Exemplo n.º 1
class Unit(UnitBase, PropDeclrCollector, UnitImplHelpers):
    Container of the netlist with interfaces
    and internal hierarchical structure

    :cvar _serializeDecision: function to decide if Hdl object derived from
        this unit should be serialized or not, if None all is always serialized
    :cvar _PROTECTED_NAMES: set of names which can not be overridden
    :ivar _interfaces: all public interfaces
    :ivar _private_interfaces: all internal interfaces
        which are not accessible from outside of unit
    :ivar _units: all units defined on this obj
    :ivar _params: all params defined on this obj
    :ivar _parent: parent object (Unit instance)
    :ivar _lazyLoaded: container of rtl object which were lazy loaded
        in implementation phase (this object has to be returned
        from _toRtl of parent before it it's own objects)
    :ivar _targetPlatform: metainformations about target platform

    _serializeDecision = None
    _PROTECTED_NAMES = set([
        "_PROTECTED_NAMES", "_interfaces", "_units", "_params", "_parent",
        "_lazyLoaded", "_ctx", "_externInterf", "_targetPlatform"

    def __init__(self):
        self._parent = None
        self._lazyLoaded = []
        self._ctx = RtlNetlist(self)


    def _toRtl(self, targetPlatform: DummyPlatform):
        synthesize all subunits, make connections between them,
        build entity and component for this unit
        assert not self._wasSynthetised()

        self._targetPlatform = targetPlatform
        if not hasattr(self, "_name"):
            self._name = self._getDefaultName()

        for proc in targetPlatform.beforeToRtl:

        self._ctx.params = self._buildParams()
        self._externInterf = []

        # prepare subunits
        for u in self._units:
            yield from u._toRtl(targetPlatform)

        for u in self._units:
            subUnitName = u._name
            u._signalsForMyEntity(self._ctx, "sig_" + subUnitName)

        # prepare signals for interfaces
        for i in self._interfaces:
            signals = i._signalsForInterface(self._ctx)
            if i._isExtern:

        for proc in targetPlatform.beforeToRtlImpl:
        yield from self._lazyLoaded

        if not self._externInterf:
            raise IntfLvlConfErr(
                "Can not find any external interface for unit %s"
                "- unit without interfaces are not allowed" % self._name)

        for proc in targetPlatform.afterToRtlImpl:

        yield from self._synthetiseContext(self._externInterf)

        for proc in targetPlatform.afterToRtl:

    def _wasSynthetised(self):
        return self._ctx.synthesised

    def _synthetiseContext(self, externInterf):
        # synthesize signal level context
        s = self._ctx.synthesize(self._name, externInterf,
        self._entity = s[0]
        self._entity.__doc__ = self.__doc__
        self._entity.origin = self

        self._architecture = s[1]

        for intf in self._interfaces:
            if intf._isExtern:
                # reverse because other components
                # looks at this one from outside

        # connect results of synthesized context to interfaces of this unit
        yield from s

        # after synthesis clean up interface so unit can be used elsewhere

    def _loadInterface(self, i, isExtern):

    def _loadDeclarations(self):
        Load all declarations from _decl() method, recursively
        for all interfaces/units.
        if not hasattr(self, "_interfaces"):
            self._interfaces = []
        if not hasattr(self, "_private_interfaces"):
            self._private_interfaces = []
        if not hasattr(self, "_units"):
            self._units = []
        self._setAttrListener = self._declrCollector
        self._setAttrListener = None
        for i in self._interfaces:
            self._loadInterface(i, True)

        # if I am a unit load subunits
        for u in self._units:

    def _registerIntfInImpl(self, iName, intf):
        Register interface in implementation phase
        self._registerInterface(iName, intf, isPrivate=True)
        self._loadInterface(intf, False)

    def _buildParams(self):
        # construct params for entity (generics)
        params = {}

        def addP(n: str, p: Param):
            if n in params:
                raise IntfLvlConfErr(
                    "Redefinition of generic/param '%s' while synthesis"
                    " old:%r, new:%r" % (n, params[n], p))
            p.hdl_name = n
            params[n] = p

        def nameForNestedParam(p):
            n = ""
            node = p
            while node is not self:
                if n == "":
                    n = node._name
                    n = node._name + "_" + n
                node = node._parent

            return n

        # collect params of this unit
        discoveredParams = set()
        for p in self._params:
            addP(p._name, p)

        # collect params from interfaces
        for intf in self._interfaces:
            for p in walkParams(intf, discoveredParams):
                n = nameForNestedParam(p)
                addP(n, p)

        return params

    def _getDefaultName(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def _checkArchCompInstances(self):
        cInstances = len(self._architecture.componentInstances)
        units = len(self._units)
        if cInstances != units:
            inRtl = set(
                map(lambda x: x.name, self._architecture.componentInstances))
            inIntf = set(map(lambda x: x._name + "_inst", self._units))
            if cInstances > units:
                raise IntfLvlConfErr(
                    "_toRtl unit(s) %s were found in rtl but were"
                    " not registered at %s" %
                    (str(inRtl - inIntf), self._name))
            elif cInstances < units:
                raise IntfLvlConfErr("_toRtl of %s: unit(s) %s were lost" %
                                     (self._name, str(inIntf - inRtl)))

    def _updateParamsFrom(self,
        :note: doc in
        PropDeclrCollector._updateParamsFrom(self, otherObj, updater, exclude,
Exemplo n.º 2
class Unit(UnitBase, PropDeclrCollector, UnitImplHelpers):
    Class members:
    #resolved automatically during configuration/declaration:

    :cvar _serializerMode: mode for serializer (drives when unit should be serialized)

    :ivar _interfaces: all interfaces 
    :ivar _units: all units defined on this obj in configuration/declaration
    :ivar _params: all params defined on this obj in configuration/declaration
    :ivar _parent: parent object (Unit instance)
    :ivar _checkIntferfaces: flag - after synthesis check if interfaces are present 
    :ivar _lazyLoaded : container of rtl object which were lazy loaded in implementation phase
        (this object has to be returned from _toRtl of parent before it it's own objects)

    _serializerMode = SERI_MODE.ALWAYS

    def __init__(self):
        self._parent = None
        self._checkIntferfaces = True
        self._lazyLoaded = []
        self._cntx = RtlNetlist(self)


    def _toRtl(self):
        synthesize all subunits, make connections between them, build entity and component for this unit
        assert not self._wasSynthetised()
        if not hasattr(self, "_name"):
            self._name = self._getDefaultName()
        self._cntx.globals = self._globalsFromParams()
        self._externInterf = []

        # prepare subunits
        for u in self._units:
            yield from u._toRtl()

        for u in self._units:
            subUnitName = u._name
            u._signalsForMyEntity(self._cntx, "sig_" + subUnitName)

        # prepare signals for interfaces
        for i in self._interfaces:
            signals = i._signalsForInterface(self._cntx)
            if i._isExtern:

        yield from self._lazyLoaded

        def forAllInterfaces(fn):
            for i in self._interfaces:

            for u in self._units:
                for i in u._interfaces:
                    if i._isExtern:

        forAllInterfaces(lambda i : i._connectMyElems())

        if self._checkIntferfaces and not self._externInterf:
            raise Exception("Can not find any external interface for unit " + self._name\
                            + "- there is no such a thing as unit without interfaces")

        yield from self._synthetiseContext(self._externInterf)

    def _wasSynthetised(self):
        return self._cntx.synthesised

    def _synthetiseContext(self, externInterf):
        # synthesize signal level context
        s = self._cntx.synthesize(self._name, externInterf)
        self._entity = s[0]
        self._entity.__doc__ = self.__doc__
        self._entity.origin = self

        self._architecture = s[1]

        for intf in self._interfaces: 
            if intf._isExtern:
                # reverse because other components looks at this one from outside

        # connect results of synthesized context to interfaces of this unit
        yield from s

        # after synthesis clean up interface so unit can be used elsewhere

    def _loadInterface(self, i, isExtern):

        if i._multipliedBy is not None:
            if i._interfaces:

    def _loadDeclarations(self):
        Load all declarations from _decl() method, recursively for all interfaces/units.
        if not hasattr(self, "_interfaces"):
            self._interfaces = []
        if not hasattr(self, "_units"):
            self._units = []
        self._setAttrListener = self._declrCollector
        self._setAttrListener = None
        for i in self._interfaces:
            self._loadInterface(i, True)

        # if I am a unit load subunits
        for u in self._units:
        for p in self._params:

    def _registerIntfInImpl(self, iName, intf):
        Register interface in implementation phase
        self._registerInterface(iName, intf)
        self._loadInterface(intf, False)

    def _build(cls, multithread=True):
        This Unit implementation does not require any preprocessing

    def _globalsFromParams(self):
        # construct globals (generics for entity)
        globalNames = {}

        def addP(n, p):
            # [TODO] case sensitivity based on active HDL
            p.name = n.upper()
            n = n.lower()
            if n in globalNames:
                raise IntfLvlConfErr("Redefinition of generic '%s' while synthesis old:%s, new:%s" %
                                     (n, repr(globalNames[n]), repr(p)))
            globalNames[n] = p

        def nameForNestedParam(p):
            n = ""
            node = p
            while node is not self:
                if n == "":
                    n = node._name
                    n = node._name + "_" + n
                node = node._parent

            return n

        discoveredParams = set()
        for p in self._params:
            addP(p.name, p)

        for intf in self._interfaces:
            for p in forAllParams(intf, discoveredParams):
                n = nameForNestedParam(p)
                addP(n, p)

        return globalNames

    def _getDefaultName(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def _checkArchCompInstances(self):
        cInstances = len(self._architecture.componentInstances)
        units = len(self._units)
        if cInstances != units:
            inRtl = set(map(lambda x: x.name, self._architecture.componentInstances))
            inIntf = set(map(lambda x: x._name + "_inst", self._units))
            if cInstances > units:
                raise IntfLvlConfErr("_toRtl unit(s) %s were found in rtl but were not registered at %s" %
                                     (str(inRtl - inIntf), self._name))
            elif cInstances < units:
                raise IntfLvlConfErr("_toRtl of %s: unit(s) %s were lost" %
                                     (self._name, str(inIntf - inRtl)))