def tearDown(self):
     Clean up all parameters used in test cases
     :return: None
     self.edge_system = Dell5KEdgeSystem("TestEdgeSystem") = None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self, registry):
        from liota.entities.edge_systems.dell5k_edge_system import Dell5KEdgeSystem

        # getting values from conf file
        config_path = registry.get("package_conf")
        config = read_user_config(config_path + '/sampleProp.conf')

        # Initialize edgesystem
        edge_system = Dell5KEdgeSystem(config['EdgeSystemName'])
        registry.register("edge_system", edge_system)
    def setUp(self):
        Setup all required parameters required during the tests
        :return: None
        # EdgeSystem name
        self.edge_system = Dell5KEdgeSystem("TestEdgeSystem")

        # Mocking the DataCenterComponent init method
        with mock.patch("liota.dccs.aws_iot.DataCenterComponent.__init__"
                        ) as mocked_dcc:
   = AWSIoT("Mocked DCC", enclose_metadata=True)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def setUp(self):
        Method to initialise the RabbitMQ parameters.
        :return: None

        # EdgeSystem name
        self.edge_system = Dell5KEdgeSystem("TestEdgeSystem")

        # Mocking the DataCenterComponent init method
        with mock.patch("liota.dccs.rabbitmq.DataCenterComponent.__init__"
                        ) as mocked_dcc:
            self.rabbitmq_client = RabbitMQ("Mocked connection object",
    def setUp(self):
        Setup all required parameters for AmqpDccComms tests
        :return: None
        # ConfigParser to parse init file
        self.config = ConfigParser()
        self.uuid_file = read_liota_config('UUID_PATH', 'uuid_path')

        # Broker details
        self.url = "Broker-IP"
        self.port = "Broker-Port"
        self.amqp_username = "******"
        self.amqp_password = "******"
        self.enable_authentication = True
        self.transport = "tcp"
        self.connection_disconnect_timeout_sec = 2

        # EdgeSystem name
        self.edge_system = Dell5KEdgeSystem("TestGateway")

        # TLS configurations
        self.root_ca_cert = "/etc/liota/amqp/conf/ca.crt"
        self.client_cert_file = "/etc/liota/amqp/conf/client.crt"
        self.client_key_file = "/etc/liota/amqp/conf/client.key"
        self.cert_required = "CERT_REQUIRED"
        self.tls_version = "PROTOCOL_TLSv1"
        self.cipher = None

        # Encapsulate the authentication details
        self.identity = Identity(self.root_ca_cert, self.amqp_username,
                                 self.amqp_password, self.client_cert_file,

        # Encapsulate TLS parameters
        self.tls_conf = TLSConf(self.cert_required, self.tls_version,

        self.send_message = "test-message"

        # Creating messaging attributes
        self.amqp_msg_attr = AmqpPublishMessagingAttributes(
            exchange_name="test_exchange", routing_key=["test"])

        with mock.patch.object(Amqp, '_init_or_re_init') as mocked_init_or_re_init, \
                mock.patch.object(Amqp, "declare_publish_exchange") as mocked_declare_publish_exchange:
            # Instantiate client for DCC communication
            self.client = AmqpDccComms(,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run(self, registry):
        The execution function of a liota package.

        Registers Dell5KEdgeSystem as "edge_system" in package manager's resource registry.

        :param registry: the instance of ResourceRegistryPerPackage of the package
        from liota.entities.edge_systems.dell5k_edge_system import Dell5KEdgeSystem

        # getting values from conf file
        config_path = registry.get("package_conf")
        config = read_user_config(config_path + '/sampleProp.conf')

        # Initialize edgesystem
        edge_system = Dell5KEdgeSystem(config['EdgeSystemName'])
        registry.register("edge_system", edge_system)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, name=None):
        from liota.entities.edge_systems.dell5k_edge_system import Dell5KEdgeSystem

        Thread.__init__(self, name=name)
        # cmd related obj
        self.cmd_messenger_thread = None
        self.cmd_messenger_pipe = None
        # simulator related obj
        self.simulator_lock = None

        # simulator related configuration
        self.endpoint_list = {
        }  # simulator list: (comm type, ip:port or folder)
        self.type_dcc_map = {
        }  # Device Type to DCC mapping: (device type, dcc list)
        self.type_dcc_pkg_map = {
        }  # Device Type to DCC-Package-Name mapping: (device type, dcc-pkg-name list)
        self.type_key_map = {
        }  # Device Type to Unique Key mapping: (device type, unique key)
        self.type_tuple_key_dcc_pkg = {
        }  # Device Type to Tuple of (unique key, dcc, dcc_pkg)

        self._config = {}  #key: cfg type, value: cfg list/info
        )  # extract configuration from liota.conf first
        )  # check based on configuration, simulator thread is executable or not
        # create an edge system instance
        config_path = self._config['package_path']
        config = {}
        execfile(config_path + '/sampleProp.conf', config)
        self.edge_system_object = Dell5KEdgeSystem(config['EdgeSystemName'])

        # Initialization of simulator messenger queue and lock
        global cmd_message_queue
        cmd_message_queue = Queue()
        self.simulator_lock = Lock()

        self._simulators = {}  # key: beacon type, value: thread ref
        self.flag_alive = True
Exemplo n.º 8
#  c) Use custom publish and subscribe topics for Metrics.
#  - In this case, MQTT message's payload need not be self-descriptive.  Subscribers can subscribe to
#    appropriate topics and process accordingly.
#  d) Use combination of (a) and (c) or (b) and (c).
# AWSIoT DCC has enclose_metadata option.  It can be used to enclose EdgeSystem, Device and Metric names
# along with the sensor data payload of a Metric.
# This example showcases publishing Metrics using (a) and enclose_metadata
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  Creating EdgeSystem
    edge_system = Dell5KEdgeSystem(config['EdgeSystemName'])
    #  Encapsulates Identity
    identity = Identity(root_ca_cert=config['broker_root_ca_cert'],
    # Encapsulate TLS parameters
    tls_conf = TLSConf(config['cert_required'], config['tls_version'],
    # Encapsulate QoS related parameters
    qos_details = QoSDetails(config['in_flight'], config['queue_size'],

    #  Connecting to AWSIoT
    #  AWSIoT broker doesn't support session persistence.  So, always use "clean_session=True"