Exemplo n.º 1
def test_query_analog(db):
    """Build an analog and try to find the original spectrum in the database.
    p, (mzs, spectra) = db
    for i, (mz, data) in enumerate(zip(mzs, spectra)):
        mz = mzs[i] - 50
        data = spectra[i].copy()
        data[:, MZ] = data[:, MZ] - 50
        filtered_analog = filter_data(mz, data, 0, 17, 50, 6)
        filtered_orig = filter_data(mzs[i], spectra[i], 0, 17, 50, 6)
        score = cosine_score(mzs[i], filtered_orig,
                             mz, filtered_analog,
                             0.02, 0)
        results = query(str(p), [i], [mz], [filtered_analog], [],
                        0.02, 0, 0, 17, 50, 6, 0., 100.)
        assert i in results
        seen_i = False
        for r in results[i]:
            assert 'id' in r
            assert 'bank_id' in r
            assert 'name' in r
            assert 'score' in r
            if r['id'] == i:
                seen_i = True
                assert r['score'] == pytest.approx(score)
        assert seen_i
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_filter_data_reversed(random_spectrum, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
    """Reversed arrays should give same results than non-reversed arrays.
    parent, data = random_spectrum
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
                  min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    filtered_r = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data[::-1], min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
                  min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    assert filtered == pytest.approx(filtered_r)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_filter_data_parent(random_spectrum, parent_filter_tolerance):
    """Peaks close to the parent mass should be filtered out"""
    parent, data = random_spectrum
    # Make sure we have *m/z* in the parent+/-parent_filter_tolerance range
    data = data.copy()
    data[0, MZ] = parent + np.random.random((1,)) * parent_filter_tolerance
    # Make sure that excluding range is strict
    data[1, MZ] = parent + parent_filter_tolerance
    data[2, MZ] = parent - parent_filter_tolerance
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, 0, parent_filter_tolerance,
                                   50, 6), axis=0)
    if parent_filter_tolerance == 0:
        assert filtered.shape == data.shape
    elif parent_filter_tolerance > 0:
        assert filtered.shape < data.shape
    for mz in filtered[:, MZ]:
        assert mz<parent-parent_filter_tolerance \
               or mz == pytest.approx(parent-parent_filter_tolerance) \
               or mz>parent+parent_filter_tolerance \
               or mz == pytest.approx(parent+parent_filter_tolerance)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_query_in_bank(db, bank):
    """Test if looking for a spectra in a specific bank that is for sure in
       database will successfully returns this spectra.
    p, (mzs, spectra) = db
    for i, (mz, data) in enumerate(zip(mzs, spectra)):
        filtered = filter_data(mz, data, 0, 17, 50, 6)
        results = query(str(p), [i], [mz], [filtered], bank,
                        0.02, 0, 0, 17, 50, 6, 0.)
        ids = []
        if 0 in bank:
        if 1 in bank and i%2:
        for id in ids:
            if 0 in bank or (1 in bank and i%2):
                assert i in results
                seen_i = False
                for r in results[i]:
                    assert 'id' in r
                    assert 'bank_id' in r
                    assert 'name' in r
                    assert 'score' in r
                    if r['id'] == id:
                        seen_i = True
                        assert pytest.approx(r['score']) == 1.0
                assert seen_i
                assert id not in results
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_filter_data_non_contiguous(random_spectrum, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
    """f-contiguous arrays should give same results than c-contiguous arrays.
    parent, data = random_spectrum
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
                  min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    data = np.asfortranarray(data, dtype=data.dtype)
    filtered_nc = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
                  min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    assert filtered == pytest.approx(filtered_nc)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_filter_data_already_filtered(random_spectrum, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
    """If filtering an already filtered array with the same parameters,
       *m/z* values should not change.

    parent, data = random_spectrum
    data = filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
    expected = np.sort(data, axis=0)
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
                  min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    assert filtered[:, MZ] == pytest.approx(expected[:, MZ])
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_filter_data_empty(min_intensity, parent_filter_tolerance,
                           matched_peaks_window, min_matched_peaks_search):
    parent = 152.569
    data = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    filtered = filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
    assert filtered.size == 0
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_filter_data_no_filtering(random_spectrum):
    """If all parameters are set to zero, no *m/z* should be filtered.
    parent, data = random_spectrum
    expected = np.sort(data, axis=0)
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, 0, 0, 0, 0), axis=0)
    assert filtered.shape == expected.shape
    assert filtered[:, MZ] == pytest.approx(expected[:, MZ], rel=1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_filter_data_known(known_spectrum_filter_comparison):
    """Test against known results.
    parent, data, expected = known_spectrum_filter_comparison
    expected = np.sort(expected, axis=0)
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, 0, 17, 50, 6), axis=0)
    assert filtered == pytest.approx(expected)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_filter_data_window(random_spectrum, matched_peaks_window,
    """If `matched_peaks_window` or `min_matched_peaks_search` is zero,
       no peaks should be filtered.
    parent, data = random_spectrum
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, 0, 0, matched_peaks_window,
                                   min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    if matched_peaks_window == 0 or min_matched_peaks_search == 0:
        assert filtered.shape == data.shape
        assert filtered[:, MZ] == pytest.approx(np.sort(data[:, MZ], axis=0))
        assert filtered.shape <= data.shape
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_filter_data_norm(random_spectrum, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
    """Norm of filtered data should always be 1"""
    parent, data = random_spectrum
    data = data.copy()
    data[:, INTENSITY] = data[:, INTENSITY] * 100
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
                  min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    if filtered.size > 0:
        assert pytest.approx(filtered[:, INTENSITY] @ filtered[:, INTENSITY]) == 1.
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_filter_data_python_cython(random_spectrum, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
    """Cythonized `filter_data` and it's fallback Python version should give the
       same results.
    parent, data = random_spectrum
    filtered_p = np.sort(filter_data.__wrapped__(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
                  min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    filtered_c = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
                  min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    assert filtered_p.shape == filtered_c.shape
    assert filtered_p == pytest.approx(filtered_c)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_human_readable_data_random(random_spectrum):
    parent, data = random_spectrum

    filtered = filter_data(parent, data, 0, 17, 50, 6)
    data = human_readable_data(filtered)

    assert data.shape == filtered.shape

    max_ = filtered[:, INTENSITY].max()**2
    for i, row in enumerate(data):
        assert row[INTENSITY] == pytest.approx(filtered[i, INTENSITY]**2 /
                                               max_ * 100)

    assert data[:, INTENSITY].max() == 100
    assert data[:INTENSITY].min() >= 0
    assert np.array_equal(data[:, MZ], filtered[:, MZ])
    assert np.array_equal(np.argsort(data[:, INTENSITY]),
                          np.argsort(filtered[:, INTENSITY]))
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_filter_data_low_mass(random_spectrum, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
    """Low mass peaks should be filtered out"""
    parent, data = random_spectrum
    # Make sure we have *m/z* below 50
    data = data.copy()
    data[0, MZ] = np.random.random((1,)) * 50
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity,
                  parent_filter_tolerance, matched_peaks_window,
                  min_matched_peaks_search), axis=0)
    assert filtered.shape < data.shape
    if filtered.size > 0:
        assert filtered[:, MZ].min() > 50
        for mz in filtered[:, MZ]:
            assert mz > 50
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_query_python_cython(db):
    """Cythonized `query` and it's fallback Python version should give the same
    p, (mzs, spectra) = db
    for i, (mz, data) in enumerate(zip(mzs, spectra)):
        filtered = filter_data(mz, data, 0, 17, 50, 6)
        results_p = query.__wrapped__(str(p), [i], [mz], [filtered], [],
                        0.02, 0, 0, 17, 50, 6, 0.)
        results_c = query(str(p), [i], [mz], [filtered], [],
                        0.02, 0, 0, 17, 50, 6, 0.)
        assert results_p.keys() == results_c.keys()
        for k in results_c.keys():
            for r_c, r_p in zip(results_c[k], results_p[k]):
                assert r_c['id'] == r_p['id']
                assert r_c['bank_id'] == r_p['bank_id']
                assert r_c['name'].decode() == r_p['name']
                assert r_c['score'] == pytest.approx(r_p['score'])
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_filter_data_min_intensity(random_spectrum, min_intensity):
    """Peaks higher than `min_intensity` % of maximum intensity should be
       filtered out"""
    parent, data = random_spectrum
    filtered = np.sort(filter_data(parent, data, min_intensity, 0,
                                   0, 0), axis=0)
    if min_intensity == 0:
        assert filtered.shape == data.shape
        assert filtered[:, MZ] == pytest.approx(np.sort(data[:, MZ], axis=0))
    elif min_intensity == 100:
        assert filtered.shape[0] == 1
    elif min_intensity > 100:
        assert filtered.shape[0] == 0
        assert filtered.shape <= data.shape
        max = filtered[:, INTENSITY].max()
        for intensity in filtered[:, INTENSITY]:
            assert intensity <= max
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_query_random_spectra(db):
    """Test if looking for a spectra that is for sure in database will
       successfully returns this spectra.
    p, (mzs, spectra) = db
    for i, (mz, data) in enumerate(zip(mzs, spectra)):
        filtered = filter_data(mz, data, 0, 17, 50, 6)
        results = query(str(p), [i], [mz], [filtered], [],
                        0.02, 0, 0, 17, 50, 6, 0.)
        assert i in results
        seen_i = False
        for r in results[i]:
            assert 'id' in r
            assert 'bank_id' in r
            assert 'name' in r
            assert 'score' in r
            if r['id'] == i:
                seen_i = True
                assert pytest.approx(r['score']) == 1.0
        assert seen_i