Exemplo n.º 1
def test_zero_div():
    a = torch.tensor([2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0])
    ground_truth = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.5, 0.2, 1.0])

    m = MeanAbsoluteRelativeError()
    with raises(NotComputableError):
        m.update((a, ground_truth))
def test_wrong_input_shapes():
    m = MeanAbsoluteRelativeError()

    with raises(ValueError):
        m.update((torch.rand(4, 1, 2), torch.rand(4, 1)))

    with raises(ValueError):
        m.update((torch.rand(4, 1), torch.rand(4, 1, 2)))

    with raises(ValueError):
        m.update((torch.rand(4, 1, 2), torch.rand(4,)))

    with raises(ValueError):
        m.update((torch.rand(4,), torch.rand(4, 1, 2)))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_wrong_input_shapes():
    m = MeanAbsoluteRelativeError()

    with raises(ValueError, match=r"Input data shapes should be the same, but given"):
        m.update((torch.rand(4), torch.rand(4, 1)))

    with raises(ValueError, match=r"Input data shapes should be the same, but given"):
        m.update((torch.rand(4, 1), torch.rand(4,)))
    def _test(n_epochs, metric_device):
        metric_device = torch.device(metric_device)
        n_iters = 80
        s = 16
        n_classes = 2

        offset = n_iters * s
        y_true = torch.rand(size=(offset *
                                  idist.get_world_size(), )).to(device)
        y_preds = torch.rand(size=(offset *
                                   idist.get_world_size(), )).to(device)

        def update(engine, i):
            return (
                y_preds[i * s + rank * offset:(i + 1) * s + rank * offset],
                y_true[i * s + rank * offset:(i + 1) * s + rank * offset],

        engine = Engine(update)

        m = MeanAbsoluteRelativeError(device=metric_device)
        m.attach(engine, "mare")

        data = list(range(n_iters))
        engine.run(data=data, max_epochs=n_epochs)

        assert "mare" in engine.state.metrics

        mare = engine.state.metrics["mare"]

        np_y_true = y_true.cpu().numpy()
        np_y_preds = y_preds.cpu().numpy()

        abs_error = np.sum(abs(np_y_true - np_y_preds) / abs(np_y_true))
        num_samples = len(y_preds)
        np_res = abs_error / num_samples

        assert approx(mare) == np_res
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _test(y_pred, y, batch_size):
        def update_fn(engine, batch):
            idx = (engine.state.iteration - 1) * batch_size
            y_true_batch = np_y[idx : idx + batch_size]
            y_pred_batch = np_y_pred[idx : idx + batch_size]
            return torch.from_numpy(y_pred_batch), torch.from_numpy(y_true_batch)

        engine = Engine(update_fn)

        m = MeanAbsoluteRelativeError()
        m.attach(engine, "mare")

        np_y = y.numpy().ravel()
        np_y_pred = y_pred.numpy().ravel()

        data = list(range(y_pred.shape[0] // batch_size))
        mare = engine.run(data, max_epochs=1).metrics["mare"]

        abs_error = np.sum(abs(np_y - np_y_pred) / abs(np_y))
        num_samples = len(y_pred)
        res = abs_error / num_samples

        assert res == approx(mare)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _test(metric_device):
        metric_device = torch.device(metric_device)
        m = MeanAbsoluteRelativeError(device=metric_device)
        torch.manual_seed(10 + rank)

        y_pred = torch.randint(1, 11, size=(10,), device=device).float()
        y = torch.randint(1, 11, size=(10,), device=device).float()

        m.update((y_pred, y))

        # gather y_pred, y
        y_pred = idist.all_gather(y_pred)
        y = idist.all_gather(y)

        np_y_pred = y_pred.cpu().numpy()
        np_y = y.cpu().numpy()

        res = m.compute()

        abs_error = np.sum(abs(np_y - np_y_pred) / abs(np_y))
        num_samples = len(y_pred)
        np_res = abs_error / num_samples

        assert np_res == approx(res)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_zero_sample():
    m = MeanAbsoluteRelativeError()
    with raises(NotComputableError):
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_mean_absolute_relative_error():
    a = torch.rand(4)
    b = torch.rand(4)
    c = torch.rand(4)
    d = torch.rand(4)
    ground_truth = torch.rand(4)

    m = MeanAbsoluteRelativeError()

    m.update((a, ground_truth))
    abs_error_a = torch.sum(
        torch.abs(ground_truth - a) / torch.abs(ground_truth))
    num_samples_a = a.size()[0]
    sum_error = abs_error_a
    sum_samples = num_samples_a
    MARE_a = sum_error / sum_samples
    assert m.compute() == approx(MARE_a.item())

    m.update((b, ground_truth))
    abs_error_b = torch.sum(
        torch.abs(ground_truth - b) / torch.abs(ground_truth))
    num_samples_b = b.size()[0]
    sum_error += abs_error_b
    sum_samples += num_samples_b
    MARE_b = sum_error / sum_samples
    assert m.compute() == approx(MARE_b.item())

    m.update((c, ground_truth))
    abs_error_c = torch.sum(
        torch.abs(ground_truth - c) / torch.abs(ground_truth))
    num_samples_c = c.size()[0]
    sum_error += abs_error_c
    sum_samples += num_samples_c
    MARE_c = sum_error / sum_samples
    assert m.compute() == approx(MARE_c.item())

    m.update((d, ground_truth))
    abs_error_d = torch.sum(
        torch.abs(ground_truth - d) / torch.abs(ground_truth))
    num_samples_d = d.size()[0]
    sum_error += abs_error_d
    sum_samples += num_samples_d
    MARE_d = sum_error / sum_samples
    assert m.compute() == approx(MARE_d.item())
def test_zero_sample():
    m = MeanAbsoluteRelativeError()
    with raises(
            match=r"MeanAbsoluteRelativeError must have at least one sample"):