effect (unused kwargs: {kwargs})")
        return self
Exemplo n.º 7
    async def rpc_find(self, request: dht_pb2.FindRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext) -> dht_pb2.FindResponse:
        Someone wants to find keys in the DHT. For all keys that we have locally, return value and expiration
        Also return :bucket_size: nearest neighbors from our routing table for each key (whether or not we found value)
        if request.peer:  # if requested, add peer to the routing table
            asyncio.create_task(self.rpc_ping(dht_pb2.PingRequest(peer=request.peer), context))

        response = dht_pb2.FindResponse(results=[], peer=self.node_info)
        for i, key_id in enumerate(map(DHTID.from_bytes, request.keys)):
            maybe_item = self.storage.get(key_id)
            cached_item = self.cache.get(key_id)
            if cached_item is not None and (maybe_item is None
                                            or cached_item.expiration_time > maybe_item.expiration_time):
                maybe_item = cached_item

            if maybe_item is None:  # value not found
                item = dht_pb2.FindResult(type=dht_pb2.NOT_FOUND)
            elif isinstance(maybe_item.value, DictionaryDHTValue):
                item = dht_pb2.FindResult(type=dht_pb2.FOUND_DICTIONARY, value=self.serializer.dumps(maybe_item.value),
            else:  # found regular value
                item = dht_pb2.FindResult(type=dht_pb2.FOUND_REGULAR, value=maybe_item.value,

            for node_id, endpoint in self.routing_table.get_nearest_neighbors(
                    key_id, k=self.bucket_size, exclude=DHTID.from_bytes(request.peer.node_id)):
        return response
Exemplo n.º 8
    async def rpc_store(self, request: dht_pb2.StoreRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext) -> dht_pb2.StoreResponse:
        """ Some node wants us to store this (key, value) pair """
        if request.peer:  # if requested, add peer to the routing table
            asyncio.create_task(self.rpc_ping(dht_pb2.PingRequest(peer=request.peer), context))
        assert len(request.keys) == len(request.values) == len(request.expiration_time) == len(request.in_cache)
        response = dht_pb2.StoreResponse(store_ok=[], peer=self.node_info)
        for key, tag, value_bytes, expiration_time, in_cache in zip(
                request.keys, request.subkeys, request.values, request.expiration_time, request.in_cache):
            key_id = DHTID.from_bytes(key)
            storage = self.cache if in_cache else self.storage

            if tag == self.IS_DICTIONARY:  # store an entire dictionary with several subkeys
                value_dictionary = self.serializer.loads(value_bytes)
                assert isinstance(value_dictionary, DictionaryDHTValue)
                if not self._validate_dictionary(key, value_dictionary):

                response.store_ok.append(all(storage.store_subkey(key_id, subkey, item.value, item.expiration_time)
                                             for subkey, item in value_dictionary.items()))

            if not self._validate_record(key, tag, value_bytes, expiration_time):

            if tag == self.IS_REGULAR_VALUE:  # store normal value without subkeys
                response.store_ok.append(storage.store(key_id, value_bytes, expiration_time))
            else:  # add a new entry into an existing dictionary value or create a new dictionary with one sub-key
                subkey = self.serializer.loads(tag)
                response.store_ok.append(storage.store_subkey(key_id, subkey, value_bytes, expiration_time))
        return response
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_routing_table_search():
    for table_size, lower_active, upper_active in [(10, 10, 10),
                                                   (10_000, 800, 1100)]:
        node_id = DHTID.generate()
        routing_table = RoutingTable(node_id, bucket_size=20, depth_modulo=5)
        num_added = 0
        total_nodes = 0

        for phony_neighbor_port in random.sample(range(1_000_000), table_size):
                DHTID.generate(), f'{LOCALHOST}:{phony_neighbor_port}')
            new_total = sum(
                for bucket in routing_table.buckets)
            num_added += new_total > total_nodes
            total_nodes = new_total
Exemplo n.º 10
    async def call_store(
        peer: Endpoint,
        keys: Sequence[DHTID],
        values: Sequence[BinaryDHTValue],
        expiration_time: Union[DHTExpiration, Sequence[DHTExpiration]],
        in_cache: Optional[Union[bool,
                                 Sequence[bool]]] = None) -> Sequence[bool]:
        Ask a recipient to store several (key, value : expiration_time) items or update their older value

        :param peer: request this peer to store the data
        :param keys: a list of N keys digested by DHTID.generate(source=some_dict_key)
        :param values: a list of N serialized values (bytes) for each respective key
        :param expiration_time: a list of N expiration timestamps for each respective key-value pair (see get_dht_time())
        :param in_cache: a list of booleans, True = store i-th key in cache, value = store i-th key locally
        :note: the difference between storing normally and in cache is that normal storage is guaranteed to be stored
         until expiration time (best-effort), whereas cached storage can be evicted early due to limited cache size

        :return: list of [True / False] True = stored, False = failed (found newer value or no response)
         if peer did not respond (e.g. due to timeout or congestion), returns None
        if isinstance(expiration_time, DHTExpiration):
            expiration_time = [expiration_time] * len(keys)
        in_cache = in_cache if in_cache is not None else [False] * len(
            keys)  # default value (None)
        in_cache = [in_cache] * len(keys) if isinstance(
            in_cache, bool) else in_cache  # single bool
        keys, values, expiration_time, in_cache = map(
            list, [keys, values, expiration_time, in_cache])
        assert len(keys) == len(values) == len(expiration_time) == len(
            in_cache), "Data is not aligned"
        store_request = dht_pb2.StoreRequest(keys=list(
            map(DHTID.to_bytes, keys)),
            async with self.rpc_semaphore:
                response = await self._get(peer).rpc_store(
                    store_request, timeout=self.wait_timeout)
            if response.peer and response.peer.node_id:
                peer_id = DHTID.from_bytes(response.peer.node_id)
                    self.update_routing_table(peer_id, peer, responded=True))
            return response.store_ok
        except grpc.experimental.aio.AioRpcError as error:
                f"DHTProtocol failed to store at {peer}: {error.code()}")
            return [False] * len(keys)
Exemplo n.º 11
 async def rpc_ping(self, peer_info: dht_pb2.NodeInfo,
                    context: grpc.ServicerContext):
     """ Some node wants us to add it to our routing table. """
     if peer_info.node_id and peer_info.rpc_port:
         sender_id = DHTID.from_bytes(peer_info.node_id)
         rpc_endpoint = replace_port(context.peer(),
             self.update_routing_table(sender_id, rpc_endpoint))
     return self.node_info
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_routing_table_parameters():
    for (bucket_size, modulo, min_nbuckets, max_nbuckets) in [
        (20, 5, 45, 65),
        (50, 5, 35, 45),
        (20, 10, 650, 800),
        (20, 1, 7, 15),
        node_id = DHTID.generate()
        routing_table = RoutingTable(node_id,
        for phony_neighbor_port in random.sample(range(1_000_000), 10_000):
                DHTID.generate(), f'{LOCALHOST}:{phony_neighbor_port}')
        for bucket in routing_table.buckets:
            assert len(bucket.replacement_nodes) == 0 or len(
                bucket.nodes_to_endpoint) <= bucket.size
        assert min_nbuckets <= len(routing_table.buckets) <= max_nbuckets, (
            f"Unexpected number of buckets: {min_nbuckets} <= {len(routing_table.buckets)} <= {max_nbuckets}"
Exemplo n.º 13
    async def call_store(self, peer: Endpoint, keys: Sequence[DHTID],
                         values: Sequence[Union[BinaryDHTValue, DictionaryDHTValue]],
                         expiration_time: Union[DHTExpiration, Sequence[DHTExpiration]],
                         subkeys: Optional[Union[Subkey, Sequence[Optional[Subkey]]]] = None,
                         in_cache: Optional[Union[bool, Sequence[bool]]] = None) -> Optional[List[bool]]:
        Ask a recipient to store several (key, value : expiration_time) items or update their older value

        :param peer: request this peer to store the data
        :param keys: a list of N keys digested by DHTID.generate(source=some_dict_key)
        :param values: a list of N serialized values (bytes) for each respective key
        :param expiration_time: a list of N expiration timestamps for each respective key-value pair(see get_dht_time())
        :param subkeys: a list of N optional sub-keys. If None, stores value normally. If not subkey is not None:
          1) if local storage doesn't have :key:, create a new dictionary {subkey: (value, expiration_time)}
          2) if local storage already has a dictionary under :key:, try add (subkey, value, exp_time) to that dictionary
          2) if local storage associates :key: with a normal value with smaller expiration, clear :key: and perform (1)
          3) finally, if local storage currently associates :key: with a normal value with larger expiration, do nothing
        :param in_cache: a list of booleans, True = store i-th key in cache, value = store i-th key locally
        :note: the difference between storing normally and in cache is that normal storage is guaranteed to be stored
         until expiration time (best-effort), whereas cached storage can be evicted early due to limited cache size
        :return: list of [True / False] True = stored, False = failed (found newer value or no response)
                 if peer did not respond (e.g. due to timeout or congestion), returns None
        if isinstance(expiration_time, DHTExpiration):
            expiration_time = [expiration_time] * len(keys)
        if subkeys is None:
            subkeys = [None] * len(keys)

        in_cache = in_cache if in_cache is not None else [False] * len(keys)  # default value (None)
        in_cache = [in_cache] * len(keys) if isinstance(in_cache, bool) else in_cache  # single bool
        keys, subkeys, values, expiration_time, in_cache = map(list, [keys, subkeys, values, expiration_time, in_cache])
        for i in range(len(keys)):
            if subkeys[i] is None:  # add default sub-key if not specified
                subkeys[i] = self.IS_DICTIONARY if isinstance(values[i], DictionaryDHTValue) else self.IS_REGULAR_VALUE
                subkeys[i] = self.serializer.dumps(subkeys[i])
            if isinstance(values[i], DictionaryDHTValue):
                assert subkeys[i] == self.IS_DICTIONARY, "Please don't specify subkey when storing an entire dictionary"
                values[i] = self.serializer.dumps(values[i])

        assert len(keys) == len(values) == len(expiration_time) == len(in_cache), "Data is not aligned"
        store_request = dht_pb2.StoreRequest(keys=list(map(DHTID.to_bytes, keys)), subkeys=subkeys, values=values,
                                             expiration_time=expiration_time, in_cache=in_cache, peer=self.node_info)
            async with self.rpc_semaphore:
                response = await self._get_dht_stub(peer).rpc_store(store_request, timeout=self.wait_timeout)
            if response.peer and response.peer.node_id:
                peer_id = DHTID.from_bytes(response.peer.node_id)
                asyncio.create_task(self.update_routing_table(peer_id, peer, responded=True))
            return response.store_ok
        except grpc.aio.AioRpcError as error:
            logger.debug(f"DHTProtocol failed to store at {peer}: {error.code()}")
            asyncio.create_task(self.update_routing_table(self.routing_table.get(endpoint=peer), peer, responded=False))
            return None
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_ids_basic():
    # basic functionality tests
    for i in range(100):
        id1, id2 = DHTID.generate(), DHTID.generate()
        assert DHTID.MIN <= id1 < DHTID.MAX and DHTID.MIN <= id2 <= DHTID.MAX
        assert DHTID.xor_distance(id1, id1) == DHTID.xor_distance(id2,
                                                                  id2) == 0
        assert DHTID.xor_distance(id1, id2) > 0 or (id1 == id2)
        assert DHTID.from_bytes(bytes(id1)) == id1 and DHTID.from_bytes(
            id2.to_bytes()) == id2
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_ids_depth():
    for i in range(100):
        ids = [random.randint(0, 4096) for i in range(random.randint(1, 256))]
        ours = DHTID.longest_common_prefix_length(*map(DHTID, ids))

        ids_bitstr = [
                bin(bite)[2:].rjust(8, '0')
                for bite in uid.to_bytes(20, 'big')) for uid in ids
        reference = len(shared_prefix(*ids_bitstr))
        assert reference == ours, f"ours {ours} != reference {reference}, ids: {ids}"
Exemplo n.º 16
    async def call_ping(self,
                        peer: Endpoint,
                        validate: bool = False,
                        strict: bool = True) -> Optional[DHTID]:
        Get peer's node id and add him to the routing table. If peer doesn't respond, return None
        :param peer: string network address, e.g. or [2a21:6с8:b192:2105]:8888
        :param validate: if True, validates that node's endpoint is available
        :param strict: if strict=True, validation will raise exception on fail, otherwise it will only warn
        :note: if DHTProtocol was created with listen=True, also request peer to add you to his routing table

        :return: node's DHTID, if peer responded and decided to send his node_id
            async with self.rpc_semaphore:
                ping_request = dht_pb2.PingRequest(peer=self.node_info,
                time_requested = get_dht_time()
                response = await self._get_dht_stub(peer).rpc_ping(
                    ping_request, timeout=self.wait_timeout)
                time_responded = get_dht_time()
        except grpc.aio.AioRpcError as error:
            logger.debug(f"DHTProtocol failed to ping {peer}: {error.code()}")
            response = None
        responded = bool(response and response.peer and response.peer.node_id)

        if responded and validate:
                if self.server is not None and not response.available:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        f"Peer {peer} couldn't access this node at {response.sender_endpoint} . "
                        f"Make sure that this port is open for incoming requests."

                if response.dht_time != dht_pb2.PingResponse.dht_time.DESCRIPTOR.default_value:
                    if response.dht_time < time_requested - MAX_DHT_TIME_DISCREPANCY_SECONDS or \
                            response.dht_time > time_responded + MAX_DHT_TIME_DISCREPANCY_SECONDS:
                        raise ValidationError(
                            f"local time must be within {MAX_DHT_TIME_DISCREPANCY_SECONDS} seconds "
                            f" of others(local: {time_requested:.5f}, peer: {response.dht_time:.5f})"
            except ValidationError as e:
                if strict:

        peer_id = DHTID.from_bytes(
            response.peer.node_id) if responded else None
            self.update_routing_table(peer_id, peer, responded=responded))
        return peer_id
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_routing_table_basic():
    node_id = DHTID.generate()
    routing_table = RoutingTable(node_id, bucket_size=20, depth_modulo=5)
    added_nodes = []

    for phony_neighbor_port in random.sample(range(10000), 100):
        phony_id = DHTID.generate()
        assert phony_id in routing_table
        assert f'{LOCALHOST}:{phony_neighbor_port}' in routing_table
        assert routing_table[phony_id] == f'{LOCALHOST}:{phony_neighbor_port}'
        assert routing_table[f'{LOCALHOST}:{phony_neighbor_port}'] == phony_id

    assert routing_table.buckets[
        0].lower == DHTID.MIN and routing_table.buckets[-1].upper == DHTID.MAX
    for bucket in routing_table.buckets:
        assert len(
        ) == 0, "There should be no replacement nodes in a table with 100 entries"
    assert 3 <= len(routing_table.buckets) <= 10, len(routing_table.buckets)

    random_node = random.choice(added_nodes)
    assert routing_table.get(node_id=random_node) == routing_table[random_node]
    dummy_node = DHTID.generate()
    assert (dummy_node
            not in routing_table) == (routing_table.get(node_id=dummy_node) is

    for node in added_nodes:
        found_bucket_index = routing_table.get_bucket_index(node)
        for bucket_index, bucket in enumerate(routing_table.buckets):
            if bucket.lower <= node < bucket.upper:
            raise ValueError(
                "Naive search could not find bucket. Universe has gone crazy.")
        assert bucket_index == found_bucket_index
Exemplo n.º 18
    async def _refresh_routing_table(self, *, period: Optional[float]) -> None:
        """ Tries to find new nodes for buckets that were unused for more than self.staleness_timeout """
        while self.is_alive and period is not None:  # if None run once, otherwise run forever
            refresh_time = get_dht_time()
            staleness_threshold = refresh_time - period
            stale_buckets = [
                bucket for bucket in self.protocol.routing_table.buckets
                if bucket.last_updated < staleness_threshold
            for bucket in stale_buckets:
                refresh_id = DHTID(
                    random.randint(bucket.lower, bucket.upper - 1))
                await self.find_nearest_nodes(refresh_id)

            await asyncio.sleep(
                max(0.0, period - (get_dht_time() - refresh_time)))
Exemplo n.º 19
    async def call_find(self, peer: Endpoint, keys: Collection[DHTID]) -> \
            Optional[Dict[DHTID, Tuple[Optional[BinaryDHTValue], Optional[DHTExpiration], Dict[DHTID, Endpoint]]]]:
        Request keys from a peer. For each key, look for its (value, expiration time) locally and
         k additional peers that are most likely to have this key (ranked by XOR distance)

        :returns: A dict key => Tuple[optional value, optional expiration time, nearest neighbors]
         value: value stored by the recipient with that key, or None if peer doesn't have this value
         expiration time: expiration time of the returned value, None if no value was found
         neighbors: a dictionary[node_id : endpoint] containing nearest neighbors from peer's routing table
         If peer didn't respond, returns None
        keys = list(keys)
        find_request = dht_pb2.FindRequest(keys=list(map(DHTID.to_bytes,
            async with self.rpc_semaphore:
                response = await self._get(peer).rpc_find(
                    find_request, timeout=self.wait_timeout)
            if response.peer and response.peer.node_id:
                peer_id = DHTID.from_bytes(response.peer.node_id)
                    self.update_routing_table(peer_id, peer, responded=True))
            assert len(response.values) == len(response.expiration_time) == len(response.nearest) == len(keys), \
                "DHTProtocol: response is not aligned with keys and/or expiration times"

            output = {}  # unpack data without special NOT_FOUND_* values
            for key, value, expiration_time, nearest in zip(
                    keys, response.values, response.expiration_time,
                value = value if value != _NOT_FOUND_VALUE else None
                expiration_time = expiration_time if expiration_time != _NOT_FOUND_EXPIRATION else None
                nearest = dict(
                    zip(map(DHTID.from_bytes, nearest.node_ids),
                output[key] = (value, expiration_time, nearest)
            return output
        except grpc.experimental.aio.AioRpcError as error:
                f"DHTProtocol failed to find at {peer}: {error.code()}")
Exemplo n.º 20
 async def rpc_store(
         self, request: dht_pb2.StoreRequest,
         context: grpc.ServicerContext) -> dht_pb2.StoreResponse:
     """ Some node wants us to store this (key, value) pair """
     if request.peer:  # if requested, add peer to the routing table
         asyncio.create_task(self.rpc_ping(request.peer, context))
     assert len(request.keys) == len(request.values) == len(
         request.expiration_time) == len(request.in_cache)
     response = dht_pb2.StoreResponse(store_ok=[], peer=self.node_info)
     for key_bytes, value_bytes, expiration_time, in_cache in zip(
             request.keys, request.values, request.expiration_time,
         local_memory = self.cache if in_cache else self.storage
             local_memory.store(DHTID.from_bytes(key_bytes), value_bytes,
     return response
Exemplo n.º 21
    async def call_ping(self, peer: Endpoint) -> Optional[DHTID]:
        Get peer's node id and add him to the routing table. If peer doesn't respond, return None
        :param peer: string network address, e.g. or [2a21:6с8:b192:2105]:8888
        :note: if DHTProtocol was created with listen=True, also request peer to add you to his routing table

        :return: node's DHTID, if peer responded and decided to send his node_id
            async with self.rpc_semaphore:
                peer_info = await self._get(peer).rpc_ping(
                    self.node_info, timeout=self.wait_timeout)
        except grpc.experimental.aio.AioRpcError as error:
                f"DHTProtocol failed to ping {peer}: {error.code()}")
            peer_info = None
        responded = bool(peer_info and peer_info.node_id)
        peer_id = DHTID.from_bytes(peer_info.node_id) if responded else None
            self.update_routing_table(peer_id, peer, responded=responded))
        return peer_id
Exemplo n.º 22
    async def rpc_find(self, request: dht_pb2.FindRequest,
                       context: grpc.ServicerContext) -> dht_pb2.FindResponse:
        Someone wants to find keys in the DHT. For all keys that we have locally, return value and expiration
        Also return :bucket_size: nearest neighbors from our routing table for each key (whether or not we found value)
        if request.peer:  # if requested, add peer to the routing table
            asyncio.create_task(self.rpc_ping(request.peer, context))

        response = dht_pb2.FindResponse(values=[],
        for key_id in map(DHTID.from_bytes, request.keys):
            maybe_value, maybe_expiration_time = self.storage.get(key_id)
            cached_value, cached_expiration_time = self.cache.get(key_id)
            if (cached_expiration_time or
                    -float('inf')) > (maybe_expiration_time or -float('inf')):
                maybe_value, maybe_expiration_time = cached_value, cached_expiration_time

            nearest_neighbors = self.routing_table.get_nearest_neighbors(
            if nearest_neighbors:
                peer_ids, endpoints = zip(*nearest_neighbors)
                peer_ids, endpoints = [], []

                maybe_value if maybe_value is not None else _NOT_FOUND_VALUE)
                if maybe_expiration_time else _NOT_FOUND_EXPIRATION)
                dht_pb2.Peers(node_ids=list(map(DHTID.to_bytes, peer_ids)),
        return response
Exemplo n.º 23
async def simple_traverse_dht(
    query_id: DHTID,
    initial_nodes: Collection[DHTID],
    beam_size: int,
    get_neighbors: Callable[[DHTID], Awaitable[Tuple[Collection[DHTID],
    visited_nodes: Collection[DHTID] = ()
) -> Tuple[List[DHTID], Set[DHTID]]:
    Traverse the DHT graph using get_neighbors function, find :beam_size: nearest nodes according to DHTID.xor_distance.

    :note: This is a simplified (but working) algorithm provided for documentation purposes. Actual DHTNode uses
       `traverse_dht` - a generalization of this this algorithm that allows multiple queries and concurrent workers.

    :param query_id: search query, find k_nearest neighbors of this DHTID
    :param initial_nodes: nodes used to pre-populate beam search heap, e.g. [my_own_DHTID, ...maybe_some_peers]
    :param beam_size: beam search will not give up until it exhausts this many nearest nodes (to query_id) from the heap
        Recommended value: A beam size of k_nearest * (2-5) will yield near-perfect results.
    :param get_neighbors: A function that returns neighbors of a given node and controls beam search stopping criteria.
        async def get_neighbors(node: DHTID) -> neighbors_of_that_node: List[DHTID], should_continue: bool
        If should_continue is False, beam search will halt and return k_nearest of whatever it found by then.
    :param visited_nodes: beam search will neither call get_neighbors on these nodes, nor return them as nearest
    :returns: a list of k nearest nodes (nearest to farthest), and a set of all visited nodes (including visited_nodes)
    visited_nodes = set(
    )  # note: copy visited_nodes because we will add more nodes to this collection.
    initial_nodes = [
        node_id for node_id in initial_nodes if node_id not in visited_nodes
    if not initial_nodes:
        return [], visited_nodes

    unvisited_nodes = [(distance, uid) for uid, distance in zip(
        initial_nodes, query_id.xor_distance(initial_nodes))]
        unvisited_nodes)  # nearest-first heap of candidates, unlimited size

    nearest_nodes = [
        (-distance, node_id)
        for distance, node_id in heapq.nsmallest(beam_size, unvisited_nodes)
    )  # farthest-first heap of size beam_size, used for early-stopping and to select results
    while len(nearest_nodes) > beam_size:

    visited_nodes |= set(initial_nodes)
    upper_bound = -nearest_nodes[0][
        0]  # distance to farthest element that is still in beam
    was_interrupted = False  # will set to True if host triggered beam search to stop via get_neighbors

    while (not was_interrupted) and len(
            unvisited_nodes) != 0 and unvisited_nodes[0][0] <= upper_bound:
        _, node_id = heapq.heappop(
        )  # note: this  --^ is the smallest element in heap (see heapq)
        neighbors, was_interrupted = await get_neighbors(node_id)
        neighbors = [
            node_id for node_id in neighbors if node_id not in visited_nodes

        for neighbor_id, distance in zip(neighbors,
            if distance <= upper_bound or len(nearest_nodes) < beam_size:
                heapq.heappush(unvisited_nodes, (distance, neighbor_id))

                heapq_add_or_replace = heapq.heappush if len(
                    nearest_nodes) < beam_size else heapq.heappushpop
                heapq_add_or_replace(nearest_nodes, (-distance, neighbor_id))
                upper_bound = -nearest_nodes[0][
                    0]  # distance to beam_size-th nearest element found so far

    return [
        node_id for _, node_id in heapq.nlargest(beam_size, nearest_nodes)
    ], visited_nodes
Exemplo n.º 24
    async def get_many(
        keys: Collection[DHTKey],
        sufficient_expiration_time: Optional[DHTExpiration] = None,
        num_workers: Optional[int] = None,
        beam_size: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> Dict[DHTKey, Tuple[Optional[DHTValue], Optional[DHTExpiration]]]:
        :param keys: traverse the DHT and find the value for each of these keys (or (None, None) if not key found)
        :param sufficient_expiration_time: if the search finds a value that expires after this time,
            default = time of call, find any value that did not expire by the time of call
            If min_expiration_time=float('inf'), this method will find a value with _latest_ expiration
        :param beam_size: maintains up to this many nearest nodes when crawling dht, default beam_size = bucket_size
        :param num_workers: override for default num_workers, see traverse_dht num_workers param
        :returns: for each key: value and its expiration time. If nothing is found , returns (None, None) for that key
        :note: in order to check if get returned a value, please check (expiration_time is None)
        key_ids = [DHTID.generate(key) for key in keys]
        id_to_original_key = dict(zip(key_ids, keys))
        sufficient_expiration_time = sufficient_expiration_time or get_dht_time(
        beam_size = beam_size if beam_size is not None else self.protocol.bucket_size
        num_workers = num_workers if num_workers is not None else self.num_workers

        # search metadata
        unfinished_key_ids = set(
            key_ids)  # track key ids for which the search is not terminated
        node_to_endpoint: Dict[
            DHTID, Endpoint] = dict()  # global routing table for all queries

        SearchResult = namedtuple(
            ["binary_value", "expiration_time", "source_node_id"])
        latest_results = {
            key_id: SearchResult(b'', -float('inf'), None)
            for key_id in key_ids

        # stage 1: value can be stored in our local cache
        for key_id in key_ids:
            maybe_value, maybe_expiration_time = self.protocol.storage.get(
            if maybe_expiration_time is None:
                maybe_value, maybe_expiration_time = self.protocol.cache.get(
            if maybe_expiration_time is not None and maybe_expiration_time > latest_results[
                latest_results[key_id] = SearchResult(maybe_value,
                if maybe_expiration_time >= sufficient_expiration_time:

        # stage 2: traverse the DHT for any unfinished keys
        for key_id in unfinished_key_ids:
                    key_id, self.protocol.bucket_size, exclude=self.node_id))

        async def get_neighbors(
            peer: DHTID, queries: Collection[DHTID]
        ) -> Dict[DHTID, Tuple[List[DHTID], bool]]:
            queries = list(queries)
            response = await self.protocol.call_find(node_to_endpoint[peer],
            if not response:
                return {query: ([], False) for query in queries}

            output: Dict[DHTID, Tuple[List[DHTID], bool]] = {}
            for key_id, (maybe_value, maybe_expiration_time,
                         peers) in response.items():
                if maybe_expiration_time is not None and maybe_expiration_time > latest_results[
                    latest_results[key_id] = SearchResult(
                        maybe_value, maybe_expiration_time, peer)
                should_interrupt = (latest_results[key_id].expiration_time >=
                output[key_id] = list(peers.keys()), should_interrupt
            return output

        nearest_nodes_per_query, visited_nodes = await traverse_dht(
                key_id: {self.node_id}
                for key_id in unfinished_key_ids

        # stage 3: cache any new results depending on caching parameters
        for key_id, nearest_nodes in nearest_nodes_per_query.items():
            latest_value_bytes, latest_expiration_time, latest_node_id = latest_results[
            should_cache = latest_expiration_time >= sufficient_expiration_time  # if we found a newer value, cache it
            if should_cache and self.cache_locally:
                self.protocol.cache.store(key_id, latest_value_bytes,

            if should_cache and self.cache_nearest:
                num_cached_nodes = 0
                for node_id in nearest_nodes:
                    if node_id == latest_node_id:
                    num_cached_nodes += 1
                    if num_cached_nodes >= self.cache_nearest:

        # stage 4: deserialize data and assemble function output
        find_result: Dict[DHTKey, Tuple[Optional[DHTValue],
                                        Optional[DHTExpiration]]] = {}
        for key_id, (latest_value_bytes, latest_expiration_time,
                     _) in latest_results.items():
            if latest_expiration_time != -float('inf'):
                latest_value = self.serializer.loads(latest_value_bytes)
                find_result[id_to_original_key[key_id]] = (
                    latest_value, latest_expiration_time)
                find_result[id_to_original_key[key_id]] = None, None
        return find_result
Exemplo n.º 25
    async def store_many(self,
                         keys: List[DHTKey],
                         values: List[DHTValue],
                         expiration_time: Union[DHTExpiration,
                         subkeys: Optional[Union[
                             Subkey, List[Optional[Subkey]]]] = None,
                         exclude_self: bool = False,
                         **kwargs) -> Dict[DHTKey, bool]:
        Traverse DHT to find up :num_replicas: to best nodes to store multiple (key, value, expiration_time) pairs.

        :param keys: arbitrary serializable keys associated with each value
        :param values: serializable "payload" for each key
        :param expiration_time: either one expiration time for all keys or individual expiration times (see class doc)
        :param subkeys: an optional list of same shape as keys. If specified, this
        :param kwargs: any additional parameters passed to traverse_dht function (e.g. num workers)
        :param exclude_self: if True, never store value locally even if you are one of the nearest nodes
        :note: if exclude_self is True and self.cache_locally == True, value will still be __cached__ locally
        :param await_all_replicas: if False, this function returns after first store_ok and proceeds in background
            if True, the function will wait for num_replicas successful stores or running out of beam_size nodes
        :returns: for each key: True if store succeeds, False if it fails (due to no response or newer value)
        if isinstance(expiration_time, DHTExpiration):
            expiration_time = [expiration_time] * len(keys)
        if subkeys is None:
            subkeys = [None] * len(keys)

        assert len(keys) == len(subkeys) == len(values) == len(expiration_time), \
            "Either of keys, values, subkeys or expiration timestamps have different sequence lengths."

        key_id_to_data: DefaultDict[DHTID, List[Tuple[
            DHTKey, Subkey, DHTValue, DHTExpiration]]] = defaultdict(list)
        for key, subkey, value, expiration in zip(keys, subkeys, values,
                (key, subkey, value, expiration))

        unfinished_key_ids = set(key_id_to_data.keys(
        ))  # use this set to ensure that each store request is finished
        store_ok = {(key, subkey): None
                    for key, subkey in zip(keys, subkeys)
                    }  # outputs, updated during search
        store_finished_events = {(key, subkey): asyncio.Event()
                                 for key, subkey in zip(keys, subkeys)}

        # pre-populate node_to_endpoint
        node_to_endpoint: Dict[DHTID, Endpoint] = dict()
        for key_id in unfinished_key_ids:
                    key_id, self.protocol.bucket_size, exclude=self.node_id))

        async def on_found(key_id: DHTID, nearest_nodes: List[DHTID],
                           visited_nodes: Set[DHTID]) -> None:
            """ This will be called once per key when find_nearest_nodes is done for a particular node """
            # note: we use callbacks instead of returned values to call store immediately without waiting for stragglers
            assert key_id in unfinished_key_ids, "Internal error: traverse_dht finished the same query twice"
            assert self.node_id not in nearest_nodes

            # ensure k nodes stored the value, optionally include self.node_id as a candidate
            num_successful_stores = 0
            pending_store_tasks = set()
            store_candidates = sorted(
                nearest_nodes + ([] if exclude_self else [self.node_id]),
                reverse=True)  # ordered so that .pop() returns nearest
             *_], current_subkeys, current_values, current_expirations = zip(
            binary_values: List[bytes] = list(
                map(self.protocol.serializer.dumps, current_values))

            while num_successful_stores < self.num_replicas and (
                    store_candidates or pending_store_tasks):
                while store_candidates and num_successful_stores + len(
                        pending_store_tasks) < self.num_replicas:
                    node_id: DHTID = store_candidates.pop(
                    )  # nearest untried candidate

                    if node_id == self.node_id:
                        num_successful_stores += 1
                        for subkey, value, expiration_time in zip(
                                current_subkeys, binary_values,
                                     subkey] = self.protocol.storage.store(
                            if not await_all_replicas:
                                    keys=[key_id] * len(current_values),

                # await nearest task. If it fails, dispatch more on the next iteration
                if pending_store_tasks:
                    finished_store_tasks, pending_store_tasks = await asyncio.wait(
                    for task in finished_store_tasks:
                        if task.result() is not None:
                            num_successful_stores += 1
                            for subkey, store_status in zip(
                                    current_subkeys, task.result()):
                                store_ok[original_key, subkey] = store_status
                                if not await_all_replicas:

            if self.cache_on_store:
                                                store_ok[original_key, subkey]
                                                for subkey in current_subkeys

            for subkey, value_bytes, expiration in zip(current_subkeys,
                store_finished_events[original_key, subkey].set()

        store_task = asyncio.create_task(
            await asyncio.wait([
                evt.wait() for evt in store_finished_events.values()
            ])  # wait for items to be stored
            assert len(
            ) == 0, "Internal error: traverse_dht didn't finish search"
            return {(key, subkey) if subkey else key: status or False
                    for (key, subkey), status in store_ok.items()}
        except asyncio.CancelledError as e:
            raise e
Exemplo n.º 26
    async def create(cls,
                     node_id: Optional[DHTID] = None,
                     initial_peers: List[Endpoint] = (),
                     bucket_size: int = 20,
                     num_replicas: int = 5,
                     depth_modulo: int = 5,
                     parallel_rpc: int = None,
                     wait_timeout: float = 5,
                     refresh_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
                     bootstrap_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
                     cache_locally: bool = True,
                     cache_nearest: int = 1,
                     cache_refresh_before_expiry: float = 5,
                     cache_on_store: bool = True,
                     reuse_get_requests: bool = True,
                     num_workers: int = 1,
                     chunk_size: int = 16,
                     listen: bool = True,
                     listen_on: Endpoint = "*",
                     **kwargs) -> DHTNode:
        :param node_id: current node's identifier, determines which keys it will store locally, defaults to random id
        :param initial_peers: connects to these peers to populate routing table, defaults to no peers
        :param bucket_size: max number of nodes in one k-bucket (k). Trying to add {k+1}st node will cause a bucket to
          either split in two buckets along the midpoint or reject the new node (but still save it as a replacement)
          Recommended value: k is chosen s.t. any given k nodes are very unlikely to all fail after staleness_timeout
        :param num_replicas: number of nearest nodes that will be asked to store a given key, default = bucket_size (≈k)
        :param depth_modulo: split full k-bucket if it contains root OR up to the nearest multiple of this value (≈b)
        :param parallel_rpc: maximum number of concurrent outgoing RPC requests emitted by DHTProtocol
          Reduce this value if your RPC requests register no response despite the peer sending the response.
        :param wait_timeout: a kademlia rpc request is deemed lost if we did not receive a reply in this many seconds
        :param refresh_timeout: refresh buckets if no node from that bucket was updated in this many seconds
          if staleness_timeout is None, DHTNode will not refresh stale buckets (which is usually okay)
        :param bootstrap_timeout: after one of peers responds, await other peers for at most this many seconds
        :param cache_locally: if True, caches all values (stored or found) in a node-local cache
        :param cache_on_store: if True, update cache entries for a key after storing a new item for that key
        :param cache_nearest: whenever DHTNode finds a value, it will also store (cache) this value on this many
          nodes nearest nodes visited by search algorithm. Prefers nodes that are nearest to :key: but have no value yet
        :param cache_size: if specified, local cache will store up to this many records (as in LRU cache)
        :param cache_refresh_before_expiry: if nonzero, refreshes locally cached values
          if they are accessed this many seconds before expiration time.
        :param reuse_get_requests: if True, DHTNode allows only one traverse_dht procedure for every key
          all concurrent get requests for the same key will reuse the procedure that is currently in progress
        :param num_workers: concurrent workers in traverse_dht (see traverse_dht num_workers param)
        :param chunk_size: maximum number of concurrent calls in get_many and cache refresh queue
        :param listen: if True (default), this node will accept incoming request and otherwise be a DHT "citzen"
          if False, this node will refuse any incoming request, effectively being only a "client"
        :param listen_on: network interface, e.g. "" or "localhost:*" (* means pick any port) or "[::]:7654"
        :param channel_options: options for grpc.aio.insecure_channel, e.g. [('grpc.enable_retries', 0)]
          see https://grpc.github.io/grpc/core/group__grpc__arg__keys.html for a list of all options
        :param kwargs: extra parameters used in grpc.aio.server
        self = cls(_initialized_with_create=True)
        self.node_id = node_id = node_id if node_id is not None else DHTID.generate(
        self.num_replicas, self.num_workers, self.chunk_size = num_replicas, num_workers, chunk_size
        self.is_alive = True  # if set to False, cancels all background jobs such as routing table refresh

        self.reuse_get_requests = reuse_get_requests
        self.pending_get_requests = defaultdict(
                    key=lambda _res: -_res.sufficient_expiration_time))

        # caching policy
        self.refresh_timeout = refresh_timeout
        self.cache_locally, self.cache_nearest, self.cache_on_store = cache_locally, cache_nearest, cache_on_store
        self.cache_refresh_before_expiry = cache_refresh_before_expiry
        self.cache_refresh_queue = CacheRefreshQueue()
        self.cache_refresh_evt = asyncio.Event()
        self.cache_refresh_task = None

        self.protocol = await DHTProtocol.create(self.node_id, bucket_size,
                                                 depth_modulo, num_replicas,
                                                 wait_timeout, parallel_rpc,
                                                 cache_size, listen, listen_on,
        self.port = self.protocol.port

        if initial_peers:
            # stage 1: ping initial_peers, add each other to the routing table
            bootstrap_timeout = bootstrap_timeout if bootstrap_timeout is not None else wait_timeout
            start_time = get_dht_time()
            ping_tasks = map(self.protocol.call_ping, initial_peers)
            finished_pings, unfinished_pings = await asyncio.wait(
                ping_tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)

            # stage 2: gather remaining peers (those who respond within bootstrap_timeout)
            if unfinished_pings:
                finished_in_time, stragglers = await asyncio.wait(
                    timeout=bootstrap_timeout - get_dht_time() + start_time)
                for straggler in stragglers:
                finished_pings |= finished_in_time

            if not finished_pings:
                    "DHTNode bootstrap failed: none of the initial_peers responded to a ping."

            # stage 3: traverse dht to find my own nearest neighbors and populate the routing table
            # ... maybe receive some values that we are meant to store (see protocol.update_routing_table)
            # note: using asyncio.wait instead of wait_for because wait_for cancels task on timeout
            await asyncio.wait([
                asyncio.sleep(bootstrap_timeout - get_dht_time() + start_time)

        if self.refresh_timeout is not None:
        return self
Exemplo n.º 27
            num_added += new_total > total_nodes
            total_nodes = new_total
        num_replacements = sum(
            len(bucket.replacement_nodes) for bucket in routing_table.buckets)

        all_active_neighbors = list(
                    for bucket in routing_table.buckets)))
        assert lower_active <= len(all_active_neighbors) <= upper_active
        assert len(all_active_neighbors) == num_added
        assert num_added + num_replacements == table_size

        # random queries
        for i in range(1000):
            k = random.randint(1, 100)
            query_id = DHTID.generate()
            exclude = query_id if random.random() < 0.5 else None
            our_knn, our_endpoints = zip(*routing_table.get_nearest_neighbors(
                query_id, k=k, exclude=exclude))
            reference_knn = heapq.nsmallest(k,
            assert all(our == ref
                       for our, ref in zip_longest(our_knn, reference_knn))
            assert all(
                our_endpoint == routing_table[our_node]
                for our_node, our_endpoint in zip(our_knn, our_endpoints))

        # queries from table
        for i in range(1000):
            k = random.randint(1, 100)