Exemplo n.º 1
 def test__no_suffix__endswith_path_reg(self):
     # e.g. 'py_venv.*/'. should return no suffix (False)
     no_suffix = ExPath('py_venv')
     assert no_suffix.has_file_suffix() is False
     for reg in path_regexes():
         val = ExPath(f'{no_suffix}{reg}')
         actual = val.has_file_suffix()
         assert actual is False
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test__with_suffix__startswith_path_reg(self):
     # e.g. '.*/py_venv.xml'. should return has suffix (True)
     with_suffix = ExPath('py_venv.xml')
     assert with_suffix.has_file_suffix() is True
     for reg in path_regexes():
         val = ExPath(f'{reg}{with_suffix}')
         actual = val.has_file_suffix()
         assert actual is True
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test__no_suffix__surrounded_by_path_reg(self):
     # e.g. '.*/py_venv.*/'. should return no suffix (False)
     no_suffix = ExPath('py_venv')
     assert no_suffix.has_file_suffix() is False
     for reg in path_regexes():
         for morereg in path_regexes():
             val = ExPath(f'{morereg}{no_suffix}{reg}')
             actual = val.has_file_suffix()
             assert actual is False
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test__everything_mixed_with_regex(self):
     # e.g. '.*/py_v[en]*v.xm?l'. should return has suffix (True)
     assert ExPath('.*/py_v[en]*v.xm?l').has_file_suffix() is True
     mixed_stems = get_permutations_in_size_range(f'{REGEX_CHAR}.py_venv-1257', slice(5), has_letters_and_punc)
     for stem in mixed_stems:
         for suffix in mixed_suffixes():
             name = ExPath(f'{stem}.{suffix}')
             actual = name.has_file_suffix()
             assert actual is True
             for reg in path_regexes():
                 val = ExPath(f'{reg}{name}')
                 actual = val.has_file_suffix()
                 assert actual is True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def search(self, keyword: Union[str, ExPath], *, noprompt=True) -> ExPath:
        """Tries to return an ExPath in status.
         First assumes `keyword` is an exact file (str or ExPath), and if fails, uses `search` module.
         @param noprompt: specify False to allow using search_and_prompt(keyword, file) in case nothing matched earlier.
        darkprint(f'Status.search({repr(keyword)}) |')
        path = ExPath(keyword)
        for file in self.files:
            if file == path:
                return file
        has_suffix = path.has_file_suffix()
        has_slash = '/' in keyword
        has_regex = regex.has_regex(keyword)
        darkprint(f'\t{has_suffix = }, {has_slash = }, {has_regex = }')
        if has_suffix:
            files = self.files
            files = [f.with_suffix('') for f in self.files]

        if has_regex:
            for expath in files:
                if re.search(keyword, str(expath)):
                    return expath
        if has_slash:
                f"looking for the nearest match among status paths for: '{keyword}'"
            return ExPath(search.nearest(keyword, files))
            f"looking for a matching part among status paths ({'with' if has_suffix else 'without'} suffixes...) for: '{keyword}'"
        for f in files:
            # TODO: integrate into git.search somehow
            for i, part in enumerate(f.parts):
                if part == keyword:
                    ret = ExPath(os.path.join(*f.parts[0:i + 1]))
                    return ret
        if noprompt:
            return None
            f"didn't find a matching part, calling search_and_prompt()...")
        choice = search_and_prompt(keyword, [str(f) for f in files],
        if choice:
            return ExPath(choice)

        prompt.generic(colors.red(f"'{keyword}' didn't match anything"),
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test__with_mixed_regex_suffix(self):
     # e.g. 'py_venv.xm?l'. should return has suffix (True)
     for suffix in mixed_suffixes():
         with_suffix = ExPath(f'py_venv.{suffix}')
         actual = with_suffix.has_file_suffix()
         assert actual is True