Exemplo n.º 1
	def start(self):
		""" Start the frontend """
		self.onlyusb = False

		# Cache distribs
		self.distribs = lib.check_distributions()

		#self.devices, self.disks = lib.return_devices() # Obtain devices
		self.devices, self.disks = lib.devices, lib.disks

		if self.settings["onlyusb"]:
			self.onlyusb = True # Keep track of onlyusb
			# Only usb, we need to rebuild devices.

		self.touched = {}
		self.changed = {}

Exemplo n.º 2
	def grub_install(self):
		""" Installs grub. """

		# Get target
		target = self.moduleclass.modules_settings["bootloader"]["device"]

		verbose("Selected location: %s" % target)

		efi_target_mac = False

		if "uefidetect.inst" in self.moduleclass.modules_settings and self.moduleclass.modules_settings["uefidetect.inst"]["uefi"] == True:
			# UEFI (need blank grub-install)
			# We need to get the architecture on which we are running.
			# platform.machine() is not reliable as it will give the host system's architecture
			# So we are relying on dpkg-architecture (if Debian system), or fallbacking
			# to amd64 if not a Debian system
			if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/dpkg-architecture"):
				arch = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/bin/dpkg-architecture", "-qDEB_BUILD_ARCH"]).strip()
				arch = "amd64"

			# If the target /boot/efi partition is hfs+, it's highly
			# probable that the system is a Mac.
				efi_target_mac = self.get_efi_target_is_mac()
				# Don't bother

			location = ""
			args = "--target=%s" % UEFIplatforms[arch]
		elif target == "root":
			# Root.
			location = self.moduleclass.modules_settings["partdisks"]["root"]
			args = "--no-floppy --force"
		elif target == "mbr":
			# MBR
			# Latest GRUB f****d up the (hd0) method, we need to get the
			# first drive by ourselves...
			m.sexec("grub-mkdevicemap --no-floppy --device-map=/tmp/.linstaller")
			with open("/tmp/.linstaller","r") as f:
				# While previously we have simply read the first line of
				# the devicemap, we discovered that in some cases grub
				# sees as the first drive an eventual SD card, thus
				# f*****g up the entire grub install process (and the installation
				# will fail because the first device is a partition)
				# We workaround this by looping through all the lines
				# and break when needed.
				for line in f.readlines():
					line = line.replace("\n","").split("	")[-1]
					if os.path.basename(line).startswith("lvm-pv"):
						# LVM PV, skip
					line = os.path.realpath(line)
					if "mmcblk" in line:
						# Sd card, skip
					# If we are here, the line we found is correct.
				location = line
			args = "--no-floppy"
			# Forced
			location = self.moduleclass.modules_settings["bootloader"]["device"]
			args = "--no-floppy"

		if not "uefidetect.inst" in self.moduleclass.modules_settings or self.moduleclass.modules_settings["uefidetect.inst"]["uefi"] == False:
			# Also set the location in debconf database, to avoid apt to
			# bug us when an upgrade of grub occours
			# FIXME: this breaks systems without the debconf module,
			# i.e. every non-Debian based distributions.
			import debconf
			db = debconf.DebconfCommunicator("linstaller")
			db.set("grub-pc/install_devices", location)
			db.shutdown() # Exit.

		efidir = None
		if efi_target_mac:
			# grub-install hardcodes the installation to <efi-directory>/EFI/<vendor>,
			# which is not supported on Macs. We will move the contents later,
			# just obtain the installation path for now
			efidir = os.path.join("/boot/efi/EFI", self.moduleclass.settings["grub_bootloader_id"])

			if not os.path.exists(efidir):

			# Create an empty mach_kernel file otherwise grub-install will
			# fail
			with open(os.path.join(efidir, "mach_kernel"), "w") as f:
				f.write("Generated by linstaller\n")

			# Ensure we install to the specified dir
			args = "%s --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=%s" % (args, self.moduleclass.settings["grub_bootloader_id"])

		m.sexec("grub-install %(args)s '%(location)s'" % {"args":args,"location":location})

		if efi_target_mac and efidir:
			# Finally move everything where it belongs
			shutil.move(os.path.join(efidir, "mach_kernel"), "/boot/efi")
			shutil.move(os.path.join(efidir, "System"), "/boot/efi")

			# Copy icon if any
			icon = self.moduleclass.settings["efi_volumeicon"]
			if icon and os.path.exists(icon):
				shutil.copy(icon, "/boot/efi/.VolumeIcon.icns")
		should_hide_menu = self.moduleclass.modules_settings["bootloader"]["should_hide_menu"]
		# Let's see if we can hide the GRUB menu...
		if should_hide_menu:
			distribs = check_distributions()
			if distribs:
				# Found other system, disable should_hide_menu
				should_hide_menu = False
		custom_init = self.moduleclass.modules_settings["bootloader"]["custom_init"]
		if custom_init and not os.path.exists(custom_init) or (
			os.path.islink("/sbin/init") and os.readlink("/sbin/init") == custom_init
			# If we are here, the specified init replacement doesnt' exist
			# or /sbin/init is already symlinked to that (thus removing
			# the need of the custom init= parameter).
			# The readlink workaround is here to avoid breaking installations
			# on stock Semplice 6, while removing the now useless init=
			# parameter on Semplice 7+
			custom_init = None
		if "partdisks" in self.moduleclass.modules_settings and "swap" in self.moduleclass.modules_settings["partdisks"]:
			swap = self.moduleclass.modules_settings["partdisks"]["swap"]
			swap = None
		# Adjust config in order to enable hibernate...
		if should_hide_menu or custom_init or swap:
			#UUID = commands.getoutput("blkid -s UUID %s | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d \"=\" -f2 | sed -e 's/\"//g'" % (swap))
			# Edit grub config
			for line in fileinput.input("/etc/default/grub",inplace=1):
				# WARNING: Ugly-ness excess in this for
				if line[0] != "#":
					splitted = line.split("=")
					if splitted[0] == "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT":
						to_append = []
						if self.moduleclass.settings["grub_cmdline_linux_default"]:
						if swap:
							to_append.append("resume=%s" % swap)
						if to_append:
							sys.stdout.write("GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"%s\"\n" % " ".join(to_append))
							# FIXME: The above line overwrites the entire CMDLINE_DEFAULT. Also, 'swap' is used.
							# We should decide if use it or its UUID.
					elif splitted[0] == "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX":
						to_append = []
						if self.moduleclass.settings["grub_cmdline_linux"]:
						if custom_init:
							to_append.append("init=%s" % custom_init)
						if to_append:
							sys.stdout.write("GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"%s\"\n" % " ".join(to_append))
							# FIXME: The above line overwrites the entire CMDLINE_LINUX.
					elif splitted[0] == "GRUB_TIMEOUT" and should_hide_menu:
						sys.stdout.write("# As there aren't other systems installed, the menu is disabled by default.\n")
						sys.stdout.write("# Hold SHIFT during boot to open it.\n")
						sys.stdout.write("GRUB_TIMEOUT=0 # Set to a value != 0 to show the menu.\n")
						sys.stdout.write("GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=2 # Comment this to show the menu.\n")
						sys.stdout.write("GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true # Comment this to show the menu.\n")
		# FIXME: This isn't the best place to but the following here, is it?
		# If /bin/systemd-machine-id-setup exists, generate /etc/machine-id
		if os.path.exists("/bin/systemd-machine-id-setup"):