Exemplo n.º 1
def setup_backends(load_extra_backends_fn=lambda: {},
                   startup_application_fn=lambda: None):
    drivers = backends.load_backends()
    res = startup_application_fn()
    return drivers, res
Exemplo n.º 2
def setup_backends(load_extra_backends_fn=lambda: {},
                   startup_application_fn=lambda: None):
    drivers = backends.load_backends()
    res = startup_application_fn()
    return drivers, res
Exemplo n.º 3
    def main():
        def validate_options():
            # NOTE(henry-nash); It would be nice to use the argparse automated
            # checking for this validation, but the only way I can see doing
            # that is to make the default (i.e. if no optional parameters
            # are specified) to purge all mappings - and that sounds too
            # dangerous as a default.  So we use it in a slightly
            # unconventional way, where all parameters are optional, but you
            # must specify at least one.
            if (CONF.command.all is False and CONF.command.domain_name is None
                    and CONF.command.public_id is None
                    and CONF.command.local_id is None
                    and CONF.command.type is None):
                raise ValueError(_('At least one option must be provided'))

            if (CONF.command.all is True
                    and (CONF.command.domain_name is not None
                         or CONF.command.public_id is not None
                         or CONF.command.local_id is not None
                         or CONF.command.type is not None)):
                raise ValueError(
                    _('--all option cannot be mixed with '
                      'other options'))

        def get_domain_id(name):
                return resource_manager.get_domain_by_name(name)['id']
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(
                    _("Unknown domain '%(name)s' specified by "
                      "--domain-name") % {'name': name})

        drivers = backends.load_backends()
        resource_manager = drivers['resource_api']
        mapping_manager = drivers['id_mapping_api']

        # Now that we have validated the options, we know that at least one
        # option has been specified, and if it was the --all option then this
        # was the only option specified.
        # The mapping dict is used to filter which mappings are purged, so
        # leaving it empty means purge them all
        mapping = {}
        if CONF.command.domain_name is not None:
            mapping['domain_id'] = get_domain_id(CONF.command.domain_name)
        if CONF.command.public_id is not None:
            mapping['public_id'] = CONF.command.public_id
        if CONF.command.local_id is not None:
            mapping['local_id'] = CONF.command.local_id
        if CONF.command.type is not None:
            mapping['type'] = CONF.command.type

Exemplo n.º 4
    def main():
        def validate_options():
            # NOTE(henry-nash); It would be nice to use the argparse automated
            # checking for this validation, but the only way I can see doing
            # that is to make the default (i.e. if no optional parameters
            # are specified) to purge all mappings - and that sounds too
            # dangerous as a default.  So we use it in a slightly
            # unconventional way, where all parameters are optional, but you
            # must specify at least one.
            if (CONF.command.all is False and
                CONF.command.domain_name is None and
                CONF.command.public_id is None and
                CONF.command.local_id is None and
                    CONF.command.type is None):
                raise ValueError(_('At least one option must be provided'))

            if (CONF.command.all is True and
                (CONF.command.domain_name is not None or
                 CONF.command.public_id is not None or
                 CONF.command.local_id is not None or
                 CONF.command.type is not None)):
                raise ValueError(_('--all option cannot be mixed with '
                                   'other options'))

        def get_domain_id(name):
                return resource_manager.get_domain_by_name(name)['id']
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(_("Unknown domain '%(name)s' specified by "
                                   "--domain-name") % {'name': name})

        drivers = backends.load_backends()
        resource_manager = drivers['resource_api']
        mapping_manager = drivers['id_mapping_api']

        # Now that we have validated the options, we know that at least one
        # option has been specified, and if it was the --all option then this
        # was the only option specified.
        # The mapping dict is used to filter which mappings are purged, so
        # leaving it empty means purge them all
        mapping = {}
        if CONF.command.domain_name is not None:
            mapping['domain_id'] = get_domain_id(CONF.command.domain_name)
        if CONF.command.public_id is not None:
            mapping['public_id'] = CONF.command.public_id
        if CONF.command.local_id is not None:
            mapping['local_id'] = CONF.command.local_id
        if CONF.command.type is not None:
            mapping['type'] = CONF.command.type

Exemplo n.º 5
    def load_backends(self):
        """Initializes each manager and assigns them to an attribute."""

        # TODO(blk-u): Shouldn't need to clear the registry here, but some
        # tests call load_backends multiple times. These should be fixed to
        # only call load_backends once.

        # TODO(morganfainberg): Shouldn't need to clear the registry here, but
        # some tests call load_backends multiple times.  Since it is not
        # possible to re-configure a backend, we need to clear the list.  This
        # should eventually be removed once testing has been cleaned up.

        drivers = backends.load_backends()


        for manager_name, manager in six.iteritems(drivers):
            setattr(self, manager_name, manager)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def load_backends(self):
        """Initializes each manager and assigns them to an attribute."""

        # TODO(blk-u): Shouldn't need to clear the registry here, but some
        # tests call load_backends multiple times. These should be fixed to
        # only call load_backends once.

        # TODO(morganfainberg): Shouldn't need to clear the registry here, but
        # some tests call load_backends multiple times.  Since it is not
        # possible to re-configure a backend, we need to clear the list.  This
        # should eventually be removed once testing has been cleaned up.

        drivers = backends.load_backends()


        for manager_name, manager in six.iteritems(drivers):
            setattr(self, manager_name, manager)
Exemplo n.º 7
from keystone.common import environment
from keystone.common import sql
from keystone import config
from keystone.openstack.common import log
from keystone import service

CONF = config.CONF



name = os.path.basename(__file__)

if CONF.debug:
    CONF.log_opt_values(log.getLogger(CONF.prog), logging.DEBUG)

drivers = backends.load_backends()

# NOTE(ldbragst): 'application' is required in this context by WSGI spec.
# The following is a reference to Python Paste Deploy documentation
# http://pythonpaste.org/deploy/
application = service.loadapp('config:%s' % config.find_paste_config(), name)

Exemplo n.º 8
 def load_backends(self):
     drivers = backends.load_backends()
     self.resource_manager = drivers['resource_api']
     self.domain_config_manager = drivers['domain_config_api']
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_application(configure=True):
    import os
    import sys
    import java.util
    from java.io import File
    from org.python.util import jython

    jar_location = (jython()
    sys.executable = jar_location

    import pbr.version
    pbr.version.VersionInfo.version_string = lambda x: ''

    from keystone import backends
    from keystone import config
    from keystone.common import sql
    from oslo.db import options as db_options
    from keystone.common import dependency
    import logging
    from paste import deploy
    from java.lang import System

    if configure:
    CONF = config.CONF


    prop_dir = System.getProperty("config_dir", "etc")

    if len(sys.argv) > 0:
        saved_argv = sys.argv
        sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]]

    config_file = ['{prop_dir}/keystone.conf'.format(prop_dir=prop_dir)]
    CONF(project='keystone', prog='keystone', default_config_files=config_file)

    name = 'main'
    name = 'admin'

    if CONF.debug:
        CONF.log_opt_values(logging.getLogger(CONF.prog), logging.DEBUG)
    elif CONF.verbose:
        CONF.log_opt_values(logging.getLogger(CONF.prog), logging.INFO)
        CONF.log_opt_values(logging.getLogger(CONF.prog), logging.WARNING)


    application = deploy.loadapp('config:{prop_dir}/keystone-paste.ini'.format(
        prop_dir=prop_dir), name=name, relative_to='.')


    if len(sys.argv) > 0:
        sys.argv = saved_argv

    return application
Exemplo n.º 10
 def load_backends(self):
     drivers = backends.load_backends()
     self.resource_manager = drivers['resource_api']
     self.domain_config_manager = drivers['domain_config_api']