Exemplo n.º 1
    def rotate(self, angle: float):

        :param angle:
        rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)],

        ul = rotation_matrix @ self.upper_left.to_array().T
        lr = rotation_matrix @ self.lower_right.to_array().T
        return Rectangle([geom.Point(ul[0], ul[1]), geom.Point(lr[0], lr[1])])
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_starting_beacons(own_colour: TeamColor, clusters: List[Cluster]):
    b1, b2, b3 = define_point_beacons(own_colour)
    if own_colour.value == TeamColor.orange.value:
        starting_position = geom.Point(-1210, 1400)
        starting_orientation = 0
    elif own_colour.value == TeamColor.purple.value:
        starting_position = geom.Point(1210, 1400)
        starting_orientation = np.pi
        return [None, None, None]

    p_b1_lidar = geom.from_theoretical_table_to_lidar(b1, starting_position,
    p_b2_lidar = geom.from_theoretical_table_to_lidar(b2, starting_position,
    p_b3_lidar = geom.from_theoretical_table_to_lidar(b3, starting_position,

    found_b1, found_b2, found_b3 = None, None, None
    min_d_cluster_beacon1 = 3000
    min_d_cluster_beacon2 = 3000
    min_d_cluster_beacon3 = 3000

    threshold_closest_beacon = 500

    for cluster in clusters:
        closest = cluster.get_closest_point_to_robot()
        if closest is not None:
            d_cluster_beacon1 = dr.distance_array(closest,
            d_cluster_beacon2 = dr.distance_array(closest,
            d_cluster_beacon3 = dr.distance_array(closest,

            if d_cluster_beacon1 < min_d_cluster_beacon1 and d_cluster_beacon1 < threshold_closest_beacon:
                min_d_cluster_beacon1 = d_cluster_beacon1
                found_b1 = closest.copy()
            if d_cluster_beacon2 < min_d_cluster_beacon2 and d_cluster_beacon2 < threshold_closest_beacon:
                min_d_cluster_beacon1 = d_cluster_beacon2
                found_b2 = closest.copy()
            if d_cluster_beacon3 < min_d_cluster_beacon3 and d_cluster_beacon3 < threshold_closest_beacon:
                min_d_cluster_beacon1 = d_cluster_beacon3
                found_b3 = closest.copy()

    return [found_b1, found_b2, found_b3]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, positions: List[geom.Point]):
        center = geom.Point(0, 0)
        for position in positions:
            center = center + position
        center = center.multiply_by(1 / 4.)


        self.positions = positions
        assert len(positions) == 4
Exemplo n.º 4
def find_beacons_with_odometry(clusters: List[Cluster], odometry_state,
                               own_colour: TeamColor, logger_name):
    Function which uses raw estimation of encoders for robot's position to find a priori positions of beacons.

    :param logger_name:
    :param clusters:
    :param odometry_state:
    :param own_colour:

    logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

    odometry_position = geom.Point(odometry_state[0], odometry_state[1])
    odometry_orientation = odometry_state[2]
    b1, b2, b3 = define_point_beacons(own_colour)

    logger.debug("position balise 1 table : " + str(b1))
    logger.debug("position balise 2 table : " + str(b2))
    logger.debug("position balise 3 table : " + str(b3))

    p_b1_lidar = geom.from_theoretical_table_to_lidar(b1, odometry_position,
    p_b2_lidar = geom.from_theoretical_table_to_lidar(b2, odometry_position,
    p_b3_lidar = geom.from_theoretical_table_to_lidar(b3, odometry_position,

    logger.debug("position balise 1 lidar : " + str(p_b1_lidar))
    logger.debug("position balise 2 lidar : " + str(p_b2_lidar))
    logger.debug("position balise 3 lidar : " + str(p_b3_lidar))

    found_b1, found_b2, found_b3 = None, None, None

    for cluster in clusters:

        closest = cluster.get_closest_point_to_robot()
        if closest is not None:
            d1 = dr.distance_array(closest, p_b1_lidar.to_array())
            d2 = dr.distance_array(closest, p_b2_lidar.to_array())
            d3 = dr.distance_array(closest, p_b3_lidar.to_array())

            if d1 < 200:
                found_b1 = closest.copy()
                # print("mean et b1 : ", mean, p_b1_lidar)
            if d2 < 200:
                found_b2 = closest.copy()
                # print("mean et b2 : ", mean, p_b2_lidar)
            if d3 < 200:
                found_b3 = closest.copy()
                # print("mean et b3 : ", mean, p_b3_lidar)

    return [found_b1, found_b2, found_b3]
Exemplo n.º 5
def find_robots_in_purple_zone(clusters: List[Cluster]):

    :param clusters:
    :return: x, y, radius, index, timestamp
    robot_position = geom.Point(PURPLE_SELF_X, PURPLE_SELF_Y)
    robot_orientation = PURPLE_SELF_THETA

    purple_zone = ta.Rectangle(P_PURPLE_START_ZONE)
    if isinstance(clusters[0], Cluster):
        return find_robots_in_zone(purple_zone, clusters, robot_position, robot_orientation)
    return find_robots_in_zone(purple_zone, clusters, robot_position, robot_orientation)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def is_cluster_in_rectangle(self, cluster: Union[Cluster, List]):
     if isinstance(cluster, Cluster):
         for point in cluster.points:
             if not self.is_point_in_rectangle(point):
                 return False
         return len(cluster.points) > 0
     elif type(cluster) == list:
         for point in cluster:
             if not self.is_point_in_rectangle(
                     geom.Point(point[0], point[1])):
                 return False
         return len(cluster) > 0
     return False
Exemplo n.º 7
def change_basis(rp: geom.Point, ori: float, measures: List):

    :param rp: robot position
    :param ori: robot orietation
    :param measures: list of angles and distances
    # measures = outr.one_turn_to_cartesian_points(measures)
    new_measures = []
    for measure in measures:
        p = geom.Point(measure[0], measure[1])
        new_measure = p + rp
        new_measures.append([new_measure.x, new_measure.y])
    return new_measures
Exemplo n.º 8
    def rotate(self, angle: float):
        >>> v = geom.Vector()
        >>> v.set_coordinates(2., 3.)
        >>> v.rotate(np.pi)
        >>> np.isclose(v.x, -2)
        >>> np.isclose(v.y, -3)

        :param angle:
        rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)],
        positions = []
        for position in self.positions:
            res = rotation_matrix @ np.array([position.x, position.y]).T
            point = geom.Point(res[0], res[1])
        return Square(positions)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, limits: List[geom.Point]):
     self.upper_left, self.lower_right = limits
     center = geom.Point(0, 0)
     for position in limits:
         center = center + position
     self.center = center.multiply_by(1 / 2.)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def take_symmetric(self):
     self.positions = [
         geom.Point(-position.x, position.y) for position in self.positions
     self.center = geom.Point(-self.center.x, self.center.y)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def set_by_upper_left_and_lower_right(self, upper_left, lower_right):
     self.x_center = (upper_left[0] + lower_right[0]) / 2
     self.y_center = (upper_left[1] + lower_right[1]) / 2
     self.center = geom.Point(self.x_center, self.y_center)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def set_parameters(self, x: int, y: int, r: int, i: int):
     self.x_center = x
     self.y_center = y
     self.radius = r
     self.index = i
     self.center = geom.Point(x, y)
Exemplo n.º 13
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

import lidarproc.main.geometry as geom

import lidarproc.main.table as ta

__author__ = "Clément Besnier"

table = ta.Table()
# for orange
beacon_1 = ta.Square([geom.Point(-1500 - 100, 2000), geom.Point(-1500, 2000), geom.Point(-1500, 2000 - 100),
                   geom.Point(-1500 - 100, 2000 - 100)])
beacon_2 = ta.Square([geom.Point(1500, 1000 + 50), geom.Point(1500 + 100, 1000 + 50),
                   geom.Point(1500 + 100, 1000 - 50), geom.Point(1500, 1000 - 50)])
beacon_3 = ta.Square([geom.Point(-1500 - 100, 0 + 100), geom.Point(-1500, 0 + 100), geom.Point(-1500, 0),
                   geom.Point(-1500 - 100, 0)])



table.add_edge_point(geom.Point(-1500, 0))
table.add_edge_point(geom.Point(1500, 0))
table.add_edge_point(geom.Point(1500, 2000))
table.add_edge_point(geom.Point(-1500, 2000))
Exemplo n.º 14
def compute_own_state(beacons: List[np.ndarray], own_colour: TeamColor, logger_name) \
        -> Tuple[Union[geom.Point, None], Union[float, None]]:
    The ultimate function which computes the position of the robot with the LiDAR!

    :param logger_name:
    :param beacons: clusters which are measures of beacons
    :param own_colour: colour defined at the beginning of the match

    logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
    # positions of beacons in the table basis
    b1, b2, b3 = define_point_beacons(own_colour)

    if beacons[0] is not None and beacons[2] is not None:
        beacon1, beacon3 = beacons[0], beacons[2]
        logger.debug("balises 1 et 3 mesurées : " + str(beacon1) + " " +

        p_beacon1 = geom.Point.from_array(beacon1)
        p_beacon3 = geom.Point.from_array(beacon3)

        # region computes robot position
        d13 = 1900  # dr.distance_array(beacon1, beacon3)
        d1 = np.sqrt(beacon1 @ beacon1.T) + FIX_BEACON_RADIUS
        d3 = np.sqrt(beacon3 @ beacon3.T) + FIX_BEACON_RADIUS
        logger.debug("d1 d3 d13 : " + str(d1) + ' ' + str(d3) + ' ' + str(d13))

        angle1 = np.arccos((d1**2 + d13**2 - d3**2) / (2 * d1 * d13))
        angle3 = np.arccos((d3**2 + d13**2 - d1**2) / (2 * d3 * d13))

        # logger.debug("angle alpha 1 "+str(np.rad2deg(angle1)))
        # logger.debug("angle alpha 3 "+str(np.rad2deg(angle3)))
        # logger.debug("angle alpha 1 rad " + str(angle1))
        # logger.debug("angle alpha 3 rad " + str(angle3))

        # theta_r = np.pi/2 - angle3 +

        if own_colour == TeamColor.purple:
            # robot_x = b3.x - np.sin(angle3)*d3
            # robot_y = b3.y + np.cos(angle3)*d3
            # print("From b3", geom.Point(robot_x, robot_y))

            logger.debug("b1 : x et y" + str(b1.x) + " " + str(b1.y))
            logger.debug("b3 : x et y" + str(b3.x) + " " + str(b3.y))

            robot_x = b1.x - np.sin(angle1) * d1
            robot_y = b1.y - np.cos(angle1) * d1

            robot_position = geom.Point(robot_x, robot_y)
            logger.debug("From b1 " + str(robot_position))

            # robot_x = b1.x - np.sin(angle3) * d3
            # robot_y = b1.y - np.cos(angle3) * d3
            # robot_position = geom.Point(robot_x, robot_y)
            # logger.debug("From b3 " + str(robot_position))

        elif own_colour == TeamColor.orange:
            robot_x = b1.x + np.sin(angle1) * d1
            robot_y = b1.y - np.cos(angle1) * d1

            # print("From b1", geom.Point(robot_x, robot_y))

            # robot_x = b3.x + np.sin(angle3) * d3
            # robot_y = b3.y - np.cos(angle3) * d3

            robot_position = geom.Point(robot_x, robot_y)
            logger.debug("From b1 " + str(robot_position))
            logger.debug("La couleur donnée n'est pas bonne")
            return None, None

        # region # computes robot orientation
        v_table_beacons = geom.Vector()
        v_table_beacons.set_by_points(b1, b3)

        v_lidar_beacons = geom.Vector()
        v_lidar_beacons.set_by_points(p_beacon1 - robot_position,
                                      p_beacon3 - robot_position)

        lidar_beacons_angle = v_lidar_beacons.compute_basis_angle()

        # logger.debug("angle table beacons angle "+str(np.rad2deg(table_beacons_angle)))
        # logger.debug("angle table beacons angle rad "+str(table_beacons_angle))
        # logger.debug("angle lidar beacons angle "+str(np.rad2deg(lidar_beacons_angle)))
        # logger.debug("angle lidar beacons angle rad"+str(lidar_beacons_angle))

        robot_orientation = lidar_beacons_angle % (2 * np.pi)
        logger.debug("Orientation du robot : " + str(robot_orientation))
        # endregion
        return robot_position, robot_orientation
        if beacons[0] is None:
            logger.debug("La balise 1 n'est pas détectée")
        if beacons[2] is None:
            logger.debug("La balise 3 n'est pas détectée")

        return None, None
Exemplo n.º 15
clusters to the expected positions of beacons are searched.

from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Iterable

import numpy as np

from lidarproc.main.constants import *
from lidarproc.main.clustering import Cluster, Beacon
import lidarproc.main.geometry as geom
import lidarproc.main.data_retrieval as dr
import lidarproc.main.table as table

__author__ = "Clément Besnier"

p_beacons_orange = [[geom.Point(point[0], point[1]) for point in limits]
                    for limits in beacons_orange]
p_beacons_purple = [[geom.Point(point[0], point[1]) for point in limits]
                    for limits in beacons_purple]

def define_point_beacons(own_colour: TeamColor):
    Gets the positions of the beacons according to our colour in the table basis.
    :param own_colour:
    if own_colour.value == TeamColor.orange.value:
        bo1 = table.Rectangle(p_beacons_orange[0]).get_center()
        bo2 = table.Rectangle(p_beacons_orange[1]).get_center()
        bo3 = table.Rectangle(p_beacons_orange[2]).get_center()
Exemplo n.º 16
import time
from typing import List

import numpy as np

import lidarproc.main.geometry as geom
from lidarproc.main.constants import *
from lidarproc.main.clustering import Cluster
import lidarproc.main.table as ta

__author__ = "Clément Besnier"

P_PURPLE_START_ZONE = [geom.Point(p[0], p[1]) for p in PURPLE_START_ZONE]
P_ORANGE_START_ZONE = [geom.Point(o[0], o[1]) for o in ORANGE_START_ZONE]

def find_robots_in_zone(zone: ta.Rectangle, clusters: List[Cluster], robot_position: geom.Point,
                        robot_orientation: float):

    :param zone:
    :param clusters:
    :param robot_position:
    :param robot_orientation:

    robot_paramters = []