Exemplo n.º 1
async def handle_networking_exit(service: BaseService,
                                 plugin_manager: PluginManager,
                                 endpoint: Endpoint) -> None:

    async with exit_signal_with_service(service):
        await plugin_manager.shutdown()
Exemplo n.º 2
def kill_trinity_gracefully(logger: logging.Logger,
                            database_server_process: Any,
                            networking_process: Any,
                            plugin_manager: PluginManager,
                            main_endpoint: Endpoint,
                            event_bus: EventBus,
                            message: str="Trinity shudown complete\n") -> None:
    # When a user hits Ctrl+C in the terminal, the SIGINT is sent to all processes in the
    # foreground *process group*, so both our networking and database processes will terminate
    # at the same time and not sequentially as we'd like. That shouldn't be a problem but if
    # we keep getting unhandled BrokenPipeErrors/ConnectionResetErrors like reported in
    # https://github.com/ethereum/py-evm/issues/827, we might want to change the networking
    # process' signal handler to wait until the DB process has terminated before doing its
    # thing.
    # Notice that we still need the kill_process_gracefully() calls here, for when the user
    # simply uses 'kill' to send a signal to the main process, but also because they will
    # perform a non-gracefull shutdown if the process takes too long to terminate.
    logger.info('Keyboard Interrupt: Stopping')
    for name, process in [("DB", database_server_process), ("Networking", networking_process)]:
        # Our sub-processes will have received a SIGINT already (see comment above), so here we
        # wait 2s for them to finish cleanly, and if they fail we kill them for real.
        if process.is_alive():
            kill_process_gracefully(process, logger)
        logger.info('%s process (pid=%d) terminated', name, process.pid)

    # This is required to be within the `kill_trinity_gracefully` so that
    # plugins can trigger a shutdown of the trinity process.
Exemplo n.º 3
def kill_trinity_gracefully(logger: logging.Logger,
                            processes: Iterable[multiprocessing.Process],
                            plugin_manager: PluginManager,
                            main_endpoint: Endpoint,
                            event_bus: EventBus,
                            reason: str = None) -> None:
    # When a user hits Ctrl+C in the terminal, the SIGINT is sent to all processes in the
    # foreground *process group*, so both our networking and database processes will terminate
    # at the same time and not sequentially as we'd like. That shouldn't be a problem but if
    # we keep getting unhandled BrokenPipeErrors/ConnectionResetErrors like reported in
    # https://github.com/ethereum/py-evm/issues/827, we might want to change the networking
    # process' signal handler to wait until the DB process has terminated before doing its
    # thing.
    # Notice that we still need the kill_process_gracefully() calls here, for when the user
    # simply uses 'kill' to send a signal to the main process, but also because they will
    # perform a non-gracefull shutdown if the process takes too long to terminate.

    hint = f"({reason})" if reason else f""
    logger.info('Shutting down Trinity %s', hint)
    for process in processes:
        # Our sub-processes will have received a SIGINT already (see comment above), so here we
        # wait 2s for them to finish cleanly, and if they fail we kill them for real.
        if process.is_alive():
            kill_process_gracefully(process, logger)
        logger.info('%s process (pid=%d) terminated', process.name,

    ArgumentParser().exit(message=f"Trinity shutdown complete {hint}\n")
Exemplo n.º 4
async def handle_networking_exit(service: BaseService,
                                 plugin_manager: PluginManager,
                                 endpoint: Endpoint) -> None:

    async with exit_signal_with_service(service):
        await plugin_manager.shutdown()
        # Retrieve and shutdown the global executor that was created at startup
Exemplo n.º 5
async def exit_on_signal(service_to_exit: BaseService,
                         endpoint: Endpoint = None) -> None:
    loop = service_to_exit.get_event_loop()
    sigint_received = asyncio.Event()
    for sig in [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM]:
        # TODO also support Windows
        loop.add_signal_handler(sig, sigint_received.set)

    await sigint_received.wait()
        await service_to_exit.cancel()
        if endpoint is not None:
Exemplo n.º 6
async def exit_with_service_and_endpoint(service_to_exit: BaseService,
                                         endpoint: Endpoint) -> None:
    async with exit_signal_with_service(service_to_exit):