Exemplo n.º 1
def test_password_max_failure_should_lockout_password(topo):
    """Regression test for bz834060.

    :id: f2064efa-52d9-11ea-8037-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone
        1. passwordMaxFailure should lockout password one sooner
        2. Setting passwordLockout to \"on\"
        3. Set maximum number of login tries to 3
        4. Turn off passwordLegacyPolicy
        5. Turn off local password policy, so that global is applied
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
        ('passwordLockout', 'on'),
        ('passwordMaxFailure', '3'),
        ('passwordLegacyPolicy', 'off'),
        ('nsslapd-pwpolicy-local', 'off'))
    user = _create_user(topo, 'tuser', 'ou=people')
    user.replace('userpassword', 'password')
    for _ in range(2):
        with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
    config.replace('nsslapd-pwpolicy-local', 'on')
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_too_big_password(topo, _fix_password):
    """Test for long long password

    :id: 299a3fb4-5a20-11ea-bba8-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone
        1. Setting policy to keep password histories
        2. Changing number of password in history to 3
        3. Modify password from dby3rs1 to dby3rs2
        4. Checking that the passwordhistory attribute has been added
        5. Add a password test for long long password
        6. Changing number of password in history to 6 and passwordhistory off
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Success
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
    # Setting policy to keep password histories
    config.replace_many(('passwordchecksyntax', 'off'),
                        ('passwordhistory', 'on'))
    assert config.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordinhistory') == '6'
    # Changing number of password in history to 3
    config.replace('passwordinhistory', '3')
    # Modify password from dby3rs1 to dby3rs2
    _change_password_with_own(topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}',
                              'dbyers1', 'dbyers2')
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                                  'dbyers2', 'dbyers1')
    # Checking that the passwordhistory attribute has been added
    assert UserAccount(
    # Add a password test for long long password
    long_pass = 50 * '0123456789' + 'LENGTH=510'
    _change_password_with_own(topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}',
                              'dbyers2', long_pass)
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                                  long_pass, long_pass)
    _change_password_with_root(topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}',
    # Changing number of password in history to 6 and passwordhistory off
    config.replace_many(('passwordhistory', 'off'), ('passwordinhistory', '6'))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_once_TPR_reset_old_passwd_invalid(topo, _add_user,
    """ Verify that once a password has been reset it cannot be reused
    :id: f3ea4f00-e89c-11eb-b81d-98fa9ba19b65
    :customerscenario: True
    :setup: Standalone
    1. Create DS Instance
    2. Create user jdoe1 with appropriate password
    3. Configure the Global Password policies enable passwordMustChange
    4. Trigger TPR by resetting the user jdoe1 password above
    5. Attempt to login with the old password
    6. Login as jdoe1 with the correct password and update the new password

    :expected results:
    1. Success
    2. Success
    3. Success
    4. Success
    6. Success

    new_password = '******'
    log.info('Creating user jdoe1 with appropriate password')
    user1 = UserAccount(topo.standalone,
    user1.replace('userpassword', new_password)
        'Making sure the Global Policy passwordTPRDelayValidFrom is short')
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
        ('passwordLockout', 'off'),
        ('passwordMaxFailure', '3'),
        ('passwordLegacyPolicy', 'off'),
        ('passwordTPRDelayValidFrom', '-1'),
        ('nsslapd-pwpolicy-local', 'on'),

    log.info(' Attempting to bind as {} with the old password {}'.format(
        user1, USER1_PASS))
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
    log.info('Login as jdoe1 with the correct reset password')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def set_global_policy(self, properties):
        """Configure global password policy

        :param properties: A dictionary with password policy attributes
        :type properties: dict

        modlist = []
        for attr, value in properties.items():
            modlist.append((attr, value))

        if len(modlist) > 0:
            config = Config(self._instance)
            raise ValueError("There are no password policies to set")
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_admin_resets_pwd_TPR_attrs_reset(topo, _add_user,
    """Test When the ‘userpassword’ is updated (update_pw_info) by an administrator 
       and it exists a TPR policy, then the server flags that the entry has a 
       TPR password with ‘pwdTPRReset: TRUE’, ‘pwdTPRExpTime’ and ‘pwdTPRUseCount’.
    :id: e6a84dc0-f142-11eb-8c96-fa163e1f582c
    :customerscenario: True
    :setup: Standalone
    1. Create DS Instance
    2. Create user jdoe2 with appropriate password
    3. Configure the Global Password policies enable 
    4. Trigger TPR by resetting the user jdoe1 password above
    5. Reset the users password ‘userpassword’
    6. Check that ‘pwdTPRExpTime’ and ‘pwdTPRUseCount’ are updated
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Success


    user1 = UserAccount(topo.standalone,
    log.info('Logging current time')
    start_time = time.mktime(time.gmtime())
        'Verifying the Global policy are set and attributes are all set to "None"'
    for tpr_attrib in ['pwdTPRReset', 'pwdTPRExpTime', 'pwdTPRUseCount']:
        assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8(tpr_attrib) is None
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
    config.replace_many(('pwdmustchange', 'on'), ('passwordTPRMaxUse', '3'),
                        ('passwordTPRDelayExpireAt', '1800'),
                        ('passwordTPRDelayValidFrom', '1'))
    assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRExpTime') is None
    log.info('Triggering TPR as Admin')
    user1.replace('userpassword', 'new_password')
        'Checking that pwdTPRReset, pwdTPRExpTime, pwdTPRUseCount are reset.')
    assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRReset') == 'TRUE'
    assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRExpTime') is None
    assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRUseCount') is '0'
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_password_expire_works(topology_st):
    """Regression test for bug624080. If passwordMaxAge is set to a
    value and a new user is added, if the passwordMaxAge is changed
    to a shorter expiration time and the new users  password
    is then changed ..... the passwordExpirationTime for the
    new user should be changed too. There was a bug in DS 6.2
    where the expirationtime remained unchanged.

    :id: 1ead6052-4636-11ea-b5af-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone
        1. Set the Global password policy and a passwordMaxAge to 5 days
        2. Add the new user
        3. Check the users password expiration time now
        4. Decrease global passwordMaxAge to 2 days
        5. Modify the users password
        6. Modify the user one more time to make sur etime has been reset
        7. turn off the password policy
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Success
        7. Success
    config = Config(topology_st.standalone)
    config.replace_many(('passwordMaxAge', '432000'), ('passwordExp', 'on'))
    user = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX,
    user.set('userPassword', 'anuj')
    expire_time = user.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordExpirationTime')
    config.replace('passwordMaxAge', '172800')
    user.set('userPassword', 'borah')
    expire_time2 = user.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordExpirationTime')
    config.replace('passwordMaxAge', '604800')
    user.set('userPassword', 'anujagaiin')
    expire_time3 = user.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordExpirationTime')
    assert expire_time != expire_time2 != expire_time3
    config.replace('passwordExp', 'off')
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_passwordchange_to_no(topo, _fix_password):
    """Change password fo a user even password even though pw policy is set to no

    :id: 16c64ef0-5a20-11ea-a902-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone
        1. Adding  an user with uid=dbyers
        2. Set Password change to Must Not Change After Reset
        3. Setting  Password policy to May Not Change Password
        4. Try to change password fo a user even password even though pw policy is set to no
        5. Set Password change to May Change Password
        6. Try to change password fo a user even password
        7. Try to change password with invalid credentials.  Should see error message.
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Success
        7. Success
    # Adding  an user with uid=dbyers
    user = f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}'
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
    # Set Password change to Must Not Change After Reset
    config.replace_many(('passwordmustchange', 'off'),
                        ('passwordchange', 'off'))
    # Try to change password fo a user even password even though pw policy is set to no
    with pytest.raises(ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM):
        _change_password_with_own(topo, user, 'dbyers1', 'AB')
    # Set Password change to May Change Password
    config.replace('passwordchange', 'on')
    _change_password_with_own(topo, user, 'dbyers1', 'dbyers1')
    # Try to change password with invalid credentials.  Should see error message.
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
                                  'AB', 'dbyers1')
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_passwordlockout(topo, _fix_password):
    """Test adding admin user diradmin to Directory Administrator group

    :id: 3ffcffda-5a20-11ea-a3af-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone
        1. Account Lockout must be cleared on successful password change
        2. Adding admin user diradmin
        3. Adding admin user diradmin to Directory Administrator group
        4. Turn on passwordlockout
        5. Sets lockout duration to 30 seconds
        6. Sets failure count reset duration to 30 sec
        7. Sets max password bind failure count to 3
        8. Reset password retry count (to 0)
        9. Try to bind with invalid credentials(3 times)
        10. Try to bind with valid pw, should give lockout error
        11. Reset password using admin login
        12. Try to login as the user to check the unlocking of account. Will also change
            the password back to original
        13. Change to account lockout forever until reset
        14. Reset password retry count (to 0)
        15. Try to bind with invalid credentials(3 times)
        16. Try to bind with valid pw, should give lockout error
        17. Reset password using admin login
        18. Try to login as the user to check the unlocking of account. Will also change the
            password back to original
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Success
        7. Success
        8. Success
        9. Fail
        10. Success
        11. Success
        12. Success
        13. Success
        14. Success
        15. Fail
        16. Success
        17. Success
        18. Success
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
    # Adding admin user diradmin
    user = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).create_test_user()
    user.replace('userpassword', 'dby3rs2')
    admin = _create_user(topo, 'diradmin', 'Anuj Borah', '1002', 'diradmin')
    # Adding admin user diradmin to Directory Administrator group
          f'cn=Directory Administrators,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}').add(
              'uniquemember', admin.dn)
    # Turn on passwordlockout
    # Sets lockout duration to 30 seconds
    # Sets failure count reset duration to 30 sec
    # Sets max password bind failure count to 3
    # Reset password retry count (to 0)
        ('passwordlockout', 'on'), ('passwordlockoutduration', '30'),
        ('passwordresetfailurecount', '30'), ('passwordmaxfailure', '3'),
        ('passwordhistory', 'off'))
    user.replace('passwordretrycount', '0')
    # Try to bind with invalid credentials(3 times)
    for _ in range(3):
        with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
            _change_password_with_own(topo, user.dn, 'Invalid', 'secreter')
    # Try to bind with valid pw, should give lockout error
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
        _change_password_with_own(topo, user.dn, 'Invalid', 'secreter')
    # Reset password using admin login
    conn = admin.bind('diradmin')
    UserAccount(conn, user.dn).replace('userpassword', 'dby3rs2')
    # Try to login as the user to check the unlocking of account. Will also change
    # the password back to original
    _change_password_with_own(topo, user.dn, 'dby3rs2', 'secreter')
    # Change to account lockout forever until reset
    # Reset password retry count (to 0)
    config.replace('passwordunlock', 'off')
    user.replace('passwordretrycount', '0')
    # Try to bind with invalid credentials(3 times)
    for _ in range(3):
        with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
            _change_password_with_own(topo, user.dn, 'Invalid', 'secreter')
    # Try to bind with valid pw, should give lockout error
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
        _change_password_with_own(topo, user.dn, 'Invalid', 'secreter')
    # Reset password using admin login
    UserAccount(conn, user.dn).replace('userpassword', 'dby3rs2')
    # Try to login as the user to check the unlocking of account. Will also change the
    # password back to original
    _change_password_with_own(topo, user.dn, 'dby3rs2', 'secreter')
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_invalid_credentials(topo, _fix_password):
    """Test bind again with valid password: We should be locked

    :id: 3233ca78-5a20-11ea-8d35-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone
        1. Search if passwordlockout is off
        2. Turns on passwordlockout
        3. sets lockout duration to 3 seconds
        4. Changing pw failure count reset duration to 3 sec and passwordminlength to 10
        5. Try to bind with invalid credentials
        6. Change password to password lockout forever
        7. Try to bind with invalid credentials
        8. Now bind again with valid password: We should be locked
        9. Delete dby3rs before exiting
        10. Reset server
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Fail
        6. Success
        7. Success
        8. Success
        9. Success
        10. Success
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
    # Search if passwordlockout is off
    assert config.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordlockout') == 'off'
    # Turns on passwordlockout
    # sets lockout duration to 3 seconds
    # Changing pw failure count reset duration to 3 sec and passwordminlength to 10
        ('passwordlockout', 'on'), ('passwordlockoutduration', '3'),
        ('passwordresetfailurecount', '3'), ('passwordminlength', '10'))
    # Try to bind with invalid credentials
    for _ in range(3):
        with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
                topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}', 'Invalid',
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                                  'Invalid', 'dbyers1')
    for _ in range(3):
    _change_password_with_own(topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}',
                              'dbyers1', 'dbyers1')
    # Change password to password lockout forever
    config.replace('passwordunlock', 'off')
    # Try to bind with invalid credentials
    for _ in range(3):
        with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
                topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}', 'Invalid',
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                                  'Invalid', 'dbyers1')
    for _ in range(3):
    # Now bind again with valid password: We should be locked
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                                  'dbyers1', 'dbyers1')
    # Delete dby3rs before exiting
    _change_password_with_root(topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}',
    _change_password_with_own(topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}',
                              'dbyers1', 'dbyers1')
    # Reset server
        ('passwordinhistory', '6'), ('passwordlockout', 'off'),
        ('passwordlockoutduration', '3600'), ('passwordminlength', '6'),
        ('passwordresetfailurecount', '600'), ('passwordunlock', 'on'))
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_password_check_syntax(topo, _fix_password):
    """Password check syntax

    :id: 1e6fcc9e-5a20-11ea-9659-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone
        1. Sets Password check syntax to on
        2. Try to change to a password that violates length.  Should get error
        3. Attempt to Modify password to db which is in error to policy
        4. change min pw length to 5
        5. Attempt to Modify password to dby3rs which is in error to policy
        6. Attempt to Modify password to danny which is in error to policy
        7. Attempt to Modify password to byers which is in error to policy
        8. Change min pw length to 6
        9. Try to change the password
        10. Trying to set to a password containing value of sn
        11. Sets policy to not check pw syntax
        12. Test that when checking syntax is off, you can use small passwords
        13. Test that when checking syntax is off, trivial passwords can be used
        14. Changing password minimum length from 6 to 10
        15. Setting policy to Check Password Syntax again
        16. Try to change to a password that violates length
        17. Reset Password
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Success
        7. Success
        8. Success
        9. Success
        10. Success
        11. Success
        12. Success
        13. Success
        14. Success
        15. Success
        16. Fail
        17. Success
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
    # Sets Password check syntax to on
    config.replace('passwordchecksyntax', 'on')
    # Try to change to a password that violates length.  Should get error
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                                  'dbyers1', 'dbyers2')
    # Attempt to Modify password to db which is in error to policy
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                                  'dbyers1', 'db')
    # change min pw length to 5
    config.replace('passwordminlength', '5')
    # Attempt to Modify password to dby3rs which is in error to policy
    # Attempt to Modify password to danny which is in error to policy
    # Attempt to Modify password to byers which is in error to policy
    for password in ['dbyers', 'Danny', 'byers']:
        with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}', 'dbyers1',
    # Change min pw length to 6
    config.replace('passwordminlength', '6')
    # Try to change the password
    # Trying to set to a password containing value of sn
    for password in ['dby3rs1', 'dbyers2', '67Danny89', 'YAByers8']:
        with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                topo, f'uid=dbyers,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}', 'dbyers1',
    # Sets policy to not check pw syntax
    # Test that when checking syntax is off, you can use small passwords
    # Test that when checking syntax is off, trivial passwords can be used
    config.replace('passwordchecksyntax', 'off')
    for password, new_pass in [('dbyers1', 'db'), ('db', 'dbyers'),
                               ('dbyers', 'dbyers1')]:
                                  password, new_pass)
    # Changing password minimum length from 6 to 10
    # Setting policy to Check Password Syntax again
    config.replace_many(('passwordminlength', '10'),
                        ('passwordchecksyntax', 'on'))
    # Try to change to a password that violates length
    with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):
                                  'dbyers1', 'db')
                    'userpassword', 'dbyers1')
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_password_gracelimit_section(topo):
    """Password grace limit section.

    :id: d6f4a7fa-473b-11ea-8766-8c16451d917c
    :setup: Standalone
        1. Resets the default password policy
        2. Turning on password expiration, passwordMaxAge: 30 and passwordGraceLimit: 7
        3. Check users have 7 grace login attempts after their password expires
        4. Reset the user passwords to start the clock
        5. The the 8th should fail
        6. Now try resetting the password before the grace login attempts run out
        7. Bind 6 times, and on the 7th change the password
        8. Setting passwordMaxAge: 1 and passwordGraceLimit: 7
        9. Modify the users passwords to start the clock of zero
        10. First 7 good attempts, 8th should fail
        11. Setting the passwordMaxAge to 3 seconds once more and the passwordGraceLimit to 0
        12. Modify the users passwords to start the clock
        13. Users should be blocked automatically after 3 second
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Success
        7. Success
        8. Success
        9. Success
        10. Success
        11. Success
        12. Success
        13. Success
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
    # Resets the default password policy
    config.replace_many(('passwordmincategories', '1'),
                        ('passwordStorageScheme', 'CLEAR'))
    user = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX,
    # Turning on password expiration, passwordMaxAge: 30 and passwordGraceLimit: 7
    config.replace_many(('passwordMaxAge', '3'), ('passwordGraceLimit', '7'),
                        ('passwordexp', 'on'), ('passwordwarning', '30'))
    # Reset the user passwords to start the clock
    # Check users have 7 grace login attempts after their password expires
    user.replace('userpassword', '00fr3d1')
    for _ in range(3):
    user_account = UserAccount(topo.standalone, user.dn)
    for _ in range(7):
        conn = user_account.bind('00fr3d1')
    # The the 8th should fail
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
        conn = user_account.bind('00fr3d1')
    # Now try resetting the password before the grace login attempts run out
    user.replace('userpassword', '00fr3d2')
    for _ in range(3):
    user_account = UserAccount(topo.standalone, user.dn)
    # Bind 6 times, and on the 7th change the password
    for _ in range(6):
        conn = user_account.bind('00fr3d2')
    user.replace('userpassword', '00fr3d1')
    for _ in range(3):
    for _ in range(7):
        conn = user_account.bind('00fr3d1')
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
        conn = user_account.bind('00fr3d1')
    # Setting passwordMaxAge: 1 and passwordGraceLimit: 7
    config.replace_many(('passwordMaxAge', '1'), ('passwordwarning', '1'))
    # Modify the users passwords to start the clock of zero
    user.replace('userpassword', '00fr3d2')
    # First 7 good attempts, 8th should fail
    user_account = UserAccount(topo.standalone, user.dn)
    for _ in range(7):
        conn = user_account.bind('00fr3d2')
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
        conn = user_account.bind('00fr3d2')
    # Setting the passwordMaxAge to 3 seconds once more and the passwordGraceLimit to 0
    config.replace_many(('passwordMaxAge', '3'), ('passwordGraceLimit', '0'))
    # Modify the users passwords to start the clock
    # Users should be blocked automatically after 3 second
    user.replace('userpassword', '00fr3d1')
    for _ in range(3):
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
        conn = user_account.bind('00fr3d1')
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_user_resets_pwd_TPR_attrs_reset(topo, _add_user,
    """Test once password is reset attributes are set to FALSE
    :id: 6614068a-ee7d-11eb-b1a3-98fa9ba19b65
    :customerscenario: True
    :setup: Standalone
    1. Create DS Instance
    2. Create user jdoe2 with appropriate password
    3. Configure the Global Password policies and set passwordMustChange on
    4. Trigger TPR by resetting the user jdoe1 password above
    5. Reset the users password ‘userpassword’
    6. Check that pwdTPRReset, pwdTPRUseCount, pwdTPRValidFrom, pwdTPRExpireAt are RESET
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Success

    user1 = UserAccount(topo.standalone,
    log.info('Logging current time')
    start_time = time.mktime(time.gmtime())
        'Verifying the Global policy are set and attributes are all set to "None"'
    for tpr_attrib in [
            'pwdTPRReset', 'pwdTPRUseCount', 'pwdTPRValidFrom',
        assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8(tpr_attrib) is None
    config = Config(topo.standalone)
    config.replace_many(('pwdmustchange', 'on'), ('passwordTPRMaxUse', '3'),
                        ('passwordTPRDelayExpireAt', '1800'),
                        ('passwordTPRDelayValidFrom', '1'))
    assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRReset') is None
        'Triggering TPR check that pwdTPRReset, pwdTPRUseCount, pwdTPRValidFrom, pwdTPRExpireAt are set'
    user1.replace('userpassword', 'new_password')
    assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRReset') == 'TRUE'
    assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRUseCount') == '0'
    assert gentime_to_posix_time(
        user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRValidFrom')) > start_time
    assert gentime_to_posix_time(
        user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRExpireAt')) > start_time
    conn = user1.rebind('new_password')
    user1.replace('userpassword', 'extra_new_pass')
        'Checking that pwdTPRReset, pwdTPRUseCount, pwdTPRValidFrom, pwdTPRExpireAt are reset to None'
    assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRReset') is None
    assert user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRUseCount') is None
    assert (user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRValidFrom')) is None
    assert (user1.get_attr_val_utf8('pwdTPRExpireAt')) is None
    log.info('Verified that attributes are reset after password is reset')