Exemplo n.º 1
    def effect(self):
        scale = self.options.scale
        scaleFrom = self.options.scaleFrom

        tolerance = 10**(-1 * self.options.precision)

        printOut = False
        selections = self.svg.selected
        pathNodes = self.document.xpath('//svg:path', namespaces=inkex.NSS)
        outStrs = [str(len(pathNodes))]

        paths = [(pathNode.get('id'), CubicSuperPath(pathNode.get('d')))
                 for pathNode in pathNodes]

        if (len(paths) > 1):
            srcPath = paths[-1][1]
            srclen = self.getLength(srcPath, tolerance)
            paths = paths[:len(paths) - 1]
            for key, cspath in paths:
                curveLen = self.getLength(cspath, tolerance)

                self.scaleCubicSuper(cspath, scaleFactor = scale * (srclen / curveLen), \
                scaleFrom = scaleFrom)
                selections[key].set('d', CubicSuperPath(cspath))
                _("Please select at least two paths, with the path whose \
            length is to be copied at the top. You may have to convert the shape \
            to path with path->Object to Path."))
def getCubicSuperPath(d = None):
    if(CommonDefs.inkVer == 1.0):
        if(d == None): return CubicSuperPath([])
        return CubicSuperPath(Path(d).to_superpath())
        if(d == None): return []
        return CubicSuperPath(simplepath.parsePath(d))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def effect(self):
        selections = self.svg.selected
        pathNodes = self.document.xpath('//svg:path', namespaces=inkex.NSS)

        paths = {
            p.get('id'): getPartsFromCubicSuper(CubicSuperPath(p.get('d')))
            for p in pathNodes

        #paths.keys() Order disturbed
        pathIds = [p.get('id') for p in pathNodes]

        if (len(paths) > 1):
            if (self.options.optimized):
                startPathId = pathIds[0]
                pathIds = getArrangedIds(paths, startPathId)

            newParts = []
            firstElem = None
            for key in pathIds:
                parts = paths[key]
                # ~ parts = getPartsFromCubicSuper(cspath)
                start = parts[0][0][0]
                    elem = self.svg.selected[key]

                    if (len(newParts) == 0):
                        newParts += parts[:]
                        firstElem = elem
                        if (vectCmpWithMargin(start,
                            newParts[-1] += parts[0]
                            newSeg = [
                                newParts[-1][-1][-1], newParts[-1][-1][-1],
                                start, start
                            newParts[-1] += parts[0]

                        if (len(parts) > 1):
                            newParts += parts[1:]

                    parent = elem.getparent()
                    idx = parent.index(elem)
                    pass  #elem might come from group item - in this case we need to ignore it

            newElem = copy.copy(firstElem)
            oldId = firstElem.get('id')
            newElem.set('d', CubicSuperPath(getCubicSuperFromParts(newParts)))
            newElem.set('id', oldId + '_joined')
            parent.insert(idx, newElem)
    def recursiveFuseTransform(self,
                               transf=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]):
        transf = Transform(transf) * Transform(node.get("transform", None))

        if 'transform' in node.attrib:
            del node.attrib['transform']

        node = ApplyTransform.objectToPath(node)

        if 'd' in node.attrib:
            d = node.get('d')
            p = CubicSuperPath(d)
            p = Path(p).to_absolute().transform(transf, True)
            node.set('d', Path(CubicSuperPath(p).to_path()))

            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        elif node.tag in [
                inkex.addNS('polygon', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('polyline', 'svg')
            points = node.get('points')
            points = points.strip().split(' ')
            for k, p in enumerate(points):
                if ',' in p:
                    p = p.split(',')
                    p = [float(p[0]), float(p[1])]
                    applyTransformToPoint(transf, p)
                    p = [str(p[0]), str(p[1])]
                    p = ','.join(p)
                    points[k] = p
            points = ' '.join(points)
            node.set('points', points)

            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        elif node.tag in [
                inkex.addNS('rect', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('text', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('image', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('use', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('circle', 'svg')
            # node.set('transform', str(Transform(transf)))
            inkex.utils.errormsg("Shape %s not yet supported" % node.tag)

            # e.g. <g style="...">
            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        for child in node.getchildren():
            self.recursiveFuseTransform(child, transf)
Exemplo n.º 5
def splitPath(inkex, node):
    dashes = []
    try:  # inkscape 1.0
        style = dict(Style(node.get('style')))
    except:  # inkscape 0.9x
        style = simplestyle.parseStyle(node.get('style'))
    if 'stroke-dasharray' in style:
        if style['stroke-dasharray'].find(',') > 0:
            dashes = [
                float(dash) for dash in style['stroke-dasharray'].split(',')
                if dash
    if dashes:
        try:  # inkscape 1.0
            p = CubicSuperPath(node.get('d'))
        except:  # inkscape 0.9x
            p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(node.get('d'))
        new = []
        for sub in p:
            idash = 0
            dash = dashes[0]
            length = 0
            i = 1
            while i < len(sub):
                dash = dash - length
                length = cspseglength(new[-1][-1], sub[i])
                while dash < length:
                    new[-1][-1], next, sub[i] = cspbezsplitatlength(
                        new[-1][-1], sub[i], dash / length)
                    if idash % 2:  # create a gap
                    else:  # splice the curve
                    length = length - dash
                    idash = (idash + 1) % len(dashes)
                    dash = dashes[idash]
                if idash % 2:
                i += 1
        try:  # inkscape 1.0
            node.set('d', CubicSuperPath(new))
        except:  # inkscape 0.9x
            node.set('d', cubicsuperpath.formatPath(new))
        del style['stroke-dasharray']
        try:  # inkscape 1.0
            node.set('style', Style(style))
        except:  # inkscape 0.9x
            node.set('style', simplestyle.formatStyle(style))
        if node.get(inkex.addNS('type', 'sodipodi')):
            del node.attrib[inkex.addNS('type', 'sodipodi')]
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_from_arrays(self):
     """SuperPath from arrays"""
     csp = CubicSuperPath([[
         [[14, 173], [14, 173], (14, 173)],
         [(15, 171), (17, 168), (18, 168)],
                               [(18, 167), (18, 167), [20, 165]],
                               ((21, 164), [22, 162], (23, 162)),
         'M 14 173 C 14 173 15 171 17 168 M 18 167 C 20 165 21 164 22 162')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def effect(self):
        unit_factor = 1.0 / self.svg.uutounit(1.0, self.options.unit)
        for id, node in self.svg.selected.items():

            #get recent XY coordinates (top left corner of the bounding box)
            bbox = node.bounding_box()
            new_horiz_scale = self.options.expected_size * unit_factor / bbox.width
            new_vert_scale = self.options.expected_size * unit_factor / bbox.height

            if self.options.scale_type == "Horizontal":
                translation_matrix = [[new_horiz_scale, 0.0, 0.0],
                                      [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
            elif self.options.scale_type == "Vertical":
                translation_matrix = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                      [0.0, new_vert_scale, 0.0]]
            else:  #Uniform
                translation_matrix = [[new_horiz_scale, 0.0, 0.0],
                                      [0.0, new_vert_scale, 0.0]]
            node.transform = Transform(translation_matrix) * node.transform

            # now that the node moved we need to get the nodes XY coordinates again to fix them
            bbox_new = node.bounding_box()


            # We remove the transformation attribute from SVG XML tree in case it's regular path. In case the node is an object like arc,circle, ellipse or star we have the attribute "sodipodi:type". Then we do not play with it's path because the size transformation will not apply (this code block is ugly)
            if node.get('sodipodi:type') is None and 'd' in node.attrib:
                #inkex.utils.debug("it's a path!")
                d = node.get('d')
                p = CubicSuperPath(d)
                transf = Transform(node.get("transform", None))
                if 'transform' in node.attrib:
                    del node.attrib['transform']
                p = Path(p).to_absolute().transform(transf, True)
                node.set('d', Path(CubicSuperPath(p).to_path()))
            #inkex.utils.debug("it's an object!")

            #we perform second translation to reset the center of the path
            translation_matrix = [[
                1.0, 0.0,
                bbox.left - bbox_new.left + (bbox.width - bbox_new.width) / 2
                                      0.0, 1.0, bbox.top - bbox_new.top +
                                      (bbox.height - bbox_new.height) / 2
            node.transform = Transform(translation_matrix) * node.transform
Exemplo n.º 8
    def effect(self):
        path_strings = []
        net_strings = ["M"]
        my_path = etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'))
        s = {
            'stroke-width': self.options.s_width,
            'stroke': '#000000',
            'fill': 'none'
        my_path.set('style', str(inkex.Style(s)))
        for id, node in self.svg.selected.items():
            if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'):
                d = node.get('d')
                p = CubicSuperPath(Path(d))
                for subpath in p:
                    for i, csp in enumerate(subpath):
                        path_strings.append("%f,%f" % (csp[1][0], csp[1][1]))
                node.set('d', str(Path(p)))

                while len(path_strings) > 0:
                    if len(path_strings) > 0:
                my_path.set('d', " ".join(net_strings))
    def effect(self):

        if len(self.svg.selected) == 0:
                _("Please select an object to perform the " +
                  "exponential-distort transformation on."))

        for id, node in self.svg.selected.items():
            type = node.get(
            if node.tag != '{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}path' or type != 'path':
                inkex.errormsg(node.tag + " is not a path. Type=" + type +
                               ". Please use 'Path->Object to Path' first.")
                pts = CubicSuperPath(node.get('d'))
                bbox = self.computeBBox(pts)
                ## bbox (60.0, 160.0, 77.0, 197.0)
                ## pts [[[[60.0, 77.0], [60.0, 77.0], [60.0, 77.0]], [[60.0, 197.0], [60.0, 197.0], [60.0, 197.0]], [[70.0, 197.0], ...
                for p in pts:
                    for pp in p:
                        for ppp in pp:
                            ppp[0] = self.x_exp_p_inplace(bbox, ppp[0])

                node.set('d', str(pts))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def breakContours(self, node):  #this does the same as "CTRL + SHIFT + K"
        if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'):
            parent = node.getparent()
            idx = parent.index(node)
            idSuffix = 0
            raw = Path(node.get("d")).to_arrays()
            subPaths, prev = [], 0
            for i in range(
                    len(raw)):  # Breaks compound paths into simple paths
                if raw[i][0] == 'M' and i != 0:
                    prev = i
            for subpath in subPaths:
                replacedNode = copy.copy(node)
                oldId = replacedNode.get('id')

                replacedNode.set('d', CubicSuperPath(subpath))
                replacedNode.set('id', oldId + str(idSuffix).zfill(5))
                parent.insert(idx, replacedNode)
                idSuffix += 1
        for child in node:
Exemplo n.º 11
 def path_round_it(self, node):
     if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'):
         d = node.get('d')
         p = CubicSuperPath(d)
         for subpath in p:
             for csp in subpath:
                 delta = self.roundit(csp[1])
                 if self.options.along:
                     csp[0][0] += delta[0]
                     csp[0][1] += delta[1]
                 csp[1][0] += delta[0]
                 csp[1][1] += delta[1]
                 if self.options.along:
                     csp[2][0] += delta[0]
                     csp[2][1] += delta[1]
                 if self.options.ctrl:
                     delta = self.roundit(csp[0])
                     csp[0][0] += delta[0]
                     csp[0][1] += delta[1]
                     delta = self.roundit(csp[2])
                     csp[2][0] += delta[0]
                     csp[2][1] += delta[1]
         node.set('d', str(Path(p)))
     elif node.tag == inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'):
         for e in node:
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_AZ(self):
     p = [
         ['M', [0., 4.]],
         ['A', [3., 6., 0., 1, 1, 5., 4.]],
         ['Z', []],
     csp = CubicSuperPath(p)
     self.assertTrue(len(csp[0]) > 3)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def create_vert_blocks(self, group, gridx, style):
     path = lastpath = 0
     blocks = []
     count = 0
     for node in gridx.iterchildren():
         if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'): # which they ALL should because we just made them
             path = CubicSuperPath(node.get('d')) # turn it into a global C style SVG path
             #sys.stderr.write("count: %d\n"% count)
             if count == 0: # first one so use the right border
                 spath = node.get('d') # work on string instead of cubicpath
                 lastpoint = spath.split()[-2:]
                 lastx = float(lastpoint[0])
                 lasty = float(lastpoint[1])
                 #sys.stderr.write("lastpoint: %s\n"% lastpoint)
                 spath += ' %f %f %f %f %f %f' % (lastx+self.inner_radius/2,lasty, self.width-1.5*self.inner_radius,lasty, self.width-self.inner_radius, lasty)
                 spath += ' %f %f %f %f %f %f' % (self.width-self.inner_radius/2,lasty, self.width,self.height-self.inner_radius/2, self.width,self.height-self.inner_radius)
                 spath += ' %f %f %f %f %f %f' % (self.width,self.height-1.5*self.inner_radius, self.width, 1.5*self.inner_radius, self.width,self.inner_radius)
                 spath += ' %f %f %f %f %f %f' % (self.width,self.inner_radius/2, self.width-self.inner_radius/2,0, self.width-self.inner_radius,0)
                 spath += 'z'
                 #sys.stderr.write("spath: %s\n"% spath)
                 name = "ColPieces_%d" % (count)
                 attribs = { 'style':style, 'id':name, 'd':spath }
                 n = etree.SubElement(group, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), attribs )
                 blocks.append(n) # for direct traversal later
             else: # internal line - concat a reversed version with the last one
                 thispath = copy.deepcopy(path)
                 for i in range(len(thispath[0])): # reverse the internal C pairs
                 thispath[0].reverse() # reverse the entire line
                 lastpath[0].extend(thispath[0]) # append
                 name = "ColPieces_%d" % (count)
                 attribs = { 'style':style, 'id':name, 'd':dirtyFormat(lastpath) }
                 n = etree.SubElement(group, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), attribs )
                 blocks.append(n) # for direct traversal later
                 n.set('d', n.get('d')+'z') # close it
             count += 1
             lastpath = path
     # do the last one (LHS)
     spath = node.get('d') # work on string instead of cubicpath
     lastpoint = spath.split()[-2:]
     lastx = float(lastpoint[0])
     lasty = float(lastpoint[1])
     #sys.stderr.write("lastpoint: %s\n"% lastpoint)
     spath += ' %f %f %f %f %f %f' % (lastx-self.inner_radius,lasty, 1.5*self.inner_radius, lasty, self.inner_radius,lasty)
     spath += ' %f %f %f %f %f %f' % (self.inner_radius/2,lasty, 0,lasty-self.inner_radius/2, 0,lasty-self.inner_radius)
     spath += ' %f %f %f %f %f %f' % (0,lasty-1.5*self.inner_radius, 0,1.5*self.inner_radius, 0,self.inner_radius)
     spath += ' %f %f %f %f %f %f' % (self.inner_radius/2,0, self.inner_radius,0, 1.5*self.inner_radius, 0)
     spath += 'z'
     name = "ColPieces_%d" % (count)
     attribs = { 'style':style, 'id':name, 'd':spath }
     n = etree.SubElement(group, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), attribs )
     blocks.append(n) # for direct traversal later
Exemplo n.º 14
    def addPathVertices(self,
        Decompose the path data from an SVG element into individual
        subpaths, each subpath consisting of absolute move to and line
        to coordinates.  Place these coordinates into a list of polygon

        if (not path) or (len(path) == 0):
            # Nothing to do

        sp = Path(path)
        if (not sp) or (len(sp) == 0):
            # Path must have been devoid of any real content

        # Get a cubic super path
        p = CubicSuperPath(sp)
        if (not p) or (len(p) == 0):
            # Probably never happens, but...

        # Now traverse the cubic super path
        subpath_list = []
        subpath_vertices = []
        for sp in p:
            if len(subpath_vertices):
                # There's a prior subpath: see if it is closed and should be saved
                if distanceSquared(subpath_vertices[0],
                                   subpath_vertices[-1]) < 1:
                    # Keep the prior subpath: it appears to be a closed path
            subpath_vertices = []
            subdivideCubicPath(sp, 0.2)
            for csp in sp:
                # Add this vertex to the list of vertices

        # Handle final subpath
        if len(subpath_vertices):
            if distanceSquared(subpath_vertices[0], subpath_vertices[-1]) < 1:
                # Path appears to be closed so let's keep it

        # Empty path?
        if not subpath_list:

        # Store the list of subpaths in a dictionary keyed off of the path's node pointer
        self.paths[node] = subpath_list
        self.paths_clone_transform[node] = clone_transform
Exemplo n.º 15
    def envelope2coords(self, path_envelope):
        pp_envelope = CubicSuperPath(path_envelope)
        # inkex.debug(pp_envelope)

        c0 = pp_envelope[0][0][0]
        c1 = pp_envelope[0][1][0]
        c2 = pp_envelope[0][2][0]
        c3 = pp_envelope[0][3][0]
        # inkex.debug(str(c0)+" "+str(c1)+" "+str(c2)+" "+str(c3))
        return [c0, c1, c2, c3]
Exemplo n.º 16
    def split_into_nodes(self, nodes_number=1000):
        for id, node in self.svg.selected.items():
            if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'):
                p = CubicSuperPath(node.get('d'))
                new = []
                for sub in p:
                    i = 1
                    while i <= len(sub) - 1:
                        length = bezier.cspseglength(new[-1][-1], sub[i])

                        splits = nodes_number
                        for s in range(int(splits), 1, -1):
                            new[-1][-1], next, sub[
                                i] = bezier.cspbezsplitatlength(
                                    new[-1][-1], sub[i], 1.0 / s)
                        i += 1
                node.set('d', str(CubicSuperPath(new)))
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _sekl_call(self, skeletons, p0, dx, bbox):
        if self.options.vertical:
        newp = []
        for skelnode in skeletons.values():
            self.curSekeleton = skelnode.path.to_superpath()
            if self.options.vertical:
            for comp in self.curSekeleton:
                path = copy.deepcopy(p0)
                self.skelcomp, self.lengths = linearize(comp)
                # !!!!>----> TODO: really test if path is closed! end point==start point is not enough!
                self.skelcompIsClosed = (self.skelcomp[0] == self.skelcomp[-1])

                length = sum(self.lengths)
                xoffset = self.skelcomp[0][
                    0] - bbox.x.minimum + self.options.toffset
                yoffset = self.skelcomp[0][
                    1] - bbox.y.center - self.options.noffset

                if self.options.repeat:
                    NbCopies = max(
                        1, int(round((length + self.options.space) / dx)))
                    width = dx * NbCopies
                    if not self.skelcompIsClosed:
                        width -= self.options.space
                    bbox.x.maximum = bbox.x.minimum + width
                    new = []
                    for sub in path:
                        for _ in range(NbCopies):
                            offset(sub, dx, 0)
                    path = new

                for sub in path:
                    offset(sub, xoffset, yoffset)

                if self.options.stretch:
                    if not bbox.width:
                        raise inkex.AbortExtension(
                            "The 'stretch' option requires that the pattern must have non-zero width :\nPlease edit the pattern width."
                    for sub in path:
                        stretch(sub, length / bbox.width, 1, self.skelcomp[0])

                for sub in path:
                    for ctlpt in sub:
                                                  (ctlpt[0], ctlpt[2]))

                if self.options.vertical:
                newp += path
        return CubicSuperPath(newp)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_QT(self):
     p = [
         ['M', [0.0, 0.0]],
         ['Q', [3.0, 0.0, 3.0, 3.0]],
         ['T', [0.0, 6.0]],
     csp = CubicSuperPath(p)
     self.assertDeepAlmostEqual(csp, [[
         [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0]],
         [[3.0, 1.0], [3.0, 3.0], [3.0, 5.0]],
         [[2.0, 6.0], [0.0, 6.0], [0.0, 6.0]],
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_CS(self):
     p = [
         ['M', [1.2, 2.3]],
         ['C', [4.5, 3.4, 5.6, 6.7, 8.9, 7.8]],
         ['S', [9.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4]],
     csp = CubicSuperPath(p)
     self.assertDeepAlmostEqual(csp, [[
         [[1.2, 2.3], [1.2, 2.3], [4.5, 3.4]],
         [[5.6, 6.7], [8.9, 7.8], [12.2, 8.9]],
         [[9.1, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], [2.3, 3.4]],
Exemplo n.º 20
 def effect(self):
     if len(self.svg.selected) > 0:
         output_all = output_nodes = ""
         for node in self.svg.selection.filter(inkex.PathElement):
             p = CubicSuperPath(node.get('d'))
             for subpath in p:
                 for csp in subpath:
                     output_nodes += str(csp[1][0]) + "\t" + str(csp[1][1]) + "\n"
             output_nodes += "\n"                 
         inkex.errormsg('Please select some paths first.')
Exemplo n.º 21
    def envelope2coords(self, path_envelope):
        pp_envelope = CubicSuperPath(path_envelope)
        if len(pp_envelope[0]) < 4:
                "The selected envelope (your second path) does not contain enough nodes. Check to have at least 4 nodes."

        c0 = pp_envelope[0][0][0]
        c1 = pp_envelope[0][1][0]
        c2 = pp_envelope[0][2][0]
        c3 = pp_envelope[0][3][0]
        # inkex.debug(str(c0)+" "+str(c1)+" "+str(c2)+" "+str(c3))
        return [c0, c1, c2, c3]
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_LHV(self):
     p = [
         ['M', [1.2, 2.3]],
         ['L', [3.4, 4.5]],
         ['H', [5.6]],
         ['V', [6.7]],
     csp = CubicSuperPath(p)
     self.assertDeepAlmostEqual(csp, [[
         [[1.2, 2.3], [1.2, 2.3], [1.2, 2.3]],
         [[3.4, 4.5], [3.4, 4.5], [3.4, 4.5]],
         [[5.6, 4.5], [5.6, 4.5], [5.6, 4.5]],
         [[5.6, 6.7], [5.6, 6.7], [5.6, 6.7]],
Exemplo n.º 23
    def effect(self):
        if len(self.svg.selected) > 0:
            global output_nodes, points
            #create numpy array of nodes
            n_array = []
            #Iterate through all the selected objects in Inkscape
            for  node in self.svg.selected.values():
                #Check if the node is a path ("svg:path" node in XML )
                #id = node.id
                if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'):
                    # bake (or fuse) transform
                    #turn into cubicsuperpath
                    d = node.get('d')
                    p = CubicSuperPath(d)
                    for subpath in p: # there may be several paths joined together (e.g. holes)
                        for csp in subpath: # groups of three to handle control points.
                            # just the points no control points (handles)

            k = n.asarray(n_array)
            length = int(len(k)/2)
            c = k.reshape(length,2)
            hull_pts = qhull(c)
            pdata = ''
            for vertex in hull_pts:
                if pdata == '':
                    pdata = 'M%f,%f' % (vertex[0], vertex[1] )
                    pdata += 'L %f,%f' %  (vertex[0], vertex[1] )
            pdata += ' Z'        
            path = 'polygon'
            makeGroup = False
            paths_clone_transform = None
            self.joinWithNode(path, pdata, makeGroup, paths_clone_transform)
            inkex.errormsg('Please select some paths first.')
Exemplo n.º 24
def getCubicSuperFromParts(parts):
    cbsuper = []
    for part in parts:
        subpath = []
        lastPt = None
        pt = None
        for seg in part:
            if (pt == None):
                ptLeft = seg[0]
                pt = seg[0]
            ptRight = seg[1]
            subpath.append([ptLeft, pt, ptRight])
            ptLeft = seg[2]
            pt = seg[3]
        subpath.append([ptLeft, pt, pt])
    if (ver == 1.0):
        return CubicSuperPath(cbsuper)
        return cbsuper
Exemplo n.º 25
    def recursiveFuseTransform(self,
                               transf=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]):
        # Modification by David Burghoff:
        # Since transforms apply to an object's clips, before applying the transform
        # we will need to duplicate the clip path and transform it
        clippathurl = node.get('clip-path')
        if clippathurl is not None and node.get("transform") is not None:
            myn = node
            while not (myn.getparent() == None):  # get svg handle
                myn = myn.getparent()
            svg = myn
            clippath = svg.getElementById(clippathurl[5:-1])
            if clippath is not None:
                d = clippath.duplicate()
                clippathurl = "url(#" + d.get("id") + ")"
                node.set("clip-path", clippathurl)
                for k in d.getchildren():
                    if k.get('transform') is not None:
                        tr = Transform(node.get("transform")) * Transform(
                        tr = Transform(node.get("transform"))
                    k.set('transform', tr)

        transf = Transform(transf) * Transform(node.get("transform", None))

        if 'transform' in node.attrib:
            del node.attrib['transform']

        node = ApplyTransform.objectToPath(node)

        if transf == NULL_TRANSFORM:
            # Don't do anything if there is effectively no transform applied
            # reduces alerts for unsupported nodes
        elif 'd' in node.attrib:
            d = node.get('d')
            p = CubicSuperPath(d)
            p = Path(p).to_absolute().transform(transf, True)
            node.set('d', str(Path(CubicSuperPath(p).to_path())))

            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        elif node.tag in [
                inkex.addNS('polygon', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('polyline', 'svg')
            points = node.get('points')
            points = points.strip().split(' ')
            for k, p in enumerate(points):
                if ',' in p:
                    p = p.split(',')
                    p = [float(p[0]), float(p[1])]
                    p = transf.apply_to_point(p)
                    p = [str(p[0]), str(p[1])]
                    p = ','.join(p)
                    points[k] = p
            points = ' '.join(points)
            node.set('points', points)

            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        elif node.tag in [
                inkex.addNS("ellipse", "svg"),
                inkex.addNS("circle", "svg")

            def isequal(a, b):
                return abs(a - b) <= transf.absolute_tolerance

            if node.TAG == "ellipse":
                rx = float(node.get("rx"))
                ry = float(node.get("ry"))
                rx = float(node.get("r"))
                ry = rx

            cx = float(node.get("cx"))
            cy = float(node.get("cy"))
            sqxy1 = (cx - rx, cy - ry)
            sqxy2 = (cx + rx, cy - ry)
            sqxy3 = (cx + rx, cy + ry)
            newxy1 = transf.apply_to_point(sqxy1)
            newxy2 = transf.apply_to_point(sqxy2)
            newxy3 = transf.apply_to_point(sqxy3)

            node.set("cx", (newxy1[0] + newxy3[0]) / 2)
            node.set("cy", (newxy1[1] + newxy3[1]) / 2)
            edgex = math.sqrt(
                abs(newxy1[0] - newxy2[0])**2 + abs(newxy1[1] - newxy2[1])**2)
            edgey = math.sqrt(
                abs(newxy2[0] - newxy3[0])**2 + abs(newxy2[1] - newxy3[1])**2)

            if not isequal(edgex, edgey) and (
                    node.TAG == "circle" or not isequal(newxy2[0], newxy3[0])
                    or not isequal(newxy1[1], newxy2[1])):
                    "Warning: Shape %s (%s) is approximate only, try Object to path first for better results"
                    % (node.TAG, node.get("id")))

            if node.TAG == "ellipse":
                node.set("rx", edgex / 2)
                node.set("ry", edgey / 2)
                node.set("r", edgex / 2)

        # Modficiation by David Burghoff: Added support for lines
        elif node.tag in inkex.addNS('line', 'svg'):
            x1 = node.get('x1')
            x2 = node.get('x2')
            y1 = node.get('y1')
            y2 = node.get('y2')
            p1 = transf.apply_to_point([x1, y1])
            p2 = transf.apply_to_point([x2, y2])
            node.set('x1', str(p1[0]))
            node.set('y1', str(p1[1]))
            node.set('x2', str(p2[0]))
            node.set('y2', str(p2[1]))
            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        elif node.typename in ['Rectangle']:
            x = float(node.get('x'))
            y = float(node.get('y'))
            w = float(node.get('width'))
            h = float(node.get('height'))
            pts = [[x, y], [x + w, y], [x + w, y + h], [x, y + h], [x, y]]
            xs = []
            ys = []
            for p in pts:
                p = transf.apply_to_point(p)

            node.set('x', str(min(xs)))
            node.set('y', str(min(ys)))
            node.set('width', str(max(xs) - min(xs)))
            node.set('height', str(max(ys) - min(ys)))
            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        elif node.tag in [
                inkex.addNS('text', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('image', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('use', 'svg')
                "Shape %s (%s) not yet supported, try Object to path first" %
                (node.TAG, node.get("id")))

            # e.g. <g style="...">
            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        for child in node.getchildren():
            self.recursiveFuseTransform(child, transf)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def recursiveFuseTransform(self,
                               transf=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]):

        transf = Transform(transf) * Transform(node.get("transform", None))

        if 'transform' in node.attrib:
            del node.attrib['transform']

        node = ApplyTransform.objectToPath(node)

        if transf == NULL_TRANSFORM:
            # Don't do anything if there is effectively no transform applied
            # reduces alerts for unsupported nodes
        elif 'd' in node.attrib:
            d = node.get('d')
            p = CubicSuperPath(d)
            p = Path(p).to_absolute().transform(transf, True)
            node.set('d', Path(CubicSuperPath(p).to_path()))

            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        elif node.tag in [
                inkex.addNS('polygon', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('polyline', 'svg')
            points = node.get('points')
            points = points.strip().split(' ')
            for k, p in enumerate(points):
                if ',' in p:
                    p = p.split(',')
                    p = [float(p[0]), float(p[1])]
                    p = transf.apply_to_point(p)
                    p = [str(p[0]), str(p[1])]
                    p = ','.join(p)
                    points[k] = p
            points = ' '.join(points)
            node.set('points', points)

            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        elif node.tag in [
                inkex.addNS("ellipse", "svg"),
                inkex.addNS("circle", "svg")

            def isequal(a, b):
                return abs(a - b) <= transf.absolute_tolerance

            if node.TAG == "ellipse":
                rx = float(node.get("rx"))
                ry = float(node.get("ry"))
                rx = float(node.get("r"))
                ry = rx

            cx = float(node.get("cx"))
            cy = float(node.get("cy"))
            sqxy1 = (cx - rx, cy - ry)
            sqxy2 = (cx + rx, cy - ry)
            sqxy3 = (cx + rx, cy + ry)
            newxy1 = transf.apply_to_point(sqxy1)
            newxy2 = transf.apply_to_point(sqxy2)
            newxy3 = transf.apply_to_point(sqxy3)

            node.set("cx", (newxy1[0] + newxy3[0]) / 2)
            node.set("cy", (newxy1[1] + newxy3[1]) / 2)
            edgex = math.sqrt(
                abs(newxy1[0] - newxy2[0])**2 + abs(newxy1[1] - newxy2[1])**2)
            edgey = math.sqrt(
                abs(newxy2[0] - newxy3[0])**2 + abs(newxy2[1] - newxy3[1])**2)

            if not isequal(edgex, edgey) and (
                    node.TAG == "circle" or not isequal(newxy2[0], newxy3[0])
                    or not isequal(newxy1[1], newxy2[1])):
                    "Warning: Shape %s (%s) is approximate only, try Object to path first for better results"
                    % (node.TAG, node.get("id")))

            if node.TAG == "ellipse":
                node.set("rx", edgex / 2)
                node.set("ry", edgey / 2)
                node.set("r", edgex / 2)

        elif node.tag in [
                inkex.addNS('rect', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('text', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('image', 'svg'),
                inkex.addNS('use', 'svg')
                "Shape %s (%s) not yet supported, try Object to path first" %
                (node.TAG, node.get("id")))

            # e.g. <g style="...">
            self.scaleStrokeWidth(node, transf)

        for child in node.getchildren():
            self.recursiveFuseTransform(child, transf)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def effect(self):
        if len(self.options.ids) != 2:
                "This extension requires two selected objects. The first selected object must be the straight line with two nodes."

        # drawing that will be scaled is selected second, must be a single object
        scalepath = self.svg.selected[self.options.ids[0]]
        drawing = self.svg.selected[self.options.ids[1]]

        if scalepath.tag != inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'):
                "The first selected object is not a path.\nPlease select a straight line with two nodes instead."

        # apply its transforms to the scaling path, so we get the correct coordinates to calculate path length

        path = CubicSuperPath(scalepath.get('d'))
        if len(path) < 1 or len(path[0]) < 2:
                "This extension requires that the first selected path be two nodes long."

        # calculate path length
        p1_x = path[0][0][1][0]
        p1_y = path[0][0][1][1]
        p2_x = path[0][1][1][0]
        p2_y = path[0][1][1][1]

        p_length = self.svg.unittouu(
            str(distance((p1_x, p1_y), (p2_x, p2_y))) + self.svg.unit)

        # Find Drawing Scale
        if self.options.choosescale == 'metric':
            drawing_scale = int(self.options.metric)
        elif self.options.choosescale == 'imperial':
            drawing_scale = int(self.options.imperial)
        elif self.options.choosescale == 'custom':
            drawing_scale = self.options.custom_scale

        # calculate scaling center
        center = self.calc_scale_center(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y)

        # calculate scaling factor
        target_length = self.svg.unittouu(
            str(self.options.length) + self.options.unit)
        factor = (target_length / p_length) / drawing_scale
        # inkex.debug("%s, %s  %s" % (target_length, p_length, factor))

        # Add scale ruler
        if self.options.showscale == "true":
            dist = int(self.options.unitlength)

            ruler_length = self.svg.unittouu(str(dist) +
                                             self.options.unit) / drawing_scale
            ruler_pos = (p1_x + (p2_x - p1_x) / 2, (p1_y + (p2_y - p1_y) / 2) -
                         self.svg.unittouu('4 mm'))

            # TODO: add into current layer instead
            self.create_ruler(self.document.getroot(), ruler_length, ruler_pos,
                              dist, drawing_scale)

        # Get drawing and current transformations
        for obj in (scalepath, drawing):
            # Scale both objects about the center, first translate back to origin
            scale_matrix = [[1, 0.0, -center[0]], [0.0, 1, -center[1]]]
            obj.transform = Transform(scale_matrix) * obj.transform
            # Then scale
            scale_matrix = [[factor, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, factor, 0.0]]
            obj.transform = Transform(scale_matrix) * obj.transform
            # Then translate back to original scale center location
            scale_matrix = [[1, 0.0, center[0]], [0.0, 1, center[1]]]
            obj.transform = Transform(scale_matrix) * obj.transform
Exemplo n.º 28
    def effect(self):
        # Check that elements have been selected
        if len(self.options.ids) == 0:
            inkex.errormsg("Please select objects!")

        # Drawing styles
        linestyle = {
            'stroke': '#000000',
            'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu('1px')),
            'fill': 'none'

        facestyle = {
            'stroke': '#000000',
            'stroke-width': '0px',  # str(self.svg.unittouu('1px')),
            'fill': 'none'

        # Handle the transformation of the current group
        parentGroup = (self.svg.selected[self.options.ids[0]]).getparent()

        svg = self.document.getroot()
        image_element = svg.find('.//{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}image')
        if image_element is None:
            inkex.utils.debug("No image found")
        self.path = self.checkImagePath(
            image_element)  # This also ensures the file exists
        if self.path is None:  # check if image is embedded or linked
            image_string = image_element.get(
            # find comma position
            i = 0
            while i < 40:
                if image_string[i] == ',':
                i = i + 1
            img = Image.open(
                BytesIO(base64.b64decode(image_string[i +
            img = Image.open(self.path)

        extrinsic_image_width = float(image_element.get('width'))
        extrinsic_image_height = float(image_element.get('height'))
        (width, height) = img.size
        trans = self.getGlobalTransform(parentGroup)
        invtrans = None
        if trans:
            invtrans = self.invertTransform(trans)

        # Recovery of the selected objects
        pts = []
        nodes = []
        seeds = []

        for id in self.options.ids:
            node = self.svg.selected[id]
            if (node.tag == "{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}path"
                ):  #If it is path
                # Get vertex coordinates of path
                points = CubicSuperPath(node.get('d'))
                for p in points[0]:
                    pt = [p[1][0], p[1][1]]
                    if trans:
                    pts.append(Point(pt[0], pt[1]))
                    seeds.append(Point(p[1][0], p[1][1]))
            else:  # For other shapes
                bbox = node.bounding_box()
                if bbox:
                    cx = 0.5 * (bbox.left + bbox.top)
                    cy = 0.5 * (bbox.top + bbox.bottom)
                    pt = [cx, cy]
                    if trans:
                    pts.append(Point(pt[0], pt[1]))
                    seeds.append(Point(cx, cy))

        # In Creation of groups to store the result
        # Delaunay
        groupDelaunay = etree.SubElement(parentGroup, inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'))
        groupDelaunay.set(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'), 'Delaunay')

        scale_x = float(extrinsic_image_width) / float(width)
        scale_y = float(extrinsic_image_height) / float(height)
        # Voronoi diagram generation

        triangles = voronoi.computeDelaunayTriangulation(seeds)
        for triangle in triangles:
            p1 = seeds[triangle[0]]
            p2 = seeds[triangle[1]]
            p3 = seeds[triangle[2]]
            cmds = [['M', [p1.x, p1.y]], ['L', [p2.x, p2.y]],
                    ['L', [p3.x, p3.y]], ['Z', []]]
            path = etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'))
            path.set('d', str(Path(cmds)))
            middleX = (p1.x + p2.x + p3.x) / 3.0
            middleY = (p1.y + p2.y + p3.y) / 3.0
            if width > middleX and height > middleY and middleX >= 0 and middleY >= 0:
                pixelColor = img.getpixel((middleX, middleY))
                facestyle["fill"] = str(
                    inkex.Color((pixelColor[0], pixelColor[1], pixelColor[2])))
                facestyle["fill"] = "black"
            path.set('style', str(inkex.Style(facestyle)))
Exemplo n.º 29
def getParsedPath(d):
    if (ver == 1.0):
        return CubicSuperPath(Path(d).to_superpath())
        return cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def effect(self):
        if self.options.version:


        if self.options.snap_ends is not None:
            self.snap_ends = self.options.snap_ends
        if self.options.close_loops is not None:
            self.close_loops = self.options.close_loops
        if self.options.chain_epsilon is not None:
            self.chain_epsilon = self.options.chain_epsilon
        if self.chain_epsilon < 0.001:
            self.chain_epsilon = 0.001  # keep a minimum.
        self.eps_sq = self.chain_epsilon * self.unit_factor * self.chain_epsilon * self.unit_factor

        if not len(self.svg.selected.items()):
            inkex.errormsg("Please select one or more objects.")

        segments = []
        for id, node in self.svg.selected.items():
            if node.tag != inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'):
                    "Object " + id +
                    " is not a path. Try\n  - Path->Object to Path\n  - Object->Ungroup"
            if debug:
                inkex.utils.debug("id=" + str(id) + ", tag=" + str(node.tag))
            path_d = CubicSuperPath(Path(node.get('d')))
            sub_idx = -1
            for sub in path_d:
                sub_idx += 1
                # sub = [[[200.0, 300.0], [200.0, 300.0], [175.0, 290.0]], [[175.0, 265.0], [220.37694, 256.99876], [175.0, 240.0]], [[175.0, 215.0], [200.0, 200.0], [200.0, 200.0]]]
                # this is a path of three points. All the bezier handles are included. the Structure is:
                # [[handle0_OUT, point0, handle0_1], [handle1_0, point1, handle1_2], [handle2_1, point2, handle2_OUT]]
                # the _OUT handles at the end of the path are ignored. The data structure has them identical to their points.
                if debug: inkex.utils.debug("   sub=" + str(sub))
                end1 = [sub[0][1][0], sub[0][1][1]]
                end2 = [sub[-1][1][0], sub[-1][1][1]]

                # Remove trivial self revesal when building candidate segments list.
                if ((len(sub) == 3) and self.near_ends(end1, end2)):
                    if debug:
                            "dropping segment from self-reversing path, length:"
                            + str(len(sub)))
                    end2 = [sub[-1][1][0], sub[-1][1][1]]

                    'id': id,
                    'n': sub_idx,
                    'end1': end1,
                    'end2': end2,
                    'seg': sub
            if node.get(inkex.addNS('type', 'sodipodi')):
                del node.attrib[inkex.addNS('type', 'sodipodi')]
        if debug: inkex.utils.debug("-------- seen: ")
        for s in segments:
            if debug:
                    str(s['id']) + ", " + str(s['n']) + ", " + str(s['end1']) +
                    ", " + str(s['end2']))

        # chain the segments
        obsoleted = 0
        remaining = 0
        for id, node in self.svg.selected.items():
            path_d = CubicSuperPath(Path(node.get('d')))
            # ATTENTION: for parsePath() it is the same, if first and last point coincide, or if the path is really closed.
            path_closed = True if re.search("z\s*$", node.get('d')) else False
            new = []
            cur_idx = -1
            for chain in path_d:
                cur_idx += 1
                if not self.is_segment_done(id, cur_idx):
                    # quadratic algorithm: we check both ends of the current segment.
                    # If one of them is near another known end from the segments list, we
                    # chain this segment to the current segment and remove it from the
                    # list,
                    # end1-end1 or end2-end2: The new segment is reversed.
                    # end1-end2: The new segment is prepended to the current segment.
                    # end2-end1: The new segment is appended to the current segment.
                        id, cur_idx, "output")  # do not cross with ourselves.
                    end1 = [chain[0][1][0], chain[0][1][1]]
                    end2 = [chain[-1][1][0], chain[-1][1][1]]

                    # Remove trivial self revesal when doing the actual chain operation.
                    if ((len(chain) == 3) and self.near_ends(end1, end2)):
                        end2 = [chain[-1][1][0], chain[-1][1][1]]

                    segments_idx = 0
                    while segments_idx < len(segments):
                        seg = segments[segments_idx]
                        if self.is_segment_done(seg['id'], seg['n']):
                            segments_idx += 1

                        if (self.near_ends(end1, seg['end1'])
                                or self.near_ends(end2, seg['end2'])):
                            seg['seg'] = self.reverse_segment(seg['seg'])
                            seg['end1'], seg['end2'] = seg['end2'], seg['end1']
                            if debug:
                                inkex.utils.debug("reversed seg " +
                                                  str(seg['id']) + ", " +

                        if self.near_ends(end1, seg['end2']):
                            # prepend seg to chain
                                seg['id'], seg['n'],
                                'prepended to ' + str(id) + ' ' + str(cur_idx))
                            chain = self.link_segments(seg['seg'], chain)
                            end1 = [chain[0][1][0], chain[0][1][1]]
                            segments_idx = 0  # this chain changed. re-visit all candidate

                        if self.near_ends(end2, seg['end1']):
                            # append seg to chain
                                seg['id'], seg['n'],
                                'appended to ' + str(id) + ' ' + str(cur_idx))
                            chain = self.link_segments(chain, seg['seg'])
                            end2 = [chain[-1][1][0], chain[-1][1][1]]
                            segments_idx = 0  # this chain changed. re-visit all candidate

                        segments_idx += 1

                    # Now all joinable segments are joined.
                    # Finally, we can check, if the resulting path is a closed path:
                    # Closing a path here, isolates it from the rest.
                    # But as we prefer to make the chain as long as possible, we close late.
                    if self.near_ends(
                            end2) and not path_closed and self.close_loops:
                        if debug:
                            inkex.utils.debug("closing closeable loop " +
                        if self.snap_ends:
                            # move first point to mid position
                            x1n = (chain[0][1][0] + chain[-1][1][0]) * 0.5
                            y1n = (chain[0][1][1] + chain[-1][1][1]) * 0.5
                            chain[0][1][0], chain[0][1][1] = x1n, y1n
                            # merge handle of the last point to the handle of the first point
                            dx0e = chain[-1][0][0] - chain[-1][1][0]
                            dy0e = chain[-1][0][1] - chain[-1][1][1]
                            if debug:
                                inkex.utils.debug("handle diff: " + str(dx0e) +
                            # FIXME: this does not work. cubicsuperpath.formatPath() ignores this handle.
                            chain[0][0][0], chain[0][0][
                                1] = x1n + dx0e, y1n + dy0e
                            # drop last point
                            end2 = [chain[-1][1][0], chain[-1][1][1]]
                        path_closed = True
                        self.chained_count += 1


            if not len(new):
                # node.clear()
                if node.getparent() is not None:
                    obsoleted += 1
                    if debug:
                        inkex.utils.debug("Path node obsoleted: " + str(id))
                remaining += 1
                # BUG: All previously closed loops, are open, after we convert them back with cubicsuperpath.formatPath()
                p_fmt = str(Path(CubicSuperPath(new).to_path().to_arrays()))
                if path_closed: p_fmt += " z"
                if debug: inkex.utils.debug("new path: " + str(p_fmt))
                node.set('d', p_fmt)

        # statistics:
        if debug:
            inkex.utils.debug("Path nodes obsoleted: " + str(obsoleted) +
                              "\nPath nodes remaining:" + str(remaining))
        if self.min_missed_distance_sq is not None:
            if debug:
                inkex.utils.debug("min_missed_distance: " + str(
                    math.sqrt(float(self.min_missed_distance_sq)) /
                    self.unit_factor) + '>' + str(self.chain_epsilon) +
        if debug:
            inkex.utils.debug("Successful link operations: " +