Exemplo n.º 1
def test_simple_scoring(capsys):
        ("seating -vi 0 -p "
         "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 2,5,7,1,8,9,4,6,3 4,1,9,7,2,8,3,5,6").split())
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out == (
        "--------------------------------- details ---------------------------------\n"
        "Round 1: [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9]]\n"
        "Round 2: [[2, 5, 7, 1, 8], [9, 4, 6, 3]]\n"
        "Round 3: [[4, 1, 9, 7, 2], [8, 3, 5, 6]]\n"
        "R1   0.00  OK (predator-prey)\n"
        "R2   1.00 NOK (opponent thrice): 1-2\n"
        "R3   0.31 NOK (available vps): mean is 4.56, [6] has 4.0, [1, 2] have 5.0\n"
        "R4  16.00 NOK (opponent twice): 1-2, 1-4, 1-5, 1-7, 2-4, 2-5, 2-7, "
        "3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 4-9, 5-8, 6-8, 6-9, 7-8, 7-9\n"
        "R5   0.00  OK (fifth seat)\n"
        "R6   0.00  OK (position)\n"
        "R7   0.00  OK (same seat)\n"
        "R8   0.27 NOK (starting transfers): mean is 2.67, [3, 5, 7] have 3.0\n"
        "R9   2.00 NOK (position group): 1 is 2 non-adjacent twice, "
        "5 is 8 non-adjacent twice\n")
Exemplo n.º 2
def test(capsys):
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """usage: krcg [-h]  ...

VTES tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

    card      show cards
    complete  card name completion
    search    search card
    deck      show TWDA decks
    top       display top cards (most played)
    affinity  display cards affinity (most played together)
    build     build a deck around given card(s), based on the TWDA
    format    format a decklist
    seating   compute optimal seating

            # noqa: W293
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_international(capsys):
    cli_execute(["card", "--international", ".44 Magnum"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (
        == """.44 Magnum
  fr -- Magnum .44
  es -- Magnum .44
[Equipment][2P] -- (#100001)
Weapon: gun.
Strike: 2R damage, with 1 optional maneuver each combat.

-- fr
Arme à feu.
Frapper à toute portée : 2 points de dégâts, avec 1 manœuvre optionnelle durant chaque combat.

-- es
Arma: arma de fuego.
Ataque: 2 de daño a distancia, con una maniobra opcional por combate.

-- Rulings
Provides only ony maneuver each combat, even if the bearer changes. [LSJ 19980302-2]
The optional maneuver cannot be used if the strike cannot be used (eg. {Hidden Lurker}). [LSJ 20021028]
"""  # noqa: E501
Exemplo n.º 4
def test(capsys):
    cli_execute(["affinity", "--from", "2015", "--to", "2020", "Fame"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (
        outerr.out ==
        """Taste of Vitae                 (in 61% of decks, typically 3-5 copies)
Powerbase: Montreal            (in 44% of decks, typically 1 copy)
Haven Uncovered                (in 37% of decks, typically 1-4 copies)
Target Vitals                  (in 37% of decks, typically 2-5 copies)
Anarch Convert                 (in 36% of decks, typically 2-5 copies)
Cats' Guidance                 (in 36% of decks, typically 2-5 copies)
Ashur Tablets                  (in 35% of decks, typically 6-11 copies)
Carrion Crows                  (in 34% of decks, typically 7-11 copies)
Archon Investigation           (in 32% of decks, typically 1 copy)
Deep Song                      (in 31% of decks, typically 5-11 copies)
The Parthenon                  (in 30% of decks, typically 1-4 copies)
Canine Horde                   (in 29% of decks, typically 1-3 copies)
Anarch Revolt                  (in 28% of decks, typically 3-9 copies)
Aid from Bats                  (in 28% of decks, typically 9-15 copies)
The Rack                       (in 26% of decks, typically 1 copy)
Dragonbound                    (in 26% of decks, typically 1 copy)
Stick                          (in 26% of decks, typically 1 copy)
Beetleman                      (in 25% of decks, typically 1 copy)
The Unmasking                  (in 25% of decks, typically 1-2 copies)
    cli_execute(["affinity", "Foobar"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == "Card not found: foobar\n"
    assert outerr.out == ""
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_text(capsys):
    cli_execute(["card", "--text", "alastor"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (
        == """Alastor
[Political Action] -- (#100038)
Requires a justicar or Inner Circle member.
Choose a ready Camarilla vampire. If this referendum is successful, search your library for an equipment card and place this card and the equipment on the chosen vampire. Pay half the cost (round down) of the equipment. This vampire may enter combat with any vampire controlled by another Methuselah as a +1 stealth Ⓓ action. This vampire cannot commit diablerie. A vampire may have only one Alastor.
"""  # noqa: E501
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_base(capsys):
    cli_execute(["card", "krcg"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (
        == """KRCG News Radio
[Master][2P] -- (#101067)
Unique location.
Lock to give a minion you control +1 intercept. Lock and burn 1 pool to give a minion controlled by another Methuselah +1 intercept.
"""  # noqa: E501
Exemplo n.º 7
def test(capsys):
    cli_execute(["complete", "Pentex"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (
        == """Pentex™ Loves You!
Pentex™ Subversion
Enzo Giovanni, Pentex Board of Directors
Enzo Giovanni, Pentex Board of Directors (ADV)
Harold Zettler, Pentex Director
Exemplo n.º 8
def test(capsys):
    cli_execute(["top", "--from", "2015", "--to", "2020", "-d", "ani"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (
        outerr.out ==
        """Carrion Crows                  (played in 72 decks, typically 5-10 copies)
Cats' Guidance                 (played in 70 decks, typically 2-6 copies)
Deep Song                      (played in 58 decks, typically 3-10 copies)
Sense the Savage Way           (played in 55 decks, typically 2-7 copies)
Canine Horde                   (played in 54 decks, typically 1-2 copies)
Raven Spy                      (played in 47 decks, typically 1-5 copies)
Aid from Bats                  (played in 44 decks, typically 6-14 copies)
Army of Rats                   (played in 40 decks, typically 1-2 copies)
Guard Dogs                     (played in 30 decks, typically 1-4 copies)
Beetleman                      (played in 29 decks, typically 1 copy)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_links(capsys):
    cli_execute(["card", "--links", "alastor"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (
        == """Alastor
[Political Action] -- (#100038)
Requires a justicar or Inner Circle member.
Choose a ready Camarilla vampire. If this referendum is successful, search your library for an equipment card and place this card and the equipment on the chosen vampire. Pay half the cost (round down) of the equipment. This vampire may enter combat with any vampire controlled by another Methuselah as a +1 stealth Ⓓ action. This vampire cannot commit diablerie. A vampire may have only one Alastor.

-- Rulings
If the given weapon costs blood, the target Alastor pays the cost. [LSJ 20040518]
Requirements do not apply. If a discipline is required (eg. {Inscription}) and the Alastor vampire does not have it, the inferior version is used. [ANK 20200901] [LSJ 20040518-2]
[LSJ 20040518]: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad/4emymfUPwAM/B2SCC7L6kuMJ
[ANK 20200901]: http://www.vekn.net/forum/rules-questions/78830-alastor-and-ankara-citadel#100653
[LSJ 20040518-2]: https://groups.google.com/g/rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad/c/4emymfUPwAM/m/JF_o7OOoCbkJ
"""  # noqa: E501
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_base(capsys):
    # Base usage, defaults to 3 rounds
    cli_execute("seating -i 1 12".split())
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[0].split(",")) == set(range(1, 13))
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[1].split(",")) == set(range(1, 13))
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[2].split(",")) == set(range(1, 13))
    # Two rounds
    cli_execute("seating -i 1 -r 2 12".split())
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[0].split(",")) == set(range(1, 13))
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[1].split(",")) == set(range(1, 13))
    # Two rounds for six players results in three intertwined rounds with sit outs
    cli_execute("seating -i 1 -r 2 6".split())
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out
    players = set(range(1, 7))
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[0].split(",")).issubset(players)
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[1].split(",")).issubset(players)
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[2].split(",")).issubset(players)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test(capsys):
    cli_execute(["deck", "foobar"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == '"foobar" did not match a deck #, card or author'
    assert outerr.out == ""

    cli_execute(["deck", "2010tcdbng"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (
        outerr.out ==
        """[2010tcdbng     ]===================================================
Trading Card Day
Bad Naumheim, Germany
May 8th 2010
10 players
Rudolf Scholz

-- 4vp in the final

Deck Name: The Storage Procurers

Description: Allies with Flash Grenades to keep troubles at bay.
Storage Annex for card efficiency and a structured hand. Weenies and
Midcaps with Obfuscate and/or Dominate to oust via Conditionings and

Crypt (12 cards, min=7, max=24, avg=3.75)
1x Gilbert Duane          7 AUS DOM OBF      prince  Malkavian:1
1x Mariel, Lady Thunder   7 DOM OBF aus tha          Malkavian:1
1x Badr al-Budur          5 OBF cel dom qui          Banu Haqim:2
1x Count Ormonde          5 OBF dom pre ser          Ministry:2
1x Didi Meyers            5 DOM aus cel obf          Malkavian:1
1x Zebulon                5 OBF aus dom pro          Malkavian:1
1x Dimple                 2 obf                      Nosferatu:1
1x Mustafa Rahman         2 dom                      Tremere:2
1x Normal                 2 obf                      Malkavian:1
1x Ohanna                 2 dom                      Malkavian:2
1x Samson                 2 dom                      Ventrue antitribu:2
1x Basil                  1 obf                      Pander:2

Library (87 cards)
Master (19; 3 trifle)
1x Channel 10
2x Charisma
1x Creepshow Casino
1x KRCG News Radio
2x Perfectionist
6x Storage Annex           -- great card! usually underestimated
3x Sudden Reversal
3x Vessel

Ally (12)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Gregory Winter
1x Impundulu
1x Muddled Vampire Hunter
1x Ossian
6x Procurer
1x Young Bloods

Equipment (9)
1x Deer Rifle
8x Flash Grenade           -- brings fear to the methuselahs rather than to minions

Action Modifier (19)
6x Cloak the Gathering
7x Conditioning            -- should be more!
2x Lost in Crowds
4x Veil the Legions

Reaction (16)
7x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
7x On the Qui Vive

Combat (8)
8x Concealed Weapon

Event (4)
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
1x Hunger Moon
1x Restricted Vitae
1x Unmasking, The

        # noqa: E501
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """-- 4 decks --
[2019pncwp] Anson Ashurs
[2019ecwon2pf] None
[2019ecday2pf] Finnish Politics
[2019ptfplpp] Amiable Jacko and friends
    cli_execute(["deck", "--to", "2020-01-01", "Rudolf Scholz"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """-- 11 decks --
[2k8madhanau] Thank You Vlada
[2010dorkside] New Days, Old School
[2010tcdbng] The Storage Procurers
[2011pombmg] Announce your PRE
[2012dnccd] Anson will find the Danish throne
[2013dnccd] Obey the Tremere
[2013fcqf14pf] Maris et Lutz à Paris
[2015gitamv2bng] Anson reloaded
[2017gecqgitamv4bng] German ECQ 2017 (1st place): Matasuntha's unbound heart
[2018dnccd] Danish Nationals 2018 (1st Place): Supply and Demand
[2019bfbafg] Swedish Legionnaires
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """-- 5 decks --
[2018igpadhs] None
[2018eclcqwp] Dear diary, today I feel like a wraith.. Liquidation
[2018ecday1wp] MMA.MPA (EC 2018)
[2018ecday2wp] EC 2018 win
[2018pncwp] Deadly kittens
Exemplo n.º 12
def test(capsys, tmpdir):
    file_path = tmpdir + "test-format.txt"
    with file_path.open("w") as f:
        f.write("""Crypt (12 cards, min=7, max=24, avg=3.75)
1x Gilbert Duane          7 AUS DOM OBF      prince  Malkavian:1
1x Mariel, Lady Thunder   7 DOM OBF aus tha          Malkavian:1
1x Badr al-Budur          5 OBF cel dom qui          Banu Haqim:2
1x Count Ormonde          5 OBF dom pre ser          Ministry:2
1x Didi Meyers            5 DOM aus cel obf          Malkavian:1
1x Zebulon                5 OBF aus dom pro          Malkavian:1
1x Dimple                 2 obf                      Nosferatu:1
1x Mustafa Rahman         2 dom                      Tremere:2
1x Normal                 2 obf                      Malkavian:1
1x Ohanna                 2 dom                      Malkavian:2
1x Samson                 2 dom                      Ventrue antitribu:2
1x Basil                  1 obf                      Pander:2

Library (87 cards)
Master (19; 3 trifle)
1x Channel 10
2x Charisma
1x Creepshow Casino
1x KRCG News Radio
2x Perfectionist
6x Storage Annex
3x Sudden Reversal
3x Vessel

Ally (12)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Gregory Winter
1x Impundulu
1x Muddled Vampire Hunter
1x Ossian
6x Procurer
1x Young Bloods

Equipment (9)
1x Deer Rifle
8x Flash Grenade

Action Modifier (19)
6x Cloak the Gathering
7x Conditioning
2x Lost in Crowds
4x Veil the Legions

Reaction (16)
7x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
7x On the Qui Vive

Combat (8)
8x Concealed Weapon

Event (4)
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
1x Hunger Moon
1x Restricted Vitae
1x Unmasking, The
    cli_execute(["format", "-f", "twd", str(file_path)])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out == ("""Crypt (12 cards, min=7, max=24, avg=3.75)
1x Gilbert Duane          7 AUS DOM OBF      prince  Malkavian:1
1x Mariel, Lady Thunder   7 DOM OBF aus tha          Malkavian:1
1x Badr al-Budur          5 OBF cel dom qui          Banu Haqim:2
1x Count Ormonde          5 OBF dom pre ser          Ministry:2
1x Didi Meyers            5 DOM aus cel obf          Malkavian:1
1x Zebulon                5 OBF aus dom pro          Malkavian:1
1x Dimple                 2 obf                      Nosferatu:1
1x Mustafa Rahman         2 dom                      Tremere:2
1x Normal                 2 obf                      Malkavian:1
1x Ohanna                 2 dom                      Malkavian:2
1x Samson                 2 dom                      Ventrue antitribu:2
1x Basil                  1 obf                      Pander:2

Library (87 cards)
Master (19; 3 trifle)
1x Channel 10
2x Charisma
1x Creepshow Casino
1x KRCG News Radio
2x Perfectionist
6x Storage Annex
3x Sudden Reversal
3x Vessel

Ally (12)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Gregory Winter
1x Impundulu
1x Muddled Vampire Hunter
1x Ossian
6x Procurer
1x Young Bloods

Equipment (9)
1x Deer Rifle
8x Flash Grenade

Action Modifier (19)
6x Cloak the Gathering
7x Conditioning
2x Lost in Crowds
4x Veil the Legions

Reaction (16)
7x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
7x On the Qui Vive

Combat (8)
8x Concealed Weapon

Event (4)
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
1x Hunger Moon
1x Restricted Vitae
1x Unmasking, The
    cli_execute(["format", "-f", "lackey", str(file_path)])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """1	Channel 10
2	Charisma
1	Creepshow Casino
1	KRCG News Radio
2	Perfectionist
6	Storage Annex
3	Sudden Reversal
3	Vessel
1	Carlton Van Wyk
1	Gregory Winter
1	Impundulu
1	Muddled Vampire Hunter
1	Ossian
6	Procurer
1	Young Bloods
1	Deer Rifle
8	Flash Grenade
6	Cloak the Gathering
7	Conditioning
2	Lost in Crowds
4	Veil the Legions
7	Deflection
2	Delaying Tactics
7	On the Qui Vive
8	Concealed Weapon
1	FBI Special Affairs Division
1	Hunger Moon
1	Restricted Vitae
1	Unmasking, The
1	Gilbert Duane
1	Mariel, Lady Thunder
1	Badr al-Budur
1	Count Ormonde
1	Didi Meyers
1	Zebulon
1	Dimple
1	Mustafa Rahman
1	Normal
1	Ohanna
1	Samson
1	Basil
    cli_execute(["format", "-f", "jol", str(file_path)])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """1x Gilbert Duane
1x Mariel, Lady Thunder
1x Badr al-Budur
1x Count Ormonde
1x Didi Meyers
1x Zebulon
1x Dimple
1x Mustafa Rahman
1x Normal
1x Ohanna
1x Samson
1x Basil

1x Channel 10
2x Charisma
1x Creepshow Casino
1x KRCG News Radio
2x Perfectionist
6x Storage Annex
3x Sudden Reversal
3x Vessel
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Gregory Winter
1x Impundulu
1x Muddled Vampire Hunter
1x Ossian
6x Procurer
1x Young Bloods
1x Deer Rifle
8x Flash Grenade
6x Cloak the Gathering
7x Conditioning
2x Lost in Crowds
4x Veil the Legions
7x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
7x On the Qui Vive
8x Concealed Weapon
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
1x Hunger Moon
1x Restricted Vitae
1x Unmasking, The
    cli_execute(["format", "-f", "json", str(file_path)])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """{
  "crypt": {
    "count": 12,
    "cards": [
        "id": 200517,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Gilbert Duane"
        "id": 200929,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Mariel, Lady Thunder"
        "id": 200161,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Badr al-Budur"
        "id": 200295,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Count Ormonde"
        "id": 200343,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Didi Meyers"
        "id": 201503,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Zebulon"
        "id": 200346,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Dimple"
        "id": 201027,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Mustafa Rahman"
        "id": 201065,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Normal"
        "id": 201073,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Ohanna"
        "id": 201231,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Samson"
        "id": 200173,
        "count": 1,
        "name": "Basil"
  "library": {
    "count": 87,
    "cards": [
        "type": "Master",
        "count": 19,
        "cards": [
            "id": 100327,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Channel 10"
            "id": 100332,
            "count": 2,
            "name": "Charisma"
            "id": 100444,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Creepshow Casino"
            "id": 101067,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "KRCG News Radio"
            "id": 101388,
            "count": 2,
            "name": "Perfectionist"
            "id": 101877,
            "count": 6,
            "name": "Storage Annex"
            "id": 101896,
            "count": 3,
            "name": "Sudden Reversal"
            "id": 102113,
            "count": 3,
            "name": "Vessel"
        "type": "Ally",
        "count": 12,
        "cards": [
            "id": 100298,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Carlton Van Wyk"
            "id": 100855,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Gregory Winter"
            "id": 100966,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Impundulu"
            "id": 101250,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Muddled Vampire Hunter"
            "id": 101333,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Ossian"
            "id": 101491,
            "count": 6,
            "name": "Procurer"
            "id": 102202,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Young Bloods"
        "type": "Equipment",
        "count": 9,
        "cards": [
            "id": 100516,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Deer Rifle"
            "id": 100745,
            "count": 8,
            "name": "Flash Grenade"
        "type": "Action Modifier",
        "count": 19,
        "cards": [
            "id": 100362,
            "count": 6,
            "name": "Cloak the Gathering"
            "id": 100401,
            "count": 7,
            "name": "Conditioning"
            "id": 101125,
            "count": 2,
            "name": "Lost in Crowds"
            "id": 102097,
            "count": 4,
            "name": "Veil the Legions"
        "type": "Reaction",
        "count": 16,
        "cards": [
            "id": 100518,
            "count": 7,
            "name": "Deflection"
            "id": 100519,
            "count": 2,
            "name": "Delaying Tactics"
            "id": 101321,
            "count": 7,
            "name": "On the Qui Vive"
        "type": "Combat",
        "count": 8,
        "cards": [
            "id": 100392,
            "count": 8,
            "name": "Concealed Weapon"
        "type": "Event",
        "count": 4,
        "cards": [
            "id": 100709,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "FBI Special Affairs Division"
            "id": 100944,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Hunger Moon"
            "id": 101614,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "Restricted Vitae"
            "id": 102079,
            "count": 1,
            "name": "The Unmasking"
Exemplo n.º 13
def test(capsys):
    cli_execute(["build", "--from", "2018", "--to", "2020", "KRCG"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """Created by: KRCG

Inspired by:
 - 2019ctllpdvs         (No Name)
 - 2019bcspspdms        (No Name)
 - 2019gppwp            Bored Owain  (sorry, I just need to do it - Szewski)
 - 2018pbcthbc          !Ventrue Toolbox
Crypt (12 cards, min=19, max=31, avg=6.33)
2x Owain Evans, The Wanderer   8 AUS DOM FOR cel pre              Ventrue antitribu:3
2x Blackhorse Tanner           7 AUS DOM FOR                      Ventrue antitribu:3
1x Joseph O'Grady              7 DOM FOR aus cel                  Ventrue antitribu:3
1x Charice Fontaigne           6 AUS DOM for pot                  Ventrue antitribu:3
2x Jefferson Foster            6 AUS DOM for tha      bishop      Ventrue antitribu:4
1x Neighbor John               5 AUS dom for                      Ventrue antitribu:4
1x Jesse Menks                 8 AUS DOM FOR ani      archbishop  Ventrue antitribu:3
1x Jephta Hester               5 DOM FOR aus                      Ventrue antitribu:4
1x Ulrike Rothbart             3 dom for                          Ventrue antitribu:4

Library (90 cards)
Master (19; 5 trifle)
1x Anarch Troublemaker
2x Blood Doll
1x Channel 10
1x Corporate Hunting Ground
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x KRCG News Radio
1x Misdirection
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Barranquilla
1x Powerbase: Montreal
3x Vessel
1x Wall Street Night, Financial Newspaper
2x Wider View

Action (14)
1x Abbot
13x Govern the Unaligned

Equipment (3)
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow

Action Modifier (10)
2x Bonding
5x Conditioning
2x Daring the Dawn
1x Day Operation

Reaction (28)
6x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
2x Eagle's Sight
2x Enhanced Senses
5x Eyes of Argus
2x My Enemy's Enemy
5x On the Qui Vive
4x Telepathic Misdirection

Combat (16)
4x Hidden Strength
3x Indomitability
4x Rolling with the Punches
5x Weighted Walking Stick
    cli_execute(["build", "Foobar"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == "Card not found: foobar\n"
    assert outerr.out == ""
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_short(capsys):
    cli_execute(["card", "--short", "alastor"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out == "Alastor\n"
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_add_remove(capsys):
    # Adding and removing players after first round have been played
        "seating -i 1 -p 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 --add 13 14 --remove 5".
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out
    # played round is left untouched
    assert outerr.out.split()[0] == "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12"
    # other rounds have new players
    players = (set(range(1, 13)) - {5}) | {13, 14}
    assert set(int(i) for i in outerr.out.split()[1].split(",")) == players
    assert set(int(i) for i in outerr.out.split()[2].split(",")) == players
    # Down to 11 players with 2 rounds left is doable, it adds a round
        "seating -i 1 -p 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 --remove 5".split())
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out
    assert outerr.out.split()[0] == "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12"
    players = set(range(1, 13)) - {5}
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[1].split(",")).issubset(players)
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[2].split(",")).issubset(players)
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[3].split(",")).issubset(players)
    # Down to 7 players with 2 rounds left is doable too
    cli_execute("seating -i 1 -p 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 --remove 4 5".split())
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out
    assert outerr.out.split()[0] == "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"
    players = set(range(1, 10)) - {4, 5}
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[1].split(",")).issubset(players)
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[2].split(",")).issubset(players)
    assert set(int(i)
               for i in outerr.out.split()[3].split(",")).issubset(players)
    # down to 11 players with a single round left to play is impossible
    cli_execute(("seating -i 1 -p 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 "
                 "12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 --remove 5").split())
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert (outerr.err ==
            "seating cannot be arranged - more rounds or players required\n")
    assert outerr.out == ""
    # but 10 players with a single round is OK
    cli_execute(("seating -i 1 -p 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 "
                 "12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 --remove 5 6").split())
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out
    assert outerr.out.split()[0] == "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12"
    assert outerr.out.split()[1] == "12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1"
    players = set(range(1, 13)) - {5, 6}
    assert set(int(i) for i in outerr.out.split()[2].split(",")) == players
Exemplo n.º 16
def test(capsys):
    cli_execute(["search", "--text", "Pentex"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """Enzo Giovanni, Pentex Board of Directors
Enzo Giovanni, Pentex Board of Directors (ADV)
Harold Zettler, Pentex Director
Pentex™ Loves You!
Pentex™ Subversion
    cli_execute(["search", "--city", "chicago"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """Antón de Concepción
Crusade: Chicago
Horatio Ballard
Lachlan, Noddist
Lodin (Olaf Holte)
Maldavis (ADV)
Praxis Seizure: Chicago
Sir Walter Nash
    cli_execute(["search", "--title", "imperator"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """Imperator
Karsh (ADV)
National Guard Support
Persona Non Grata
    cli_execute(["search", "--title", "primogen", "-d", "ser"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out == "Amenophobis\n"
    cli_execute(["search", "--bonus", "stealth", "votes"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """Antonio Veradas
Bulscu (ADV)
Dark Selina
Jessica (ADV)
Joseph Cambridge
Karen Suadela
Loki's Gift
Natasha Volfchek
Perfect Paragon
... 3 more results, use -n 13 to display them.
    cli_execute(["search", "--bonus", "stealth", "votes", "-n", "13"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert (outerr.out == """Antonio Veradas
Bulscu (ADV)
Dark Selina
Jessica (ADV)
Joseph Cambridge
Karen Suadela
Loki's Gift
Natasha Volfchek
Perfect Paragon
Sela (ADV)
Zayyat, The Sandstorm
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_id(capsys):
    cli_execute(["card", "-s", "100001"])
    outerr = capsys.readouterr()
    assert outerr.err == ""
    assert outerr.out == ".44 Magnum\n"