Exemplo n.º 1
    def invoke(self, context, event):

        # if abort is requested just cancel operator
        if self.abort:
            return {'FINISHED'}

        # reset messages array and shown state
        Show3DViewReport.__static_is_shown = True

        # add blender tools version in the header

        # split message by new lines
        for line in self.message.split("\n"):

            # adapt number of spaces by message type
            space_count = 22 if line.startswith("WARNING") else 18

            # remove tabulator simulated new lines from warnings and errors, written like: "\n\t   "
            line = line.replace("\t   ", " " * space_count)

            # make sure to get rid of any other tabulators and change them for space eg: "INFO\t-"
            line = line.replace("\t", " ")


        # if report operator is already running don't add new modal handler
        if Show3DViewReport.__static_running_instances == 1:
            return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
            return {'FINISHED'}
Exemplo n.º 2
    def invoke(self, context, event):

        # if abort is requested just cancel operator
        if self.abort:
            return {'FINISHED'}

        # reset messages array and shown state
        Show3DViewReport.__static_is_shown = True

        # add blender tools version in the header

        # split message by new lines
        for line in self.message.split("\n"):

            # adapt number of spaces by message type
            space_count = 22 if line.startswith("WARNING") else 18

            # remove tabulator simulated new lines from warnings and errors, written like: "\n\t   "
            line = line.replace("\t   ", " " * space_count)

            # make sure to get rid of any other tabulators and change them for space eg: "INFO\t-"
            line = line.replace("\t", " ")


        # if report operator is already running don't add new modal handler
        if Show3DViewReport.__static_running_instances == 1:
            return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
            return {'FINISHED'}
Exemplo n.º 3
    def invoke(self, context, event):

        # if abort is requested just cancel operator
        if self.abort:
            return {'FINISHED'}

        # reset messages array and shown state
        Show3DViewReport.__static_is_shown = True

        # add blender tools version in the header

        # split message by new lines
        for line in self.message.split("\n"):

            # remove tabulator simulated new lines from warnings and errors, written like: "\n\t     "
            line = line.replace("\t     ", " " * 4)

            # remove tabulator simulated empty space before warning or error line of summaries e.g "\t   > "
            line = line.replace("\t   ", "")


        # if report operator is already running don't add new modal handler
        if Show3DViewReport.__static_running_instances == 1:
            return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
            return {'FINISHED'}
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, format_version, name):
     """Constructs header of PIP prefab.
     :param format_version: version of PIP file format
     :type format_version: int
     :param name: name of the prefab
     :type name: str
     self.__format_version = format_version
     self.__source = get_combined_ver_str()
     self.__name = name
Exemplo n.º 5
 def fill_header_section():
     """Fills up "Header" section."""
     section = _SectionData("Header")
     section.props.append(("FormatVersion", 1))
     section.props.append(("Source", get_combined_ver_str()))
     section.props.append(("Type", "Configuration"))
     section.props.append(("Note", "User settings of SCS Blender Tools"))
     author = bpy.context.user_preferences.system.author
     if author:
         section.props.append(("Author", str(author)))
     section.props.append(("DumpLevel", _property.get_default(bpy.types.GlobalSCSProps.dump_level)))
     return section
Exemplo n.º 6
 def fill_header_section():
     """Fills up "Header" section."""
     section = _SectionData("Header")
     section.props.append(("FormatVersion", 1))
     section.props.append(("Source", get_combined_ver_str()))
     section.props.append(("Type", "Configuration"))
     section.props.append(("Note", "User settings of SCS Blender Tools"))
     author = bpy.context.user_preferences.system.author
     if author:
         section.props.append(("Author", str(author)))
     section.props.append(("DumpLevel", _property_utils.get_default(bpy.types.GlobalSCSProps.dump_level)))
     return section
Exemplo n.º 7
def fill_header_section(format_version, file_name, sign_export):
    """Fills up "Header" section."""
    section = _SectionData("Header")
    section.props.append(("FormatVersion", format_version))
    section.props.append(("Source", get_combined_ver_str()))
    section.props.append(("Type", "Trait"))
    section.props.append(("Name", file_name))
    if sign_export:
        section.props.append(("SourceFilename", str(bpy.data.filepath)))
        author = bpy.context.user_preferences.system.author
        if author:
            section.props.append(("Author", str(author)))
    return section
Exemplo n.º 8
def _fill_header_section(file_name, sign_export):
    """Fills up "Header" section."""
    section = _SectionData("Header")
    section.props.append(("FormatVersion", 1))
    section.props.append(("Source", get_combined_ver_str()))
    section.props.append(("Type", "Trait"))
    section.props.append(("Name", file_name))
    if sign_export:
        section.props.append(("SourceFilename", str(bpy.data.filepath)))
        author = bpy.context.user_preferences.system.author
        if author:
            section.props.append(("Author", str(author)))
    return section
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, format_type, format_version, name):
     """Constructs header of PIM model.
     :param format_type: type of PIM file format (used only for Data Exchange Format)
     :type format_type: str
     :param format_version: version of PIM file format
     :type format_version: int
     :param name: name of the model
     :type name: str
     self._format_type = format_type
     self._format_version = format_version
     self._source = get_combined_ver_str()
     self._name = name
Exemplo n.º 10
def _draw_3dview_report(region):
    """Draws reports in 3d views.

    :param region: region of 3D viewport
    :type region: bpy.types.Region
    pos = region.height - 62

    if _Show3DViewReportOperator.has_lines():

        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _Show3DViewReportOperator.get_scs_logo_img_bindcode())

        # draw BT logo
        glColor3f(1, 1, 1)
        glTexCoord2f(0, 1)
        glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.BT_LOGO_AREA[0], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.BT_LOGO_AREA[2], 0)
        glTexCoord2f(1, 1)
        glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.BT_LOGO_AREA[1], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.BT_LOGO_AREA[2], 0)
        glTexCoord2f(1, 0)
        glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.BT_LOGO_AREA[1], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.BT_LOGO_AREA[3], 0)
        glTexCoord2f(0, 0)
        glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.BT_LOGO_AREA[0], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.BT_LOGO_AREA[3], 0)


        # draw version string
        blf.size(0, 10, 72)
        glColor3f(.952, .635, .062)
        blf.position(0, 20, pos, 0)
        blf.draw(0, _info_utils.get_combined_ver_str(only_version_numbers=True))
        pos -= 20

        # draw actual operator title and message if shown
        if _Show3DViewReportOperator.is_shown():

            blf.size(0, 12, 72)
            glColor3f(1, 1, 1)
            blf.shadow(0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1)

            if _Show3DViewReportOperator.get_title() != "":
                blf.position(0, 20, pos, 0)
                blf.draw(0, _Show3DViewReportOperator.get_title())
                pos -= 15

            blf.enable(0, blf.SHADOW)
            for line in _Show3DViewReportOperator.get_lines():

                # finish printing if running out of space
                if pos - 60 < 0:
                    blf.position(0, 20, pos, 0)
                    blf.draw(0, "...")

                blf.position(0, 20, pos, 0)
                if "ERROR" in line:
                    blf.shadow(0, 5, 0.5, 0., 0, 1)
                elif "WARNING" in line:
                    blf.shadow(0, 5, 0.3, 0.15, 0, 1)

                blf.draw(0, line)
                pos -= 15

            blf.disable(0, blf.SHADOW)

        # draw control buttons if controls are enabled
        if _Show3DViewReportOperator.has_controls():

            # draw close button
            glColor3f(.4, .4, .4)
            glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[0], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[2], 0)
            glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[1], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[2], 0)
            glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[1], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[3], 0)
            glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[0], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[3], 0)

            # draw hide button
            glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[0], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[2], 0)
            glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[1], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[2], 0)
            glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[1], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[3], 0)
            glVertex3f(_OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[0], region.height - _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[3], 0)

            # gather texts and positions
            close_btn_text_pos = _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_TEXT_POS[int(not _Show3DViewReportOperator.is_shown())]
            close_btn_text = _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_TEXT[int(not _Show3DViewReportOperator.is_shown())]

            hide_btn_text_pos = _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_TEXT_POS[int(not _Show3DViewReportOperator.is_shown())]
            hide_btn_text = _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_TEXT[int(not _Show3DViewReportOperator.is_shown())]

            blf.size(0, 15, 72)

            # draw close button text
            glColor3f(1, 1, 1)
            blf.position(0, close_btn_text_pos[0], region.height - close_btn_text_pos[1], 0)
            blf.draw(0, close_btn_text)

            # draw hide button text
            blf.position(0, hide_btn_text_pos[0], region.height - hide_btn_text_pos[1], 0)
            blf.draw(0, hide_btn_text)
Exemplo n.º 11
def _draw_3dview_report(window, area, region):
    """Draws reports in 3d views.

    :param window: window of 3D viewport
    :type window: bpy.types.Window
    :param area: area of 3D viewport
    :type area: bpy.types.Area
    :param region: region of 3D viewport
    :type region: bpy.types.Region
    from io_scs_tools.operators.wm import SCS_TOOLS_OT_Show3DViewReport as _Show3DViewReport

    # no reported lines, we don't draw anything
    if not _Show3DViewReport.has_lines():

    # calculate dynamic left and top margins
    if bpy.context.preferences.system.use_region_overlap:
        pos_x = 75
        # try to find tools region and properly adopt position X
        for reg in area.regions:
            if reg.type == 'TOOLS':
                pos_x = reg.width + 20
        pos_y = region.height - 105
        pos_x = 20
        pos_y = region.height - 80

    # draw BT banner
    (bindcode, width,
     height) = _Show3DViewReport.get_scs_banner_img_data(window)

    bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
    draw_texture_2d(bindcode, (pos_x - 5, pos_y), width, height)

    # draw control buttons, if controls are enabled
    if _Show3DViewReport.has_controls(window):

        blf.size(0, 20, 72)
        blf.color(0, .8, .8, .8, 1)

        # set x and y offsets to report operator, so that area calculations for buttons can be calculated properly
        # considering dynamic left and top margins.
        _Show3DViewReport.set_btns_xy_offset(pos_x, region.height - pos_y)

        # draw close button
            ((pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[0],
              pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[2]),
             (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[1],
              pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[2]),
             (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[1],
              pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[3]),
             (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[0],
              pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_AREA[3])),
            (.25, .25, .25, 1))

        # draw close button text
        blf.position(0, pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_TEXT_POS[0],
                     pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_TEXT_POS[1], 0)
        blf.draw(0, _OP_consts.View3DReport.CLOSE_BTN_TEXT)

        # draw hide button
            ((pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[0],
              pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[2]),
             (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[1],
              pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[2]),
             (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[1],
              pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[3]),
             (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[0],
              pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_AREA[3])),
            (.25, .25, .25, 1))

        # draw hide button text
        blf.position(0, pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_TEXT_POS[0],
                     pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_TEXT_POS[1], 0)
        blf.draw(0, _OP_consts.View3DReport.HIDE_BTN_TEXT)

        # draw scroll controls
        if _Show3DViewReport.is_scrolled() and _Show3DViewReport.is_shown():

            blf.size(0, 16, 72)

            # draw scroll up button
                ((pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_AREA[0],
                  pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_AREA[2]),
                 (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_AREA[1],
                  pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_AREA[2]),
                 (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_AREA[1],
                  pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_AREA[3]),
                 (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_AREA[0],
                  pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_AREA[3])),
                (.25, .25, .25, 1))

            # draw scroll up button text
                0, pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_TEXT_POS[0],
                pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_TEXT_POS[1], 0)
            blf.draw(0, _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLUP_BTN_TEXT)

            # draw scroll down button
                ((pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_AREA[0],
                  pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_AREA[2]),
                 (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_AREA[1],
                  pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_AREA[2]),
                 (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_AREA[1],
                  pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_AREA[3]),
                 (pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_AREA[0],
                  pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_AREA[3])),
                (.25, .25, .25, 1))

            # draw scroll down button text
                0, pos_x + _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_TEXT_POS[0],
                pos_y - _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_TEXT_POS[1], 0)
            blf.draw(0, _OP_consts.View3DReport.SCROLLDOWN_BTN_TEXT)

    # draw version string
    pos_y -= 12
    blf.size(0, 10, 72)
    blf.color(0, .952, .635, .062, 1)
    blf.position(0, pos_x, pos_y, 0)
    blf.draw(0, _info_utils.get_combined_ver_str(only_version_numbers=True))
    pos_y -= 20

    # draw actual operator title and message if shown
    if _Show3DViewReport.is_shown():

        blf.size(0, 12, 72)
        blf.color(0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        blf.shadow(0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1)

        if _Show3DViewReport.get_title() != "":
            blf.position(0, pos_x, pos_y, 0)
            blf.draw(0, _Show3DViewReport.get_title())
            pos_y -= 15

        blf.enable(0, blf.SHADOW)
        for line in _Show3DViewReport.get_lines():

            # finish printing if running out of space
            if pos_y - 60 < 0:
                blf.position(0, pos_x, pos_y, 0)
                blf.draw(0, "...")
                pos_y -= 15

            blf.position(0, pos_x, pos_y, 0)
            if "ERROR" in line:
                blf.shadow(0, 5, 0.5, 0., 0, 1)
            elif "WARNING" in line:
                blf.shadow(0, 5, 0.3, 0.15, 0, 1)

            blf.draw(0, line)
            pos_y -= 15

        blf.disable(0, blf.SHADOW)