Exemplo n.º 1
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received links are ok to perform operations
        :return: true if the neuron is well configured, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: MissingParameterException, InvalidParameterException
        # with the neuron the user has the choice of a direct link that call another synapse,
        #  or a link with an answer caught from the STT engine

        # we cannot use at the same time a direct redirection and a link with question
        if self.direct_link is not None and self.from_answer_link is not None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "neurotransmitter cannot be used with both direct_link and from_answer_link"

        if self.direct_link is None and self.from_answer_link is None:
            raise MissingParameterException(
                "neurotransmitter must be used with direct_link or from_answer_link"

        if self.from_answer_link is not None:
            if self.default is None:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "default parameter is required and must contain a valid synapse name"
            for el in self.from_answer_link:
                if "synapse" not in el:
                    raise MissingParameterException(
                        "Links must contain a synapse name: %s" % el)
                if "answers" not in el:
                    raise MissingParameterException(
                        "Links must contain answers: %s" % el)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check that all provided parameters in the neurons are valid
        :return: True if all check passed
        # URL is mandatory
        if self.url is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Uri needs an url")

        # headers can be null, but if provided it must be a list
        if self.headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.headers, dict):
                raise InvalidParameterException("headers must be a list of key: value")

        # timeout in second must be an integer
        if self.timeout is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.timeout, int):
                raise InvalidParameterException("timeout must be an integer")

        # data must be loadable with json
        if self.data is not None:
            except ValueError, e:
                raise InvalidParameterException("error in \"data\" parameter: %s" % e)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.query is None or self.query == "":
            raise InvalidParameterException("Wikipedia needs a query")
        if self.language is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Wikipedia needs a language")

        valid_language = wikipedia.languages().keys()
        if self.language not in valid_language:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Wikipedia needs a valid language: %s" % valid_language)

        if self.sentences is not None:
                self.sentences = int(self.sentences)
            except ValueError:
                # Handle the exception
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "Number of sentences must be an integer")
        return True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check that all given parameter are valid
        :return: True if all given parameter are ok

        if self.state not in ["on", "off"]:
            raise InvalidParameterException("[Ambient_sounds] State must be 'on' or 'off'")

        # check that the given sound name exist
        if self.sound_name is not None:
            self.target_ambient_sound = self.sdb.get_sound_by_name(self.sound_name)
            if self.target_ambient_sound is None:
                raise InvalidParameterException("[Ambient_sounds] Sound name %s does not exist" % self.sound_name)

        # if wait auto_stop_minutes is set, mut be an integer or string convertible to integer
        if self.auto_stop_minutes is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.auto_stop_minutes, int):
                    self.auto_stop_minutes = int(self.auto_stop_minutes)
                except ValueError:
                    raise InvalidParameterException("[Ambient_sounds] auto_stop_minutes must be an integer")
            # check auto_stop_minutes is positive
            if self.auto_stop_minutes < 1:
                raise InvalidParameterException("[Ambient_sounds] auto_stop_minutes must be set at least to 1 minute")
        return True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: MissingParameterException
        if self.sensor_type is None:
            raise MissingParameterException(
                "You must specify a sensor_type. Can be 'DHT11', 'DHT22' or 'AM2302'"

        if self.sensor_type not in supported_sensor:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "sensor_type must be 'DHT11', 'DHT22' or 'AM2302'")

        if self.pin is None:
            raise MissingParameterException(
                "You must specify a pin number (BCM)")

        # check that is an integer
            self.pin = int(self.pin)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidParameterException("pin must be a valid integer")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):

        if self.mm_url is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Missing mm_url parameter")

        if self.notification is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Missing notification parameter")

        if self.payload is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Missing payload parameter")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.configuration['url'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("CalDav requires an URL.")

        if self.configuration['action'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("CalDav requires an action.")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.configuration['client_id'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Twitch tv requires a client ID")

        if self.configuration['user'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("User required for Twitch TV")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron.
        :return: True if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise.

        .. raises:: MissingParameterException, InvalidParameterException
        if self.url is None:
            raise MissingParameterException("Webbrowser needs an url")
        if self.url_check(self.url) is False:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Webbrowser: invalid url")
        if self.option not in OPTIONS:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Webbrowser: invalid option")
        return True
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _is_volume_parameters_ok(self):
        if self.volume is None:
            raise MissingParameterException(self.action +
                                            " action needs a volume parameter")
            value = int(self.volume)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "volume parameter must be integer 0..100")
        if value < 0 or value > 100:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "volume parameter must be integer 0..100")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: MissingParameterException, InvalidParameterException
        if self.path is None:
            raise MissingParameterException("You must provide a script path.")
        if not os.path.isfile(self.path):
            raise InvalidParameterException("Script not found or is not a file.")
        if not os.access(self.path, os.X_OK):
            raise InvalidParameterException("Script not Executable.")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 12
 def check_for_integer(parameter):
     if isinstance(parameter, list):
         for item in parameter:
             if isinstance(item, (int)):
                 raise InvalidParameterException(
                     "[Gpio] %s List contains not valid integers" %
             parameter = int(parameter)
         except ValueError:
             raise InvalidParameterException(
                 "[Gpio] %s is not a valid integer" % parameter)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.configuration['gmaps_api_key'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Google Maps require an API key")

        if self.configuration['destination'] is None and self.configuration[
                'search'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Google Maps needs a destination or place name")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException
        if self.configuration['uber_api_key'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Uber neuronrequire an Uber API key")

        if self.configuration['start_address'] is None \
                and (self.configuration['start_longitude'] is None or self.configuration['start_latitude'] is None):
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Missing start_address or start longitude and latitude")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _is_parameters_ok(self):
     if self.level is None:
         raise InvalidParameterException("[Volume] level need to be set")
         self.level = int(self.level)
     except ValueError:
         raise InvalidParameterException(
             "[Volume] level '{}' is not a valid integer".format(
     if self.level < 0 or self.level > 100:
         raise InvalidParameterException(
             "[Volume] level need to be placed between 0 and 100")
     if self.action not in ["set", "raise", "lower"]:
         raise InvalidParameterException(
             "[Volume] action can be 'set', 'raise' or 'lower'")
     return True
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check that all provided parameters in the neurons are valid
        :return: True if all check passed
        # URL is mandatory
        if self.url is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Uri needs an url")

        # headers can be null, but if provided it must be a list
        if self.headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.headers, dict):
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "headers must be a list of key: value")

        # timeout in second must be an integer
        if self.timeout is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.timeout, int):
                raise InvalidParameterException("timeout must be an integer")

        # data must be loadable with json
        if self.data is not None:
            except ValueError as e:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "error in \"data\" parameter: %s" % e)

        # data_from_file path must exist and data inside must be loadable by json
        if self.data_from_file is not None:
            # check that the file exist
            if not os.path.exists(self.data_from_file):
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "error in \"data_file\". File does not exist: %s" %
            # then try to load the json from the file
                self.data_from_file = self.readfile(self.data_from_file)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "error in \"data\" parameter: %s" % e)

        # we cannot provide both data and data from file
        if self.data is not None and self.data_from_file is not None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "URI can be used with data or data_from_file, not both in same time"

        # the provided method must exist
        allowed_method = [
            "GET", "POST", "DELETE", "PUT", "HEAD", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"
        if self.method not in allowed_method:
            raise InvalidParameterException("method %s not in: %s" %
                                            (self.method, allowed_method))

        return True
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.configuration['gmaps_api_key'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Google Maps require an API key")

        if self.configuration['local'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("WW Time needs a local")

        if self.configuration['city'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("WW Time needs a city")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.lang_out is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Needs Lang out")

        if self.lang_in is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Needs Lang in")

        if self.sentence is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Needs sentence")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _is_search_parameters_ok(self):
        if self.query is None:
            raise MissingParameterException(self.action +
                                            " action needs a query parameter")
        if self.search_type not in Search_Types:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Invalid search_type parameter")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        if self.action is None:
            raise MissingParameterException(
                "Spotify needs an action parameter")
        if self.action not in Spotify_Actions:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Invalid action parameter")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.configuration['url'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Web scraper needs a url")

        if self.configuration['main_selector']['tag'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Web scraper needs a main_selector tag")

        if self.configuration['main_selector']['class'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Web scraper needs a main_selector class")

        if self.configuration['title_selector']['tag'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Web scraper needs a title_selector tag")

        if self.configuration['title_selector']['class'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Web scraper needs a title_selector class")

        if self.configuration['description_selector']['tag'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Web scraper needs a description_selector tag")

        if self.configuration['description_selector']['class'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Web scraper needs a description_selector class")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.configuration['mpd_url'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("MPD needs a url")

        if self.configuration['mpd_action'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("MPD needs an action")
        elif self.configuration['mpd_action'] in ['playlist', 'playlist_spotify', 'search', 'file'] \
            and self.configuration['query'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "MPD requires a query for this action")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.query is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Wikipedia needs a query")
        if self.language is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Wikipedia needs a language")

        valid_language = wikipedia.languages().keys()
        if self.language not in valid_language:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Wikipedia needs a valid language: %s" % valid_language)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 24
    def changeMode(self):
        #thermMode schedule / away / hg
        if self.thermMode not in THERMMODE:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Invalid Therm mode")

        headers = self.getAuthorizedHeader()
        params = {"home_id": self.homeId, "mode": self.thermMode}
        response = requests.post(_SET_THERM_MODE,
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.configuration['credentials_file'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Google news needs a credentials_file")

        if self.configuration['client_secret_file'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Google news needs a client_secret_file")

        if self.configuration['max_results'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Google news needs a max_results")

        if self.configuration['application_name'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Google news needs a application_name")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException
        if self.configuration['host'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Domoticz host is required")

        if self.configuration['action'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Domoticz action is required")

        if self.configuration['action'] in ['get_device', 'set_switch'] and self.configuration['device'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Domoticz device is required for the action %s" % self.configuration['action'])

        if self.configuration['action'] in ['set_switch'] and self.configuration['action_value'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Domoticz action_value is required for the action %s" % self.configuration['action'])

        return True
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron.
        :return: True if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise.
        .. raises:: MissingParameterException
        if self.configuration['todotxt_file'] is None \
            or os.path.isfile(self.configuration['todotxt_file']) is False:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Todotxt need a valid and existing todo file")

        if self.configuration['action'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("An action is require")

        if self.configuration[
                'action'] == "add" and self.configuration['content'] is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "A content is required when the action is add")

        return True
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.image_path is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Ocr needs an image path")

        return True
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check that all given parameter are valid
        :return: True if all given parameter are ok

        if self.state not in ["on", "off"]:
            raise InvalidParameterException("[Launch_radio] State must be 'on' or 'off'")

        if self.state == "ok":
            if self.radio_url is None:
                raise InvalidParameterException("[Launch_radio] You have to specify a radio_url parameter")
            if self.is_playable_url(self.radio_url) is not True:
                raise InvalidParameterException("[Launch_radio] The radio_url parameter you specified is not a valid playable url")
            if self.radio_name is None:
                raise InvalidParameterException("[Launch_radio] You have to specify a radio_name parameter")

        # if wait auto_stop_minutes is set, must be an integer or string convertible to integer
        if self.auto_stop_minutes is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.auto_stop_minutes, int):
                    self.auto_stop_minutes = int(self.auto_stop_minutes)
                except ValueError:
                    raise InvalidParameterException("[Launch_radio] auto_stop_minutes must be an integer")
            # check auto_stop_minutes is positive
            if self.auto_stop_minutes < 1:
                raise InvalidParameterException("[Launch_radio] auto_stop_minutes must be set at least to 1 minute")
        return True
Exemplo n.º 30
 def _is_parameters_ok(self):
     Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
     :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise
     .. raises:: MissingParameterException
     if self.configuration['host'] is None and self.configuration[
             'name'] is None:
         raise MissingParameterException("Host or Name parameter required")
     if self.configuration['host'] is not None and self.configuration[
             'name'] is not None:
         raise InvalidParameterException(
             "Host and Name parameter can not be used simultaneously")
     if self.configuration['action'] is None:
         raise InvalidParameterException("Soundtouch needs an action")
     if self.configuration['volume'] is not None and (
             self.configuration['volume'] < 0
             or self.configuration['volume'] > 100):
         raise InvalidParameterException(
             "Volume must be greater than 0 and lower than 100")
     elif self.configuration['action'] not in [
             'play', 'stop', 'set_volume', 'mute', 'set_preset'
         raise InvalidParameterException(
             "Soundtouch does not support action")
     elif self.configuration['preset'] is not None and not (isinstance(
             self.configuration['preset'], int)):
         raise InvalidParameterException(
             "Preset must be set to an integer value")
     elif self.configuration['preset'] <= 0 or self.configuration[
             'preset'] > 6:
         raise InvalidParameterException(
             "Preset must be greater than 0 and lower or equal to 6")
     return True