Exemplo n.º 1
def test_singular_fully_degenerate():
    """This testcase features a rectangular (and hence singular)
     hopping matrix with complete degeneracy.

    This case can still be treated with the Schur technique."""

    w = 5                       # width
    t = 1.5                     # hopping element
    e = 3.3                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((4*w, 2*w))
    h_hop[2*w:3*w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_hop[3*w:4*w, w:2*w] = h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((4*w, 4*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[:w, 2*w:3*w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:2*w, w:2*w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[w:2*w, 3*w:4*w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[2*w:3*w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[2*w:3*w, 2*w:3*w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[3*w:4*w, w:2*w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[3*w:4*w, 3*w:4*w] = h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    g[w:, w:] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_singular_degenerate_with_crossing():
    """This testcase features a rectangular (and hence singular)
     hopping matrix with degeneracy k-values including a crossing
     with velocities of opposite sign.

    This case must be treated with the fall-back technique."""

    w = 5                       # width
    t = 20.5                     # hopping element
    e = 3.3                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((4*w, 2*w))
    h_hop[2*w:3*w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_hop[3*w:4*w, w:2*w] = -h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((4*w, 4*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[:w, 2*w:3*w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:2*w, w:2*w] = -h_cell_s
    h_cell[w:2*w, 3*w:4*w] = -h_hop_s
    h_cell[2*w:3*w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[2*w:3*w, 2*w:3*w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[3*w:4*w, w:2*w] = -h_hop_s
    h_cell[3*w:4*w, 3*w:4*w] = -h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    g[w:, w:] = -np.conj(leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e))

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_singular_degenerate_with_crossing():
    """This testcase features a rectangular (and hence singular)
     hopping matrix with degeneracy k-values including a crossing
     with velocities of opposite sign.

    This case must be treated with the fall-back technique."""

    w = 5                       # width
    t = 20.5                     # hopping element
    e = 3.3                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((4*w, 2*w))
    h_hop[2*w:3*w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_hop[3*w:4*w, w:2*w] = -h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((4*w, 4*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[:w, 2*w:3*w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:2*w, w:2*w] = -h_cell_s
    h_cell[w:2*w, 3*w:4*w] = -h_hop_s
    h_cell[2*w:3*w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[2*w:3*w, 2*w:3*w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[3*w:4*w, w:2*w] = -h_hop_s
    h_cell[3*w:4*w, 3*w:4*w] = -h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    g[w:, w:] = -np.conj(leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e))

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_regular_degenerate_with_crossing():
    """This is a testcase with invertible hopping matrices,
    and degenerate k-values with a crossing such that one
    mode has a positive velocity, and one a negative velocity

    For this case the fall-back technique must be used.

    w = 4                       # width
    t = 0.5                     # hopping element
    e = 1.8                     # Fermi energy

    global h_hop
    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    hop = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    hop[:w, :w] = h_hop_s
    hop[w:, w:] = -h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[w:, w:] = -h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    g[w:, w:] = -np.conj(leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e))

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, hop))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_singular_fully_degenerate():
    """This testcase features a rectangular (and hence singular)
     hopping matrix with complete degeneracy.

    This case can still be treated with the Schur technique."""

    w = 5                       # width
    t = 1.5                     # hopping element
    e = 3.3                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((4*w, 2*w))
    h_hop[2*w:3*w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_hop[3*w:4*w, w:2*w] = h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((4*w, 4*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[:w, 2*w:3*w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:2*w, w:2*w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[w:2*w, 3*w:4*w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[2*w:3*w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[2*w:3*w, 2*w:3*w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[3*w:4*w, w:2*w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[3*w:4*w, 3*w:4*w] = h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    g[w:, w:] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_regular_degenerate_with_crossing():
    """This is a testcase with invertible hopping matrices,
    and degenerate k-values with a crossing such that one
    mode has a positive velocity, and one a negative velocity

    For this case the fall-back technique must be used.

    w = 4                       # width
    t = 0.5                     # hopping element
    e = 1.8                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    hop = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    hop[:w, :w] = h_hop_s
    hop[w:, w:] = -h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[w:, w:] = -h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    g[w:, w:] = -np.conj(leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e))

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, hop))
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_singular_but_square():
    """This testcase features a singular, square hopping matrices
    without degeneracies.

    This case can be treated with the Schur technique."""

    w = 5                       # width
    t = 0.9                     # hopping element
    e = 2.38                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_hop[w:, :w] = h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[:w, w:] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:, w:] = h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_analytic_numeric():
    w = 5                       # width
    t = 0.78                    # hopping element
    e = 1.3                     # Fermi energy

    assert_almost_equal(leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e),
                        modes_se(h_cell_s_func(t, w, e), -t * np.identity(w)))
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_singular_but_square():
    """This testcase features a singular, square hopping matrices
    without degeneracies.

    This case can be treated with the Schur technique."""

    w = 5                       # width
    t = 0.9                     # hopping element
    e = 2.38                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_hop[w:, :w] = h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[:w, w:] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:, w:] = h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_analytic_numeric():
    w = 5                       # width
    t = 0.78                    # hopping element
    e = 1.3                     # Fermi energy

    assert_almost_equal(leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e),
                        modes_se(h_cell_s_func(t, w, e), -t * np.identity(w)))
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_regular_fully_degenerate():
    """Selfenergy with an invertible hopping matrix, and degenerate bands."""

    w = 6                       # width
    t = 0.5                     # hopping element
    e = 1.3                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_hop[:w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_hop[w:, w:] = h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[w:, w:] = h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    g[w:, w:] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
    # Now with conservation laws and symmetries.
    conserved = np.identity(2*w)
    projectors = [sparse.csr_matrix(i) for i in [conserved[:, :w],
                                                 conserved[:, w:]]]
    modes2 = leads.modes(h_cell, h_hop, projectors=projectors)
    assert_almost_equal(g, modes2[1].selfenergy())

    trs = sparse.identity(2*w)
    modes3 = leads.modes(h_cell, h_hop, projectors=projectors,
    assert_almost_equal(g, modes3[1].selfenergy())

    phs = np.eye(2*w, 2*w, w) + np.eye(2*w, 2*w, -w)

    modes4 = leads.modes(h_cell, h_hop, projectors=projectors,
                         time_reversal=trs, particle_hole=phs)
    assert_almost_equal(g, modes4[1].selfenergy())
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_regular_fully_degenerate():
    """Selfenergy with an invertible hopping matrix, and degenerate bands."""

    w = 6                       # width
    t = 0.5                     # hopping element
    e = 1.3                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_hop[:w, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_hop[w:, w:] = h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[w:, w:] = h_cell_s

    g = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w), dtype=complex)
    g[:w, :w] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)
    g[w:, w:] = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_singular():
    """This testcase features a rectangular (and hence singular)
     hopping matrix without degeneracies.

    This case can be treated with the Schur technique."""

    w = 5                       # width
    t = .5                     # hopping element
    e = 0.4                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((2*w, w))
    h_hop[w:, :w] = h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[:w, w:] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:, w:] = h_cell_s
    g = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_singular():
    """This testcase features a rectangular (and hence singular)
     hopping matrix without degeneracies.

    This case can be treated with the Schur technique."""

    w = 5                       # width
    t = .5                     # hopping element
    e = 0.4                     # Fermi energy

    h_hop_s = -t * np.identity(w)
    h_cell_s = h_cell_s_func(t, w, e)

    h_hop = np.zeros((2*w, w))
    h_hop[w:, :w] = h_hop_s

    h_cell = np.zeros((2*w, 2*w))
    h_cell[:w, :w] = h_cell_s
    h_cell[:w, w:] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:, :w] = h_hop_s
    h_cell[w:, w:] = h_cell_s
    g = leads.square_selfenergy(w, t, e)

    assert_almost_equal(g, modes_se(h_cell, h_hop))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def selfenergy(self, fermi_energy, args=()):
     return square_selfenergy(self.width, self.t,
                              self.potential + fermi_energy)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def selfenergy(self, fermi_energy, args=(), params=None):
     assert not args
     assert params is None
     return square_selfenergy(self.width, self.t,
                              self.potential + fermi_energy)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def selfenergy(self, fermi_energy, args=()):
     return square_selfenergy(self.width, self.t,
                              self.potential + fermi_energy)