Exemplo n.º 1
def hamiltonian(edges, directed=False, constraint_generation=True):
    Calculates shortest path that traverses each node exactly once. Convert
    Hamiltonian path problem to TSP by adding one dummy point that has a distance
    of zero to all your other points. Solve the TSP and get rid of the dummy
    point - what remains is the Hamiltonian Path.

    >>> g = [(1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,2), (3,5)]
    >>> hamiltonian(g)
    [1, 2, 4, 3, 5]
    >>> g = [(1,2), (2,3), (1,4), (2,5), (3,6)]
    >>> hamiltonian(g)
    edges = populate_edge_weights(edges)
    incident, nodes = node_to_edge(edges, directed=False)
    if not directed:  # Make graph symmetric
        dual_edges = edges[:]
        for a, b, w in edges:
            dual_edges.append((b, a, w))
        edges = dual_edges

    dummy_edges = edges + [(DUMMY, x, 0) for x in nodes] + \
                          [(x, DUMMY, 0) for x in nodes]

    #results = tsp(dummy_edges, constraint_generation=constraint_generation)
    results = tsp_gurobi(dummy_edges)
    if results:
        results = [x for x in results if DUMMY not in x]
        results = edges_to_path(results)
        if not directed:
            results = min(results, results[::-1])
    return results
Exemplo n.º 2
def path(edges, source, sink, flavor="longest"):
    Calculates shortest/longest path from list of edges in a graph

    >>> g = [(1,2,1),(2,3,9),(2,4,3),(2,5,2),(3,6,8),(4,6,10),(4,7,4)]
    >>> g += [(6,8,7),(7,9,5),(8,9,6),(9,10,11)]
    >>> path(g, 1, 8, flavor="shortest")
    ([1, 2, 4, 6, 8], 21)
    >>> path(g, 1, 8, flavor="longest")
    ([1, 2, 3, 6, 8], 25)
    outgoing, incoming, nodes = node_to_edge(edges)

    nedges = len(edges)
    L = LPInstance()

    assert flavor in ("longest", "shortest")

    objective = MAXIMIZE if flavor == "longest" else MINIMIZE
    L.add_objective(edges, objective=objective)

    # Balancing constraint, incoming edges equal to outgoing edges except
    # source and sink

    constraints = []
    for v in nodes:
        incoming_edges = incoming[v]
        outgoing_edges = outgoing[v]
        icc = summation(incoming_edges)
        occ = summation(outgoing_edges)

        if v == source:
            if not outgoing_edges:
                return None
            constraints.append("{0} = 1".format(occ))
        elif v == sink:
            if not incoming_edges:
                return None
            constraints.append("{0} = 1".format(icc))
            # Balancing
            constraints.append("{0}{1} = 0".format(icc, occ.replace("+", "-")))
            # Simple path
            if incoming_edges:
                constraints.append("{0} <= 1".format(icc))
            if outgoing_edges:
                constraints.append("{0} <= 1".format(occ))

    L.constraints = constraints

    selected, obj_val = L.lpsolve()
    results = (
        sorted(x for i, x in enumerate(edges) if i in selected) if selected else None
    results = edges_to_path(results)

    return results, obj_val
Exemplo n.º 3
def path(edges, source, sink, flavor="longest"):
    Calculates shortest/longest path from list of edges in a graph

    >>> g = [(1,2,1),(2,3,9),(2,4,3),(2,5,2),(3,6,8),(4,6,10),(4,7,4)]
    >>> g += [(6,8,7),(7,9,5),(8,9,6),(9,10,11)]
    >>> path(g, 1, 8, flavor="shortest")
    ([1, 2, 4, 6, 8], 21)
    >>> path(g, 1, 8, flavor="longest")
    ([1, 2, 3, 6, 8], 25)
    outgoing, incoming, nodes = node_to_edge(edges)

    nedges = len(edges)
    L = LPInstance()

    assert flavor in ("longest", "shortest")

    objective = MAXIMIZE if flavor == "longest" else MINIMIZE
    L.add_objective(edges, objective=objective)

    # Balancing constraint, incoming edges equal to outgoing edges except
    # source and sink

    constraints = []
    for v in nodes:
        incoming_edges = incoming[v]
        outgoing_edges = outgoing[v]
        icc = summation(incoming_edges)
        occ = summation(outgoing_edges)

        if v == source:
            if not outgoing_edges:
                return None
            constraints.append("{0} = 1".format(occ))
        elif v == sink:
            if not incoming_edges:
                return None
            constraints.append("{0} = 1".format(icc))
            # Balancing
            constraints.append("{0}{1} = 0".format(icc, occ.replace('+', '-')))
            # Simple path
            if incoming_edges:
                constraints.append("{0} <= 1".format(icc))
            if outgoing_edges:
                constraints.append("{0} <= 1".format(occ))

    L.constraints = constraints

    selected, obj_val = L.lpsolve()
    results = sorted(x for i, x in enumerate(edges) if i in selected) \
                    if selected else None
    results = edges_to_path(results)

    return results, obj_val
Exemplo n.º 4
def tsp(edges, constraint_generation=False):
    Calculates shortest cycle that traverses each node exactly once. Also known
    as the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP).
    edges = populate_edge_weights(edges)
    incoming, outgoing, nodes = node_to_edge(edges)

    nedges, nnodes = len(edges), len(nodes)
    L = LPInstance()

    L.add_objective(edges, objective=MINIMIZE)
    balance = []
    # For each node, select exactly 1 incoming and 1 outgoing edge
    for v in nodes:
        incoming_edges = incoming[v]
        outgoing_edges = outgoing[v]
        icc = summation(incoming_edges)
        occ = summation(outgoing_edges)
        balance.append("{0} = 1".format(icc))
        balance.append("{0} = 1".format(occ))

    # Subtour elimination - Miller-Tucker-Zemlin (MTZ) formulation
    # <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_salesman_problem>
    # Desrochers and laporte, 1991 (DFJ) has a stronger constraint
    # See also:
    # G. Laporte / The traveling salesman problem: Overview of algorithms
    start_step = nedges + 1
    u0 = nodes[0]
    nodes_to_steps = dict((n, start_step + i) for i, n in enumerate(nodes[1:]))
    edge_store = dict((e[:2], i) for i, e in enumerate(edges))
    mtz = []
    for i, e in enumerate(edges):
        a, b = e[:2]
        if u0 in (a, b):
        na, nb = nodes_to_steps[a], nodes_to_steps[b]
        con_ab = " x{0} - x{1} + {2}x{3}".format(na, nb, nnodes - 1, i + 1)
        if (b, a) in edge_store:  # This extra term is the stronger DFJ formulation
            j = edge_store[(b, a)]
            con_ab += " + {0}x{1}".format(nnodes - 3, j + 1)
        con_ab += " <= {0}".format(nnodes - 2)

    # Step variables u_i bound between 1 and n, as additional variables
    bounds = []
    for i in xrange(start_step, nedges + nnodes):
        bounds.append(" 1 <= x{0} <= {1}".format(i, nnodes - 1))


    Constraint generation seek to find 'cuts' in the LP problem, by solving the
    relaxed form. The subtours were then incrementally added to the constraints.
    if constraint_generation:
        L.constraints = balance
        subtours = []
        while True:
            selected, obj_val = L.lpsolve()
            results = sorted(x for i, x in enumerate(edges) if i in selected) \
                            if selected else None
            if not results:
            G = edges_to_graph(results)
            cycles = list(nx.simple_cycles(G))
            if len(cycles) == 1:
            for c in cycles:
                incident = [edge_store[a, b] for a, b in pairwise(c + [c[0]])]
                icc = summation(incident)
                subtours.append("{0} <= {1}".format(icc, len(incident) - 1))
            L.constraints = balance + subtours
        L.constraints = balance + mtz
        L.add_vars(nnodes - 1, offset=start_step, binary=False)
        L.bounds = bounds
        selected, obj_val = L.lpsolve()
        results = sorted(x for i, x in enumerate(edges) if i in selected) \
                        if selected else None

    return results
Exemplo n.º 5
def tsp_gurobi(edges):
    Modeled using GUROBI python example.
    from gurobipy import Model, GRB, quicksum

    edges = populate_edge_weights(edges)
    incoming, outgoing, nodes = node_to_edge(edges)
    idx = dict((n, i) for i, n in enumerate(nodes))
    nedges = len(edges)
    n = len(nodes)

    m = Model()

    step = lambda x: "u_{0}".format(x)
    # Create variables
    vars = {}
    for i, (a, b, w) in enumerate(edges):
        vars[i] = m.addVar(obj=w, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name=str(i))
    for u in nodes[1:]:
        u = step(u)
        vars[u] = m.addVar(obj=0, vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name=u)

    # Bounds for step variables
    for u in nodes[1:]:
        u = step(u)
        vars[u].lb = 1
        vars[u].ub = n - 1

    # Add degree constraint
    for v in nodes:
        incoming_edges = incoming[v]
        outgoing_edges = outgoing[v]
        m.addConstr(quicksum(vars[x] for x in incoming_edges) == 1)
        m.addConstr(quicksum(vars[x] for x in outgoing_edges) == 1)

    # Subtour elimination
    edge_store = dict(((idx[a], idx[b]), i) for i, (a, b, w) in enumerate(edges))

    # Given a list of edges, finds the shortest subtour
    def subtour(s_edges):
        visited = [False] * n
        cycles = []
        lengths = []
        selected = [[] for i in range(n)]
        for x, y in s_edges:
        while True:
            current = visited.index(False)
            thiscycle = [current]
            while True:
                visited[current] = True
                neighbors = [x for x in selected[current] if not visited[x]]
                if len(neighbors) == 0:
                current = neighbors[0]
            if sum(lengths) == n:
        return cycles[lengths.index(min(lengths))]

    def subtourelim(model, where):
        if where != GRB.callback.MIPSOL:
        selected = []
        # make a list of edges selected in the solution
        sol = model.cbGetSolution([model._vars[i] for i in range(nedges)])
        selected = [edges[i] for i, x in enumerate(sol) if x > .5]
        selected = [(idx[a], idx[b]) for a, b, w in selected]
        # find the shortest cycle in the selected edge list
        tour = subtour(selected)
        if len(tour) == n:
        # add a subtour elimination constraint
        c = tour
        incident = [edge_store[a, b] for a, b in pairwise(c + [c[0]])]
        model.cbLazy(quicksum(model._vars[x] for x in incident) <= len(tour) - 1)


    m._vars = vars
    m.params.LazyConstraints = 1

    selected = [v.varName for v in m.getVars() if v.x > .5]
    selected = [int(x) for x in selected if x[:2] != "u_"]
    results = sorted(x for i, x in enumerate(edges) if i in selected) \
                    if selected else None
    return results