def test_dot_function_a(self):
        """ test with vectors and matrices, discrete state / outcomes """

        array_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests/data/dot_a.mat")
        mat_contents = loadmat(file_name=array_path)

        A = mat_contents["A"]
        obs = mat_contents["o"]
        states = mat_contents["s"]
        states = np.array(states, dtype=object)

        result_1 = mat_contents["result1"]
        result_2 = mat_contents["result2"]
        result_3 = mat_contents["result3"]

        A = Categorical(values=A)
        result_1_py =, return_numpy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_1, result_1_py).all())

        result_2_py =, return_numpy=True)
        result_2_py = result_2_py.astype("float64")[:, np.newaxis]
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_2, result_2_py).all())

        result_3_py =, dims_to_omit=[0], return_numpy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_3, result_3_py).all())
    def test_cross_function_d(self):
        """Test case d: outer-producting a vector and a sequence of vectors:
        - first vector is a Categorical, second sequence of vectors is a numpy ndarray
        (dtype = object)
        - first vector is a Categorical, second sequence of vectors is a Categorical
        (where self.IS_AOA = True))
        array_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests/data/cross_d.mat")
        mat_contents = loadmat(file_name=array_path)
        result_1 = mat_contents["result1"]
        random_vec = Categorical(values=mat_contents["random_vec"])
        states = mat_contents["s"]
        for i in range(len(states)):
            states[i] = states[i].squeeze()

        # first way, where first array is a Categorical, second array is a numpy ndarray
        # (dtype = object)
        result_1a_py = random_vec.cross(states, return_numpy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_1, result_1a_py).all())

        # second way, where first array is a Categorical, second array is a Categorical
        # (where self.IS_AOA = True)
        states = Categorical(values=states[0])
        result_1b_py = random_vec.cross(states, return_numpy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_1, result_1b_py).all())
    def test_dot_function_e(self):
        """ CONTINUOUS states and outcomes, but add a final (fourth) hidden state factor """
        array_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests/data/dot_e.mat")
        mat_contents = loadmat(file_name=array_path)

        A = mat_contents["A"]
        obs = mat_contents["o"]
        states = mat_contents["s"]
        states_array_version = np.empty(states.shape[1], dtype=object)
        for i in range(states.shape[1]):
            states_array_version[i] = states[0][i][0]

        result_1 = mat_contents["result1"]
        result_2 = mat_contents["result2"]
        result_3 = mat_contents["result3"]

        A = Categorical(values=A)
        result_1_py =, return_numpy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_1, result_1_py).all())

        result_2_py =, return_numpy=True)
        result_2_py = result_2_py.astype("float64")[:, np.newaxis]
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_2, result_2_py).all())

        result_3_py =,
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_3, result_3_py).all())
 def test_normalize_multi_factor(self):
     values_1 = np.random.rand(5)
     values_2 = np.random.rand(4, 3)
     values = np.array([values_1, values_2])
     c = Categorical(values=values)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_update_pA_multiFactor_somemodalities(self):
        Test for updating prior Dirichlet parameters over sensory likelihood (pA)
        in the case that SOME observation modalities are updated and the generative model 
        has multiple hidden state factors

        n_states = [2, 6]
        qs = Categorical(values = construct_init_qs(n_states))
        learning_rate = 1.0
        # multiple observation modalities
        num_obs = [3,4,5]

        modalities_to_update = [0, 2]

        A = Categorical(values = construct_generic_A(num_obs, n_states))
        pA = Dirichlet(values = construct_pA(num_obs,n_states))

        observation =,return_numpy=False).sample()

        pA_updated = core.update_likelihood_dirichlet(pA, A, observation, qs, lr=learning_rate, modalities=modalities_to_update,return_numpy=True)

        for modality, no in enumerate(num_obs):
            if modality in modalities_to_update:
                validation_pA = pA[modality] + learning_rate * core.spm_cross(np.eye(no)[observation[modality]], qs.values)
                validation_pA = pA[modality]
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_normalize_multi_factor(self):
     values_1 = np.random.rand(5)
     values_2 = np.random.rand(4, 3)
     values = np.array([values_1, values_2])
     d = Dirichlet(values=values)
     normed = Categorical(values=d.mean(return_numpy=True))
 def test_copy(self):
     values = np.random.rand(3, 2)
     c = Categorical(values=values)
     c_copy = c.copy()
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(c_copy.values, c.values))
     c_copy.values = c_copy.values * 2
     self.assertFalse(np.array_equal(c_copy.values, c.values))
    def test_cross_function_b(self):
        """Test case b: outer-producting two vectors together:
        - both vectors are stored in single Categorical (with two entries, where self.AoA == True)
        - first vector is a Categorical (self.AoA = False) and second array is a numpy ndarray
        (non-object array)
        - first vector is a Categorical, second vector is also Categorical
        array_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests/data/cross_b.mat")
        mat_contents = loadmat(file_name=array_path)
        result_1 = mat_contents["result1"]
        result_2 = mat_contents["result2"]

        # first way, where both arrays as stored as two entries in a single AoA Categorical
        states = Categorical(values=mat_contents["s"][0])
        result_1_py = states.cross(return_numpy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_1, result_1_py).all())

        # second way (type 1), where first array is a Categorical, second array is a
        # straight numpy array
        states_first_factor = Categorical(values=mat_contents["s"][0][0])
        states_second_factor = mat_contents["s"][0][1]
        result_2a_py = states_first_factor.cross(states_second_factor,
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_2, result_2a_py).all())

        # second way (type 2), where first array is a Categorical, second array
        # is another Categorical
        states_first_factor = Categorical(values=mat_contents["s"][0][0])
        states_second_factor = Categorical(values=mat_contents["s"][0][1])
        result_2b_py = states_first_factor.cross(states_second_factor,
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_2, result_2b_py).all())
Exemplo n.º 9
def sample_action(p_i, possible_policies, Nu, sampling_type="marginal_action"):
    Samples action from posterior over policies, using one of two methods. 
    @TODO: Needs to be amended for use with multi-step policies (where possible_policies is a list of np.arrays (nStep x nFactor), not just a list of tuples as it is now)
    p_i [1D numpy.ndarray or Categorical]:
        Variational posterior over policies.
    possible_policies [list of tuples]:
        List of tuples that indicate the possible policies under consideration. Each tuple stores the actions taken upon the separate hidden state factors. 
        Same length as p_i.
    Nu [list of integers]:
        List of the dimensionalities of the different (controllable)) hidden states
    sampling_type [string, 'marginal_action' or 'posterior_sample']:
        Indicates whether the sampled action for a given hidden state factor is given by the evidence for that action, marginalized across different policies ('marginal_action')
        or simply the action entailed by the policy sampled from the posterior. 
    selectedPolicy [tuple]:
        tuple containing the list of actions selected by the agent

    numControls = len(Nu)

    if sampling_type == "marginal_action":

        if isinstance(p_i, Categorical):
            p_i = p_i.values.squeeze()

        action_marginals = np.empty(numControls, dtype=object)
        for nu_i in range(numControls):
            action_marginals[nu_i] = np.zeros(Nu[nu_i])

        # Weight each action according to the posterior probability it gets across policies
        for pol_i, policy in enumerate(possible_policies):
            for nu_i, a_i in enumerate(policy):
                action_marginals[nu_i][a_i] += p_i[pol_i]

        action_marginals = Categorical(values=action_marginals)
        selected_policy = action_marginals.sample()

    elif sampling_type == "posterior_sample":
        if isinstance(p_i, Categorical):
            policy_index = p_i.sample()
            selected_policy = possible_policies[policy_index]
            sample_onehot = np.random.multinomial(1, p_i.squeeze())
            policy_index = np.where(sample_onehot == 1)[0][0]
            selected_policy = possible_policies[policy_index]

    return selected_policy
Exemplo n.º 10
 def reset(self, state=None):
     if state is None:
         loc_state = np.zeros(self.n_locations)
         loc_state[0] = 1.0
         scene_state = np.zeros(self.n_scenes)
         self._true_scene = np.random.randint(self.n_scenes)
         scene_state[self._true_scene] = 1.0
         full_state = np.empty(self.n_factors, dtype=object)
         full_state[LOCATION_ID] = loc_state
         full_state[SCENE_ID] = scene_state
         self._state = Categorical(values=full_state)
         self._state = Categorical(values=state)
     return self._get_observation()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_state_info_gain(self):
        Test the states_info_gain function. Demonstrates working
        by manipulating uncertainty in the likelihood matrices (A or B)
        in a ways that alternatively change the resolvability of uncertainty
        (via an imprecise expected state and a precise mapping, or high ambiguity
        and imprecise mapping).

        n_states = [2]
        n_control = [2]

        qs = Categorical(values=np.eye(n_states[0])[0])

        # add some uncertainty into the consequences of the second policy, which
        # leads to increased epistemic value of observations, in case of pursuing
        # that policy -- in the case of a precise observation likelihood model
        B_matrix = construct_generic_B(n_states, n_control)
        B_matrix[:, :, 1] = core.softmax(B_matrix[:, :, 1])
        B = Categorical(values=B_matrix)

        # single timestep
        n_step = 1
        policies = core.construct_policies(n_states,

        # single observation modality
        num_obs = [2]

        # create noiseless identity A matrix
        A = Categorical(values=np.eye(num_obs[0]))

        state_info_gains = np.zeros(len(policies))

        for idx, policy in enumerate(policies):

            qs_pi = core.get_expected_states(qs, B, policy)

            state_info_gains[idx] += core.calc_states_info_gain(A, qs_pi)

        self.assertGreater(state_info_gains[1], state_info_gains[0])

        # we can 'undo' the epistemic bonus of the second policy by making the A matrix
        # totally ambiguous, thus observations cannot resolve uncertainty about hidden states
        # - in this case, uncertainty in the posterior beliefs doesn't matter

        A = Categorical(values=np.ones((num_obs[0], num_obs[0])))

        state_info_gains = np.zeros(len(policies))

        for idx, policy in enumerate(policies):

            qs_pi = core.get_expected_states(qs, B, policy)

            state_info_gains[idx] += core.calc_states_info_gain(A, qs_pi)

        self.assertEqual(state_info_gains[0], state_info_gains[1])
Exemplo n.º 12
 def reset(self, state=None):
     if state is None:
         loc_state = np.zeros(self.n_locations)
         loc_state[0] = 1.0
         reward_condition = np.zeros(self.n_reward_conditions)
         self._reward_condition = np.random.randint(
         reward_condition[self._reward_condition] = 1.0
         full_state = np.empty(self.n_factors, dtype=object)
         full_state[LOCATION_FACTOR_ID] = loc_state
         full_state[TRIAL_FACTOR_ID] = reward_condition
         self._state = Categorical(values=full_state)
         self._state = Categorical(values=state)
     return self._get_observation()
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_pA_info_gain(self):
        Test the pA_info_gain function. Demonstrates operation
        by manipulating shape of the Dirichlet priors over likelihood parameters
        (pA), which affects information gain for different expected observations

        n_states = [2]
        n_control = [2]

        qs = Categorical(values=np.eye(n_states[0])[0])

        B = Categorical(values=construct_generic_B(n_states, n_control))

        # single timestep
        n_step = 1
        policies = core.construct_policies(n_states,

        # single observation modality
        num_obs = [2]

        # create noiseless identity A matrix
        A = Categorical(values=np.eye(num_obs[0]))

        # create prior over dirichlets such that there is a skew
        # in the parameters about the likelihood mapping from the
        # second hidden state (index 1) to observations, such that one
        # observation is considered to be more likely than the other conditioned on that state.
        # Therefore sampling that observation would afford high info gain
        # about parameters for that part of the likelhood distribution.

        pA_matrix = construct_pA(num_obs, n_states)
        pA_matrix[0, 1] = 2.0
        pA = Dirichlet(values=pA_matrix)

        pA_info_gains = np.zeros(len(policies))

        for idx, policy in enumerate(policies):

            qs_pi = core.get_expected_states(qs, B, policy)
            qo_pi = core.get_expected_obs(qs_pi, A)

            pA_info_gains[idx] += core.calc_pA_info_gain(pA, qo_pi, qs_pi)

        self.assertGreater(pA_info_gains[1], pA_info_gains[0])
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_multi_factor_init_values_expand(self):
     values_1 = np.random.rand(5)
     values_2 = np.random.rand(4)
     values = np.array([values_1, values_2])
     c = Categorical(values=values)
     self.assertEqual(c.shape, (2, ))
     self.assertEqual(c[0].shape, (5, 1))
     self.assertEqual(c[1].shape, (4, 1))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def step(self, actions):
     prob_states = np.empty(self.n_factors, dtype=object)
     for f in range(self.n_factors):
         prob_states[f] = (self._transition_dist[f][:, :, actions[f]].dot(
             self._state[f], return_numpy=True).flatten())
     state = Categorical(values=prob_states).sample()
     self._state = self._construct_state(state)
     return self._get_observation()
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_dot_function_c_cat(self):
        """ test with vectors and matrices, discrete state / outcomes but with a
        third hidden state factor. Now, when arguments themselves are
        instances of Categorical

        array_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests/data/dot_c.mat")
        mat_contents = loadmat(file_name=array_path)

        A = mat_contents["A"]
        obs = Categorical(values=mat_contents["o"])
        states = mat_contents["s"]
        states_array_version = np.empty(states.shape[1], dtype=object)
        for i in range(states.shape[1]):
            states_array_version[i] = states[0][i][0]
        states_array_version = Categorical(values=states_array_version)
        result_1 = mat_contents["result1"]
        result_2 = mat_contents["result2"]
        result_3 = mat_contents["result3"]

        A = Categorical(values=A)
        result_1_py =, return_numpy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_1, result_1_py).all())

        result_2_py =, return_numpy=True)
        result_2_py = result_2_py.astype("float64")[:, np.newaxis]
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_2, result_2_py).all())

        result_3_py =,
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_3, result_3_py).all())
Exemplo n.º 17
    def reset(self, init_qs=None):
        if init_qs is None:
            self.qs = self._construct_D_prior()
            if isinstance(init_qs, Categorical):
                self.qs = init_qs
                self.qs = Categorical(values=init_qs)

        return self.qs
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _construct_likelihood_dist(self):
        A = np.empty(self.n_modalities, dtype=object)
        for modality in range(self.n_modalities):
            A[modality] = np.zeros([self.n_observations[modality]] +

        for loc in range(self.n_states[LOCATION_FACTOR_ID]):
            for reward_condition in range(self.n_states[TRIAL_FACTOR_ID]):

                if loc == 0:  # the case when the agent is in the centre location
                    # when in the centre location, reward observation is always 'no reward', or the outcome with index 0
                    A[REWARD_MODALITY_ID][0, loc, reward_condition] = 1.0

                    # when in the centre location, cue is totally ambiguous with respect to the reward condition
                    A[CUE_MODALITY_ID][:, loc,
                                       reward_condition] = 1.0 / self.n_observations[

                elif loc == 3:  # the case when loc == 3, or the cue location ('bottom arm')

                    # when in the cue location, reward observation is always 'no reward', or the outcome with index 0
                    A[REWARD_MODALITY_ID][0, loc, reward_condition] = 1.0

                    # when in the cue location, the cue indicates the reward condition umambiguously / signals where the reward is located
                    A[CUE_MODALITY_ID][reward_condition, loc,
                                       reward_condition] = 1.0

                else:  # the case when the agent is in one of the (potentially-) rewarding arms

                    if loc == (
                            reward_condition + 1
                    ):  # when location is consistent with reward condition
                        high_prob_idx = REWARD_IDX  # means highest probability is concentrated over reward outcome
                        low_prob_idx = LOSS_IDX  # lower probability on loss outcome
                        high_prob_idx = LOSS_IDX  # means highest probability is concentrated over loss outcome
                        low_prob_idx = REWARD_IDX  # lower probability on reward outcome

                        high_prob_idx, loc,
                        reward_condition] = self.reward_probs[0]
                        low_prob_idx, loc,
                        reward_condition] = self.reward_probs[1]

                    # cue is ambiguous when in the reward location
                    A[CUE_MODALITY_ID][:, loc,
                                       reward_condition] = 1.0 / self.n_observations[

                    loc, loc,
                    reward_condition] = 1.0  # the agent always observes its location, regardless of the reward condition

        return Categorical(values=A)
Exemplo n.º 19
def sample_action(q_pi, policies, n_control, sampling_type="marginal_action"):
    Samples action from posterior over policies, using one of two methods. 
    q_pi [1D numpy.ndarray or Categorical]:
        Posterior beliefs about (possibly multi-step) policies.
    policies [list of numpy ndarrays]:
        List of arrays that indicate the policies under consideration. Each element within the list is a matrix that stores the 
        the indices of the actions  upon the separate hidden state factors, at each timestep (nStep x nControlFactor)
    n_control [list of integers]:
        List of the dimensionalities of the different (controllable)) hidden state factors
    sampling_type [string, 'marginal_action' or 'posterior_sample']:
        Indicates whether the sampled action for a given hidden state factor is given by the evidence for that action, marginalized across different policies ('marginal_action')
        or simply the action entailed by a sample from the posterior over policies
    selectedPolicy [1D numpy ndarray]:
        Numpy array containing the indices of the actions along each control factor

    n_factors = len(n_control)

    if sampling_type == "marginal_action":

        if utils.is_distribution(q_pi):
            q_pi = utils.to_numpy(q_pi)

        action_marginals = np.empty(n_factors, dtype=object)
        for c_idx in range(n_factors):
            action_marginals[c_idx] = np.zeros(n_control[c_idx])

        # weight each action according to its integrated posterior probability over policies and timesteps
        for pol_idx, policy in enumerate(policies):
            for t in range(policy.shape[0]):
                for factor_i, action_i in enumerate(policy[t, :]):
                    action_marginals[factor_i][action_i] += q_pi[pol_idx]

        action_marginals = Categorical(values=action_marginals)
        selected_policy = np.array(action_marginals.sample())

    elif sampling_type == "posterior_sample":
        if utils.is_distribution(q_pi):
            policy_index = q_pi.sample()
            selected_policy = policies[policy_index]
            q_pi = Categorical(values=q_pi)
            policy_index = q_pi.sample()
            selected_policy = policies[policy_index]

    return selected_policy
Exemplo n.º 20
def get_expected_obs(Qs_pi, A, return_numpy=False):
    Given a posterior predictive density Qs_pi and an observation likelihood model A,
    get the expected observations given the predictive posterior.

    @TODO: Needs to be amended for use with multi-step policies (where possible_policies is a list of np.arrays (nStep x nFactor), not just a list of tuples as it is now)
    Qs_pi [numpy 1D array, array-of-arrays (where each entry is a numpy 1D array), or Categorical (either single-factor or AoA)]:
        Posterior predictive density over hidden states
    A [numpy nd-array, array-of-arrays (where each entry is a numpy nd-array), or Categorical (either single-factor of AoA)]:
        Observation likelihood mapping from hidden states to observations, with different modalities (if there are multiple) stored in different arrays
    return_numpy [Boolean]:
        True/False flag to determine whether output of function is a numpy array or a Categorical
    Qo_pi [numpy 1D array, array-of-arrays (where each entry is a numpy 1D array), or Categorical (either single-factor or AoA)]:
        Expected observations under the given policy 
    if isinstance(A, Categorical):

        if not return_numpy:
            Qo_pi =
            return Qo_pi
            Qo_pi =, return_numpy=True)
            if Qo_pi.dtype == "object":
                Qo_pi_flattened = np.empty(len(Qo_pi), dtype=object)
                for g in range(len(Qo_pi)):
                    Qo_pi_flattened[g] = Qo_pi[g].flatten()
                return Qo_pi_flattened
                return Qo_pi.flatten()

    elif A.dtype == "object":
        Ng = len(A)
        Qo_pi = np.empty(Ng, dtype=object)
        if isinstance(Qs_pi, Categorical):
            Qs_pi = Qs_pi.values
            for f in range(len(Qs_pi)):
                Qs_pi[f] = Qs_pi[f].flatten()
        for g in range(Ng):
            Qo_pi[g] = spm_dot(A[g], Qs_pi)

        if isinstance(Qs_pi, Categorical):
            Qs_pi = Qs_pi.values
        Qo_pi = spm_dot(A, Qs_pi)

    if not return_numpy:
        Qo_pi = Categorical(values=Qo_pi)
        return Qo_pi
        return Qo_pi
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _construct_transition_dist(self):
        B_locs = np.eye(self.n_locations)
        B_locs = B_locs.reshape(self.n_locations, self.n_locations, 1)
        B_locs = np.tile(B_locs, (1, 1, self.n_locations))
        B_locs = B_locs.transpose(1, 2, 0)

        B = np.empty(self.n_factors, dtype=object)
        B[LOCATION_ID] = B_locs
        B[SCENE_ID] = np.eye(self.n_scenes).reshape(self.n_scenes,
                                                    self.n_scenes, 1)
        return Categorical(values=B)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_pB_info_gain(self):
        Test the pB_info_gain function. Demonstrates operation
        by manipulating shape of the Dirichlet priors over likelihood parameters
        (pB), which affects information gain for different states

        n_states = [2]
        n_control = [2]

        qs = Categorical(values=np.eye(n_states[0])[0])

        B = Categorical(values=construct_generic_B(n_states, n_control))
        pB_matrix = construct_pB(n_states, n_control)

        # create prior over dirichlets such that there is a skew
        # in the parameters about the likelihood mapping from the
        # hidden states to hidden states under the second action,
        # such that hidden state 0 is considered to be more likely than the other,
        # given the action in question
        # Therefore taking that action would yield an expected state that afford
        # high information gain about that part of the likelihood distribution.
        pB_matrix[0, :, 1] = 2.0
        pB = Dirichlet(values=pB_matrix)

        # single timestep
        n_step = 1
        policies = core.construct_policies(n_states,

        pB_info_gains = np.zeros(len(policies))

        for idx, policy in enumerate(policies):

            qs_pi = core.get_expected_states(qs, B, policy)

            pB_info_gains[idx] += core.calc_pB_info_gain(pB, qs_pi, qs, policy)

        self.assertGreater(pB_info_gains[1], pB_info_gains[0])
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _construct_B_distribution(self):
        if self.n_factors == 1:
            B = np.eye(*self.n_states)[:, :, np.newaxis]
            if 0 in self.control_fac_idx:
                B = np.tile(B, (1, 1, self.n_controls[0]))
                B = B.transpose(1, 2, 0)
            B = np.empty(self.n_factors, dtype=object)

            for factor, ns in enumerate(self.n_states):
                B_basic = np.eye(ns)[:, :, np.newaxis]
                if factor in self.control_fac_idx:
                    B[factor] = np.tile(B_basic,
                                        (1, 1, self.n_controls[factor]))
                    B[factor] = B[factor].transpose(1, 2, 0)
                    B[factor] = B_basic

        B = Categorical(values=B)
        return B
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_cross_function_c(self):
        """Test case c: outer-producting a vector and a matrix together:
        - first vector is a Categorical, and the matrix argument is a numpy ndarray
        (non-object array)
        - first vector is a Categorical, and the matrix argument is also a Categorical
        array_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests/data/cross_c.mat")
        mat_contents = loadmat(file_name=array_path)
        result_1 = mat_contents["result1"]
        random_vec = Categorical(values=mat_contents["random_vec"])

        # first way, where first array is a Categorical, second array is a numpy ndarray
        random_matrix = mat_contents["random_matrix"]
        result_1a_py = random_vec.cross(random_matrix, return_numpy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_1, result_1a_py).all())

        # second way, where first array is a Categorical, second array is a Categorical
        random_matrix = Categorical(values=mat_contents["random_matrix"])
        result_1b_py = random_vec.cross(random_matrix, return_numpy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(result_1, result_1b_py).all())
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_update_pB_multiFactor_withActions_someFactors(self):
        Test for updating prior Dirichlet parameters over transition likelihood (pB)
        in the case that there are mulitple hidden state factors, and there 
        are actions. Some factors are updated

        n_states = [3, 4, 5]
        n_control = [3, 4, 5]
        qs_prev = Categorical(values = construct_init_qs(n_states))
        qs = Categorical(values = construct_init_qs(n_states))
        learning_rate = 1.0

        factors_to_update = [0,1]

        B = Categorical(values = construct_generic_B(n_states,n_control))
        pB = Dirichlet(values = construct_pB(n_states,n_control))

        action = np.array([np.random.randint(nc) for nc in n_control])

        pB_updated = core.update_transition_dirichlet(pB,B,action,qs,qs_prev,lr=learning_rate,factors=factors_to_update,return_numpy=True)

        validation_pB = pB.copy()

        for factor, _ in enumerate(n_control):

            validation_pB = pB[factor].copy()

            if factor in factors_to_update:
                validation_pB[:,:,action[factor]] += learning_rate * core.spm_cross(qs[factor].values, qs_prev[factor].values) * (B[factor][:, :, action[factor]].values > 0)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_update_pB_multiFactor_noActions_allFactors(self):
        Test for updating prior Dirichlet parameters over transition likelihood (pB)
        in the case that there are mulitple hidden state factors, and there 
        are no actions. All factors are updated

        n_states = [3, 4]
        n_control = [1, 1] 
        qs_prev = Categorical(values = construct_init_qs(n_states))
        qs = Categorical(values = construct_init_qs(n_states))
        learning_rate = 1.0

        B = Categorical(values = np.array([np.random.rand(ns, ns, n_control[factor]) for factor, ns in enumerate(n_states)]))
        pB = Dirichlet(values = np.array([np.ones_like(B[factor].values) for factor in range(len(n_states))]))

        action = np.array([np.random.randint(nc) for nc in n_control])

        pB_updated = core.update_transition_dirichlet(pB,B,action,qs,qs_prev,lr=learning_rate,factors="all",return_numpy=True)

        validation_pB = pB.copy()

        for factor, _ in enumerate(n_control):
            validation_pB = pB[factor].copy()
            validation_pB[:,:,action[factor]] += learning_rate * core.spm_cross(qs[factor].values, qs_prev[factor].values) * (B[factor][:, :, action[factor]].values > 0)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_is_normalized(self):
     values = np.array([[0.7, 0.5], [0.3, 0.5]])
     c = Categorical(values=values)
     values = np.array([[0.2, 0.8], [0.3, 0.5]])
     c = Categorical(values=values)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_contains_zeros(self):
     values = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0]])
     c = Categorical(values=values)
     values = np.array([[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]])
     c = Categorical(values=values)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_update_pB_singleFactor_withActions(self):
        Test for updating prior Dirichlet parameters over transition likelihood (pB)
        in the case that the one and only hidden state factor is updated, and there 
        are actions.

        n_states = [3]
        n_control = [3] 
        qs_prev = Categorical(values = construct_init_qs(n_states))
        qs = Categorical(values = construct_init_qs(n_states))
        learning_rate = 1.0

        B = Categorical(values = construct_generic_B(n_states, n_control))
        pB = Dirichlet(values = np.ones_like(B.values))

        action = np.array([np.random.randint(nc) for nc in n_control])

        pB_updated = core.update_transition_dirichlet(pB,B,action,qs,qs_prev,lr=learning_rate,factors="all",return_numpy=True)

        validation_pB = pB.copy()
        validation_pB[:,:,action[0]] += learning_rate * core.spm_cross(qs.values, qs_prev.values) * (B[:, :, action[0]].values > 0)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def _construct_D_prior(self):
        if self.n_factors == 1:
            D = Categorical(values=np.ones(*self.n_states))
            D = Categorical(
                values=np.array([np.ones(Ns) for Ns in self.n_states]))

        return D