Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_informations(self, poi):
        logging.debug('building stands')
            all_stands = self.breaker.call(self._get_all_stands)
            ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
            if not ref:
                return Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
            stands = all_stands.get(ref.lstrip('0'))
            if stands:
                if stands.status != 'open':
                    stands.available_bikes = 0
                    stands.available_places = 0
                    stands.total_stands = 0

                return stands
        except pybreaker.CircuitBreakerError as e:
            logging.getLogger(__name__).error('atos service dead (error: {})'.format(e))
            raise BssProxyError('circuit breaker open')
        except requests.Timeout as t:
            logging.getLogger(__name__).error('atos service timeout (error: {})'.format(t))
            raise BssProxyError('timeout')
        except Exception as e:
            logging.getLogger(__name__).exception('cykleo error : {}'.format(str(e)))
            raise BssProxyError(str(e))

        return Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 2
def parking_space_availability_cykleo_get_informations_with_status_Closed_test(
    webservice_response = {
        '2': {
            "station": {
                "assetStation": {
                    "coordinate": {},
                    "organization": 1,
                    "commercialNumber": 1,
                    "id": 1,
                    "commercialName": "station 1"
                "status": "DISCONNECTED",
                "id": 1
            "availableClassicBikeCount": 3,
            "id": 1,
            "availableElectricBikeCount": 1,
            "availableDockCount": 2
    provider = CykleoProvider('http://bob', network, 'big', 'big', {'CYKLEO'})
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=webservice_response)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(0, 0, 'UNAVAILABLE')
    assert provider.get_informations(poi_with_0) == Stands(0, 0, 'UNAVAILABLE')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _get_informations(self, poi):
        # Possible status values of the station: OPEN and CLOSED
        ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
        service_key = self.WS_URL_TEMPLATE.format(self.contract,
                                                  self.api_key) + self.network
        data = self._data.get(service_key)
        if data is None:
            self._data[service_key] = self._call_webservice()
            self._last_update = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        if self._last_update + datetime.timedelta(
                seconds=self._update_interval) < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
            service_url = self.WS_URL_TEMPLATE.format(self.contract,
            self._data[service_url] = self._call_webservice()
            self._last_update = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        data = self._data.get(service_key)
        if data and 'status' in data.get(ref, {}):
            if data[ref]['status'] == 'OPEN':
                return Stands(
                    data[ref].get('available_bike_stands', 0),
                    data[ref].get('available_bikes', 0),
            elif data[ref]['status'] == 'CLOSED':
                return Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.closed)
        return Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 4
def parking_space_availability_cykleo_get_informations_test():
    webservice_response = {
        '2': {
            "station": {
                "assetStation": {
                    "coordinate": {},
                    "organization": 1,
                    "commercialNumber": 1,
                    "id": 1,
                    "commercialName": "station 1"
                "status": "IN_SERVICE",
                "id": 1
            "availableClassicBikeCount": 3,
            "id": 1,
            "availableElectricBikeCount": 1,
            "availableDockCount": 2
    provider = CykleoProvider('http://bob', network, 'big', 'big', {'CYKLEO'})
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=webservice_response)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(2, 4, StandsStatus.open)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi_with_0) == Stands(
        2, 4, StandsStatus.open)
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=None)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(0, 0,
    assert provider.get_informations(poi_with_0) == Stands(
        0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)

    invalid_poi = {}
    assert provider.get_informations(invalid_poi) == Stands(
        0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _get_informations(self, poi):
        ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
        if ref is not None:
            ref = ref.lstrip('0')
        data = self._call_webservice()

        # Possible status values of the station: IN_SERVICE, IN_MAINTENANCE, OUT_OF_SERVICE, DISCONNECTED
        # and DECOMMISSIONED
        if not data:
            return Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
        obj_station = data.get(ref)
        if not obj_station:
            return Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)

        if obj_station.get(
                    ) == 'IN_SERVICE' and 'availableDockCount' in obj_station:
            return Stands(
                obj_station.get('availableDockCount', 0),
                obj_station.get('availableClassicBikeCount', 0) +
                obj_station.get('availableElectricBikeCount', 0),
        elif obj_station.get('station',
                             {}).get('status') in ('OUT_OF_SERVICE',
            return Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.closed)
            return Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 6
def parking_space_availability_jcdecaux_get_informations_with_status_Closed_test():

    webservice_response = {'2': {'available_bike_stands': 4, 'available_bikes': 8, 'status': 'CLOSED'}}
    provider = JcdecauxProvider(u"vélib'", 'Paris', 'api_key', {'jcdecaux'})
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=webservice_response)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.closed)
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=None)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
    invalid_poi = {}
    assert provider.get_informations(invalid_poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def get_informations(self, poi):
     # Possible status values of the station: OPEN and CLOSED
     ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
     data = self._call_webservice()
     if data and 'status' in data.get(ref, {}):
         if data[ref]['status'] == 'OPEN':
             return Stands(data[ref].get('available_bike_stands', 0), data[ref].get('available_bikes', 0), 'OPEN')
         elif data[ref]['status'] == 'CLOSED':
             return Stands(0, 0, 'CLOSED')
     return Stands(0, 0, 'UNAVAILABLE')
Exemplo n.º 8
def parking_space_availability_atos_get_informations_with_closed_status_test():
    The service returns realtime stand information or stand with status='unavailable' if an error occured

    stand_2 = Stands(5, 9, StandsStatus.closed)
    all_stands = {'1': Stands(4, 8, StandsStatus.open), '2': stand_2}
    provider = AtosProvider(u'10', u'vélitul', u'https://webservice.atos.com?wsdl', {'keolis'})
    provider._get_all_stands = MagicMock(return_value=all_stands)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.closed)
    invalid_poi = {}
    assert provider.get_informations(invalid_poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 9
def parking_space_availability_jcdecaux_get_informations_test():
    The service returns realtime stand information or stand with status='Unavailable' if an error occured
    webservice_response = {'2': {'available_bike_stands': 4, 'available_bikes': 8, 'status': 'OPEN'}}
    provider = JcdecauxProvider(u"vélib'", 'Paris', 'api_key', {'jcdecaux'})
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=webservice_response)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(4, 8, StandsStatus.open)
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=None)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
    invalid_poi = {}
    assert provider.get_informations(invalid_poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 10
def parking_space_availability_atos_get_informations_test():
    Atos validate return good stands informations or None if an error occured
    stands = Stands(5, 9)
    all_stands = {'1': Stands(4, 8), '2': stands}
    provider = AtosProvider(u'10', u'vélitul',
                            u'https://webservice.atos.com?wsdl', {'keolis'})
    provider.get_all_stands = MagicMock(return_value=all_stands)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == stands
    provider.get_all_stands = MagicMock(
        side_effect=WebFault('fake fault', 'mock'))
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) is None
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_call_mocked_request():
    webservice_response = [{'number': 2, 'available_bike_stands': 4, 'available_bikes': 8, 'status': 'OPEN'}]
    provider = JcdecauxProvider(u"vélib'", 'Paris', 'api_key', {'jcdecaux'})
    with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
        m.get('https://api.jcdecaux.com/vls/v1/stations/', json=webservice_response)
        assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(4, 8, StandsStatus.open)
        assert m.called
Exemplo n.º 12
 def get_all_stands(self):
     client = self.get_client()
     all_stands = client.service.getSummaryInformationTerminals(self.id_ao)
     return {
         stands.libelle: Stands(stands.nbPlacesDispo, stands.nbVelosDispo)
         for stands in all_stands
Exemplo n.º 13
def parking_space_availability_jcdecaux_get_informations_unauthorized_test():
    The service returns realtime stand information or stand with status='Unavailable' if not authorized
    webservice_unauthorized_response = {'error': 'Unauthorized'}
    provider = JcdecauxProvider(u"vélib'", 'Paris', 'unauthorized_api_key', {'jcdecaux'})
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=webservice_unauthorized_response)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _get_informations(self, poi):
     ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
     if not ref:
     # calculate dummy available stands number
     s = int(bytearray(str(ref))[0])
     return Stands(int(s / 2), s,
                   StandsStatus.closed if s % 2 else StandsStatus.open)
Exemplo n.º 15
def parking_space_availability_atos_get_informations_test():
    The service returns realtime stand information or stand with status='unavailable' if an error occured
    stand_2 = Stands(5, 9, StandsStatus.open)
    all_stands = {'1': Stands(4, 8, StandsStatus.open), '2': stand_2}
    provider = AtosProvider(u'10', u'vélitul', u'https://webservice.atos.com?wsdl', {'keolis'})
    provider._get_all_stands = MagicMock(return_value=all_stands)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == stand_2
    invalid_poi = {}
    assert provider.get_informations(invalid_poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)

    poi_blur_ref = {'properties': {'ref': '02'}}
    assert provider.get_informations(poi_blur_ref) == stand_2

    provider._get_all_stands = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception('cannot access service'))
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_informations(self, poi):
     ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
     data = self._call_webservice()
     if not data or ref not in data:
         return None
     if 'available_bike_stands' in data[ref] and 'available_bikes' in data[
         return Stands(data[ref]['available_bike_stands'],
Exemplo n.º 17
    def get_informations(self, poi):
            stand = self._get_informations(poi)
            return stand

        except BssProxyError as e:
            self.record_call('failure', reason=str(e))
            return Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get_informations(self, poi):
        logging.debug('building stands')
            all_stands = self.breaker.call(self._get_all_stands)
            ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
            if not ref:
                return Stands(0, 0, 'UNAVAILABLE')
            stands = all_stands.get(ref.lstrip('0'))
            if stands:
                if stands.status != 'open':
                    stands.available_bikes = 0
                    stands.available_places = 0
                    stands.total_stands = 0
                return stands
            logging.getLogger(__name__).exception('transport error during call to %s bss provider', self.id_ao)

        return Stands(0, 0, 'UNAVAILABLE')
Exemplo n.º 19
def parking_space_availability_jcdecaux_get_informations_test():
    Jcdecaux validate return good stands informations or None if an error occured
    webservice_response = {'available_bike_stands': 4, 'available_bikes': 8}
    provider = JcdecauxProvider(u"Vélib'", 'Paris', 'api_key')
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=webservice_response)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(4, 8)
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=None)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) is None
Exemplo n.º 20
def parking_space_availability_atos_get_informations_test():
    Atos validate return good stands informations or None if an error occured
    stands = Stands(5, 9)
    all_stands = {'1': Stands(4, 8), '2': stands}
    provider = AtosProvider(u'10', u'vélitul',
                            u'https://webservice.atos.com?wsdl', {'keolis'})
    provider._get_all_stands = MagicMock(return_value=all_stands)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == stands
    invalid_poi = {}
    assert provider.get_informations(invalid_poi) is None

    poi_blur_ref = {'properties': {'ref': '02'}}
    assert provider.get_informations(poi_blur_ref) == stands

    provider._get_all_stands = MagicMock(
        side_effect=Exception('cannot access service'))
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) is None
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _get_all_stands(self):
     with self._get_client() as client:
         all_stands = client.service.getSummaryInformationTerminals(
         return {
             stands.libelle: Stands(
                 stands.nbPlacesDispo, stands.nbVelosDispo,
                 StandsStatus.open if stands.etatConnexion == 'CONNECTEE'
                 else StandsStatus.unavailable)
             for stands in all_stands
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _get_informations(self, poi):
        ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
        if not ref:
        # generate dummy available stands number using a hash algo
        import hashlib

        m = hashlib.md5()
        for k, v in poi.get('properties', {}).items():
            m.update(v.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))
        s = int(bytearray(str(m.hexdigest()))[0])
        return Stands(
            int(s / 2), s,
            StandsStatus.closed if int(ref) % 2 else StandsStatus.open)
Exemplo n.º 23
def available_electric_bike_count_only_test():
    webservice_response = {
        '2': {
            "station": {
                "assetStation": {
                    "coordinate": {},
                    "organization": 1,
                    "commercialNumber": 1,
                    "id": 1,
                    "commercialName": "station 1"
                "status": "IN_SERVICE",
                "id": 1
            "id": 1,
            "availableElectricBikeCount": 1,
            "availableDockCount": 2
    provider = CykleoProvider('http://bob', network, 'big', 'big', {'CYKLEO'})
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=webservice_response)
    assert provider.get_informations(poi) == Stands(2, 1, 'OPEN')
    assert provider.get_informations(poi_with_0) == Stands(2, 1, 'OPEN')
Exemplo n.º 24
def witout_available_dock_count_test():
    webservice_response = {
        '2': {
            "station": {
                "assetStation": {
                    "coordinate": {},
                    "organization": 1,
                    "commercialNumber": 1,
                    "id": 1,
                    "commercialName": "station 1"
                "status": "IN_SERVICE",
                "id": 1
            "id": 1,
            "availableElectricBikeCount": 1,
    provider = CykleoProvider('http://bob', network, 'big', 'big', {'CYKLEO'})
    provider._call_webservice = MagicMock(return_value=webservice_response)
    res_stands = provider.get_informations(poi)
    assert res_stands == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
    res_stands = provider.get_informations(poi_with_0)
    assert res_stands == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def get_informations(self, poi):
     ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
     if ref is not None:
         ref = ref.lstrip('0')
     data = self._call_webservice()
     if not data:
         return None
     station = data.get(ref)
     if not station:
         return None
     if 'availableDockCount' in station \
             and ('availableClassicBikeCount' in station or 'availableElectricBikeCount' in station):
         return Stands(station.get('availableDockCount'),
                       station.get('availableClassicBikeCount', 0) + station.get('availableElectricBikeCount', 0))
     return None
Exemplo n.º 26
def parking_space_availability_atos_get_all_stands_test():
    Atos validate transformation of webservice result
    stands = lambda: None
    all_stands_list = []
    stands.libelle = '1'
    stands.nbPlacesDispo = 4
    stands.nbVelosDispo = 8
    stands.etatConnexion = 'CONNECTEE'
    stands2 = lambda: None
    stands2.libelle = '2'
    stands2.nbPlacesDispo = 5
    stands2.nbVelosDispo = 9
    stands2.etatConnexion = 'CONNECTEE'
    stands3 = lambda: None
    stands3.libelle = '3'
    stands3.nbPlacesDispo = 10
    stands3.nbVelosDispo = 20
    stands3.etatConnexion = 'DECONNECTEE'

    provider = AtosProvider(u'10', u'vélitul',
                            u'https://webservice.atos.com?wsdl', {'keolis'})
    client = lambda: None
    client.service = lambda: None
    client.service.getSummaryInformationTerminals = MagicMock(

    def mock_get_client():
        yield client

    provider._get_client = mock_get_client

    all_stands = provider._get_all_stands()
    assert len(all_stands) == 3
    assert isinstance(all_stands.get('2'), Stands)

    # The status of stand=3 is converted to status navitia='unavailable' from 'DECONNECTEE'
    # and other attributs are initialized to 0.
    stand = provider.get_informations('3')
    assert stand == Stands(0, 0, StandsStatus.unavailable)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def get_informations(self, poi):
     ref = poi.get('properties', {}).get('ref')
     data = self._call_webservice(ref)
     if data and 'available_bike_stands' in data and 'available_bikes' in data:
         return Stands(data['available_bike_stands'],
Exemplo n.º 28
 def get_informations(self, poi):
     return Stands(5, 9, StandsStatus.open)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def get_informations(self, poi):
     available_places = 13 if poi['id'] == 'station_1' else 99
     available_bikes = 3 if poi['id'] == 'station_1' else 98
     return Stands(available_places=available_places,
Exemplo n.º 30
 def _get_all_stands(self):
     with self._get_client() as client:
         all_stands = client.service.getSummaryInformationTerminals(self.id_ao)
         return {stands.libelle: Stands(stands.nbPlacesDispo, stands.nbVelosDispo,
                                        'OPEN' if stands.etatConnexion == 'CONNECTEE' else 'UNAVAILABLE')
                 for stands in all_stands}