Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_user_condition(self, user, valid_realms):

        ucondition = None
        log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] start search for username: >%r<' %

        if not user or user.isEmpty() or not user.login:
            return ucondition

        loginUser = user.login.lower()
        loginUser = loginUser.replace('"', '')
        loginUser = loginUser.replace("'", '')

        searchType = "any"
        ## search for a 'blank' user
        if len(loginUser) == 0 and len(user.login) > 0:
            searchType = "blank"
        elif loginUser == "/:no user:/" or loginUser == "/:none:/":
            searchType = "blank"
        elif loginUser == "/:no user info:/":
            searchType = "wildcard"
        elif "*" in loginUser or "." in loginUser:
            searchType = "wildcard"
            ## no blank and no wildcard search
            searchType = "exact"

        if searchType == "blank":
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] search for empty user: >%r<' %
            ucondition = and_(
                or_(Token.LinOtpUserid == u'', Token.LinOtpUserid is None))

        if searchType == "exact":
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] search for exact user: %r' %
            serials = []
            users = []

            ## if search for a realmuser 'user@realm' we can take the
            ## realm from the argument
            if len(user.realm) > 0:
                for realm in valid_realms:
                    users.append(User(user.login, realm))

            # resolve the realm with wildcard:
            # identify all users and add these to the userlist
            userlist = []
            for usr in users:
                urealm = usr.realm
                if urealm == '*':
                    # if the realm is set to *, the getUserId
                    # triggers the identification of all resolvers, where the
                    # user might reside: tigger the user resolver lookup
                    (uid, resolver, resolverClass) = getUserId(usr)

            for usr in userlist:
                    tokens = getTokens4UserOrSerial(user=usr, _class=False)
                    for tok in tokens:
                except UserError as ex:
                    ## we get an exception if the user is not found
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] no exact user: %r' %
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] %r' % ex)

            if len(serials) > 0:
                # if tokens found, search for their serials
                ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.in_(serials))
                # if no token is found, block search for user
                # and return nothing
                ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == u'')

        ## handle case, when nothing found in former cases
        if searchType == "wildcard":
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] wildcard search: %r' % (user))
            serials = []
            users = getAllTokenUsers()
            logRe = None
            lU = loginUser.replace('*', '.*')
            #lU = lU.replace('..', '.')
            logRe = re.compile(lU)

            for ser in users:
                userInfo = users.get(ser)
                tokenUser = userInfo.get('username').lower()
                    if logRe.match(u'' + tokenUser) is not None:
                except Exception as e:
                    log.error('error no express %r ' % e)

            ## to prevent warning, we check is serials are found
            ## SAWarning: The IN-predicate on
            ## "Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber" was invoked with an
            ## empty sequence. This results in a contradiction, which
            ## nonetheless can be expensive to evaluate.  Consider
            ## alternative strategies for improved performance.
            if len(serials) > 0:
                ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.in_(serials))
                ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == u'')
        return ucondition
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, user, serial, page=None, psize=None, filter=None,
                 sort=None, sortdir=None, filterRealm=None, user_fields=None,
        constructor of Tokeniterator, which gathers all conditions to build
        a sqalchemy query - iterator

        :param user:     User object - user provides as well the searchfield
        :type  user:     User class
        :param serial:   serial number of a token
        :type  serial:   string
        :param page:     page number
        :type  page:     int
        :param psize:    how many entries per page
        :type  psize:    int
        :param filter:   additional condition
        :type  filter:   string
        :param sort:     sort field definition
        :type  sort:     string
        :param sortdir:  sort direction: ascending or descending
        :type  sortdir:  string
        :param filterRealm:  restrict the set of token to those in
                             the filterRealm
        :type  filterRealm:  string or list
        :param user_fields:  list of additional fields from the user owner
        :type  user_fields: array
        :param params:  list of additional request parameters
                        - currently not used
        :type  params: dict

        :return: - nothing / None

        log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] begin. start creating TokenIterator \
        class with parameters: user:%r, serial:%r, page=%r, psize:%r, \
                    filter:%r, sort:%r, sortdir:%r, filterRealm:%r' %
                (user, serial, page, psize, filter, sort, sortdir,

        if params is None:
            params = {}

        self.page = 1
        self.pages = 1
        self.tokens = 0
        self.user_fields = user_fields
        if self.user_fields == None:
            self.user_fields = []

        condition = None
        ucondition = None
        scondition = None
        r_condition = None

        if type(filterRealm) in (str, unicode):
            filterRealm = filterRealm.split(',')

        if type(filterRealm) in [list]:
            s_realms = []
            for f in filterRealm:
                #  support for multiple realm filtering in the ui
                #  as a coma separated string
                for s_realm in f.split(','):
            filterRealm = s_realms

        #  create a list of all realms, which are allowed to be searched
        #  based on the list of the existing ones
        valid_realms = []
        realms = getRealms().keys()
        if '*' in filterRealm:
            for realm in realms:
                if realm in filterRealm:
                    realm = linotp.lib.crypt.uencode(realm)

        if serial is not None:
            #  check if the requested serial is in the realms of
            # the admin (filterRealm)
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] start search for serial: >%r<'
                       % (serial))

            allowed = False
            if filterRealm == ['*']:
                allowed = True
                realms = getTokenRealms(serial)
                for realm in realms:
                    if realm in filterRealm:
                        allowed = True

            if allowed == True:
                if '*' in serial:
                    serial = serial.replace('*', '%')
                    scondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.like(serial))
                    scondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == serial)

        if user.isEmpty() == False and user is not None:
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] start search for username: >%r<'
                      % (user))

            if user.login is not None and (user.login) > 0 :
                loginUser = user.login.lower()
                loginUser = loginUser.replace('"', '')
                loginUser = loginUser.replace("'", '')

                searchType = "any"

                #  search for a 'blank' user
                if len(loginUser) == 0 and len(user.login) > 0:
                    searchType = "blank"
                elif loginUser == "/:no user:/" or loginUser == "/:none:/":
                    searchType = "blank"
                elif loginUser == "/:no user info:/":
                    searchType = "wildcard"
                elif "*" in loginUser or "." in loginUser:
                    searchType = "wildcard"
                    #  no blank and no wildcard search
                    searchType = "exact"

                if searchType == "blank":
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] search for empty user:'******' >%r<' % (user.login))
                    ucondition = and_(or_(Token.LinOtpUserid == u'',
                                          Token.LinOtpUserid == None))

                if searchType == "exact":
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] search for exact user:'******' %r' % (user))
                    serials = []
                    users = []

                    #  if search for a realmuser 'user@realm' we can take the
                    #  realm from the argument
                    if len(user.realm) > 0:
                        for realm in valid_realms:
                            users.append(User(user.login, realm))

                    # resolve the realm with wildcard:
                    # identify all users and add these to the userlist
                    userlist = []
                    for usr in users:
                        urealm = usr.realm
                        if urealm == '*':
                            # if the realm is set to *, the getUserId
                            # triggers the identification of all resolvers,
                            # where the user might reside: tigger the user
                            # resolver lookup
                            (uid, resolver, resolverClass) = getUserId(usr)

                    for usr in userlist:
                            tokens = getTokens4UserOrSerial(user=usr, _class=False)
                            for tok in tokens:
                        except UserError as ex:
                            #  we get an exception if the user is not found
                            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] no exact user: %r'
                                      % (user))
                            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] %r' % ex)

                    if len(serials) > 0:
                        #  if tokens found, search for their serials
                        ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.in_(serials))
                        #  if no token is found, block search for user
                        #  and return nothing
                        ucondition = and_(or_(Token.LinOtpUserid == u'',
                                              Token.LinOtpUserid == None))

                #  handle case, when nothing found in former cases
                if searchType == "wildcard":
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] wildcard search: %r' % (user))
                    serials = []
                    users = getAllTokenUsers()
                    logRe = None
                    lU = loginUser.replace('*', '.*')
                    # lU = lU.replace('..', '.')
                    logRe = re.compile(lU)

                    for ser in users:
                        userInfo = users.get(ser)
                        tokenUser = userInfo.get('username').lower()
                            if logRe.match(u'' + tokenUser) is not None:
                        except Exception as e:
                            log.error('error no express %r ' % e)

                    #  to prevent warning, we check is serials are found
                    #  SAWarning: The IN-predicate on
                    #  "Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber" was invoked with an
                    #  empty sequence. This results in a contradiction, which
                    #  nonetheless can be expensive to evaluate.  Consider
                    #  alternative strategies for improved performance.
                    if len(serials) > 0:
                        ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.in_(serials))
                        ucondition = and_(or_(Token.LinOtpUserid == u'',
                                              Token.LinOtpUserid == None))

        if filter is None:
            condition = None
        elif filter in ['/:active:/', '/:enabled:/',
                        '/:token is active:/', '/:token is enabled:/' ]:
            condition = and_(Token.LinOtpIsactive == True)
        elif filter in ['/:inactive:/', '/:disabled:/',
                        '/:token is inactive:/', '/:token is disabled:/']:
            condition = and_(Token.LinOtpIsactive == False)
            #  search in other colums
            filter = linotp.lib.crypt.uencode(filter)
            condition = or_(Token.LinOtpTokenDesc.contains(filter),

        #   The condition for only getting certain realms!
        if '*' in valid_realms:
            log.debug("[TokenIterator::init] wildcard for realm '*' found."
                      " Tokens of all realms will be displayed")
        elif len(valid_realms) > 0:
            log.debug("[TokenIterator::init] adding filter condition"
                      " for realm %r" % valid_realms)

            #  get all matching realms
            realm_id_tuples = Session.query(Realm.id).\
            realm_ids = set()
            for realm_tuple in realm_id_tuples:
            #  get all tokenrealm ids
            token_id_tuples = Session.query(TokenRealm.token_id).\
            token_ids = set()
            for token_tuple in token_id_tuples:

            #  define the token id condition
            r_condition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenId.in_(token_ids))

        elif ("''" in filterRealm or '""' in filterRealm or
              "/:no realm:/" in filterRealm):
            log.debug("[TokenIterator::init] search for all tokens, which are"
                      " in no realm")

            #  get all tokenrealm ids
            token_id_tuples = Session.query(TokenRealm.token_id).all()
            token_ids = set()
            for token_tuple in token_id_tuples:

            #  define the token id not condition
            r_condition = and_(not_(Token.LinOtpTokenId.in_(token_ids)))

        #  create the final condition as AND of all conditions
        condTuple = ()
        for conn in (condition, ucondition, scondition, r_condition):
            if type(conn).__name__ != 'NoneType':
                condTuple += (conn,)

        condition = and_(*condTuple)

        order = Token.LinOtpTokenDesc

        if sort == "TokenDesc":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenDesc
        elif sort == "TokenId":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenId
        elif sort == "TokenType":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenType
        elif sort == "TokenSerialnumber":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber
        elif sort == "TokenType":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenType
        elif sort == "IdResClass":
            order = Token.LinOtpIdResClass
        elif sort == "IdResolver":
            order = Token.LinOtpIdResolver
        elif sort == "Userid":
            order = Token.LinOtpUserid
        elif sort == "FailCount":
            order = Token.LinOtpFailCount
        elif sort == "Userid":
            order = Token.LinOtpUserid
        elif sort == "Isactive":
            order = Token.LinOtpIsactive

        #  care for the result sort order
        if sortdir is not None and sortdir == "desc":
            order = order.desc()
            order = order.asc()

        #  care for the result pageing
        if page is None:
            self.toks = Session.query(Token).filter(condition).order_by(order).distinct()
            self.tokens = self.toks.count()

            log.debug("[TokenIterator] DB-Query returned # of objects:"
                      " %i" % self.tokens)
            self.pagesize = self.tokens
            self.it = iter(self.toks)

            if psize is None:
                pagesize = int(getFromConfig("pagesize", 50))
                pagesize = int(psize)
            pagesize = 20

            thePage = int (page) - 1
            thePage = 0
        if thePage < 0:
            thePage = 0

        start = thePage * pagesize
        stop = (thePage + 1) * pagesize

        self.toks = Session.query(Token).filter(condition).\
        self.tokens = self.toks.count()
        log.debug("[TokenIterator::init] DB-Query returned # of objects:"
                  " %i" % self.tokens)
        self.page = thePage + 1
        fpages = float(self.tokens) / float(pagesize)
        self.pages = int(fpages)
        if fpages - int(fpages) > 0:
            self.pages = self.pages + 1
        self.pagesize = pagesize
        self.toks = self.toks.slice(start, stop)

        self.it = iter(self.toks)

        log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] end. Token iterator created: %r' % \

Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, user, serial, page=None, psize=None, filter=None,
                 sort=None, sortdir=None, filterRealm=None, user_fields=None,
        constructor of Tokeniterator, which gathers all conditions to build
        a sqalchemy query - iterator

        :param user:     User object - user provides as well the searchfield
        :type  user:     User class
        :param serial:   serial number of a token
        :type  serial:   string
        :param page:     page number
        :type  page:     int
        :param psize:    how many entries per page
        :type  psize:    int
        :param filter:   additional condition
        :type  filter:   string
        :param sort:     sort field definition
        :type  sort:     string
        :param sortdir:  sort direction: ascending or descending
        :type  sortdir:  string
        :param filterRealm:  restrict the set of token to those in
                             the filterRealm
        :type  filterRealm:  string or list
        :param user_fields:  list of additional fields from the user owner
        :type  user_fields: array
        :param params:  list of additional request parameters
                        - currently not used
        :type  params: dict

        :return: - nothing / None

        log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] begin. start creating TokenIterator \
        class with parameters: user:%r, serial:%r, page=%r, psize:%r, \
                    filter:%r, sort:%r, sortdir:%r, filterRealm:%r' %
                (user, serial, page, psize, filter, sort, sortdir,

        if params is None:
            params = {}

        self.page = 1
        self.pages = 1
        self.tokens = 0
        self.user_fields = user_fields
        if self.user_fields == None:
            self.user_fields = []

        condition = None
        ucondition = None
        scondition = None
        r_condition = None

        if type(filterRealm) in (str, unicode):
            filterRealm = filterRealm.split(',')

        if type(filterRealm) in [list]:
            s_realms = []
            for f in filterRealm:
                #  support for multiple realm filtering in the ui
                #  as a coma separated string
                for s_realm in f.split(','):
            filterRealm = s_realms

        #  create a list of all realms, which are allowed to be searched
        #  based on the list of the existing ones
        valid_realms = []
        realms = getRealms().keys()
        if '*' in filterRealm:
            for realm in realms:
                if realm in filterRealm:
                    realm = linotp.lib.crypt.uencode(realm)

        if serial is not None:
            #  check if the requested serial is in the realms of
            # the admin (filterRealm)
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] start search for serial: >%r<'
                       % (serial))

            allowed = False
            if filterRealm == ['*']:
                allowed = True
                realms = getTokenRealms(serial)
                for realm in realms:
                    if realm in filterRealm:
                        allowed = True

            if allowed == True:
                if '*' in serial:
                    serial = serial.replace('*', '%')
                    scondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.like(serial))
                    scondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == serial)

        if user.isEmpty() == False and user is not None:
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] start search for username: >%r<'
                      % (user))

            if user.login is not None and (user.login) > 0 :
                loginUser = user.login.lower()
                loginUser = loginUser.replace('"', '')
                loginUser = loginUser.replace("'", '')

                searchType = "any"

                #  search for a 'blank' user
                if len(loginUser) == 0 and len(user.login) > 0:
                    searchType = "blank"
                elif loginUser == "/:no user:/" or loginUser == "/:none:/":
                    searchType = "blank"
                elif loginUser == "/:no user info:/":
                    searchType = "wildcard"
                elif "*" in loginUser or "." in loginUser:
                    searchType = "wildcard"
                    #  no blank and no wildcard search
                    searchType = "exact"

                if searchType == "blank":
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] search for empty user:'******' >%r<' % (user.login))
                    ucondition = and_(or_(Token.LinOtpUserid == u'',
                                          Token.LinOtpUserid == None))

                if searchType == "exact":
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] search for exact user:'******' %r' % (user))
                    serials = []
                    users = []

                    #  if search for a realmuser 'user@realm' we can take the
                    #  realm from the argument
                    if len(user.realm) > 0:
                        for realm in valid_realms:
                            users.append(User(user.login, realm))

                    # resolve the realm with wildcard:
                    # identify all users and add these to the userlist
                    userlist = []
                    for usr in users:
                        urealm = usr.realm
                        if urealm == '*':
                            # if the realm is set to *, the getUserId
                            # triggers the identification of all resolvers,
                            # where the user might reside: tigger the user
                            # resolver lookup
                            (uid, resolver, resolverClass) = getUserId(usr)

                    for usr in userlist:
                            tokens = getTokens4UserOrSerial(user=usr, _class=False)
                            for tok in tokens:
                        except UserError as ex:
                            #  we get an exception if the user is not found
                            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] no exact user: %r'
                                      % (user))
                            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] %r' % ex)
                    if len(serials) > 0:
                        # if tokens found, search for their serials
                        ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.in_(serials))
                        # if no token is found, block search for user
                        # and return nothing
                        ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == u'')

                #  handle case, when nothing found in former cases
                if searchType == "wildcard":
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] wildcard search: %r' % (user))
                    serials = []
                    users = getAllTokenUsers()
                    logRe = None
                    lU = loginUser.replace('*', '.*')
                    # lU = lU.replace('..', '.')
                    logRe = re.compile(lU)

                    for ser in users:
                        userInfo = users.get(ser)
                        tokenUser = userInfo.get('username').lower()
                            if logRe.match(u'' + tokenUser) is not None:
                        except Exception as e:
                            log.error('error no express %r ' % e)

                    #  to prevent warning, we check is serials are found
                    #  SAWarning: The IN-predicate on
                    #  "Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber" was invoked with an
                    #  empty sequence. This results in a contradiction, which
                    #  nonetheless can be expensive to evaluate.  Consider
                    #  alternative strategies for improved performance.
                    if len(serials) > 0:
                        ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.in_(serials))
                        ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == u'')

        if filter is None:
            condition = None
        elif filter in ['/:active:/', '/:enabled:/',
                        '/:token is active:/', '/:token is enabled:/' ]:
            condition = and_(Token.LinOtpIsactive == True)
        elif filter in ['/:inactive:/', '/:disabled:/',
                        '/:token is inactive:/', '/:token is disabled:/']:
            condition = and_(Token.LinOtpIsactive == False)
            #  search in other colums
            filter = linotp.lib.crypt.uencode(filter)
            condition = or_(Token.LinOtpTokenDesc.contains(filter),

        #   The condition for only getting certain realms!
        if '*' in valid_realms:
            log.debug("[TokenIterator::init] wildcard for realm '*' found."
                      " Tokens of all realms will be displayed")
        elif len(valid_realms) > 0:
            log.debug("[TokenIterator::init] adding filter condition"
                      " for realm %r" % valid_realms)

            #  get all matching realms
            realm_id_tuples = Session.query(Realm.id).\
            realm_ids = set()
            for realm_tuple in realm_id_tuples:
            #  get all tokenrealm ids
            token_id_tuples = Session.query(TokenRealm.token_id).\
            token_ids = set()
            for token_tuple in token_id_tuples:

            #  define the token id condition
            r_condition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenId.in_(token_ids))

        elif ("''" in filterRealm or '""' in filterRealm or
              "/:no realm:/" in filterRealm):
            log.debug("[TokenIterator::init] search for all tokens, which are"
                      " in no realm")

            #  get all tokenrealm ids
            token_id_tuples = Session.query(TokenRealm.token_id).all()
            token_ids = set()
            for token_tuple in token_id_tuples:

            #  define the token id not condition
            r_condition = and_(not_(Token.LinOtpTokenId.in_(token_ids)))

        #  create the final condition as AND of all conditions
        condTuple = ()
        for conn in (condition, ucondition, scondition, r_condition):
            if type(conn).__name__ != 'NoneType':
                condTuple += (conn,)

        condition = and_(*condTuple)

        order = Token.LinOtpTokenDesc

        if sort == "TokenDesc":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenDesc
        elif sort == "TokenId":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenId
        elif sort == "TokenType":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenType
        elif sort == "TokenSerialnumber":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber
        elif sort == "TokenType":
            order = Token.LinOtpTokenType
        elif sort == "IdResClass":
            order = Token.LinOtpIdResClass
        elif sort == "IdResolver":
            order = Token.LinOtpIdResolver
        elif sort == "Userid":
            order = Token.LinOtpUserid
        elif sort == "FailCount":
            order = Token.LinOtpFailCount
        elif sort == "Userid":
            order = Token.LinOtpUserid
        elif sort == "Isactive":
            order = Token.LinOtpIsactive

        #  care for the result sort order
        if sortdir is not None and sortdir == "desc":
            order = order.desc()
            order = order.asc()

        #  care for the result pageing
        if page is None:
            self.toks = Session.query(Token).filter(condition).order_by(order).distinct()
            self.tokens = self.toks.count()

            log.debug("[TokenIterator] DB-Query returned # of objects:"
                      " %i" % self.tokens)
            self.pagesize = self.tokens
            self.it = iter(self.toks)

            if psize is None:
                pagesize = int(getFromConfig("pagesize", 50))
                pagesize = int(psize)
            pagesize = 20

            thePage = int (page) - 1
            thePage = 0
        if thePage < 0:
            thePage = 0

        start = thePage * pagesize
        stop = (thePage + 1) * pagesize

        self.toks = Session.query(Token).filter(condition).\
        self.tokens = self.toks.count()
        log.debug("[TokenIterator::init] DB-Query returned # of objects:"
                  " %i" % self.tokens)
        self.page = thePage + 1
        fpages = float(self.tokens) / float(pagesize)
        self.pages = int(fpages)
        if fpages - int(fpages) > 0:
            self.pages = self.pages + 1
        self.pagesize = pagesize
        self.toks = self.toks.slice(start, stop)

        self.it = iter(self.toks)

        log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] end. Token iterator created: %r' % \

Exemplo n.º 4
    def _get_user_condition(self, user, valid_realms):

        ucondition = None
        log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] start search for username: >%r<'
                  % (user))

        if not user or user.isEmpty() or not user.login:
            return ucondition

        loginUser = user.login.lower()
        loginUser = loginUser.replace('"', '')
        loginUser = loginUser.replace("'", '')

        searchType = "any"
        ## search for a 'blank' user
        if len(loginUser) == 0 and len(user.login) > 0:
            searchType = "blank"
        elif loginUser == "/:no user:/" or loginUser == "/:none:/":
            searchType = "blank"
        elif loginUser == "/:no user info:/":
            searchType = "wildcard"
        elif "*" in loginUser or "." in loginUser:
            searchType = "wildcard"
            ## no blank and no wildcard search
            searchType = "exact"

        if searchType == "blank":
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] search for empty user: >%r<' % (user.login))
            ucondition = and_(or_(Token.LinOtpUserid == u'',
                                  Token.LinOtpUserid is None))

        if searchType == "exact":
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] search for exact user: %r' % (user))
            serials = []
            users = []

            ## if search for a realmuser 'user@realm' we can take the
            ## realm from the argument
            if len(user.realm) > 0:
                for realm in valid_realms:
                    users.append(User(user.login, realm))

            # resolve the realm with wildcard:
            # identify all users and add these to the userlist
            userlist = []
            for usr in users:
                urealm = usr.realm
                if urealm == '*':
                    # if the realm is set to *, the getUserId
                    # triggers the identification of all resolvers, where the
                    # user might reside: tigger the user resolver lookup
                    (uid, resolver, resolverClass) = getUserId(usr)

            for usr in userlist:
                    tokens = getTokens4UserOrSerial(user=usr, _class=False)
                    for tok in tokens:
                except UserError as ex:
                    ## we get an exception if the user is not found
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] no exact user: %r'
                              % (user))
                    log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] %r' % ex)

            if len(serials) > 0:
                # if tokens found, search for their serials
                ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.in_(serials))
                # if no token is found, block search for user
                # and return nothing
                ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == u'')

        ## handle case, when nothing found in former cases
        if searchType == "wildcard":
            log.debug('[TokenIterator::init] wildcard search: %r' % (user))
            serials = []
            users = getAllTokenUsers()
            logRe = None
            lU = loginUser.replace('*', '.*')
            #lU = lU.replace('..', '.')
            logRe = re.compile(lU)

            for ser in users:
                userInfo = users.get(ser)
                tokenUser = userInfo.get('username').lower()
                    if logRe.match(u'' + tokenUser) is not None:
                except Exception as e:
                    log.error('error no express %r ' % e)

            ## to prevent warning, we check is serials are found
            ## SAWarning: The IN-predicate on
            ## "Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber" was invoked with an
            ## empty sequence. This results in a contradiction, which
            ## nonetheless can be expensive to evaluate.  Consider
            ## alternative strategies for improved performance.
            if len(serials) > 0:
                ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber.in_(serials))
                ucondition = and_(Token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber == u'')
        return ucondition