Exemplo n.º 1
def gc_ast_err_vs_snr(n_init=0, n_sims=10):
    Analyze how starfinder astrometric error changes with signal-to-noise
    ratio. Do this by planting known GC stars on a simulated sky background and
    readnoise/dark current image. Then try to recover the stars with
    starfinder and measure the astrometric errors.
    workDir = '/u/jlu/work/gc/ao_performance/ast_err_vs_snr/gc/'

    sky, dc, noise, gain = image_noise_properites() # IN e-
    background = (sky + dc)  # in e-

    imgCount = 150 # The total number of individual exposures that went
                   # into this image.

    print ''
    print '  assuming %d science exposures' % imgCount
    print '  constant = %.1f DN (%.1f e-)' % (background/gain, background)
    print '  additional noise approximated with gaussian'
    print '  sigma = %.1f DN (%.1f e-)' % (noise/gain, noise)

    # Start with the background that Starfinder fit... it is smoothed.
    img = pyfits.getdata('mag10maylgs_kp_back.fits')
    img += background * gain

    # Noise from read out and sky subtraction (in e-)
    otherNoise = stats.norm.rvs(scale=noise, size=img.shape)

    # We are going to plant stars on this image using one of our
    # own PSFs. Each star we plant has to have photon noise from 
    # itself as well.
    psf, hdr = pyfits.getdata('mag10maylgs_kp_psf.fits', header=True)
    # Repair the PSF so we don't have negative values
    idx1 = np.where(psf <= 0)
    idx2 = np.where(psf > 0)
    psf[idx1] = psf[idx2].min()

    # Read in the GC starlist 
    gcstars = starTables.StarfinderList('mag10maylgs_kp_rms.lis', 

    allIDLroots = []

    for nn in range(n_init, n_init+n_sims):
        # Create a new image
        newImage = img.copy()

        # Now plant the stars
        for ii in range(len(gcstars.x)):
            mag = gcstars.mag[ii]
            flux = gcstars.counts[ii]

            # We need to add photon noise to the PSF.
            # Scale up the PSF temporarily since poisson() only 
            # returns integers.
            tmp = psf * flux * gain

            # set flux=1 since we already scaled it.
            starPlant.addStar(newImage, tmp, 
                              gcstars.x[ii]+1.0, gcstars.y[ii]+1.0, 1.0) 
            # Planted positions are actually rounded to the nearest 
            # pixel to avoid interpolation noise.... do the same in the 
            # input star list.
            gcstars.x[ii] = round(gcstars.x[ii])
            gcstars.y[ii] = round(gcstars.y[ii])

        # Fix negative pixels
        idx = np.where(newImage < 0)
        newImage[idx] = 0

        # Now add noise to the image, compensate for large number of exposures
        newImage = stats.poisson.rvs((newImage * imgCount).tolist())
        newImage = np.array(newImage, dtype=float) # necessary for starfinder
        newImage /= imgCount
        newImage += otherNoise

        # Subtract off sky/dark
        newImage -= background
        # Convert back to DN
        newImage /= gain

        # Save the new image, and copy over all the necessary files.
        suffix = str(nn).zfill(4)
        fitsFile = 'sim_img_%s.fits' % suffix
        psfFile = 'sim_img_%s_psf.fits' % suffix
        backFile = 'sim_img_%s_back.fits' % suffix
        cooFile = 'sim_img_%s.coo' % suffix
        lisFile = 'sim_orig_%s.lis' % suffix

        print 'Writing ', fitsFile

        pyfits.writeto(fitsFile, newImage, hdr,
        shutil.copyfile('mag10maylgs_kp_psf.fits', psfFile)
        shutil.copyfile('mag10maylgs_kp_back.fits', backFile)
        shutil.copyfile('mag10maylgs_kp.coo', cooFile)

        # Write out a starfinder batch file
        idlRoot = 'idl_sim_img_%s' % suffix
        _batch = open(idlRoot + '.batch', 'w')
        _batch.write("find_stf, ")
        _batch.write("'" + fitsFile + "', 0.8, /trimfake\n")

        gcutil.rmall([idlRoot + '.log'])


    for root in allIDLroots:
        print 'idl < %s.batch >& %s.log' % (root, root)
Exemplo n.º 2
def gc_ast_err_vs_snr(n_init=0, n_sims=10):
    Analyze how starfinder astrometric error changes with signal-to-noise
    ratio. Do this by planting known GC stars on a simulated sky background and
    readnoise/dark current image. Then try to recover the stars with
    starfinder and measure the astrometric errors.
    workDir = '/u/jlu/work/gc/ao_performance/ast_err_vs_snr/gc/'

    sky, dc, noise, gain = image_noise_properites()  # IN e-

    background = (sky + dc)  # in e-

    imgCount = 150  # The total number of individual exposures that went
    # into this image.

    print ''
    print '  assuming %d science exposures' % imgCount
    print '  constant = %.1f DN (%.1f e-)' % (background / gain, background)
    print '  additional noise approximated with gaussian'
    print '  sigma = %.1f DN (%.1f e-)' % (noise / gain, noise)

    # Start with the background that Starfinder fit... it is smoothed.
    img = pyfits.getdata('mag10maylgs_kp_back.fits')
    img += background * gain

    # Noise from read out and sky subtraction (in e-)
    otherNoise = stats.norm.rvs(scale=noise, size=img.shape)

    # We are going to plant stars on this image using one of our
    # own PSFs. Each star we plant has to have photon noise from
    # itself as well.
    psf, hdr = pyfits.getdata('mag10maylgs_kp_psf.fits', header=True)
    # Repair the PSF so we don't have negative values
    idx1 = np.where(psf <= 0)
    idx2 = np.where(psf > 0)
    psf[idx1] = psf[idx2].min()

    # Read in the GC starlist
    gcstars = starTables.StarfinderList('mag10maylgs_kp_rms.lis',

    allIDLroots = []

    for nn in range(n_init, n_init + n_sims):
        # Create a new image
        newImage = img.copy()

        # Now plant the stars
        for ii in range(len(gcstars.x)):
            mag = gcstars.mag[ii]
            flux = gcstars.counts[ii]

            # We need to add photon noise to the PSF.
            # Scale up the PSF temporarily since poisson() only
            # returns integers.
            tmp = psf * flux * gain

            # set flux=1 since we already scaled it.
            starPlant.addStar(newImage, tmp, gcstars.x[ii] + 1.0,
                              gcstars.y[ii] + 1.0, 1.0)
            # Planted positions are actually rounded to the nearest
            # pixel to avoid interpolation noise.... do the same in the
            # input star list.
            gcstars.x[ii] = round(gcstars.x[ii])
            gcstars.y[ii] = round(gcstars.y[ii])

        # Fix negative pixels
        idx = np.where(newImage < 0)
        newImage[idx] = 0

        # Now add noise to the image, compensate for large number of exposures
        newImage = stats.poisson.rvs((newImage * imgCount).tolist())
        newImage = np.array(newImage, dtype=float)  # necessary for starfinder
        newImage /= imgCount
        newImage += otherNoise

        # Subtract off sky/dark
        newImage -= background

        # Convert back to DN
        newImage /= gain

        # Save the new image, and copy over all the necessary files.
        suffix = str(nn).zfill(4)
        fitsFile = 'sim_img_%s.fits' % suffix
        psfFile = 'sim_img_%s_psf.fits' % suffix
        backFile = 'sim_img_%s_back.fits' % suffix
        cooFile = 'sim_img_%s.coo' % suffix
        lisFile = 'sim_orig_%s.lis' % suffix

        print 'Writing ', fitsFile

        pyfits.writeto(fitsFile, newImage, hdr, output_verify='silentfix')
        shutil.copyfile('mag10maylgs_kp_psf.fits', psfFile)
        shutil.copyfile('mag10maylgs_kp_back.fits', backFile)
        shutil.copyfile('mag10maylgs_kp.coo', cooFile)

        # Write out a starfinder batch file
        idlRoot = 'idl_sim_img_%s' % suffix
        _batch = open(idlRoot + '.batch', 'w')
        _batch.write("find_stf, ")
        _batch.write("'" + fitsFile + "', 0.8, /trimfake\n")

        gcutil.rmall([idlRoot + '.log'])


    for root in allIDLroots:
        print 'idl < %s.batch >& %s.log' % (root, root)
Exemplo n.º 3
def ast_err_vs_snr(n_init=0, n_sims=1000):
    Analyze how starfinder astrometric error changes with signal-to-noise
    ratio. Do this by planting stars on a simulated sky background and
    readnoise/dark current image. Then try to recover the stars with
    starfinder and measure the astrometric errors.
    sky, dc, noise, gain = image_noise_properites() # IN e-
    background = (sky + dc)  # in e-

    imgCount = 150 # The total number of individual exposures that went
                   # into this image.

    print ''
    print '  assuming %d science exposures' % imgCount
    print '  constant = %.1f DN (%.1f e-)' % (background/gain, background)
    print '  additional noise approximated with gaussian'
    print '  sigma = %.1f DN (%.1f e-)' % (noise/gain, noise)
    img = np.zeros((1024, 1024), dtype=float)
    img += background

    # Noise from read out and sky subtraction (in e-)
    otherNoise = stats.norm.rvs(scale=noise, size=(1024,1024))

    # We are going to plant stars on this image using one of our
    # own PSFs. Each star we plant has to have photon noise from 
    # itself as well.
    psf, hdr = pyfits.getdata('mag10maylgs_kp_psf.fits', header=True)
    # Repair the PSF so we don't have negative values
    idx1 = np.where(psf <= 0)
    idx2 = np.where(psf > 0)
    psf[idx1] = psf[idx2].min()

    # Seperate the PSFs by 2" since this is the Starfinder box size.
    step = 200  # in pixels
    # Pulled these numbers from the calibrated starlists for 10maylgs.
    mag0 = 9.782
    flux0 = 20522900.000

    # Randomly select from a distribution of magnitudes.
    magMin = 9.0
    magMax = 22.0

    # Number of samples (stars planted)
    #numStars = 100
    stopN = n_sims + n_init

    allIDLroots = []

    nn = n_init
    while nn <= stopN:
        # Create a new image
        newImage = img.copy()
        brightCoords = None
        brightMag = 1000

        # Make a new starlist with the input info.
        newStars = starTables.StarfinderList(None, hasErrors=False)

        # Now plant the stars
        for xx in range(step, img.shape[1]-step, step):
            for yy in range(step, img.shape[0]-step, step):
                mag = np.random.uniform(magMin, magMax)
                flux = flux0 * 10**(-0.4 * (mag - mag0))

                # We need to add photon noise to the PSF.
                # Scale up the PSF temporarily since poisson() only 
                # returns integers.
                tmp = psf * flux * gain

                #print '%4s  x = %4d  y = %4d  mag = %5.2f  flux = %.2f' % \
                #    (nn, xx, yy, mag, flux)
                newName = 'sim_%s' % str(nn).zfill(4)

                # set flux=1 since we already scaled it.
                starPlant.addStar(newImage, tmp, xx, yy, 1.0) 
                newStars.append(newName, mag, xx-1, yy-1, 
                                counts=flux, epoch=2010.342)

                # Updare our record of the brightest star in the image.
                if mag < brightMag:
                    brightMag = mag
                    brightCoords = [xx, yy]

                nn += 1

        # Fix negative pixels
        idx = np.where(newImage < 0)
        newImage[idx] = 0

        # Now add noise to the image, compensate for large number of exposures
        newImage = stats.poisson.rvs((newImage * imgCount).tolist())
        newImage = np.array(newImage, dtype=float) # necessary for starfinder
        newImage /= imgCount
        newImage += otherNoise

        # Subtract off sky/dark
        newImage -= background
        # Convert back to DN
        newImage /= gain

        # Make a background image.
        img_back = np.zeros((1024, 1024), dtype=float)
        # Save the new image, and copy over all the necessary files.
        suffix = str(nn).zfill(4)
        fitsFile = 'sim_img_%s.fits' % suffix
        psfFile = 'sim_img_%s_psf.fits' % suffix
        backFile = 'sim_img_%s_back.fits' % suffix
        cooFile = 'sim_img_%s.coo' % suffix
        lisFile = 'sim_orig_%s.lis' % suffix

        print 'Writing ', fitsFile

        gcutil.rmall([fitsFile, backFile])
        pyfits.writeto(fitsFile, newImage, hdr,
        pyfits.writeto(backFile, img_back, hdr,
        # Resort the starlist so the brightest star is at the top
        mdx = newStars.mag.argsort()
        newStars.name = newStars.name[mdx]
        newStars.mag = newStars.mag[mdx]
        newStars.epoch = newStars.epoch[mdx]
        newStars.x = newStars.x[mdx]
        newStars.y = newStars.y[mdx]
        newStars.snr = newStars.snr[mdx]
        newStars.corr = newStars.corr[mdx]
        newStars.nframes = newStars.nframes[mdx]
        newStars.counts = newStars.counts[mdx]
        shutil.copyfile('mag10maylgs_kp_psf.fits', psfFile)
        _coo = open(cooFile, 'w')
        _coo.write('%.2f %.2f\n' % (brightCoords[0], brightCoords[1]))

        # Write out a starfinder batch file
        idlRoot = 'idl_sim_img_%s' % suffix
        _batch = open(idlRoot + '.batch', 'w')
        _batch.write("find_stf, ")
        _batch.write("'" + fitsFile + "', 0.8, /trimfake\n")

        gcutil.rmall([idlRoot + '.log'])


    for root in allIDLroots:
        print 'idl < %s.batch >& %s.log' % (root, root)
Exemplo n.º 4
def ast_err_vs_snr(n_init=0, n_sims=1000):
    Analyze how starfinder astrometric error changes with signal-to-noise
    ratio. Do this by planting stars on a simulated sky background and
    readnoise/dark current image. Then try to recover the stars with
    starfinder and measure the astrometric errors.
    sky, dc, noise, gain = image_noise_properites()  # IN e-

    background = (sky + dc)  # in e-

    imgCount = 150  # The total number of individual exposures that went
    # into this image.

    print ''
    print '  assuming %d science exposures' % imgCount
    print '  constant = %.1f DN (%.1f e-)' % (background / gain, background)
    print '  additional noise approximated with gaussian'
    print '  sigma = %.1f DN (%.1f e-)' % (noise / gain, noise)

    img = np.zeros((1024, 1024), dtype=float)
    img += background

    # Noise from read out and sky subtraction (in e-)
    otherNoise = stats.norm.rvs(scale=noise, size=(1024, 1024))

    # We are going to plant stars on this image using one of our
    # own PSFs. Each star we plant has to have photon noise from
    # itself as well.
    psf, hdr = pyfits.getdata('mag10maylgs_kp_psf.fits', header=True)
    # Repair the PSF so we don't have negative values
    idx1 = np.where(psf <= 0)
    idx2 = np.where(psf > 0)
    psf[idx1] = psf[idx2].min()

    # Seperate the PSFs by 2" since this is the Starfinder box size.
    step = 200  # in pixels

    # Pulled these numbers from the calibrated starlists for 10maylgs.
    mag0 = 9.782
    flux0 = 20522900.000

    # Randomly select from a distribution of magnitudes.
    magMin = 9.0
    magMax = 22.0

    # Number of samples (stars planted)
    #numStars = 100
    stopN = n_sims + n_init

    allIDLroots = []

    nn = n_init
    while nn <= stopN:
        # Create a new image
        newImage = img.copy()
        brightCoords = None
        brightMag = 1000

        # Make a new starlist with the input info.
        newStars = starTables.StarfinderList(None, hasErrors=False)

        # Now plant the stars
        for xx in range(step, img.shape[1] - step, step):
            for yy in range(step, img.shape[0] - step, step):
                mag = np.random.uniform(magMin, magMax)
                flux = flux0 * 10**(-0.4 * (mag - mag0))

                # We need to add photon noise to the PSF.
                # Scale up the PSF temporarily since poisson() only
                # returns integers.
                tmp = psf * flux * gain

                #print '%4s  x = %4d  y = %4d  mag = %5.2f  flux = %.2f' % \
                #    (nn, xx, yy, mag, flux)

                newName = 'sim_%s' % str(nn).zfill(4)

                # set flux=1 since we already scaled it.
                starPlant.addStar(newImage, tmp, xx, yy, 1.0)
                                xx - 1,
                                yy - 1,

                # Updare our record of the brightest star in the image.
                if mag < brightMag:
                    brightMag = mag
                    brightCoords = [xx, yy]

                nn += 1

        # Fix negative pixels
        idx = np.where(newImage < 0)
        newImage[idx] = 0

        # Now add noise to the image, compensate for large number of exposures
        newImage = stats.poisson.rvs((newImage * imgCount).tolist())
        newImage = np.array(newImage, dtype=float)  # necessary for starfinder
        newImage /= imgCount
        newImage += otherNoise

        # Subtract off sky/dark
        newImage -= background

        # Convert back to DN
        newImage /= gain

        # Make a background image.
        img_back = np.zeros((1024, 1024), dtype=float)

        # Save the new image, and copy over all the necessary files.
        suffix = str(nn).zfill(4)
        fitsFile = 'sim_img_%s.fits' % suffix
        psfFile = 'sim_img_%s_psf.fits' % suffix
        backFile = 'sim_img_%s_back.fits' % suffix
        cooFile = 'sim_img_%s.coo' % suffix
        lisFile = 'sim_orig_%s.lis' % suffix

        print 'Writing ', fitsFile

        gcutil.rmall([fitsFile, backFile])
        pyfits.writeto(fitsFile, newImage, hdr, output_verify='silentfix')
        pyfits.writeto(backFile, img_back, hdr, output_verify='silentfix')

        # Resort the starlist so the brightest star is at the top
        mdx = newStars.mag.argsort()
        newStars.name = newStars.name[mdx]
        newStars.mag = newStars.mag[mdx]
        newStars.epoch = newStars.epoch[mdx]
        newStars.x = newStars.x[mdx]
        newStars.y = newStars.y[mdx]
        newStars.snr = newStars.snr[mdx]
        newStars.corr = newStars.corr[mdx]
        newStars.nframes = newStars.nframes[mdx]
        newStars.counts = newStars.counts[mdx]

        shutil.copyfile('mag10maylgs_kp_psf.fits', psfFile)
        _coo = open(cooFile, 'w')
        _coo.write('%.2f %.2f\n' % (brightCoords[0], brightCoords[1]))

        # Write out a starfinder batch file
        idlRoot = 'idl_sim_img_%s' % suffix
        _batch = open(idlRoot + '.batch', 'w')
        _batch.write("find_stf, ")
        _batch.write("'" + fitsFile + "', 0.8, /trimfake\n")

        gcutil.rmall([idlRoot + '.log'])


    for root in allIDLroots:
        print 'idl < %s.batch >& %s.log' % (root, root)