Exemplo n.º 1
 def execute(self, name, func):
     ''' 执行插件,捕获异常 '''
     except (PluginWarning, TargetWarning), e:
         cprint('[%s] %s' % (name, e), '*')
Exemplo n.º 2
def output(target):
    name: WebServer Parser
    priority: 8
    depends: request
    if not getattr(target, 'data', None): return
    server = target.data['headers'].get('server', '')

    if 'nginx' in server:
        cprint('testing nginx parsing vulnerability...')
        path = urlsrc(target.data['content'], target.host)

        url = target.geturl(path)
        log.debug('URL: %s' % url)

        for url in itertools.product([url], ['/.php', '/1.php', '%00.php']):
            req = urlopen(''.join(url))
            if req and not req.history and \
               'text/html' in req.headers['content-type']:
                cprint('Nginx Parser Vulnerability', '+')
    elif 'iis' in server:
    elif 'apache' in server:
Exemplo n.º 3
def output(target):
    name: CDN Checker
    priority: 2
    depends: request,dns
    version: 0.2
    target.cdn = False

    if target.redirect: return
    # 检测CNAME别名
    if getattr(target, 'zone', None):
        cname = map(itemgetter(1), target.zone.get('CNAME', []))
        log.debug('CNAME: %s' % ', '.join(cname))
        target.cdn = matched(cname, *pattern['cname'])
    # 检测HTTP头
    if not target.cdn and getattr(target, 'data', None):
        data = str(target.data['headers']).lower()
        target.cdn = matched(data, *pattern['headers'])
    # 检测第三方API内容
    if not target.cdn and getattr(target, 'raw_build', None):
        target.cdn = 'CDN Providers' in target.raw_build

    if target.cdn:
        cprint('%s has enable CDN' % target.ip, '+')
Exemplo n.º 4
def output(target):
    name: Script Guess
    priority: 8
    depends: request
    version: 0.2
    if not getattr(target, 'data', None): return
    # 检测URL后缀
    url = url_extract(target.data['content'], target.host)
    target.script = check_match(url, 'ext', unicode.endswith) 
    log.debug('URL: %s' % url)

    if not target.script: # COOKIES
        target.script = check_match(target.data['cookies'], 'cookie')

    # 检测buildwith
    if not target.script:
        raw_build = getattr(target, 'raw_build', '')
        match = re.search('framework\/([^"]+)"><', raw_build)
        if match:
            log.debug('Match: %s' % match.group(1))
            target.script = check_match(match.group(1), 'build')

    # 检查x-powered-by
    if not target.script:
        powered = target.data['headers'].get('x-powered-by', '')
        log.debug('Powered: %s' % powered)
        target.script = check_match(powered, 'powered')

    if target.script:
        cprint(target.script, '+')
Exemplo n.º 5
def output(target):
    name: HTTP Request
    priority: 1
    version: 0.2
    req = urlopen(target.geturl())
    log.debug("encoding: " + req.encoding)

    if req is None: 
        raise PluginWarning('target %s connection refused' % target.host)

    target.data = {
        'headers': dict(req.headers.lower_items()),
        'cookies': req.cookies.get_dict(),
        'content': req.text,
        'robots' : urlopen(target.geturl('robots.txt'), attr=('text', ''))
    log.debug('Headers: %s' % str(target.data['headers']))
    log.debug('Cookies: %s' % str(target.data['cookies']))

    if 'server' in req.headers:
        cprint('Server: %s' % req.headers['server'] , '+')

    target.raw_build = urlopen('http://builtwith.com/%s' % target.host,
                               attr=('text', ''))
Exemplo n.º 6
def output(target):
    name: IP Valider
    depends: sameip,reverse,domains
    def ratio_key(x):
        ''' 根据相似度排序 '''
        return SequenceMatcher(None, x[0], target.ip).ratio()

    data = {1: getattr(target, 'domains', set())}
    # raw_sameip差集
    data[2] = getattr(target, 'raw_sameip', set()) - data[1]
    data[2].update(getattr(target, 'email_domains', set()))

    ret = option_input('select extract data subdomain/domains? [1/2] ', [1, 2],

    domains = set()
    # 合并数据,删除自身域名
    domains.update(*[data[r] for r in ret])

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(5)
    iplist = pool.map(valid_ip, domains)

    target.sameip = set()
    # 根据IP相似度排序
    iters = filter(itemgetter(0), zip(iplist, domains))
    for ip, host in sorted(iters, key=ratio_key, reverse=True):
        if target.ip == ip: target.sameip.add(host)
        cprint('%s %s' % (host, ip), '+')
Exemplo n.º 7
def producer(task, queue):
    ''' 生产函数 '''
    req = urlopen('http://{}:{}'.format(*task))
    if req is None: return
    # 解析请求内容
    server, title, banner = parse(req)
    cprint('%s %s %s [%s]' % (req.url, server, title, banner))
    for uri in paths:
        queue.put((req.url, uri))
Exemplo n.º 8
def worker(queue):
    while True:
        task = queue.get()
        if task is None: break

        req = urlopen(urlparse.urljoin(*task))
        # 状态码200且不重定向
        if req and not req.history:
            cprint('%s status %d' % (req.url, req.status_code), '+')
Exemplo n.º 9
    def pentest(self):
        for name, func in self.queue.pop('1', []):
            self.execute(name, func)

        if not self.queue.values(): return
        cprint('testing all plugins from target', '*', True)
        # {'2' : [...], '3': [...]}
        items = sorted(self.queue.items())

        for name, func in chain(*[vals for _, vals in items]):
            cprint('testing plugin %s' % name)
            self.execute(name, func)
Exemplo n.º 10
def output(target):
    name: WhatCMS Guess
    depends: request
    version: 0.3
    if not getattr(target, 'data', None): return
    if option_input() != 'y': return

    cms = []
    patterns = ['md5', 'type', 'status']

    queue = Queue.PriorityQueue()
    files = glob.glob(os.path.join('plugins/whatcms', '*.json'))

    for patt in map(json_dict, files):
        if not patt: continue  # 失败时跳过

        count = counter(target.data, patt['keyword'])  # 统计匹配次数
        if count is True:
            target.cms = patt['name']
        elif count > 0:

        for banner in patt['path']:
            url = target.geturl(banner.pop('url'))
            # 计算优先级,算法:patterns顺序 + 匹配次数,越低优先级越高
            priority = patterns.index(banner.keys()[0]) + (2 - count)
            queue.put((priority, patt['name'], url, banner))

    if not getattr(target, 'cms', None):
        # 采集404结果
        rand_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
        status_file = urlopen(target.geturl(rand_uuid + '.js'),
                              attr=('headers', {}))
        status_dir = urlopen(target.geturl(rand_uuid + '/'),
                             attr=('headers', {}))
        # 将404的页面长度存入urlcheck中
        urlcheck.status_404 = (status_file.get('content-length', 0),
                               status_file.get('content-length', 0))

        pool = ThreadPool(processes=3)
        async_result = pool.apply_async(urlcheck, (queue, ))
        val = async_result.get()
        # URL检测失败则尝试从候选列表中获取
        if val: target.cms = val
        elif cms: target.cms = ','.join(cms)

    if getattr(target, 'cms', None):
        cprint(target.cms, '+')
Exemplo n.º 11
def producer(task, queue):
    req = urlopen('http://{}:{}'.format(*task))
    if req is None: return

    match = re.search(
        '<[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee][^>]*>([^<]*)</[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee]>', req.text)
    title = (match.group(1) if match else '').strip()

    server = req.headers.get('server', '')
    banner = 'unknown'
    if 'servlet' in req.headers.get('x-powered-by', ''):
        banner = 'servlet'

    cprint('%s %s %s [%s]' % (req.url, server, title, banner))
    for uri in uris:
        queue.put((req.url, uri))
Exemplo n.º 12
def output(target):
    name: Hosting History
    priority: 8
    depends: cdn
    version: 0.1
    if not getattr(target, 'cdn', False): return
    ipdate = set()

    for url, regex, fmt in apis_url:
        content = urlopen(url % target.host, attr=('text', ''))
        for m in re.finditer(regex, content):
            date = datetime.strptime(m.group('date'), fmt)
            ipdate.add((m.group('ip'), date))

    for ip, date in sorted(ipdate, key=itemgetter(1)):
        cprint('%s %s' % (ip, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')), '+')
Exemplo n.º 13
def main(args):
    cprint('starting at %s\n' % runtime(), '*')
        cprint('testing if the target URL is stable', '*')
        pe = ProbeEngine(args)
        # output target ip
        ip, host = pe.target.ip, pe.target.host
        cprint('%s (%s)' % (ip, host) if ip != host else ip, '+')
    except (TargetError, PluginError), e:
        cprint('%s' % e, '-')
Exemplo n.º 14
def output(target):
    name: AXFR Checker
    priority: 8
    depends: dns
    version: 0.3
    if not getattr(target, 'zone', None): return
    target.axfr = False
    # 从zone中提取NS记录并过滤
    ns = map(itemgetter(0), target.zone.get('NS', []))
    ns = list(filtered(ns, *pattern))
    log.debug('NS: %s' % ', '.join(ns))

    data = parsedns(target.tld, qtype="AXFR", server=ns, protocol='tcp')
    if not data: return

    target.axfr = True
    cprint('AXFR!!!', '+')
Exemplo n.º 15
def output(target):
    name: Nmap Ports Scaner
    depends: cdn
    priority: 7
    version: 0.1
    if getattr(target, 'cdn', True): return

    nm = nmap.PortScanner()
    # nm.scan(target.ip, ','.join(map(str, ports)), arguments='-T4 -A')
    nm.scan(target.ip, ','.join(map(str, ports)))

    if 'tcp' not in nm[target.ip]: return

    target.ports = []
    # target.os = nm[target.ip]['osmatch'][0]['name']

    for key, val in nm[target.ip]['tcp'].items():

    # cprint('OS: %s' % target.os, '+')
    cprint('Ports: %s' % ', '.join(map(str, target.ports)), '+')
Exemplo n.º 16
    name: Whois
    priority: 1
    version: 0.2
        resp = get_whois(target.tld)
    except WhoisException, e:
        raise PluginWarning(e)

    for val in resp['contacts'].values():
        if val and 'email' in val:
            emails = [val['email'].lower()]; break
        if 'emails' in resp:
            emails = map(unicode.lower, resp['emails'])
        else: return

    log.debug('Email: %s' % ','.join(emails))
    email = next(filtered(emails, *pattern), None)
    if not email: return

    expired = resp.get('expiration_date', (None,))[0]
    target.domain = (email, expired)

    output = 'Email: %s' % email
    if expired:
        output += ', Expired Day: %d' % (expired - datetime.now()).days

    cprint(output, '+')
Exemplo n.º 17
                        help='silent execution, don\'t ask.')
                        help='redirect target hosts ip.')
    return parser.parse_args()

def main(args):
    cprint('starting at %s\n' % runtime(), '*')
        cprint('testing if the target URL is stable', '*')
        pe = ProbeEngine(args)
        # output target ip
        ip, host = pe.target.ip, pe.target.host
        cprint('%s (%s)' % (ip, host) if ip != host else ip, '+')
    except (TargetError, PluginError), e:
        cprint('%s' % e, '-')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        cprint('user quit', '-')
        cprint('shutting down at %s' % runtime(), '*', True)

if __name__ == "__main__":