Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_dynamic_info_err_msg_2(self, mock_path):
     self.chk = False
     comp = Comparator()
     conf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                              'configs', 'main_not-range_ignore-null_fail.yml')
     mock_path.return_value = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'configs')
     config_file = open(conf_file, 'r')
     main_file = yaml.load(config_file)
     path = {'info': "Test Succeeded!! memory heap utilisation of the FPCs is within the range of $1-$2% and its value is {{post['memory-heap-utilization']}}", 'not-range': 'memory-heap-utilization, 0, 30', 'err': "Test Failed!!! memory heap utilisation of the FPCs is not within the range of $1-$2% and its value is {{post['memory-heap-utilization']}}"}
     ele_list = ['cpu-total', '1']
     info = comp.get_info_mssg(path,ele_list)
     err = comp.get_err_mssg(path,ele_list)
     self.assertEqual(info,"Test Succeeded!! memory heap utilisation of the FPCs is within the range of 0-30% and its value is {{post['memory-heap-utilization']}}")
     self.assertEqual(err,"Test Failed!!! memory heap utilisation of the FPCs is not within the range of 0-30% and its value is {{post['memory-heap-utilization']}}")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_dynamic_info_err_msg_1(self, mock_path):
     self.chk = False
     comp = Comparator()
     conf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                              'configs', 'main_is-gt_ignore-null_fail.yml')
     mock_path.return_value = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'configs')
     config_file = open(conf_file, 'r')
     main_file = yaml.load(config_file)
     path = {'info': "Test Succeeded!! cpu total is greater than $1 and its value is {{post['cpu-total']}}", 'is-gt': 'cpu-total, 1', 'err': "Test Failed!!! cpu total is less than $1 and its value is {{post['cpu-total']}}"}
     ele_list = ['cpu-total', '1']
     info = comp.get_info_mssg(path,ele_list)
     err = comp.get_err_mssg(path,ele_list)
     self.assertEqual(info,"Test Succeeded!! cpu total is greater than 1 and its value is {{post['cpu-total']}}")
     self.assertEqual(err,"Test Failed!!! cpu total is less than 1 and its value is {{post['cpu-total']}}")