Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_no_matches_exception(self):
     """Test for when no matches in validity time are found between the
     historic forecasts and the truths. In this case, an exception is
     partial_truth = self.truth[2]
     msg = "The filtering has found no matches in validity time "
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg):
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_fewer_historic_forecasts(self):
     """Test for when there are fewer historic forecasts than truths,
     for example, if there is a missing forecast cycle."""
     hf_result, truth_result = Plugin._filter_non_matching_cubes(
         self.partial_historic_forecasts, self.temperature_truth_cube)
     self.assertEqual(hf_result, self.partial_historic_forecasts)
     self.assertEqual(truth_result, self.partial_truth)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_fewer_truths(self):
     """Test for when there are fewer truths than historic forecasts,
     for example, if there is a missing analysis."""
     hf_result, truth_result = Plugin._filter_non_matching_cubes(
         self.historic_temperature_forecast_cube, self.partial_truth)
     self.assertEqual(hf_result, self.partial_historic_forecasts)
     self.assertEqual(truth_result, self.partial_truth)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_all_matching(self):
     """Test for when the historic forecast and truth cubes all match."""
     hf_result, truth_result = Plugin._filter_non_matching_cubes(
     self.assertEqual(hf_result, self.historic_temperature_forecast_cube)
     self.assertEqual(truth_result, self.temperature_truth_cube)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_mismatching(self):
     """Test for when there is both a missing historic forecasts and a
     missing truth at different validity times. This results in the
     expected historic forecasts and the expected truths containing cubes
     at three matching validity times."""
     partial_truth = self.truth[1:].merge_cube()
     expected_historical_forecasts = iris.cube.CubeList([
         self.historic_forecasts[index] for index in (1, 3, 4)
     expected_truth = iris.cube.CubeList(
         [self.truth[index] for index in (1, 3, 4)]).merge_cube()
     hf_result, truth_result = Plugin._filter_non_matching_cubes(
         self.partial_historic_forecasts, partial_truth)
     self.assertEqual(hf_result, expected_historical_forecasts)
     self.assertEqual(truth_result, expected_truth)