Exemplo n.º 1
    def h_hat(self, u_odo):
        def odo2speed(u):
            v = 1 / 2 * (u[0] + u[1])
            return torch.Tensor([
                v * torch.cos(self.x_prev[5]), v * torch.sin(self.x_prev[5]), 0

        # initial speed
        v0 = odo2speed(u_odo[0])

        # end speed
        v_end = odo2speed(u_odo[1])

        R0 = SO3.from_rpy(self.x_prev[3:6]).as_matrix()
        Rend = SO3.from_rpy(self.x[3:6]).as_matrix()

        p0 = self.x_prev[:3]
        p_end = self.x[:3]

        delta_R = SO3.from_matrix(R0.t().mm(Rend)).log()
        delta_v = R0.t().mv(v_end - v0 - self.g * self.Delta_t)
        delta_p = R0.t().mv(p_end - p0 - v0 * self.Delta_t - 1 / 2 * self.g *

        return torch.cat((delta_R, delta_v, delta_p), 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def correct(self, x, u_odo, u_fog, compute_G=False, full_cov=False):
        u_odo_fog = torch.cat((u_odo, u_fog), 1).unsqueeze(0)
        u_odo_fog.requires_grad = True
        Xnew = self.normalize(u_odo_fog)

        # take mean to speed up correction
        y_cor_nor, _ = self.gp_f.forward(Xnew, full_cov)

        # # sample corrections and take mean
        # N = 100
        # mean, cov = self.gp_f.forward(Xnew, full_cov=True)
        # y_cor_nor = torch.zeros(6)
        # dist = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(loc=mean, cov)
        # for i in range(N):
        # 	y_cor_nor += 1/N * dist.sample()

        y_cor = self.unnormalize(y_cor_nor.t(), var="y_odo_fog").squeeze()
        G_cor = self.correct_cov(u_odo_fog, y_cor, compute_G)
        u_odo_fog.requires_grad = False
        y_cor = y_cor.detach()
        y_cor[[3, 4]] = 0  # pitch and roll corrections are set to 0
        G_cor[[3, 4], :] = 0
        Rot = SO3.from_rpy(x[3:6]).as_matrix()
        # correct state
        dRot_cor = SO3.exp(y_cor[3:]).as_matrix()
        x[:3] = x[:3] + Rot.mv(SE3.exp(y_cor).as_matrix()[:3, 3])
        x[3:6] = SO3.from_matrix(Rot.mm(dRot_cor)).to_rpy()
        return x, G_cor
Exemplo n.º 3
 def integrate_odo_fog(self, u_odo, u_fog, delta_t):
     if self.nclt:
         v = 1 / 2 * (u_odo[:, 0] + u_odo[:, 1])
         v, _ = self.encoder2speed(u_odo, delta_t)
     xi = u_odo.new_zeros(u_odo.shape[0], 6)
     xi[:, 0] = v * delta_t
     xi[:, 5] = u_fog.squeeze()
     Rot = SO3.from_rpy(xi[:, 3:]).as_matrix()
     p = xi[:, :3]
     return Rot, p
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compute_mate(self, t, x, chi, dataset_name):
        chi_est = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], 4, 4)
        chi_est[:, :3, :3] = SO3.from_rpy(x[:, 3:6]).as_matrix()
        chi_est[:, :3, 3] = x[:, :3]
        chi_est[:, 3, 3] = 1

        chi_est = SE3.from_matrix(chi_est)
        chi = SE3.from_matrix(chi)
        error = (chi.inv().dot(chi_est)).log()

        mate_translation = error[:, :3].abs().mean()
        mate_rotation = error[:, 3:].abs().mean()
        return mate_translation, mate_rotation
Exemplo n.º 5
 def propagate(self, u_odo, u_fog, delta_t, compare):
     self.x_prev = self.x
     for i in range(u_odo.shape[0]):
         self.integrate_odo_fog(u_odo[i], u_fog[i], delta_t)
     if self.gp_odo_fog:
         self.x, G_cor = self.gp_odo_fog.correct(
             self.x, u_odo, u_fog, compute_G=(compare == 'filter'))
         G_cor = torch.zeros(u_odo.shape[0], 15, 9)
     if compare == 'filter':
         self.propagate_cov(u_odo[i], u_fog[i], delta_t, G_cor)
         self.x[3:6] = SO3.from_rpy(self.x[3:6]).to_rpy()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def compute_jac_update(self, u_odo):
        J = self.J
        H = self.H

        Rot_prev = SO3.from_rpy(self.x_prev[3:6]).as_matrix()
        Rot_new = SO3.from_rpy(self.x[3:6]).as_matrix()

        # speed is not in state
        J[0, 3:6, 6:] = -Rot_prev.t()[:3, :2]
        J[-1, 3:6, 6:] = -J[0, 3:6, 6:]
        J[0, 6:9, 6:] = J[0, 6:9, 6:] * self.Delta_t

        v = torch.Tensor([1 / 2 * (u_odo[0][0] + u_odo[0][1]), 0, 0])
        H[:3, 3:6] = -Rot_prev.t().mm(Rot_new)
        H[:3, 9:12] = -Rot_prev.t()
        H[3:6, 9:12] = -Rot_prev.t().mm(
            self.skew(self.x[:3] - self.x_prev[:3] - v * self.Delta_t -
                      1 / 2 * self.g * self.Delta_t**2))
        H[6:9, :3] = Rot_prev.t()
        H[6:9, 12:15] = -Rot_prev.t()
          9:12] = self.skew(self.x[:3] - self.x_prev[:3] - v * self.Delta_t -
                            1 / 2 * self.g * self.Delta_t**2)
        return H, J
Exemplo n.º 7
 def update_state(self, K_prefix, S, dy):
     dx = K_prefix.mm(torch.gesv(dy, S)[0]).squeeze(1)  # K*dy
     self.x[:3] += dx[:3]
     self.x[3:6] += (SO3.exp(dx[3:6]).dot(SO3.from_rpy(
     self.x[6:9] += dx[6:9]
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_rpy_batch():
    rpy = torch.Tensor([[np.pi / 12, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 3], [0, 0, 0]])
    C_got = SO3.from_rpy(rpy)
    C_expected = SO3.rotz(rpy[:, 2]).dot(
        SO3.roty(rpy[:, 1]).dot(SO3.rotx(rpy[:, 0])))
    assert utils.allclose(C_got.mat, C_expected.mat)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_rpy():
    rpy = torch.Tensor([np.pi / 12, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 3])
    C_got = SO3.from_rpy(rpy)
    C_expected = SO3.rotz(torch.Tensor([rpy[2]])).dot(
    assert utils.allclose(C_got.mat, C_expected.mat)