Exemplo n.º 1
def mpi_from_str_a_b(x, y, percent, prec):
    wp = prec + 20
    xa = from_str(x, wp, round_floor)
    xb = from_str(x, wp, round_ceiling)
    #ya = from_str(y, wp, round_floor)
    y = from_str(y, wp, round_ceiling)
    assert mpf_ge(y, fzero)
    if percent:
        y = mpf_mul(MAX(mpf_abs(xa), mpf_abs(xb)), y, wp, round_ceiling)
        y = mpf_div(y, from_int(100), wp, round_ceiling)
    a = mpf_sub(xa, y, prec, round_floor)
    b = mpf_add(xb, y, prec, round_ceiling)
    return a, b
Exemplo n.º 2
def mpi_from_str_a_b(x, y, percent, prec):
    wp = prec + 20
    xa = from_str(x, wp, round_floor)
    xb = from_str(x, wp, round_ceiling)
    #ya = from_str(y, wp, round_floor)
    y = from_str(y, wp, round_ceiling)
    assert mpf_ge(y, fzero)
    if percent:
        y = mpf_mul(MAX(mpf_abs(xa), mpf_abs(xb)), y, wp, round_ceiling)
        y = mpf_div(y, from_int(100), wp, round_ceiling)
    a = mpf_sub(xa, y, prec, round_floor)
    b = mpf_add(xb, y, prec, round_ceiling)
    return a, b
Exemplo n.º 3
def mpf_convert_arg(x, prec, rounding):
    if isinstance(x, int_types): return from_int(x)
    if isinstance(x, float): return from_float(x)
    if isinstance(x, basestring): return from_str(x, prec, rounding)
    if isinstance(x, constant): return x.func(prec, rounding)
    if hasattr(x, '_mpf_'): return x._mpf_
    if hasattr(x, '_mpmath_'):
        t = mpmathify(x._mpmath_(prec, rounding))
        if isinstance(t, mpf):
            return t._mpf_
    raise TypeError("cannot create mpf from " + repr(x))
Exemplo n.º 4
def mpf_convert_arg(x, prec, rounding):
    if isinstance(x, int_types): return from_int(x)
    if isinstance(x, float): return from_float(x)
    if isinstance(x, basestring): return from_str(x, prec, rounding)
    if isinstance(x, constant): return x.func(prec, rounding)
    if hasattr(x, '_mpf_'): return x._mpf_
    if hasattr(x, '_mpmath_'):
        t = convert_lossless(x._mpmath_(prec, rounding))
        if isinstance(t, mpf):
            return t._mpf_
    raise TypeError("cannot create mpf from " + repr(x))
Exemplo n.º 5
def convert_lossless(x, strings=True):
    """Attempt to convert x to an mpf or mpc losslessly. If x is an
    mpf or mpc, return it unchanged. If x is an int, create an mpf with
    sufficient precision to represent it exactly. If x is a str, just
    convert it to an mpf with the current working precision (perhaps
    this should be done differently...)"""
    if isinstance(x, mpnumeric): return x
    if isinstance(x, int_types): return make_mpf(from_int(x))
    if isinstance(x, float): return make_mpf(from_float(x))
    if isinstance(x, complex): return mpc(x)
    if strings and isinstance(x, basestring): return make_mpf(from_str(x, *prec_rounding))
    if hasattr(x, '_mpf_'): return make_mpf(x._mpf_)
    if hasattr(x, '_mpc_'): return make_mpc(x._mpc_)
    if hasattr(x, '_mpmath_'): return convert_lossless(x._mpmath_(*prec_rounding))
    raise TypeError("cannot create mpf from " + repr(x))
Exemplo n.º 6
def mpmathify(x, strings=True):
    Converts *x* to an ``mpf`` or ``mpc``. If *x* is of type ``mpf``,
    ``mpc``, ``int``, ``float``, ``complex``, the conversion
    will be performed losslessly.

    If *x* is a string, the result will be rounded to the present
    working precision. Strings representing fractions or complex
    numbers are permitted.

        >>> from sympy.mpmath import *
        >>> mp.dps = 15
        >>> mpmathify(3.5)
        >>> mpmathify('2.1')
        >>> mpmathify('3/4')
        >>> mpmathify('2+3j')
        mpc(real='2.0', imag='3.0')

    if isinstance(x, mpnumeric): return x
    if isinstance(x, int_types): return make_mpf(from_int(x))
    if isinstance(x, float): return make_mpf(from_float(x))
    if isinstance(x, complex): return mpc(x)
    if strings and isinstance(x, basestring):
            return make_mpf(from_str(x, *prec_rounding))
        except Exception, e:
            if '/' in x:
                fract = x.split('/')
                assert len(fract) == 2
                return mpmathify(fract[0]) / mpmathify(fract[1])
            if 'j' in x.lower():
                x = x.lower().replace(' ', '')
                match = get_complex.match(x)
                re = match.group('re')
                if not re:
                    re = 0
                im = match.group('im').rstrip('j')
                return mpc(mpmathify(re),
            raise e
Exemplo n.º 7
def mpi_from_str(s, prec):
    Parse an interval number given as a string.

    Allowed forms are

        Any single decimal floating-point literal.
    "a +- b"  or  "a (b)"
        a is the midpoint of the interval and b is the half-width
    "a +- b%"  or  "a (b%)"
        a is the midpoint of the interval and the half-width
        is b percent of a (`a \times b / 100`).
    "[a, b]"
        The interval indicated directly.
        x are shared digits, y and z are unequal digits, e is the exponent.

    e = ValueError("Improperly formed interval number '%s'" % s)
    s = s.replace(" ", "")
    wp = prec + 20
    if "+-" in s:
        x, y = s.split("+-")
        return mpi_from_str_a_b(x, y, False, prec)
    # case 2
    elif "(" in s:
        # Don't confuse with a complex number (x,y)
        if s[0] == "(" or ")" not in s:
            raise e
        s = s.replace(")", "")
        percent = False
        if "%" in s:
            if s[-1] != "%":
                raise e
            percent = True
            s = s.replace("%", "")
        x, y = s.split("(")
        return mpi_from_str_a_b(x, y, percent, prec)
    elif "," in s:
        if ('[' not in s) or (']' not in s):
            raise e
        if s[0] == '[':
            # case 3
            s = s.replace("[", "")
            s = s.replace("]", "")
            a, b = s.split(",")
            a = from_str(a, prec, round_floor)
            b = from_str(b, prec, round_ceiling)
            return a, b
            # case 4
            x, y = s.split('[')
            y, z = y.split(',')
            if 'e' in s:
                z, e = z.split(']')
                z, e = z.rstrip(']'), ''
            a = from_str(x + y + e, prec, round_floor)
            b = from_str(x + z + e, prec, round_ceiling)
            return a, b
        a = from_str(s, prec, round_floor)
        b = from_str(s, prec, round_ceiling)
        return a, b
Exemplo n.º 8
def mpi_from_str(s, prec):
    Parse an interval number given as a string.

    Allowed forms are

        Any single decimal floating-point literal.
    "a +- b"  or  "a (b)"
        a is the midpoint of the interval and b is the half-width
    "a +- b%"  or  "a (b%)"
        a is the midpoint of the interval and the half-width
        is b percent of a (`a \times b / 100`).
    "[a, b]"
        The interval indicated directly.
        x are shared digits, y and z are unequal digits, e is the exponent.

    e = ValueError("Improperly formed interval number '%s'" % s)
    s = s.replace(" ", "")
    wp = prec + 20
    if "+-" in s:
        x, y = s.split("+-")
        return mpi_from_str_a_b(x, y, False, prec)
    # case 2
    elif "(" in s:
        # Don't confuse with a complex number (x,y)
        if s[0] == "(" or ")" not in s:
            raise e
        s = s.replace(")", "")
        percent = False
        if "%" in s:
            if s[-1] != "%":
                raise e
            percent = True
            s = s.replace("%", "")
        x, y = s.split("(")
        return mpi_from_str_a_b(x, y, percent, prec)
    elif "," in s:
        if ('[' not in s) or (']' not in s):
            raise e
        if s[0] == '[':
            # case 3
            s = s.replace("[", "")
            s = s.replace("]", "")
            a, b = s.split(",")
            a = from_str(a, prec, round_floor)
            b = from_str(b, prec, round_ceiling)
            return a, b
            # case 4
            x, y = s.split('[')
            y, z = y.split(',')
            if 'e' in s:
                z, e = z.split(']')
                z, e = z.rstrip(']'), ''
            a = from_str(x+y+e, prec, round_floor)
            b = from_str(x+z+e, prec, round_ceiling)
            return a, b
        a = from_str(s, prec, round_floor)
        b = from_str(s, prec, round_ceiling)
        return a, b